1 i Daily ouknal. 8 ' VOL. I. NEW BERNE, N. C, ... THURSDAY, JUNE 8, 1882. NO. 58. r LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. R. O. meut. E. Lodok Notice of Assess- Journal Miniature Almanac. ' Sun rifles, 4:43 ) Length of day. Sun sets, 7:14. J 14 hours and 31 niin. Moon rises 12:14 p. m. Thermometer Record of Yenterday. ' 1 a. m. ' - - 72 3 p.m. - - HO' 9p.m. - - - 78'J Spring chickens are selling for forty cents per pair, v- The safe, purcliased for the City offi cials, has arrived. The frame work of the new dejiot building is going up. Several car loads of corn are at the railroad Wharf waiting shipment. The Revenue Cutter Stevens left port tnis think he can make candy would demand an outlay of more capi tal than the business would pay here." Walking up stairs we find the hands at work, making a lot of lemon stick. Perhaps our little readers would like to know how the beautiful stripes are made around a stick of candy with so much regularity. We will tell them what we saw. The sugar is put into a copper ket tle, about one gallon of water added to ever)' thirty pounds. THs is set to boiling, and before it is done cookiug, cream of tarter is added to prevent its returning to sugar. When through cooking, a small portion of the lump is pulled until it is perfectly whito, the balance of it is worked into an oblong shape and the white laid in rows lengthwise all around it. They then begin atone end, having it on a clean nice table close to a heater, and pull, giving it a twist every time they pull. In this way it in drawn out to the "proper size. This is the way the lemon candy is made. No doubt everv bov that reads No that will interest the Journal readers. We hope you will press your efforts un til we get a daily mail. The twin sis ters should communicate oftener than semi weekly. OCCASIONAL. Km.ston Collegiate Institute. yesterday on a cruise down the river The reports from every direction state that the cotton crop is small, and a bad stand. The County Commissioners adjourned on Tuesday to meet on Tuesday the 13th instant Mr. Wm. Dunn is Bending in the sec ond crop of strawberries from his farm near the city. doubt he can put sugar in a kettle and boil it, but to make it successfully will require some practice. Resolutions. At the regalnr meeting of the" New Berne steam fire engine company No. 1, the following resolutions were adopted: Whereas, Since our last meeting, the excursion then planned and agreed up on to our sister town of Washington, Thos. Green (col.) is building a new has become an accomplished fact, it blacksmith shop on Craven street, near having taken place on the 29th of May Cuthbert's machine shop. and, whereas, The facts and hospitali- Mr. L. H. Cutler is thoroughly clean- ties incident thereto and received, de- ing up and repainting the inside of the serve a notice at our hands, therefore ; be it Resolved, That the occasion as a whole was one of the most joyous and interesting that it has ever been our good fortune to participate in, it being Perry house on the corner of Hancock and Pollock streets which he has re cently purchased. We are indebted to Dr. Charles Duf fy for the letter on our second page contributed to by our invited guests, from Marsh, Price & Co. on the grow- no less than the superior weather and , ' ... . ,. " continuance of most advantageous cir- point to a good price for the present Resolved, That our reception by the year's crop. . authorities and people of Washington n w..n '-...,.,.Jwa90t,e m0.st P"W character. .,K.-. ..uuu, imui . Kinuium abounding as it did in Heartiest wet at Trinity uonege, jn. v., win deliver come and mamtest pleasure at our ar the Literary Address at the closing ex- rival; that r treatment by the entire erclses of Swansboro Academy, June !fT , , ng,?,ur sta?' uWaVn '16th. .The people of Swansboro and ble character, and their efforts made for vicinity will no doubt be pleased to hear our comfort and pleasure will ever con the first effort of this talented young stitutea warm place m our hearts. ... tiesoiveu, That to the lair women are our thanks eminently due for their We learn that the ladies of the city many acts of kindness and gentle cour "aw tiilfincr fit tn trot nn a PnsHvnl tesies evidenced more