- f r i ? y t -... ) Li. ii 1 w 11 '"VV . i M A ti " NDAY AND V.EEK END EX CLUSION RATES, NEW BERN TO WILMINGTON, ",. ' Via . ' v ' Atlantic Coast Lint. Railroad Co. ; $125 Tickets sold . each Sunday, limited to date of sale. .T $2.85 Tickets told each -' Saturday ad (or forenoon train Sunday, limited to teach New Bern returainf prior to midnight Tuesday following date of tale. ' " ATLANTIC COAST LINE RAIL ... ... ROAD. The Standard Railroad of the South' . - T. H. BENNETT, Ticket Agent. T. C. WHITE, ' General Passenger Agent, Wilmington, N. a SOUTHERN RAILWAY CO. New Train Service Between Rale igb and Goidsboro. Effective Sunday January 19th, train Nog. 108 and 1!1 now being operated between Greensboro and Raleigh w?l! be extended and operated through bo ween Greensboro and Goidsboro. No 108 now arri ing Raleigh 10.K. A. M and wil continue through :o Goidsboro .arriving there 12:40 P. M Train No. 131 now leaven Raleigh at 7-00 P. M for Greenboio. This train will ltave Goidsboro at 5:05 P. M. leaving RaMgh at 7:00 P. rr.. as here tofore. The extension of these trains wj now afford the travei;ng public one addit.onal through train between Greenslir-i -nd Go'deboro. J. O. JONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh, N. C. I 0 13 . Made from wr distilled firrt-v. wwy . HEW BER1S ICE CO. 19-21 23 Griffith St. Phone 2:- LODGE DIRECTORY ATHENIA LODGE No. 8, K. of P. jleet9 every Tuesday 8 o. m., over Gas Ci.' office, Middle St.. J. R. Whitehead C C., J. H. Smith, K. of R. and ?. Visit log brothers are assured ol a chevalier' " elcn me. CRAVEN LODGE No. 1, KNIGHTS OF HARMONY Meets second and lourth Wednesday nights at 7:30 o'clock 48 each month at Knights of Harmony diall, corner Broad and Hancock street J. K. Willis. President: R. J.Disosway, Secretary ; Geo. Moulton Financial Sec retary. ECONOMY WILL TALK. Spring, Spring, 0 beautiful Spring, Tsee you creeping over, the hills. Hear nie now For the best foreign and domestic fabrics for spring wear, seek me early and avoid the rush and get best for your moneyi Our $18 are up to all that your desire. Respectfully Yours, Old Man Economy, Stopping with R. SAWYER, Merchant Tailor No. 101 S. Front Street. We Clean 'em If you want that suit cleaned or Pressed or repaired, all we ask is to give us a try out, and let us ahow what kind of work we can give. W know when we once get n trial we will alwaya get your work. ' RED STAR TAILORING CO. 76 S. Front St. Pnone 733 Sol Lipman, Mgr. Opposite Gaston hotel. ,mi nm mm in i i mm n 11 mi HARDWARE AND 'i , Building Ma terial a r- -: 7 Varnishes Wield i Pence : O IS KEECED Remember .to be sure to -get an estimate from Elijah Taylor Co. General Contractors PHONE No. 1 Before you award that contract elsewhere. If you have rooms for rent or have lost or found an article, or want to buy or sell something, use the Journal want ad column on page three. SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES TO MOREHEAD CITY AND BEAU FORT, N. C. Norfolk Southern Railroad To From Morehead City Goidsboro $1.50 La Grange ". Kinston .... 1.50 .. 1.25.. 1.25 .. 1.00 .. 1.25.. higher Dover : New Bern Oriental Fares to Beaufort 20 cents than to Morehead City. Sunday tickets sold each Sunday May ISth to Sept. 14th good to re turn on date of sale only. W. W. CROXTON General Passenger Agent. DOVER AND SOUTHBOUND RAILROAD. Traffic Department. SCHEDULE OF TRAINS CARRY ING PASSENGERS. Effective Sunday March 30, 1913 South Bound North Bound Trains Trains 7 5 6 8 STATIONS P.M. P.M. A.M. A. P.M. . P.M. A.M. A.M. Lv. Ar. 4:25 4:25 Dover 7:55 7:55 4:40 4:42 Foys 7:38 7:40 4:44 4:46 Taylors 7:34 7:36 4:53 4:57 Phillips 7:23 7:27 5:02 5:08 Wimsatt 7:12 7:18 5:22 5:29 Comfort 6:51 '7:00 5:40 5:50 Petersburg 6:30 6:30 5:45 5:55 Richlands f6:25 6:35 Ar. Lv. tTrians Run Daily x" Sunday. 