1AILY TT TT VOL. I. NEW BERNE, N. C, SUNDAY, APRIL 9, 1882. NO. 7. E OURNAL. ? LOCAL NEWS. taster Sunday. - Some splendid stall-fed Hyde county beef la market yesterday. Only one marriage licence issued by the Register of Deeds during the past week, :'y . " , J 'Eggs sold from the market stands at twelve cents yesterday. Ten cents of fereil by the dealer. Baptism at the foot of Broad street this morning immediately after service at the Baptist church. Eev. S. HLiler of Goldsboro passed through the city yesterday en route for Croaton wherejie is to preach to-day. : Rev. F. W. Eason, pastor of the Bap ' tlst church, returned from the- Sunday school convention at Raleigh on yester day morning. ' In the mention of the brick yesterday brought from Philadelphia, it was Mr, Isaac Patterson, instead of Moses Pat tron, to whom they were consigned. CapU John Richardson is a model con- of the completion and full success of the New Berne Canal, they state that the work will be projected on a large and comprehensive scale. New Berne Commercial. Prrabyterlan Church. Daily services have been maintained in this Church, during the past week, at 9 a.m. and H p.m. Rev. B. F. Mar able, of Mt. Olive, N. C, has been as sisting the pastor, Rev. L. C. Vass. He preaches every night, and presents the claims of the Gospel on men, and the blessings of salvation, with great elear nessand impressiveness. : He will preach to-night (Sabbath) on ''The Doctrine of Free Grace." The the Indians. The lecture was not very highly spoken of. Dr. Smith was to lecture last night on Utah and Mormon ism, but left unceremoniously yesterday morning. . - Correspondence of News and Olwerver Railroad Meeting In Greene County. Snw Hill, April 5, 1882. To-day is the third day of Greene Su perior Court, Judge Gilmer presiding, Mr. Jonathan Havens, of New Berne, in behalf of Mr. V. J. Best, presented a proposition to the good people of Greene for the building of a railroad from Kin ston to Snow Hill via Hookerton, thence a branch to Greenville, and another to STATE NEWS. Wilann Afr llm'Ona nracanfait TVfv Communion of lie -Lord 8 Supper, and n , . . . . .. T'i -,. ' i ! Best 8 proposition m a pointed and busi- theriteof Infant Baptism,-will be ad- , , . . . ,, ... ministered this morning. A cordial in vitation is extended to the public to at tend all these services, and consider the seats entirely free to all. Preaching at 11 a.m. and Ii p.m., and prayer meeting at 4 p.m. he read a proposition to the people of Pitt county, which was in substance that Pitt county should confer with the county of Lenoir on the 14th on the sub ject, and subscribe $50,000 to the road, Gleaned front our Exchange. Durham is agitating the Graded School. There were thirty arrests made in Wilmington by the police during March. Wil. Review. Steamboatmen re port the river as falling rapidly, and getting disagreeably low on the shoals. At 12 o'clock to-day the thermome ter iii this office stood at C8 degrees, which is two degrees above Summer heat, The electric tire alarm which is to bo attached to the fire alarm bell on Fourth, between Market and Dock Streets, is expected to anive some time next week. Chatham Record: Mr. S. P. Teague, of Matthews township, has sent to the Record8 museum some peach blossoms tnat are as white as cherry blossoms. They are the first white peach blossoms that we have ever seen. Mr. B. E. Webster, of Hickory Mountain township, informed us last week that some stalks of his wheat and oats were heading. Who ever before heard of wheat or oats in this couutv V HA ! HAY! FIXE LOT NORTH RIVER HAY Just received and for sale low. ELIJAH ELLIS. Apr. G 1 w (1 CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTEltSON, l'ltiii 'is, NEW I1EI1NE. N. C THIS WKI.L KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS house, as it niiini implies, is situated in the central and uiiMuess portion of the city, hence recommends Itsnlf for it ennve nience' to ilie travelling public. Affording