r Y TnJOURl NEW .BERNE, JI. C, APRIL 1, 1 The Golden Sunset. BIT H. W. LOMOriLLOV. Th- golden Its minor pmUl ; Beneath the golden ikiM, . And but a naTow strip between, Of land and (hadow lie., The cloud-like roclu, the rock-like el TUroolved in glory float. And midway of the radiant flood, ' Hans silently the boat. The sea is but another eky, Thekyascaaswll, And which is earth and which Tlw eye cau scarcely tell. . So wlioo lor ns life's eveniug hodir, Soft fadinK shall descend, My glory, born of earth aud The earth and Hwtven blen TloXled with peace the sulrius float, With sil. nt rapture glow, Till where earth ends and Heaven begins, The soul shall scarcely know. , -'. - " : -4 Fash'u. i. h uiul Physiology, BY I. MILNMl FOTHERGIIX, M. D. ' i Fashions and. physiology are not V mk;;d together., from their assoej-, jiioiibtit because oL.ilie.if '.. . . . .. , r 'lite spirit of iinreaaoa " veeftls B, lie ue inventive genius oi tbe mod- urn modiste, just as it inspired her weditevul predecessors in the days of the farthingales ini stomachers. History repeats eTfrfcfid so dots jastuiorv - iiss.w oeagefegs ;rgu.nq q( wi'iation flommnn sense l'arnlv ornra yf,p opportunity, and then never for I . 1. . .. -II . ;l ffnL IS f -II m r f ,1 m i IeaH, i 4-ug. rasnion oscmaies extremes, lilidonly now and then happens to proas the line pf coinraon.8enfle; from U ing on one sjae it soon passes to tfte . oilier- Paris is responsible for fash-, ions. The taste of the French gov fj q the world The JFrenpl, if they l1J PMt love extrerfles, pertaiuly nr. p lice them, Jn polities they pass, jio.'i; Republicanism to Ctesarisni; fi PfH Peuiocracy to Imperial Ur, S,u, wlM the pefiarQ of fashion be gins lit swing back from one extreme; it jmsai'B. steadily on til! it reaches extreme. Crinolines came nif that Ii la )..,,. yi the opposite 1 htitfa Kaon an off ble for the wearer , to step tot prop y.HBriv,'and aa to rnningi-j well, the less J ?M boiit th,tt th,e foeft U thquah, we are passjng through a fse ftf aq fftnnifl WVifln anmA naronn'a Hoi mAu thiu she adopted "pads" and false nuir to eKe out ner scauty locks; and, presto! every woman, whether she possessed abundance of hair or. not )m ff)!!fl? e.rl1, dWSei Wf para sites of the hair notwithstanding. Take the most recent fashion of shoes.- The heejjtf life human beine pr tffiGTVvafd, or rafher Duck word, yes eteadlneBJ to I'lnp s(i"re and and ciues certain steo of man." But fuahinn has decided that the heel of the boot or shoe shall get as hear the centre of tne instep as possioie. instead of the i. iriih. in the modbfu fine lady it rests JjuaoLjegs witlftfie toes in front, ,ich haveiXeveut th i tonnlillP- forward. Then iVin hnnl ia so high that tbj foot rests pop tl aoout as elegant as if the lady were practicing waiving upon stilts. - In order to poise the body on these two points, a bend forward is necessitated w'$ch is regarded as the correct 'sifti tuae oi tne tsforrn divine." It is needless to say that there are few ankles which can stand this strain without yielding; and it is quite com won to see young ladies walking along with tueir ankles twisting all W'S, fir perhaps with the sole of uo ui uiuil cnuupug iiuui uu fonf. Mid the tiiio nf tlio urecl ji I in contat itac"t with ' the' Lnnrid. With sucn moaern improvements on sandals l WUIUU ailOW Ma Mt HArtaM fraarinm play?" trIP wml mademoiselle, whan arta Aii&mVia do at which the godswell, not quite that, but at which her-mother might well weep. : u ,. ; . " .