VOL; I. NEW BERNE, N; C, WEDNESDAY, MAY 10, 1882. NO. 33. 7 LOCAL .NEWS. , Egge have advanced one cenf. , ' Esq.' . G, HuTi court has had a rush this week. (StrawberrieEbiii f5Flen cents per quart yesterday. Blackberries' in the market, at ten cthts, per quart. Carry flowers with you to the memo rial services this evening. - .The-steamer , Defiance is due, to-day. Freight is accumulating on the wharf for her. ... ' We were pleased to hear last evening that Mr. F. Mt. Simmons was still im- proving..! Jj,! Garden peas are offered at twenty cents per peck, or .ten cents per quart sheiiyM'': excursion party reached the Ferry and from there a ehort walk took them to Mr. Freeman Erpul's, in whose, beautiful grove the picnic waiiheld. Now fol lowed the usual picnic scenes: The awing and jumping rope were put info use; the small boy becomes unusually noisy the little girls button airs; the buggies and shaded works are sought out by couples on flirtation bent. The dinner came on in good time and was in keeping with the rest of the pic nic. It was a bounteous repast and sensibly managed. The Chief Marshal, his assistants and the other Committees in charge deserve praise for their excel lent management. But what an eating crowd it was ! Phil Holland says at his end of the table the contest lay between Dan ' Fulford, Ferdinand TJlrich and Capt. Dixon and that the Captain won the victory. At the other end Messrs. Geortre Dail and T. A. Green held the . Memorial services .this evening.. The fort Taiiantiv. until at last Mr. Dail (not procession will move from the Academy beig able to gct the Greene county diet ' i 1 , rT 1 - , , 7-corn dread and barbecue) had to con "Bad stand of cottoais the general ess himself beaten. Phil Holland says complaint among the farmers, but it is 1 Walter; Borimjand Henry ; Wahab . not too late to plant again. ! ' ' Hyde county men had cleaned out the as the demands of the school' may re quire. They have good sites, on liberal terms, offered by A. Oettinger and J. C. Wooten. jr. . . A I ' steamer New , nye carried out I corn bread. tpeas,losc The yesfcJda 1503 boxei If iieas, J1S hoi ib Aftef dinner the crowd scattered and stores and cotton. while some resumed the sports, others repaired to the river and finished out a rr, a,e. f rjtc nriA hi, h the evening fishing and boating. Broth- New Berne on yesterday, we noticed two ixmies shipped by Terry and Barrow for ihe hotel at Nag's Head. ' ; i Qaite a row at Five Points on Saturday night between the hours of 12 and la. m. Several of the parties were before Esq. Hill on Monday and yesterday, and , one of them was bound over to the Su perior Court. v ' ; I - - - . ' -' " In noticing the beer Industry yester day we omitted to state that our towns man, Mr. .'E.: H. Windley, has been mainly instrumental in getting Messrs B. P. Sale & Co. to introduce their work here, and that 3h selling the beer or dersmayhe leff either with the man ufacturer or with Mr. Windley. In our notice of Prof. De La Croix yesterday the words attributed to him about being thankful he was notaGer man. might da him injustice as" it reada in the paper. The words were not used in any offensive sense,1 but witli the meaning that' he preferred to be of a music rendering nation rather than musical composition nationality. er Pittman of the Nut Shell proved hirn- Belf an expert disciple of Isaac Walton captunng a nice bunch of perch. The young ladies of cube root" fame of Miss Harrison's school narrowly escaped a small shipwreck knowing more about arithmetic than boating. Thus closed the day and a pleasant voyage down stream brought the party home safely. Circulation of New Berne Journal. Weekly,;. 7 . . - - - 1,512 ; ( Daily; 'i A il .,-.