solicitors every opportunity of visiting business correspondents. It has attentive servants, anil its table is always furnished with Every Delicacy f the Season. Its rooms ate large, airy and well furnished. AN OMNIBUS for the accommodation of guest to and from trains mid steamers free ol charge a special feature in this city, ah ute appurtenances, or a modern FIRST 'CLAS5J HOTEL. April l-d-ly. due .Hacame up yesterday from ix months ending Dece.nber 31,1881, nu Morehead with , several bunches of to 5a4f6' , Counting the Spring til flower which he distributed unto his pnrcnaseswue uuout u.e same, wnien lady friends. they undoubtedly are, as some mer- payauie m county bonus, running mercantile BiiMlnexw of Craven. twenty years, and that Greene county hondina in tli mnntli nfMo..,.i, ij iu.vuw tu jiim-iuoo ..iui.i fj "i wo ntviiic ijiujkjiuuu, wiuuil wouiu Tnhnwn Plnnf. -Mi. T i nn 1 1- -I o. . 1 iL . i .1 11 , ..,. . ... ' iui, U . U. VOIl UOOK.OI craven couuiy, we aim ine ioiui oe auout ioU,uuu. mat would be seven and Sheriff Blaekuall have fitted un n amount of purchases returned, for the and a half cents on each poll per an- pond one and a half miles above Dui- num. This moner is not to be uaid un- ham and will stock it with the choicest the work is finished. fisl- . Vol. W. T. lllaekwell is A fiuv Ate Hvm,i.o,ii Mo..,, crccuiig ieii luuiusomc residences ou j.j.uh iin aiuu owvivcx. A'x kj cn i o i -w i. . . , , I ' 1 PnilHaml i ft I'ool .TAf n tV.,,..,. T T TVf ,v 1 T -wr l i iittiuuttu on vv neat n uic im.nu. . . uuu (i r. hwicu maue a M Wilson, of Wilson's ATI11 is tho cnants inaKe neavier purcnases in me tew icuinc remarks siiowmc now easily nnninu.inr Tim rma. .;. ,i, i i i ' j. 1.T I . "... " " I m .,v Ol' are pieasea 10 learn nom itev. m. Surina: than n the Fall, we will have in the road could be built, and t.hn hmipfits Tml fimves oi.nprl fii-n.io-o ,.n.i m. Jurney, wno passea mrougn meciiy numbei-s $1,000,000 invested in that the people would derive from it. Tuesday, lie was one day behind and yesterday from Toisnot, that Rev: Dr. th trade 'in Craven county during the On motion, Dr. W. J. Jones was called there was much complaint on account Closs, who has been quite sick recently, year 1881. About 20.000 bales of cotton to the chair, J. D. Grinisley was ap- H'?reof: 'he f 'V"'! Vas 1wn! ia mnrnvmr. 1 1.1 i .1....:.... i. ... ! j ,l. ,. . ....... 6vu, wv uvv ... ....r...0. weic ovikx iicib uui uiir me iiusii Mt?a.-siii, iiwuncu Bcrutry, uuu Hie liouse re- ,.i ,i!,.,,,i ...,i, I ' - ' LUllll. nil Ullllicu till 1? UUUUMlilV ILIOlll .. . . . . I i. .... 1... -i.A ,...1 1 :i....ii.' .. m 1 . " J The city treasurer, Thos. Daniels, nas " , ct" ijki unit, , uiuugni in iwen nuu u ranroau meeniig, ur. nu ordered a safe, in compliance with in- about tyuu.uuu in is leaves, in oruer 10 jones mane a lew eloquent remarks Newbernian: The steam dredge during the week epening the channel nil whan. The ievenue Cutter bte- slinht repairs. ; and no action the mat- ross Xeuse river has 1 deep. ' - 18 m a ,,ealtny condition. more uiitn pay the entire interest ou the been indefinitely postponed; the people wii,ir,i,tv,i0 Q- Dmo;Mo m,, Among tne largest purcimsers, rang- uonus. 1 o uou us vui seem to realize . me areai on the part ol the Board. Lost records mS tl01 and upwards, we note is a source from which numerous and ine IOUOW mK- costly troubles flow, as is beginning to ureen' 9-i, u. m. i. uau, be the case in Lenoir county. nas- cianK' "h; l,. r.. toy, !if33,U0U, ;ueo. a. Uuion, 0,847; Th Cottou Factory. F. Ulrich, 20,668; Hackburn Bros., .18,- Btructions froni the Board of Council- 1W me mercliants' purchases, 100,UU0, snowing the prosperity of the county, has been employed men for the purpose of keeping the city to be paid by the corn,- truck, rice and The product in cotton alone is 15,000 cleaning out and tk rncorrls in. 