'i-iiiS JOUJtN'AL. NEW ElTvNE, V. C. APB L 28, 1882. THE LATCEST. 1 NEWS. FIICH ALL PARTS f jf THE WOULD FCItTTYI3T H CONGRESS. ' t t r ! ' ' FIBST SESSION. Rfport EiriMlY far New Berne Jomiml. SENATE. .Washington, April 27 .-The Chair submitted letter from the Secretary of ' War, enclosing a communication r.nni .Tnu H Vjin ' tnomriAr nf th Mississippi River Commission, dissent-! ing from a portion of the report ot tnat commission. KeferreJ.- j llr. Sherman introduced a bill to regulate tha coinage of standard silver! dolIarsT" It repeals the act of Febru-; ary ? i878,mthoriiing the coinage i of standard silver dollars, j and restores their legal tender value, and directs ' the purchase and coinage into standard silver dollars of not lessthan two rail KSi dollars wprth; of siller Jmllion per month;. The bill "then directs the pur chase of bullion from time to time, and its coinage only when in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury further coinage of such dollars is demanded for nubliei'tuta 'aud1 commerce 1 Referred in Pnmmittnn on Finance. r. ... TV ,, Adjourned? ,' , ; !t , t i: s n. i ? ; nOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. WASflrXOxoN', April 27.-r-On motion of Mr. Goodson of Louisiana, a bill was passed extending the limits of the port of New Orleans.- ! i " Mr. Townsendr. pf Ohio, submitted the, conference report on the bill to promote the efficiency of the life saving service and encourage the saving from shipwreck. J'i The report recommends the adoption of the Senate amendment adding a pensioning feature to the bill. Adopted. Yeas 135 ; nays 55. . ' "; The House then resumed the con sideratiW of- the 'contested election cage of Lynch vs. Chalmers. ; .:. Mr. Hammond of Georgia, submitted an exhaustive argument in j support of ine minority report. , Mr. Lynch, contestant, ,was then ac corded floor and as he arose to speak at the desk which was formerly occu pied by Mr. Garfield, he was greeted irlth some applause from the galleries. Disclaiming any intention to discuss the, legal; points of the f case, he said that the would confine himself to the consideration of the disreptuable sys tem 'of "elections in vogue in Missis sippi, of which the pending case was the natural and necessary outgrowth of the pretended claim of Gen. Chalmers to the seat,. a based on the action of the county returning boards;. , Reading from an interview with Gen. Chalmers, published in the New York Tribune shortly after" the election that he's "wanted" to whitewash the Government in. Mississippi, and would resort , to any t means short of open Violeflce, jMceqmplish that object,: Mr. Lynch i admitted that Gen.- Chalmers . was , authorized to speak . for the Bour bons of Mississippi, but emphatically denied ,his authority to speak for the Conservative white people. He denied that raoe prejudice had anything to do with tEe fraud and violence t in the Southern , States. Antipathy of the Bourbons was not race antipathy, but party antipathy ; ; and Bruce, . Langston or any other intelligent colored man as a .Republican candidate for the Presi dency1 in 1880, would have come as near carrying Mississippi ; as Gen, Gar field had done. ";',' -He asserted with feelings of deep mortification and profound regret that in the official person of the eontestee in this case ' the country was presented with a