MY,' LION DAILY JOURNAL, :IZ; ZZZX, N. U. SATURDAY IIC. J.I. jt . .A i 31, lib C 4 r - . SUNDAY AND WEEK END EX CURSION RATES. NEW BERN ; ' , TO WILMINGTON." Hi - .- : : ; Via .. Atlantic Cowt l-to Railroad Co. . V $1.25 - Tickets " sold . each - Sunday, ' j limited to date of tale. ; - - - r f v $2.85 Tickets told each Saturday t ': nd for forenoon train Suaday, limited H ' to reach New Bern returning prior -v'- V to rnidnight Tuesday following .date Atlantic coast line rail- ; ... ROAD. ; V fMhe Standard Railroad of the South" T. H. BENNETT, fj V; Ticket Agent. vJ -C.',. f. C. WHITE, General Passenger Agent, . Wilmington, N. C. " " ANNUAL REUNION. UNITED CON i FEDERATE VETERANS. Chattanooga, Tenn., May 27th 2th, 1913. '' The ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAILROAD COMPANY offers the very low rate of $12.60 from New Bern to Chattanooga, Tenn., and return, account of the Annual Reumon of Ullted Confederate Veterans. Tickets will be sold May 24th, 25th and 26th, limited to, reach original ' ting point returning not later than midnight of June 5th, 1913, except by deposit of ticket with.Special Agent, mi RmaH St.. Chatanobga, and pay- rnent of fee of 50c., at time of deposit, limit will be extended to June 25th. For schedules, reservation or other information, apply to local Ticket Agent, or T. C. WHITE, Gen. Pass. Agent. . JT CRAIG, Passenger Traf. Magr. Wilmington, N. C. . . iCB . . Made from "wr uistilled NEW BERN ICE CO. 19-21 23 Griffith St. Phone 23 LODGE DIRECTORY ATHENIA LODGE No. 8, K. of P. fleets every Tuesday H p. m., over Gas .' office. Middle St.. J. R. Whitehead C. C..J. H. Smith,K.of R. and S. Visit Jog brothers are assured ol a chevalier's welcome. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1, KNIGHTS tOT HARMONY Meets second aiA utocrlli Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock in each u.onth at Knights of Harmony iliall, corner Brojd and Hancock street J. K. Willis. President: R. J. Disosway, " Secn tary; Oo. Mo'ilton Financial Sec ; retaiy. ECONOMY WILL TALK. Spring, Spring, O beautiful Spring, "Isee you cret-ping over the hills. Hear ,itie now K.r the best foreign and domestic fabi ics for snring wear, seek mc early and avoid the rush and get best for your money. Our 18 are up to all that your desire. Kc. pectfully Yours, OK! Man Economy, Stopping with R. SAWYER, Merchant Tailor No. 101 S. Front Street. We Clean 'em If you want (hat suit cleaned or Pressed or repaired, all we ask Is to give us a try out, and let us show what kind of work we can give. W know when we once get p trial we will 1w;-b gvt your uork. RED ST l I AiI.t;'UN(; CO. 76 S. Fi:m; St. Phone 733 So! I.ipmun, Mrfr. Hi- 'Vision Hotel. IAMI5WAREI AND ierial ' Paints, Oils and ... : - '; Varnishes $Mmcricanft Field Fence lalH EUILGuS CFO , ..- EO IS KEECED Remember, to be sure ; to get an estimate from Elijah Taylor Co. General Contractors PHONE No. 1 Before you award contract elsewhere. that If you have rooms for rent' or have lost or found an article, or want to buy or sell something, use the Journal want ad column on page three. SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES TO MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAU FORT, N. C. Norfolk Southern Railroad To From Morehead vity Goldsboro $L50 La Grange 1-50 Kinston 1.25.. Dover 1-25 New Bern 100 Oriental L25.. Fares to Beaufort 20 cents higher than to Morehead City. Sunday tickets sold each Sunday May 18th to Sept. 14th good to re turn on date of sale only. W. YV. CROXTON General Passenger Agent. DOVER AND SOUTHBOUND RAILROAD. Traffic Department. SCHEDULE OF TRAINS CARRY ING PASSENGERS. Effective Sunday March 30, 1913 South Bound Trains 7 North Bound Trains STATIONS P.M. P.M. A.M. A. P.M. P.M. A.M. A.M. Lv. Ar. 4:25 4:25 Dover 7:55 7:55 4:40 4:42 Foys 7:38. 