V ITr 1ISIIE3S' ASSOVSfCKMKST, v THE DAILY JOtTANAL. a Mcelunm paper, K ibllshad daily crept ou Monday, at M.0U pr fur, 13.00 for aix moutba. Delivered to city ' cbacrtbera at M caU per month. i . THE NEW BERNE JOURNAL. A 32 column paper, la jmMNhed eery Thnreday at UMpt tnniu i" - ; - - , - ADVERTISING RATES (DAILY-On lBcn on div. to eenta; ene-week, $2.00; one month, VOtf; thr' month!, H0.CO; fix months, 14.00; frrtttlwnow,,tt"1w'MLve, :' AdverUaementt trader bead of "City Heme" IQ cete per line for each Ineertioo' - ' ; ' No aUtertiaementa Vill be Inserted between ' local Matter at any price. ' '-' ; . Notice ei Marrlagea or Deniba, not to exceed ten -lines .will be taeerted free. All additional matter will be charged 10 centa per line, , . , l.Pymeata traaeieaj advertisements moat be made In advance. Secular adTertisementa ill be eelleeted promptly at tlw end o( each month. . ..L i' , . .-. , : ' .. Commimieatlone eoniaJninf newa or a discus sion of local mattara are solicited. , No eommuni - cation must expect to be published that contains bjectiona'ble personalities; withholds the name, of the author ; or that will make mora than one column of this paper. ' J TIIE JOUENAL. NEW BERNE, N. C, MAY 8, 1882. i, Entered at Ybe rW office at 'New Berue, N. C, ' a aecoad-clasa matter. " The Crop Oatlook . t '- It is admitted that the farmers' cpnuijion, is tl)e true barometer of the financial tat of the count ry. Some times' Bpeculatorg and stock gamblers can make an ' artificial atmosphere "that rting' the barometer op or down to, suit i their wishes, bot it is only temporary, and ' in a short while monetary matteft fall to' the position 'a8signe4 ;tb,u by Datura! laws, V The conn try has been prospering 'for four years and it is also true that ' -'extrt boon t if til crops ha r been, reaped in that sanie period. While there have been local droughts and section sal disasters, the country at large has ". "been kind!" blessed .With excellent 'crops 'and abundant harvests. Ibie farmers have prospered and the whole counirhaa recelired '.a ' portTp ti" "tli e benefit arising" from -that prosperity. Th.eoutlook for tie present-year is favorable. From , the New York ' Times vre publish below a collection of statistics from a number of States. .'From them we. see that the small grain crops promise-well . Winter ; : wheat will give n increased yield in usarly every late licept'Ifldiffnar, Ohio and New York. Spring wheat Is much better. In. the: great , grain States Vest of the Miasissippj , the;in , ciease lis as much as., offset, cent torn show a. large increase' in -near-Jj every State where it U! chltiyatcd 'at all" XmlgTaUon andihe pushing of .railroad construction ;iare , prominent factors in-the: increase of the grain fields. It is not. believed that, cotton can make 'mnch ttore than -an 'average ; rop. Planters have already exhaus ted the supply of labor and the only increase of -cotton must be by extra fertilisation ' and not by increase of acreage,' 'And it is doubtvl, even if there shall be an inoreaBe of the crop, fyhether force can be had to pick it out "The demand for cotton is grow . ing year- bj year faster, .'we believe, than iberapplyj and if so this crop is destined to prove 'a blejdng to the South, i - - 'viA-''':-f- . 