living monument to rifled ballot boxes and stifled public justice. Though that gentleman had occupied a seat on this floor for the last five I years,, yet- no- one knew better than himself that be had never (with pos sibly one exception) received as many as one-third, of . the votes cast at any election at which he had been candi date. V Fraudulent acts committed by his friends and supporters, and which had resulted in his being returned to a seat on this floor,, had been received by him with silent acquiescence or public approval. In the further course of his speech Mr. Lynch characterized Mr. Chalmers as a maligner of his section and traducer of the most respectable and intelligent portion , of his , own people. Referring to what he termed the "Bourbon method of election," he declared ? that the Republican party would continue to wage an unceasing war upon that method until the right of every American citizen to cast his ballot for the party and man of his choice, and have that ballot honestly counted, ' should have been acquiesced in from one end of the country to the other. J, Applause on the Republican side. r; ' .In conclusion, he regretted to be compelled to say that it seemed to be the , determination of the Bourborn - party at the South that there must be a centralized covernmenfor no govern ment at alL It seems to be determined that if it could not destroy the govern ment in one way it would in another. for it was an undisputable fact that the sanctity and the purity of the ballot Was tlie, chief instrument and structure. Destroy, .that pillar and the, strncture must necessarily fall... He Bpoke not In bcUlt of himself, but in behalf of his party, when he declared that this system nf election frauds in several of the Southern States through and by which that section had been made solid in the support of one of the great political parties of the day, ought, must and would be destroyed. (Applause on the Republican side and in the gallery, . , , - Mr! Chalmers, the eontestee, was the next Speaker. Referring to the speech just delivered by Mr. Lynch, he assert ed that it was but a repetition of what had been said from time to time by the contestant and his conspirators, who had through the public press of the country endeavored to destroy the rep utation of the white people of .Missis sippi. The notice of contest was filled with just such generalities as charges of fraud, violence, and all manner of corruption ia Mississippi, and yet when these charges came to be tried they eeuld not be substantiated. The con testant had undertaken to arraign him personally before Congress, but he (Chalmers) challenged the gentleman to record one syllable from beginning to end that cast, any reproach on his character., ; He then , entered into ; an exhaustive review of the facts of the case as exhibited by record, and which failed, he claimed, to prove any act of fraud or violence. Instead of having made his contest with rifle and shot gun it was a matter of history that he had made it with brass bands blown by colored musicians in patriotic wagons draped m red, white and blue. In conclusion " he said t - "If reason and rnyme have fled to brutish beasts, if a sacrifice of Democrats is to be made. and I am to be the first victim, then I say to you, 'Go ahead!' You have power it you choose to exercise it; you 11 a- !a " T r