7:40 4:44 4:46 Taylors 7:34 7:36 4:53 4:57 Phillips 7:23 7:27 5:02 5:08 Wimsatt 7:12 7:18 5:22 5:29 Comfort 6:51 7:00 5:40 5:50. Petersburg 6:30 6:30 5:45 5:55 Richlands f5:25 6:35 Ar. Lv. fTrians Run Daily xr Sunday. Trains Run Sunday Only. N. S. RICHARDSON, Traffi Manager. D W. RICHARDSON, General Manager. List Your City Taxes z' The City Hall FROM MAY 1st TO JUNE 1st, 1913 I will be at the above nam ed nlace during the. month of May 1913, from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 2 p. in. to 6 p m. for the purpose of listing your taxes. A failure to list your taxes during the month of MAY subjects you to double tax and is also a mis demeanor. See Machinery Act 1913. Section number 82. ALEX JUSTICE. List Taker City of New Bern, N. C. The Last Notice To Taxpayers I wish to call your atten tion to the fnct tliat I am now making out a list of all who have not paid their 1912 State and County Tax for the purpose of advextis ing same. ; If you have not paid, you had better come at once, pay up andstop the extra cost before same Is Advertised In the paper This" Is posltiveUy ;the last chance.ov,fHvv:MvK R; B. LANE, ShcriH of Crarcri Ckjuhty. ' FOR SALE ..?'. . r . V -. -v.:-1 House and lot en Spring street f "". 1 House and lot on Bloomfield street 2 Houses ajid lots on Griffith 'street X Houses and lots on National ave. : 2 Houses and lot in Bridgetoa : Lots in Bridgetoa . ? 1 Lot on New street ' ' 1 ouseand loi on Pollock street j 1 House aii lot In Duffy Town . 1 House and lot on Metcalf street X House and lot on East Front street 1 House and lot on Broad street . 1 House and lot on Crescent street - 2 Stores on Crescent street 1 House and lot on Queen street 1 House and lot on George street 3 Houses on Gaston street 2 Lots on Pasteur street 6 Lots on George street 2 Lots in Pembroke 1 Lot in Riverside 4 Lots in Elmview 7 Lots on Broad street 35 Lots in Ghent 1 house on Haneock street 2houses'on Change St. The above property can be bought for cash or on easy terms and I can give you some good bargains. 400 acres of good land; 250 acres ih the woods, 150 acres cleared and very good fertile soil with 4 dwelling houses, tobacco barns and barns and stock houses for the teams and to house the crop. This tract of land is 2 miles Lfrom Caswell, N. C, and I am offering 1151s place ai a riuicuiuusiy iuw pnte. I also have about 200,000,000 feet of gum timber for sale. If you want to buy real estate, it will pay you to see me and if you want to sell see me. M. W FODRIE, Real Esfte Agent. Office opposite Gaston Hotel. 'Phone 84. Residence 'phone 850 SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue o the a jhority conferred upon the undersigned j Commissioners by that certain judgment entered in the Superior Court of Craven County, North Carolina, at the September term 1912, in that certain pction en titled Carolina Brick Company, a corporation, vs. First Baptist Church of New 'Bern, Col. et. al, we, the said Commissioners, will sell for cash to the highest bidder, at the court house door in New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina, at the hour of 12 o'clock M. on Monday, June 2, 1913, the fol lowing real estate, to-wit: 'All that certain lot or. parcel of land situated in Craven County, and the city of New Bern, beg nning at a point on the south side of Cypress street 225 feet from the southeast corner of Burn and Cypress streets, running thence and along with the said Cypress street westwardly one hundred (100) feet; thence eastwardly and parallel with Cypress street one hundred (100) feet; thence northwardly along with Smith street to the beginning being one hundred feet on each of the four sides, "being all the lands con veyed to the said parties of the first part b J. F. Ham and others Trustees of the Industrial Collegiate Institute of New Bern, of New Bern, N. C. by deed dated the 12th day of June, 1906, and released to said parties of the first part by Isaac H. Smith and the Citi zen's Bank of New Bern. HENRY R. BRYAN D. L. WARD, April ,1913. Commissioners ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAIL ROAD. Schedule, Arrive. From Wilmington ..' ...9.05 A. M. 6:45 P. M From Wilmington Depart For Wilmington 9:35 A. M. For Wilmington .3;10 P. M. For further information apply, to the Ticket Agent, Phone 737- T. H. Bennett, Union Ticket Agent. T. C. White, G. P. A. Wilmington N. C. WEEK END AND SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES TO MOREHEAD CITY . . . 