1,1 Tobaecofldea : not abow, much change; an increased acreage WUl be planted in some of the Middle and - ' Northern States.' u. In the North bay aftd the fmitcrops' have rbeen. conaid . ferably Injured.' .'J'iT Jini. a The condition of crops in the differ- vent States are shown by the following .-recapitulation; .--y-i'v ' ""' Alabama'. Ccitton, . aithoughr 'the ; decrease in land cultivated is marked, i it expeotcd to yield an7 sjversge crop, ; The acreage of corn and oats has been -increased. :; f p;. . . Arhansatrr Winter 'wheat,' witli a , very large increase in acreage, will .-soon be harvested. ; Corn and oats al io show : large increase. Cottdn- ' planting1 is ' going on, with perhaps a sli htlv decreased area. V T . California The largest, increase i is in the acreage devoted to vines and ('barley, which are thriving.' Wheat A ivd oats' will be about as laBt year. Color a do, The wheat, acreace has j been increased one third, with promise s i of a Corresponding yield. Crupa in -"Southern Colorado giTe iway to the , eattle interest, which is in fine cotidi ".lion. ; .' " i-y-?':l;i':!"-:. . Connecticut ''the kitchen garden, 'the dairy; and the orchard, arejgrad- tJ'j 1 -Jifi? to smaller igrsln -crops. T! ' a i Lrests are in a good xondi ' f i. flinch.., laud will be 'devoted' to ,j--'--cs. : .I."' Ji 'X-i-:s-" . L- !aiotr,-The 'farmers' ,tt ork t in very backward. The 'crops of 'corn 8- 1 v ' t t,:'l be about the average; 1 - h and small fruit crop has "1 "y damrsdj if 'hot 'de8- ' i. l6 cotton crop, through t j i 3 of fertilizers, is expected to yield 10 or 15 per cent, increase. A good crop of oats and a larje yield of corn are expected. ; - Gedrgia. Various causes have led to a slight decrease in cotton acreage, with a large increase in food crops,, principally corn and oats, liice and iut&r-cane are about the average." Indiana. The Winter wheat gen-j erally was badly injured by irost, and a short ertr is expected. Barier i also injured. Corn and oats show an ; increase. Fruit, except apples, will, give a small yield. . i Kansas. The outlook for all grain has never been better. The acreage of 'Winter and Spring wheat, -corn,' and rye has increased from 30 to 100 per cent.1 Sheep-raising is a growing interest . Kentucky. Winter wheat shows a larger acreage; crop in good condition. Corn and bats will be planted more than last year. Tobacco remains as last year. There will be .fair Crop of peaches.' i Louisiana. Cotton-planting; a been retarded; the acreage 111. prob ably uot change much. .The sugar.' cane, except in overflowed places, is generally in very good eonditian, w-ith the usual, acreage. Corn will show some increase. , ; , ; Mat viand. Mure than the average crop of wheat and corn is promised.' tobacco will remain about the same. The fruit crop has been nearly, des troved by frost , ; t - V ,Missi8sippi.TTh yield if 6tton is expected to be as large as the big crop of 1881. Seven-eights neaHy of the flooded districts will be planted. The prospects for corn and oats-are unusually flattering, with an increased acreage.;'- - ; "- ." '' Missouri. Winter wheat is usual ly, advanced, with largely increased acreage, and in good Condition. Oats,. corn, and potatoes were.iever more promising. 