,, j:y.)-A. HUT glttStfH 1. r TnK!J()l:HX.Vri.r y, I )1 1 n1V EkliVf bijUKE 8,1382. lr. Prison Without n Crime. t-i W "The i!feTttdf J<f 4c grat mass of mankind depend largely o:i the saeri--i i : fictS made by a few.' Who that onep knows this- will ever bo un"raieful enougli to forget the patient, hard-far::!!? is built somewhat wider the shelter of class who work and witbth for us? iaS3i KTfi ! ;! ftVtl J??M jS . , on the California coast is singularly I F5t4fatl1!!i ."-., t.: ' lonely and monotonous.' ' Their house I r?i2av1jCii.M T :thc" roclcs, but they. live in what to a! landsman would scorn a perpetual storm; I the ocean roars, in . their ears day and" tOJ'' 1 1 "' v. nun la taeii . constant , and only music; the wild ,,,i,1(.screain of the sea-birds, the' howl of the sea lions, the whistle and shriek of the ,, .w8 gale4he dull, threatening thunder of the vastbreakers, are the dreary and .0 desolate , sounds which lull them to sleep at night, and assail their ears whe:: 7 kj j lT$tle wiater mont C J Q Bup-esse;'which; for X i wfe-thi()nly connection i V : .i: vi. i. . months cyen thej.r l, for the most partj- i with the world, is sometimes unable to make a landing j for weeks at a time. Chanco visi tors. tuey see only occasionally, and at -that distance at which a steamer is safe from . . the surf, and at which a girl, could not! agnize her !lotk The com - fK Francisco passes before cs, but so far away that they pven reflOgnize merco ot b their eyes canft6ttel.'th$ iships and steamers whtcu sail by them, voiceless and with out greeting; 'and of .,be-oenJg passing . ci tJktri the1 ; planet" wttli winch they have so frail a social tie, they, learn , my at H U Jdi-g'.ancl irregular intervals' '.! The change from sunshine to . fog is the chief variety in their lives; the hasty landing of supplies the great event in their months. They cannot even watch the gro,wth oft Arces and plants, and to a ' ' ehild born' and reared in such a place, a sunny lea under the shelter of rocks . is probably ' the ideal of human feli city. f ;;!. ' -A Marrisigo for Money. j. In lfew-'fork vity. a princely mansion was olicretl lor sale a lew years airo, about which Jmng a sad.e-fciryiA man "bf.eiiorino'us wealth lived to the age oi sixty without marry ingu then, he-propos-V iBdtO'fc'-'JemitiriiK bfilltant 'youim: girl, -. 'who belonged to a largo but . poor (aini- s-f ln,ir'V VA vAA She hesitated long before accejiliug '" huiVj idSj habits, morals, .ftjrswvere. aU ' dbn6xiOife' toiler, for she was a girl of pure, refined tastes, , UJta t to -be; the wife' ' -of a ' mtllionnaite. f a o-n toKnrone. to reiiin like a nueen .rin itv wltercsM had Uvctl JoniUc in- , 'dome. of a servant,'--i these were tcmlaj,, tions too strong for her, as they are 1'oV toe many American oindii.1" - ' ""' -v She married him without a practielo of, " ? love or respect; sold, hersejILas absolute1 : 'jy for -i&My tis eyerslarti V.as sold. ' ' Her husband