1 . - ". ? r. r NEW BERNE, N. C. , SUNDAY, APRIL 80,-1882. NO. 25. "ft , 1. - Daily E OLIlNAJLi. f'r t. LOCAL NEWS. ,. CHVICH 9IHECTOBT. 4 1 1 ' i ,. .',; !. BAPTIST CHURCH; ,- ' vti . r."W. Pasto. '. 1 Stfvie- 4 Sonitey at 11 A. M.. a4 T hi P. Hi JTnWr B4toX vrj ThurdJ CTCDlns t 71-1 o'ctoek. , Su-day School at P. X- 0. C. Clark, ' j'- . ft - PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. ... ,' i HBUMEHTRIBf, RT. lVc.Yam.Pa-to-,. Serylcej oa Sunday: at.1t A; wAact Bitot P. M, ; Saaday School at P. M. Prayer meeting Thursday eTenin- at S o'clock: J ... ' ' . m. ttolfMer, Superintendent Sunday School. Rkt. I,. 's. btfaitmiA O. J) J Pa-itoh. SertV SuntoVouta; at II ana aftrrhoe at MerteelL Senrtee every niht during the . CHW8T. CHURCH. . , ' j ;!,;. 1! '; Jintwr macry. ,- v.., " ' :" RV. V. W SHtKLM, RxcroaSmrtcea Sun day BAmioj at U,aiMlatterBosaat:Sft. Janday' School at fcts t. H. S-rrtees Wednewkf at A, M. ati 30P, Mi. fead aU Holy date at N A.K. Free Mat fr all rUitore. Toe public cordially.' inrlted to attend. Vihers aiwayi la attenlanee 1 "ST, PAUIi'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. ! ' .-'iSbaieaaf'iirDBLB aud ' nivsb ktiiexts Father J.'J.'Reilv pARTORMawc Sunday morning at ll o'clock, Vesper. Sunday af uruoon ' 'at4o'fclock,Sam4y 'Schao.t.t o'clock P. M.' Daitj-MaAit oVIook k'.'H; Ptor will be abeenl-fuurtk Sanday of erery month. Jute "laustry. We met on Saturday Mr. F. M. Elphin- Greenbackers to run a Comrressman-nt- ston,'of Newark, N. J., on his Way to large, and indeed a full ticket, in the Pamlico t county, to make an effort to State in the coming campaign. On be get Ul larmers to plant J DTE. inff nske.l if thin vmM not nnilmhlv u (Dir. tipninsion win erect a Jute ac- hurt the Democrats worse than the Re A . " Tt f H a fl . m m . wryon yiverDytne laiiproviaea publicans, he replied in the negative, he can gt three hundred acres planted, and stated that, in his canvass for Con Good land will produce from 20 to 30 gress two years ago in Scales' district, tons per acre, wonn o per ton m its he drew more from the Republican greeniaie. .xniswiupaynanasomely, rank8 than from their opponents-but for the cop costs no more to make than that the Greenbackers had nothing to .a corn crop, and is easy to house. do with who should be hurt ; they were J- T H 01iver deserves much building ou the reason and good judg- creuit n getting up this enterprise. He ment of tlie people. nas Deen.namniering at it lor years, ana On assembling at the Theati e Col. ui,rrvTOui,iuri, ui ut-a- Winston introduced in a short, ringing em tothls section. five minutes speech, the ? wwmiiR pumper- - hos. JliSSK nAKl'KK. ous future for tins city; learn that it is the intention of the 'and the clearness of his intellect, by; closed. Mr. MeCorkle preaches ably and is loved by his members. proving equal to every occasion, ' and causing truth and equity to triumph over injustice, oppression and wrong. more distinguished jurists, to provide . , . n. .. , , , , ter I have been on North River, survey- over her courts, and to labor for the . i , , , ' ... ... , mg some of that fine land. The farmers purification of her social interests and , . . . ia . . . , . , . are all busy planting cotton. Corn is the execution of her laws; but no finer ,,,,. . ,, ... . up and looking nice in spite of cold gentleman, purer citizen or more m- ., . . . . , , , , weather.' CorruDtiblo indtre. has been known to the profession of t'.e law. Therefore! Court at Beaufort on Monday, in the members of the New Berne Bar. Gll, is to preside. as a tribute of respect to our 'departed The Guloi .inga is still lying at the j brother do resolve: : i depot wharf awaiting the action of the First, that we appreciate atnd honor ! V- fs- Court now sitting iji your city. j the professional record of Judge Brooksv! 