-i, .u, agmu,. wiws nas pnysiojogy , to say -to evening ; dress? Decency iicuu ju Huame long ago at low dresges, and. hag heen BiJeHt, rhysinlngy says suoh dreases are a violatiou of the laws of health. Let It be granted they do not entail much harm in the heated atmosphere of diii.ng-room and' drawing-room, yet what of the drive baokward and for ward, evjjii with the help of number- ra niajbi unaireiutrKS aliouX the long iigtaTrylflgin ool &a- i te-ioonia, halls, ami paBeages at Itoyal firHWinir-rwitnti7 .. uviuui (tf AA ilu Oltll ( I la v.. mipimawu HiiigB Jiijurou thereby? Jt beseems us not to pit- here; but ! the fact is well enoug kuown, tthat manv a residence alon the slioras of J.ha ' Meditf.rranaan ha VJfen the; ldug outcome of suoh expos urn. ' Whether! it be that he is a leas (Bsthetio creature, or that convenience presses mora strongly upon him than upon the gentler sex, man certainly escapes thet,.c,rive changes of dreBs ; seen in the otbor sea. He mildly os cillates from the weakness of pegtops , or knickerbockers to continuations tii ft f vlictarapter, here thtj trpuBPia'al: lost conceal 'the boot, as a the ; u '.nt!y permanent fashion vitli our L!i;e-j ickets. The lapel of 'jecoat covers the tip of the lung V H k--J:'r ust w'-cre tie low dress1e4Velx. ose.l. as if inTiUc? dispnsA in there. The shirt-front is exposed in, a very t.oerai manner in main; but a ii ell-sU cbed lineo shirt front is no ,batl protection against a rude blast, provided the. vexX)9iire he not 0Q Even Hen threis ntKlow dres, e UFF"? fwrxipo oi the chestt wo--nis-fften far too thinl . Tiik )VP corset there is nothing but . j ,.,ol luo onuer sKin, ier, my connection wit a or diseases of the cbst tells what about female under or perhaps rather the want .n private DMctiop i.u . . - 1 , i j'Ul - unties are aHonied lnr i vuv.a UWUU i tli scanty and utterly insurSuient , ..Mvi-viutuiuv witn rkv mun . K fjieans do not prevent their indul )uce in proper raiment. A thin tjieoiise is fun all that is worn un-I-'r the corsel, even iu the coldest of Jeatber. Itis a perilously pernicious 1 mence. If ladies would only wear - mietl.ing appmacbiog the merino indows, they would i,t reouirn tl, ated rooms at uressmt rr,rto, i.cesiMry from ibe iusufhoient attire gu- l be sure, this ad ta oi heavy over elothiuir beiDr Wv when out t)f doors cloth jnck- ep, iurs, iurs trimmed with fur, and .... nnu all. the paraphernalia of costly outer RttllH in wliil ili. t. i i . . . . - ""I'm) iicnil IK ices. But atoninr . ...u t)MV better, in every way. It mid admit of liKhter outer-clothes a $ he eompalihle with a heuHhy s roll, even tor Ui8e wUu Mb not un familiar niimI), , Then Whiit shall be said about the c rsets? i "They re luoe the sizt; of the fi ;;ire wiihoiit causing uny initn iut) j. sure., while ,. ir mvttAy uajw ftM ft (lew ehavw to ' the form." Whether the audacity or ilm m. n,i... ' J W svaa. - ly of this sitfttemeHt U (he grc-fttfci Ui.-.y be a matter on whinh ..,.',.; Pn)'fl,1 the taitgnifude of each bt. in,) si great, A liver corn presw . I ii, tli'J marks of the rib deathj that is not "injurious presjure!" Neither h displacement gfsoma' t flivi jess gad, Ofaars injm-jotn prest - M I (,G 4Vi 4 8ltpH08,'' h vve the visco lit driven downward until dinl inent follows is quite a trifle from the mduWs point of view, perhaps; bqt l IKP UliVBICiaU IL IB a Or I'll DA lViuHui. ofiPH eqtailmg ijl-heath for the rest w a lifetime, And as to the '-grace-fttl shape" ofa wasp-waisted lady vpi, uiu, ouiy exists irom tne moats point ot view. Next as to ha.t( fir hopnets) oom- njoisense, as representing phvsiology h u never attempted to seriously dis ciss a lady's head-dress. It is s roely possijile,to observe the win- djW8 Of a ladv's Olltfittei la yhnn wlrK. oik.;. wlicl bunc weening: and the ,onlv thinr h prevents laughter in mnet shop is the nrices. A Urlu may suffer from severe facial neural- gtt .on -exposure U pod, hut if the giidqees qf fashion decree that the Drnnet shall lift wnrn mi (l.n Knl. ... vu hue uata u I tie head, she must suffer patiently t 1 the reaction to poke-bonnets ar nres; then she will have a tpmnnmru rtf PUe frqrfl her agapy, till the next pflange again leaves the facial area elLPsed. -She mav have spnuiHup eesJbut no shSde of head-dress shall protect her from the sun's piercing raft, unless broad-brimmed hats hap- r. .L. AA 1 7 . . . . 