-i- .i. 293 Personal. s , . t Pev V. W. Shields 1 and ' Mt. H. R. Bryan left yesterday evening for Tar- boro to attend the Episcopal Convention Major Hughes left for Baltimore yes day. He will return by way of Tarboro to attend the Convention ... s ; i i V i Acrident at Picuic At the Picnic yesterday at Street's Ferry a runaway horse marred some what the pleasure of the day. Mr, James Smith, in the employ of Mr. Wm Sultan, had gone to the picnic in a bug gy, and on the arrival of the boat, ten dered his buggy to the Ladies for a ride from the landing to Mr. Emul's house where the crowd- was to assemble Mvs."Saiali Cane, Mrs. 5. H. Scott, Mas ter Charles Scott and Mia. Pearl Powell got in the bugy while Mr. Smith walked alongside. In front of Mr, Ernul gate the horse became frightened and before Mr. Smith could get the lines ran against a tree and turned the buggy over, throwing the occupants tp the ground, and then , proceeded to; kick loose, frorn the buggy Mrsi Lan.i received bad back of head and arm ; Mrs. Scott was thrown on her left shoulder and con siderably bruised in body;, .Charles Scott had his arm badly hurt it w as thought to be broken at first; Pearl I Powel had her lip Cut and face hurt ; La Grange ' Items . Mr. Taylor, your reporter, was in town Tuesday, looking after the interest of the JOVRNAL. Mr. Dempsey Wood, sr., whose illness mentioned last week, died on last Wednesday, 3d instant, aged 65 years. A picnic at White Hall, on Saturday last, was well attended, judging from the number of buggies, etc., that passed through town. The new Board of Town Commission ers met Tuesday night, and elected A. J. Mclntyre Mayor. The town constable has not been selected V' Mose Joyner had about eighty pannels of fence destroyed by fire on Friday night last. I do not know whether the fire was accidental or intentional. Richard "Wooten, col., was up before M. H. wooten, Esq., on Saturday, for cruel treatment to animals. Guilty, bound over-to Inferior Court. Other cases of little interest were disposed of. Emigration. Editor Journal: In a former com munication I endeavored to show the cause of the overflow of population and at the same time the character of the imigrants from the States named. It The Suit About the Water Power. This suit in which the Supreme Court on appeal is set for hearing to morrow and bo far a3 is known now will be called then. We hope it will be finally settled one way or another as soon as possible: The Torchlight, Epeak ing of it says: It is said that Gen. Mahone is of the party who has raised the bid on the Weldon canal property, this is a happy thought on the part of the little General who has conquered the mother ot States. If he comes across the line upon a min ing, milling or manufacturing crusade then he shall have a warm welcome. As a political "boss" we can get along without him;, but as the boss ot a cotton factory we shall be glad of his leadership. We shall be glad indeed when the troubles over this valuable property are ended. There is plenty of room tor Uapt. feeble3, lien. Mahone and a dozen more along this line. We have heard that both Senator Mahono and Don Cameron were inter ested in the, property" and if successful in gaining the suit will 'at kone et to work to improve the property and to erect car works here. . We agree with the Torchlight that Mahone and Cameron and anybody else shall have a warm welcome when they enter our State to develop its resources. Let them come. There is room enough for all who are seeking paying invest ments. Weldon News. CITY ITEMS. This column, next to local new?, is to e used for Lorul AJvei tiding. C.'B. HART & CO. Pure fresh CTate, 6ti. - -,t-i r-' ice coia ceer z.to per N.irha!1.trri.rMo--.iT-A.-. ' E. H. WiNDDET. opposite Z H .. Viaiivy sad K. g. JezU.1 . Lout Three keys, two connected by a small chain the other alone, on East Front street between South Front and Change, probably in the cart track. A very lib eral reward will be paid for the same if the finder will leave them at the Jour nal office. it The Coldsboro Graded School On the 24th of March last several very distinguished educators addressed the will be seen at a glance that such hn- committees on education of the two I XT A ttt v j migrants are desirable, and of great ad vantage to any State or territory to which they may go. Now what concerns us most, is how to attract the attention of these people, and induce an examination of the fa- Houses at Washington, and we would be glad if our space would admit of the publication in full of the speeches of Hon. J. L. M. Curry and Key, Dr. A. D. Mayo. We hope to find occasion to re fer to these at length, however, here after. To-day we will merely