; 1; itoURN AL. A-A-t ' - 4W NEW BERNE, X. C, SATURDAY, APRIL 8, 1882. NO. 6. 4 i-'n II II II "V ' 7 LQGAL NEWSj The Representative at Large. When we learned that there was to Herrings per bunch, Growing 1 in.abjuidance; only 10 cert ig ric v-aa seen in fherci"ty ye vojncfiefthTgh'rir 'fcj- terdaj two Shad ioaTielgnrf cents per pair (or roe; forty cnte for bucks Departure; .. - .4 The BteaJrteT"j.Veip Beme cleared yea terday q,t 3 .M., wkh.'.a full cargo of be no extra session of the Legislature pottoni aaval stores; green truck; among and consequently no redisricting of the iwnichtf aaftibou't ten boxes of peas, &c, State, we thought we foresaw an occa- f&ci $ JKajf. ': '' . . -'. sion for the exercise of the largest Tle.jTS?HS wnt-'out at 8i P. M. with breadth of view as well as wisdom of Jieavy load of general merchandise for selection. Who shall be the candidate wmtn vMttmlrtv. and not Lecro. as the-. Foriy car- foaift &$f&$li4 twenty of fertilizers, are at the Railroad warehouse awaiting BUijner.!'. .' The sohooner'JfsWKitf Star was at the ' Hughes wharf" VeStifey", unloading ice for Watson toVaSUfa Mr. M Pattin Jasjbeen" importing some pressed bricK frflm Philadelphia, for use in tleieemetry.' - ' We 'noticon'iSV'ine'Whlalif a lot of lumber Upp yjtii&M&B&'tot Swift to. Baiaotfithrt'lQnp.st ' r Seven car toads stee) rails ind one of spikes, bolts" plbt. .passed, ,P yes terday f or -th Midlaiid exkensionr " ij tKinstoi.--;' Freight 'Arrival , ) Yesterday'bemgi6ood'Friday, wepjih Fteigh at the Midland depot on Fri- mar)"&'toay:'M : . t Way-morning co;nsigiiedj to the following Thew&ooile.brW. 'was what w of the Democratic party for the ninth place V He must be votel for by the electors of the whole State. He must be a man whose record is just as unas sailable as if he were the candidate of the party for Governor, He must be so much above all reproach that he will b invulnerable at every noint. He vorable reports as to his condition Major 11. J-, (irant, ot Uoulsboro, con templates moving to this city and going into the manufacture of brick on a large scale. Maj. Grant has much experience in the business which he proposes es tablisliin" here and turns out a brick al most equal to the Philadelphia brick in Apr. 6 1 w d appearance. A year or two ago we vis ited Goldsboro and found all his ma chinery to i e of the latest and most im proved kind. HAY! HAY! FINE LOT NORTH RIVER HAY .lust received and for sale low. ELIJAH ELLIS. oartiesi... Ti H. Mallison, A, R.. Dennison, D. Bell & Co., C. L. Dickinson, Watson & Daniels, S. M. Buckman, J. W. Sandlin, J. L. Rhem, W. L. Arendnll, A. D. "Wade and G..,N. Ives. ' . City Itrma." ' We have no '"ad" under the head of 'City Reifts" to day. The firm of C. E. Foy & Co. gave us one on Tuesday to run one week, but yesterday sent all classes and conditions of mankind Marshall 5 Notice. CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTKRSON, Pitor'H, NEW BERNE, H. CJ. " Admiralty Seizure. THE BARQUE "GULDBRLNttA." must be so free from "entangling alii- united states of America. anoes" that no section can obiect to him Eater District of North duoiina. $ upon that score. He must; be of such elevation of character that good men in voting for him shall deein it a matter of pleasure and satisfaction. He must be a man who commands the respect of Wherea. a Libel Iiatli bejn filed In the Dislrii t Conn of the United Slates of America, for the hatern District of North Carolina at new Jlerne on the 5th day of April 1662 by Clark & Clark tractors in Denall oi j. a Hcnioeaer ana J. T. Jacob's and Ellin & Thom and John Hughes Esq. troctors in DiinHit oi the lsaKe r saivaeo uompany, in a caune of salvage civil and maratine, and prayiiiK the usual process ami monition of the notice to take It Out as the articles ad- TIu must