ir: v : i n?i daily jgitjiau new eirh, h. g; Thursday i;oxkt;c; june 5. 1913. FAC2 w av i-.iWv u. jj .. .( .y It: ''.V. ' "' f x. ,,V -if. 3 'J!' 1 i. -A! ':t' 1 GaveUpl HopeJ r - - 'f tiered rt ftxn, wtfh twful pains, due to woman r tables," wrftcs JLin. 'At D. McPhersop, froa Chad fcottra, R C They crew worse, fill I would often faint 1 could Dei w& ct &3, tad I had u awful hurting fanny tZU ; a teadichd'and a backache. . - I cave cp and thought ! would die, but ray husband cred me to try Cartful, so, I began, and the Erst bottle telped nev By the time the third bottle was used, 1 could do all cy work. AS the people "around here said I would PI die. but Cardul relieved me,T - ... r ,. .: .... TAKE '-Tor"'ttOfVvfhaii 50' years, Cardul has been-relieving woman's sufferings, and making weak women strong and well During this time, thousands of women have written, Hke Mrs. McPherson, to tell of the really surprising results they obtained by the use of this purely vegetable, tonic remedy for women. Cardul strengthens, builds, restores, and relieves or pre Tents unnecessary pain and suffering from womanly troubles. If you are a woman, begin taking Cardui, today. ei Advfoor? wiSpteua a, ton M-pase HUMOR OF A SCULPTOR. Carpeaux In His Merry Moods With Napoleon III. Although be was a luini of grent'ear nestuess ami seriousness of purpose, Carpeaux, one of the most famous Freucb, sculptors of the last century, had a droll tongue and a capricious humor that he veuted on lackey and emperor alike. Lecture Pour Tous re lates some aniusiuy; anecdotes of him. At a reception at the Tuileries Na poleon III. engaged iu a few minutes' private conversation with Carpeaux. At its conclusion the young sculptor was besieged by a crowd of courtiers and envious rivals, who wanted to know what the emperor had talked about. "Promise to tell : no one!'' whispered Carpeaux as he drew the eager listen ers to one side of the ballroom. "Well, then, the emperor was trying to bor row 5 francs from me." Some years later, when Carpeaux had received the commission to do the decorations for the Pavilion de I'lo're of the Tuiierles, Napoleon often came to watch him- at work on the scaffold that had been huilt against the face of the building. Occasionally the em peror mounted aloft to this improvised studio, hung between earth and sky. One day Carpeaux, in a particularly merry mood, told him that when he wished to rest from his labors he i would make tiny pellets of clay and -drop them on the heads of passershy. "It's very amusing," he explained. "People stop and look about them. They can't imagine where the missiles come from. "Here," he continued, holding out some of the little clay bullets; "try it yourself." "1 wouldn't dare," laughingly said Napoleon, amused at the Idea of the emperor of the French, mounted on a scaffold, throwing pellets of clay at his subjects, .' . "Bah!" muttered Carpeaux. "What's the use of being an etoperorr Napoleon djd not forget this remark. A few month's later, when the sculptor . . sought a title, the emperor, unable or ( unwilling , to grant the request, ex ; claimed: . "Bah! What's . the 'use' of -being Cat peaux? Isn't thafbetter than baron r MENACE OF-THE CURTAIN. Window Oraperlas and tha Campaign . 5 ..Against the Whita Plagua. r V vl' :,If "the worldwide ,'tampalgn, against tuberculosis Is going to be a success it like charity.