win regret ii iuru uuin i. louiuuv drive me . from my seat by force and dace another in it. Whenever you ook at him you will be remembered of this day s outrage, and if conscience does not canker in your breasts, in the stillness of night it will haunt you with the recollection that truth and jus tice and law were immolated, and that your high priests officiated at the un holy sacrifice " Applause on Dem ocratic side. The mutter then went over, and will probably be morrow. Adjourned called lit "2 o'clock to WASHINGTON. Wasiiixoton, April 27. At tliccloso of Mr. Belmont's cross-examination of Mr. Blaine, the most unusual and exciting scene occurred in the Foreign Affairs Committee rooms." Mr. Blaine stated that as Mr. Bel mont after being warned on Monday, had persisted in entirely misquoting his dispatches, nnd putting upon them constructions utterly foreign," he was compelled to, change his opinion of 4rm, ' which had "heretofore been that he was a . gentleman. An exciting ftolloquy ensued, which the Committee was unable to interrupt. Mr. Belmont intimated that, he would deal with Mr. Blaine in private and followed it upr with the words, I believe that you arc a bully and a coward. Mr. Blaine, addressing the Coin ... . - ir i i . mittee and Ignoring Mr. JiellllOnt, re- nllorl- ATr. ( llinirinnn. tViia vninio- limn f " . ..; , . has disgraced himself; ho has been pnt fnrwiinl hv trion wlin arc lioltind him IOrwara oy mOHO WIIO ait oeiUIlU mill tO insult Ilie, but lie IS incapable of doing 1 SO. The scene was a most remarkable i one. Notwithstanding the efforts of! the Chairman to smooth the: troubled! waters and obviate the necessity for any misunderstanding, the impression prevailed at the adjournment of the meeting that the dispute had by no means ended. It is the subject of comment upon all sides this morning. ARIZONA. Sa.n Francisco, April '21. A Tuc son dispatch says : A meeting has been held by the citizens of Bowie and a company of minute men organ ized for the protection of the town against the Indians. . 1 ' The report of the capture of Galley ville and the killing of thirty-five per sons is incorrect, only one man being killed and he was three miles from town. There are two companies of troops at Galleyville and Indians did not Hii.icK iue piuct;. SOUTH CAROLINA. Charleston', "April 27. In the U. S. Circuit Court to-day the case of the United States vs. John T. Hogg and thirty-eight other defendants, charged with obstructing the qualified voters in Barnwell county, was resumed. The entire day was consumed in tho exami nation j of four witnesses, for the de fense. The case will certainly con sume the remainder of the week. V. NORTH CAROLINA. ' Elizabeth City, April 27. Sixty North Carolina editors having visited the extensive fisheries and the State and ' Government hatcheries in this region, assembled here to-day to hold the , annual meeting of the Press As sociation. ," .. . ' : PROBABILITIES. Washington, April 27. For Middle Atlantic States, clearing "weather, northwesterly winds, higher barometer, stationary or higher temperature. For South Atlantio States, partly cloudy weather, occasional rain, probably fol lowed -by clearing weatherj southwest to northwest winds, stationary or high er barometer, stationary temperature. . TEJTSE8SEE. . ' Nashville, April 27. The Repub licans held a caucus yesterday, favor