be iicceiitnlile r.n r.h F.nst. ami sel. her tackle. ttDiiarel.furniture cari;o laden and tortM ! .11 .,,1,1 : ;-W, J ,1.. , tt , - . , ' unladen, and freight money, nay be cited to ,v,.v. "'- ui um vvem. lie inusi ue a man OI iai- answer the uremises. and al due uroceeiiints he- nappy to mention it as due in part to the entM. He ought to be a good speaker on ?h.i'i.T. TLZirZ"- rpHIS WELL KNOWN AND COMMOIHOVS I X house, as u name implies, is situated in the central and business portion of the city, hencv recommenns itseii lor us convenience to the travelling public. Anording solicitors every opportunity of visiting business corresuondenfo. u nas aiienuve servants, auu Its table is always mrnisueu wun Every Delicacy of the Season. Its rooms are large, airy and well furnished. AN OMNIBUS for the accommodation of guests to and from trains and steamers free of charge a special irmure in mis cuy, All tne appurtenances, of a modern FIRST CLASS HOTEL. April 1-d-ly. advertisement in the Journal. A"W Urue Market.' Cotton, Middling, 11, Low Middling, 10i, Good Ordinary 9i, Ordinary, 8.' Only five-; bales sold yesterday. turpentine' : so sales, market un man ? 117. Star. RevJ jrEZ7FAism7df:pMl&( .will preach iiii-" tempance Hall tSifcrrow night at usual; hpj , AjCrdiai invita tion is extend'edrV LV-J-rmi's V- Mayor HowardrftnT TSe . Berfiff the most quiet ct jBin-Hie State.' He says there MiSbpeB a great improvement .within fii;'" Berne rpcxtajunrx tovj.foaFm co sound 'iitfJXhwM&if nights. - Says;Jhe saw nothihg:Irepi HV:Vock P.. M "Wttt,- ' About one hundred f Ubs'Sf " Ush went ' up on "tKe''J4xerday.'Tleire must be a flBnjftB6rnere'''up';the road., sidfliefje we saw a large number of barreled fish go up on the freight this morning.. , ; Mr. J. A. Meadows' grist mill has been running on full time this week. He contemplates 'raisWg'his building to four stories, and raise the corn from the boats ;to the fourth story by means of ele vators, " His facilities .' for handling, grinding; and holing are ."already the , OUHI we JlttVO BOOU. v ; ... , k , Mews. J. M- Whitei Aleok Tilghinan t and R. "VY. Kinff. of Klnstonrcame to ' the city 'yesterday. Mr. King has a list '' of over on hundred and fifty names of the business menoXKmstonj petitioning the Post Offid '.Department to require the mails td be received ;aftd opened at Kinston on Sviridiyir' :-T f? 'Aonit.:-'i,'vftl' -i,'.,: A.''.,'.;t'l Sheriff .Kooriw'J Banks aadBewia King of Jones county were- in the city ' yesterday, ,'.; -K'. . ; ' V Messrs. Bryant Bonner, Benj. .Thomp son, Alex Cuthrill' and Geo. Litchfield of gouih Creek, ' Beftufort county, were in the eity yesterday. ' , . hanged. - " Tar. No sales, market unchanged. Corn, Market active with an upwiird tendency Sales of 2,000 busliels at M Cents in bulk. encouraging indeed. The farmers are certainly hard at work. The estimates seem to be that the area planted in cot ton will this year be in Wake from a fourth to a third less than last year. But Sonlli Creek. b umiueti uiat un inirii or luurtu iuki We visited this- fertile section of ,H lnft(,e UP another and important Beaufort county in 1872 ami viewed the wa' tnat ls tla' much more corn will fairesr. faimino- lan.ls that, we had ever be planted, the area in wheat and oats seen; the country then was compara- tively a wilderness , and bears were Apr. 1, ly 11 payments. become time' since the war. The weather, since homesteads to all, on fertile govern- nearly as common as hogs. Meeting larm oif rations began, lias been all tne ,nent lauj8. Railroad lands in de- Mr. Bryant Bonner is the city yesterday, " exacting tanner could wisli, and . , , ... nnroilnsP(i ftn rut whose home we stopped in our visit "u" """J- ' ten vears time in easr or.fi ... : : a i:..i....i fi. to town, llie eround is hrpakiiio- heau- J ' J lu ioi, we ltiuuiicu iwiiu-uiiiiiy uitci i t o i . suti, Pro.t-Kaea -:flaiiv tw "iuny, lematKeu a granger yesteraay, J the raoid clearing of ThWtok: amTthe and 1,6 'eit on to say, further, that the independently wealthy in a very snort bear huntimr iM'.deiast -fWairB have croP prospects . were actually so good Uime, by settling in the Pacific North nearly cleanM Wbearaontaikough that uot a mau coulJ y any chance west Address a postal card to Paul not very long ago MiWd oarKey; m tne b- M.CM,.