'its dimensions are' outside naval stores, etc., etc., which we think bales, 6,000 of which were handled in P &l,;iulows grist n . . . '. . . . .i .i ii. Lm'uwim.1 iiot an.raini- will. ikig Kimw inn un.i :.. .1 :c maciiuicry ot the 1 sixty-nine incnes men, imriy-mne wiue " ...v.. v...o ...... n. nauug m un -. ; .,,.!,. G. RD.A and thirty-two deep; on the inside, for- view of the matter we can safely say ference of transportation and in'delays After much talk mi ty-eighfftoches : Wgh, twenty-six wide that the mercantile business of Craven in getting to market In one year would ter of a bridge ai r and sixteen deep. '- . , is in a healthy condition. more than pay the entire interest ou the been indefinitely pr MKNUFACTU11KI! OF CHOICE HAVANA AND DOMESTIC CIGARS. pollock sticot, NEW BEUXK.-X C. Apr. 1,1 yl) THE NEW YOEK Weekly Herald, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, PROPRIETOR. THE BEST AND Cheapest Newspaper Published. . POST AUE FREE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Fifty Cents for six Months An extra Copy to every Club of ten The New York Herald PUBLISHED EVERY DAY IS THE YEAR. I'nslage Free. 1(1 iavN for oiif ywir, Sundays iucludcd. t :iy for otm ymr without Sundayn. ! t"i liiy for six mniitlm, Sundays Included. 1 14 jiayM for ix iuoiitlit,vlilioiit Sunday". '! pays fur huh yt-ar for any speciflfd day of ihf j 1 bays for idx muntlis for ny speeiflrd day of the wwk. 1 it monlli (lui'luiling Sundays) will bo charg ed mi subscriptions for a 1ms period than tllllM! llllllltllS. TO EUROPE INCLUDING POSTAGE - Daily, - - 1.S0 Wi'i'kly, (Kiit'opcim Kdiiilin) -$4.0U Wei'kly, (Domestic Edition) 2.(XI NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, POSTAGE FREE. ' Dully cdilion, Two and a half cents per copy Sunday edilimi, - Four cents per copy Weekly edition, . " - Two Cents per copy N. 11. Not less than live copies mailed to news dealers at wholesale rales. We allow no commission on subscriptions to Daily edition, Address, N E W YORK HERALD, llioadway & Ann Street, New York. For On motion of importance of this subject. -Dining r?!lnr. Tlnrilau tliuea ..rv. w.,..v, . -. were ajointed to meet Mr. V. J. Best . f . , .V ?"'V) M 1 11 1 1.1 1 J ItI'PmIiviIIiA mill T miAiv Ua. i a -m. . -- - v - uui iivu ucii,- .nor I laan nr t I . t mlwiol n . .m. m 1 uviu iui, il JjIiid Milan. ui . A gentleman of large means and ex- 700; Alex. Miller, $10,000; Aaa Jones, perienoe aa a manufacturer of cotton is $16,000; A. M. " Baker, 11,000; Thos. daily expected who will take an in- Gates, $11,800; L. H. Cutler, $12,240: agent in starting the ball in favor of (Jreouvillti and Lenoir dele gation 111 lunston, on tlie 14th ot April, what machinery was left. This to confer and make preliminaries, two was burned February 2Cth, 1879. from each township, three from Snow Hill and two from Hookerton. Mr. Havens has proved an excellent vessel CHURCH DIRECTORY. ventory of the machinery In the cotton Humphrey & Howard, $11,978; K. It. factory, the necessary machinery to buy Jones, $11,500; Jas. Redmond, $14,225; and replace old, etc., with the view of Reel & Bros., $12,500; Geo. Allen, $11,- setting It in successful operation by the 75O; Roberts & Bros., $17,000. early fall. Aw Berne Commercwi. Kinston Items. Consignees at the Midland Depot. Freights arrived on Saturday morning The Kinston Free Press has made its . a. I ' I tor the following parties: appearance; It promises to be a upright- A CaNe or varioloid. a. 1. Arinur, u. . ives, a. n. i.ane, ny. newry paper. A case of the above disease occurred Si. WWW, P. . uray, mcKDurn oros., - "Bacbv will case" was tried at on board of the brig Com Green, which n n -v .1 wr tt Tt j r I - j I W.oy,uraeroi vv. n.corueu.u. Greene s ior Court thifi week aml arrived here from New York on Mon- Aiiea Saunas. wnue,JonnueuicK, resulted in verdict ':to establish the day last, and as soon as the fact was BAPTIST CHURCH. MIDDLE ST1IKKT, Kkv. V. W. Ekason Pastoh. Servicun on Sunday at 11 A. M., and, 7 1-2 P. M. .y u mg 10 ins auiuirauie presentation Thursday evening at 7 1-2 o'clock. of the subject. The road, if built, will PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, pass through a fine section, now greatly xkcse strf.kt, Rev. L. (. Vass, Pastor. Services on Sunday this new enterprise; and the enthusiasm displayed in connection with it is large- needing these additional facilities. D. R. Walker. John Suter, National Bank, Midland Improvement and Construction Co. will.' discovered the vessel was ordered to Kennedy vs. Williams 11 B wie l,allenl piacea mine at 11 A. M. tiad night at 8 P. M. Sunday School at 3 P. St. 