- preventive measures must begin' at bqme. " Fresh air must be ob tained by each occupant of every room in the -house. This can never, be ac- comDllsbed until housewives realise Mint the bodv Is .of more value than Dure 1 alf of more importance to life i ? than the maintenance of the traditional snow irhlteness of a pair , of window -curtains.?" t-; The , fear faf- soiling white: curtains : a. s';v ,.and 'uteo of admitting dnst end dirt .". into the rooms where it can seme on AimifiiM'tiul nmonpnta Infinite as f.''.rw" C much responsible for the closed -win- f:-?,;':vi;td0w'nab " the uuts of oftsXj jtrooflAwuiiiJu,uuiBii : , : u -hi nnrn w overcoma Drejuiuw nuu hkrAer itill id root rat an old eetabll3$ d ctifttftrTL but ntfrerthekfefl lhl 'l At4Mw 4ftu irt tSnitoh rait t AjruWiJ ivtvm ; v j 5'v.uwv r tnnoM hfnftiiv inn ftimniv ' rn nincr Klrls hi school so Ibat wser ba houseimftHnVotoent ttt"M incuica Jgi 'abolish curWps.altogetlifr from th( t vrlridbW8Xloi private dwellings mi wA.iid bhitnsoAJjufh) meiiPFt or J l,i k? prcseut generation, uni u mis ' Ideal cannot yet be attained they might . Ha tnflrfu nf Horn Icsn flinpnsive or ' more rofldiytrtnevllfomataiJr'j the sake ,of pix-arnnces huronn JlVfg "must not' Wuirovve'u' 14 f Uttc'i'.l-Lon'd'oil llodlcal Press and Circular '.Feeling H and Cold, '' ' VdaisiU Kp ii ii ''!' Jhnt -we feel objects Hint nre cold when brought In contact with the skla quicker than those thnt nro warm in thnt the nkln. beln a Vry jxtor conductor of bent, ab'iorl" h'-it lo ty from nn object of n t ' -'iMitfMr! tlmn Il-:lf, wldlp - - Dept. Cktttanooa Medicine Co.. ChattMooit. Tetra.. ue book. Horn Treatment ior Women." tent tree. 49 bettor conductors of -teat than nie sKin absorb heat readily from tho skin, and hence u sensation of cold is felt at once. Sizing Up the. Situation. The young gill had been engaged a? an amanuensis by a society woman. She discovered that nearly every dav the husband and wife hid a quarrel, so she gave notice that she was goins to le;lve. "Why?" inquired the lady, in sur prise. "Oh. you don't need an amanuensis, madam," replied the girl. "What you want is a war correspondent!" Yon kers Statesman. LEGENDS OF THE SWORD. Curious Beliefs That Hovered Round the Ancient Weapon. Countless legends and superstitions nave attached to the sword since the days when fighting was the principal occupation of life. So highly was the sword esteemed that Mohammed in the Koran declared it to be "the key to heaven and hell." The warrior or knight gave a name to his sword. He 'vowed at the altar never to draw it iu a false cause. It was his companion and friend and de scended from father to sou for many generations. One sword named "Broth er of the Lightning" had a golden hilt inscribed with magic words. In times of peace these were said to be illegi ble, but before a battle "they glowed red as blood." It was believed, moreover, that a sword after long use acquired a life of Its own. Many'famous swords were said to utter cries before battle, and after a weapon had killed five score men it became blood hungry and leap ed from its scabbard at the approach of a foe. Certain swords were said to refuse to give a wound iu a bad cause. Among these was the brand Excallbur. which was given to King Arthur by a. fairy and which Richard Coeur de Lion professed to own. In the east superstitious reverence is still paid to the .sword. The Daimlos of Japan, when they voluntarily sur rendered their rank, kept as ft rule the wonderful blades which 'had ' been handed down frbui generation to. gen eration. In some cases for more than, a thousand years, and which bad ab sorbed, as they believed, some of the character and life of the men that hi& owned them. Harper's Weekly.' SARDINIAN BAGPIPES. 