1 i - i " ; ! ' I Ji'New: Jersey Hay and -clover have generally been much injured. A light increase' in wheat rye,. oats, and corn, and a decrease in" tobacco are reported A good crop of fruit is expected. - , , V , New ';; Ym-k.-V in i e r ' v heat i it ill show a short crop. More oats and about the same barley ; have .been planted. Dairy industry is extending. Hops have been injured 10 per cent. The Hudson Valley poach crop i a fail ure; other fruits, except, cherries, prom ise well.' ;' " !; ' ;, North Carolina: The cotton, with the use of fertilizers, will probably be an tayeragc crop. There is a large in crease in the area devoted to corn. The riee acreage has boon doubled. Fruit prospects are a;ood. : ; : pite increased .'acreage,'";' will" prevent more than an average op. Oats and potatoes sbow : some increase. Mead ows have, been iujinvd. , Dairy and fruit interests look well. . : : " ; ' Pewnsyrafa.i Xotwithstitnding an increase in general acie.igc, it is believed that grain and hay will not give average returns, torn.. oals,i potatoes, and to bacco are more extensively planted., . Mode . Iland.-Corn and. , xtatoes show an increase in acreage. ' (Jrass is looking well. Farm labor is scarce. South Carolina. Cotton looks well. with a slightly diminished acreage. Winter wheat and 'Oats show a very largo increase; Kice promises not -more than half the usual crop. ' TennesiKe. The " planting of cotton is increasing. The prospects of Winter wheat are endangered by. 11 y ami rust Fruit prospects are flatterinsr.'- -'. (jrass is above the average,.'.;. 1 . ' Texa. Wheat promises a vield over that of last year Com and oats , look well, and the acreage has been extended. Cotton is in good condition.: Stock-rais ing interests are prosperous. : -.-" 1 Virginia; Tobacco is i.i promising; there may be a slight decrease from the average. . Winter wheat and , oats, will be about as last year. : The com acreage is Bmaller.;:;Fruits have been much damaged. Labor is scaiee. v ; f West Virginia.-Winter wheat, wiith the same acreage, will show double the yield of 1881. Com and oats are more generally planted. Fruits have been much damaged. t s ' L. H. CUTLER; , . DEALKR IN . ( 8T 0 V I 8 - HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS Pninta, Oils, Saali, Doors, Blinds ;'"'.': Uo-26.)lIDDLESt- Apr. 12, lyd . ... .--.New Berne. N. C. NOTICE TO SHIPPERS. The steamer Trent havinjr been haul ed oft' for the purpose of cleaning and painting, will not make her usual, trips up Neuse and Trent rivers the coming week. rt, tiiiUt T. 1) V It to V apr 20-tf ;r , .F.A. NOTICE! NORTH CAROLINA.) .. ,.. - ., j. . JProbati" Court.' ' ' t 1 f GftAVB COtXTY. -i. , -' i - ' ; Jaa.C. Harrinon, Adm'r v. the hrlrs at law! of i i ., , .