0-T w v W'NEW CKINDMLY JOURNAL, NEW BERK N. G, SATURDAY MOANING. MAY 31 1913. . AGE TiniiS 4 r - ' " "'T t t jf - T'. -v-r.-.S.. -y n For Infants and Children. , The Kind You Have 5! ALCOHOL 3 PIE CENT. AgetaWeRfMrErAs1 tiogdieStooQdBaiidBarasi Promotes Ditotkmfetfii- ness MrtfestrontalnjnettiT OriumJforphirie nor Mural NOT WAR COTIC. jjtxJam tlon , Sour StDmadi.Dlarrtoei WoiTOjCHwnlswnsjevEnst ness andLoss or sleek IkcSinile Signature of tHB Centaub Compasj; Always Bought DOCTORS F IE TIGHT SKIRT HYGIENIC AND CORRECTS BAD WALKING, SAY CHICAGO MEDICOS. Bears the Signature In Use For Over Thirty Years , ire i Exact Copy of Wrat TMI MHTAUII OOMMNT, lW OB OITT. FOR MEAL, CORN, FEED, HAY. I 8 1 1 I See a. mm New Bern, N. C. FOR THE BEST Bivirie out Th Struggle DUcouragee Many a Cltixen of New Bern. Around all day with an aching back, Can't rest at night; Enough to make any one "give out." Doan't Kidney Pills are helping thousands. They are for kidney and backache; And other kidney ills. Here is convincing proof of their merit.:. J. A. Williams, 203 McDaniel St., Kinston, N. C, says: "Doan's Kidney Pills proved of more beneht to me than any other remedy I ever used and it would be impossible for nie to say too much in their praise. 1 had kidney trouble for a long time and was caused much annoyance by a frequent desire to pass the kidney secretions. There was also lameness through the small Children Cry FOR FLETCHERS CASTORIA He who laughs last may be merely slow of comprehension. Chicago, May 30. At a meeting of branch of the local Medical society twenty-five doctors went on record as favoring tight skirts for women as hygienic, artistic and c mfortable. Of this mind were Drs. Maurice B. Wolff and Norman Curry, who spoke on the subject. "Plaited and wide skirts are the finest little germ carriers that were ever in Vented," said' Dr. Curry. 'When I saw the woman a few years ago switch- ,ig that wide, germladen skirt from a ofmy back that on some occasions made public street car into her home, I it hard for me to attend to my work. I shuddered. used many remedies but the benefit Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds had decided- I obtained was only temporary. I ly definite views. "As long as the in- finally got a box of Doan's Kidney dividual can walk to her own personal Pills and soon after using them, I was comfort," he said, "the narrow skirt is cured." splendid thing. It is not the germ For sale by all dealers. Price 50 irrier that the wider skirt is. More- cents. Foster-Milburn Co.. Buffalo I over, if you have ever noticed it often New York, sole agents for the United corrects a bad walk. American women think it is stylish and pretty to turn their feet out at right angles while walking. This a narrow skirt makes it difficult to do, therefore it is a good thing. The Indian walked naturally and turned his toes slightly in. The narrow skirt is gradually correcting a manner of walking that was surely breaking down the arch of American Women's feet." ULCERS AND SKIN TROUBLES. If you are suffering with any old, run ning or lever sores, ulcers, boils, eczema or other sfcln troubles, get a box ol Bucklen's Arnica Salve and you will get relief promptly. Mrs. Bruce Jones, of Birmingham, Ala., suffered from an ugly ulcer for nine nomths and Buck len's Arnica Salve cured her in two weeks Business Locals FOR SALE Nic: clean 5 year oU Sidney Prince mare, standard bred ' and registered. Has stepped a m3e fa ' 2-20. Never been raced, a money maker. Will be sold at a sacrifice. For , i further particulars. Address J. Ai- i Miller, 2U5-6 Arcade Bldg., Norfolk. iVa. PHONE 273 fur fe nee posts. Big Hill. The Shingle Man. 4t. Will help you. Only ed by all dealers. lie. kecom mend-(Adv.) A society man's taining silly women. long suit is cntcr- BEST LAXATIVE FOR THE AGED. Old men and women feel the need of a laxative more than young folks, but it must be safe and harmless and one which will not cause pain. Dr. King's New Life Pills are especially good ofr the aged, for thev act promptly and FOR SALE Om thousand basket of strawberries at 7 1 2 cents a basket. H. L Rovall. FREE- an extra hoiiow ground fullv warranted, S3. 00 razor or a S2.00 foun tain pen with two extra points with a three year's subscription to a 32 page paper, (72 copies) at 5(lc for the three years. Address Thomas & Co., Box 24. Columbus, da. easily. Price all dealers. ?5c. Recommended by (Adv.) FOR SALE Cheap, Porcelain lined Leonard Clcanable Refrigerator, large cedar chest, Oak chiffonier, white iron ed freshly painted, woven wire springs Apply T. J. Mitchell's stables, South front street. There's always an ill-feeling between the doctor and the patient. States. Remember the take no other. name Doan's and BY TWINS HALT TRIAL Mothers Of Youngsters Named As Witnesses In Slander Suit. ' SERVICE OF SUMMONS PUBLICATION. North Carolina, Craven County. George Grice vs. Catherine Grice The defendant above named wil take notice that an action entitled asl above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Craven County for an absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony, and the said defendant will further take notice that she is required to appear at the May Term, Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA FOR SALE A ten-room house. De- irable location. Will give good terms. Apply to P. O. Box 78, New Bern, N. C. ANOTHER fresh iot of vegetables received. Fur good goods and ouick elivery phone 419. h. 1 isher, cor ner Burn and Oueen streets. . Kissing is unheal) hftil. nothing risked, nothing guincc llowei QUICK RHEUMA RELIEF FOR TISM. George W. Koous, Lawton, Mich., says: Dr. Detcheon s Relict lor Rheu matism has given my wife wonderful benefit for rheumatism. She could not lift hand or foot, and had to be lifted for two months. She began the use of the remedy and improved rapidly. On Monday she could not move and Scranton, Pa., May 30. Three pairs of twins which the stork delivered in a South Scranton neighborhood Tues- flav nicrtif liavp rlnirijpH th marliinprv of Alderman James Moir's court. The 1913' of the S"or Co f Craven on Wednesday she got up, dressed her- mothers are important witnesses in a M "' ",""ra ist ivionuay Beu ana walked out lor breakfast. slander suit which the Alderman was ln Ma mJ' at the CoUrt House ,n bV Bradham Drug Co. (Adv. said county, in tne t-ity ot JNew Bern, !3 I i i to try, and in their absence he yester day continued the suit indefinitely. All the parties to the suit live in the same block. Mrs. Joseph Savage charged that she was slandered by Mrs. Joseph Slidage in the presence of several women of the neighborhood, among whom were Mrs. Ellen O'Boyle, Mrs. Hannah Boyd and Mrs. Margaret Stanton. It was to the latter three thali the stork was so generous. North Carolina, and answer or demur to the complaint of the plaintiff in the said action or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the relief de manded in said complaint. W. B. FLANNER. Clerk of the Superior Court. This the 27 day of March, 1913. Brother Abbott and Brother Riis- the Buttermilk Brothers. Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA EKE 23 Just Received a Car Load of Native Stall Fed Cattle New Bern Produce Co., Phones 121 and 122. New Bern, N. C. 3C A TRIP TO MOREHBAD CITY,N. C. Is not complete without a visit to tlie ceaaCafe ;,.E; LEE Proprietor. Thl-Pest of Everything. ! Private Dining Room. Lad- pEVERY BOriY lTRYINGilT-BUYING IT UATr;-ri'-::-' -. .-' TIIAT 5ipDelicioua Milk igrdia rid Sec Our Special Ifne of CakesJ SatUrdaylliat 'EMer'l-MlSeif hono ' - ' - 243 KINSTON LADY WELL KNOWN IN THIS SECTION DIES. (Special to the Journal) Kinston, May 30. Mrs. Rosa West, wife of Ralph N. West, died here Wed nesday morning. I he- interment was made yesterday afternoon. Mrs. West was well known all over this section. She was a sister of Mrs. W. A. Wilson and Mrs. L. T. Kornegny of Dover. BIG PENNIES STILL GOOD Albany, May 30. Old fashioned big copper pennies arc still legal tender and must be accepted as fare by trolley car conductors if presented. A jury in City Court here so decided. Joseph W. Texter last February of fered a conductor on a local car four "big coppers" and a modern cent in payment for his fare. I he conductor refused to take them and when Texter refused to leave the car the conductor Lillington 1 . - and motorman tried to put him off. Mackeys Texter sued the United Traction Com pany and a jury awarded him $275. lulGION ID il ASTRIDE MATRONS OF CAPITAL SAY CROSS SADDLE IS iil'.N- siiii.i: WAV. ALL EXPENSE TOUR TO WASHINGTON D. C. VIA NORI OLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD AND Norfolk & Washington S. B. Co. Leaving Kaieign .ijoklsboro and in crmediate stations May 26, 1913. All Expenses FROM Round Trip Bailey S24.S0 Bayboro 25.00 Beaufort 25.90 Belhaven 22.90 Columbia 22.f0 Crcswell 22.30 Dover 24.30 Eagle Rock 24.60 Farmville 23. SO Fayetteville 23.70 Goldsboro 24.30 Greenville 23.30 Kinston 24.30 LaGrange 24.30 26.80 21.80 Middlesex 24.00 Morehead City 25.70 New Bern 24.30 Newport 25.30 Oriental 25.30 Silence is heiress takes 'yes." indeed golden that method when the ot saying STENOGRAPHER wants position. Will start at reasonable salary- Ad dress P. 0. Box 598. WHEN I start on the People's Bank Building anybody wanting dirt for fill ing in yards can get same by calling H. Hancock and paying for the drayage. H. S. Hancock. BOY Wood WANTED Yard. at Ellis' Coal and WANTED A second hand bookkret- er s desk. Fhone 184. Kurrus & Cm. VALUABLE lots for sale in Bridgetom Apply to L. J. Moore, Polloksville. N. C. FOR REAL Hand made Embroidered Ladies collars and cuffs, table cover. doilies or fancy hand work from any pattern, see. A. B. Sugar, 63 1-2 Middle street. VALUABLE property for sale House and lot No. 15 Broad street. Desirable location, good home. Apply J. K. Willis, Admr., 30, Broad street. GUARANTEED ECZEMA REMEDY. l he constant itching, burning, ret ness, rasli and disagreeable ellects eczema, tetter, salt rheum, itch, pile and irritating skin eruptions can readily cured and the skin made clear and smooth with 1 r. Ilobson s l.czeni Ointment. Mr. . ('. Evrl.iml, of Bath III., savs: I had eczema twenty live years ami had tried everything. All failed. When I found Dr. llob.-.n Eczema Ointment I found a cure." This ointment is the formula of a phy sician and has bun ill u-e for years not an experiment. That is why we can guarantee it. All druggists, or by mail. Price 50c. Pfeiffcr Chemical Co., Philadelphia and St. Louis. (Adv.) FOR RENT Two story brick store No. 61 Pollock street. Apply to Mrs. C. W. Blanchard, Kinston, N. C. 1 he darkest cloud may have a si lining, but it's a dark cloud just same. ver the Pant ego ..22.75 Pinelown 25.