THE JOURNAL, ft'i:, N. C-Upril 1883'. Hourn.. I Mourn not loi them that mourn For fin', kwn arrow, with its ranklinj smart Clod's hand can biud again what He hath torn He heala the broken heart. , ' But weep for him whose eye See in the midnight skies a tarry dome, Thick sown with worlds that whirl and 'hurry . '), ' i. ? :' , V , Yet give the heart no home- r'r ; . . , , ,Who marki through earth and space , A strange, dumb pagennt pass a vacant shrine, And feels within his inmost soul a place . I'nfllledby'theDirine1. - OeniiiH and Laziness. ,Hi!7;; uu .i, : adoui an iooiiBa a notion as can i J : . it . iL i iug nofii ui tuo ueua oi a young man k the idea that he a genius, and, therefore, industry is not neces-' eary to his success. ilJThe example af Sheridan, who unl tea in mmselt tbe endowments of three extraordinary men, being a wit, a dramatiHt and an orator, is not tin- ,.jfreqtly mentioned as supporting this notion. , 4 . ; ; Sheridan was a genius,' and he was lazy. , flis , indolence, however, to- get be r With bis dissipated and pfodi ' gal habits -the three are natural as sociatesrFeighte.d,him so . heavily in life's race; that it was only now and then he appeared among the foremost. He never reached the goal; Even these appearances were due w naru wont, io ' wnicn lie was 6purred by the necessities of the oc casion or the protests of his friends. 'You know I am an iguoranious.' he would say to political associates, when they urged him to make a speech on some important measure before the House of Commons, 'but instruct me, and 1 11 dd my lest.' f tThey would cram him with infor-1 matidn, . which Ihis, 'quick intellect mastered and arranged. Then he would prepare a speech, writing the inore; brilliant parts two or three times over. ' The greatest speech of his life was , that which he delivered in the House of Commons, against Warren Hast ings, on the question whether he should be impeached for his conduct while Governor-General of India. The best orators and critics placed it above ..' all ancient and modern speeches. Logan, one of Hastings' defenders, - said to a friend, after Sheridan had spoken for an hour; 'All this is de clamatory assertion without proof.' 'A wonderful oration 1' he muttered, when the orator had consumed anoth- . er hour. ' : 'Mr. Hastings has acted very un justifiably, 'was his confession, at the end of the third hour. I . jThe fourth hour drew from him " the indignant assertion, 'Mr. Hastings is a most atrocious criminal I 'i'he orator went on, and just as he was concluding he spoke five and a half hours Logan exclaimed, 'Of all monsters, tbe most enormous is War ren' Hastings l' : ' v ,It is luotjt range, that J. Pitt, at the conclusion of the speech, moved an . adjournment to give the House time 'to collect .it reason,' Of course, it was the product of a, gefljUB, who was a-6atural oratori 'But genius had been hard at work for days, prepar ing with felaborafe pare even the pet tiest details of the wonderful oration. , ': ,f Our Country 'Suspicions . ;f The country people of England are suspicions of what they do not luuy 'understand. " 5 'An amusing illustra- tioti of this habit was eiven to the rector of a parish ' in Sussex, on the occasion of his marriage. ' His parishioners were kind enough -to make him a handsome present, the buui being made up, by subscription. . Some time 'afterwards, he was sur prised and . amused to learn that current criticism said it was 'a cu a can una thin i ' that fou t ' liarson couldn't . get married withdut sending the hat round lor money to pay nis weuuiug expenses.'' The parson, being a ' a wise man, ue AactA from the criticism an addition 1, argument for the utrncst publicity in all money; matters in which he and 'iWnnriah were both interested. . ; 'Ah, ma"affl;?aid an incredulous cottager to a lady, a district visitor, 'm son has been un to the" North "iPoIe: he tella me some things that . rpallv can't believe, though he is my . "wn7rte1Wmnim;1lh he haB seen with his owu eyes 'ice bugs' as big as k churcU f?. , ,. , The storr'may recall one which ' weut ' floating ' through the ' papers some, thirty years g- oldwom- m. Wliofimiited'ci'edulitv.aiid,; incre- - idulity in her'boytwol. fought,' had usTirtr'iWn'wOnUe. when home ha told his mother 'of ''ti.fl tftfiriff fish he; had seen; ' 'Toi 4 aim roi.iiAii BMerelv. 