ing the settlement of the State debt. r . Gov, ; Hawkins will be renominated in the Republican State Convention to-day. nri1, ' . : . . ' .MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, April 27. Ralph' Waldo Emerson died at 9 p. ra.i i ' ALEX " MILLER, , WHOLESALE & RETAIL - ' 1 GROCER. Constantly reccivinjj a full line CJhoice Cjrroceriess ji v. ' V and 1 ' : . ' , - i FARMERS' SUPPLIES, j! which we offer n. low. n anV. house in ; the uty, nnd warrant all iroods as iqi-'j resented. " , ; - Call and exnuune our stivck and j prices.1 StaWes furnished fine to all nir country customers. . 'i Goods delivered lii'o to any :art of i the citv. 12nvW.D. , . . . -I "OIE'IK3I1NTOIS' , Steamship Company. For New Yor.K, Baltimore, Nor-.; folk, Boston, : Elizabeth -City, ! Philadelphia, Provhlenee, j iintl other . Cities. ! OX AM) A1TI U Friday, July 1st, 1881 TNT1L Vl'BTIIKlJ XOTICK STR NEW BERNE Will leave, upon siiTiviil of train on Norfolk ttiwl I Uliwibetli Oily Enilrond at EUaabetli Cily, every I Monday and Thursday, for New lUrne direet. i Keliirning, leaves New Berne for Klial'lli Tny direct, every Tiiesdily and Friday, at i p. m., nmkiiiK close coiiiKction with Norfolk and Kli.-, abelli Citv R. R. for Nortliein cili. l-'liwe con nection made' at WaFliiiiirion witli company's sieainers for (xreenville mid all lnndinpt on Tar Birer, mul nt New llernn w ith sieainers Nense and Oontentnun for Kinston, Polloksville, TreutbiiaiiA tiiriandingpn ilie Neuse nml Trent. Rivers. . FreiRlit received tlnlley until 6 ji. lit , forwanleil promptly and lowivt ltites juarHiiteed todesliuii linn. . " 1 ; . . . . E. II. BOBEHTS, A;'l, Now He rue, . Cp.nterKit fcTlKNKiv, ili'.l 4- " Aic-t!,1Torfolk, V. A W. H. STAVKOitn, (ion l fr'l Ais"t. Mar. :) ly ' Neivilork Illy. NOTICE, IN THK SUPKROR COURT, i ; .,. Ionks corwv. i .. To (winicil Mercer . : . You will take notice that a special proceeding j has been begun m the name ol.lohu CWImlY, adin'r. rn. Kdward Mercer et nl, to which vou are ! 1 liariv ueienuaiil, luiutr piiriKjsc in eniiiH i nc t anil'lvinir in Jones count v known as the l.ewl.s i... Mercer homeste.-.d, tor assets to pay debtot tin-1 I plniiililt. etc. on are required to appear before Thomtui j. wiiitaker,., oierk otsaui siipeiinr I Col"'t' Rt "eOourt House in Trenton on the Lith (,fty ofjnn, i8s2,and answerer domuras yon may be advised, to the complaint filed. I d k w td THOMAS J. WHITAKKR. U. S 0. . mmmmmmmmmm . J. V. Williams. B. M. Gates. J.-'V. WILLIAMS & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS -AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX CORN. Solicit Consignments Solicit Orders. Newbern, N. C. OUEGOX AND WASHIXUTOX. Every one of oui readers should become informed about the wonderful resources of Oregon and Washington, where the wheat production, is larger and the death rate lower than in any other section of Uuited States; where good Government land can be had tor the taking, and railroad lands be bought on ten years time.' Industrious men become independently wealthy there in a terj few years. Full in formation in the West Shore, a hand somely illustrated journal published at Portland, the v Metropolis of tho Pacific 'Northwest," af $2 00 yenr or the publishers will send tw6 specimen copies, of different dates, for 25 cent9. Address West Shore, Portland, Oregon. " . ' ; k , ' FARMS FREE TO ALL V v', ;,'''Ur-..