'There tireaiivainoiintof ' w.rfernVei.ma commercial: or Illinois. Tlie speaker has not a verv prepossessing appearance, but he im proves while on his feet, and his speech Electioti to-morrow. 'o Ifeaybr Court yesterday. ' Four2 marriage licenses issued by the Register A Deeds during the last week. f '! ReV. F. p. Swindell, of Kins ton, fills the-puiipit at the Centenary Methodist Churcb. to-day. The funeral of Miss Julia M. Mitcht.ll willtiwld at the Baptist Church at 4 o'clock p. m. to-day. .. ' Superior4 Court convenes in Carteret county tomorrow. :u C. C Taylor will be on hand for the Journal. - Judge Gilmer and lady passed through the city yesterday entoute for Beaufort, " where the Judge holds court to-morrow. Cotton Receipts at the Exchange for the month of April foot up 891 bales, - against 894 for the same month last year. '(pt.W. A. Thompson Of this city, for- iner)y jot Ceaufort ounty, will act as Collector and Canvassing Agent for the Journal In this city. . ; 4 . 1 -U.S.. I ". t 1 ' ; Jr Who would think that in a place the sise of New Berne there are over 73 licensed drays and carts, and yet such ig the lact; we doubt much if - Raleigh, with all its metropolitian airs, can com pare with If ew- Berne in this particular. Tjberiai-tune-Out this week , In a, new and attractive, dress. We can't say it is much improved except in looks, for it is always edited with ability and good taste". Brother KLatham has no jperior in the State ' press as a keen, jjwintod, incisive writer. .Regieter'of Deeds Nelson says the rush 'for marriage- licenses ' has been greater since January 1st to the present timelhanhe had ever known for the same period of time., The rush usually comes oefdre Christmas, but this year it cameafter. One hundre4 and twelve hTe beenlsBued since January 1st. ' fJ'H'i'il ".r"-u . --j t The regular quarterly meeting of the Ladies Memorial Association will be eldat lhe Residence i'-'ofj MrsC .W. Mclean on Tuesday afternoon., May ndat Oo'plock.' It is desirable that tere should be a full , meeting of the members, a. order to complete the ar- .. utngemenU for "Memorial Day," the iyui ci juay. . . . ".One ill visiting our market now, from the great untitc .and. variety of . vegetables exposed -for .sale, would be lea to think that he , was jn the land of , perpetual iBrnmer," .ileats And wild game of all kinds known to this section are also in great abundance. ' We have heard strangers say repeatedly that New Berne had by far the best supplied market in the State, and we opine, they -apoke the exact truth, ffetcbernian, , ' VaaUvai. 'V.'."":'"-'n " i An ice crean and strawberry festival will be held at btanly Hall on Wednes . day night next. . The great attraction of the evening will be the lady waiters . who will serve young and old. in hand- noine styie, , s , k r , . , . , A Startllus Statement. On Saturday morning David Morten, a prisoner sentenced to jail for. "robbing commandH close aitontion, both as to the Postomce iu Grantsboro. made a matter and manner. ,V itli a gooileom- Statemerit in open court that wan start- "md of language, and w ith a happy" ling and 'demands attention. faculty of grouping facts for a definite j He stoted that he had been in jail for il1 vilv-', hc almost forces conviction nine months, and but for the coffee sent even wheie one disagrees with his the- hhn from outside he would have neatly ont,s- We h not r001" t0 report his starved.