W t'.tmfaiM'Biwy ifci'iH ifih"1" 11 Hit n-ii-ifjiitTri '1 " 'TTH j .. - .fVI " r.-i -it i- e :iihmii. u.m cjvi -nMo.rBi . i -ifir iiiiili rm i ,r - -- - . - -- - .. .- ' , . - , ' m. ll-xg.-".i-lLi.iL.JL : i z3r.-"..i , l. i . 'i. j: 5 i . . . . J i.. .'' i ,'. - ' ' iT 'J it r t NEW BERNE, N. a, AVEDNESt)AY; APRIL 26;: 1882.,. NO. 21. f L'OaVLNWYS.' , ilvri-n- f .-Strawberries Hell at t went y-tive cents "per Quart.-,, '. " i '-. t. i , - i ' . The Guldbriiiga pnso is tirst on docket, : in Cou?t feowlayj f r "' 3 The'keaner 'Kieir fimip eanied out "evenT Surtles yflerilaY." " f i I If, ..&' .f, ! . Eggs retailed from the inarkel stands at 12 rents jierd6i'eimy'.wterday. j I :r The 3r It7; is, still on 'the ways, . rw(viK littii tiiii3ihd-i'-coat of paint. ' ' , j ' . ' We have an Irish potato, raised by Mr;"rteeri(anv Ermif 'of ''this 'county. ,VM-..-.l ; -H.--- I about as large an a walnut. . : Garden peas have dropped to ?f2..0 per " box in New Yorli. 1.7. is paid ' here. Couct rrocc-fdiiis. j f j - , . . .' The Court got fairlv to1 work; on Tues day morning and succeeded in clearing off a lew old cases. " "" ' ' jiiWv case "prC S, PaisoiiB Sons and others vs. Little & Co. in bankruptcy thevs w.is a verdict against defendants. Bryant Outlaw, indicted for selling to bacco without lj.'enco,. plead guilty and was let off on payment of costs. t The case of D. "S. ys, Eli Sanders was the hardest fought; of any during the day. Mr. F'. M. Simmons appearing for defendant' -who' was indicted for illicit distilling in Carteret.- "VVe did. not hear r Mr. fflininon' sp'oerh, but hear it highly romplimented by . some members of the tendent of Public- instruction. . Mr. J. is a graduate of Chapel Hill, and has liad some experience in teaching. Trucking was not engaged in exten sively around here tins year, but those engaged here have been shipping peas for a week or more. The first shipments were very small; it Required two truck ers to fill a box. j The Bridge Committee, who met n week ago, separated without coming to I any .agreement. Abridge is needed for the convenience of the citizens in the upper part of the county, but if it can-,! not be located so as to be of some actual benefit it is useless to build one."'.'"'" months paid over 100 per cent, on the North Carolina in talents, honor, ca- investment, are tolerably good assurance; pnbllity.. and length of service men i of the soundness of the company and ; who will worthily represent , a--.great 1 the richness of the mine.' It is note- stale, in the Halls of Congress, and from j worthy that all of the stock thus far 8lu.h nien we tllillk tllift no,uhiee should subscrmea ror is ny inemuer? t.ue,bei-liKeu.--rtn;it Free Law, jewelry trade and by the. original , owners of the mine, "except a subscrip-1 tion made by one of the business houses of Statesville. j , t i,, ' COMMERCIAL. STATE NEWS. buy Ho ever the .jury paid,! better j 1 Messrs. Biazell, who have, engaged coinpruiieiit ; iii reluriiiiig a verdict of ' or intend to engage in the brick-making "not guilty. " Af i'l The case of TJf S. vs. "Kd ward Taylor f iiiift(ti iop!llliit;4ikilieyea.wath ast. tried, and, the defendant first ap- . 'Mr. Win. Sultan says he sold thirty Jpeaied without counsel, but after, the suits of spring clothing i.u.itw'o days last iase as ow-iied 'vailed m- Mr.-L. S J. week.: 'X'nrefty "go6d Vim even for that . prefty go6n firm. 4 , , : ..ft ::i ! MiMre, U looked like a desperate case Forty-one bales of cotton sold on Mon- iliiv. .TliirtT-ninoof these were sold bv -;E M. F0scetf Esq.V of Jones counfv. at ! H' :ifta! itivniivh. 