'vour mither never brought you up to tell lies.' v' Well, iiiother,' said the graceless W, knowing thtj old lady's habit of iiiintlwe once anchored hi the riied 8ejw..The next day,: on hauling ' np ihe anchor, "we found it unusually heavy ! Judge 6f our Burpriser when we got it above water, to see hanging from one of the Hukes one of Phara oh's chaiiot wheels.'" 1 .... There, I can believe that, my son, for the T'lh tolls us nil about that v i 'i!lh"; tains'. drowned in the Jled ea, but don't tell your mother any lies about Hvintr fisli for she wont believe mcli stuff" : - A more singular instance of per versity in belief was that related of Dr. J hnson, who, when informed of the awful Lisbon earthquake, pooh poohed at it as absurd but he firmly believed in the Cock lane ghost story. But Dr. Johnson, for a man of learning, was remarkably supersti tious; and it is u peculiarity of such people to disbelieve the causes of or dinary natural phenomena, while they have no hesitation in eivine credence to the wildest stories of a supernatural character. It is for this reason, in a great measure, that what is callej 'Spiritualism' has de veloped so largely in modern times. Its believers are mostly among peo ple of limited education. L. H. CUTLER, DEALER IN ST 0 V E S AND Hardware , t'. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Pninta, Oils, Hasli, Poors, Blinds Ac Ac Ko- 26. UEDLE St- Apr. 12, ly d New Berne. N. C. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA 1- Probate Court. CnATKN Cot'XTY, Js. 0. Harrison, Adm'r vs. the heirs at law of Betsy Brown, dee d. To MAOciatx Mooiik, one of the defendant in aoove entitled proceeding: You are hereby required to auuear before the Probate Court of Craven county on Saturday, June !Mth, 1SS2, and answerer demur to the com plaint in the above entitled proceeding, which is instituted to sell the land of the intestate, Betsy Brown, to make assets for thepaymeni of debts. K. W. C AKfKN TEK, Clerk Superior Court of Craven county. April Slst, 1RS2-4W The'N.C. Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE," and all points IVortli andWest SKM I-WEEKT.Y ST E A M E H S Between New Berne and Baltimore, ' (TouchlnK at Norfolk) Weekly Line to Moreheiul City Lieavine Ntw-Bevnaiox JJaltimareJlJESBAYi and FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leave Baltimore for New Berne WEDNKSD AYS dud SATURDAY'S at 6. p.m. Leave New York for Morehead every THl'RS DAY at 3 p. m. from Pier 34 Kat River. Agents are as follews: REUBEN FOSTKR, Gen'l Jlanager, ; 90LightSt., Bal't. Md. JAS..W. McCARRICK, kg't. Norfolk, Va. W. P. Clyde & Co., Philadelphia, is tsonin Wharves. W. P. Clyde k Co. Pier No. 7, N. R. New York. H. L. Chapman, Solicitor.- E. Sampson, Boston, S3 Central wharf. K. H. Rockwell, Providence R. I. D. C. Mink, Fall River, Derrick wharf. Ohlps leave-Boston, Tuesdays and. .Satnrdays. " '' New York every day except Sunday. ' " " Baltimore, Wednesdays and Saturdays " " Fall River, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. rrovwence, taiuraay. Through bills lading given, and rates Ktmran eefl to all points, at the different offices of the companies. Avoid breakhge of bulk hnd ship via K. u Xiine Mar 30 ly. S. H. GRAY, Ag't, New Berne, N C. O. ": XT. " O. OPEX AT "PEEP O' DAY," ' ' 'And Don't You Forget It," THAT E. : WHITMAN'S EYE OPENERS "ARE JTNEXCELDEP. Middle Street, near Corner South Front, . NEVr BERNE, N. ('. Next door to K. R. Jones'. . -Apr. 13-d &w 12 m. , FOR SALE. W. Z HOTJUTIIBB U receiving by every itenmer, and oflering for alf nt tlte very Inrire id Rllra.