especially in the nm mnTt .i aiA 5 win. tasteful, bounteous, and elegant banquet ... -j.o Bpread Dy tneil. fair iiana8. new uniforms lor the Silver Cornet Resolved, That it will ever afford us Band. A very worthy enterprise, for the highest gratification to be able to The primary department opened Mon day night the commencement exercises with a hearty "welcome" from Mas ter Herman Grainger. The impression of "a lady's foot" was made on tho audience by Alonzo Grady, when little Katie Presson. in ringing accents, said, "George dont come home to-night," while Gen. Rob ert Leo Rhodes brought out "Dose lamb vot Mary have got. " After music, Miss Sadie Grainger exercised herself in "choosing occupations," and Carl Prid gen gave his experience in "courting and cooking", and little Joseph Tur nage, in fine t-tyle, told of "a boy's troubles." Music again, when Misses Maggie Andrews, Emma Spain, Neta Rouse. George Grady, Plioeba Curtis and - Ag nes Presson, in dialogue, indulged in Spring time wishes." Then sweet lit tle Daisy Bright sweetly portrayed "Daisy's Faith,"' and Miss Lena Spain delivered a "lecture on matrimony." After music, Johnnie Presson told how "other fellows think so too" and Ada Gradv read "Prayers I don't like." Theodore Fulford loudly sounded "the trumpet" and Miss Ada Hill told of things "now-a-days; Roscoo Miller followed with "Joseph Warren s ad dress," and charming Minnie Orvis, in delightful accents, told of "Katie Lee and Willie Gray, while Eddie Tull was heard in the "Inquiry" and Marietta Sutton was seen in "coming 'round." 1 lie palmetto and the pine," by Plato Collins, suggested "Plato, thou reas oned well," when "love unexpected" was declared by Miss Annie Curtis, and young Needham Moore exhibited "the crow." Then, in "choosing," Misses Lena Fields, Minnie Orvis, Marietta Sutton, Katie Presson, Agnes Presson, Cattie Isler and Lena Spain uttered their wishes and their preferences. Master William Wooteu 'followed. grandly exhibiting "Tell, oamong the mountains 'and Miss Same Turnage sagely gave ".advice to mothers. " AVil- lie Grady brought down the house on "our baby again,'- when Miss Lizzie Tucker eloquently and sweetly spoke to my mother at the gate. " John Walsh, in oratorical force "a chip of the old block," finely discribed "the boys and Adolph Einstein feel ingly dilated on "the bondage of drink. ,; (Perhaps a little layer might be ex cused.) Finally, Miss Captola Grainger, in charming style and costume and with sweetly uttered words, bade all, for the evening "farewell." the band reflects credit on the city, and should have a uniform that will com pare favorably with the elegant music rendered. Board of Trade Klectlou of Officers. The following officers have been elect edbythe Board of Trade . for the en suing year: I Geo. B. Guiou, President; ans, ami deportment as gentlemen. reciprocate the kindnesses shown us and cordially invite the citizens of Washing' ton to visit us. Resolved, That our thanks are due and are hereby tendered to the members of the New Beme Silver Cornet Baud for their attendance aud services,, and take pleasure in testifying to tho fact, that on this occasion, as ever, they maintained their high reputation for skill as music C. H. Blank, Vice President: James Redmond, Sec 'y and Treasurer; B. M. Gates. K. R. Jones. John H. Bell. J. F. Clark and Alex. Miller, Directors. Resolved, That n copy of the foreeoinir be sent to ilayor Warren of Washing' ton, a copy spread upon tbo minutes of tho Company, and also lurnished to our city papers for publication. J. v. JUooro, i E. B. Ilackburu, Committee, J. A. Suydanv ) ' Stonewall Items. Notice. Vo- To the Democratic Conservative tern of Jones County. By order of tho Comity Executive Committee, you are hereby notified to meet in Township Convention on Thurs day, tho 15th of June for tho purpose pf electing delegates to the County Con vention to be held in Trenton, on Satur day, the 17th of June 1882 to select del egates to the senatorial, judicial, con gressional aud State Conventions. Each Township will elect a Township Executive- Committee of (ivo persons and the Township Committee so elected are requested to meet with the Conven tion on the 17th of June to elect a Coun ty Executive