Vi 1 1 I 3 s 1 Of V' -A A' it ALCOHOL 3 PER cent ling ate Strands ucdBowds if Proracfei DitbrattoiUChcerfli- ness and festXontaiiu ndatr OpiunLMontoe norMiaral Not Narcotic. .. JUIam Jkattmi vu" 'in! !l) JiiLiUli.liili For Infanta and Children, The : Kind . You -. Have Always Bought ;Bears, the Signature of i ytJUMWr Anti&ctBemedy forCmrft tton Sour StonklLDlantea nessandLossorsLEER lacSimle Signamre of um ISO. In Use Over Thirty Years Guaranteed under? i-of Exact Copy of Wrai 111 1 Methed ef Nsoetiating Leans la New . .YorVa Stock Exchanga. Tha marhlnarv of tendlna moner on the New Tort: Stock Exchange to rtry The Struggle Discourages Many a icir different from the machinery of mak ing Individual loans. On the Stocl Exchange all loans are handled by brokers, members of the exchange, who represent the banks. These broken form what is known as the "money crowd," which on a day of 50 per cent money becomes rather animated. Nine tenths of the money loaned on call by banks is loaned by these brokers. When a bank has (1,000,000 to lend on call the cashier calls up his money broker on the exchange and says curtly to the telephone clerk, "Lend a million." The clerk rushes the order to the broker, who offers the $1,000,000 to the high est bidder In the "money crowd" In mnch the same way as a broker on Citizen of New Bern. Around all day with an aching back, Can't rest at night; Enough to make any one "give out." Doan'i Kidney Pills are helping thousands. They are for kidney and backache; And other kidney ills. Here U convincing proof of their merit.: J. A. Williams, 203 McDaniel St., Kington, N. C, says: "Doan's Kidney PilU proved of more benefit to me than any other remedy I ever used and it would be impossible for nie to say too much in their praise. 1 had kidney the Chicago board of trade would offer trouble for a long time and was caused 1.000 bushels of wheat In an active money market the $1, 000,000 will be snapped up in a minute. In that case the cashier will be called np on the telephone, to hear the money broker's clerk say hurriedly, "Loaned a million for you to John Smith & Co. at 6 per cent" The giving and filling of such an order take only five min utes. In an 80 per cent money market, when brokers are clamoring for money, it may be done In two minutes. The broker's connection with the transaction ends when he has notified the bank of the borrower's name and the rate agreed on. The borrower bikes his collateral to the bank, where an officer passes upon it after it Is properly checked up by the loan clerk, nnd n enshier's check is then given for the amount of the loan. Whether the borrower pnys 2. 6. 20 or 80 per cent much annoyance by a frequent desire to pass the kidney secretions. There was also lameness through the small of my back that on some occasions made it hard for me to attend to my work. I used many remedies but the benefit I obtained was only temporary. I finally got a box of Doan's Kidney fills and soon alter using them. 1 was cured." For sale by all dealers. Price 50 cents. Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan'si and take no other. ins isnmum company, new nu eirr. aa . . z.s FOR jl MEAL, hi j CORN, FEED, HAY. tit in & B 1 8 & If ---See A. Iffi "New Bern, N. C. -FOR THE BEST IB I I SERVICE OF SUMMONS PUBLICATION. for his money depends wholly on the North Carolina, BY -Children Ory FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA A heavy sermon maketh a light col lection plate. Business Locals FREE an extra hollow ktouik! fuBv' . ; warranted, $3.00 razor or a $2.00 fan tain pen mit h two extra points with at three year's subscription to a 32 page paper, (72 copies) at 50c for the three " years. Address Thomas & Co., Box. ; ' 249, Columbus, Ga. ". CONSTIPATION CURED. Dr King's New Life Pills will re lieve constiptation promptly and get pnn . your bowels n healthy condition again. , ALE heap. Porcelain hned John Supsic, of Sanbury, Pa., says: I-'nar ' Cleana Kefrigerator. large ..