make an extract from Dr. Mayo's excellent ad- Mcetlng of the Democratic Executive Committee for the County of Craven. The Executive Committee of the Dem ocratic party for Craven county will meet at the office of W. G. Brinson, Esq., in the city of New Berne, on Sat-1 urday, the 13th day of May, 1882." All members are reqoeafed ' to ; attend, as business of importance will come before the Committee. M. DeW. Stevenson, Gno. A. Latham, Chairman. Secretary. may7-6t Stores, House Farnkhisg te;" CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, ' V' LAMPS in great variety. BURNERS, WJCK CHIMNET f KEROSENE OIL Pratt's Astral Ncn-ExplosiTi Oil, ; Machine and Train Oils. ' t In bow prepared to manufacture , Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. ; COMMERCIAL. bruises on facilities and advantages we can offer dress. The eminent gentleman paid the to immigrants. It is clear that we can- Goldsboro school the following hand- not cope with the West, with its im- sT4TcomPli.J, . mense domain of government lands and njne men out of ten in the Soutli never its munificent railroad grants; all of saw what we call a good public element which are offered at inducing rates, ary school. The thing that is necessary andextraaccommodating terms. But fffi we can oner a teeble competition and Uw vmnrrv n nrhnr.1 th.ir, will he a fair other advantages not possessed by the representative of a public school, that West. We have as good soil, better the people can see it; and once having . ' , , ,, seen it and enjoyed its benefits, they climate, and more regular seasons than never wiU ive (t in N(m; it that attractive region; and here again utterly impossible for the average school let speak from experience: Your authority to get the money to put such a corresnondent once met a narhr of two scnooi on me grounn. uive to tnatman idiuuteu cunxibtuiK ui i.mr peisoub-au once) without wearing himself out with old gentleman and hia wife, their ton importunity, he can put on the ground and his wife seeking a home in Eastern that school that the people need; 'a Maryland, directly from Colorado. The P1 tnat, innteaa ot oeing a scnoo it-it t'll liittl" unn()in.u uuwiu . .i ce iajiwiu iiitit old lady was a native of Connecticut Lot;.cQa t,i and posnessed the clear intellect almost Been that school for one year, for two incident to that State, while the young years, for five years, for ten years, that lady was a fine specimen of the Western Pe0Ple !,? stimulated to great exer- who married her betrothed and if fw. cM.t,Ma NEW BERNE MARKET. Cottox Middling Hi; Low Middling- -10 : Good Ordinary 10; Ordi nary Bi. Tcepentine. Yellow dip $3.00, Scrape 2.00. Tar.-SI.SQ to $1.75. : Rice. $1.17 to $1.20. Corn Firm; 94c. in sacks; 91c. in bulk. Peas $1.35. Cocntbt Produce. Bacon hams 14c; shoulders 8c; sides 11c; Lard 13c; Meal unbolted $1.00; bolted $1.10; Fresh pork 8a9c. Beef stall fed 8c. on foot, grans fed 5ic. to 6c. Potatoes yam'SO. Eggs 111; Hides dry 10al2c, green 5c. Beeswax 20c. Chick ens 60(cr 62c. per pair. Fodder $1.50 per cwt. Peanuts $1.75. All four rested during the day at Mr. Public Notice. - ' Ernul's and returned on the boat in the l'he members of the Board of Trade evening. It is believed that none of the have agreed to close their respective Wounds are serious. places of business to-day at 4 o'clock, p. m., and remain .closed during balance of the day, in order to give all an oppor tunity t$ attend the Memorial f iercisep. James Redmond, Sec y. The Si)r fcorntt pand. i The picnic yeet erday was rendered very enjoyable ly the music of the Cor net Band,-i" fSey make very weet '. mu sic. Mr. Shelton, a noted player from Einston Items. . i -i ! The new board of Mayor and Commis sioners , met, qualified and took charge of municipal affairs tcday.. Wm. F. Stanly, Mayor; J. Q. Jackson, E. F. Cox, D. Oettinger and S. H. Abbott, Commis; sioners; - They elected Ed. Kilpatrick Town Constable, .t - Almost a Pentacostal Shower. tha TTnrrri nnti a hrrttVipr-in-la.w nf ' .TiirlcrA rkrntl.. whn f. r.. with the Twenty-seven colored people were bap,- 0 .., " rJ o - l i : . xt tj: " " " 1 ;i xr o...i. : An Escaped Convict Retaken. Dempsey Barnes, who escaped from the penitentiary