-C,. w w .. sCHCLZE( Portland, Obegos, and neighboviiooa assertea tiiai .ne counted How iH it that corn is afinin in xnoir ask him to send vou a codv of The iTflSWfl fr 75 and 80 cents, and here in West Shore a handsomely illustrated I h A KmiTIt I. Tuuu TUUtnia nil , rVlfl 1 1 - I I ... ... . i I - . .i rr m- y-; wayne, and adjoining county, it is Held "v."? ,m,"t?!rjrx-Vu-tti.. lor one dollar per bushel. There is no 1 1 - . iueuiu Vmiw.w-v,j . auest on about corn beintr a scarce arti- i . : . ii " " r. v ' I CT avviiav ivn nr i l' in vnTihv ... z-,:m..j.A: - .-lu lmt tlioro ia nn .Innht nlmiir tliaro VsVUW.l Aau I MniJtllW.l. Last nignc we naa me measure of wit- cuuue" l" "" ua,uluu' ,.r ,aAaa BKnLl neesing a dho'o and there should be no extortion in becomeJillforraed about the wonderful pany at their cartel, net3ooito the pnees. -Gohhboro Renew. ' resources ftf Oregon and Washington.. Jouknal officf;?: H : we wereJto.teU the - in it;u ; where the wheat production is lareer length of timeUired; to MtchJthe Gol(lsboro kst week is sed to have and the death rate lower than in any engine and fetont ort -the street; it .... , rf.,floJin(,B:.. th iSm other section of United States; where 1,1 t. . , ,in,i a ...1. . I r v o " o-- I . 1 1 1 1 1 . wuum u .ueu.u.r w u gaid they came beCause the earth wastoo gooa uovermnent lanu can oe naa Apr. 1, ly dw saw utw. w w u0uiB watto wQrk on the farn aml 0ther8 ior ue latuig, anu raiiroaa lanus ne just in rear of the engine, and the men wfahe(l a bought on ten years time. Industrious sleep in the engine room. Upon hear- . n.n w oii. ., ... , men become independently wealthy ing the fire alarm one of the men jumps k. . , , , , . . there in a very lew years. Dull in Courier. Arrival of the New ben. The steamer New Berne arrived yes terday morning with, -a good, load of genial niPIfihandisa and the following nassunfferB: Mrs. Martin and sister, Mrs. B. H. Lane, Miss . Harriet Lane, Miss Tate and Miss Baker of ew York New Paper. J X -i The first number of .thejjntp Fl'te Pr? iB ; before., us, M ies, and pubJished. hy M., Josephus Daniels, ana is ft very cteaHame paper lwthiuita matter and .rnak6.;4t i . Paiiioeratlc in politics. . - .1- Fire la Kinston. A small fire in Kinston on Thursday nieht. At about half-past eleven small dwelling on Heritage street, near O thp StWPbs House, belonjrin & ;MTb dWt an4 was consumei in a shortwhile By the aid of vigorous work the adjoin- incr biiildines were saved. No insu O ' ranee. ; l;v,.;'4i.;i-.v d. Falae AUrm. A little after ten o'cfocK last n'rght the flM ftlapm wi iWi foe AM partment eamr promptly to time: "We happened to be m thrfffory of the printing office when : the alarm was given, and before we reached the ground the Atlantic bine was riband ojji .of sight down hJZZZriZ-r., It turned c1 1 o bg a fse 8, apd the lnistinirs . for lie niav h xnnnwil W liiw.i Therefore iu mtreimiice of the said moni- 1 . ' , , tion uiuli-r the neul of said Court to me directed, a Strong popular advocate. V ho IS the I do hereby eivn notice eenerally unto all uersons laying or pretending o nave any rigm, title or iuteret therein to -appear before the aforesaid I Court at New Heme on tfle 26th dav of Aonl. Crop News. ' 1S82, if it he a Ceurt day, oielse on the next Court The new nf , ov, n,,nia ay tliemtfter at 1'2 o'clock, noon, tnen and there v ...i-.., ........ v........ to answBr le sam ijiuei and to make their alle. in from all parts of the country, is very k"oh m that behait. . . , , m, . Dated at New Berne the 7th day of April, 1S82. c. ERD.A J, B. HILL, U. S. Marshal. by David S. Ward. Deiiutv. Clark & (,'la'k, llia &, Thorn. John Huehes. nuciors. FARMS FREE TO ALL. MANUFACTURER OF CHOICE HAVANA ' AND DOMESTIC Oregon and Washington, "the land of ne-ser failing crops," where grass- J J (j( R S noppers, cnincu Diig9, arougut or is now said to be larger than at any hard winters are unknown, ofiers free THE NEW TOBK Weekly Herald, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, PROPRIETOR. THE BEST AND Cheapest Newspaper Published. POSTAGE FREE ONE' DOLLAR PER YEAR Fifty Cents for six Months An extra Copy to every Club of ten The New York Herald PUBLISHED EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR. Postage Free. 10 pay for one year, Sundays Included. 8 pay for oim ytar without Sunday. S pays for six lnontha, Sundays lucludcd. 4 pays fur six month., without Sunday. S pays fur one year for any upeclfled day of the Week. 1 pay for six mouths for any specified day of the week. 1 per month (including Sundays) will be charg ed on subscriptions for a less period than three inouthn, TO EUROPE INCLUDING POSTAGE Daily, . - . . 17.3Q Weekly, (European Editihn) - -$4.0U. Vekly, (Domestic Kililion) $2.(10 NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED. POSTAGE FREE. Daily edition, Two and a half cents per copy Sunday edition, - Four cents per copy Weekly edit iou, - Two cents per copy N. B. Not lem than five copies mailed tonews- dealers at wholetaU rates. We allow no commission on subscriptions to Dally edition. Address, NEW YORK HERALD, Broadway St Ann Street, New York. POLLOCK Street, NEW BERNE, N C. For journal, containing full information. Apr. (I, A. H. HOLTON, DEALER IN FOREIGN AND I) 0 M E S T I C COLDS, HEADACHE, TORPID LIVER and CHILLS, use BERRY'S ciiiii mis. STATE NEWS. ., ,. filrniird llroni our KxohaiigcN, . . .. . . .. '., Raleigh imiiorts asparagus from Tto Jjie doors and throws them open, the r strikes a gong, and .immediately the horses walk out and place them selves under the harness, which are suspended by means of cords and already fastened to the engine, and in less than a half minute from the time the stalls are thrown open, they are on Goldsboro. the street in a run for the fire. Next Wilmington had forty lire alarms dur week we will attend a dvill of the rag tue past year. New Berne's, Kinston Free Press: Kinston ought bV all means to have a cotton factory. wow nc nice nuns. Onr fish market w boiuitifullv KUDU led On yesterday we paid our lirst visit to Fresh fish are to be had on the streets the rice mill of Mr. Elijah Ellis imd I every- day.-r-Thej Methodist church found it in nnfiratiori. Anv orie aceus- is to have a new coat of paint at an tomed to the ordihary"s.rioevrflills that ear'y d?J' have existed in the Oftuntty i9r near a centurv would be surprised1 at the amount of machinery used itt the pro cess qf cleaning here, as weJf as gratified at the manner and simplicity with which the work is done. The rice is emtied from the sacks into since Monday. a hopper on the floor and is taken by an T'ie Daily Bugle; A Cigarette elevator to the fourth floor where it factory is' the next new: enterprise m passes , through.: the sand screen taking Greensboro. Greensboro has long out all the:dirt, trash, chaff &c,; from Deen 1H F'8; n"lls; ,118 Morning Mar: Kgsa arc again re tailing at. 20 cents. Grown chickens are selling at 80 cents to $1 per pair. and turkeys al 22 cents per pound.