-That he was furnished on an Rl,eecl'-b" " was well wmtli listening average "with not more than five cents t- worth of provisions a dav, and that of e l'eech in the morning w as mien the DooreRt oualitv. Mated to raise alarm concerning tin -A The Journal straightway sent' a re- present system, and was directed to norter to the mil to interview ot.W wards pulling down ratiier than in prisoners, and the result is given below, bwUYmK up. At night tho true theory which does not. porresoon.l pviwI.1v ot (.treenbnckisiu was explained and il- with the statement given in court, 'ustiated. Sheriff Hahn is the party accused, and Oreenback theory lias many at the Journal is open to him for explana- tractions that would draw lo it follow- tion. , The county pays 35 cents a day tiu.au a month); and tins money is amply sufficient to give good w hole some fare. It is not expected for prison ers to have hotel fare, but they ought to have good, wholesome diet, and he who would seek to make money out of their necessities will receive the condemna tion of all good citizens. It may be that the matter is exag' gerated, or that the Sheriff has been de ceiyed by some subordinate, and there fore is not responsible. We hope, lie can make a vindication. ers and 'advocates only for. the stron. party t ies already hold by the people. If a disruption of old parties should ever come, it is still problematical whether or not the Greenbackers can build up as well as tear down. Judge NEW bi:hnk market. Morehead City Items. cotton. Middling Hi; Low Mid dling 10; Good Ordinary 10; Ordi nary 83. ' Sales 4 bales. . ... Turpentine. Yellow dip 83.00, Scrape $2.00. No sales. ' Tar. 1.50 to $1.75. 1 " ' .".'V'.; Rice. $140 to 1.20. Nothing doing. Corn 96c. in sacks: 92ic. in bulk. Very little in market. ' ' Peas $1.35.? ; . . 'j . r- Country PROuuce.' -1- Bactm hams 12V, shoulders 9. sides 10; Lard 13; Meal unbolted SI. 05: lwltert 81.10;' that we value the inestimable service i .,....,'.,. i,..v - , F.-l, nml.- fl,. . to. iw which he renderetlto the people of North i "'' u,lti Kt'lls,,n' ! V ' i a ' ' 3 Carolina, and tfutt.we will cherish Us a if it does not turn too Void they will I strt11 fed 8 on foot, grass fed 5) to . 1'otatoes vain uu. iKa 10J: Ilides-rdrv pviceless heritage, the jiroutl example come into market earl v. which he lelt us ot a high personal lion or and oilicial iutegrity in the midst of ,i an uie trying circumstances oi career. . Second, that a copy -of these proceed ings be transmitted to tlie family of the Mr. Thomas Daniels of New Berne has hisi ljeen down here for the past week look ing alter lus lislimg interest. Mr. Dan iels is an energetic, ii'o-ahoad 'man and 10al2c, green 5ic. Beeswax 20V.. Chick ens 00(f fr.'c. per pair, cwt. '' . 'Fwlder$1.50 per a, . ... ... . ... deceased, with tm expression of our jf 'ercliead lost one ot her best citizens earnest condolence and sympathy: that j when he moved to New Berne, they be spread upon tho record s'of tlilsj, r, . , , , ,..,. o:ii,tfi,..,.i,ni.i.-i,.,i;.ni.Si, fhe Botosi, a large three masttid vvii.t, tuil til.IV tiiJ UU HUlinilV.U Jl'l IIIU:, Ut'perU'd Txprc.tly tor N'W Iternt Journal. " DOMESTIC MARKETS. newspapers of tliis city. John S. Loiu AVoik ol'tlic 4 oiirt The district court ail jou rued last night after having disposed of the following cases: U.S. vs. ('has. II. i'.rowu: Illicit dis tilling verdict, not guilty. U. S. vs. Kli Saunders: Illicit distill ing verdict, not gmlly. .U. S. vs Jerry Thomas: lllieiv dislill- A Vlalt to the Jail. mg nol pros. The Journal reporter stepped into the IT. S, vs Ed ward. Taylor: I llieit dial ill- jail yard on yesterday morning, with a ing verdict, not guilty. view of taking a peep at the inside. Tlie U. S. vs Win. Munfoid: Illicit distill jailer, a "colored man, readily assented ing verdict, guilty': jiidgnicnt not to carry us through. Upon opening the prayed. door the first thing that attracted our attention was something covered up head and ears with a shawl, and seemed to be moving about like a cat in a wal let. Upon inquiry the jailer informed us that it was a lunatic, and that there were two in there, both women. On passing out we attempted a conversation with her but it was no go. The first cell we look into is occupied months impiisonment. by David Morten. y. S. vs. Bryant Outlaw, selling "How long have you to stay here, bacco without license jiidgmen Tfca Caavlets. ! In speaking of the convicts for the Quaker Bridge road in yesterday's issue, we suggested that the work could be finiohed in ninety days. We had for gotten that as soon as the Quaker Bridge toad was Eniblied the law provides that the convicts be transferred to the road running from Core Creek' to Trenton. Cfptain Page secured their aid from the Legislature, and the new road will prjove a great convenience to the people of Trenton and the surrounding coun try.' -7 ;.. ;,;-;.: . ; , .' ' .