'Trains Run Sunday Only. N. S. RICHARDSON, Traffi Manager, W. RICHARDSON, General Manager. D List Your City Taxes a" The City Hall FROM MAY 1st TO JUNE 1st, 1913 I will be at the above nam ed place during the month of May 1913, from 9 a. m. to 1 p. m. and from 2 p. m. to 6 p. m. for the purpose of listing your taxes. A failure to list your taxes during the month of MAY subjects you to a double tax and is also a mis demeanor. See Machinery Act 1913. Section number 82. ALEX JUSTICE, List Taker City of New Bern, N. C. Tto Last Notice To Tax payers '. I wish to call your atten tion to the fact that l am now making but . a list of all who have not paid their 1912 State and County Tax for 'the purpose of advertis ing same, ' If you have-not paid, you had , better come at once, paytip and stop the extra cost before same Is 'advertised In the paper This : is pbsltlvelly the last '' ; f ...1 i );':i,' '-. . chance ;?. :,-l'iv'.-,-vV'.'-f R." B. LANE, K.i"- Sheriff of Craven County. FOR SALE. 1 House and lot on Spring street -", , 1 HouW aod lot .on. Rlnomfieid street 2 Houses $d lots on Griffith street 2 Houses and lots on National ave. ; 2 Houses and lot la Bridgetoa . ' : Lota la Bridgeton v, .- 7: 1-Lot os New street v ' 7-:A 1 House and lot on Pollock street 1 House and lot in Doffy, Town . 1 House aad lot on Met calf street i 1 House nd lot on East Front street 1 House and lot on Broad street v 1 Hduse and lot on Crescent atneet ' 2 Stores on Crescent street 1 House and tot on Quaes street 1 House and lot on George street 3 Houses on Gaston street 2 Lots on Pasteur street 6 Lots on George street 2 Lots in Pembroke 1 Lot in Riverside 4 Lots in Elmview 7 Lots on Broad street 35 Lots in Ghent 1 house on Haneock street 2)houseson Change St. The above property can be bought for cash or on easy terms and I can give you some good bargains. 400 acres of good land; 250 acres in the woods, 150 acres cleared and very good fertile soil with 4 dwelling houses, 2 tobacco barns and barns and stock houses for the teams and to house the crop. This tract of land is 2 miles from Caswell, N.- C, and I am offering this place at a ridiculously low price. I also have about 200,000,000 feet of gum timber for sale. If you want to buy real estate, it will pay you to see me and if you want to sell, see me. , M W FODRIE, Real Estate Agent. Office opposite Gaston Hotel. 'Phorie 84. Residence 'phone 850 , SALE OF REAL ESTATE. By virtue o the a ;hority conferred upon the undersigned J Commissioners by that certain judgmsnt entered in the Superior Court oi Craven County, North Carolina, at the September term 1912, in that certain action en titled Carolina Brick Company, a corporation, vs. First Baptist Church of New Bern, Col. et. al, we, the said Commissioners, will sell for cash to the highest bidder, at the court bouse door in New Bern, Craven County, North Carolina, at the hour of 12 o'clock M. on Monday, June 2, 1913, the fol lowing real estate, to-wit: "All that certain lot or parcel of land situated in Craven County, and the city of New Bern, beg nning at a point on the south side of Cypress street 225 feet from the southeast