paid for his purchase, Bcfprc the marriage he built a magntll--T- cicnt dwelling; ' archictccture, sculpture, painting, gave of their best to make it 'Jlit for the home of a royal lady; there was a Chicnse room,, a Persian room, a Hindoo room; there ycrc, .conservn-froriesr,piyiue-galieries, dainty boudoirs. " 6irt!yint'kftithis rl home, -and jfrtieriug' gO'to lirrtpf for":i two ' ears' visit. Two .week? after , the wedding, the bridegroom was struck down with para lysis, and for fifteen years lay on his bed a" helpless, Jqueruloits invalid, nursed by Ilia wife'. The mansion was closed cx renting in the sicks man's apai'lmdiifci, aid resembled a gigantic- tomb. 15y the terms of his will she would inherit noth in" if she deserted him. She remained faithfoUUrffotsc, pnly to find after Ids' death that his estate was as hollow a sham as her marriage, and that it was swallowedmp in his debts" " " ' 4 Not all marriages for money ; end as dramatically as tiiis, but they are as tragic in reality. The young . girl who solls'her tWo" fo a price 'inevitably caps disappointment and misery' $ , t . ciisuiged by a Compliment, q'ilJjnortiCy'iBg' aiWoWt b'y3 a5 coP dilatory, witticism is a success thats very few in such a moment have the grace or coolness to,grap-. ' i t ! "i,!..tj Count JaubertwaS' wonderfully happy at repartee, and in his sallies was utter ly indifferent as to ..whether it was a friend. orah: enemy who" suffered. If, however, he happened to compromise himself, lie had a happy - knack of set ting himself right 1u" a moment. On one occasion, having been highly displeased with Marshal Koult, if mUde the lllugliSousfeohirer itvc btitt oflnnimi erablo epigrams. The marshal, hear- - ing of this at one of Louis Philippe's, rej ceptiojtetia'ridd lis;bac'iipons 'the count jiist as he was stepping forward to salute him, some thirty SCtiitlemeu be ing present. H. ' 1 ' 'Monsieur le Marechal,' said Count Jaubert, with the utmost sanffJr,o(d, lJ hav beeiLtola you lo -Wot loot niren me ns one of your friends. I'm delighted to find that thqro is, no , grouutl for then mor.' 1 'Now so,' monsieur'-' 'Because,', replied the couutr; MfOJW ' not hi tire habit Lrtiirnrngyouf back to Hie enemy. -.tsiio ivi .. The marahal, it is prthaps needless to say at orico held out his hand to Coiint Jaubert, ';, -i!;' - . , , . m m Common Sense. A valuable ;hprse ifad beeri lost; 'null no one could find him. A half-witted follow finally brought him back, and to the question, ;;itow dui you unti mm when no one: 'else , couldf' t replied, 'Wall, I just 'quired where the horse was seen last, and 1 went thar and sat on a rock; and I just axed myscl if I was a horse, wluir would I go and what would I d ? And then I went and found him.' . 35lSS A ( flk-ago paper telb of a niau who : vou I'nvc.i.l.ii,-.,...,. 11.. -.f t... 1....1 ...l- J -'"!"" a rather limn- mh nr,!Moiiry '"a1 WiilU-J.'' : , Street tin.! ht ft' Ml.' A svi-.nAi.h.jd.i ; CO- PER DAT, $ PM WEEK,-" " friend up him r.