- ,' " ' Bk,'. ici lb for 41m Jotknal. 1; Illicit distill .judgment siis- U.S. vs. John B. Hi ing two cases guilty: pended. U. S. vs. Asa Waller, Illicit verdict, not guilty. U. S. vs. John E. Denver; llli tilling verdict not guilty. , U. S.-vs. J. II. Hatcher, robbing Best office verdict guilty; judgment six listilling dis- C'hnrn. . A'cxoccii, that by tho 'request of the Grand Jury we append the following: We, the Grand Jury of the Federal Court, well knowing the noble virtues and valuable service rendered by Hon. George V. Brooks, and sincerely sym pathizing w il 1 1 the present appropriate action oi' the New Berne Bar. i do add, by permission, to their proceedings t lie following resolution. .'.. ICc.nilred, that we remember the de parted jurist as one of the truest sons of j North Carolina, one of. her ablest and1 fairest judges, and one of her purest cil-; 'wens; and we do hereby extend to .the family of the deceased our prol'oundcsl sympathy in this hour of bereavement. W. Tt. Bauki-h, J'oie;uaii. j Mr. John S. Long, as chairman of tlie j above committee spoke to the resolut ions j in some suitable remarks and moved the adoption of the' resolutions. Mr. j Stevenson seconded thismolion nndsjiokc iu eulogy of the distinguished deceased. I Judge George Green., addressed the- meeting in a brief but forcible and i :irn i est speech. .Mr. Moore moved thai ilie j resolutions of respect which w ere iiikui I iniously adopted by the meeting be spread en the minutes of the court, and to that end' requested that the r-eerelary I report the resolutions to IheU.'S. Dis: Strict court now in session :u;d retpiest j that the Jmige tnereot 'allow the same a page of the minute bonk of (lie Court. ; On motion of Maj. Hughes the chair declared the meeting adjourned. I Cil.Uji.r.s C. Clauk. t'liainnan. Ci.v-.mext Manly.' Secretary'. On the assembling. of tho court the proceedings and the resolutions were read and a motion made to allow the same to be spread upon the minutes. His Honor. Judge Seymour so ordcrd. khooner w ith ice for Mr. Hazel of Goltlsboro" is also at the wharf, her ear Co being too large for the ice house in IGoldsboro. Mr. Hazel has bought out ! Mr. Stanly of Kinston and will stop part ! ' of his cargo in that thriving town. ! the gentlemanly .and polite clerk of Dr. IHai knal, Mr. P.. B. Rainy is now a.1 the Atlantic Hotel' with a corps of hands ( leaning up for summer. The Masons are plastering the ten pin alley and no doubt everything will be iu the best of order-for the coming crowds. Mr. ('has.'Sloveraud wife, Mr. W. K. Patterson, Miss Klla Ives.MissRadclilfe, Miss Bryan. Mr. Francisco, and a "ge nus homo." whose name is unknown, from your city, hae been spending a day or two at the '-Midland Hotel," and from appearances are having a. good time. 1., A. W. (; n i ll-lioio Fi'iuale 'elli'o. .ling ol the 1 rustees oi this in- place to- i-; in session in this following gentlemen beim A nit siitut ion dav. tlx present: CP. Moi'denhall I'resideul. Rev. J. As Cnnnlnggini Secretary, Revs. A. W. Mangum, D. D.. K. A. Yates, D. D., W. tf.TBobbUf s D. D., N. II. D. Wilson, D. D'.. T. M. Jones. D. P., and Col. J. C. Pi lines', Seymour Steele and W. II. Hill. Th pi ans of these gentlemen are not in a condition lo be made public, still it is no breach of confidence co say that they are quite confident that the college will. not be sold on Juno Oth asat