1 and ' ' BEAUFORf. via v '. : ' ' ' NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD From Kinston Dover New Hern Week End 31.75 1.65 1.50 . 1.75 , . -..'l-SO Sunday S1.25 1.25. 1.00 j.25 1.25 1.75 1.75 2.25 'ui 1.25 higher Oriental Bayl6ro Farmvi'li: Greenville Mac keys Plymouth WaMungt"- V'anccboro ' " 3.00 ' : 2.75 3.00 . 1,50 feaufortV2o. tents Fares to thn to Motchcad Ckv'''P'' r Rates from, intermediate stations in same -proportion. 'V '' ; "Wel ni tickets sold FriJayf';Sat. urday and Sunday mora ing trains good to return until midnigbt Tuesday.; '-' . Sunday', ticket! sold '-each'; Sunday Until September' 14tli, 'limited to date Get complete Information from any tick ?gent.'' 'V' rASr, ;' W. W. CROXTON, O.P. A, ' ", ': ' Norfolk," Vs. Southjern" ; ; r ; Railway PREMIER CARRIER OF. THE . - SOUTH . - ' ', Direct Lines tO all rOUltS - -'; . x3 l'- North, SoutH, East s west Low" round-trip fares : to , Western North Sky." Carolina, ' 'the Land- of. the : .V j Also to California points, and , all principal resorts. : . .-. ; Convenient echedulet, electrically lighted coaches, complete dining car service. li you'r contemplating a trip to any point, before completing arrangement for sane, it will be wise for you to con sult a representative of the Southern Railway, or write the undersigned, who I will gladiy and courteously furnish you ; . Willi ttll 1I11V1 iiiaiiuil H w ;uu wov u. quickest schedule and most comfort table in which to make the trip. H. F. CARV, Gen. Pass. Agent Washington, D. C. J. 0. JONES, Travelling Pass. Agent Raleieh N. C SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier ot the S uth N. B. The fol'owing schedule figures are published only as information and are not guaranteed. TRAIN No. 21 Leave? Goldsborc 6:45 a. nr. for Raleigh, Durham, Greens boro, Asheville and Wayuesville. 1'hrough train to Asheville, handles :hair car to Wa-nesvillc. Makes con ecticns at Greensboro for all points North and East, and at Asheville with Carolina Special for Cincinnati, Chicago nd all western points. TRAIN No. 139 Leaves Goldsboro :0S p. m. for Raleigh Durfcam ,and Greensboro. Handles through Pull man Sleeping Car from Raleigb. to Atlanta, arrives Atlanta 5:25 a. m., making connection for New Orleans Texas, California and all Western points also connects at Greensboro with through train for all Western and Eastern points. TRAIN No. 131 Leaves Goldsboro 5:05 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Makes direct connection at Greensboro with solid Pullman Sleep ing Car, tram for Washington, Baltimore Philadelphia, New York and all Eastern and Northern points. Connects also at Greensboro with through Tourist Sleeping Car for Los Angeles and San Francisco. TRAIN No. Ill Leaves Goldsboro 10:45 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Handles Pullman Sleep ing Car Raleiglr to Winston-Salen:. Makes connection at Greensboro with through train for Atlanta and New Or leans, also makes connection for Ashe ville, Chattanooga, St. Louis, Memphis, Birmingham and all Western points. For detailed information, aho for iformation concerning special round trip rates account various special occas ions; Pullman sleeping car. reservations, ask any Southern Railway Agent or communicate with tb't undersigned. J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. SOUTHERN RAILWAY C3 . New Train Service Between Rale igh and Goldsboro. Effective Sunday January 19th, trains Nos. 108' and 121 now being operated between Greensboro and Raleigh will be extended and operated through be fween Greensboro and Goldsboro. No. 108 now arriving Raleigh 10.40 A. M and. wif continue through to Goldsboro ,arrivng there 12:40 iP.;M Train No. 131 now leaves Raleigh at 7:00 P. M for Crech.boio. This train will leave. Goldsboro at 5:05 P. M;. leaving Raleigh at 7:00 P, m. as here tofore. " ' The extension of these trains- w.l now afford the travel'ng public one additional through train between Greensl)Oi nd Go'debonx ; . 