- Oregon and Washington, "the land of never failing crops,";, where! grass hoprrBl"chiDcljjbugs,'"arbugbJkor hard viuters ale itnkiiown, pfiers free homesteada, to 'ill, on fertile goy.(siiP ment lands. rKailroad lands in de 9irable locations can be . purchased on ten years time, in easy .payments. Every industrioun man can become independently wealthy in a very short lime, by settliiif, in the' Pacific North west. Addres af postal card to Pau Schclze, Pobtland, Oregos, ' and ask him to send you a copy of The West Shore a handsomely illustrated journal, containing lull information. A. J. HART & CO., Will open Saturday. April 1.1IU. a .lock ot Mil linery nnd Paltry Uoods in the More former ly occupied by O. H. Hart Co. ' " If polite at temiousnil - J -' ONE PRICE TO ALL, Will accomplish Hi. purpose, ( hope lo stcreed. Apr U-IlUll 3 w j4 1 , ii. Ji ,' E. Ii; W1NDLEY distillers:' agext EOH Pure llye and Corn A IlISKEV At Wholesale; Ii f WINi;S( AiTD. CIGARS In (.ileal Variety. Ginger, Ale, Pale Ale, Beer anclPortcr. FOREIGN AND DOKESTIC 0 1 D'E'lH In Blls. 1-2 Bids, n nil lvej;s. ' ; f "' : f ' o if t!;i'": ' TiiT' li-i'iK'li lli'sinl.y 1. iRUFsr )LAL1R1 THE STATU ' CI.MIfSIX 1I EHCtl ANT. i .'For ili! Sale of all Kimls of ; V K 0 I) V ('. K. liiiiiianleellilifi-t Miirl ct icesi 12. II . 1"S 1)1 1 V , , .. ; ,. ".;'.,.., : -,;f " ''')'..:. : Corner South Front .& Miiidie St : , XKW BKRNE. N. V. .Apr; 111, (i in d w , i--i n vi nt w HOOK ANI ,!OIi PKINTUH, Opposite Post Oflicr, ' Ni:viti:itvi:, n.. . . . , - .f, , ... ..", "i . .1 S. I1:,", iiw - GOOD STOCK, ' NLAT WORK, LOW VIMOES 8W" Onler.i solicited anit promptly filled. ' ' Apr. 8 AT COSL Having-determined to close niy Luiiies here, i ' now offer "my entire-stock at eost.nv. Coine aii'd see.: for yourselves;, r: :r J T. C. AVIIITAKEll MIDDLE TREET, opposite IVoiileV , . . . . . , , , Market, -vrn-J NEW KERNE;? (V ,." i i S'-'t fM.f.Ji: !';'' 'it i ft r' I; i ' MRS. DEWEY'S New Spring' MilffieTy Goods HAVE ABUIVED, Ami are" mr open for -SiiRpeetioii htul CHEAPER THAN. EVER, tP She is still able to attend to cus tom work. v . .-i: April 18-lm , If you waiit Eargains CO TO t'if'll 7".';. . 1 i '. , "' ! I i i . . ' . 1. II. PIHI1EK, .1 i I ii :j fe a: - who is closing out his present STOCK of Genernl MorolHiiHTlsCat 'Very lov Sfignrds lor cash, ot? oh'.tinienWtli good soeiirily,.-,IIas evei'j'tiiig .jUHualJy kept lit a first class ; DRV OOObS Si OMOfERT 'STOHK. Call and sVc 'for yourself. .' Wholesale & Retail. , , , " M. r lMli-u. .Y1: OmiL ; Kinston,. N,C ?mm mmm www m j.h C. B. HART & CO. ONE PEICE CASH STOSE, Norllieaiit corner Midilie ami Sonlli Front .IiwIb, .( njiptwile h H. WiBdley Mid h. K. ,Ioue?,;. i . V V , : " ' ' -i.' ivr '; . " ' DKAI.KKS IX', ,.,1 .1 StfOves, House Turnishing Goods,,'. 'i ' CPOCKERY and GLASSWARE,; i.-. n ,. !,.: f..i;"' - 11 BURNERS. LAMPS in fjrat vftriety. WICKS, CHIMNEYS, - ' KEROSENE OIL, Pratt's Astral lTon-Egplo9iTe OiV 'j MaeiUjief r an4 ' Train OUa. fil v. ki.i -J . .. Wenienow jirepared t, Hiiuiiiliiriiir.- Tin and jSlieet-IrorL Ware. V .i . . , V . w SpHcliil nltenti-.n juivrn lo i'P:unntr fliHitlt. sold low nnd warriinlert lo lie hs reproSenteil. April H l.v dt" , V t f Aft HfiorVf Li ,1 N H W It H BXK. 1 1 . ; r THIS WKLI. KNOWN AMI COMMODIOt'S j iHiiixe, a us name implies, ix fiiiiatnl in (lie I j eeiitnil And business portion , it the city, hencw I I refomnioixl!" Itself 'lor 1 IIh e,Hi-eiiienre til ilie 'trHvellniK public. Anoi'iliiiir olicilol's every 1 : opportunity of visiting litisineFs rorrespuiidentf. 