-'T N.C.. TUESDAY MORNING, MAY 27. 1913. PAGE SEVEN ' i ; . ; j, , , ,' ... . . i .1" ii J ' ( THE dz Roy a SHOE Such a shoe as the SELZ shoe emphasizes the lines of a per fect foot effaces all signs of any foot imperfections. Style is not obtained at the expense of comfort in the SELZ "ROYAL BLUE" shoe. Now, there's another standpoint from which you look at a shoe from the standpoint of service and SELZ shoe service isgtraranteed. ( urhie name SELZ stamped cm the sole of a shoe l'ne 5fctLuU 1 is a guarantee of satisfaction. Remember, your Ou3.f31ltee ) stealer is authorized to see that you get satisfaction ( from every pair of shoes bearing the mark 0 "Largest Maker of Good Shoes in the World.' Oh, yes, economy is also a consideration a very great con sideration these "higher-cost-of-living" days. Well, SELZ is just another name for footwear economy. $3.50 $4.0045.00