-Jm.th.l had .o t-J kHPJSIt MOXtiikZi o 40. '';"'' ' . -- i::l', :r It rl-. itr.HIe m-!:c!. Neither. I .' xr t f-UI . r iif. ' fl'WlSSi 1 ' &iaiawf ' J tm I am prepared to take orders for the celebrated . ; . ; 4 - t ,' ' - ONEIDA ENGINES, SAW MILES, GK 1ST MILES. COTTON GINS, c," samples of .which may be seen itL build- Jing next door to Hie Cotton Exchange; uiwi-luue..jJi.u. . f, . . ' "I Nve.w Bemc,' :N C. j .Address till June lath at PMioksvrtljvi N". C. le 3 4m. ec-naatul--iir, . . . .-. ;.I n it llJAJi'V JPAV- William .WUlttOrd. P ' ' VH' 'A V , M n , .' ' "4 , j , ' ' -. ! . TOR El AT.LA.) OHSHIOS CASH STOaE. V ! f oinoe'w o.aven sirt. north of MvrwF.i)r.v Nerihi-iMi ronuT JliiUliolui.l Snntli Front :tiTi'ts, j AisiH' .J! Wmairy wul K. R, JoiuH. , I tf J-V4 ' -"' 5- .' " '' ' ' IlK.M.KItS IX Stoves; House Fnrnishing: Goods, CROCKERY and GLASSWARE,,, ,, ' V" . :"';) , LAMPS in great 'varioty.1 BURNERS. AVICKS. CHIMNEYS. ' ' j KEROSENE OIL, I .. rratt's Asiral Non-Eztlccivo Oil, - ' j Machine and Train i Oils. I Vie nm now iiri pnrul to mannl'ai'ttire Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. Spt'eial Stton'tVin (rivrn to !- p: i i i-i n :. (loons 'old low and waminti'd to lie as reiirrSi'iited, Ainil 1 1 lv d 4 v A small 3vclliiiu!. ? of .'ttvo or ' Have good-room -I desired. Apply at ( '. i:r journal vjmcc. Ma n well & Ciabtrce 'lit.. . . RLACKSM I T JI S, M A CHIN IS T S, ' frois and I5ti:ss Founders . -A N U r BOILER' MAKERS. . . JUKE ..AND l(i:PAIR. iN(i;lN ES i AND ALL KINDS OF MAt'HIXEUY. Orders solicited ; and ' promptly attendel to. C HAVEN St, between Pollock ti nd Soulli Trout, : A - - XkwBeune, N. C. Apr. , tr il NORTH AUOLIN'a, Prohaf, oiirt. IUVKN Clll NTV .Tiis. 0. Harrison; Adtn'r vi the heirs at law of e, Betsy Ilrown, dee'd. To Macc kli MooitK. oiip of the detendants in above eniith'd proceeding: . . . , .You life hereby required to iippenr before this Probate (ourt of Crtivon county on S;' turday, .Ittne 2th, 1682, and answer or demnr to the com plaint in the filove ciltltlcd prot'ecdinR, which Is instituted to sell the lantl of the) intestate, Betsy Iltown, to make assets for the payment of debts. -U;, .' t ... W.OARPENTKB. J i ts i leik Superior Court of Craven county. THE ' OLD RELIABLE BERGNER&ENGEL BOTTLED BEER j : i i , f I call the attention 6f my ffietid.-i'anil patrons to the fact that I am offering- ,- BEER as PURE and FRESH as can. be olitnined anywhoro in the United States except in the place where it jis brewed I have been handling for a Ions time Bergner & EiiRel's Cclebinted Bolllnl Beer and claim for it, that Hiss 0 . ,J)ii','-Ui tf Eq nn I a nd. Be tter - , ; itA. 