present advertised. (lirciisbnn) liiujlc. CITY ITEMS. to-sus- -liave pended upon payment of cost. 1 U. S. vs. David Morton; stealing from Post office at Grantsboro verdict guilty. Six months imprisonment. U. S. vs. C. L. Davis; illicit distilling verdict guilty; judgment suspended. The Gnhlbringaciwe argued by couu- Morten'r-" "I have six montlis to stay now been here nine." Faring well, are you V" "My room is comfortable no fault to find of that. I get plenty to eat such as it is. I am willing to show you what I had for breakfast (holdintr un a chunk " i . i . of corn bread); here it is. I get the sei,uecisioii leseneu name lor. umner, wmi some nernngs; Mcctlujr of the New- B.-i uc Bar no supper at all. Sometimes I get about The meeting was called to order by- two cents worth of beef for dinner Mai. John Hughes, who moved that very seldom, though and sometimes a Hon. Charles C. Clark be made chair small bit of pork. I have no fault to man. On motion of Maj. Hughes, Clem find of the jailer; I believe he brings ent Manly was chosen secretary. me all that he is allowed, and he lias ac- On taking tho chair Mr. Chirk ad tually furnished me at tunes on lus own dressed the meeting in some feeling and expenses, and I shall never forget him." eloquent remarks on its object. In the next cell is Henry Bryant, col., J0in s. Lollg Esq. moved acominitteo who said in reply to questions, "I have 0f . five bo appointed to draft suitable been here four months. Sometimes I resolutions. Chairman appointed fare pretty well and sometimes bad. Messrs. John S. Long, John Hughes, Get plenty to eat such as it is." George Green, L. J. Moore and II. R. William Fleming: "I get plenty to Bryan eat suchas it is; bread and tea for Dr. W. II. Barker, as foreman 'of the breakfast, bread and herrings for din- Grand Jury, stated that by request of ner. . his body, he asked that tho resolutions In the last cell we called at were three hereafter given, be appended to those prisoners, but only two lodgings. They which should be adopted by the bar. were A. P. Dupe, N, B. Dudley and Wil- After reading the resolutions intro- son Gray Brinn, and each one told, the duced by Dr. Barker, Mr. L. J. Moore same story about the fare, "plenty, moved that the same be referred to the such as it is."; Corn bread and Yapan committee on resolutions. tea for breakfast; corn bread and her- Tho committee rented the following rings for dinner, and the scraps for sup- resolutions !tr i j i . i . I por.u jrmi reave t?t wubi The death of tho Hon. Georee W. bUlof fare for Craven, street hotel: and r,,i, a ho fiiiori an m0n,i0 ,i the reporter is satisfied that a plenty of conRmcnoua a Kitio in the iudicial - UJ ! J 1 A. J. A 1. 1 " wru ureBU " ueuu wu.lw.MW history of this Stale, is a bereavement enough to feed BUI Taylor's and Major to ft m.ofesaion : which hnill dmU. Barrett's pack of hounds, of Lenoir, for cate(l t,e best aM(1 1)oblest ymn of his kiuimuoju. s life, and ft ca.lamit,v to everr ititeroKf. of ...... .!. . ... , I ' J - J 1 xne jailer says ne1B anxious to see t .e lnw aml Juatk.e iu a 00mmonwenlth, whoso annals were so ably illustrated La Grange Items. Rust spreading tipoit the wheat, cotton coming up slowly, and corn looking badly from the effects of the late 'snap." is about nil that cm be said of the crops about here. , ' Tlii.