'Prayer meeting Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. 1 Vm. Holliiiter, Superintendent Sunday School. METHODIST CHURCH. Niol'SKHTFKET, Rkv. L. S. Buhkiikad D. T)., Pastoii. Servi ces on Sunday Morning tit 11 and af ternots at 7 1-2 o'clock. Services every .night during the coining week by the Pastor. A. II. H0LT0N, DHALER IX FOIIEIGN AN 1) DOM EST J C WINES & LIQUORS, TOBACCO S & CIGARS. MIDDLE LTIIEKT, new iu:iti:, n. v. Apr. 1, ly diw use OLD l03imiOIY Steamship " Company. Skillful Phjralclan. Mr. .Lemuel E. Hardy, of Greene oounty, was In the city on Friday and Saturday, to consult Dr. Charles Duffy. He has been troubled with partial paral- Tie case of Kpnnpilv rs . W anis " oitrist flHTTRCH from Lenoir came up' before Judge '"fP'tal at Mt. lnzah, some four or five wuocKm.nr Gilmer at Greene Court on Thursday mues oelow tlie city, where he is now Rev.y.W. Shields, Rectoh. Service.? Sun- and affidavits filed. ' Decision Will be "Cing ProP" attention, and is ex- day morning at ll snd afternoon at :30. Suiulay MD JU w,uiuiiB,iiiB ..,1.1raJ.,... crisis having passed. The captain and rendered at Lenoir Court. Mr. Haskill who formerly resided crew of the brig were vaccinated as a precautionary measure. The vessel and crew will be kept at quarantine until all danger from the disease is over, hav ing been sent down the river Wednes day night. This is the first and only M.and ;30P. M., and all Holy days at 1 A. M. Free seats to all visitors. The iinblic cordially ysis for about twelve months; and some- with Mr. Webb irt Kinston, but who for time ago, by advice of his local physi- the past fourteen months has been ou a cian, Dr Harvey,he came to New Berne visit to his son at Little Rock, Ark., has to consult Dr. Duffy. He expressed returned to Kinston again. On his re- himself as highly gratified with the turn he passed through a portion of the Doctor's treatment, and says he has inundated district, and saw something made a new man of him. of the devastation made by the mighty flood. Prean Association. iiri,... .., , ; .i. recently stopped at a bar tolubricate pw-tation tickets over the Wilmington the inner man leaving his horse and bug Weldo, Seaboard & Roanoke and the gy Btanding, without the hitching post MWland rauroaas.w attena tnerress being fa8tenedto the horse; the buggy Convention at Elizabeth City on the ran away with the horse, in a short dis 26thf this month. Thanks for the tance the horse became disgusted with courtesy 5 nut a new daily Keeps its ea- the affair and went on b hi f while . . . a, a' p 1 it fl T I 111C111 h41414t UUJUD VI, UlCllllUliUlllCU iwrtwuuBjiu wiwnuu i the buggy proceeded to turn "summer for much recreation. The North Caro- sai,ir1n ; i,P Rf,ppr, invited to attend. Ushers aiways in attendance. ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. CrjH.VKR MIDDLE ASD NKCKK STREETS Father J. J. Rkh.y Pastor. Mass Sunday morning at 11 o'clock, Vespers Sunday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Sunday School at S o'clock P. M. Tlallr Muss at. 8 o'clock A. M Pastor will be case, and the promptness with Which it absent fourth Sunday of every month. was taken in hand relieves the com munity of all apprehension in regard to it. Wil. Star. COI.IIS, HHA1ACHE, TOIilMD LlVElt . and CHILLS, 15 em it y s CIrill Pills. Why Not Tell the Truth. Craven county was largely represented at the Goldsboro Convention on the 29th. They all had a railroad return ticket