- Spuits turpentine was on the boom again yesterday, having sold as high as 00 cents per gallon, an advance oi z cts formation in the Went Shore, a hand somely illustrated journal published at Portland, the metropolis of the Pacific Northwest, at $2 00 year or the publishers will send two specimen copies, oi dinerent dates, ior 25 cents. Address West Shore, Portland, Oregon. Midland North Carolina Railway Go. 'CIRCULAR TO Truck Shippers, On and after Monduy, April 10, 1882, Freight and Truck Train will leave New Berne, Goldsboro and other points as follows: Leave New Berne, . ; - ,. f.S0 P.JVI. ' Goldsboro, daily except Sunday, 10.2ft Arr've Portsmouth, " ' , ;''.' JU7.A. M. Leave Portsmouth " fi.80 P. M. Arr've Baltimore, " . Monday 5.00 A- M. Leave Portsmouth, Wed., Sn't. and Moii. " Arr've Philadeliihia, Thnrs., Sun. liTues ., P. M Leave Portsmouth, Mon. Wed. and Sat. B.00 Arr've New York, Wed. Fri. and Mo.., . A. M, Leave Portsmouth, Tue;dAy mid Friday 3.00 P. M Arr've Bus I on, Friday and Monday. A. M. WINES & LIQUORS, TOBACCO S &CI GARS. MIDDLE LTREET, NEW 1IERNE, N. C. OLD DOMINION Steamship Company. here itjcwrt back to thp lower floor totoP " " f"I; i : nave to remain over j.- . , I Willi pitriib) n tuunvuu itttivi iuo ii-o a h(pppv ant passes through the rocKs prog,Mritv js assured .Judge Si'henck tfttake th hull off; it is conveyed to has certainly bought the , beautiful Og: the fourth floor and passes through a burn residence; and will soon become a screen which takes out all , the grains citizen of Greensboro, that were-not hulled in the mill, from , Farmer & Mechanic The Jlaleigh here floor ueu. Alter mo uuuuuiub m 10 mi jipu i . p. . ..,! ll j..i,: ,ihi;u n i.ni yai..ufiipjiijri Shipment mads on Satubday, will Ei""rs iEW JjF.ENE it goes to the fan on the second bar is .becoming as strong in numoera as , knd then to the mortar to be poun- to names and lew'uigHon. Geo. !, Aftrthfi rKmndina- it is carried V. Strong, tuid Geo. M. Smedes, Lsq., After the pounaing it is carriea , b.j i00i nurtnowiiin. Wio. mhiv ioiihvu ivaui iiii,uw(wiiii'i .,110. and Weldon unti they go forward on regular schedule. J. B. YATES, J " ' : Ch'f Eng. & Gen. Manager. Apr. C, tf New Berne, N. 0, An llnlque! kralfclnc Cane. Uaptam u tens, or tne steamer iwuse, has a walkijj cane which he purchased while on the West India Islands. It is made of whalebone, the : head, being whittled out of; a r tooth jWrtbi ft. pocket knife, exactly in the shape and color "of a (ihUiken snake, in : a stjtk'jWsltron, by a Portuguese.- He was certainly a good whittler. by an, elevator to tlia fourth floor again, passes through another . ' Screen to take the floiir outHtlicn to another fan then to the riisher,lfrbm thehce'to the7 sdpa--rator and lostly into the turce.t ;,. . ; The, : separator 4 divides the rice into three grades;: shorijj middlirig, and wh,ble rice, each grifp gpig iuWa different tiercei . Thelcapaolty of this mill is about four hundred bushels per day, and is un doubtedly a great incept to rice culture in thiej section as it makes a better .mar ket for the producer. . , ,. . ljS '..; Dr. Canedo failed to meet hiaxibli gation to pay Oyer $1.53,00(1, for he Pa.pe Fear ndY, V,R, R apd) honed the road' awaits a new proposition. Every body says, "."I toW..you.B0)"-rXiOre burg Enterprise. ' dom,jeaniing. good looks, antl popu larity, are a good stock in trade to start wun. i ne, jjieiv iieraeat,' aiso,-- the Weekly) Joamal is at hand, and we congratulate Bros. I Jasper. & Nunn in making a sensible' itart,; in sijie; style; and k s&Uttatory. The latter expresses ou Idea tor a claiiy newspaper? viz: plenty of news, in paragraphs, with edi torial comments, but not, or very rarely, long editorial. Moreover to have deci ded views in politics, but not allow them to do injustice tojlj&'ioppoaitiont Daily Review: The receipts of cotton at this port to-day . loot up. Jub hnlps. and those' of