Committee. J.vs. B. Stanly. Chairman Executive Committee for Jones County. Forest College. The Colonel is eminently qualified to fill the place, and we, in common" with others, wonld be pleased to see In in elect ed to that position. Xcics anil Observer: Blackber ries now sell at 10c. quart, peach es at 20c. dozen. The Revenue collections in this district for the week ending Saturday evening were 321,779.20. -We 'hear that the Hon. Jefferson Davis will meet many of his old Confederate com rades at the Atlantic Hotel, More: head, early in July. "We learn from a private letter that Judge Gilliam had a narrow escape while traveling over the mountains from Franklin to Hnyesville, in a buggy, with Thomas 1). Johnson, --Esq'. While they were going down a very steep road, with a rugged look ing precipice on the left, the horse went partly over the edge, drag ging the buggy with him. . Judge Gilliam jumped just as the buggy j was upon the edge, and escaped with a sprained wrist and a lame finger. His jump drew forth the applause of t he entire party, Gov. Kobinson, ilr. Kope Elias and others being near, and he has made much athletic -reputation', thereby. Dailij Kcriciv: A little white girl, Jennie'IIill, while out in the vicinity of Hilton a few days ago hunting wild flowers, slipped and fell into a deep pool of water. Mr. Willie Turley, who saw the little thing go under, plunged in the wa ter and succeeded in pulling her out after she had sunk twice. We were pleased to receive a call yesterday from Capt. Swift Gallo way, the genial aud pleasant gen tleman who has the honor of being State's Solicitor for this judicial district. Capt. Galloway ' was a gallant officer in the Third X. C. dining the late unpleasantness and bears the marks of his devotion on his person to this day. He is an excellent officer and will be fine, ! we think of a renoniination. -A terrible hail storm passed over that portion of the country adja cent to the northern terminus' of the Wilmington & Weldon Rail road, on Sunday. At Halifax the storm was very severe and hail stones as large as a turkey's egg were picked up. At Garysbui'g, a .'small staf ion a few miles above Weldon, two small children were killed by i he stones. The damage to the fruit crop is said io have been great, by reason of the fruit, which was nearly ripe, being beat en irom the trees. ' COMMERCIAL. I T RIV1 TRANSPORTATION CO. NKAV BKIIXE JIAHKIiT. Middling 111; Low Good Ordinary 10?; Mid-Ordi- j.-o, Cotton dling 11; nary 8. Turpentine. Yellow dip Scrape 1.30. Nothing doing. Tau. SI .33 to $1.50. No sales. Rick. $1.15 to $1.20. None in the market. Corn Firm; 94c. in sacks; 90ic. in bulk. Sales at quotations. Peas $1.33. Country ' Produck. Bacon 'hams 14c; shoulders 10c; sides lie. Lard l!i!c. Meal unbolted $1.05; bolted M.10; Fresh . pork 8a9c. , Peel' stall fed, fiitTo. on - foot; grass fed 5c. Potatoes yams liO. Eggs 13V. Hides dry 10a 1, green 51c. Beeswax 20c. Chick ens 60c. per pair, cwt. Peanuts $1.75 Fodder $1.50 per Crop in Hyde. We learn from Mr. "Win. Sawyer of Hyde county, the following crop news: Cotton is looking very poor, the cold . , rarmer b faces are looking long, ow- lintil it in n nAA otntirl A VtAfif ilia I . , . " . UUM. W fW. BLUM. AUVU. MB C()0l WOaiheV. UOttOU lOOlf game acreage is planted as last year, ing sorry; corn seems to stand cool Corn is lookine well has a nice, creen weather well; farmers are pretty well color, but is quite small for this time of UP with their work aud ctV cle3n Mr. Editor: I am reliably informed that Mr. Benjamin Bennett, a citizen of this county has a cow that has given birth to two calves as follows: the first in the first week of April and the sec and the last week in May. FirHt! calf STATE NEWS. (.leaned from our lixcliaiirefi. the year. ' Rice is looking very well. About the same acreage in cultivation. River and marine New. The steamer Experiment arrived ou .Tuesday night from Baltimore with car- lived two weeks, and the second is still go of general merchandise. The schooner Mary S, Berry Master, from Juniper Bay. Hyde county, with cargo of corn consigned to J. A. Mead ows and Barms & Co. The schooner Gov. Vance, Capt. 8. II Spencer,, from Engelhard, Hyde coun ty, with cargo of corn consigned to J. A. Meadows