3 H VOL. I. NEW BERNE, N. C , SUNDAY, MAY 7, 1882. - r-" i NO. 31. -rr ,1 x A V JlL JL JL JLJL 1 r r . -JL... CHl'BCH DIRECTOBT. BAPTIST CHTJBCH MIDDLE STREET,' I . J . J Bkv. K W.I.iiso Pastoh. Service, on Sunday nt 11 A. M., and 7 1-2 P. M. -Prajer meeting every Thursday evening ot 7 l-l o'clock. Sunday School at 3 K. M., C. C. CLAitK, .Suiierimendent. - PHE3BYTERIAN.CHURCH. i U ? .'. j i SEirSEgTKST,i rj, is ! 'ity.A. 5"jVs PfioB.-terfcn pa gnndaS at 11 A Bf.'aad night at 8 P:K. 'Sunday School at 8 P M. Prayer mwtinn Thursday evening at S o'clock. Wm. JlolUster, Superintendent Sunday School. METHOM8T CHFRCH,-. ' .' ; '. flSFSE STREET ' ; ' '. ' . I .Hu L f. BihixbiWdI) I.fATO.Jjj; ceou Sunday Morning at 11 ' - 7 1-2 o Serves e- v n0tt eo.. k r w dMte ... , , .ue pastor, FOLI. , -- V SlIIEIDS, RECTOH xnnuns t H, a-drt.lo .; Sunday Srhool nt 6-li V- M. Services Wedwliy at 9 A M aJ b HIP M,, nod all Holy days at 1ft A. M v Vrefwat. W M "8"rs 1 Ili0 IuW' cordia,,3r end- I'suraa uiaj "u ..." - -Services Sun invite 4 ntie ST- Fl'S CATHOLIC CHURCH. . . 1.1. UIUDLB- ASD .HBC$B BtBMTS Fatter J. I Heuy ,JSTOR.-ma!.!i. buu.., moraine it h otoclr, Veapert Sunday aftoon p ftritfMM.it S 6 clock W. -.Pa:.1 ,"' absent fourth Sunday of every month. ized to make (he following proposition to the Trustees: , " ' The county will lease the lot on the corner of Broad and Craven streets for a term of ninety-nine years at an annual rental of $240, with the privilege of buying the lot at any time within ten years for $4000, to bo paid in bonds of the county running thirty years at fi per cent. Interest, or for the each, at the option of the county. A committee1 was appointed, consist ing of Commissioners Brinson, Mallison and Biddle, to investigate the feeding Of the prisoners in the county jail. The Confederate Iffoimeit, . The funds for the erects-- of the mon umS'i 6ter the Confederate dead in Cedar QvoVe Cemetery have, been ex n2irt8te4, Rati still the monument is not complete. A large portion of the funds were used in building the vault, and for this reason the monument is still unfin ished.,, For the purpose of raising funds td , complete it, a mite box will be con spicuously planed in the cemetery on Memorial Day, and ill who attend are earnestly requested to contribute a mite for this noble purpose., v ; . . left eye, producing almost insjtantajJAojjs death. Kennedy made his escape and has not yet been taken. Beaufort Items. i f;' Fine shower of rain yesterday. P No Mayor's Court for two days. kt Only one marriage license issued last i weelc by tne.negisver ui vw'f o If i Elder ParaonsV will, preach at Temperance Hall to-day at 11 o'clock. I ." Nootton received ai' the Exchange K. yesterday. ' Prices unchanged. " ; TnA Gilmer Daased up" tlw road .rMterdar; He Holds court in Wayne v to-morrow. ; ; i . ' v---.; " I Capt. W. . A. Thompson will attend 1 ' court at GolfJeboro next week canvass I sing for t8 J0t1WiIi'"'!,; tt is Street's Ferry arid not flwtft Creek to' ifWcb; the Methodist pic nic . will go on Tuesday next. : '' ; Oil- Mm P. TTTitford left for Ral righ yesterday, to nd a meptjng nf the Pirectors of A. $ N. C. R. R. : Robrt Hdnock lr.j arrived PP the - Vain yesterday morning. He 'ti super intpRdpnt pf tlP dorument room at Wwhinfiton CJty, Mr. W. A. Fulcher, Fftreman n h Xnelernian office, in transferring the 'form" from press to imposig stone on ' ' f rjdayrtighV dropped th&'s&me, which falling on bis hee) jnfjictiflg f pafnfu wound. f bones broken.? ...... We are very Elad to, hear of the ap preciative kindness sbown the family of - lf. phnTK . RohertB, lftte of the Southern RxpreBsCom)BBy,.tF U tftp fmployees of the Company, on, the