corner of Burn and Cypress streets, running thence and along with the said Cypress street westwardly one hundred (100) feet; thence eastwardly and parallel with Cypress street one hundred (100) feet; thence northwardly along with Smith street to the beginning being one hundred feet on each of the four sides, "being all the lands con veyed to the said parties of the first part b J. F. Ham and others Trustees of the Industrial Collegiate Institute of New Bern, of New Bern, N. C. by deed dated the 12th day of June, 1906, and released to said parties of the first part by Isaac H. Smith and the Citi zen's Bank of New Bern. HENRY R. BRYAN D. L. WARD, April ,.1913. Commissioners ATLANTIC COAST 'LINE RAIL ROAD. Schedule. Arrive. From Wilmington 9.05 A. M. From Wilmington . 6:45 P. M Depart For Wilmington r .....9:35 A. M. For Wilmington r. , 3:10 P. M. Fdr further information apply- to the Ticket Agent, Phone 737. ,- T, H. Bennett, . Union Ticket Agent. C. White. G. P. A. Wilmington N. C. WEEK END AND SUNDAY EXCURSION FARES TO MOREHEAD CITY " tfnd BEAUFORT. 1 .'.' via' NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD From Kinston Dover New Bern Oriental Bayboro Farmville Greenville " Mackeys . " Plymouth Washington Week End .Sunday $1.75 1.65, 1.50 1.75 1.50 3.00 2.75 ,3.25 $1.25 :si,25 Loo 1.25 1.25 1.75 7.0" LU 2.25 3.00.A 2.00 ",2.25 lv .1.25 1.25 higher ';. Vanceboro , , . 1.50 Fares .to Beaufort 2o cents' than to Morehead CityV ' 0 ; Rate from intermediate stations in same proportion. . . 'v ' '- !. . ' f Week End tickets "sold Friday, Sat urday and Sunday morning; trains good to return until midnight .Tnesday. , ', Sunday tickets old ' each Sunday antil September 14th, limited to date of sale only. ' ';,Y 'v X': ' ' t i" Get complete information from -any ticktingent; U SA rJri'i'V-::' W. W, CROXTON, 6. P. A, , : Norfolk, Va. Southern Railway ' PREMIER CARRIER OF THE south r v;.- Direct Lines to all Points; North, South, East & West : Low 'round-trip 'fares to Western North. Carolina, - "the Land 1 of ; the ci : i - . - ' :l Also to California;- points, " and all principal resorts. Convenient schedule:, electrically Ualt i mmnW.: hjIo. I service. '-A.' t ,7 . - tt MJ.mnt.;.2 C point, before completing arrangements f, it will K. t, M . ntati ; of th, .Whm R:i.. . m,Atm k nnt.M;Mi will UAl.A Mrt,ulv f..,i.l, t,.. with all informatlbn as to you best and quickest schedule and most comfort-, table in which to make the trip. ttm r H. F. CARY, Gen. Pass. Agent - Washington, D. C. J. O., JONES, Travelling Pass. Agent Raleigh. N. C . SOUTHERN' RAILWAY Premier Carrier ot the S uth . N. B. The following scheduk'figures are published only ai information and are -not guaranteed. TRAIN No. 21Leave? Goidsboro 6:45 a. m. for Raleigh, Durham, Greens boro, Ashevillo .and Wayuesville. 1 hrough train to Asheville, - handles :hair car to Waynesvitie. Makes con- ecticns at Greensboro for all points North and East, and at Asheville with Carolina Special for Gncinnati, Chicago nd all western points. . TRAIN No. 139 Leaves Goidsboro :05 p. m. for Raleigh Durham ,and Greensboro. Handles through Pull man Sleeping Car from Raleigh to Atlanta, 'arrives Atlanta 5:25 a. m., making connection for New Orleans Texas, California and all Western points also connects at Greensboro with .through train for all Western I and Eastern points. TRAIN No. UlLeavesi, Goidsboro 05 p. m. for Raleigfi, Durham ond Greensboro. Makes direct connection at Greensboro with