1 A"' J'.T Ij ,UAL RtLMON'.VKrrtD CON- FEDERATE YETRANS.--- fiaffanoot."Teiin., May , 27th- The ATLANTIC COAST , LINE oii.intD COMPANY offera the very tow.rate of $12.MJron. New Beiy . cj'actowu f the Annual Renown t.j Y-nrfrmte Vtnui X't ,V .-..i.: ,m w .old May 24tlu JSth md :6tK7ined ,UarWbrW -" tine point returning, not later than nidnight. of June - MB, by deposit of ticket with Special Agent, 703 Broad St.; Chatanooga, and pay- ment ht fee of 50ci at tme i irs L,:ti K .tended to June 25tn. ., " For schedules reservation or other r..: annlv to local icci - Arnf ' or " ' T. C. WHITE, " Gen. Pass. Agent J.' CRAIG, ' Passenger TraL Magr. Wilmington, N. C. . . I CB ... Made front, "urr distilled NEW BE RH ICE CO. in 01 oa fiviffit.h St. Phone 2 iTHMH t.oDCE No. 8, K. of P. ThmHiv m c. m.. over Ga &.'. office. Middle St.. J. R. Whitehead C C, J. H. Smith, K. ot K- ana ; " Jog brothers are assured ol a chevalier welcome- CRAVEN LODGE No. 1, KNIGHTS OF HARMONY Meets second ana 1 thHrf k Wednesday nights at 7 :30 o'clock i. a(-h n.anth at Knights of Harmony hallj:orner Broad and Hancock street I. K. Willis, President', K. J. yjsosway, Secretary ;. Geo. Moulton financial w ' tetary. . , luEn:i:ia:::3it:i:liFQrVSALE? KI'iS i I'FFIIFD t House aadU ea$rn,.treet W , V l Hwt8 Md.lot.b aioomfield etree f aj i 'vr i - i ;ninm wv v .v. ,-... 1j noUNftlaioiioi wuvu it HmiaM anil lot in Bridseton i'rri I Lots IsfBridgeton few s vn. ?u T EUjiitiTdy.lQr l Lot on New street::;-. I . .v 1 House and lot on Pollock street t , 1 House and lot in Duffy Town House and lot on MetcaU street: j.;, House and lot a East Frorit street 9?!!5"HafTf3 I H House and lot on Crescent street 4 ... 'w ' 1 ' PHONE "No. i; Uj i : 2 Stores onXreseaat street - f ! 1 1 Hniiui knA lot on Oueea street : : U- 1 1 House and lot on Georce street , - . UJZ' .Lih i 3- Houses on Gaston, street ; , , .-u' contract dsewhere.- , . nn p .;ur BtfMt Southern-- ' i. - v v --r t l oo ;Rau)Yay I-.-'.-' .-s : s. - ' PREMIER- CARRIER Of THE- p v.. .;. south-: Pirkt'itinestorall North, South, East & West .I7hi J.Xr- If vou have rooms ior mt5 or have lost or found an r title,; or ! waat to buy or sell aomethlng, use tha Journal want ad colufnn on page three. 6 Lots on George street 2 Lots in Pembroke 1 Lot in Riverside 4 Lots in Elmview I Lots on Broad street 1 35 Lots in Gbent , 1 house on Haneock street : ' Low' rouiid'-tnp farea to- Western North t Carolina; '"the Land i oL -the Sky."' ' :):'" . . AlSO tO" 4 ,i California point, and all , principal resorts.:, ,'V;-;- -f!. W 'rC Convenient ' schedules, t electrically lighted coaches, complete dining- car service. If you'r contemplating a trip to! say noint. before completing arrangements 1 for sane, it wUl be wise for you to con. Lult,a representative of the Southern Railway, or write the iindersigned, hp will gjadly and courteously furnish you with all Information as to you best and quickest 'schedule and most comfort- r ' it I I i. - J t - -v As c;j SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES TO MDRFHRAD CITY AND BEAU FORT, N. C. Norfolk Southern Railroad To I From IGoldsboro The above property can be bought table in which to make the trip for cash or on easy terms and give you some good bargains. v 400 acres of good land; 250 acres in the woods, 150 acres cleared and very good fertile soil with 4 dwelling houses. 