sad journey homeward Sympatny is iweei We publish by request an article on NewBerna Academy of 1919, published in the Journal of Vommt m of this city IfrlW If Interesting, and jn reciting the Fer it rosa4 m the 1 Ulden tunes, is very auggestiv of jWbat it ought to be doing now. We were pleasecl to meet in - the city yesterday', Mr. i- W: Grainger, of Kin-rfoR- W health i9 Pmew!lat improved. , He has by liberal advertising built up a large trade in the buggy, 'wagon and ' engine" business and speaks of estab lishing a branch bouse m tins cny. , Killed by I,ijiltiIS. . During; ie jlnder sfofi yasjerday two negroesjhree white men were killed by lightning near Black Creek, Wilson county. -We have not learneu die parnes of the parties. fairy Vlower ,:efer..ith,Mmorjal .4H80 ciat'ion requests all who attend the caiTT lowers fpf tlilfufpNeof dpco- New Court House, We were m error a tew days ago when we stated that the County Com missioners had not adopted a plan and specifications for the new Court House, The drawing which is at the Register s office, shows the building to be 94 feet long by 53 wide, two stories, high. The first story is to be thirteen ieet one ana a half inches between joist;., the first twenty fuel in tha clear. The lower flrmrifitohfl divided into lour rooms 2,1-6 by 18 each and one room 19 by. 18, There is . to be an entrance . at each end and on one side with a passage 12 feet wide. In the rear end ia to be two fii-0 proof vaults, one 1 by 13 thf other 13 by 13. ' The second story wtli contain to petit jury rooms, a judgas room, stand, bar, jury boxes &c Slemorlsi Sei'vlfts The citizens and the several organiza tions of Up city .will assemble nt the Academy Green on Wednesday evening. Pipcirly fit 5 o'clock p. nil the profen- sion,' in ci flrfinin- l"t' WK W. B. Lane, and his asJP.Wantfi, will move for Cedar fi rove Cemetery, witn music, by the New Berne,, Silver Cornet Band.' When the procpgsion fi fornipcl around e nifinujnfjnt (hf! feyemonjea will be performed ip the following order: 1, Music by the' choir, led by Prof. t)e La Croix ' Guard Around the Tfinfc'l J "' : ,5. 8. Prayer by the Cliaplain 3. Musie by the- cuoirr gotien." ' 4. Adress by Pr. James f. Long. 5. Musje, hy the cV.oir-"Refit, Soldier Rent." ; fl. Benedirtion, J Doxology, in which all are request ed tp join. , . " - ; - The Methodist Sunday School picnic at the Fort to-day. The Executive Committee of this county, I learn, have endorsed Hon. C. C. Clarke, of your ciiy. Congressman at large. One ff pur merchants tried wseil a sewing machine this week to a gentle man from the country. "Why," said hS, "I have a better machine than that; had it forty-six years." He meant his wife, of course. Professor Brooka, of Johns Hopkins, has arrived, aud is preparing for his summer work. A larger number of students will be present than ever be fore. The special study will be "The oyster, its life and habits." Mr, J. C. Pavia is having buiit, ac cording to his own drawing and plan (which he has been carrying in his pocket for five years) , a sharpie fifty feet long. This will take the lead in size of any boat of the kind known to our peo ple. , Mr. Wm. Hardesty, foreman of the Grand Jury, a worthy and prominent citizen -of this county, lost a fine horse yesterday. About the time Mr. Har desty was to start home hia horse took sick, and, despite all that could be done, died. The revival at the Ann street Method ist Church, under the pastorate of Rev, N. M. Jurney, has closed. It is believed much good has been accomplished. About twenty-three have professed faith in Christ, and about that number will join the Church. The Church is under going repairs, and