-llve stoi K ot the bent FAMILY GROCERIES r AND PROVISIONS. ; ALSO A NICE LINE OK ' DEY GOODS, SHOES, NOTIONS, , WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, &c ' ' POn'T FAIL TO TALL AND SEE HtM. '" GOOD STTGAB CUSSB HEAT. SUTTES. LAUD. FL07IL SUSAS1 COFFES and TEAS. Middle Street, Mar. 3M-ly. Near tiik Market. ATTORNEY A Office on C.aven street, north of M. Preg's Dry Goods Store, will practice in the counties of Jones, Onslow, Pamlico and Lenoir Prompt and special attention paid to the -col lection of North- era claims m any part ot Nortn-varoiina. Ma nwell & Crabtree BLACKSM ITHS, MAC Hi N IST8, Iron mid Brass Founders -AND- v '.. BOILER MAE EES. IffAKR AND REPAIR K N (i INKS AND ALL KINDS OF MACHINERY. Orders solicited and promptly attendel to. CUAVENSt, between Pollock aud South Front, New Berne, N. C. Apr. 4, If d M. H. SULTAN, LOW PRICES MUST RULE MY MOTTO GOOD QUALITIES, THE UfcSsT AND NEWEST STYLES AND ,CHEAP PRICES. TTA.VE JUST RET1TRNF.1I FBOM NORTH XX with a guod and line selected stork of Ladies' Dress Goods, -, . Clothing, Boots and Shoes, oats ana caps, Trunks ana ' Valices, Notions, &c, && COME AND COMPARE QUA WTr AND PRICES, AND YOU WILL BE TO BUY FROM M. H. SULTAN, April 1-d-ly. NEW BERNE, N. C. Midlannd N. C. Railway Co. Atlantic and No. Ca. Division. TIME TABLE No. 12. In Effect Sunday, 11:44 P. M., October 30, 1881. Express, Passenger and Mail Trains run on this road as follows: EAST. WEST STATIONS. No. 47 Arr. I.'ve. A. M. a. i. S30I fi (10 6 (Ml : j is , lfi : 6 81 6 31 8 46 ti SO 7 2(1 7 20 7 41 T 4 8 (14 8 04 8 l:l 8 13 8 K 8 4fl 0 111 ! 19 ft HU ft 30 8 AO 9 AO 08 ft S3 10 84 10 80 10 3 10 8ft 10 45 10 46 10 SI 11 00 11 OS A, M. No. 48 Arr. L've. M.I P. M. NO 00 8 45 f. 00 fi AO A 30 ft IS 4 40 4 1ft 3 A4 3 45 Falling Creek Kinstou, Dover, Oore Orfiek, Tiiscaront, , Clark's A 30 A 10 4 40 4 13 3 A4 3 4A 3 13 2 :w New Berne, Rivordale, Oroatun, Wooclbriidge 3 2; 2 3ft 2 28 2 2S 2 OS 3 05 1 2(i 1 17 1 10 2 OR 2 05 1 31 1 17 1 10 11 Aft 12 44 Maveiock Newport, Hollywood Macon Hotel, Atlantic Hotel, ... Morehead Depot, 11 4ft I'. M. I I'. M. J. J.Tolson &co. BKOAI) STREET (Second door East from Railroad) Receives GOODS by every Steamer. The beat of Potted - Canned O-oods, Best grades of Coffee, best grades Flour, best kettle rendered Lard, Very best selected BUTTER, Pure Apple VINEGAR, SUGAR of all grades best Family GROCERIES, of ALL KINDS. Our country friends will tind it to their advantage to call and try our pri ces before buying. All goods sold at Bottom Frioes. Goods delivered at any part of City prompt and free. Broad Street second door east from Railroad. . Apr. 1, 1 y LEONIDAS J. MOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Office opposite Gaaton House.) New Bcihc, N. C. Will practice in the Counties of Greene, Lenoir, Jones, Onslow, Pamlico and Craven; also in the U. . instrict uourt, Prompt Attention paid to Collection of iiaims. O. MARKS, HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Goods, Notions. Shoes, Trimmings and Laces of all Kinds, Table Linens, the Best Napkins, all Linen, from 5 to 12 1-2 cts apiece, Hamlmrcr Edgings in endless variety and sold at lowest prices. MOTTOES, AND MOTTO FRAMES, RUSTIC FRAMES of all sizes. - ' ... I make a specialty of supplying the jiilibing; Trade. Country -'ler chants are invited to cull and examine my extensive Stuck before buying, Also the Celebrated STANDARD SEWING MACHINES or tbe following makeai The Light Running DOMESTIC, HARTFORD AND HOUSEHOLD, the three best Machines on the Market. - lk not foriret the place, 0."THARKN, , , No. 30, Pollock St., New Berne, N. V ' C. E. EOI & co. Brick Block Middle Street, New Berne, X. C. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS All Goods in our line sold at the very lowest cash pri ces. Prompt and strict atten tio paid to all orders v entrusted toour care. C. E. -FO & COMPANY .. i)E.i.i:i:si COMMERCIAL FEKriLIZERS. Now on hand nncl ready Toi leliveiy 1,000 Bags Anchor Brand, and 500 " Game Guano will be sold FOR CASH OR ON TIME AT REASONABLE PRICES C. K. FOY & COMPANY ofler to the Trade Lorillard, Gail 6l Ax Railroad Mills Sweet and Salt Snuff, AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. Chas. H. WH OLE SALE (x ROC ER a n JPx?oirisioix Dealer A FULL constantly Dry Salted and Smoked Flour, - Sugars, - MOLASSES GREEN AND ROASTED COPPEES. TOBACCO ANIV SNUFF, Salt, Powder and Shot. Special attention of Country Samples nnft prices sent by mail. 250 BXTOOIES. The largest Stock of BUGGIES, " i before offered in BUGGIES BY THE CAR LOAD DIRECT FROM FACTORY. The olnmlms Buprpry a Specialty. WEBSTER AVAGON. r : : the best on the market, 1st CLAK HAND-MADE W A HEAVY STOCK AU THE 1 J. Arg. BLANK, d SUPPLY on hand of MEATS, complete line, all grades. - - & SYRUPS, Dealers is called to my Stock. Mar. SO, 1 y 1-4 c w WAGONS and North Carolina. HARNESS ever TIME AT BOTTOM JUICES. W. CJlTAlXOEit; 4 ITINSTONT. N - - .. r. ' A. H. HOLTON, . DEALER IN FOREIGN V iJ I . - r, - 'A N D w. -H;r, D OMliSTlt WINES & L1QU0ES, T0BACC0S&CIGAR8. MIDDLE STREET, . Opposite loo House, NEW 1IERNE, N.C. Apr. 1, ly dfcw FARMERS SAVE MONEY! I OFFF.K THE !' . :', . VERRY HIGHEST GRADE OF FEKTI LIZER At $35 per ton, spot casli, usual time lirloe S4.. Home Fertilizer $13 Spot Cash, usual time price 1h $lft KAINIT FERTILIZER, $15 Spot Cash, usual time price Is $20 PERUVIAN GUAX0, Lobos, $58 Spot, Cash. Discount f rom above prices for large lots. IVo lossesl No Hart Iel5ts! ItgiS' The very Highest grade of Goods, at the very Lowest prices. All subject to analysis of Dr. Dabney, State Chem ist. WILLIAM H. OLIVER, Mar. 30 lm w. New Berne, N. O. NEW GOODS. KRAYNEE is now receiving a nice line of t LADIES DRESS GOODS Notions, Clothing, &c. &c. Be sure to call and Fee him before going elsewhere ami GET BARGAINS. ttlnston, VP. iT " ' T'Tiiti. 18, Dm - TRENLIVER TRANSPORTATION. CO.- Running a Tri-Weekly Line FOR Trenton, Jolly Old Field, Blddle's, Quaker City, Polloksville and Banks Lauding, Vanreboro And all other intermediate points on Neuse & Trent Rivers & wift Creek. Str. TEENT, Capt. W. T.; . Taylor, Will leave her whaiffootofCravenst. every Monday and Wednesday morning for trip up Neupe River as far as Jolly Old Field, returning on Tuesday . and Wednesday afternoons. ; The Trent will go to Polloksville every Friday morn ing and return on Saturday ; afternoon, Str. CONTENTNEA, Capt. ' David Styron, will leave her dock foot of: Craven st. every Monday morning for Trenton. Quaker City, Polloksville, Oliver and Banks' landing, returning to New Berne Wednesday afternoon. ' The Contentnea will o to Vanceboro every Thursday morning. : AGENTS: A. G.. Barkus, Polloksville; J, I. Kinsey, Trenton; Chauncey Gray, Kinston; C. - M. A. (ripfin, Bell's Ferry. ; For further inforumtion apply to GEO. T. DUFFY, Gen'l Freight Agent, New Berne VV. M. 1IINK8 I. II. MAN8FIKLD. HINES & MANSFIELD, COMMISSION . ' " m K Jl CJ HAN T S , And wholesale Dealers in OENEUAL, PRODUCE, 1 & Prospeot wSL-tre. 2 &4 DevtB Ave., 25, 26 and 27 Vesej Pier, WEST WAHINGTON MARKET,' NEW YORK.' ' Markiii'' Plates furnished.. rorreapondenre Invited. Shipping Nnnibr-28 '' 1 rApr. 1, lmd .PATENTS- obtained for kp Inrpntloti?, or ftrf Improvement a old M. . CnnAtit, Inrringpments', Trade Mrk Had all patent bne ness promptly intended (. , iNVK.NTto.v8 nut iiavb bkm MKJBCTtD may till, Inmost cases,, bp patrntrd by , Belnj oppoulte tlie V. S. Piilent OIJlc RQd ncd In PATiXT ni-MNitss, We can secure patents im lest time ln .tho. wUo an . remote from Washington, . . , , When Inven tore send model or eketrh, V malt search in the Pstent Office, mid dvte ns to lu patentability, free of vharg Coirespondenc con&dential; fees reasorlable; and, no cnARnK UMLees PATENT 18 OBTAIN RD. , . . ...... 4 ' Vt refer by permission to the Oily Postmnster. and to tUe Superiivtendentof the Post Office Mon ey Order Division In Washington. ' For speeiH) references, cirenlar, advice, terms, ., ndriress--h .". I C. A. KNOW A Va l ' I OrrostTK Atknt OfFice, Washington, D.