solid Pullmah"Sleep ing Car, train for Washington, Baltimore Philadelphia, New York and all Eastern and Northern points. Connects Also at Greensboro with through Tourist Sleeping Car for Los Angeles and San Francisco. TRAIN No. Ill Leaves Goidsboro 10:45 p. m. for Raleigh, Durham and Greensboro. Handles Pullman Sleep ing Car Raleigh" to WinstonrSalem. Makes connection at Greensboro with through train for Atlanta and New Or leans, also makes connection for Ashe ville, Chattanooga, St, Louis, Memphis, Birmingham' and all Western points. For detailed information, also for formation concerning special round trip rates account various special occas ions, Pullman sleeping car reservations, ask any Southern Railway Agent or communicate with tbt undersigned. J. O. IONES, Traveling Passenger Agent, Raleigh. N. C N FORSSALE. Small farms 10. to 20 ac res on Neuse road one and . Th:lr half miles from City limit. Ideal situation and prices f & .;(', .''.;". '"v, . v. See me before you buy. J. T, ft - Moore 148 Middle St; New Bern jNiC Q iWarit latisX'are':noii - i simply advertising, i n including our 'reply r delivery deDartmen .they afford tou; Va wf1 puDuqty aeparrrnent figof ybur'ayery. V?;$mall 'cost.1ki Much of the wonder ;t fcl daily work of tha $ Svzart-aoV 'could bo r cccbmplichcd in . no LIlLii.ilijiiL au Jill IIEELECIEI SOUTH BUSY WITH r OTHER DERSON AT SALEMl r.-.J ;".;.i Special to the Journal). i. winsion-Daiem, june J.' Literature T"" i Trf . . . . he LV, Archibald j Henderson of the University o? North Carolina in' his literary address today t "T'T'iTT'' vi wit uuc BMuyreu oa cieventn """" commencement of Salem Female College. . ' ' . - " "cuuenwo ueciarea IMI almost i " the literature ofthe:Southern UBU P'" " women. "v v) wot icuutiiy ui prupose in . the organiration of literary clubs had i belied the false National tradition that the South is a place' of hospital ity, beauty and fascination, but of useless women. The speaker made mention of several southern people who hae won recog nition. He spoke first of President Wilson, then of Walter H. Page ar d': Wil liam Sidney Porter. He paid a high tribute to the library abiltiy of1 Miss I Adelaide Fries of this city. Each of ' the names especially . the 'last i was greeted with hearty applause. I Thirty-eight graduates received the I A. 6. degree, . while, certificates we,re awarded to twelve hv special courses, jvocaL and instruments!" music, and seven in domestic science. NOTICE! NOTICE! The "H.L.N." will leave the foot of Pollock street for Glenburnie Park every morning during the summer at 10 a.m., commencing Saturday,. May 31, and maintain ing an hourly schedule. Fare ten cents each way. Special care taken of children. For white people only. Remember the Joat, will leave every hour, on the hour, commenc ing at 10 a.m., May 31. The pat ronage of the public solicited. . W.H.PARRIS, Captain. SPECIAL SUNDAY TRAINS TO THE SEASHORE . via NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Beaufort and Morehaed City, N. C. Ready for Summer Visitors, Beginning Sunday, June-Sth,- special Sunday trains will be run from Wash ington via" Vanceboro and -New Bern to. Morehead City and Beaufort, every Sunday. .', Sunday Schedule L. A. and S. H. Haywood and C. C. May of Trenton were among the visitors in the city yesterday. : . Lv Washington Chocowinity . Fredpruck Bragkw . Vanceboro Ernul ..'.". Askin Bridgeton New Bern ," Riverdale v Croatan v. ' Havelock Newport , Morehekd City - 7:10 am 7:22 " 7:27 " 7:40 " 7:56 " 8:09 8:14. .'; 8:23." . 