'l.f i ll i'-.i I . -' :!. .1 K""- ,1 Wit" , The jfewfej-feejiteam tug which as "stbledljie QuUhring(t:i oEjlhe. sand at Moreliead,' is lying at? anchor near the steajerM4ia.5Fs..'jrft'.fr W'iTvt- apfiu .df fendaut butLby sh?er good . luck as much as by Counsel's efforts. which iufiecd Ave hotfi well timed and there was a verdict The General Conference of the M. E. VCnmrch-ofitYi "cbneiies "jit1 KasWille We notice aiitotigthe True Bills found are too against David Morton of Pamlico ior stnaHng post'ifee ' stainp.4 and other articles from the office at Grantsboro; wo bills againt dames HffHatqherjhe next Wednesday. Dr. this city, williattend' ': colored Goldshorn post office embezzler and a.bill each against George Collins, Burkhead. of- J",u f Vwr anu fsa vvauer 01 uen- i!iF f iljlcit distilling, ( . business neaii this placrev purchased a self-prOpMling erigiii' from W. F. Kor- negay & Co. , of Goldsboro. The engine was brought down by road, but when near the place of destination "stuck in the .ihuJ,'''' where remained '"some days, A crowd went out last week to extricate it. with what success I have not learned. ' ' 1 1 t'-i $ Isaac Wooten (col., and ex-J, P. in of not the good 'i) old days wheri J: P.'s were elected by the popula'vote)";' committed to jail for stealing flour from the Joy- ner mill some time ago, arid afterwards bailed, has been taken with a leaving. Isaac took with him his two sons who-i were- taken, in the same, warrant, but discharged for want of evidence. The approach of court, po doubt, affected Isaac's honor and caused him to leave. I n notu'ingt the. depart nrM ; rbm dock of the' 'Treat and Contentnea for the last month, we could not fail to notice the immense amount of fertilizers shipped tUeU- C jf (ft fiqoi ii'K Ann lias worked up an immense trade along , . both Neuso and Trent Iiivers.,nnd nspe cially.in standard fertilizers. . Tlif.reeubarfccrN, (aSton Mi liE,' l?.treet proprietor. : C. M. Willeto, Baltimore; J. W.Long, fiorfolk, at W. II. CapellWeldonr N. b.; 'j' A'.lliggs, Baltimore; KV. t!' Hay deu. Norfolk; II. C. Spencer, Baltimore; J. T. Welds, Hamilton N. C.;H. Brown, HainiUoti N. C f Ef L, Moore, Sparta? i bob es' County items . SKW BKBME ITf ARKKT. f C(VrroN. Middling ! 1H; LoW Slid dling jl: Ciond Ordinary 10; Ordinary 8. Sales of 7 bales at from (Hal lie j Ttrpentink. Yellow dip f3.00, ?5crape ?2.00, Sales at quotations.' Tab Jgl.50 to f 1.75. , , ' 1 ' Rick. $1.10 to ifl.CO. Nothingdoing. ; Corn 97c. iu sacks; 94c. in bulk. 1 Very little in market. 1 Country Produok. Bacon hams 1 12, shoulders 8,-id410; - Lard -13: Mealunlxdted jPLOrij bolted, fl.10; Fresh pork 9c.1 nntl' ;loaiii'U from our. KxcUauieen. Last month an emerald from this mine ! Gn, nM)0Kllflk, We henrso;uft was sold to a Philadelphia mineral col-1 i-t hem capitalists are in the -lty lector for 800. Statexrille Liwilmntk:- ' prospecting Ii.r suitable locations for -! i building cotton factories. We have TlioAmbltloli o. a Poor Boy. ! -j ll0Mj ,lnabu. .h, aet an interview. We have already published some ex-; iIr. j, (;. j)iX()n, jjr. Brooks the J a it A it. a; .1 .1.' 