'to Exhausting That Nearly All Who v.; 1 ? Played' Them Diad Young. ' Bagpipes are the Bulgarian national Instrument Until lately the servants who waited on the Turkish grand grand vizier In Constantinople were mates, though not. as In former times, persons specially mutilated; but chil dren born' deaf and dumb. They used a Inngiiw of sijros. with special ges ture to demrlbe the representative of each nation. To tpdtcatarfblt Bulgarian agent tbey Imitated a man playing on the bogplpeaitft atdtabln'dt ; the Bui risns who invented ti Thevare4mong the oI k of Dflnlel Bftillirs in -JTbo oTintrttiB m ent day. but geographically .from ,Cbl m to jErttfn.1 (.rest Eng land Is said to have given them to irihr('bfiWBhiry4 4loWr, final ly lost s norullnrly severe, form of th 'MthiiatilJ -wasWHbrdlnlM !nnnneddrh!eh,tmiireilpes, all ploced"'ittf fW WporV jfloljtt. and, AJis anO'aowirovw tbsTiaies. - ; nearly nii tue ivpBripa.youiiK,,, sn IMS Oeof'-utAreftWwrossjjlie who. htisnrvlvod to the age, of elchUt Cut W w ttirf last ) tht MtjAAfi -s.a..' 'j ; 1 J. ii.J "it.. Ma.L. taent wai played bo .mora. Chicago Kewt. , ' " - " ' '''-i-- t -r m - t-i in- t . ; 1 Tivhorating t the Pale anJ Sickly 71. f)!.J f lotiflnf-ff (r-rnt Trnfvlin(ng tonic, ' i ' 'S I A1-. 1 I 1 ' s (! il 1 ' K .tiriwsotit -..!... I. . . .. ,.r. il, aTlinv . ; r t. n : ii 'il, it o. ueafWtrWblciil are. bwiw&q-w oKTto tile Ptes- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN i For t- purpoM. of an audit and verificatioa of the boot and accounts of the city of New.Bera, N. C, you are reipcctfully requested to send in to m promptly, in care of the City Clerk, a statement, showing date. item and amount of any account you may have against the city or any of it department to May 31, 1913, inc. If you bold unpaid warrants to cover any such items, show number and amount of each. - HILTON-RAWL1NGS & CO., Certified Public Accountants (Va.) By order of Fiaance Committee. I." - 1 1- L HI' 1L ! V ... Heaps of Re freshment, Goodness and Purity in a glass of PEPSI-Cola Your favorite from the min-r ute you try it. In Bottles cr At Founts NOTICE! NOTICE! The "H.L.N." will leave the fcot of Pollock street for Glenburnie Park every morning during the summer at 10 a.m., commencing Saturday, May 31, and maintain ing an hourly schedule. Fare ten cents each way. Special care taken of children. For white people only. Remember the boat, will leave every hour, on the hour, commenc ing at 10 a.m., May 31. The pat ronage of the public solicited. W.H.PARRIS. Captain. SPECIAL SUNDAY TRAINS '"-V THE SEASHORE '4' If " via TO NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD Beaufort and Morehaed City, N". C. Ready for Summer Visitors Beginning Sunday, June 8th, special Sunday trains will be run from Wash ington via Vanceboro and New Bern to Morehead City and Beaufort, every Sunday. Sunday Schedule L. A. and S. H. Haywood and C C. May of Trenton were-ain6ng thjp visitors in th' My yeMeMrayrt ' sir.' bon r. Hi Lv xnmm ..... . 7-:L0 am-ii Chocowimt5 ,-7:22 77 Askin 8:14 P'ScNewtlferrf Mnyphpad HtV,. . 1 Q l 7 Week ndfJIJ gket Agiaa- tor- pariHiuiar. , "M VV. W. tKyAiUiN,.; General Panncnger Agent. Preh lot No. U RUDDER BNDS t received. B. J. Land Printing Co.