about two years ago, and who worked as hod-carrier in the build ing of our Court House, was arrested plimentary terms of th ability of the member!.' .bdod urasio isFcreditsbla to worthy of en- a city and this band is couragemcnt. ( ImproTcmcnts in the Cjty. Mr. W. F. Rountree is giving the front here last Friday and lodged in jail, un i , OI nlS Store a new COat.OI paint... der n telrcram frr.m Kale (Th. .Ter.Kfi . (V. Mnrkfi ifl rftnairintr fho 'frrffif -hf liia -rtro ,v.i ;tA 1 O " 1 ttlOUU, . UV.tllLlJ VlXYttCVA ocu fenced to four years in the penitentiary, .'Mr. ICehoe is. having i new! fence built on the east side of his lot, on the , corner of Ueuse and Middle 'streets J , Mr. F. C. Roberts has erected a new tried to get Barnes to swear falsely for him on his trial which Barnes refused to do, and for so refusing, Watson, on being taken up to Raleigh, told of patent wire fence around his lot on the Barnos' whereabouts. Captain Norwood southeast corner of Pollok and Metcalf came down Saturday, identified his streets. ? : . " ! ' ,! nrisoner and took him back to the Deni- Mr. C, T, Watson has laid,the founda- tentiary. Barnes lived here about twelve tion for a handsome residence on the months under the alias Henrv Johnson. northeast cbrn'erbf Pollok and Metcalf jind by his politeness and industry had streets, s ; s: - ; acduired acood reDUtation.' ' fate of .this institution seems to "be girl came east with him rather than hazard which I saw which will put you in full the risk of some brieht eyed damsel possession of this point. The little city f the. XAar ,;r.;,v hi afean. of Goldsboro, North Carolina, has about VI- .UIO U.AtVlU VllAtL iriMlllUK ill.) UAft.VU I p , 1 -i T . tion and preventing his return to her th t had no 8chool in -;t which was Western home to consummate their satisfactory to any portion of the white engagement. mnaDitants 01 ine city; it nau a poor Upon injury as to why they had left PUR"C P?10. 8Lno ,uuuel le coumT the West when so many hundreds were enteiDrisinir citizens of that citv were rushing there, the old lady replied: 4iI able to put in operation a thorough while never did like the country and the graded school. By the aid of the Pea- longer I was there the less I thought of K SL :a. n nr... J I 2Z . Z ... . - uv... i - 1 Yes, since that boy was an infant" died children were put into a good nnintintr to her son now a iovful husband school house, graded and organized "The grasshoppers, " said she, "are town what could be done with a good bad enough, but by no m(ean3 the worst graded school. I visited that town one things to contend with, there are the day, and it was like going to a town that . , ,,, . was under the eitect ol a religious re- tuiuouoeo, wic " rival: eVervbndv was in a Rtate of fl- ful droughts that destroy everything, lightful excitement; everybody was I retired at night in perpetual fear that asking me to see the school; people were q tr.rr.cAr. TrnnM mro nn and loa-rc im coming from all parts of the country to r :.-.. uIa i . il. houseless and perhaps lifeless before Peab'dv fJund could come fn ith hiR day; then the immense fires that get thousand dollars and give to the school away sometimes sweep everything in the expert which made it what it was. tha.r th hnt tha xrr.rat nf nil T think The battle was won,the thing was done, ' j i i- . ' w v everybody was satisfied, and the whole v.iV-6.., region around about was being instrac- green tiimg is puiuuuu up uuiuie j our ted ana brought up to that work eyes and nothing left of your hard Such schools in country towns mean year's toil but one sickening waste; and good schools in the country districts. . . ,.,. ,.uj What we ask you, gentlemen, is to give uibu iuvj aio DU uiiivciw, cvc.jmvuj tot,hfiHfl school authorities evfirrwhflr.i is stripped of their support and succour through the South money enough to must be sought of strangers as neighbors supplement what they are now doing; are all helpless alike. 