1 At, . i r . i . i irurisinixn ie nitnii univf rwu ut iw j uivtMuur ui iut ear i'oupnr, are now in Fresh pirk 9i' 'ana "10c. Beef Hon. Edwin G.eade, at the laying of , W ashiugtun, workmg np the. interests : staU fed 8 on foot M 6 the corner stone of the new building at , " elu that an at-1 r,,-' M. vjL . i.i i , A i - lonicv. reprcseiiiius lessrs. v, i.L J 1 the Orphan Asyuni,. . ,. ; ; ,,,..,....., - v " MovehPH,l of 10al2c, green r.ic. Beeswax 20e. Cliick- We now give- another extract which j i)UV.an, i.aa m.ult)niiied them. We ens m fi?c. ir niu it dodder 1.40 ner i : :.i a k:.. reieis hi an iuuiiiwimi iiwun u iiih. ,()lie t leir Iliac 11110 mnv nrovpa siieeess. , fat , Said Mr. Reader , ; j , . - Jtenufnrr' Tulevhmei'am: -Rfe. " "Twenty miles West of iKiion a large phon Turner is repairing arid liaintin' i Riwrii d Kxprwsiy for Nw nprw journal, f -i rock, on the side of a mountain, somei the plensine boat Ida, in anticipation of" :7.' a good suinmers's, work. -Mr. Al- DOIHKSTK MARKETS. fifty years ago, two poor boys were cast ing the probabilities ot their future (v(,( jr. (. liadwick, of Straits Township ! Baltimore. April 25.-Flour unchanged Uvea, ; which seemed gloomy enough, j illfomi.s m t,.v, in 1,U .opinion. n0retd quiet; Howard st. a.nd western wnen one 01 uiem sprang up ana , wi. ,M. 1)lnutH, by fnum' in th superttne 3.75; extra TOiO.25; fanv fioncneu. ma .nauuti, anu. ewnuiew wi , ,, r t, . . . ,iy ?B..wa7..ru; City Mills - supertlne rock, and said: -'There is apeg in the o n ' $3.50a4.75; do. extra ?5.00a7.80: Rice Senate of tlie United States for me to!"" ' 1 71Y..; V , lnc ! brands S7.35a7.r0. Wheat - southern hang my hat on, arid I mean todo it." " V" s" n-, ow mg ; 8teatrv and firm: western firmer; Some thirty years thereafter, when iie'i" "". ,"; l " wie se- southern red HH.40al.45: amber who was that bov entered the Senate of the Confederate ,, .States as a member thereof, the first thing that he saw was a large hat-rack with pegs iu it. 4 And he hvfng his hat on : it, and instantly the incident on the mountain rosk flashed across his memory. : And if he were on the mountain rock to-day it would speak to him as plainly as he speaks to you.1.' Granrille Free Ldnce. , a r.o vera hail storm of last Spring. l,nt thinks !at.5r,. o. 2 western winter red spot that peaches -will be plenty. The $1.42al.43i; Corn - southern easier weather has been very favorable so far and dull; western strong; southern for plowing and planting. . :92c.; do; yellow .86k. , , 'anMtboro Meenengeri Mr. II p'l; Baltimork, April 25! Night. Oats' Doi tch. on Saturday last sold a line (lietand lower: southern 55a58c.', weet English setter Tor (250.0t to a "et.tle- if? Uto Wcinixed 34a53c.; Penn man North, also a puppy for 850. - l'JT ev. Israel - Ilartluig. ot Kinston. wi 1 D..n. ..i,. KXu :.i V. , j Maj.rH. L. Grant, Goldsboro ;G. T. Wal UoVaiuUViii. livd cpu'ntyl Miss A. L. JSejit, baturaay, tne twn, is vne nay rtroomeiv Ilvde -co.; J. W. Crowell, C--ft (h hreerfjferakSniIatse 1,. j. L. Brvan, Stonewall: , crowd, from Pitt and the surrounding 1 HenrvKoke. Baltimore: C, F. Dwinele l'--14 ..A'i:"i '- i 1 .,u.1 U -. ..... counues are expecieu luucm nueuu- , 0-v oi k. k . - - iJl ance? Messrs. Harper and Winston, ; representing the Greenback element both of the State and Nation, are en- titled Jo te8pafcfullh1earhig whether one agrees with their theories or not 4;V M i Kinston items., The nomination for Mayor and Town mjnei m' bfffo Mon3ay ; night with the following result: For MayojvWV F. -ptanlyj Cp'mmiHsjpiiers, In looking over the Grand Jury of the I F: Cox. Drt)kthigeii: S.