- Phone 8. ' -V-:;'- MAM i . in . & a ' "'traffl' SALLOW COMPLEXION eoew froa bOioa isxptribes ia the blood, and, tba fault lias with the lrscr. It it torpid. SIMMONS RED n' LIVER REGULATOR (tex row urn rouo la the greatest of all liver medicines. Its powerful purifying and strengthening influence is at once apparent in an improved appetite, good digestion and a feeling of strength and energy in the body. When the system has been put in order the yellow cast in the skin gradually disappears and the complexion becomes clear and healthy. ml av Hum nuct laaoc ,KUH, -m. Alt lor III fwalH wick b Bi I oa th label. 1 1 Jon cannot gr It. romlt W D. m Till aoafl tall. Doatpald. SlinMM Llvor Ecgvlator ia pat Bp alao In liqaid form lor tboa who pralor it. SI.OD par aoula. Loot lor tkc 14 Z labal. J. H. ZCILIN a CO.. PROPS.. ST. LOUIS, MO. fresh Air! .. for' c The Baby 1 i ',, trr x " .. won t n'ic-.t i nc tuny , M. iHIi !iy kci hrive wonderful ly if you will s;Vi' him 4 m mma&WL- mmri nil wh.U you s.ive in mcdii iiu-am! d it's bills will more t li.-in .iy 'i. or om nhcfC dainty go carts or carriages. We lnve just receive I in sorted ship .! rC Rfn.l K,irt nrri ...... ,,, ..f . ..I. .. .... I l .. 1 1 -. 1 nic 1 .w.. wi i ..iSl m.iiiv wi "ions. Lvcry carriage- is made wit h the best .-.tcclgeirs and c'idiioti frub- the most substantial made. V h ive t hem r inging in .rice- .o .11 . - 35.00. J.S.Miller Furniture Co. 99-101 MIDDLE STREET, PHONE 229. The New Bern Phone 734 This week we are making a specia1 low price on Bath Tubs, Lavatories and Toilets MR. MERCHANT : Advertising in The JOURNAL means money to you always. Why not contract for space at once. WE GET J3xiTbscriTbe Daily Jotarinal. Aji'i'-t v.. . Three Mnths m f -. . 7 I. . baintrnl dt n1 nnn T U0V V7 on ions YBW Bfi JflBW 9fll VlT riUmol vjIio in i wii) tioH9h j!iT .rrrWiTr fid (flOiii,.o.) An;jnhi bnri.l I .A riers. ue coiiecieu rfC -t j t lr i f II J I I , TT- . ' - " - iii a il.iilv outing i.i t!i.- bright'i (eeii, won line. i Plumbing Co. 69 Broad Street RESULTS. 1 Mew Bern '.i'i 0!i. k ii(i : ) 'i -' ill i'i, l.'.iV 'i )i iv. ; A . ft I Jlt: ;) 1 '. M -t : i i ; I : 1 . . ' ii'- ; '; 1 nil i . i ' ' I Pi ' ' 11 -i .1 . ,. . N -rj'TTriqnVUIjtfT ;-:T ): j HOME iO .A aia 1 laiatMian-JH. J j J by i it ' WIEK END AND SUNDAYEX. -' CURSION FARES ToVIRCINIA BEACH And NORFOLK!. via .J NORFOLK SOUTHERN RAILROAD I From Week End Sunday 'J: Goldsboro $4.75 $2 JO ..' La Grange 4.75 2-50 , fV f . Kinston 4.75 2.SO - v Dover 4.75 2.50 . New Bern 4.75 20 ' Vanccboro 4.75 2.50 Rates to Virginia Beach Week End 75 cents higher and Sunday 40 cents higher than the above Norfolk fares. Week End ticket sold every Friday and Saturday, May 30th to September "ill inclusive, good to rt-lurn until midnight Tueday following dale of sale. Sunday tickets sold Saturday night trains May .51 Hh to September 7th good to return leaving Norfolk 9:00 p in . S;i inlay . ( ,( t i Din.!. ie information inr.i your Ticket Agent. V. Y. C RONTON, 0. V. A 5 '1 '1 1 ' Q . .' .1 1 .1 ,.1 at me mrou e. invested Ins In .0. aued of WiiS on the The 1 rum. left engineer ms engine one and stepped in ay as supenntencjent. Never had seen the inside of a printing plant. Today it is one of the most successful catalog houses in his section, and he p rich. He was a born exec utive, not an engine driver. ;apd he, found himself. 3 A want acl will also nmJ ydiir place, old fellow i . f fox tlxe $4.00 iitli ''-"(S'l'KJ )'. ma :LillJX.a -Li '-H-i J ! ! m I , t 1 .. j ; i in Mi IU "I"".' . . m 1 7TT1 't it Ii V.yoUiTfO fn 7 ' the car- 40 1 'I V 4 '

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