2 tobacco barns and barns and stock Morehead City houses for the. teams and to house' the i enfomn his traTit di land is i nines I can h. F. CARY, Gen. Pass. Agent j j Washington. D. u. La Grange -- Kinston .". Dover New Bern Oriental Fares to Beaufort 20 1.50 1.25.. 1.25 1.00 1.25:. cents higher than to Morehead City. Sunday tickets sold each Sunday May 18th to Sept. 14th good to re turn date of sale only. W. W. CROXTON General Passenger Agent. DOVElV AND ; SOUTHBOUND . k Traffic Department. SCHEDULE OF TRAINS CARRY ING PASSENGERS. Effective Sunday March 30, 1913 South Bound Trains 7 North Bound Trains 6 8 from Caswell, N." C, and I am offering this place at a ridiculously low price. I also have about 200,000,000 feet pt eum timber for. sale. If you want to buy real estate, it will pay you to see me and if you want to sell, see me. M W. FODRIE, Real Estate Agent Office opposite Gaston Hotel. 'Phone 84. Residence 'phone 850 SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue o the a jhority conferred upon the undersigned s Commissioners bv that certain judgment entered nn the Superior Court o: Craven County, North Carolina, at the bepiember term 1912, in that certain ?ction en titled Carolina Brick Company, a corporation, vs. First Baptist Church of New Bern, Col. et. al, We, the- said Commissioners, will sell for cash to the highest bidder, at the court house To nettl an arjramet Uiily aa Wer tha following question: If aa lr reaWtlbla fore wert to come la con tact, with aar lmmorabl body, what wanld ba tha result" -. : v' j Tha ana war cannot bcthoaht In Jtbt present Bmltatlon ot tb notnan mma ; We cannot eren coipmeDca to think of anrinnnttv wbatMr.Ji'i' -V i An: lrreslsObta --frca, .to. ;.aT tnflnita force and canpot ba tbongbt of In any 'property It may ha va by any phase of (mind functlonlnc In any brain, J I An , tmrooYS We body, la Infinitely atlP, or lta rest ia absolute, ana tnua u i bralS cannot thkl of tba tbaorata. Fr: i body to b at abnolnta rest tt must be tne onry on In ezlatence.for if there are two In apace attracOonj bIII.mmm hA,h .r WAV. - r' .' f nnK if nns bodT onlv existed then finite, mtnd ranoot . know wbetber It It whether .jTorW to Wtslde, Mnfjf-cm-ttre mu)d eail'' know hlaif Wlth.bnly od body .in tnflnite apaea? then Unite mind con Id . not dliivar whether- It js at -rent orln rnottoiv. twnng jnootner :7 i9i? CJTXv.i ;u ..:.f -"r-: (Quota tiona furnished by G. W". jtj) . . -' ; lorabon.) . .. -1 ';: ; Middling 11 5- cent ' Strict Middling, - 11 3-4 1 . . ..