-' If. Abbott Federal Court, now iu session here, weid J. f$. Jtvcksou. , j t,.., j,j ,., see onitth'enameof rjj;.,. Arendell,'jV The "new MayoAfor.'lU nomination and yet the foreman's place is given to is equivalent to an election filled the anotlier .bmhj. t ,Thjt. eutrary to tlte 1 0JMce two, years ago, and, although a usual order of events in this Court, andididlsle for Venbmiuation last year, ..is perhaps to be amounted for from the j wiW. beaten after a sharp truggle by iact-thatthere'lR a-Trevrtleal aTTWoiind tlie present, iue.nnilient. ,.,.Mr. Stanly is a TWPi'lMPe' ft' ftvri'.' fan,wn'a man of untiring energy and of consider. newVoreman. (i'iiblo tinibitionvand he 'who expects tc The Afew Be Wi carried out on Tuesl day' 1696 packages of peas, and, 23 1, of ' CHhbae-es. tnrftins. fish ami esri's. , 0 . i inff vear, DWiDominipp jLinef ve i find that he I thinks it probable that the Sunday ' (.teamer will be withdrawn as he thinks the 'trackers we iA ' Wi ' the benefits for which this third trip was intended, ineIyj-ishB j(y'fqrrijr flifj truck .ers'sothat they may get everything ' ready for "'Eriday's boat when the J ;NeB9rn's(l 4j'aXlJ?-ijM. v'-j-, )v;i- "-" to "sit down on him" in political matters must ever be on the alert aiid sleep with one eye open., W predict a wise and .successful administration for tlie ensu- Miiytr T!oit3 ' H i JamesNtshj c oloreil, was .ftvftiigpei Of tlie Commissioners hot one is a politician, but all are solid business men and represent the best element of Kin ston society., Mr. Cox knows how to !lset 'em up'' if he wanted to, as a his tory of the political times from"' 1868 to 1872 would prove, but he has long since retired from active politics and interests himself only where sonte public good may be gained. s D.. ; Oettinger ; and Sv IL; .Abbott are among the leading Kinston merchants, and tand high with all. Mr. Abbott is literally1 a self-made man,3iaving carved Mr. A. C. Gooding, one of the prac tical, and of course, successful farmers of Cypress Creek, brought several bags of cotton to , Trenton last week. Mr. Jacob Scott, one of the distinguished citizens of Jones county, is quite sick at his residence near this place. Items very scarce. But few people in town last week. Tlie monotony is occasionally, relieved by some one from this and other, counties passing through the place on their way to Dr Haskius seeking relief and information for and concerning their various, nil ments and misfortunes. We are to have a big basket pic-nic four miles below here on the river Wed nesday, May 3rd.'- The Trent' River TransportatioQ Company has kindly of fered one of its steamers to transport the participants from the wharf at this place to the pic-nic grounds. A very enjoyable time is anticipated. All are invited to attend. I notice the farmers on Chinquapin have planted more small grain than in any section of the county, I have been informed that Messrs. J. W. McGowan and Jeff Perrjr have about seventy-five acres each in wheat and oats, also-1 Dr. Whitaker, Mr. W. F Foy and others in that neighborhood have a considerable amount. There is no section of Jones that will not profitably grow small grain, and in fact almost every other crop raised in Eastern North Carolina and I am very 'glad to know that the spirit of diversifying is being more developed every year. Our capitalists are evidently waking up to the importance of manufacturing (1). X.) preach i Snow Hill on Sunday, the 30th in!. , ',oino tll(1 Sunday iu tlie month. Strawberries were sell- C.ifi,,..!.,,. n. Ore i en erpr.Be: Several 0 our citizenn on j Tjio m n Sf.