- r.'l-Ln column, ncxi lo 1 .;il A'lYiTiismi:. itc:ll ln!vs, is to be llsoil next Journal; the foreman will "take notice and see that he gets ope. by his wisdom, learning and fair-mindedness. Exercising the duties of a The Greenback Speaking;. Hon. Jesse Harper, chairman of tho judge in a tribunal which could not National Greenback party, accompanied limit its action by the sym pathies and by Col., John R. ' Winston of our State prejudices of his own people, and calllod. Executive Committee, readied' this city to decide important questions in tho most on Saturday, and delivered addresses in critical and trying periods in our his the Theatre at 11 m the day, and again tory, he wTas always faithful , to tho in the Court House at night. high trust repttsed in him, and showed In an interview with Col. Winston we I tho purity and dignity of his character Dr. John Bixxell, a graduate of the Baltimore Dental College, has located in this place (temporarily) for the prac tice of his profession. Dr. Bizzell has done considerable work for the people about here and, so far as. I know, lias given perfect satisfaction. : " The town election is not so much as montiouod, in public. . If any candidates have been named I have not learned who. Some one has suggested that the the nominations may take place Satur day night. But short time for canvass ing, unless the Sabbath is used for that purpose. A. E. Rouse of this place, has in vented a machine with which lie moved a house a distance of three hundred yards in six hours, without horse power and with only three hands. So I learn from Mr.' Rouse. ' This puts Lewis Washington's apparatus iu the shade completely. Rouse is making other ar rangements, which he says will enable one man to do as much as three. I have heard that Joe Bryan, colored, bound over for theft to this term of the Superior Court, took leg bail from tho court house on. Tuesday, Many schemes were adopted at the preliminary exami nation to show that Joe was innocent, and to prevent his being bonded. Ilia leaving site ws that he 'was guilty, and that ho knew it. , It is expected of lawyers to clear their clients, but pri vate. Citizens' and ' Justices of thePeiiee should see that no guilty man escapes. Tho meeting at the M. E. Church con tinues, under the charge of pastor W. P. McCorkle, assisted by k the Rev. J. N; Andrews. Mr. Andrews was formerly pastor of this church and was highly es teemed by the congregation for his fear less promulgation of the truth, and for his open denunciation of.' sin.v I heard one of the congregation remark-the other day, that he had never heard Mr. Andrews preach but what ho got close to some one in the house hefor Vote for James Ca-mpbell, the inde pendent" candidate far Councilman in the first ward. It. A few handsomely bound copies of Father Ryan's Poems for sale at Mrs. S. F. Stanly's book store, Pollok street. Vote for James Campbell, the inde pendent candidate for Councilman in tho first ward. 1t. Baltimore; April 29. Flour dull and unchanged: Howard st. and western superfine '$3.25a5-.00;- extra $5.25a6.25; . family $0.50a7.50; City Mills superfine ?3.50a4.W;'do. extra 85.00a7.80; Rio brands !?7.37a7.r.0. Wheat southern lower; western inactive and steady; southern red f51.35al.40; amber $1.45a 1.4S; No. 2 western winter red spot 1.4V?J. ' Corn southern firm and quiet; western about steady; southern white-91a92o.: do; 'yellow 87c. ' ; B.u.TtMOitK, April 29 Night. Oats firmer; southern 55a58c.; . western white 57a.Vc: mixed 56a57c.; Penn sylvania 55a58o. Provisions firm and un-" changed ; Mess pork jl8.50al9.50. Bulk meats clear rib sides packed 81allic. Bacon shoulders 94c.; clear rib sides 121c. ; hams 14al4ic Lard refined 12ic ' Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair, 8Aa9Jc Sugar steady; A soft 9e. Whisky firm at $1.23... . . . Nrw York, April 29. Cotton Net receipts 176 bales; gross 580 bales. Fu tures closed dull ; sales 38,000 bales. May 12 23al2 24; June 12 85al2 30; July 12 4Sa12 49: August 12 63al2 64; I September 12 23al2 24; October 11 63 I . . n i tit I -.. .J... J tr . T all u-t; i-soveiuuer 1 1 aiis), uecem ber U 45all 4(i; January 11 5Call 57. Ni:v York, April 29. Cotton quiet; sales 803 bales. Uplands 12ic; Orleans 12c- Consolidated net receipts 4,338 exports to (iivat Britain 5,731; to France 3,025; to continent 3,800. ... Coffee unchanged and dull. Sugar very firm and rather quiet; fair to good refining 7fa7Jc.; refined