- POULTRY. EGGS. ETC? I" . '?fp (Rotations Wariushed by Coast .line . ' " - f Kil '. p. MeaftMarket). ':.r : r'. t' .Icienarown, fpairllLl.6(vV c4ikkaiiaHali:rrowa'Tair. 60-70 . Geese, per pair , ., , 1 1.25-1 1S3 , Ducks, r-rW' '"'Jf . so i.po .per Hams, Country, smoked, lb- peeawax, lb Wool, -1 32 ltitol 16 tol7 ' , --- L ' 4n- v.! j: O. JONES, TraveUmg Pass. Agent t twolmr(js aDd rootlonwdnkl be- Kaieign. fi.. cow-Anifta:leaa.'r;lh4.him .j not ttt-rmmtthink of- Jaonlte-apace s rrnMnMV Will. TACK. j c : nr;nn f) hpaiitiful Sonne, 1 1 see you creeping over the hills. Wear vine now ror tne oesi orK 'domestic fabrics for spring wearSeeK .nt atrnM the rush ana eet best fort your money. t Our $18 are up to all tnai your uoti. Old Man Economy, Stopping with r R. SAWYER, 1. KICIVUUU No. 191 S. Front Street. a;- A.M. 7 7:5 ,0 f it 'll i08, We Clean 'em ' If you want that suit cleaned or Pressed or repaired, all we ask is '(' ' to give us a try out, and let us kind of work we can v sii ' vv irnnw when we once net J ? 9 trial we will always get your! : nvn STAR TAILORING CO. Ik S. Front St. Phone 733 ; Sol Lipman, Mgr. ' f Opposite Gaston Hotel. STATIONS P.M. A.M. P.M. . A.M Lv. . Ar- 4:25 ; Dover 7:55 4:42 Foys 7:38. 4:46 Taylors 7:34 4:57 Phillips 7:23 Wnjsatt y7:12. Comfort v'fciS'iO Petersburg 6:30 Rrchlands f6-25 lv. . . fTrians Run Daily .; xc Sunday. TValna Run SundV OnlV. - . N. S. RICHARDSON. 5 Traffi ," Manager. D W. RICHARDSON, y ? General Managef. - . JT ' i i P.M. i P.M 4:2S 4:40 ;4:44 4:53 5:02 5:22 5:40 5:45 SOUTHERN RAILWAY ' 1 ' Premier Carrier ol the Siuth P. The fof owing schedule figures are published only as information andj are not guaranteed. .. TRAIN No. 21 Leaves Goldsborc 6:45 a. m. for Raleigh", Durham,. Greens, boro, Asheville : - and Vaynesvilte. t hrough train to Asheville, handles :hair car to Waynesville. Makes con ectiens at Greensboro" for' all poirtts North and East, and at Asheville with Carolina Special for Cincinnati, Chicago nd all western points. TRAIN No. 13 Leaves Goldsboro -.05 p. m. for Raleigh Durham , and Greensboro. Handles through Pull man Sleeping . Car from. Raleigh to Atlanta, arrives Atlanta 5:25 a m., making connection; for New Orleans Texas, California and all Western points also, connects at Greensboro with through train for all Western and Eastern points.- "y 1 ': -'' '(') TRAIN No. 131 Leaves Goldsboro door in New Bern, Craven County, 5:05 p. m. lot Raleigh, Uurham ona North Carolina, at the hour of 12 o'clock Greensbprp. ., Makes f direct connection M. on Monday, June 2, 1913, the fol- at Greensboro with solid Pullman Sleep lowing real estate, to-wit: ingCarrai.4for:VVashingtoH jBaJtimore "All that certain-lot or parcel of Philadelphia, Jtew York, and all Eastern land situated in Craven County, and and Northern: points.1 - Connects also at the city of New Bern, begnning at.a Greensboro ; with through t jTourwt point on the south side of Cypress Sleeping Car for Los Angeles and San street 225 leet. iromv tne souineast irrancisco. tinlena - mntter ocenplea these two rvnlnta.- Thpn ha ward JOaea OOUld not apply t) tbeatf ;poin't8 Blnce,'they re oeoupled. New York American. i'l " t.r.-H i -1 Vv.''- t An 6y rwr- nm main n iliSaiUr VHU yP'ukwpouj-.enfnjpenient .. . . ..... .u ecrei ror me prewui; .mu ui irght. But wbere'a the present? -Lon Hogs, dressed, Ibi Beef, -dressed, lb. liti s 6reen,t lb. WCryfFlint 7-a F nrniTS i vn vihrrim v-& (Quotation -by' 5cwvBern Produce 4i-'-4 . ii.'Company'isiiSiS Cabbagej crate - - - $1.25 Lefaskrts.