(is011 wiu in . Saturday last organized themselves mtoiefst jn (,0 rouvftp of another week. a joint stock company; with a cash cap-! The approaching entertainment at the ital of 00,000, for the purpose of estab-1 Opera House hj the pupils of the Gra lishingan extensive i-otton seed oil mill '. "led School is exciting an unusual degree tn HnMalvirrt: ' Tl.i m1omnn who have, " HUereresi III lue (pilimiinil V. We ' f, v.. taken hold of this enterprise possess the means and business abilities to make it profitable and successful. They have already secured the services of an expe- ot miPivresi. 111 the doubt, not one of the largest audiences ever assembled in the Opera House will witness the entertainment. fitafifiriUe ' Landmark: During two days of last week one firm in States- rienced superintendent who is now. villc sold '20,000 worth of goods at here, and it will not be long before tlie 1 wnoiesaie. 1 nere seems to ue eon- mills will be in operation. Besides the 1 W T ? ?f? UlC .. . , ; ,, f i horses and cattle. Our Amity Hil enr oll nulls they contemplate the manufac- ri,slunl(1(11, . raeHtion8 Hkkn amonr ture of fertilizers. . We wish them an tho cnttu. , ylis nf.islihorlioo(l. . Mr. abundance of success.. Oil mills yield Arthur Kamsav, ol Davidson township. fine profits elsewhere, and we Hee no j lost a tilly about two weeks ago from reason why this should hot be the case 1 furious and thitherto unseen symptoms; here. We wHrgive tfio nainesof tH6 A- CVS,W "f S,loh, Jmd a . . . mule to die, last week, of a terrible incorporators and. olhcern 111 our next j ,. f. tlistt.n,1)PI. e0Iliniit.,.tftfi .;,, before ths vuut. ;esterdav morniiic' charged withelliiig'siioi'led fish. J 0,,t il" honorable name and a respectable Matilda Spencer swore that she bought fortu,,e "f ulose. of tho war' Mr' a bunch of fiali from Jiiiijast'' Saturday j ! X'i. 1 ..lil 1. T - v.ii10" thai, in a ul.ort iima lm found lmv WUKU l"' nuu' "Hiiougil a oew, they.Vere?Hi)oiled,that ' she 'took tlierf toe..Hto back to Jim wul asked forher nvonev; ?lh,?llTv ;11 m-iw,ne.;can Jim rfoked fun at' fier'aiul toldt.er'to go1 hi "boSB nW-rnb'aa he had monev ! ers who habltaally ,tTew in making plenty t- Mr.l!SmX-& introduced bv j . . " 111 llftli n!- yacivson, is the defendant and his evidence showed 1 8 UV3 self ed.ctod 1and 8cl-nde' I ami is knowniar ami wide ns a safe and that tHphrepit3 that Matilda' was no 'judge at all of the finnv,WBe:rTa',o5nssi:', ndji'nu-nedv '!:lz'':' l ulled Stale Court. i lienoir- county, la f ,,ioiin upright counsellor. Every one knows j that 'Brother JaqlssonJ' will dqi his duty I atall (imesraliu U all pUoei. '- : The only trouble about the Comniis ioifere iithat the-Board alnibst too jretty;weU. i-erire-!. respectable." These good,5 solid" busi- eanfa.1 in rlia1 Ih'tafv.vF 'frnnit nAttr libinrr ness men sometimes, are a, little slack held here? It'will be remeinbered' that about attending to public dutieB, and if 'W. Joiiii.JB slips up only a little it will indicted f foj mwh8liinipvi lover iM Whard to'raise up' grumbling against the" '"Tuckahol' boiintr'y' ielond Kin- tuem- A little wholesome grumbling , ston.-and, to:make hia own. case easier,'! often uoesgood. ' '. v ,f ." U. ': .7.'.. ' ' i ' i, .J 1 " iltiUM ,. i; ,;iurue(j Diaig 8evioeu.oe,-.' anu impu-, 'In oated some j. t.wenty ,'pr ,, thirty , pff. bis neighbors; .;'.S;)nie of the cases are set I L Grange !ttems "1 1 for tr?af this week, hence so lnvtre a l' Kt8 l olo N&JUght daatur- .,.f rowOoru, Leokha:atteuaance i dff " glW ftV? either as. defendants,? ..witnesses M'e ?o JLV ..jiote1 among othertj ihel fullowiAg "who U The weather Vis. iinfavofablei" lleaty are here as witnesses Messrs. Henry aQl K"in Saturday andt Saturday Cunningham' Nathan' llilf, James Her-j night. .Thp.fiuit is BOt'dama'geiimHer I .j jing, J. p. Sutton,,Simpson Harper, DjCif 'tf JtiBjtim. ,r,'..'' -. 