-ri. i i 'ii . ,i;uui iniM, (juk cninomer, wnite iron I hey are the best pills I ever used,! -"' ' and I advise everyone to sue them for , ,"", r"" springs constipation, ind.gestion and liver com- ! A,,,,ly T" M'hcH's stables. South piaini. win neip you rrice jc. Recommended by all dealers. Wild oats with them. have a few tares mixed WATERMELLONS Fancy Florida Waterniellons just received by express Phone us an order. H. K. ROYAL. Rewa.d if WONDERFUL SKIN SALVE Bucklen's Arnica Salve is known everywhere as the best remedv made for all diseases of the skin, and also for ' i qst burns, bruises and boils. Reduces inflamation and is soothing and healing. J. T. Sossman, publisher of News, of Chrnelius, N. C, writes that one box helped his serious skin ailment after other remedies failed. Only 25c. Recommended by all dealers. FOR SALE A ten-room house. De sirable location. Will give goodlerms. Apply to P. O. Box 7, New Bern, N. C. Burn street fountain pen. rtturncd to Journal office. WANTED Position in New Bern by I experiem ed stenographer. Employed in another citv, but desires to chance on account of health and to be nearer home. M. W. Walker, Box 174, City. Occasional glad. a spinster looks really Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA amount there is to lend nnd the extent of the demand. If $2.".000.000 has been sent to the "money crowd" to put out and speculation is so dull that only $10,000,000 Is required to carry the stocks bought it is safe to say that the borrower will pay only 2 per cent. Purine a period of extremely easy money rates thousands of loans are Superior Court of Craven County for made on call at 1 per cent and some-Ian absolute divorce from the bonds Craven County. George Grice vs. Catherine Grice The defendant above named wil I take notice that an action entitled asl above has been commenced in the times one-half of 1 per cent If, on the other hand, the Stock Kxehance mem bers wish to borrow $50,000,000 and the banks offer that day only $10.- 000,000, as they often did in panic times, the borrower may have to bid as high as 80 per cent' for his money. At that rate he would pay $2,222 a day for the use of the $1,000,000. - New York Post - - - - Sjiistt Received a Car Load of f Native Stall Fed Cattle NfewIBerri Produce Co., O Phone? 12l1an4 122. New Bern, N. C. :morbhbad CITY,N. C. fF llntTletelthout a visit: to the Cafe RiEJ-EE Proprietor. l'Bt ppye'ryjthi Private Dining.JRoom. Xad- Rest Rooms, v,;, r , . BUYING IT v THAT , 'L. L0I) Y: IS ING IT-rBUYlN LDeliciCtU Genuine PoundlCake See Our Special Line of Cakes SaturdajfFor That -I , . a ' . ' .TT7 hone iBsikiery;, (M243 Paint Heart Lost a Royal Lady. Ftfrv wars or so aco the Grand Duchess Olga, the beautiful favorite daughter of Czar Nicholas I., was on the point of eloping with a haudsome young lieutenant, Barlatlnski, when at the last moment her swain's heart failed him. Dreading the j emperor's soger, he made a clean brflast of the whole affair to his majesty, with the result that the impulsive young prin cess was married posthaste to the dis reputable Prince Charles of Wurttem berg, while the faithless lover was re warded by such rapid promotion that he was a field marshal before he reached his fiftieth birthday. of matrimony, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the May Term, 1913, of the Superior Court of Craven County, to be held on the 1st Monday in May, 1913, at the Court House in said county, in the City of New Bern, North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in the said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. VV. B. FLANNER. Clerk of the Superior Court This the 27 day of March. 