1 I It ban ftltenlive servniit". Null tiihle miilwuvs I I timilslieil with ;! iKvory lelioa',v f Ihu sesn. i ' It! roi'in lire l.itfce. iilrv anil well fining hi.'il. ' AlT'OMlIIBTJS" "'" for Ilie accommodation ot giiesta to and ronv trams mid riieinncrs tree ot charge a ieciiil I em ii re in this citv, ' ,, , All ilie appurtenance. oT a modern FIRST CI ASS 1IOTKL. April l-cl-ly.: ., , Marshals Notice. . Admiralty Seizure. : ' -: ' . THK nARQl'E ."firLDBRlXWA." ; i I'KITKR STATKS V AMKR1CA, , I r:ntern District of Norlli Ciuulina. ' 'WiieTwui, ftRrbctiwHriiMi mpfrwrtW'THtfrii't I Court of t In' linitvd Stales pf America, lor the i J',astm'iiliatrict,olIVui-lli l'arouiiaat New Herne i on Mi Mil day of April lt2 -hf murk & lrk , Proctors in Ijelialf of .1. A Schroeder and .T. T.. .lacoli'R and Kllis St Tliom ami John HiixIicb Ksq. Proctors iu behalf of tli Jlaker Salvage Coinnaiiy, in a came1 -of sjilva(r t ivil ami mainline, and prayuifr the usual process anil monition of the court, that all persons inleresten with said- ves- sel, her tackle, apparel, furniture raiyo laden and iinladn. and frei:li( Jaoney, u a , lie .cited to answer 1 he TircrhisVs.-aiiti all diie iirorefdlntrB be iup had that the same mav be decreed lo be sold, nnd the proceeds tliereof distributed according; to law. Therefore, in pursuance f the said moni tion under the seal ot sitid Court to me- directed,, I do hereby (rive .notice generally unto all persons bavin oi-'pri-leddiidi! to have. Hnv'HsM, title or interest; llieroln to nppear bet',, re the aforesaid Court at New Heme oil tilt! 2,'lh .flay: of April, 1SS, if It be a I'ourt (lay, or else on the next Court day thereafter at 12 o'clock, noon, tnen and there to answer the said Libel and to mne their alle gations in that behalf. 1 V ' ., ' Hated nf New Berne the 7th duv of April, 1882.. .1. H.1I1LL. I . 8. Maislml. bv l;ivui s. Waul. Ilepuly. t'lark-frHiHi.-' Kills Tliom. John Hnrhes, i'loetoi's. 1TII0S. (iATES & CO. OFFICII A LARHK STOCK OF AIJi KINDS OF I Provisions and Dry Goods AT VKRV LOW JfTOIHHH. Commission Merchants for the Sale of iHrtn-J." Cottonind Grain." SOUTH " ' n ,i ..it -..FRONT .ST,,-. OPPOSITE it' 'Li .i.dSI'I i GASTON' HOt'SK... VI- Nir, W-w-ly. .U -i Li.; i !ii !!', MANUFACTUREK OF "CHOICE HAVANA - m ' r .fi.;r :in ., , , PO LLK-K Slrn t. ..,-cil(o'.,f; NEW BERNE, N C.. Apr. 1, 1 v 1 FOR SALE"" w liors'C Engine? 25 foot of shaftiug several Pullys, , a lot ot Belting, one Nelson Cotton . press. : tTorms to suit riurhaser. . Appl to , Hr? G K HAGBV, OCEAN HOUSE, r ..si i BEAVFOIlTj T. . ' -Thf. nliovp"pll-litiown house will -lio- kent hOHBB Will -ll" Kent open ilurlng tliiR winter nnd next anmnipr by Mrs. W.C. KING, aRHlstPrt by THOS. S. MAR TIN. TI( fcoilP n itunted. In tho central part ,f the town. Commercial travelers 'will find it to their ailvant t stop with us, as we will furnish a larjrH room for the. display of samples free ofharK(i -Terms reasonable' . MRS. W. C. KISTG, i ".4 !....; f.".iU5C":, THOS. S, MARTI!V'. , SALMON. The quietest and most retired place in the Cit v. t '-'" " " ' " " , .... The best of , r WINES, LIQILQES,. & CIGARS. Billiard and Pool Tablet. i .: . -i. V". ; . ,(M ,!.'