1 . 1 wn p w ue f( wqflp. qad works. j i .,..,jtiu i TENT RIVER TRANSPORTATION CO. C.E,IY,- . . President. E. H. BARNUM, Sec. & Treas. i I TiTPPrirm?cn 0. t. F6v, W. T Taylor. S. Hudson Rnnrnjs- a Tri-Weekly line FOR TrcBlon Jolly Old Field. Blddle'a. Ufr City, Follokavllle and nkk Bank' Landlnir. VancebOKA flper iptermediate points 'on & Trenr iliv'ers & Swift Creek. .' Str. TSEMT, Capt. W, T. Taylor, Will leave her whnrf foot nf Crnvpn at. every Monc!ay and Wednesday mornipg for trifc 11TI lffcnsn Tfivpr na fnv: o'a .Tnllw Old Flhld. returning on Tuesday and weunfwnay ntternoons. Tne Trent will CO to lWiVbsville everv Frirlav morn. ing and retuih on Saturday afternoon. Btf. iCCNTEinpiEA, Capt. lavid Styron, will leave hei dock foot of Craven st. every Monda morning for Trenton, QuaketCitv, 'Polloksville, Oliver and BanksV- Iancw returping to New Reme" V Wednesday aftcnioon. The CnnteiVti-ea M SQ to Vancehoro every lluiJjMimorning. .V'Vll':'-.'- AGENTS: A. Barbiis, Polloksville: J. L. iviposkij Trenton, CHAUNCKY (iRAY, KinsUmSf'. My A. b(Jriffin, Bell's ivnnill m i . , ther information apply to Oen'MYeisrht . Acent. New Berne PIERTS&RBOS &on hand a full line of Tti)ka. Mil rAa Tti.ir O-oegrlfii, Otfo oltory 'IfOTJONS ; , AND A 'HOJCf: ASORTMf T Of FAMILY GROCERIES. Call on na bifore makintt Tour Durchases. at IS oath Front Si. near Gaston House. Mar. SO, 1 y . v kixstqn .al; z:. Colic litute. SESSION or Fall Term Had Januafv" 27: ilRfM Hjrti,gr Terrn'Jiegit Janumy ?a,BfiX Session 0I88V82 Ends June 14, 4 882. INSTKUCTOK3. Richard H. LewU. A.M. M D. 'PrW,,! i strnctor in rjlatMC. Seiesc and Wiia, IJter. ature. A . Elder CAT. Bdward, MatheniatMes "Wd o. cnuon. Mrs, B. H. Lewls.Snperintehdent ( 'Primary urpannent and instructor in Junior English. Mrs. Israel Harding, Rreoch and Junior to,-. lish. " MissSanni Latham, Assistant 'In "Primary Department. Mrs. Anna L. Da vi. Music. ' - Professor John Webb teaches Penraansh in in a special class. Catalogues on application RICHARD H. LEWIS Kinxton, N. C. September 28. 1881. Mewborne & Harper, ICIINHXOIV,. c. Otter for sale, for cash or on time: K A IN IT, ACID PHOSPHATE, PItEMHIM PHOSPHATE , and LEE'S PKEPAftED LIME. Jan. S, 3m. H. 11. ABBOTT ; - has opened at his New Store A LARGE STOCK OF liry Goods, Family Groceries, nlsv Hollow, Wooden, Crockery Tin and Glass Ware. Farming Utensils, such as Plows, Shovels Hoes, Haines, Colars Ac. - h eh will lie replenished WMWy form the Northern Markets, . SPECIALITIES. Ladies mid Gents Hand-made SHOES, "Creine Oat Meal Tol- let SOAP, lOcts a box of a OftKes Z'i ea U UQX. A Ful assortment of remnants of LACES at lOcts a bunch of from 2 to 10 yds in each bunch S. H. Abbott's warranted WHITE -ROSE Family Flaw,- lflOjOOO Hand made BRICK Bv a Strict nersonal ftf.tent.inn tt Vino inesB I hope to merit the patronage of a geiierouH I)olg m me ruture. Thanic- XiS mv fllends for t.hfir nnar liharal tavors 1 am respectfulty Feb 16, Cm S.1I. ABBOTT. NEW GOODS. E, RAYNER is now receiving a nice line of LADIES DRESS WOODS Notions, Clothing, &c. &o. Be sure to call and see him before going elsewhere and : "4 GET BARGAINS. . fethllsa LEE'S PREPARED LIME. The Manufacturer of : LEE'S PRE PARED LIME offers to the fanners Lenoir and adjoining counties one the best Fertilizers in the market. hfts stood the test of four years exper ience, and even during the dry seaBen of 1881 has proved equal to the best Acid Phosphates and Aramoniated Guanos. IT CLAIMS TO BE: 1. Equal to the best Acid. Phosphate SP.ld,, S, Cheaper than any other first-class Fertilizer in the market, . SOLD BY MEWBORNE & HABPEB. kwstoxn.c, S. I. WObTEN&BEO., LA GRANGE, N. C. If you want Bargains -GOTO L.. XI. FISHER, who is closing out his present STOCK of General Merchandise at verv lQW figflres for cash, or on time with good security. Has everything usually kept in a first class Call and 4ee for yourself.