and Burrus & Co. Y The schooner Ella aul arrived yes I ' terday evening from Charleston. The schooner Havanna, Eugene Spen cer, master, from Engelhard with car go of corn consigned to Burrus & Co, living and doing well. So says my in former Mr. Willis of Bennett's neigh- Dornood. Baxter. Washington News. Two of New Berne's fair daughters are in town, and attract marked atten tion on the streets by those who desire a"riD." The Washinctonians are quite jubi lant over the Tiger My running behiad the steamer Qreenv-ille during the late excursion. Ed. Smallwood, the sewing machine man was in town Tuesday, lie has the reputation of being the most successful agent in the singer Company The ground work is being laid for a large and extensive Rice Mill near-the bridee, which, when completnd will compete with any rice mill in the state. J. W. Hodges near this town has 50 acres in oats, and he challenges the fttiita on a finer And more Dromisinc tie nas Deen engaged in tne DUBiness cr0p. They are in one field, and at- New Berne'a Industrie. - We have rested awhile on our efforts to write up the industries of this city, not because the subject is exhausted, bat merely to give our readers a little variety. Yesterday we visited JOHN DUNN'S CANDY FACTORY. for about five years, and is now using five barrels of sugar a week. 'How is the business this Spring, Mr. Dunn?" "It is better than for some time. I tract every traveler. He cuts this week.- ' ? Superior court is still in session Judge McCoy presiding. He has the appearance oi being a very impartial Judge. The civil docket is full. With have orders considerably ahead for stick the exception of Judge Rodman and candy," "Do you supply the local demand?" "Yea, for stick candy I supply nearly til t! ..t is sold ia Kew Eerne. I don't male tva f y f;'"3 ' t. "V."!yr ".V" Maj. Sparrow .the bar is exceedingly young. Only seven young resident lawyers. ' Your excellent weekly is received with, unqualified endorsement. It is rcrdod as exceedingly newsy. We wiJ t-Le pleoRuro in cumnsinai-iiiii Tobacco Plant: The corn, as a general thing, i.s small but has a good color and is growing ranullv. Times will be quiet in Chapel Lull till tho .Normal school opens. The attendance this year is expect ed to be large. We learn from tobacco planters from Granville that the tobacco is buttoning up in many instances and is being pulled up and other plants set. Wilmington 'Star : Why not have more cotton factories ? Troup cot ton factory, Georgia, one year old, has just declared a dividend of 24 per cent, on the capital invested. Good enough. The Norwegian barque TrewiUer, Capt. Passehl, was cleared for Pernambuco, Bra zil, yesterday, by Messrs. Edward Kidder s Bon, with i!M,uui leet of lumber, valued at $ 4,l8b.05. Mr. War. Mints, tho night Janitor at the City Hall, was stung over one of his eyea by a spider while asleep on Sunday alternoon, and at last accounts the afflicted member had a very inflamed appearance and was causing him much pain. Raleigh Eveninq Visitor :' Fodder is selling in this market at $1.25 per hundred; new oats 82 cents; meadow hay from 40 to 60 cents ; cultivated hay 75 cents to $1.00 per hundred. The first load of new oats for this season was brought to market Tuesday by Mr. R. J. Olive, of Cary township, and was sold to Mr. W. C. Stfonaeli at 82 cents per hundred, this being 10 days earlier in the season than last year. The farmers from all parts of the couuty say that wheat and oats are better than they have known them for many years. Col. J. M. Ileck, of this city, is prominently spoken of as the probable pncccHsbr of Dr. T. j T -I ..:.. v ... - i ... f ,. c T" - i , I'or Hip .Tormr.il. KcpitbliCiwi Convention. Pursuant to call of the County Executive Committee, the Repub licans of Jones county assembled in Convention at the Court House in Trenton on Saturday the T.rd day of June, ' JSS2, for the purpose of electing delegates and alternates to the State, Congressional and Ju dicial Conventions. I. T. Wilson, Chairman of the Couuty Executive Committee, called the Convention to order and ap pointed a committee on credentials, which committee reported full rep resentation irom each precinct. On motion,-Isaac T.' Wilson was then elected permanent