will he completed by the Pjstrict Conference to June. It will be a ponderous Church when done. The Superior Court has been in ses sion during the week, Judge CHlrner presiding.' I tin. charge to he Grand Jury was the best I ever heard- I could not, help taMlVg his hand at the hotel and thanking him. He said to nie that while in AnheviHe Inst fiu,W!Mr he met Mfa. Bishop Wlghtwan, and during a comeiflOtiottfihORtild, "Oh. Judge, what an . opportunity ' you have for doing prood;" and, Raid he, that remark hag followed me n,o,w, atyl 4 have en dpayoredto profit by it," Moc, alitor of the Sunday School papers. He is a man of pleasant manners. He too came to Nash villi via China. But he is the "right man in the right place." The Doctor is a member of the Holaton Conference. I hope thpse two editors trill be re-elected. . I sair Pr. McFerrin, book agent. He ia looking weil and some of the Nash ville people want him elected Bishop although he is perhaps more than 75 years old. Rev, R. A. Young, D. D., six feet six inches high is as genial as ever. I think he stands higher than any man in the General Conference. A am domiciled at the elegant home of L. F. Benson on Tine street, near the centre of the city. Mr. Brown, a lay delegate from California, is also to stay at Mr. Benson's. The East and West meet together. , Nashville is growing rapidly, it is perhaps, now,, the "Athens" of the South. ' . The. Cumberland River which runs through the city, is now very peaceful and quiet. One can hardly realize, that only two weeks ago it run many thou sands of the population of Nashville out of their homes. . If this hurried scroll finds its way to the "waste box," I shall not com plain L. S. Bl RKHEAP. etc, while information of the South is well illustrated in the following: A gentleman from this State wan at the church iu Philadelphia iu which General Washington formerly worship ed and after crvice asked the usher some questions about the buildin? which betrayed his rural descent. You are not from the city then said the ush er. No said the Carolinian. I am from North Carolina, "Are youV" said the clever gentleman "then wont you let me take you in and introduce you to our minister, he 13 from down your way?" "From our wayi"'said the Carolinian "Yes sir he is from Cuba.'' No disrespect is meant by the recital of this incident, but it show3 that the eyes of but few persons are turned toward us and likely never will be un til a more systematic effort is made to attract attention than has been here tofore made. . , NEW BERNE IHARKET. Cottos, Middling Hi; Low Mid dling 10; Good Ordinary Ordi nary 84. No sales.1 ' TrRPENTnvE. Yellow dip $3.00, Scrape $2.00. Sule3 at quotations. Tar $1.50 to f 1.75. Rick $1.17 to $1.20.- Sales at quota tions? ""' ' Corn Fiinv: 93c. in sacks; . 90c. in bulk. - Peas $1.35. , - Co.rNTRY pRoniKE. Bacon hams 12V, shouldere 9, Bides 10, Lard' 13; Meal-unbolted $1.00, . bolted. $1.15; Fresh pork ...3a9c.- Beef stall fed 8cv on foot, grace fed 5ic. to 6c. Potatoes yam 50. Eggs 10; Hides dry 10al2c, green 5ic. Beeswax 20c.. Chick- Rev, I, C '.Not For- ratfRg phe graves of pur g dead. Everylosir' Book. A; sniaU pa&rphJM he above title, i i V7 ehpv niMiahiid bv P. M. Hale of Raleigh, and &ir,ad bv Col. Walter Clark has been . - Mt us.for review. ...The. bqokis neatly . printed, and if distributed free would deserve Borri committal. M -l.ila rmrnorting; tu contain legajinfor rnatioh loihf vluof ?5 cents to the ' buyer1, it ' really an; advertisement for Walter Clark, and the legal epptenw ' rather .common placa . itu character f mlgbf -well be given as -ap offset for Kinston Items. Young Mark LaKoque; ;son of W- P. LaRoque, diad on