'Mi uiii ru,;--." -.' than any other Hot l ied Beer sold Iil New, Bern nnd adjoin!ii:tj3MVB. i Thin iiw is " brohglit 'to Elizabeth City Packed In lee and then bottled and delivered in New. Berne in adulter condition than if brought in j'iarels.Ji he"rny losing its tenipertilure nnd having to be cooled ajrain before bottling. ; , I t 'I . . The claim made for Berpner 4 Enwd s bottled beer is ton,; It in lntMn-Oi liavrt Ih&BKER' KE1T FRESirand COOL up to the 1 s T JIO'ttEM' OF ItOTILINO, than to let it igul warm, an it necessarily most do 8iliint,' from Norfolk l.i barrels, then cool it again before Doming. ; I respectfully solicit n trial lrom rnerchoiits and. .'H, -ii.. It I.,.-n i. ...I. market nnfl i C heap hi the t'heair8t, . l'alrons on the line of the Railroad may rely on Kettine ber from -mafriwh?aVH' time, hnd at the very lowet irlSe. Freight,? will also be fc lowost rates. Ari-ansentents wll ,iVn ip:i,fli!wltl RailmatU to Ret freight reduced. " ...... To our former patrons we return thanks for pst favor,' hivil gao' fcnprjittwlo thhij, tatwei will endeavor to1 act in the fntnro an yu navy done in ihfl iptC,Uiviii .it all tituWto Eire fal isf action. . , 4 , . ; . , f ' . j, Sf l!enieri(l,9f lhat we rieVer make any cliargc for drayajro., ' V Very respectfully, - Janreu K'cdm'am'd. fttri4i,ih CiK&'-'J'ATSORHEY AT LAW, T1 . . ., ... .,. . l0Br nn.ate gum Bmmj ; :ii to locattoii. ChiMrcn n..t .vor.i'Ti'ujj fpaf at tl-e ttm tabK') and .r.. h .! i i.ee. 'i he m w i.i t in i 1 1 a,uer .su,.ii(ndrah md .lesimer ev:b( -ii. v.itl e;.:". N.i;'.'.- lti-T) cu !!; to and from I ;1. i it . . New ikiuo ane Washington. Koideiu ,i,yii'iaii ni the Httl. may i-iiitt .1 . i-r.:: i , rr'-prit'toi- Oi XJ. ; OPEN AT V PEEP ()' DAY,'' "And Don't You Forget it," TIUjJppJF OPENERS " -ABE ITXKXCELLE1). ,..'v:.x", - . .' ' .l.v--: Middle Street, near Carrier South Front,' WW ltpnvu xt ' . !'txt. tlow' ,to K- 1- Jonos'- - - - i ' 'taLi - . in in. JotU'x, Onslow, Pamliroand Lenoir l'roiiipt and fl'ial nttwittat paid 1o the oolli-ption of 'North em claims in any jnirt of North Oaroliua. The N. (1. Freight Lino FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON;- PROVIDENpE, . and all io'nfs SEMI-WEEKLY STEAMERS ' - -;- !: i . ; ' y" ' i- s t ''; '. Between New Berne and Baltimore, (Touch iie.; tit Norfolk) . - ' w W ehly Eihc to' .Horclu-ad City ' I Leavint; New llorrtcTor fttillimoiv T(:K.S1).YS j and FIJIDAYS atTp m. l.rave H:illi,r,oi-p for :,NVTriitK M'i:i).KSn.VVS dail S.YTl'RWA'YS 4'nl tt. p. m.""' - ' j Leave New. York for IVIovt liead evi'iy TIIT'llS HAY at s p; tivti-or.i Pi", r :it l'.:it i:iv:-r. Aents an' a -. follrvv.-: ' ' RKCHKX KHsim. (Un'l .Vaiiaser, ' f v r; .. ...i.feitit.;,wMMd. xxA. v. Medvitiimic; .V?'t'. Norf.iit.'v. W. P. Clyde & Co., IMokolrliiliiii, VI, South Wharves: i W. P. Clyde k Co. Pier No. 7, N. ft." Xw York. If. L. Cliapman, Solicitor. K. Sampson, lloston, M Centr.il wharf. E. H. Rockwell, Providence K. I. 1). !. Mink, Vail River. Derrick wl.srf. ' ,". Shipa leave-Hoston, Tuesdays and Saiuriinvs. " . " New York every day except Sunday '" " Hahinmre, Wedncsdavs nml Sntiiilar " tall Riyci-. .Moiultv'?, WedneMlays and t'rldays. : i i " ' " Prm iueiice, SaitirdaVK, TlirottKh hills litdlng (riven, ,aid rales (titnrijn eed to all ponti at the drt'eivii't oftiffs o? the coaii'taiiies. , . Avoid hn-aklise "f lin'lk,j4d)l.i via I,'. C r.ine Mar :l f.v.