Chairman and C. T. M. Simmons requested to act as Secretary. The chairman after' tendering thanks for the honor conferred and explaining the object of the con vention announced that nomina tions for delegates to tho several conventions would be in order; whereupon the following named persons were placed in nomination and duly elected. Delegates to Congressional con liv tPl.gi nili lo thi'-JyVw Hitiio .Tnnrnrd. nOliF.STIC MARKETS. Baltimore, June 0. Flour quiet and firmer; Howard st. and western su perfine Sa.50a4.no i extra ?4.T3a5.7.": fam ilv S5.85a7.00 ; Citv Mill's superfine r3.r0a 4.75; do. extra 5.00a7.80: Itio brands i. 25a 7.37. Wheat southern lower; western lower and dull; southern red Sl.88al.88; amber i?1.40al.42; No; 2 western winter rod, spot, S81a39c.; Corn southern higher; western dull and steady: southern white 03c; do. yellow Sfic Baltimore, June 7 Night. Oats steady; southern 60aG'2c; western white 60a62c. ; do. mixed 58a59c. ; Pennsylvania ' COaCSc. Provisions firmer; mess pork ! S20.2oa21.00. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides packed 9al2i!c. Ba conshoulders 10iC.; clear rib sides 13c; hams ira1fie. Lard refined 12Jc. Coffee quiet; Rio cargoes, ordi nary to fair, Ha9J. Sugar quiet: A softtHc Whisky steady at Sl.20al.21. New York, Juno 7, Cotton Net receipts 228 bales; gross 3,838 bales. Fu tures closed steady, sales 75,000 bales. June 12 17al2 18; July 12 23al2 24; August 12 32al2 33: September 12 02; October 11 COall (il: November 11 44a 11 45; December 11 45; January 11 CO; February 11 71all 73; March 11 bCall 88. New York. June 7. Cotton firm; sales 3.442 bales: Uplands 12 3-1(3.; Or leans 12 7-10c. Consolidated net receipts 2,247; -exports to continent, 1,123. Coffee dull and rather easier; Rio car goes BVatOi. Sugar about steady and quiet; fair to eood refining 7 5-l(5a7ic: refined quiet and steady; standard 9ia ate. Molasses unchanged aud quiet Rice steadily held and demand mode rate. Kosin dull and weak at f-2.20. Turpentine higher and firm :43c. askod. Wool steadily held, light trade: domes tic fleece 82a4.Go.; Texas 14a32c Pork fully 15c. higher and more active. closing very strong; sales mess spot at $10.25: old'??20.12,hi20.25. Middles dull and nominal; long clear 115c Lard unsettled' and less active, closing a shade lower and weak; prime si cam spot $11.00; choice Sit. 75. Cinc.vno. June 7.- Corn active and a shade lower at, 70a70ic. for cash:1 70c. for June. Pork active, firm aud higher; .l9.S5a1ft.90 for cash ami Juno: l'j.95al?.97 for July. Wilmington. June 7.Sm"iiis tur pentine firm at 42Jc. Rosin firm: strained $1.55; good strained $1.00. Tar firm at $1.05. Crude turpentine not quoted. Corn -primo white 99c; mixed 92c Knmiinar a Trl-Weekly Line -F OK Trenton, Joll) Old Field, Diddle, Quaker (It)-, Pollokvllle and Bank' Landing, ' Tanoboro And all other intermediate points on Nense & Trent Rivers & wift Creek. Star. TRENT, Capt. W. T. Taylor, Will leave her wharf foot of Craven at. every Monday and Thursday morning for trip up Xeuse River as far as Jolly Old Field, returning on Tuesday and Friday afternoons The Trent will go to I'olloksville every Saturday morn inn and return on Saturday afternoon. Str. COKTEKTSEA, Capt. David Styroa, will leave her dock foot of Craven Bt. everv Monday moinin? for : Trenton, (Quaker City, Pollnksville, Oliver and Banks lauding, returning -to New Heme Wednesday afternoon! The Cor.tentnea will . go to VanCeboro every Friday morning, r.- ... f - AGENTS: ( : Dakiu'S. Polloksville; J. I. Trenton; Ciiai ntky Gray, C. M. A. ;rikkin. Bell's A. G. KlXSKY Kinston Ferry. For furllit-r inlbrmniion apply to GEO. T. .DUFFY. (Jrn'l Freight Agent, New Berne NOTICE! STAVE OF NORTH CAROLINA,; Craves County, jT -.'Clerk's Office Superior Court..' Al I Up ro.ucsl of K. 11. Kuberls. one of the In coi'iomiors uin'l in I In" plan oi incorporation of The Xewbi'J'n Athletic :ind Social Club" flll in this ollice. I hi-it'liy noiifv the incorporator mirai'.l in sniii plan, mill tin' subsjribers thereto, tomri t a' i lie Oilil Fellow Hall, Thursday the iM day iii .Inne, al 8 1-2 o'clock p. m.t for tho purpose of I'leelin;: officers according to the plan of said corporation, nnd such other officers as ihej- think proper, and