for 1, round trip. 1 made the arrange- liaa Press Association has our best wish es for its pleasure and usefulness,. La Orange Items. rora.arkott j i C" ' Cam is worth 80 cents in Elizabeth In New cents in home from the Convention and reported throughout this city that the Convention was a bust and a failure, Now, I appeal to you, brethren, pro fessing to be Christians and members of gije( The merchants are complaining of the church of the true and living God -a . . I hara times. to nut lififnrn the rwvmlfi and tell M, H. Wooten has a field of wheat them that you have reported an untruth containing several acres that he says Then, go down upon your knees, and will averaee knee hich. Can this be ask your Maker to rorgive you. K not, N. S. Eichardson, PRACTICAL BOOK AND JOB PRINTER, Opposite Post Office, NEW BERNE) N. C. GOOD STOCK, NEAT WORK, LOW PRICES, Orders solicited and promptly . Apr. 8 City,' aayi the Eeouamist. Bernl.it is tilling for 85 and i bulk. -y:;- The corn trade of New Berne is m mense 1 Werad no idea of its magni tude until personal observation, since our coming here, revealed it to us. And so long as the market here, keeps up to its present comparative standard, there will be no trouble in drawing thi great staple here.j Qoqd, business . men. are the life of a community and the corn mercliante here are deserving of that The farmer who fails to raise his sup- beaten in the township or county V Guy W. Pope is agenting in the inter est of the St. John Sewing Machine Com pany. The manijfactiirers claim that this machine is superior to all others. I have heard that the time price for the devil will surely get you when you die. I. B. Abbott. I Neiv Berne Lodge. . . A Great Work. Through our old friend J. J, Roberson, Marshal's Notice. , Admiralty Seizure. THE BARQUE "GCLDBRIXGA." UNITED STATES OF AMKRICA, ) Eastern District of North Caiolina. y Whereas, a Libel hath been filed In the District For New Yorir, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AlTEIi Friday, July 1st, 1881 UNTIL FU11.T1IEU NOT1CJ STR NEW BERNE Will leave, ttiion arrival of train on Norfolk and K.liz:ilii'lh Oily Rmlroad at Elizabeth City, every Monday and Thursday, for New Berno direct. Ketiu nltiB, leaves New Hei ne tin' Elizabeth City direct. very Tuesday iind Friday, nt 2 p. m., making close connection with Norfolk mut Eliz abeth City H. K. for Northern cities. Close con nection made at Washington with company's steamers for Greenville mid all landings on Tar River, and at New Heine with steamers Nense and Coiiteutiiea for Kinston, Folloksville, Trenton ami all lauding on the Neuse ami Trent Rivers. Freight received dailey until (i p. m., l'm-warded promptly ami lowest rates guaranteed todestina tion. E. U. HOBEHTS, Ag't, New Heme, Cl U-KI-PKIi & Tl ltNKIt, Ag'ts, Norfolk, V. A. W. II. Staxkoiu), On'l Fr't Ag't, Mar. 30 ly New Vol k City, A lew barrels of EARLY ROSE SEED POTATOES, For sale at Jf?3. per bbl. cash -at Berry's Drug Store. Parties buying for Cash, can buy DRUGS, GARDEN SEED, Paper and Euvelopes, Paints, Brush es, Glass, Toys, Wall Paper, and many other things at bottom prices at Berry's Drug Store. Apr. 6, ly w MORTGAGE SALE. By virtue of a Mortgage Deed executed by Q. W. Meshnw and Tgenear Meshaw toWm C. Fields, registered on the Mil day ot July 1878 in Book 46 page 6!)S, Registers office of IjPnnir Hardware farming Impliments. " The undei'sioiied beg t call the at ti'iiti n of the farming and building class to tlie fact that we carry a large stock f every thing needed in your line and buying of first hands and in quantities nables us to ell close. We make a speciality of tlie noted Gold and Dia mond plows aud we want every farm er in eastern Carolina to try one, and if they do not exiell any plow you have ever tried return them at our own ex pense and get your money back. To Builders we would say that we cany a full stock of goods needed in your line such as Doors, Sash, Blinds, Nails, LockH, Hinges and everything ueed