'Vi!!ininst F., l. ,H:vrk.ins, Wr,A-.Croom, j Mr. J. Y, , Joyner, one of the principals i'Lemcm Smithv Albert -Millen'Z.iRhodes of the La prunge ..Academy, is acandi- and C, : TavN. ..' l-l . 1 w,nfi-. , date for the office of County Superin- The Kmrrald and Hlddenlte Kfliiiue is ?. -i . . C'ompnny. I . .. j i . Tho Hidden mine in Alexander coun ty has been sold by the original proprie tors, Messrs. Hidden, , Roberts and Yer rington, for ?30,060, and the company purchasing it has been chartered and incorporated, with the name above, under the laws,, of,, the State pfj Ne York, with a capital of $200,000, divided into 2,000 shares of the par value of 1$QQ each. , Jhe 'bfnee Of . the company is 192, Broadway, New York. Mr. J. D Yerrington is President, Mr. R. H Roberts Secretary and Treasurer, and Mr. W. E. Hidden Superintendent and Manager at the mine. The company has a board of seven trustees and an executive committee of three members Thepriginal pwners invested the entire amount hey had received' for the mine in its stock, purchasing 1,200 shares at 5 pef .sharia.. At .this date over 1,600 shares of the total S.UOU have been sold and the remaining shares are offered at $25 in lots to kult purchasers. The above facts were gathered from Mr. Hidden who,, after spending the winter in New Ybrk, passed through Statesville last week, returning to the mine, wijere operations nave aireaay been resumed upon a larger scale than iver.i Twenty handslare now at work and the number will be increased as tlie season advances During tlie year there will be expended at the mine many thousands of dollars and as this money will, for the most part, come into the hands: tof ou t merchants it; is thought that they feel sufficient interest in the enterprise to induca then! to' subscribe for a few shares of, the company. Tlie t - I J 1 . -, r j 1 fact that the original owners have re invested in their own scheme, and the issue. (loUhboro Mesxenger. The surviving members and officers of .Company, E, 2Ah Regiment, N. C. Troops, "Lone Star Boys," will have a reunion at Smithfield on tho Academy green (where they organized twenty one years ago) , on the 31st day of May, 1882. : All the members arc especially invited to attend, i Their friends will be . expected and all are cordially invited. Good speakers will be on hand, and Gen. Robt. Ransom, our old and tried general, will be expected to meet us. The old members are requested to meet the evening previous to arrange a pro gramme for the following day. Come one, come all, and let's have a jolly time, and let the old 'county know that we are not all dead yet, and if need be can fight more. Goldsboro Messenger, Tlie Member at Large-Claims of tlie Second iDisli ict., Without any ilispavagcmcnl to the claims of the West and Centre, we are frank' to admit: that this Congressman' at large should come Irmh1 thb ' Second District. The .great counties; 'conyposhig that diatriej, jl'or years have been Mifi'crjng all the evils of negro rule. The Democra cy of that District have loia lon .num ber of years been battling bravely for further fact that the mine has for 18 what Sharpe thinks may have been pink-eye.; and last Sunday night