30 instead of an insufficient school, as j , , . . biicv Udvo iivn j nic y vau lJut vu mo evere ar0u5niB occur Humeumw m CTOund at once Mod s,h00l which the East, but then the highland crop is wm satisfy the people, which will con destroyed and the lowland cron is in- firm them in their desire to sustain edu creased. Heavy rains prevail some- cation, and which will give them a fair ... j .. .. i i j understanding of the benefits of the times m the East and then the lowlands . , 1UU1VU WUUUliltUUI 9 - " ' are drowned out, but the highlands are safe, but with us tho droughts were the A ilm ! nif Av'e Snla " r; t ''l Thp Mpthnli9t success. A success in' numbersi in sealed; ,; Jhe majority of the stock r pleasure,' in the dinner, and in every- holders, or rather "a majority of those v thing that goes' to :makei an exchjfsion controlling the stock, will decline to nice.-'! " l ? :. 1 rent the buildings to any of the . .late The i Sunday school numbering' 171 management. of the school, .The major nunils and 24 teacherB, and reinforced ity will but in the stotk of the minor by about 'Q qriat Huhifeejt rt .yuii'tors, ity,- but what disjioflitloh the owners of . took BhipatFoster'a vharf at 8 a. m. for the property will then make Of it has , Streets FeiTy. Tlie two flats joined to not transpired. Tlie inority 6tock the Bteamer euse gave ample accommo-, holders and others will buy and erect ;.' dation to the huge crowd. Capt. Kob- immediately suitable buildings iri" a ertshad borrowed5 from theTiger JMy more pleasant and agreeable portion of ; 300 life preservert whkh,'added to those the' town, with 'good promise and' expec1- already on the.Kte, iadq. ;full prepar- tation of continuing a flourishing school 'r'-n for ehHwreck. r . t , .-v '-'.- ? j here under the management of Dr.'R. H. . r a t. :a::t twd 'hours run the! Lewis: Us n?b aivi such other teachers Rcjiorted Expressly for New Bfi'nc Journal DOMESTIC MARKETS. BALTiMORE,May 9.-Flour quiet and un changed; Howard st. and western su perfine f 3. r0a4.50; extra $5.00a6.00; fam ily 6.2ra7.25; City Mills superfine $3.50a 4.75; do. extra S3. 00a7.80; Rio brands $7.25a7.37. Wheat southern lower; western lower and more active; south ern red Sl.33al.38; amber $1.40al.45; No. H western winter red, spot, $1.3Ha 1.39. Corn southern lower; western lower, closing firmer; southern white 90c; do. yellow 87c. Baltimore, May 9 Night.- Oats lower and quiet; southern G0a62c; western white 61afl3c; mixed 59a60c.; Pennsylvania 59a02c. Provisions firm and unchanged. Mess pork S18.7aa 19.75. Bulk meats shouldeis and clear rib sides packed 9allc. Bacon shoulders Ujc; clear rib sides 12fc; hams 15al5c. Lard refined 12ic. Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair, 8a91c. Sugar quiet;. A soft 9c. Whisky firm at ?fl.23.. . . New York, May 9, Cotton Net receipts 415 bales; gros3 2,015 bales. Fu tures closed steady; sales 49,000 bales. May 12 29al2 80; June 12 39al2 40: July 12 53al3 54; August 12 68; Septem ber 12 29; October 11 68all 70; Novem ber 11 49all 50; December' 11 50all 51; January 11 61all C3. (Jortee firmer and rather quiet; Rio 9ia9lc; Rio cargoes quoted at 8al0tc; job lots 8allc. Sugar quiet, steady and unchanged ; fair to good refining 7fa7ic. ; refined steady and quiet, standard A 91c. Molasses, foreign, dull, grocery grades held firm, and demand fair. Rice firm and quiet. Turpentine dull and lower, closing at 53a53c. Wool dull; domestic fleece 38a48c; Texas 14a29c. r-orK tainy active atsjlBaiHi; old 818.75a 19; new do., June, 5518.60; Special attention civpn to repairinc. Qoods sold low and warranted to be as rppwilented April It 1yd & - . Gastun House SALOON. The quietest and most retire place in the City. The best of WINES, . LIQUOB8, & CIGARS. Billiard and Pool Tables. All the Illustrated and Sporting Papers of the Day on File. "D B's and Plants" will not be tolerated. JAMES CAMPBELL, Proprietor. THE NEW YORK , Weekly Herald, JAMES GORDON BENNETT,. PROPRIETOR.'