-R. Ifl CI! AY,'A'I, New Kerne, N C. .-EOR'SALE, Is receiving by every steamer, and -oflerine for sale at. the very lar'e atidjiltmclive stivk of t lie ocsl FAMILY 'CRqCERIB SIGHS. ALSO A NICE LINE OF DRY G00L3, SHOES. NOTIONS, '; WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, &c J)0.fT VAIL TO"T ALT. AND SKE HIM. J ' ' i i " GOOD STOAR CURED MEAT. EUTT31 LARD. FLO'JS. SUGARS. COFFEE and TEAS. Middle Street, Near the Market. Mar. nO-d-l, . j ' M, H. SULTAN, LOW PRICES ' RULE. .1 MY MOTTO-GOOD QUAHTIEg; THE KEST" AND NEWEST STYLES AND CHEAP,-PRICES5 v f HAVE JUST iRETUIW'Elf IrSri 'NORTH witli a good and line selected slock of Ladies' Dress Goods, .4 $ ; i ; : 5 i Clothinsr, Boots and Shoes. Hats and Caps. Trunks and ? f A -liMl'l' Vallces, Notions, &c., &c. COME AND COMPARE . .:r-:Tt v. r"" i J QLAl.ITr AM t'JUCI.S, AND YOU WILL BE TO BUY FROM ; - . - . 'M.H. SULTAN" : Ajiril 1-4-ly.Jr t , 'NEW KEItNE, N. C. FARMS FREE TO ALL. Oregon and Washington, "tlie land of never tailing crops, where .grass banners,' eli0ch-;buH LArWlif Sr liar d winters are nhknowii, ofiers freo hoinpa leads to nil. on fertile povern menf l'ands;iRailrdfd laiidl'in de sirable- locations jena be imrchnsad on L-teni tehi-sUhh iif easy payments. Jveiv industripusi ihan can become ihd'epeii,dentljjri?ltHyi i a tfery'Rliort lime, ""by settijii.in tho f qctfivNorth west. Address a 'postal card to Paul Sciivzit Portland, Oregon,, and aak him to send yon a copy or The West Shore a handsomely illustrated journal, coTttnininj full information. (Office eppoitr Guton Iloaae,) civ " Dcriici N. U ill Tiront !if in li" Pniilit."'', of OreonO. t L t - ru"...t... ..Unn. an.1 i tnuu , . , T' A tT Ciaven; also in the U. b. District Cmrt. i . .- ,, ,. l'roiiipt Atit'nt:in )Uld 10 i (yUeCtlOll CI , ... . dilitl8.' - " i: j o.THOS. GATES k CO.: ' OFFER A LARGE STOCK OF ALl' KINDS OF Provisions and - Dry Goods . AT VERY tOW FIGURES. Commission Merchants for tlie Sale 01 ' Cotton and Grain.' SOUTH FRONT ST, opposite j GASTON" HOUSE. . . lli 30-w-ly. v NEW (;H)( )I)S. ! ; K KAxiNiiii ! .. . 1( is now receiving a nice line of LAD1KS DRESS 00DS r - ';'..'. Notions, Clothing, &c. &c. lie sure to call and tf him before going elsewhere and GET BARGAINS. KiuKton, N. C. F, h. Ill, S m .loi i. ni;. ( , , , j ,MANUFA(Tl'REIt OF And AVIiolisale and iJetail Dealer in Steam refined Confectionery. CANDIES,' ) FilESII & CANNED FBUITSr" Crackers and Cakes, And ail Kinds " of Children's TOYS ,0 J J WAGONS &c. '&c." POLLOCK St., Apr 13, ly w ;- New Eeme, N. C. O.MARKS, HEADQUARTERS FOR Dry Goods, Notions. Shoes, Trimmings and Laces of all Kinds, .Table Linens, the Best Napkins, all Linen, from 5 to 12 1-2 cts apiece, Hamburg Edgings in endless variety and sold at lowest prices. jJ Ji I '. ' ''' ' -' Mottoes, and , : t ; -. -t -., RlOTTO FKAI.IES, RUSTIC FRAMES of all sizes. , . 