(10 Children Cry FOR FLETCHER'S CASTORIA 30.- W. ( , it t!i 'J:..-! IV I.. Washirsion, M.i horsewomen co:isii'c mail's older iorl idi astride in the para- Confederates ..t Ch.il t ioned and out of dale. "i think the urdc r l Turleaon, wife of I n Uiide-.on of Fort W, Soul hern woman, b;.i riding cross saddle in to the old way." I do not lake t-xceplion in Cm Hickman's order," said Miss- Mildred Greble, daughter of Col. St. John Greblo of the . United States Army. V Everybody to his notion. I have rid den a side saddle and' astride, and the Plymouth Raleigh Roper Stantonsbing Vanceboro Walstonliurg . Wal ( or.burg Washington '.I W il: on Zconloii ... The i mi .d.i I ion -, ii, nirri i nii , i i! i .22.70 25.00 .21.85 .23.30 21.10 23.81) 2.;. 80 23. SO 2 1.5o .23.80 ! 1 30 Afler ualching I lie amies a a while tin- moon --imp I lull. of he , ton, .11. gilll.l Hi AIcv.c. . h, Ai hegl V. ut. 1' y.t. "I I lie new much p' i..1 M: hird C I mi a V. IV i I irabh 1 1 ip b at ioi 1 w . Tillman d si. it I I O' ! hoi els i i Y vide tiip' 11. M-mnt .Tltt'lllol i .-. poilll ol l-hiugton. In ii Vei eon, e vight. hi t oi ii ei; mien'-! This to t, eniler tin dinrlioa of Prof. 1 i 1 1. k .M. Harper, of the Raleigh Public Si Iwols, has been aiiangi'd especially lor people and other.. who wish to take advantage of this .extremely low rate, and t he i ilia ai ional advantages alfo.ded by Prof. Harper. For complete informal ion and il lustrated booklet descriptive of the tour call on any Norfolk Southern hew way is far better fgr the rider and ticket !' ngeni ,or address Prof. Frank the horse.'" The cross saddle it the more M- Harper, Supt. Raleigh Public Schools sensible." 1 -, A CW ua yoitf next order far RUB BER STAMPS. " Quick dallTery. E. i. Land Printing Co. Phona I New Bern, W. C. l . ' Raleigh, N. C -v W. w: CROXTON, 7"' , General Paeaenger Ajentt ':"' A Norfolk, Va.. 8. x. ADsrr,. v-' ' Trtttellng ' Paaa. Ait Raleigh, N. C. r' 'f IIK MOST Cilll.DRI.N 1IWI. WORMS. Ma n II i n n i u a oasiic,'. I .ii a 1 1: h II . Ir.h'.v n I Ii mi JUST RECEIVED Wire tre; guards. They protect your shade trees. Wi.'! front gates, boil; single and double. Lawn fencing a beautiful style. With right prices at J. C. W hilly & Co. Phone 98. NOTICE OF SALE. North Carolina, Craven County. Pursuant to the power of sale con tained in a certain mortgage executed by J. M. Ciodett to L. C. Carroll ort the 10 th day of March, 1911, recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Craven County, Book 185, Page 105, to which reference is hereby made, I will sell at public auction at the Rail road station, Havelock, N. C, Tuesday June 5, l'M5, ai 9:5o A. M., one sorrell mare de.-cribed in said mortgage. This 3rd day of May, I'M.. L. C. CAR Ri H I., Mortgagee. Are You Going to New York Soon ? WRITE i k in 1 1; ,1 e.,li .!, Ii l !n i V I 1 : 1,1 , Ol 1,1 1 I lb 1 i ; Hotel R; ivfflond 12 (" c! Ki ;l,l . w. I. .. I. If'.. I, . py. 1 1 1 ed. V 1 . riui v. ii i n'i oh Iphi.i I ii di. in St. M- ,1 R tiav hi 4 h.'.e mil i ha d ii' ing .howevci', tha I i , n intosii ad d with the. . M Mil (Mention thin paper) V. a. c 'niKi,i Presidency, CASTORIA ' Tor Ini(int And Children. The IClnd YoaRaia Ahrayi Bought , Bean tb y ' 9a "jF I BlgMtor) of Ja&7L JLccAiht ' Our Business Local columns i bring results,Vtry them; V.;.

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