. THE BEST AND Cheapest Newspaper Published: POSTAGE FREE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR Fifty Cents for six Months . Au extra Copy to every Club of too The New York Herald PUBLISHED EVERY DAT IN THE TEAS. . Postage Free. ' quiet and held very strong; long clear $11. Lard 7al0c. higher and more active) closing steady at $11.65; May closing at fll.62tall.65. New York, May 9. Cotton steady; sales2,420 bales; Uplands 12 5-lCc.; Or leans la y-ioc. uonsolidated net receipts D,t78; exports to lireat Britain, 7,357. Chicago, May-9. Corn unsettled and generally higher at 73ia73ic. for May, 72c. for June. Bulk meats stronger; shoulders $8.00; short ribs $10.65; short clear sides $11.10. :, .. ; "Wilmington, May 9. Spirits of tur pentine dull at 48. Rosin quiet; strained i.7o; good strained fl.bU Tar quiet at $2.00. Crude turpentine not quoted. Corn prime white 97jc.; mixed 93c. cause of universal .poverty and distress whenever they come. No, sir, I had 1 will sell At tho late resilience of rather take all the hardships of starting W. F. Lofliu, deceased, on the 10th anew in some more satisfactory country day of May, 1882, Ihe personal prop than to live in the perpetual dread that erty belonging to enid estate, consist- I did out there. 'We are getting old and mg of Monsehold ami Kiicbcn l'ui haven't much lonirer to stay here any nitine, Mules, Morses, eio. All sums less- than $'2fv will be cush, alt over JOSEPHINE E.:LOFTIN, Administratrix. way and our desires now are all cen tered in the welfare of this vounz on credit of six mnnlhs Pecured couple and Ave have come down here, hT n,,te "" approved security. and if we find a little hhifce to suit, na we shall buy and if not we shall look aPr 27 3t further, but not return to the West." So here-peema to be an opening for the Southern claim to put in, but as to the means to be used, a future article will endeavor to show. ' i MOltTOAGE; SALE. . Subscribe for the Journal; dally pir year, weekly $2. , s d. By virtue of a Mortgage Deed executed by Sylvester Lnwhorn ana with Alice Lavrhorn, regiateied on the 3otUdny o Jnn 1S74 in Book 43 pane 17,- Jlvgitters office ef I.enoir oonntv. 1 will boll at tun Conrt Uouw dnor in the town nf Kinslon on Monday the 15th day of May lS82at 13 M. the real eento conveyed in suit Mortgage, consisting of two lots in the torn of Kinston. Ttrtns (!ash. C. FIELDS, Feb. Sthj Smo, ;';; i .) Mortgagee 10 payi for one yoar, Sundays luclutied. 8 payi for one yiar without Sundays. $9 pays for six months, Sundays included. $4 pays for ix mon ihs, wiiUont Sundays. . W pay for one year for any specified day v WM-L middles 1 pays for six months for any specified day 4 Cotton market). May 9.-Galveston, 114; Norfolk 11 13-16; Baltimore, lit ; Boston, 13 ; Wilmington, 11 5-16; Philadelphia. Ill; Savannah, 111; New, Orleans. 114:-Mo bile. Hi: MeniDhis. Ill: Aucusta. 11: Charleston, llj. - FOREION MARKETS. the week. f 1 per month (including Sundays) will be charg ed on subscription! for a less period han three months - TO EUROPE INCLUDING POSTAGE Daily, - - i f 7.30 Weekly, (European Editihn) - . " -$4.00 Weekly, (Domestic Edition) - ' J IfiM NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, POSTAGE free. Dail y edition, Two and half cents per copy Sunday edition, - -:. Four cents per opy Weekly edition, - - Two cents ter copy N. b. Not less than five copies mailed tp news dealers at wholesale rates. We allow no commission on subscriptions to Dally edition. Address.NEW YORK HERALD, , . . Broadway t Ann Street, Kew York. SALS, OF VALUABLE LANDS .' " "" . . i ' By virtue of a mortgage deed executed by Thomas F. Worley and wifey Mary E. Worley and II. f. Brown to the Board or Commissioners of Jones county, Liverpool, Mav ; 9 Noon. Cotton on the I2th day of July, 1881, and rtstfs in good demand; uplands 6; Orleans tcrcd in the . office of the Register of 6 13-16; sales 10,000 bales; speculation Deeds for Jones county, Book C No. 29 and export 2,000; receipts 22,100; Amer- page 328, 1 will sell at public auction at icau 9,a00. COTTON SEED ' MEAL. ,.; t THE BEST...- STOCK FEED AND FERTILIZER. ' FOR SALE BY - " ' . may S. d-ly Bouulaoa,' i . ! - New Berne', N. C& the Court Houso door in Trenton on . Monday, ifthe 8th day of May, . 1882, at 12 M., tho real estate' conveyed in said mortgage, to-wlt:- A tract of land situ ate in Tuckahoe Township adjoini:-? tho lands of T. Williams and tUft l ..s of A. Williams containing 158 acres, more or less, and being the smne I'pcn v hick me saia i. uoiU-y fniv ;uow reside.''-4 ;;. 1i.v:-iE,-K. IV CI;.; -. a i :?.:v -fjLm'n : , : I.-. v April 3rd, 1E32. , , .

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