Mr. D. F. Jenkins, of this place, lost a horse. What with thievery and disease stock owners are having n rough time of it this season. II it. L'tvicw: Mrs. Smith, the Mormon emissarry, who lectured here on Monday night last on "Injuns," got "busted" and lett several little unpaid bills behind her. A large and very handsome saw mill is being built at Black Creek, on the W. & W. It. R., Cor Messrs. J. W., 11. J. & It. R. Tay lor, with the latter gentleman as man ager. The mill will have a capacity of 30,000 feet per day. In addition to the saw mill will be a planing mill and grist mill. A railroad of about ten miles and a half in length, running through a fine original forest. h?.s beeu surveyed. Three miles and : half of the road have been graded and the ties were laid on Friday? , The rails will be placed in po sition as fast as the ties are laid. ' A I handsome new engine, the E. J. Tay- I lor," has been purchased and will be I 1.. i., 1 ... 4 1 rciiu.v 10 or. juit 011 iui; iuu;iv us soon as the rails are laid. We wish the gentle men all success iu their enterprise. Morning Star: Mr. J. W.Barnes, the truck gardener, shipped three bar rels of cauliflower to New . York last week, which was the first shipment of this article ever made irorn this section, so far as is known. It is used for pickling purposes. Steamboatmen re port that the -remains of a drowned man have been noticed for nearly . two 1 Bulk meats clear rib sides packed Bjailic. Kacon shoulders twe; clear rib sides 124c.;- hams 12Jc. Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair, 8ja9ic. Sugar quiet: A soft iOc. Whisky firm att.224al.23. ; , w , I New York, April 25, Cotton Net receipts 240 bales; gross 3,889 bales. Futures closed steady; sales 117,000 bales. April 12 18al2 19: May 12 18a 12 19: June 12 33: July 12 46al2 47; August 12 61a12 62: September 12 21; October 11 59aU 01; November 11 40a 11 41; December 11 41all 42; January . 11 .Wall '54. ' ' New York, April 25. Cotton quiet; sales 234 bales, Uplands 12ic.; Or leans 12Jc. Consolidated net receipts 5,649; exports to Great Britain 8,123; to France 3,636. , . Coffee very dull.' prices somewhat nominal and unchanged. . Sugar dull and nominal; fair to good refining 74a 73c. ; refined easier and quiet. Molasses ' quiet and steady Rice firm and demand fair. Rosin firm at $2.47.524. Tur pentine higher and; strong at 56c. J"WooI dull and declining: domestic fleece 33a 48c; Texas 14a29cJ -Pork fairly .active at $17.37ial7.50; old 18.2oal8.40; new prime at $18; middles dull and prices nominal, as last Quoted. Lard opened 5c. higher, strong, but afterwards lost advance and fell on 74al0c., closing heavy and unsettled' at $11.40; May $11.274all.40; refined quoted at$ll.40. Chicago, April 25. Corn buoyant and unsettled, closing at 72c. .for cash and April; 72-a724c. for May. Pork fairly active and a shade higher and ir regular at $18 for cash, April and May. Wilmington, April 25. Spirits of tur pentine firm at 51c. Rosin steady; strained $1.85; good strained, $1.90. Tar firm at $2.00. Crude turpentine steady at ' $2.00 for hard; $8,50 for yellow dip, and $3.50 for virgin new. Corn, unchanged; .prime .bjte $1.01; mixed 92c.'- 1 .' s ' ' . Cotton Market. April 25.-rGalveston, lit; . Norfolk lit ; Baltimore, 111 ; Boston, 12 ; Wilmington, It 5-16; Philadelphia, 11 f; Savannah,- 111? New Orleans, lH;!Mo bile, 114; Memphis, 111; Augusta, ill; Charleston, ili. ( jr.. . ...... I.w.- l...l.., 1-. u it m i.