stronger and in better demand; standard ' A 9ia9fcV. Molasses unchanged and dull. Rice firm and quiet. Rosin quiet and steady at ;J2.4.ja2.47i. Turpentine dull and easier at 00c. Wool dull and drooping; domestic fleece 38a48c; Texas 14a29c. Pork higher and strong; mess $17.75a 17.87J; old ,S18.25al8.50; new, May, quoted at 18.10al8.20;middles quiet and held very firm; long clear $11. Lard 10al2-lc. higher and more active, closing weaker: prime steam 811.45all.47i; choice $11.60; May $11.45. . Wilmington, April 29. Spirits of tur pentine firm at 51c. Rosin- firm; strained $1.85; good strained, $1.90. Tar firm at $2.10. Crude turpentine not quoted. Corn steady; prime white 97Jc; mixed 93c. . ' Chicago, April 29. Corn irregular and generally higher at 71a71c. for cash: 7Uc. for April; 718c. for May; 71ic for June; 71ic. for July; 72ic. for August; 58c. for all the year. Rejected 70c. Pork fairly active and a shade higher at $18.10al8.15 for cash;. $18.07i for April and May; $18.25al8.27f for June; 818.4ola8.481 for July, 818.65a 18.07 for August.' . Iloiiintrarx Hooks Opcin l The . registrars books of tho several wards are now opened at the voting places and will remaiu open until Sat urday night. The following are the Registrars aud voting places: 1st Ward, Benjamin O'Neal, W. G. Brinson's of fice; 2nd Ward, R, D. Hancock, City ClerkVofilco; 3rd Ward, P. Holland Jr. P. Trenwith's shop; 4th Ward, A. L. Bynuin, Bynum's store; 5th Ward, J. G. llargett. E. G. Hill's office. 3 ti. Vote for James Campbell, the inde pendent candidate for Councilman in the first ward. It. .... ... . The Journal office-is now prepared to do Job Work. A full supply of Blank Deeds, Chattel Mortgages, Lien Bonds and Magistrate's Blanks always on hand.; , aprl5-2t. l'OUEIGN MARKETS. ... Liverpool, April 29 Noon.--Cotton easier and not quotably lower; uplands 6 11-16; Orleans 6J; sales 10,000 bales; speculation and export 2,000; receipts 3,800, all American. .NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. Tlie steamer Trent having beeu hiiul- ed oil' for the purpose of cleaning and painting, will not make her usual trips up Xeuse and Trent rivers the coming Week. GW). T. IM'I FV, apr 29-tf G. Y. A. NOTICE! Cotton Market-. x April 29. Galveston, 111; Norfolk It 13-10; Baltimore, llf ; Boston, 12 ; Wilmington, 11 5-16; Philadelphia, 111; Savannah, 111; New Orleans, Hi; Mo bile, Hi; Memphis, 111; Augusta, Hi; Charleston, 11. - ! . . L. H. CUTLER, N . DEALER IN ST 0 V E S ,.' HP' Hardware, HOtSr FURNISHING GOODS Psiints, Oils, Sasli, Doors, BUihIs Ko-25. UILDLSBt-;:'"t Apr. 12, ly d Not Berne. N. C. KOSTH CAUOLIS C. J tUAVKS t .Tiu. C Prolan" fort rt iintv. J - , IlaniMin, Adm'r v. tlii? lieiis ' law of llrtsy mown, dee' l. - ' : ToMaccUmn Mooiik,- ouo of Hit? di;tf inltuilB; In above pptitli'tl Ji'c)Ct'Piiiii(r: Pr, 1 oii an' hirciiy roqulri'il to' appcitr before Ihe oliato Court of Craven county on Siuurday, NOTICE. IN THE SUPKUIOR COURT. ,,,' , Jonbs Oocny. J ' ""H ToCtHiBcilMcrCTr:' 'i-i I. You will take notice that a special proceeding has been begun in the name ef John O. Whltty, adm'r. Edward Mercer el ol, to which you are party defendant; for the. purpose of selling the land lying in Junes comity known M the Lewi- Mercer homestead, for assets to pay debt ol the June. SUli, lStU anil nusweror demur to thecom nlaintitr. etc. You are. rwii.lr.tl tn ammr hfnr plaint in the r.bove entitled proceeling, which is Thomas J. Whitsker.Eeq Clerk of said i.pertnr inbiiiuu u io sen me mini ui me iiiun.ii.., irj j inrt, at tnecourt House in Tnnton on the 14th "ts- i day of Jnne. 1882. and answ"-or demur as von may be advixed. to the mi i( fliod, dliwtd i. THOMAS J. V in i AkfcK, O. S G f inbilltlU'U IU fi-u ilie llltui VI tilt. imrBiiiu, iiic elo( Brown, to maid assets for the pnvuieni. ot ilcbli j i:.W(!AIUKNTER, e llO' , , ("lerk Superior (Juiii-l of Craven County. " )