ed to build or finish a house - with. Carriage makers you can save freights by dealing with us. Wo know what you need and have constantly a ful line of your goods on hand and to all we would respectfully solicit a trial and if we do not treat you right never try us again. ' JONES & YEL.VEKTOJI, Goldsboro N. C. Court of the United Stales of America, for the county, I will sell at the Court House door, In Eastern District of North Carolina at New Jlerne lhe town of Kinsti.n Von Monday, the lr.th on the nth dav of Anril 1882 bv Olark k Clark . . . . of NTow RornA wrin Wlmnn in t.1, citv iwir in behalf of J. A S.bfoeder and J. T. da of May INKS tlie tract ot Hum conveycu in " J r i.. i Yn: u. rty. 1 T..l. U.. TV,. HIT. V,..in ti nA...,u r,P 1 .,,1 I,. T n- corn at this place is 1.15 per busheL.1 for day Or two past, we learn that proctors in behalf ofth Baker Salvage Company, oil.COM,lty adioiiUng the lands of David S. Davis title. plies, or makes an effort to do so, may expect to pay "big prices" for corn, etc; Mrs. Lou.' Lassiter commenced plant ing cotton on Tuesday or Wednesday of this week. , Mrs. Lassiter has been the i ii.. in a Auuua nl nlvaiHi nivil nnH ntArntinn Ntn1 i.ere nas Deen a most extraorainary -" rfivivnl of relie-ion in that nlace. which court, that all nersons Interested with said ves- , , , . , ., . , . sel, her tackle, apparel, furniture cargo laden and nas extended xo several oi me cnyirwien, !,),, and freiKht money, n ay be cited to Terms Cash. Feb. nth, S mo. Win. C. FIELDS, Mortgagee, . i l j. J 1 n . 1 . 1 1 .' i . nrBl, or auoiH m up, Vo fnip a cov- . . . . te t, N t t -,,'rtherein to ap,ar before the aforesaid .. , r". ton blown in this township for the last .f RflV Dr Burk. Court .t New Berne , . th day of April uner IOI Hue, ior tasu or on .m . NewMirlu Railway. Parties representing Northern capital have been looking at and examining into, the- advantages and facilities of New Berne for the establishment of a shipyard and rharjriQ railway on a large spa fpr te Cfifuctipfl of sailing vessels and steamers adapted to our coast, sound and river trade, and for all kinds of marine work and . repairing, to the people of this plaoe, on Wednes- dents, are among those who have made and li such parties are entirely satisfied day nignt, aiiout tne Dau ireaimeni o a proiession oi religion. n u. oiur. nnrl ia atill in nrrnrrpas Tl mmme.tic.en answer the premises, and all due proceedings be- ana is stui in progress, eommencea . ,,.,',,,. ,. nmv be d(ced t0 he ,, in the Baptist Chwrohi where lt effects and tho proceeds thereof distributed according to . . , . . law. Therefore In pursuance of the said liinni- W6Xe most marked and encouraging, tiou under the seal ol Bsid Court to me directed. mir liirla fair nnw to ho pnimllv nrorluo- U l hereby give notice generally unto all persons out mas lair now to pe equany proauo- havn 0.)rt(jndin)5 to bKye aiiy ri(fllti title or Mewbornc & Harper, IvITVSTOIV, TV. J. year or two. If early planting is any , aumberof 1SS2, if it be a Osurt day, or else on the next Court day thereafter at 12 o'clock, noon, tnen and there oV.nTr,lll Ka.mTrtl.oflrQtiroi, ' ' .... . 1 to answer the said Libel and to make tiieir alio' D.b ..... 6 - nrnminunt citizens, includinir several nations In that behalf. r 7 I ll.i.uH u. Afu.ar Himia Ika 7lh iltvnf A nrll ii t r o.:i.u !..!. .,.J .1 !. i.i,t t l,il... " - -i ri jure. vr iu. ouuui iButuiou, m innu, ui hid umroi w mid uihc icwitii i- j jj, V. a. siarsiwi, by David S. ward, Deputy. Clark k Clark. Ellis & Thorn, John Hughes, rroctors KAINIT. ACU PHOSPHATE, PKEMllIM PHOSPHAT1 and LEE'S PJtEPAltED LIME Jan. 5, 3m. TWTncnnn 1 Triof minf inn XU-UDlbOil XUObX UUUlUUs Prof. Vaillant de La Croix, NEW BERNE, N. C. - Has fitted up a 3VEXJSIO ZZkJxjXj - in the ' CLUB HOUSE On u raven street and will De pleas ed to receive Pupils for PIANO and in the ART OP SINGING. j- Term moderate. ' Apply nt the MUSIC HALL or at the CENTRAL HOTEL. , V h ... . . Apr. i, d n