THE DAILY JOUANAL, a Si column paper, piblished daily except on Monday, at HOOper yar, 3.00 tor til month,. Del"d lo ciiy ..Wribr at 60 oenU pr month. THE NEW BERNE JOURNAL,? colnmn paper, U published every Thursday at 2-u0 annum. ADVERTISING KATKS (DAILY) On Inch nnv So mu: oe week. W.0O! one month, M.0O; thraonth,10.C0; .is month., 1MKI; j twelve moams. AdvertUeraenta under head of "City Item. 10 cent per line for each Inaertion No adrertUemftntu will be Inaerted between Local Matter at any price. - ( Notice, of Marriage, or Death., not lo exceed ten line, .will be uwerted free.. All additional matter will be charged 10 eent. per line, Payment for transient advcrttoements must ?l!XZZZTZ:to convictions i of month, t t -: x - Comnnnication. containing new. or a dlecus sion of local matter, are elicited. No comnmnl cation must expect to be published that contains ..hJectlonaMe personalities; withholds the name of the author ; or that will make- more than one column of this paper. ;the journal. NEW BERNE, N. C APRIL 28, 1882. Utah's Delegate. The national Home of Representa tives 'has by a yery decided vote denied . the chosen delegate from tftah, Mr. George Q. Cannon, a seat in that body, basing its decision ou his practice of polygamy. Most of the Democratic members supported his claims on the ground that he had a right to the place under the Coiisti tution, while the other side of the House opposed him on moral consid erations some going so far as to assert tbat they would oppose his admission even though the Constitution was plainly in his favor. The position of a Delegate from a Territory is a peculiar one. The Constitution made no provision for . such cases for there were no Territo ries in existence in 1787, and when the new country commenced settling up Congress provided by suitable legislation for a quasi representation in the Uouse of Representatives. . Section I860, 1862 of tin Jtevise'd Statutes provides in eflect tbat the Territories may elect Delegates and that said Delegates shall have a seat in the House of Representatives, with I the tight of derating but not of vo ting. , .:., - : '- : Under this law Utah Territory was organized in 1850 and one Bemhinel, polygamist, was elected Delegate 4 and sat In the House for sixteen years. From 1866 to 1873 Wm. H. Hooper, another polygamist, tilled ' this position, and was succeeded in 1873 by George Q. Cannon, who has been, re-elected from time to time and held his seat up to the present Congresp, who refuse him admission solely on the ground of his abundance of wives, although he has had the same ' encumbrance for over thirty years. x ' ;':v - The ion has no reference in it to polygamy, and up to 1862 it was no crime in this country except where it ran counter to State laws. In 1862 Congress declared it was a crime and since that time the Mor , mans have had to fight prosecutions ; in the United States Courts. ' But still there was no prohibition as to the eligibility of Delegates until the anti polygamy bill passed by the present Congress went into operation. The case of Cannon, his advocates declare, will not come under this bill since he was elected before the pas sage of the act. On the other hand it is urged by some that the House ol Representa tives has a right to reject him on per sonal grounds. An idiot or a mad man would not be entitled to mem bership though duly elected and possessing all the constitutional qualifications. Admission would be denied a person infected with any contagious disease. Should a member-elect, after he was chosen, be arrested and convicted of some infa mous offense, punishable by imprison ment in the State prison, it would be admitted that it would be within the constitutional power of the House to refuse him admission. In 1870 B. F. Whittemore, a mem ber of Congress from South Carolina was charged with selling a cadelship in violation of law. He admitted the charge, was about to be expelled, but resigned in time to oust the House of Representatives of any jurisdiction to expel. A new election was ordered, and Whittemore was returned a mem ber. to the Congress in which he com- tuitlai the oSense. - The House refjcn i to receive him by a vote of lC3to2t. f o iu this Utah caso, Cannon comes admits ce of a of the that he is living iu .