Friday night, ae was a bright and promising boy and his death is sad and untimely. This is a dull Friday almost a " black Friday. " . -.ETejjrjQdy, little aud big, are off to the picnic below New Berne. Several of the Sunday Schools of this place united and got up this monster Dicnic, carrying away six or seven nun- dred neome on pleasure bent, most of them ioTOus and happy Sunday School pupils; a; large lot ot indomitable widows, widowers and old maids, with an eleeant supply of baskets plethoric with all the delicacies and substantial of the season. Soon' after the -departure of the train the town put on a solitary arid deserted air. Even the beasts, of the heid sym pathized with the idle and -lasy-lopkjng merchanta, auft Bopguy iu w'r rr V"D" trade. Squire. King's old lioness cow walked inquiringly into one of his new brick', stores' ia1 search of something mcenn-fivon a green trader. She met r- . , . 1 with a hearty 'welcome., pavipg Deeu energetically ejected by the disgjiatefl and insulted merchant HoM?ciM.rLovtis CrfiPin- POl-', living qn the f arrn eflfesfee L. Kennedy, in the Fallinir Greek'' sertlon, wag killed hy tt.,. itratirtndv; col.I On the1 night of the 3d instant,. :";! ,! ., " ' Croom suspected Kennedy of improper intimacy with his' wife while ho was absent attending the meetings of ' the . . 11 ii ' i 1 1 : . Samaritans. On the nignt 01 tne kuhuk ' Letter from Dr. Hnrkiieail. Nashvihe, "Ppss., Ma? l3?i- JovHl: I visited the Pub lishing House of the M, E. Church, Suiith, this morning. There I met quite a number of the "brethren." I found the "Missionary Secretary," Rev. A. W. Wetnon, P. P., hard, at work CPtting readv for General Conference. The Poctnr is a mau of fine intellect and great force of charac ter. There is much talk of. electing him. Bishop. He is a member of the Baltimore Conference. Wheu I handed him $130 for Foreign. Missjnps from .New Berne he seemed greatly pleased that the good people of our little city had responded so prompt ly to his appeal in behalf of the good cause. As I entered the office ot Key. O. P. Fitzgerald, D. D.. edyftrpt tpe qmstiwAdVPWfa he rase and greeted me warmly, and referred at once to tue revival in New Berne, saying he rejoiced with us in the great- work. After some conversation about the people of North Carolina, the duties and toils of his own position as editor fif pr "Clyarch Gl ean." were discussed, pointing to a box under his table, which will hold perhaps three bushels, he said "that box should be embalmed. The whole church owes it a debt of gratitude; for it s a greaf friend of the Methpdist Church. ' It has been emptied nine times in the last' five years. It is now about half full of rejected artic-H" Jflt think of thji ppefey, eloquence, history, scieppe philosophy ana tneoiogy wuii this box consumes thrown into its open mouth by this cruel editor 1 How many brilliant autftqrssearcn c ' commission' -JProceeaiBBs. t fj The County Commissioners-held a 8 ' special meeting on featuxday, to consider . . JprqBQsiiiqn from je; VytfpfiB of the M'w tierne Academy tH, the sale pf the lot on the' corner, of Broad and Craven Btieeta. The Board made the following order". ' " ' That the committee appointed to corf ' ' fer with the Trustees of the New Berne ; , Academy be. instructed and .are author r'Jhe induced bis wife .to Jjelieye that he t.a1 irone to the rLodge: M$ really cw- " .... r,, ceale himself under tug JRopao. npor after P.room.was, suppoa lQ pB u. troT,fliv entered the house, wuen Croom heard what oecurred In the house.'Kennedy, rinding he was caught, moved off to a neighboring house and Croom followed him up threatingly, when Kennedy, warning Croom pot ft