-, WltaleSaTe&j Retail. L L. H. FISHER, Knston, C. 4 CU, JU, m liLil ! I'S 0 : iV'.. WHOLESALE GROCER a A FULL constantly Dry Salted and Smoked Flour, Sugars, MOLASSES GREEN AND ROASTED COFFEE S, TOBACCO SalCToAvder-and Shot, Special attention of Country o-iupimanu prioc-s sent by mall. v . V Mar.' SO, 1 y-1-4 c w c. e. mi co"" Brick Block, Middle Street, New Berne, N. C. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS All Goods m our line sold at the very lowest cash pri ces. (mipt and strict attention paid to all orders ; entrusted to our care. C. E. FOY & COMPANY . . ' DEALERS IN - COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS. IVow on hand and ready for delivery X,000 Bags Anchor Brand, and 500 " Game Guano will be sold FOR CASH OR ON TIME C. E. FOY & COMPANY offer to the Trade Lorillard, Gail A Ax Railroad MillS Sweet and Salt Snuff, AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. 250 BTJGrGrlES. The largest Stock of BUGGIES, WAGONS and HARNESS ever before offered in North Carolina. BUGGLES BY THE CAR LOAD , PIRECT FROM FACTORY. - The olumbas Buggy a Specialty. WEBSTER WAGON. :;' 'r'A A TIT7' AHEAVy Aag. 11,'t. n d SUPPLY on hand of MEATS, complete line. all grades. & SYRUPS, ; AND SNUFF Dealers in called to my iitock; AT REASONABLE PRICES r .ci BflESd Cores Consumption, Colds, Pnenmo. in7MJ,.e,lza',?roiIchlal Dnacnltles, M'8- Hoarseness, Asthma; Croup, -Whooping Coughand ail Dl eases of the Breath ing reans. it soothes and heals theMernKe ? the Lungs, Inflamed and poisoned br sweate and tightness across the chest TinS ft ccomP?ny it CONSCMP. l xo is not an incurable malady. It la only necessary to have the right remedy, and HALL'S BALSAM is that PlFP 7&, VI EIR of R& nut, for this benign specific "will aldfallT CVea thoush ProfessIon1 " CARBOLIC SALPE. the Most Powerful Healing OinU mcnt ana disinfectant MM rMlAiuial Benry't Carbolic Salve healt bum. Henry's Carbolic Salve cure sore. Henry' Carbolie Salve allay, pain. Menry'a Carbolic Halve heal, pimple?' .-m , .,rviw aaive ueal, bruise,. Aalc for Henry's and use no other. KB JHSWAiifli uif tJOUOTEEFEITS. J For MAW and BEAST, i For External and Internal I7ae. THE GREATEST FAIN RELIEVES OP THE AGE. 1 Edey's Carbolic Troches, Oontagloua Diseases, Colds, Hoarseness. Diphtheria, and Whooping- Cough. c i OsCEitsiilitlcrs V w - Believe Dyspepsia and Biliousness. For Sslo br all Drnnrlcti. 4 JOHN F. HENRY & CO., i 24 Oolleg-e Place, Kew York. SUCCESS OF THE .NTHETH.TSSTENCE.rrS 54,853 Machines. NO OTHER MACHINE EVER HAD SUCH A RECORD OF POPULARITY. It is tha Liektest-Buania?, ; : . Easiest Selliaf, aal- Tfisf (!aMUI.. t..t.i.. MtMMtiuK jisifcrn in IN THE WORLD. Ajeats vaatea. ?or terms, al White Sewing Machine CI.EVE HIRAM SIBLEY & CO. WUl mall FREE their Cats, loguo for 1888, containins; m tali descriptive Price - list of rawer, jrieia ana uarden i Bulbs, Ornamental Grasses, and Immortelles, Gladiolus, Lilies, Roues, Plants, Garden Implements. Beautifully illus trated.OverlOOpages. Address ROCHESTER,N.Y. CHICAGOJLL 179-183 East Main St. 200-206 Randolph St "WINE OF 0 RjHJI" rnres irregular, painful, in' nr ii- tr'i-'tinn.'. P AfE N T St. obtained for w inventions, ou a old ones. naveta,!" and all pat4 Mm pi 1 r - s i m is nr