1913. QUICK RELIEF FOR RHEUMA TISM. George W. Koous, Lawton, Mich., says: Dr. Detcheon s Rehet lor Rheu matism has given my wife wonderful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and on Wednesday she got up, dressed her elf and walked out for breakfast." Sold by Bradham Drug Co. (Adv.) ALL EXPENSE TOUR TO WASHINGTON, D. C. VIA NORI OLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD AND Norfolk & Washington S. B. Co. Leaving Raleigh .Goldsboro and in ;ermediate stations May 26, 1913. All Expenses FROM Beaufort Belhaven Many Kindt of DayaMn One. A mean solar day Is the average or Bailey ... mean of all the apparent solar days In Bayboro a year. Mean solar time is tnui suowu by a well regulated clock or watcn, while apparent solar time is that shown by a well constructed sundial. The difference between the two at any time is the equation of time and may amount to sixteen minutes and twenty -one sec onds. The astronomical dny begins at noon and the civil day at the preceding midnight The sidereal and mean so lar days are both Invariable, but one day of the latter Is equal to 1 day. 3 minutes and 00.555 seconds of the for Round Trip $24.80 25.00 25.90 22.90 Buried Upside Down. On Box Hill, in Surrey, muy be seen the tomb of a man who was. by his own special request, buried upside down in a coffin placed in a marble casing. With his head to the earth and his feet to the sky he calmly awaits the Judgment day, so the story runs, in the belief that heaven is un der the ground and that, believing this, It was his duty to be burled with his head toward it London Tit-Bits. Quick Muatard Plaster. A trained nurse soys that if one for gets the exact proportions for making a mustard plaster one can be quickly made by cutting a thick slice of bread, dipping It for just a second In hot wa ter, then spreading with white of egg and sprinkling thickly with mustard. The egg will prevent blistering. New York Times. Tha Plot , .. 'What Is the plot of this playr ask ed the manager. "It Isn't complete." replied the an thor. "The plot la to get a lot of peo ple to pay 12 each to see It and I think we'll do It if yon will come In on the conspiracy." H'aahlngton Star. Har Grlaf. He Why don't you give me n dance kef ore midnight T Young Widow Well you ee, at 11:80 tonight It will be a year since my husband death. I must honor - his memory properly and not dance tint!! after the year Is up.- FUegende Blatter. : -J , Ahead and B.hind. : Wife of. Dernier Crt Arttet-Poor Ed gar! He's 100 years ahead of his time. Landlord-I can't help that' He's three months behind In hi rent Life. ' . Columbia 22.60 Creswell 22.30 Dover 24.30 Eagle Rock 24.60 Farmville 23.80 Fayetteville 28.70 Goldsboro 24.30 Greenville 23.30 Kinston 24.30 LaGrangc 24.30 Lillington 26.80 Mackeys 21.80 Middlesex Morehead City New Bern' Newport Oriental Pantego Finetown Plymouth Raleigh Roper Stantonsburg Vanceboro Walstonburg Walstonburg Washington Wndell Wilson Zebulon The rate includes 24.00 25.70 24.30 25.30 25.30 22.75 23.00 22.70 25.00 21.85 23.30 24.10 - 23.80 23.80 23.80 24.50 23.80 24.30 Pullman accord Bin and penalty go through tho world With, tbeltiwadg tjed jogtr,--ri to.:i modations, meals and staterooms, both directions, Jmroute, hotels in Washing ton, and interesting side trips to Vir ginia Beach, Arlington, Mount Vernon Alexandria Va., and automobile sight seeing trip to various points of historic interest around Washington. This tour, under the direction of Prof. Frank M. Harper, of the Raleigh Public Schools, has been arranged especially for young people and others who wigh to take advantage of this extremely low rate, and the educational advantages afforded by Prof. Harper, For complete information and il lustratcd booklet descriptive of- the tour call on any Norfolk Southern ticket agent ,or address Prof. Fran M. Harper, Supt. Raleigh Public Schools Raleigh, N. C. W. W. CROXTON, General Passenger Agent Norfolk, Va. S. K. ADSIT, Traveling Paes. Agt.; Raleigh. N. C. ' Some men never recognize an oppor- unity unless it is labelled. Why does a woman imagine she can reform a man by singing to him? Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA In ANOTHER fresh iot of vegetables received. For good goods and quick delivery phone 449. E. Fisher, cor ner Burn and Queen streets. STENOGRAPHER wants nosiitoo. Will start at reasonable salar"- ii dress P. O. Box 598. WHEN I start on the People's Bank Building anybody wanting dirt for fill ing in yards can get same by calling H. S. Hancock and paying for the drayage. H. S. Hancock. FOR RENT Four room ij arcmera with all convenience down town. Ad dress at once, Box 33. No children wanted. BOY WANTED Wood Yard. at Ellis' Coal and WANTED A second hand bookkefo er's desk. Phone 184. Burrus & Co. a campaign a man often loses his head, although he does not bet it on the election. BEST MEDICINE FOR COLDS. When a druggist recommends a remedy for colds, throat and lung troubles ,you can feel sure that he knows what he is talking about. C. Lower, Druggist, of Marion, Ohio, writes of Dr. King's New Discovery: "I know Dr. King's New Discovery is the best throat and lung medicine I sell. It cured my wife of a severe bron chial cold after all other remedies failed.' It will do the same for you if you are suffering with a cold or any bronchial throat or lung cough. Keep a bottle on hand all the time for everyone in the family to use. It is a home doctor. Price 50c. and SI, 00 Guaranteed by all dealers. The Kaiser's gift of a throne will at least be one wedding present that will not be duplicated. VALUABLE lots for sale Apply to L. J. Moore, N. C. n Bridgetoo. PolloksviUft, FOR REAL Hand made Embroidered Ladies collars and cuffs, table cover, doilies or fancy hand work from any pattern, see. A. B. Sugar, 63 1-2 Middle street. VALUABLE property for sale House and lot No. 15 Broad street. Desirable location, good home. Apply J. K. Willis, Admr., 30, Broad street. FOR RENT Two story brick store No. 61 Pollock street. Apply to Mrs. C. VV. Blanchard, Kinston, N. C. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA Pity that Columbus man who mar ried a woman who forfeited S250.000 in order to wed him. FOR THE WEAK AND-NERVOUS Tired-out, weak, nervous men and women would feel ambitious, energetic full of life and always have a good appe tite, if they would do the sensible thing for health take Electic Bitter.s Noth- ing better for the stomach, liver or kid neys. Thousands say they owe their lives to this wonderful home remedy. Mrs. O. Rhinevault, of Vestal Center, N. Y. ,says: "I regard Electric Bitters as one of the greatest of gifts. I can never forget what it has done for me." Get a bottle yourself and see what a difference it will make in your health. Only 50c and $1.00. Recommended by all dealers. JUST RECEIVED Wire tre2 guards. They protect your shade trees. Wu- front gntcs, both single and double. Lawn fencing a beautiful style. With right prices at J. C. Whitty & Co. Phone 98. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Craven County. Pursuant to the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage executed by J. M. Godett to L. C. Carroll on the 10 th day of March, 1911, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Craven County, Book 185, Page 105, to which reference is hereby made, I will sell at public auction at the Rail road station, Havclock, N. C, Tuesday June 3, 1913, at 9:30 A. M., one sorrell marc described in said mortgage. This 3rd day of May, 1913. L. C. CARROLL, Mortgagee. There may be some hope for the next generation in Pennsylvania as the bible is to be read daily in the schools. CASTORIA for IafenU tad Children. Tba tini! Yqu Hara Always Boaght Bears the .Signature of Are You Going to New York Soon r j WRITE HotelRaymond 42 East 28th Street (At Subway Station) V.,' , New York City V .''J'-'.:- For Pocket Guide and f Special Weekly Rate to Buyers and PartiesV Single Room, $1.50 a dav or $9.00 a weekv . MARK A, CADWELt (Mention this paper) . . y , .-V.., WANTED A Medium sized gentle pony. Apply to P. O. Box No. 414 cr to93 1-2 Middle st. 3t i FOR SALE House and lot, 67 Mef- 'f calf street. Apply on premises. J' FOR RENT furnished room. Hot and cold water, lights, telephone. Ad dress "Rooms' care The Journal. Vf (MY i vk-.V.

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