-i.,U' .. .:!.' ...... ..i . ( inoiiiiiis imnt .l""!1 , awuaiusou, u.e mum, -1 about nine mis 4ip the Cape Fear riv- l'1' V , , FOREIGN ?IARKETS. JiLivERPOOL, April 25 Noon. Cotton in fair demand and. freely met at pre- - vious pricesr uplands 6 11-16; Orleans- 64; sales I2,uuu bales; speculation ana export 2,000; receipts 4,600; American 2.900. " 4 - : i " ' - " ' ! ' Milliiierv. their services, and none of the benefits which have followed the efi'orts of theparty in othei,seeliots. Tey have ever been true to party al legiance and "party ' discipline in' the faceofodds-wldcU: would Jjave, seemed overwhelming to men of less truer steel. Election lifter electioif "thVf httve'nligied their ranks with; the steadiness of ve terans and marched to the fight with theure kijftwltdgetaijinghem in . the face that twf wcrc'fn reap tione of ''the fruits of victory whudi 1, to Jhe share of their more fortunate brethren in oth er se'cfWnVVif the Statin' - .- .. Overrun by enormpiis negro .major ities'r with'noiiope of c-lerttagrcTPirtheir emmfy cersiW j)ftver: and im-1 der all tltsaavanfage'S Kept tip tluir par ty organization, and never l.ave they proVeii false tohiity!ohlia'tlous. ETiii;Se Jonputinyed, eacrilires and, I pn tnotUj .flprt8 einan jSouk;. recogni tion n.ttha lands.qthe Democratic party, uow that it is within ;tho power of the " party to , niiike f-udh recogni tion. ,.i -; - -' ;' 'Mie Secohfl 'District e'anl boast within its limits Democrats the peer of any in I hand. ev, uud supposed to be on Brunswick county territory. The legs are hang ing over a log, with the head down, and decomposition has so far progressed, coupled with the ravages' of ' birds of preyy that ili' would ' e impossible ; to lorm any idea as to whether -tlie1 bold is. that of a white or colored man. .-?-From, present, indications, fruit will be uuusually abundah t 1 in this immediate section. r Tho ., receipts of cotton during the week ending yesterday" footed up 839 bales,- as against' 218"; bales for tlie,cOiTcspontliug week last yeai'. : Cnpt. Perry's SmithvilltC hmtSro is- to be know n-a Ul!'"H Mr. JJnuisVick, " in .'honor-of o6r slslcr county, and it is sug gested that 'Brunsw Wk-SUwiLhe made . a promiuent featrrr(v- of thewiing'day 11 or .fare. i l- .S '..'' i WAS New SpmgMUlEefe r HAVE AltBIVED, , :! , ,: - . ... And are now tpen 'for inspection1 and -.1 1 ' i,) j'';?!,'-!..-1 arO'tni-'i ,'!;, (.;.; CHEAPER THAN EVER.! f!,She is still, able to attend to Cus tom work; " '""A "' April 18-lm AI.EX MILLER; CITY ITEMS. 1. " WHOLESALE & RETAILv GROCER, "Tnis column, next td local uew, to be ased fur Local Advertising. ,i v 1 We will sell at public auction to-day in front of. our Sales Roouri qnj South" Front street, next door, to' tne Gaston House at 12 o'clock, 25 bales of hay. ', It ' Watson & Street. The-Journal office is now prepared to do Job Work, A,f,ulls,upply of Blank Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, Lien Bonds and Magistrate s Blanks . always on i 1 ! ; wMwwHw.' miii lit Constantly receivings full - lineu.r-u j Choice Grrotee'riies' Aili if.?.-', i-::?"..! '',fV i'v-i if.. ..';'-.-- ... , ana-; .... FARMERS'. 1 -4tMrm t which jwe ojTer Jlovjr. -any ;hoij?e in the uity, and warrant, all goods as rrp ett.telijiKi.. I' fcmt?t.-Jiii; - : a Call and r examine v onostockuiand prl(e stables fumisl4 ftet.to all tmr Goods Adivcnm five to any thaWtV:- vo. .!(. .-.-(? ,Arl- v. y I of ; . ' ''.-, aprlQ-St t'12 1 Wl'feD.1 eL: Hto.;r.u to; ?u:ii j

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