& practice great crime against tbe laws United States, and justifies and seeks j ...... .til 1 to shield nimseit u niter, tnac oroau mantle of religious toleration beneath which all religions of this country have ever fonnd the amplest shelter, gjy R be excused who claims tbat he acted under diviae in- . spiration? Then Guitenu should 'Du given high position rather tba'.j a felon's cell. Shall a thief or bo Jy of thieves be justified who would pre- enj jjave religious I IghtS ftnd COIL their calling? The voice of the civilized world is united in declaring polygamy mi infa mous crime, deserving of a felon's cell, und the American people have long enough endured the shame of having seated in their liig-h council a man who offends public decency, dis turbs social order, defies au thority, and outrages the mural sense of all Christendom. We add an extract from Cannon's speech before the Holise. Ho pre sents his side of the quest.on very forcibly because the practice of Chris tendom does not come up to its I theory; because the Jives of civilized society are stained by moral crimes as great as is charged agnin&t the j Morniang. He says: j "Why should I stand here and be I assailed, abused, and denounced as It have been for lechery, because of mar rying wives i Was it necessary that wives should be taken to gratify sensu ality ? I have no need to take any wife to accomplish that. I have no need to take to myself the burden and responsi bility of a family for that purpose. The people 1 represent would not need lo be kept out of the Union (that being, we are told, the great reason that Utah has not sooner been admitted as one of the States) it the motives which have been attributed to tlieni on this floor were the ones which have prompted them to I contract marriages. There would be ! no necessity to place themselves in such a peculiar position if the gratification of i passion were, as alleged, the sole ob ject. What, then, is it 'Mr. Speaker, the people of Utah have profound convictions concerning many things. .'They have left their homes more than once for the sake of religion, and have been forced to make themselves new homes in a distaut land. Marriage is an institution concerning which they have strong convictions. It may be said that this is not religion; but whether it is or not,.- they believe it to be religion . The Catholic has ideas as to what is religion. Tho Episcopalian has his ideas also upon the same subject, so with the Presby terians, tho Methodists, the Uaptists. the Quakers, the Unitarians, and oth ers; and who shall decide, until the great day when men shall be judged and rewarded or punished for the deeds done in the body, between them ? "My constituents believe that God lias given a command concerning mar-, riagc and that He never gives a com mand without an object, and that object in this instance is to redeem the human family from the terrible evils und which in modern society it groans. It may be asked how redeem them? We answer by making marriage honorable; by uplifting it, by elevating it above its present condition by giving every wom an an opportunity to be a wife and moth er. To cut off opportunity for prostitu tion and concubinage, and to leave no margin for lust to prey upon. It may be said that the sexes are