adopt By-Laws, etc., . not inconsistent witn tne sain pinn oi incorpora tion. ' Witness my hand and seal atonic in Newbern, this :iinh ly of .1 u:it, ' - K. W. CARrENTER, Clerk Superior Court. . J, J, Tolson & co. HKD.Vl) STBEET iSeeonil door Ftt from Kailrnad) k" lieceivis GltODS by every Steamer. Tho best of Potted Oauuod G-oods, Best grades of Coffee, best grades Flour, best kettle rendered Lard, Vei j hehl leetel BITTER, Purf Apple VI EfiAH, SIC AH ofall gradM bcht Fumlly ;RO( FRIES, of II. I, KINDS. : j Our country friends will lind it to jtbeir atlvant.'ii' to call and try our pri- ec-t before hu iivi. All iroods sold at Bottom Frioes.: Hls'...ri-)l :il :nt,v can of Ciljf prompt ml Ik ... Ilroiul Street second door eaat from Kili-oad. Apr. 1, 1 y ' FOUICICiN SIARKETS LiVEBPOOL, Juno 7 Noon. Cotton firmer; Middling uplands 6 11-lCd; mid dling Orleans 6id. Sales 20,000 bales; for speculation and export, 4.000. Receipts 0,000 bales; American 4,000. f'otton OTnrkrlN, June 7. Galveston, 111; Norfolk Hi; Baltimore, 11 9-16; Boston, 12; Wilmington, II 3-18; .Philadelphia. 12. Savannah, 111; New Orleans, Hi; Mo bile, 118; Memphis, 1U; Augusta, 1H; Charleston, lit. NOTICE. vention, E. E. Page and Luke Burney. Alternates, John Harrison, Ed ward Kinsey. Delegates to State Convention, Isaac T. Wilson and Arnold Mills. Alternates, Balaam Meadows, J. D.W.Hill. Delegates to Judicial Conven tion, P. F. Green and Mitchell Kinsey. Alternates, Noah Hill and Bich ard King. Strong resolutions were passed endorsing Hon. Orlando Hubbs for Congress and instructing the dele gates to the congressional conven tion to cast the vote of Jones county for him and to use all hon orable means to secure his nomina tion. . - On motion the convention ad journed. I. T. Wilson, Chm'n. C. F. M. Snnrojis, Sect'y. The members of "The Newborn Ath letic nnd Social Club" are requested to pay the 'treasurer, James W. Moore, the second installment 6t. subscription on or before June 19th. " ". Attention is called to Art. "XX of the Constitution, "Any Stockholder who shall be a delinquent in payment of slock subscription shall lor feit all privileges as a member of this Club." By order of the Board of Directors. K. u. K. 1.UDUE. Secretary. NOTICE The 28th General Annual Meeting of the Stockholders ot the Atlantic & North Carolina Railroad Company will be held at Moreheftd City on Thursday 20 th June, 1S82. - F. C. ROBERTS, Secretary. J. 0. HAY, IJ DEllTAKER, KINSTON, N. C, '.':.:'' lluviui; riwntly roefived !i LAROELOTof BURIAL CASES, direct frmu the Mamifactnrert in now fnlljr prepared to pKrform tl duties In , - BURYING THE DEAD, at the Shortest Not Ire. Give me a call. Shop On Caswell strnet, opposite Frt Printliifi oltlee. - Prrtt 3m. ALEX MILLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER. Constantly receiving a full line , : Choice (Groceries ' and ' ' 'V FARMERS' SUPPLIES, ; ; which' we offer as low as any hoiiae la the city, and warrant nil goods a repf resented. .. .' , . - ;; i Call .and examine onr stock and prices. Stables. furnished fiee to all our country customers. . Goods delivered free to any " ;rt the city SEA BREEZE HOUSE, Morebead City, N. C. Will be opened for the reception of guests on 15th of June. Fare and gen eral accommodations equal to any. Terms moderate. NOTICE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, f v . Craven County. J The mibiwrlber having qualified 6 Admlntntra tor of the estnle of Jacob Imdlov, deceased, on the aith day of May, A. 11., fi, before the Pro bate Court of Craven county, hew-by notifies all person havinc claims ngalnut said Estate to pre sent them for payment on or before the flrt day of June, ls83, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to eaid Estate will mnUe immediate payment. IlOlie ttii1: ,H 'V rf -- of 12 m W. D. iimui-Nii Kill II. F ' .. .'; - - . f .1.1 AStJBER, ) ' - r 8, CO., '-' . nod m f Office of Sec't & TKEASrBER!, j Trent River Trans, Newbern, N. C, Jnne A Vlivldonil nf pio-ht her rent, in msll. - on the capital stock of the Trent River . Transportation Company will be paid on and after July 1st, 1382, to stock holders as registered on the books at 3 p. m.. May 30th Inst.

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