3. O.-JONES",.;;' ; ''..Travjiin Passenger Agent, Fresh lot No. 16 RUBBER BANDS received. E. J. Land Prlntlni Co'.; Pljone 8. '';. ;' : FOR SALEi.j ,V':"U . '.''. .- 3 ' res on ;cuto ruuu one anu half miles fromJCity. limit, i-iH'W-y v'.X-fi'; Ideal situation ana prices reasonable. See me before you; buy. ; V 148 Middi k. -. . Vcv Bcrn, PI. C. cr.ATEa LAxrs huse n:r.!. All That Is Uft sf a One Mighty Val. ",( , . 1 v cano In Oragan. . The highest mountain .in Oregon It Mount Hood, . 1125 feet above sea level, Compared with Mount Whitney, tfk ihm mimth In fVllfiFnlja inA firmf Rainier, to the north la Washlngtoa eeeh- rUtog well above 14J0Q0 feet Mount Hood does not appear as a skj- However. acordlng to the geologists of the United States geolpgical survey and other authoriUea, Oregon bad at ne time, probably before the dawn of 'W theearth, agrt rolcano Hood as does Mount Rainier, possibly ren several ' thousand ; feet higher. This was the. great- Mount Manama, Bnt thousands of years agOfthla taoun toln disappeared Mto the bowels of the earth, and all that Is left today is the huge rim around Crater lake. Crater-lake Is the caldera of this ex tinct and collapsed volcano and Is nearly six miles in diameter. ; The In side walls of the rim of the ancient mountain are in places nearly 4.000 feet high and almost perpendicular. The lake itself Is In places 2.000 feet deep, and parts of the wall rise above its waters another 2,000 feet A resto ration of the mountain is fancy, using as a basis the angles Of the lower slopes, which still remain, snows that the npex cob Id not have been far from 15.000 feet In height so that Mount Mazanm was .one of the moRt lofty' and majestic peaks in the United States. Well Fixed. Clarence Why don't you keep some thing for a raluy day? Clara Don't be silly, dear. Haven't I the prettiest rnincont and umbrella you ever saw? Judge. To want something, to look forward to the day when you may perhnps pos sess It is not necessarily to be discon tented. K.. BnrrilL TAK E PLENTY OF TIME TO EAT There is a saying that "rapid eating is slow suicide." If you have formed the habit of eating too rapidly you are most likely suffering from indigestion or constipation, which will result event ually in serious illness unless corrected. Digestion begins in the mouth. Food should be thoroughly masticated and insalivated. Then when you have a fullness of the stomach or feel dull and stupid after eating, take one of Chamberlain's Tablets. . Many severe cases of stomach trouble' and consti pation havs been cured by the use of these tablets. They are easy to take and most agreeable in effect. Sold by all dealers (Adv.) Listening to the building of a new house is as bad as the piano next door. STOMACH TROUBLE. Many remarkable cures of .stomach troubles have been effected by Cham, berlaih's Tablets. One man who had spent over two thousand dollars for medicine and treatment was cured by a few boxes of these tablets. Price 25 cents.' For sale by all dealers. (Adv). 1 ' Three days of showers and a cloud burst in a week which wasn't to have any rain is doing pretty well for old Uncle. PI jvius. - -. SORE NIPPLES. Any mother who has had experience with this distressing ' ailment will be pleased to know that a cure may be effected by applying Chamberlain's Salve as soon as the child is done nurs ing. Wipe it off with a soft cloth be. fore allowing the babe to nurse. Many trained nurses use this salve with best results. For sale by all dealeje (Adv.) When a man' discovers that he Jiad made a mistake he. doesn't stop his friends on the street to tell them about it. '....'' " 4V CHAMBERLAIN'S . COLIC ,CHOL vERA'AND DIARRHOEA REMEDY Every .family without exception should jifecp this preparation at hand during the hot weather of the summer months. Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera "and Piarrhoc- Remedy io, worth ."many times, tfi cosV when needed and is al most? certain to be "needed before the stfnimicrfis-overlt ,bas ri6, superior for the purposes for which it i tendea, y it ndw4 For i ftale,' by-all, dealers ; .--vV'-j.'.w'''ATvC-r(A(lv:) , -Kansas phViitian shot . one of .'bts patients.;" He was.Sii ;an.ilcillecf d'ictor. , Thec folnpeb stlse'ctji to likcgrapo Jalce la one form tbraHothar.? ; 1 . Tf., .ii.i:.t -...1 .t. . i r-fc 1 Tablets Is dly becoming nioi a widely knowh..'Nd such, grand fciticdy for Stinfiachand liver" troublcuhas eHcf born knoWflv Sold by'ill dealers. -: , (Adv.) Flobr ' is Weachta hy "rftclricity, Cocked by gas and eaten by daylight. ' SIIAKtt OF FVOUR "RHEUMA '-' . Tism. Now is the time to get rid of your rheumatism. Try a twenty-five crnt bottle of Charabri l.iinV Linimrnt sin m; how rjiii kty your t i. n m.-ii ic ii TILE MARKETS. .-hv- ' May 30 1911? ' V COTTON' V'! -;r.- (QjoUrJoas fcrnkbed by a W TsyJ or ft Sob.) v-v- : MiddliM . U 1-2 cents ,: I'll 5 8 ; Good Middling, v j li4 : ; ; . rUULTRx, EGGS, ETC. ; , (Quotations furnished, by Coast UacV v WV) Meat Market).'! 1 r- : ChlcKens-Growa, pi uutn Chlckent-Haif-growa pa 60.70 ' Geese, per pair ' , tUS-ILSg Ducks,. ter pt, v - so l00 1 E&fttt per K- ' - ' i Haass, eountry, smoked, , m ' Beeswax. lh. -r ,.; it 16 to 1 -16 tol7, .10-10 i-2 : 9 8 Wcyi.: ' Hogs, dressed, lb Beef, dressed, lb Hides as:, lb. : Green, lb- Dry Flint, lb Dry Salt, lb .12-14 .10-12 v . FRUITS AND VEGETABLES. (Quotations by New Bern Produce !fi - gk Company). ' Cabbage, crate $1.25 to 41.50 Lettuce Basket ; ..S1.50 Beets Bunch. 8c. Strawberries crate $2.50 to $2.75 Garden Peas. crate..Sl.le to il.40 We are prepared to figure turn key jobs on all screen door and window work. J. S. Basr.lght Hardvare Company, .67 South Front Street, Phone 9r. LAYMEN'S MISSIONARY MOVE MENT. M. E. CHURCH SOUTH. ' Waynesville, N. C. Low Round Trip Fares Via SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Tickets will be on sale on June 23 to 28 inclusjve. Final return limit to reach original starting point bv mid night July 13, 1913. Round trip fares from principal points as follows: Raleigh $9.20, Goldsboro $10,65. Selma $9.65, Durham $8,45, Burling ton $7.40. Rates in same proportion from all other points. For detailed information schedules. Pullman accommodations, etc.,. ask your agent or communicate, with. J. O. JONES, . .Traveling Passenger Agent. : , Raleigh N. C Made A New Man Of Him; "I was suilerLag from pain in my st3mach, head and back," writes H. T. Alston, Ealeigh, N. Cacd my i iver and kidneys did cot wort right, but four bottles of Electric Bitten mada me feel like new man." PRICE 60 CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. L CARDS F. Simmons, - A. D. Ward, AIT0IIXK1S AXD COUNSELLOR ESectric uince nooms iues ouuamg; v . i .. Practice' In the counties of. Craven, ?,l . ' Duplin, Jones, - Lenoir, ' Onslow,"; Cart '' . eret, Pamllco and ; Wake; In . the . So- : preme an Federal Courts,; and whero ever services are desired,.;? V r"'''.V. K- J ! -V'rH-.-'.-.'.'.'-.V i l in .,;. u.uil. t : ' . t.. ' ATTrtflMCV AT I AW -h -: A M VA a j tWJi 'rnui- f . . .T.W.J ' Practice in the.' counties of i Craven, - Carterei, PomJico A Jonos anil Pnslow and In the State Supremo and federal yj.f '.mct 0. 80Crsvso BWst.-.'' tsUphsn fto. 87. X- ,.',,' Mm Bttn. fc,' C. -f'tr IgLAD VTO SERVE . t)uat: all, ': ( fTIMES s ITT' '!;'';' 1 ( ' ''-if'

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