$ 1.5tf Beets' . Bunch. itratherea cfat Garden Peas, crate..w..$l.le to $1.4b fioa Telegraph. 7f Instinct. Wlthoirt anj.nrevtoni' rrnlpfn PhJId 1 ?s- - We' are-fetaretfto -Cut-re rurnti key jobs on all screen door anil wiadow r work. 0. S. Fasniht Hardva're Cohipiny, 67 &outh Fron Street, Phone tZtrVrSZ. LAYMEN'S MISSIONARY MOV til It Btt-mpi jo wrltf with Don Globe. 5:29 5: 5: :S0 1:55 Ar. Cypress streets, along with the said Cypress street westwardly." one hundred (100) feet thence eastwardly 5 7:18 .corner of Burn and i 1 00 running thence and 6:30 6:35 TRAIN No. Ill Leaves Goldsboro 10:45 p. m.or Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. , .Handles Pullman,- SJeep: it rf C 1 in Car : KaieieHj to winston-rwienj Ml April ,1913. L. WARD, Commissioners. Q The loss of a position has no terrors to the efficient workman, who J Sas learned the' use-bf 1 . classified advertising:, " :iQWant ads are uJpb 'j Insurance" at a- very low rate. List Your CitS Taxes z' Thie, City Hall FROM MAY 1st TO JUNE 1st, 1913 t ,;n Vo at trip ahove nam- A win "v acre8i yu ciar, zuuu irmi ed place during the montl Ot bearing, good tobacco land 11 U11U1 CVi iUV v.. ,4 " J LJJg VBi,"1 Tv ".--t " and parallel with Cypress street one Makes connection at. Greeusborffith hundred (100) feet; thence northwardly through" train for Atlanta and New Or- alonir with Smith street to the beginning i-ans; also makes; connection, for-Ashe- being one hundred feet on each of the I vjHe, Cliattanooga, St.; Louis, Memphis, frwii ft! 4ph. Vhein? all the lands con--1 Rminoham and" all Western points. ' veyed to-the said parties of the first j pop- detailed : information, also . for K. T 17 Hum unit nthrri Trustee I .(..(:.. .nrmMo- unerial round pal L J .-". " I UVlIliaHVH "O rr-r - o the Industrial Collegiate Institute triD rates account various special occas- of New Bern, of New Bern, N. C.( by hpns, Pullman sleeping car reservations, ,i,.ri AtA the 12th dav of Tune. 1906, 1,. v anv vuthern ,J?ailwav Aeent or and released to said parties of the first communicate With thi undersigned. . . , t t c u f-.'f I I . r... part uy isaac n. jiuhu huu ..v. zen's Bank of New Bern. HENRY R. BRYAN J. U JONES; Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleieh. N. C; FOR SALE OR EXCHANGE - i For sale a farm near New Bern, 142 rPG q n ri,ar. zuuu iruit trees in 3 m les and two 'railroads. Kor J. VAN OSTRAND. StonevUle, N. C. it Give us your next order tor RUB J i. Mav 1013. from y a. m. tO 1 from 3 towns ... A Ik JS. SVSA T nm from L D. m. to Op. trice aig.uyu. uro , m. for the purpose of listing her particular addres. your taxes. A failure to list your taxes during the month of MAY subjects you to a double tax and is also a rriis- i demeanor.. See M achmerY Act 1913. Section number 2. ALEX JUSTICE, I ' ' List Taker-' City of .New Bern, N. C.S; ; ! . BER STAMPS, New Bern N, IPS. Oulck dellve . (3old8h)rq; 55;,Mf; i ,' wBi-iiwamar i.'in miiwaa jaewry 1 HARDWARE - C1 ' ' ' j i ! AND 111. f -:4,L4.tn,,.F -W-f Biiltdlri&Ma term ; - i O : Paints J Oils'? E.;V.;Sr-,'lLV:COQ. T I wish to call your atte tion tothe fact that -I a now vcLakinoit a. list WEEK END AND SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES TO MOREHEAD CITY ' and . i. H i i iJ.U S-.M' BEAUFOAT NORFOLK: SOUTHERN kAILROAD ifroro iy''' ,:tefehd,;-;Sunay Rinsttm tt -I1.7S -.