so evenly di vided that there is not sufficient dispar-1 ity between their numbers to justify the j adoption of such a punciple. J "The people of Utah do not believe that plural marriage ought to be or can be universal. In Utah itself it is not possible, for the males outnumber the females. But give every woman the opportunity to marry, punish fornication and adultery, and what woman would occupy an illicit relation with the other sex? The people of Utah believe that at the present time marriage is falling into desuetude, and in consequence cor. ruption is spreading over the land. And we have felt that the country was big enough to allow us in far-oft" Utah, not interfering with others, not forcing our I views upon others, to test the eflect of the patriarchial system of marriage in j in checking the tide of vice and prevent- i 1-1.. .1 o :i i i i inff tlifl Rnrprifl nf evila wliiili itirwWn lol$rse Us lwwerl ! "I shall not allude to it from a serin-! tural stand-point. I may say, however, I that so far as the condemnation of the I world is concerned we are willins to be ! placed on the same plane with Abra ham. And when we pray to go to Abraham's bosom we expect ho will not look upon us as aliens or Jaw-breakers; and when we pray to go to the New Jeruselem over each of whose twelve gates is written the name of each one of the twelve patriarchs, the sons of Jacob, we expect when we pass through those states wc shall not be ashamed to he knowu for what wc arc. before Congress and openly admits 9 m f . r 1 . kli connissioN fJEercIi ant . r t i ' Consignments of Grain, Cotton, and other ' PRODUCE SOIjIOITED i r. PEOlfPT ATTENTION GUAEA E WHOLESALE ANN ItlSTAI L DEALER IN General Merchandise. Try CJoodi, IVotionw, H A. T S, BOOTS AND SHOES. , GROCERIES: OF ALL KINDS Pork, Bacon, Flour Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Syrup and MOLASSES. 1 ' .SNUFF and TOBACCO. II A IM) W A It E SUCH AS Spades, Shovels, Hoes, Axes, Nails Plow Traces Hames, &c. &c. v Fanner's Supplies G B NERALLY -A LSO- MOTT'S SWEET CIDER, THE BEST MADE, CONSTANTLY IN STOCK Prices low for cash. Satisfaction guaranteed. Highest casli prices paid for country Produce. I ,x. ar Call ami see me. North West corner : SOOTH mOHTTA KIDDLE Streets, NEW BERNE, N. G. Mar. 30, lyw Furniture F. BCESSER has been iu the business, for the last F U LINSTOCK ALWAYS ON HANI) Give Ixlxia. a, Trial ' Corner of Broad and Middle Streets, NEW I1ERNE, X. C. Mar.SO.Omw NOW OPEN AT Weinstein Building, A FULL STOCK OF SPR1NO AND ' '. If - SUMMER GOODS CONSISTING OF .Ladies'- Fancy Goods, ; Mens' and Jioys' Clothing-, Itoots and Shoes, ' ' ' Hats of the Latest Styles, Notions, Trunks and satoliels,' Carpets, Itngs and Mattings, Ladies' Ulsters and .Shawls, r A COMPLETE STOCK OF "" " GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. WHICH WILL HE SOLD CHEAP AT WM. SULTAN & CO.'S. April l-diw-ly. ROBERTS & BROS - ' - Keep on hand a full line of XZootm, Shoos Xi-y , , Goods, Or ooliory NOTIONS . AND A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF, FA M I L Y GROCERIES. OH on iw.lieforH making your tmrrhnsos,. at i Fontli .Frojil St. near Onton Hoiiso. Miir.:m,1y j SMALL PROFITS AND QI'IPK SALES. HAGKOURN BROTHERS, WIIOlKSA LK t- ItETAI L : L GROCERS v Corner Broad and Queen Streets, NEW BERNE, N. C. JOBEiiES OP-"' LORILLARD'S SNUFFS AND TOBACCOS- Afar. 30, 1 y w WILLIAM L0R0H ; , . 