columns pf the "Christian Adv?epte frpm week tP w eek to find their splendid pro ductions; but search in vaifl! They gay "dgad pen tUnQ tales," ana mis editor sits tnere wun HcvBgurM w , Outs the throts of all these beautiful creations and throws them in this waste box and seems to take real delight in this business, and to think he should have the thanks of the whole church for this wholesale slaughter! The Doctor is a native of North Carolina. He is a u Arm -hearted, clear-headed and hard working editor. He cam t 51 T,iiio via Palifoiiiia. He ia one of a great number who can testify that "North Carolina ia a great State to move from. Many nortn t.aroimiu w come distinguished after they leave their native land. Dr. Fitzgerald is one of the best editors in the Unit,d 8tftVe. He is a good m?Q ajid a sincere and tamest Ohnstlaa, advance fin shot hini through the I I I also called on Dr.'Cuningham, the emigration. New Berne, May Gtk 1S82 Editor Journal: The remarks of yours On the enquiry of the gentlemen of Pennsylvania as to the Piedmont sec tion of North Carolina, brings to mind conclusions that I had long since reach ed, and it ia that this State should look to our northern neighbors for immi grants, rather than to Europe. There is in Deleware, New Jersey and Pennsylvania a positive overflow of population that is of agricultural pop ulationwho seek cheaper lands, larger farrRS. then they can command iu their present locations unless at an extvava gant out lay of money, especially i3 this the case in Pennsylvania. As an illustration, in February Is80 there was an emigrants train made up in the Cum berland Valley for the west, which when concentrated, from various routes, at Harrisburg, contained over four hun dred and, ft persons old and young. These were, all actual citizens of the State they were leavinp; and their mo tives will be hent explained by the fol lowing incident; The writer, had the pleasure of dining with a gentleman living near the Cum berland Valley Rail Road, hia home was one of those old fashioned farms of that sertion . stone barns, stone f onoes, and an air of comfort and solidity combined cn every side. At the table he stated that in the winter he should take his family to the west Kansas or Colorado the probable dest ination. To the enquiry why he left so comfortable a home iu such a fertile cpun.try as he had, tP un dertake the hardships of a wentern life, to rear his children under 30 many dis advantages, as he mu3t meet there his answer was, substantially this; said he "when my father died he owned all the land that comprises the farms that I occupy,. the f,ne my sister occupies and the third the home ot my roomer . He left but three children each of us received from his estate a home suffi cient to raise and comfortably support the three families. Now I lare five children and I can not possibly provide for them as my father provided for me it we remain iievetherefore I have sold this farm for eighteen thousand dollars, and with that sum can buy sufficient land in the west to diy8 among my children and tliem douhle the Quantity that I received from my father and give them a.fair start on the road of life. Although my wife and self are get- M 1- -41 - 1 tinff on in vears. yet we teei mat m separating from old association,! rela tives and neighbors rp discharging a dty to our "children paramount to all other. ! I dp not propose, however, to lose all interest in tho old homestead nor the old State. I own a lot in the Cemetery over on the Hill which you say you have visited and have lately sent over a wagon load of earth from this farm, and placed upon" that lot eo that we shall ever have an interest here