---$1.25 DoVer ' "1.6S -1.2$ -1.50 1,00 . . ... h SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO . ! New Train Service Between Rale igh and, Goldsboro., -. Effective5unday January 19th, trains Nos. 108 and 121 now being operated between Qreensbero and Raleigh .will I be extended and operated through De- and Goldsboro,, a . . I No' 108 now arriving Raleigh 10, '16 A. ,M-I and w, cdotmue, tnrougn - . : Du.: LiOldsDOro -am Vina inere .yi,. . Train No. 13l"now leaves' Raleigh at ; 7:00, P. M ,for Greenjjora ,.Thw, train. !ii "Manv remarkable cures , pL-stomach troubles have been effected by Cham berlain's Tablets,-, -One man who had. sbent . over two thousand dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by ai few boxes of these, tablets.' Price, 40 cenjta. Jtvor. saie qj au aeai,ey(. .iruv, The Old Guard of Atlanta is making tour ud North. The private ia no doubt having, trouble keeping up with the. 28 officers. " " SORE NIPPLES. Any mother who has had experience with this distressinu ailment wiU be pleased to know that , a cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain Salve as soon as the,child is done nur ine. Wipe it off with a soft cloth. be- JFore allowihe the babe to nurse. Many trained 'nurses use this salve with best results. 'For sale by all dealeis(Adyvi Even a girl who isn't a flirt may ndfl want some man to think she is. ""V Tkw :m wtsitV np TIME TO EAT. I rjJ Wttt 't'abrd'eail rig lyi0 'formed tthe haif of eating too rapidly you are most likely hiftertng trom indigestion, or r-rmKrmai-ifin. wuiui wit, i"'. ually in serious illness ijnless iporfectedi' Digestion begins ihthe 'nfouth. Food shouldVe thoroughly masticated and -.AT:-. - . insalivateo. Then wnen you nave-a fullness of the stomach or,fcel qull andi9tupid attenjeating.aKe un.,m Charibuh'8 Tablets. Many severe casps ; bf .Womach trouble and'eonsti patlbn havbfea cured 'by ,Jthe, use pi rhfltaP'tnhlet Thev are easy, to take and most:agreeablQ in effect..'' Sold.by alfj'deaieral f -h l 'VI? i Vi tft-) .- :Z . i t - a rs i- -? a- tqurttry hksffoj A JiW ithe, wmje that the eublicsowlTceyx; acky,ndhvWhew-a'lolica force too large. . CfrAMBERLAlN':t6LIC ,CfiOU lMENT.' . M. . CHURCH SOUTH. ' " i;J Waynesville, N. C. ir T A T"l T? , SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Y ... c t ' 1" 'i Y.y T-- - J ' .. . Tickets will be on sale on June 23 to 28 inclusive Final return limit to reach, original starting point by mid " ' ... . (- Kound trip fares from . principal .points as follows: p J . f . tfi'-T'" fJ Raleigh $9.20, Goldsboro $10,6$. Selma $?.65t Durham $8,45, Burling ton 7.40. - . X Rates in. same proportion from all hother" points. ' ' -"- -, For detailed information schedules. Pullman '7 accommodations, etc., ask your agent- or communicate with.:- J. O. 