1 , , KF.ALKU IN. . - ' GENERAL MERCHANDISE CART HOUSE ACCOMMODATIONS. '; ; Urnnil St. -w Bvrui, N. .', lr. :m, 1 ) I). W. IIPRTT, MERCHANT TAILOR. oUl N rr A N D, . MIDDLE STREET, New Berae, N, C. Mar. .".0, dm - ' ,' EASTERN MIRTH nUUM MAltBLE W011KS MONUMENTS, TOMBS, ALL KINDS (iKAVK AND I'.UILD- 1XO WOKX IX ITALIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention - and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K.WILLIS, ' , ; Proprietor, (Successor (o (Jeorgc W. C'laypoolc)' Cor. BEO AD & CRAVEN Sts. New Berne,N. C. Mar. 30. lv T.i. mm, LARGKST AND OI.DKST . WHOLESALE H 0 U S E IN THE CITY Keeps always in Stock in Larpe Quantities PORK, " LONG CLEARS, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFKE. SYRUP, MOIiASKS, SALTete Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snuff, .' also A LARGE STOCK OF T 0.;,r:A,C C 0, f .f-,i-;-'-f, ,., . i! ,! ' I . -;' .i .-,1 J,. t It. vt .,' i: i . . -,,,,( iii.-ijt: , "DRY GOODS, BOOTS, A ;'rx;';;:'Vs li: o:k hS'I Arbuckle's Ariosa Roasted CRACKERS AND CAKES in great variety. , x i ' ' A'lilrgo Slock of - : " "-. VyiiXf'f.ii''ri-: .WtiV 'xXi!4 .xi-nf-'- NOTIONS nnrl llORIEItV ,xi -:4t ik" f '!' .'1 -H'lily m-lb i'-xiuHX '-.Wliolpsiilo buyers will find a' lai'jje STOCK mid Uio. Lowest prices. Don't fiiil'to sec mo before yon lmy -J ;'' X''.f:5ri'X ;. ,xxX;-!"( :,x.x MIDDLE St. How Eerney M. 0. Mar. y; ' ' . . nil 80. iienco ... .' n 3! 1 TT TH t. U CO. I NEWBEME, N.C. . " DEALERS TN ' ',.'.' AfiilCULTUBAL IMPLEMENTS, FARM MA0HINEEY, FERTILIZERS, AO'R LIME, A N l-r- - BONE KATNIT Call and examine our NEW LABOR SAVING Sweeps, Harrows CULTIA'ATORS. THE ALLEN Cotton, Corn, and Eice wil enable a Man with one mule to cultivate eight "acres per day I'rices very kw for cash or' approved GEO. ALLEN & co, Mar. 30, 1 y dw , .,, JAMES REDMOND, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEAL E R BERGENER and ENOEL'S cetj:brati:d , -BOTTLED' , , Lager Mti i FOR SALE BY THE CRATE. Also on hand a Full Stock of Groceries; PROVISIONS, ; CIGARS AND. TOBACCO. Ojhmi Trout Brick Store, , . New Jern(VvN C m mm V kM , If. lEIi 35 jrmft imW y , MARfcET WHARF, NEW BERNE, N. 0. ' 1 , Also keopson lmiKl full Hue of ropes And twines, SPIKES, NAIL, CANVASS, ' AND ALL KINDS ' j SHIP CIIANDELRY, PAINTS, 0IL3 and BIIUSHE3: :l u. s. April l-w Bm. - : ,- , rjQIIN DUNN, ! MANUFACTURER OF . And Wholesale and Retail Dealer la Steam refined Confectionery. CANDIES, FRESH & CANNED FBUITS, .Crackers and Cakes, , CIGARS; I And all Kinds of Chil.lren's TOYS WAGONS &0.&C. POLLOCK St, Apr 13, ly w New Berne, N. C. S. II. SCOTT, NEW BEENE N. C, , , WHOLESALE AKD DETAIL EEA1ES ' oknebAl mkrciiandisk! ! - STOP AT H ' THE BONITZ HOTEL Ooldsboro, K. C. MKAI.S ANIH()o'jjS 5 KA('II.' J ':Xv;:;.lj.vxxx!i:iiix-'.,y,,i'- First class fare and the best hecommo dation. ' Good rooiiiR for oommercial travellers. ' x ,r ' i !.'"! "-: , (SUBSCRIBE FOR THE . NEW ; BERNE , JOURNAL, , LATEST.NEWS .-. BY TELEGRAPH. ;': i'.:-,'r,-.i',-.-!-i.Airi';'. Subscription Rats DAILY JOURNAL one year, : $6.00 " x . " . one month, , . ,',.50 WEEKLY JOURNAL one year, $2.00 XJf i- -.' 'X,X (i ' ' aix monthf,' 1.00 " three months . .60 Jon woiiK - SOLICITED. Address JOUUNAh OFFICE, .New Berne, ST., C. Mewbornc & Harper, OUcr for sale, for cash or on time: : KAIKIT, , ' ACI1 PHOSPHATE, PREMIUM PHOSPHATE xx: x-v fini ;;;';;x :Hl'i''r.:t' Jan. 5, 3m. ' .. " Ferdinand Ulrich; -DEALER IN- x GROCERIES &DRY GOODS HOOTS, SHOES, HATS,! Ropes, Twines; Paints Oils Can- " vass, and Oakum. The place to buy GltAIN SACKS fn nny quantity nhd 1 LORILLAHl) SNUFF , Orders taken for ! ' 1 - x NRTS and SEINES. Foot of Middle street,' ' ' , ,:: ' "HIT. M, 1 y i , ,-. i. MORTGAGE SAJ.H. n vJ TL nw and U(finear Uvshnw 1 tnWm Jfrnu Ciisli. , Wm. r BiTr nt ' TONSOIUAL.. rto mi fBihlonnbleworit requlwd rtt A Rarbw line 2-tf. x '-" ". W Horner :; School;; xx.;x rot- iUMx;..--.i.i--:,,5Hx(,;-,;.tn.s,,x The next session or this sehool will beRin the second Monday in January t or circular giving t('rms and o'thir particulars, apply to tho prWSur.K '" ' j. ii, &.i.c. iiO.;.Ni::u Jan, 1, ly. -

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