i-osini llftftS ' Wrela We are verjT oiaJenra :At 'of w,)ich will be 6oid a8 CH'EAP .15 v.. JMOiH'in, a veneraoio citizen wi , , , ,r , M , , this piape, was stricken! with .paralysis M'el Cheapest, j, id 9ha- Aifr athisresldence'here on Sunday last. siwuhK Mttftt, opposite, reopie s His left Bide .is paralysed ami hie -condi- Market, wv " v HEW BER5nEr,X C. tion is considered Very critical. We Oooils old In the City delivered delivered at trust that we may soon hear more la-1 your house if desired. Apr. 4, l y d w keeps confi,fttlycpulip,iida choice lot of r FAMILY GObETllES. .vl-".-i . Far nir8.iup4lUMs- Hk s FOIUC, LOWIti' 6UOAB; COF :1 i VZf.W. TV! nf. Al? Srn J 'J GOODS' potions" ',, 7,1 , , Caps, Mewbdrrie ft Haroer. I it if a n-wn . t . - - . . . I A lew barreU of EARLY ROSE SEED POTATOES, For sale at $3. per bbl. cash . -at ...... Berry's Drug Store. Parties buying for Cash, can buy DRUGS, GARDENSEED, Paper and Envelopes, Paints, Brush- es, Glass, Toys, Wall Paper, and many other things at bottom prices at Berry's Drug Store. Apr. 6, ly w Hardware Farming: Impliments. The undersigned beg t call the at- tenti n of the farming and building class to the fact that we carry a large stock of every thing needed in your line and buying of first hands and in quantities enables us to sell close. Wo mnl-n a Will leavp, npon arrival ot train on Norfolk and I t,v.:i; p .1 . , . . Elizabeth City Rilroad t Elizabeth City, every speciality of the noted Gold and Dla- Monday and Thursday, for New Berne direct, uionu piOWS ana we Want every larm- Returning, leaves New Berne for Elizabeth City er in eastern Carolina to try one, and if -J ... - ,.. "ilthntrH.itir.fQvni.il .... I making close connection with Norfolk and Eliz- J . ' 1""" uu "uv abeth City R. R. for Northern cities. Close con- ever -tried return them at OUr OWn ex- nection made at Washington with company's pense and get your money back To Nense and Contentnea for Kinston, Polloksville, "IOCK 01 gOOOS nceileU in your line SUCh Trenton and all landiugs on the NtMise and Trent as Doors, Sltsll, . BlilldH. Nail. Locks, Hinges and everything need ed to build or , finish a house with. Carriage makers you can save freights by dealing with us. We know what you need and have constantly a fill line of your goods on hand and to all we would respectfully solicit a trial and if we do not treat you right never try us again, '-' - --' JONES & YELVEBTON, , Goldsboro N. C. For New York, Baltimore, Nor- Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Friday, July 1st, 1881 UNTIL FURTHER NOTICE ST'R NEW BERNE reight received dailey until 6 u. m forwarded iu u tw Ur.ltNK promptly and lowest rates guaranteed todestina MONDAY, when - m. it. KOUKK't'N, Ag't, New Hcrue, Cl'Ll'KI'1-KH il TimNKB, Ag'ts, Norfolk, V. A. W. H. Stanford, Oen'l Fr't Ag't, Mar. 30 ly , . . New York City. MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of Mortcase Peed execnted by 0. W.'MeshhMjr and Fgenear Meshaw toWm t.-. leini rrgipmmi on ine win any oi jmy win in Bookige 6M, Registers office Of Lenoir ceunty, I wilt sell, at the Court : JfAimt oer,..ln .the town of Kinl. N.. O. on Monday, the 16th day of Way 1882 the tract of land, conveyed In said mortgage being fifty acres of land In Lea oir coimty adjoining the lands of David S. Davis andbthera. '' ' ' Terns Cash- i . Wm. C. FIELDS, Feb. Hth, 8 mo. Mortgagee, Otter for sale, for cash or ou time: KA.1NIT, ACID PHOSPHATE. PREMIUM PHOSPHATE u -; - and - 1 LEE'S PItEPARED LIME. Jau. 5, 3m. Musical Instruction, " Prof. Vaillant de La Croix, NEW BIf K. 0. Ha fitted up a 3MCTTJBXO XZLXjXi , . in the ' '; ; CLUB HOUSE On Craven Street and will be pleas ed to receive Pupils for PIANO and in tbe ART OF SINGING. I r- Terms uoderate. , Apply at the MUSIC HALL or at tb CENTRAL HOTEL. Apr. t, dSnk