. i ,i.,jr. All the Illustrated id Sporting Papers ! , ; ,; of the Jay on. Filu.', mi - B. VP B's rtnliParlt,' will hot be tolerated. a inn i ' 1 1 1 ' lAinbn wvflir.Dr.jjn Proprietor. ;. THE NEW YOBK - Weekly 1 jHerald ,1 l T ' - . li li'JI.'-'l 'i," t .TAMES GORDON BENNETT, - 1:1.1 '. .W).( 'lU 4tf lAH.-'iV. THE BEST1AND i a-.i- I T i..,v -Cheapest. NewspaperPublishetL- '10J3U i. i,i:J.!:ii J.n.i .uij,:h ,-it Vostage jIee ; ONE 'DOLLAR I f" If 1 i PER. XEAau , I )!tl .11 ft Fifty Cents for six Months; All extra Copy to every Club of ten . .. . . : , i , .- -n The tfew York llerald if .... PUBLISHED EVERY DAY. ?H THE YEAR,, 1 1 . Postage Free. ' '. !' 410 pnym for one year, SnndnVs Included, i . ! f pays tor on yiar without Sunday ti linys for six inontht. Sundays included: ' 4 pays for six months, without Snndayi. i pays forpiu year for any specified day ol tlif Week. i. ,'. ii 1 . , ' j ' tl paya far six months for any, tpecined, day ot Iheweek; ' 1 ' ' ' 1 ' 1 per month; (including Sundays) will be charg , ed on enbsoripllnns for a less period than 1hnW nionths' ' iWw u- . j , f.':-i.:iJ!..-.r6 EFROPE ' - Vst'i'iinisG VOSTAOE il I 17.S0 t4.0U Daily, .-'',' !- , . Weekly, (.European Kditiluil "U'eekly . tl lollies tic KihlianV .'):!, ill, I NKWSDEALERS1 SUPPLIED,. , POSTAGE FREE. ,nl i; Daily edition, -"1 TWb and a half cents r copy , ( DllllUliV VUllO'll, l. I Weekly edition. " Kf... or cents per copy Two cents per copy ! N. ) Not le than five copfe coptes aued to newf- I dealere at wiioiesaie rates. h e i. , ; , ... ,, i We allow no commission on siibscripllons' io i Daily edition Address,NEW"T01lIC HKRALD, I . Broadway k Ann i Street, New York. r 1 NEW'10 ii,l!H, ' SFJtING , XOWOWEN AT , ! , ! J. A. FIR DEN' 8 ' ' CONSISTING OF ' THJ2jATEST,JfpYELTIK8 j in Ladies DltEiSS GOODS and Neck WAUK. liAO'E, BUNTING, BOIt DUKIS, IJUOCATELiiFiguretl Victoria aud Linen LAWN, Dotted, 4'laiul and Checked Swiss MUSLIN Nomsook & : Mull EMBROIDERY; RUFFLIN(f & ' SILK'FRINiE.-:jj - All Shades of SATIN? TRIMMING",' and SEWINffSILK; -wiilzhn-i Hit - Ladies liand-made SHOES ' ''A. SPECIALTY " Bo sure' to see my (CALICO STAND.) ! Lhtest) StyleR; Menu' hi! i ;Fur nnd Straw If ATS utrr i XO doz.. of those perfect fitting' ; Aacnt fw f filorrig' Tobacco. , f Jan. 5, 1 y , DE. 'A.' R. MILLER,1 ?7TH2! ' -".WENTIiSt' 'l reaatiirai to innert ' Artiflctal " Teoth, f Extract, Fill and (;ifn, or (lony- thing neoMKHrjf to y a 1 b Aan bf t detrt- I (llllre at reti- AnneU. Iltmrjftir- a?S- ; .,!!) tklohed .16 pa.rtim ! ill'.il t'rr Jil-J3m.A' tl !'!- X have ju. store and, will keen on hand ii.fuii full 'stock of' :'; '; v w-v -w -wt' itn' y nri im "5 !! H II OOl I y' o ftpring and LA iVHsninier Calicoes. Ladies Dress (ioods. -Notions. Llothimr. on hand 'ahd .'made .', to,"" prder .Picco (roods, Boots and Slibetf,' Straw1 Hats, It - .,if'. ' , ; t ,., -t -, . I. , , ,'t j.,' ..... i . , .... i. i. - . . n Sugat!iiCoffoe,.-y Buttery IIominV' -Flour, i i Hams t New ,0eana,j) , ,,'. .Molasses,, Rice Salt, Soap, ,, , S'SacuAit Tobacoo, . Snufl; &e. n;.. . ; BOX MKATS LARD I , , ,ju For .aalq.ib Cash or on. Time, i ,' ,; 1 o.it. Li)rar,T.; . , - . .... r.i ... .... JT" Will pny the Xlarkpt pnoe for di;gu irrciC:.l 1 - 1 ROl 'Ac;:. w

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