1 make a Hpecially of supplying the Jobbing Trade. Country, mer chants are invited to call and examine my extensive Stock before buying. Also the Celebrated 1 u " -STANDARD SEWING of the follow In"-mokes: . ... TBiTlJgW; Kimniiigri DOMESTIC, r HARTFORD IVNl)' HOtSEHOLU, (he three best Machines on the Market. Do not fnrjtet tlui jdace, O. Ill All KS, No. 80, l'ollock St., . ' ' New Heme, N. O. .Ferdiiiaiid Ulricli, .- ' r i i -il E'A LKR I M- " gAoceeies&dry goods IJOOTSV HIIOMS, II ATS, Ropes, Twines, Paints Oils Cail . '.-:vaslM.Ollnnll"w,',' The placeo'lni.v((lKAl?r fvVksJn" any (nanti1.vnna ,y- LORILIjARO SNUFr ; "- - by the hbl. Orders taken tor , j . - ' '' f 'NETS aiVd SFINES. -. Foot of Middle street, NEW .BjajBJE, N. C. Var. SO; 1 V ' , DA1LURO., VII 0 LESA j: QR ocehs AND , COMMISSION MERCHANTS NOW OPEN AT AVe i us t e in! u i i 1 i n a A iXXA. .STOCK OK ,M-R1X(! AND SUMMER GOODS CONSISTING OF Eadios" Fancy Goods, Mens' aiul ISoys' Clotliinjr, Hoots and Shoes, Hats of the Latest Styles, Notions, Trunks and satchels. Carpets, Hugs and aiattings, Ladies Ulsters and Shawls. "A 'COMPLETE STOCK OP GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS, VVHIi'lI W1I.T, UK SOLO CHEAP AT . WE SULTAN & CO.'S. April 1-d.vw-l.y. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. , --" tW.'X -s'-w " i ' ' '"' 1 J JMjyr. MidIannd N. C. Railway Co. fAtlantic and No. Ca. Division ': ' , TIMETABLE No. 1. li;Eir.'i'( Sunday. f:.-)fl V. ' "J., 5fny ! Express, l-iisriwiEor nnd JJ:til Tniins run on this rotnl tis lollow-t EAST. STATIONS. VEST. . No. 47 Arr. Tve. Ao. is ! AlT- -''v. ! I- .M. ' 1', M. ; liolrisbord i . j , r. m. .. 4ii ..: ! -It 511 Pi' 7 to 1!.-:V I -' La tJi-iiiiire.''"'"""''""; ;'7 7 :t7 l- ailinjr t'reek " - K'il. .,!! ' ,.!, 8 ls:)over. ;. i S Mi Cole ( feeli :,,',',',,; 8 51 s .-il:'r-tsc-H'iii:, S f.;ij S ..!i;t.,.!at'k'B. 0 in' !. Vv,- lie,-,,,.,... . i 9 r,i;. n n-i'iiivrdaie, : 10 III), 111 nil Crouton 10 ill 111 l-llWo-dbriidce, . jo .ii,. in niiiavciodt,:... ; Ill ."7i hi 4(nJi.ivpori, , ):'., le BSlHoHi'wW ' U "Ii 11 t)4Maoon Ifolcl, 11 H5i 1 OS; Allan tic Hotel " 11 til! !,lovehe:i(l Hei.ui, r. t. v. m.I. V: . :;J S ). S 12 7 !' 7 ,V! 7 :l;i; 7 S'J 7 M, 7 :n 1 Oil 7 11 tr.Wi Kli "II (t St I " 17! 0 17 is ti n m ' r, ni 4.fi ' 5 Sii. 5 7 5 2-2, a o j 19 A. M. A. M. Freight and Aeconimodation Trains run as follows: VEST. .No. 4 I Arr. L'vo. . 1 T. M. i 1 J. . , I 15 . Ii 4,1 - 12 4 . , 13 21 12 31 . I 11. fa - 12 (3 II 15' 11 :15 . i 10 41 ! 10 4S . - 111 10 ' 10 23 . i !! 59-, 111 pi . : 1 4S ' r Ml i . W ; 'U 24 : S"2i 8 us' . S 24! S L.i . i S (111 8 l)!t . ; k in s oft .17 ltd i 7 40 . : T l:ti 7 13 No.:i Arr. L'Yf. .STATIONS. e. m, l r. m. ; I S I'D (i, ,1,1. hot,,,. 1 27 I - y : i,bt,'.. 