8:50 " 9:19 " i " 9:24 :, ' 9:38"" .:; .955 V 10:17;", :10:p " ' 10:35 . " kAr " Atlantic Hotel t - " BeaufortJ.: :C'vv ( Returning . ,Special Train' will leave Beaufort o;Q0p.m.,.4 Atlantic Hotel 6a5.in;M6rehied;;aty-Statldn;60 rive Washington 9 :20.'p.'m4 W ;'V- i Very , cheap Sunday ; Excursion and Week End fares.; Appfy' to ny Jicket Arent lor o'articulars.''!f X. ''i ff v'v W' W4 CROXTON, :: 'ft'-i ; ii .' General Passenger Agent. A V'V'!''' '.'' ".i ' . ' :'':. $ y Why; should yoii leave your farm work for one or two da al ubusiestnhitch up: and go personally! to iiook tor; he! t I elephone ar . want ad ' to - this office, and the next day you may choose from among tsvenJ-'CppKccnb .-llio r.n yea v.cr.!. ITiy' it'-; , , Jane 3 !?! V ' ; COTTON (Quoutions' f uraikfced by G. W. Tay I lor & Son.) -Middling- :. it 1-2 cents Strict Middling, . ; 11 15 8' '. Good Mid JUng.:. 1 1 3j4' - , 1 POUXTRT. EGGS, ETCL, (Quotations . urnuhed by 'Coast lias ., Meat Market).V' Chickens Grown, pair. -60-80 -.60.70 Cblckeos-Half-grova pair. uses, pet- pah. Docks; per pair. 41.25-11.50 50 1.00 EMa, per do.; -15 Hams, sountry, smoked, lbu Beeswax, j ' ' ; -;'' Wont ' ' - .13 22 to I -16 tot7 -10-101-2 Hoae, dressed, Ib-i. B, dressed, -lb-. Hlde-G;swlb .; ! Green,' Ibi. ;,yDryFHnt, lb. r Dry Salt, lb. -12-14 10-12 (Quotations by'.;. New Bern r Produce r as V K.U B. 1 All I. ..'a- - - "' '. Company). - Cabbage, crate. 1.25to il.50 Lettuce Basket .i.L,. .' .-fHQ Beets Bunch...; . 8c. Strawberries crate. : $2.50 to $2.75 Garden Peas. crate. . Sl.l tn r in We are prepared td flflure" turn key jobs on , all screen door and window work. J. s. Basniiibt Hardvare Company ,-67 "South Front Street, Phone 99. . f - LAYMEN'S MISSIONARY MOVE. :' MENT. M. E. QHURCH SOUTH. Waynesville N. C. Low Round Trip Fares Via ' V ; ' SOUTHERN RAILWAY. Tickets will be on sale on "Tune 23 to 28 inclusive. Final return limit to reach original starting point by jhid- night July 13, 1913. - (Round trip fares from principal points as follows: Raleigh $9.20, Goidsboro $10,65. Selma $9.65, Durham $8,45, Burling ton $7.40. " Rates in same proportion from all other points.. For detailed information schedules. Pullman accommodations, etc. j ask your agent or communicate With. J. 0. JONES, - Traveling Passenger Agent. Raleigh N. C Made A New Man Of Him. MI was sxtffering from pain to ' my stomach, bead and back? writes a. T. Alston, Raleigh, N,C, "and my liver and kidneys did cot work right, but four bottles of Electric, Bittsrs made me feel like a, new man." PRICE 60 CTS. AT ALL DRU8 STORES. DDnrcocmMii nmno t i nui LOOlUilAL IfAnUd Electric P. M. Simmons, . A. D Ward;, - , " III H.T- B.UII IVflrtll ' vr- wiiv ii lU'i.iinuuo tu ..v4r--"ji ' Y . ;' "' ' " T-'.- ' 1 '?' " "''", , ? -' : Practice; to' the wntIeat.'oCS(rwLX. .Lvupuv, tfoue, jjenoir, wnsiow, jmf.ty: ret Pamlico anf';Wake:inihaSn-!V' no eoerai wouns, ...ana. wners '.'.ijo...v. vices' are ' Airei.h .' , ever services A TrflHNrv 4T T AW." . . v ' a & ji m viuiu . t w wra f v ' ", - . ...... r Practice uvth counties of Craven, PartertW Pamlico Jones and Onslow . and In the State Supreme and Federa Cdurts.v.;v; :"'.:' y f:p;,:.'-?:, .VV-.!' Office No, 80 ravse ibitij- Phone 56 1. ,( . GLAD TO SERVE YOU AT ALL TIMES ' f P 9 r.f . ii J- "C ft ..tv.j hi :4 Am I -,-'..J"-'.V i. i: '; r 5 ;:wv'.; f 4 7 I ' . "

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