in the aacred soil of my childhood home.' , This family was apart of the 450. The West is well advertised ; samples of wheat, oati and p,the,r grain iii placed in jilas oases at the various Railway sta tions and the curious are informed by painted and printed notices, that this was grown in such and such a section of the west, how much per acre etc. Then maps of the various sections and grants are all ftUut you, Rail road Routes clearly defined, cities that are, and oltles that are to be, are all located, winding up generally with the impera tive command "Buy your tickets by this route" quicker time, less, ohanges. Spicy and Pointed, ihe Kunnera have it, that we were beaten in our ward last Monday, which is a baldjheaded lie. .We 'were not candidate at all. We did favor Mr. J. W. Harrell, the regular nominee, for Councilman, and worked for him, but the Parson run an Independent ticket and was elected. We had the Parson beat on Saturday night, but he got chance to preach in Andrew Chapel on Sunday, while Bro. Farmer was away and of course, he preached a powerful sermon. We are informed, that he took hia text in Psalms, and at the time he'was speaking about Saul, Jonathan and David, and just as bespoke of the arrows, the Holy Spirit came down fromglory,Jand the sisters got happy and Oh! what a time there was. Th Parson,1 sometimes, preaches to save souls, but that sermon was preached to save voten, on Monday.. Every broth er of the cross walked up to the ballot bos and voted for the Parson. Anyone with common sense knows, that Harrell could not poll more votea than Saul, Jonathan ana David, and "that, is what's the matter With Hannah." -Veil' Berne Lodge COMMERCIAL; ens 60(2! 62c. per pair, cwt.' Peanuts $1.73. Fodder $1.50 per Gov. Jan is on (trailed School. "I congratulate tho people of Durham on the result of the vote on the graded school question. . An rapid as has been the growth aud prosperity of Durham in the pant, I shall expect both to be still more rapid and mailed in the future. A town that provides tor the certain education of (ill it.n children will reap ita reward in good citizens, good government, in virtue, intelligence and wealth. Well done for Durham. Her example is worthy of imitation. "I wanted very much U come up and be with you Thursday night, but I was so situated that I could not come. "God bless and prosper the graded school is the prayer of Your obedient servant, Thos. J, Jarvk." Durham Tobacco Plant. Itsportod Expressly for N Bern jonn&tt : BOiWESTIC' MARKETS. B a ltimore ,May fi Flour dull and un changed; Howard Bt. and western super fine ?3.50a4. 50; extra $5.00a6.00; family vny Mills superfine 3.50a 4.75; do. extra $5.50a7.80; Rio brands $7.25a7.37. Wheat southern scarce; western lower and closing dull; south ern red $1.35al.40; amber 81.41al.46; No. 2 western winter red, spot, $1.40a 1.4U; uorn southern steady, western easier and closing dull; southern white y lc; do. yellow 88c- Baltimore, May 6 Night.- Oats lower; southern OOafiSc; western white 61afi3c; mixed 60aB2c; Pennsylvania 60a63c. Provisions firm. Mess pork S18.50al9.50. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides packed 8alHc. Bacon shoulders 9 Jo.; clear rib sides 12k.; hams 14al5c. Lard refined 12c. Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair; 8Sa9Ac. Sugar steady; A soft 9jc. Whisky firm at $1.23.' New York, May ; 6, Cotton Net receipts 4: bales; gross 756 bales. Fu tures very dull and steady; sales 82,000 bales. May 13 27al2 28; June 13 38a 12 39; July 12 52al2 53; August 12 66a 12 67; September 12 2Cal2 28; October 11 66a; November 11 46all 47; Decem ber 11 47all 48; January 11 58all 60; February 11 .lallTa. , . New York, May 6. Cotton firm, holders asking higher prices; sales 801 bales; Uplands 12ic; Orleans 12Jc. Consolidated net receipts 3,759; exports to continent, 1,912. Coffee about steady and quiet; cargoes SalOc.;. job lots Sailc; low ordinary, CITY ITEMS. Tius column, next to local news, is to be nse'd for Local Advertising. Rio, May, $7.25. Sugar steady and fairly active; fair to good refining 7la71c; refined dull ; standard A 9lc , , Molasses unchanged and dull. Rice quiet and held firm. Rosin quiet and steady at $2.42Ja2.4!i. Turpentine dull and lower at 55a50. Wool about steady and a little better inquiry; domeHtic fleece 33a48c.; Texas 14a29c. Pork less active and held very firm; old mess, spot, $18; new do. tflS.tMialS.'.a; June S13.00al8.ou; mid dles scarce and nominal: long. clear i?10.35all. Lard opened 15al7ic. lower, afterward.1! recovered most of the de cline, closing firm and quiet; prime steam, spot, 511.55; choice kettle $11.95; June?fll.50all..i2i;. Chicago, May 6. Corn in fair demand aud lower at 74ia74ic for cash; 74ic for May; 72ja73c. for June. Pork in fair demand and lower at $l8.35a!8.40 for cash; $18.30al8.40 for May; $18.40a 18.43 for June. Bulk meats stronger; shoulders and short ribs, $10.65 ; short clear sides $11.00. Wilmington, May 6. Spirits of tur- pentmo irregular at 48a48ic Rosin quiet; stramea fri.na; goon etrainea fcl.90. Tar firm at $2.10. Crude tur pentine not quoted. Cora prime white Meeting of the Democratic Executive Committee for the County of Craven. The Executive Committee of theDem- m.c.y mixed 93c. ocratic party for Craven county will f iha nffi.-a nf W. Pr. TirinRon. FOREIGN MARKETS, ftllVVt - - ' . , - ., r t T Cia hsq., m the city 01 jncw uerne, on do- Liverpool, Way Noon.Ootton urday, the 13th day of May, 1882. All quiet and unchanged; uplands 6i; Or members are reauested to attend, as leans 6 13-16; sales 10.00U bales; specu- business of importance will come before lation and export 1,000; receipts 28,000; the Committee. , H. PEW. STEVENSON, , U fj 4 "D'H : .fr PH GEO. A. LATHAM, . Chairman. J, JJ. AA.tt.-IA JL; AX; VVJ. Secretary. may7-6t the OiJE PRICE CASH STOEE. PE.vi.cns it : To the subscribers of the Athletic Or- r--.ni".ticn: A meeting will be held at Noillioaat corner MiildioandSonthPWntstreet!!, b' " , , . o.,. opposite E H. Windlcy and K. R. Jones. the Uud ieiiowsuau ivionaay, may oiu, 1882, at 8 i o'clock p. ra., for the election of officers and other important business, The subscribers are requested to be nrnmnt.lv on hand with 25 per cent, of 1 L . subscription. R. O. E. Lodge, Thos. S. Howard, S. R. Street Jr., Geo. Sloveh, James W. Moore, and others. 3t. COTTON SEED MEAL. THE BUST STOCK FEED AND FERTILIZER, ' " FOR SALE BY . ' A.. XI. Deuuiaon, may 5. d-lv Now Berno, N, C. Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE , : LAMPS in great variety. BURNERS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, : : KEROSENE OIL, :' ;.- v ; '-;: .i ...'",'- t ' Pratt's Asiral Kon-Exjlosive Oil, Machine and Train Oili. We ak now prt'Ktrd tu mannfactur Tin and feheet-Iroa Ware.' Supcial attention crin'n o repairinr. Oooda sold low and wamntwl to he as, Kprc8uted. Anril 1 lj'diw ., , , . ., ., F. X. KINMOSS. D AIL BROS., WHOLRSAE GROCERS '' . - ' :t-, '". 'i : -AXIV- 'Z COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NEWBERNE K.C. V tLSMKNTMANLT, :$IGSSONSfi;FJft Oiiposite Gaston House. New : rct, N. P. WILL PRACTICE 1 IK THE 6tA AV FtCeral Courte and ivmilarly tUd all Ions of the Courts In the following count 1 Craven, Carteret, Pamlico, , Jone, Onm. Lenoir. , " ,' ' . ' . Mar. a-w-ly. Tm TiT-.o a

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