(! Belay Hrown, dee' J.r , - : ;,, ToMaocklix Moork, one of the Ucfpiidnnn' in ; above entitled procePdniK: , t .. Yoii re hcrrt)y Tqnlred to appear before the Probata Court of Craren coonty on Keuirday, June 34111, and answer or demnr to the com- filalnt In the above entitled proceeding, which il hatitnted to tell tbe land of the intcetate, lietsy Brown, to stake aaaela tor the pnymeni of Ws, . -VW.CAHPENTtji, , Clerk Superior Court ot Craven coputr. cminsioN i - A Consignments of Grain, Cotton, and other ti , , o : .produce SOIjXOITE jo: ?n J.- ; ; ;.. f. . - : I50UPT ATTENTIOU GUABA t a WlIOf.ESAU2 ,ANi; KETAIf DKALER IN-' .' E General Merchandised. Iry.Clooils, Notions, 1 boots;;p'D.sho.: GROOKHIKS Pork, Bacon,' ! Flour Sugar, 1 ' Coffee, Salt, Syrup and ; ; MOLASSES. SNUFF and TOBACCO. HARDWARE srcH As-' ,. Spades, Shovels, Hoes,' Axes, ; Kails PloW Traces Hames, Farmer's Supplies GENERALLY ! MOTT'S SWEET CIDER, 7y;.' THE BEST MADE, CON STAN TLY IN S TO C K 'Prices low for easily ,7' - ' Satisfaction guaranteed. 1 Highest 5 cash prices paid for r;, Call and see me. ; -,: North West corner r ' ;i ss., t: "''' SOUTH FRONT & i - MIDDLE Street, ' NEW BERilE, N. C Mar. 30, ly w , , F. IKKSSEU haR; been in the business i forv the last '' 'SlV'YE'AliS., . : FULL STOCK ALWAYS ON HAND Glvo laixxx a Trial . ri ... ''' '" : CornerofBroad tvnd Middle Streets;' : "f .-K.-a ,, ,.new reie,;n.;,c. Mar. 30, On) w r . . . , ; ;v,' r , t j,; j",,,; ,.; , NOW OPEN AT Weiistein A FULL STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS CONSISTING OF. Lnrties' Fancy Goods,' v .,; ..Mens' and Hoys' Clothing, Hoots and Shoes, " ' ' : ; i . " : ; , Hats of the Latest Styles, ,1 'I' If (...... Notions, Trunks and. satchels. Carpets, Rugs and Iftttlnps, Ladies' Ulsters and Shnvls. .. A COMPLETE TOCK OF .' V GENT'S FUEN1SHINO GOODS. ; WHICH WILL BE SOLP CHEAP AT ' WE SULTAN A CO.'S. ' April l-dw-iy. KQ BERTS & BROS 1 Keep on hand a full line of i '; " j3oot.0hoe8bDry . Ooods, Oroolieiiy VNOTIOItfS;'; ' ANII'A CHOXOri ASSORTMXNT OF: ' FAMIL Y OBO O CR IE S. t,. Call on ns before rnaklbg your ruirchssts, at foatb Front St. near Gaston Ho9eV; Mir. 30, ly Furniture WILLIAM L0R0H- . ltfeil.KR 1ST. t-' - GENERAL MERCHANDISE - 'tm'mZZ ACCCJQIODiTIONS. - I ' Broat St. New Berue, IS. C. SMAtl.tRO FITS ANlJQltCK SALES. ' HACKBURN BROTHERS, - WHOI.KSALK & ItEt AI I , (iKOCKHS ; Corner Broad and Queen Streets, , V NEW BERNE, N. C. i -jossess cr- ' ' : LOBILLAED'S SNUFPS AND TOBACCDS. " '- 1 Alar. 30; 1 y w ' 1). W. 11URTT, I.! (!' MERCHANT TAILOR. ZANG'S old STAND, MIDDLE STREET, . " V New Berne, N. C. Vur. 3D, .6m; ... EASTERN .0RTH CAROLINA , Mill RLE WORKS MONUMENTS, TOMBS, A 1.1 , K INI S;(.J HAVE VXD IVUIlJ) ! lNG WOKK IX I T A LI AN & AM ERIC AN MARBLE - Orders will receive prompt attention .J.'. and. satisfaction guaranteed. j joe e: willis, ! t .,. --j Proprietor, (Successor to George ;V'. . Claypoole) ! Cor, BROAD & CRAVEN Sts. New BerneN. C. Mar. 30, I y-- ;-';''-' ' ' T ;fl fiREECl, ; ( i a. A RGEST A Nil OLI )EST L-v : WHOLESALE Tl o r S E ' IN THE CITY Keps always in Stock In Large Quantities . -v,,. , : POUK, LONG CLEARS, FLOIIK, SUGAR, COFFIJE. SYRU1', MOLASSES, SALT etc ,t ! .v.