'JONES, i Traveling Passenger Agent. j Raleigh N. cf The. extension, . of , these r trainCwJ waaaitioiuu,,; ,inrouKH.j.vHij f- JJ5 is l rjH.i..nn ; J. o. New Bern Oriental . . Bayboro Farmville ; Greenville The Last To Tax Payers tteji. all who have not paW I Wir MaCkey i m m k. wrv v mm wm mm wv am mm w w n. m l a m uu- f forthepurposeof WteSS in soma...' ii villi iiiivis liuii v-HarH-iai Drauiuni': wu.ik"" , Krl . Wfr enme than to Morehead City. y ; paidf you; had : Detter coine J.omr ,uUona in at ' once,1 pay? up and; stpp 'mt proportion.:, '. .' f ; . i - - : 't i ,. .'.,r-t.-. v-J tlrX-m nM Prlrfav. Sat. the extra cost,' peiore same is adTertisedlh the paper. This - ia posltiveliy' tne last RV B. lane; ..! J'rayiUngiPaieengcrgentJjil rjdo A New Man Cf Him. I stomach, bead and back," writes IL T. Alston, Raleigh, N. C, "and my liver and kidneys did cot work right, iDul lour DOtiieB ci juewno xwnoia madailaaf te61 iiko new Ban.'! PRICE 60 CTS. AT ALL DRU6 STORES. O0 iW J - ..1, PROFESSIOMSDS? mj A AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY veryiJf'famjly withoute)iception shouldt keep' flus-TpreparaUon'.8,f hand during the iof fwemhef of the summer hibnths. :, Chamberlain's GbHc,f:irfter and Diarrhoea R"eni d j wprtbJmany !mM ttt 'enut Vhen needed and is al- mrrrf'aiif d be irteeded befofe'ihe ::T,i"" rT , V - i 11 Bny It aoK.". for aie oy an fleaieri, ust recta. Erj;ia'.PtintlOi kSis.yWi V(Mvi7 ' Th dbllat'tnat dot a man the moat fgopd XPPreseftta: everaT drops t" per spiration. Vfflco ttooma,40?2-3 Elka BalldiDfl , I J- Practlc Ih4he countlea of - Craven, - r Duplin, jJonee; , LenolrOnalow,: Cart-' v v I erej; PanJicO and Wako In the :So'. '' : . " var aervicea are aesirea, i - - ' 5 'Small farms 10 to t JO ac . ; 3.00 . Z.OO Ma nM V Alien rnnrt nnft flltd Sheriff of Craven County. ; Wek: Ead" tlckete told. Friday, Sat, urday and Sunday morning trains good to return 'until midnight Tuesday. ., Sunday , tlcketa tola eacn ,aunaay uftil September Hthji limited to date 'of aafe'only.v;';-ft'i -n f-'-U Get complete information from any ticket agent. . . , ' ; . W. CROXTON, G. I ..A,. acv res on Neusaroaa one ana half miles f rbmCity limit. Ideal situation and ;prices reasonable. v j w J v it F'Ti a . i a i r w j, . . v See me before you' buy. ..ATTOmY.AT, -I v :, J JPractco Intijo copntiea tt .Craven; , iv Carteret, Pamlico Jones, and Onslow -and in lha State Supremo and Fadera Courta. ,i'uiin.i.; ., -v-'. v ' j'. '' , 0fnc . 60 Cravaa StrasC ' - ' Ttlsphona No. ST. Naw Barir; N. C , AuaUddieist.;;:,,; 4 WviirvVifii-T's.rniirr.'-'f v TWcts is dailv becomrnk mora widely known, No ouch grand remedy -ior stomach arid liver troubles has ever Dcen known. rSold by all dealers. JAdv.J , I r'A in i ' ' i' " 1 i" r - : Sentiment is, all right, but.it ,1a less desirable' thart a steady, job if a man wants to, eat regularly.. ,,. j ; -. ..!'' - ; mi' , SHAKE OF FYOUR RHEUMA- 'CtisM,:'; ' 'v?:,-'. Now is the time to got rid of your rheumatism, vTry a -twenty-five 'cent hottle of Chambeflaln's Liniment and ce how quickly your Rheumatic pains tlUarmcar. Suld bv all doalurs. (Ml) Pliorie 56 !.:glad,to serve , you at.xll: ; . v TIMES ''-r If .1 i . ii U. W. IlUNTm ; i t Hj-' r Tt -r- -,i i v-:';:,r-; :vA:.;- :; J,