- - ' - : -i" Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snoif, a 1 s o ;.;' : - ' A LASGrE STOCK -OF ;. V-i DRY GOODS, BOOTS, tV rS II O K H Arbuckle's Ariosa Roasted c o K K K, "CRACKERS AND CAKES in great variety.1 ; ! ; , . " A sioct'.of . ; ' ' ' .JtiS liiitl HOSlERirr'' '! ii y . ', ;' ?v'' - ' .'..! i .. - , I Wholesale, .buyers will, finV n, large STfK'K aiid tle 1 west; prices. ' h't'fii i..iv:'.!t J'H.'i. - ; ' 'Pon'l fail to sec )e before you buy : .. ... . ' o , :, :.'., . i-r ( --' 1S)SLS St. New Eerne, H. a Mar, 53.1 A . , . ; -i'-.v 11 .... i r -I M i -I (51 U j' c o 1 NEW BERNE, ;N. C, i , DEALERS IN ABRICULTUHAL IMPLEMENTS, FARM .MACHINEBT, FERTILIZERS, - AO'Jl LIME, ' , ''';.-ANi)-:,-;';:i BONE KAINIT Call and examine our , N E.W ;; . LABOE SAVIN& Sweeps. Harrows M. I CULTIVATORS. THE ALLEN Cotton ; Corn, and Rice : CiiltivatoIS wil enable a Man with one mule to cultivate eight acres per day : u -; , J.'rices ve vy lpw for cash or approved. '. NOTES.' GEO. ALLEN & co. Mar. 30, 1 y dw . JAMES REDM0KD, WHOLESALE s D E A LE K ; BERGENER and ENOEL'S CELEBRATED , . BOTTLED-r-." - -.- . ; ; FOB SALE BY THE CEATE. r Also on hand a Full Stock of Groceries. PEOVISIONS, CIGAI.3 AND TODACCO. Open Front Brick Store ' ' Apr. 1,1 J l a.-f ;j:-i.i:'i..' 'V-r;,- ' .-.--I- 0. 8. ZIl MARKET WHARF, NEV BERNE, N;-ft. - ' Alao VeeJ-.a on hand tall tln-l of. (1 j ,j ROPES ; AN DTWINES,- SPIKES, NAILS, CAXVAS3, - , . , , ; - . . .'.' .... r AND ALT. XINI3 'cniPxfiAr i..u April ---kin. . LIQUO ,rp:iN DDKN, ft MJLVrricTUEEa op : lad llml aaf Eetsll Dealer 1a Stela tinned Confectionery. RANDIES,. f -fresh & 'cAH&m iktiis, " Crackers . and Cakei; cima'rs,;:1 Ah(l all' Kinds pF Children's : tOtS WAGONS &. ic. ; POixocsiC Apr 18, y , ; ; yew Berna, Off. C. S. ILSOO'IT, NEW BERNE N. C.. . r WS0L!AU AKS SJTAIL ISALI3 ' OKNKHAli MKRCHAHB!S. ,,,(j,)' MEAIA AKO O0MS 50c,. EACH. - . --v-:-: .; . ,;; First clam fare, and.lhe best Soliommo- dation. ' " ' Good rooms ' for ' commercial y mmemm ton ;the it" i. .!::; ...--'i.J .. ui t'i ,. sj,t : ; . , . . " 1 atlly"i 'ii 7' B T : T E Ji'B lfc AT H.' : ' a- on- DAILY JOT7BlttZ o9 ?,' 10.00 ,VJ W !,',(! 'i.iJ ,j,(.f. pna aaoath, .; , M fe-'.i f ":- ; WEEKLY JOURNAL one year, 2.00 pilxi'o'i.. ri j, . 'i A-i.-;!.'. Y -iv .u h .-'0 o TTT i':;:-Ut:.f AddreM ,i.tr.i"-..i'i;ait''K. ' ........ "V.' Ofter for halo ' fi.pftafi n V&'1'1? KAIKIT, , a j,,,; i ACI&3PIIOSPIIATIS, r PltmitlMWoSPHATE ' ' r ' - aii'-:'-. i - ,':.-.r! :r"?AB"8-WtEPAiEb'LtJIEl U Jan. 5, 3ra. r v : .''.: -DEALER IN- f:r." .BOOTS, SHOESf AS,, -- i. :yw&'pgtouii: -"a :.,;'f : " - n , . v, .- jbyitliebbl. ; Orders taken lor . . , . .. : . v re, ET8 Uit-SiiiNE : . 'Foot of Middle street,' ., .' . 3MOlQAcgALa, ''f,t-hi,'-'.W'' by ji-'Mr. ehaw -and I P. J lelda. tegisteri on t. "-Hr Mbaw loWm C.Q1UV, i will aell at the tiourt lioose d7r in y the town of Kinaton KiiSS5 Wt ; " Feb. tithSMb; f--.-J M .'-- '... . l,'J.. ic:ti i-Bfioir 2M'':'; r rD(ha OVallttor'tlugisiore". i s S , t Louis .f,L;;;:N.- ' -tinaMf. ' i-i HornerS'oh66u.. encxtWi .ifC,lia";i!l -k ' oer;in-.ti5.e.aocc;. "'--' .rj..-- ':.;)!?.. rartlcu'.rs, f - ' : '.!. .a'.J.C. . , I - Jan, 1, ly. .:t .V; ''!:' ;' -' 1 i