1 44 8 S-l' La Urn lip? Kallins Creek, n -tii i 07 4 frj r, 14 h 2.) ,) 51 C 43 ti 4!) : 00 hin.stun Hover l ore Creek, THKOai'ora nitrkVw...,, Tsev, l:!'rn, Jiivurdtile,-"' t.'rua mil, M'oodlwidgi- ... Ilavelock, Newport ' 4 ,'il 4 SO 5 1 ti ii 6 13 t; f.l T Cil (Hi 7 (ii) ; 7 11 7 3 7 45 S Hi S JO 8-02 8 15 8 17 8 24 noiiywitflii, .... Macon Hotel,, Atlantic Hotel, (j ,-,4 i a w (i 58 i 7 (1(1 I'. l. i I". M .ure, .,0 i.,ej ol,... I lj ' -V. M. 1 A. M. 47 and 48 daily. - 3, Tuesday, Thurs day and fciaturday. 4, Jlond'ny, Wed neaday and Eiiday. .Train 48 connects, with. AVilmiutrton and Vel don train hound Soulli at G: 14 and p. in , and bound North for liielimond, ISaltiniurc, l'liila dolphia and New York, at . n.-nu a. m.. and with North Carolina train bound Vest at Hi a. in. Train 47 conncois with Wilmington At Veldon train from the North, arrivint: at. (JoliNboro at !i:42 p.m., mid villi North Carolina train from Ihe Vest, arrivintr at (ioklshoro at 0-31) p. in. Train a connects with Nurtli Carolina train ihe West, nrrivii-B at Goldsboro 7:ll a.m.. nnd with WdniiiiKton k Woldon train from the South arrivlns at Goldsboro nt p:5(l a. ni, ' Train. 4 connects nitli - North Curolina tiain bound West, leaving Goldsboro at 2:50 i in , and with WilmiiiKion & Welden train bound North lcaviiiR UolcMmro tit :0ii p. in., and bound South leaving Oolihdioro ti: 44 and 8.29 p. ni, Trains 8 and 4 aro siiccially adapied for local travel, and will. carry litst ami second class coftches. lbagjjafri) will be checked on these trains. - J. W. ANDREWS, . ; t.'bf. Engr. and fleu'l supt. L. H. CUTLER, DEALER IN . ' ST 0 V E S " ''.".'"' '"' .'. a n i) . .. i ; - . ' ; I I , A ' - " ' , . . ; !f -,. f i; . ' . " -' ' :- 1 ' " Hai'dware 9 ikjVfuunishinci ooods l'aiiitn, Oils, Sash, Doors, IJliiwls 1 . -.to. kv. tKo- 26. .HIDLLESt : -.- "JTow Ecme. "S. 0, Apr. 12, ly d If you want . Bargains , uM i ' -. ,v-' ,,, .-rCt) .TO -ir-.-i. , j;,: -, ; Unci .- , 1 TT. IlSIIKl?, who is cloij oiit htspresehr STOCK of General Merchandise at very low lii'iires for cash, or on time with trood security. Has everything . usually, kept hi a first 'Class "" '"." ,jf.' DIIY COOnS & GBOCkRV STORE. Call and see for yourself. Wholesale & Retail. L. II. FISHER. Feb. 1G, 3m Kinstrm N. C. ' SUEi-CiilDli i'QPw THE NEW BERNE, JOURNAL, aily"A,tl Wcokly. f- - ' ' ' ' 1 " ' " . v. LiiA . r rs I5Y TP iron A I'D. Sulserintion'rKatos DAILY J OTJKNAL cue year, $6.00 " " ona month, .5 WEEKLY JOURNAL one year, $2.00 " " six months, 1.00 " three months .50 SO Li CITED. Address lOl'IlXAL OFFICE, Now IJeriie, N. C. AIOIl l tJACiU SALE. i'1 of Mortage Deed executed in I.. . Ji.-lmw unit Igeuear Meshaw toWm . T rcl.ls. ree ..tciv, ,,n ii,., nth -,i... t..... Vo; ii, B,H,k4j ,,,,.,.,;:, 1;sist;,rs Lhce of te ? eynnly, J Mill s,.n nl , he Court llonso dX 1 i low t ot Ktnst.-.,. ('.- .yionday, the iiitl, il.iA of May iwi the 'It,,-, of Innd conveyed in Mid S.orti.ag.. bemttlliXv tier.,., of land in I.en ou county titl ,.-,,-the lands of David S. Davis Tentis (Vis'i. l-'eb. tnli. :i r-t - ' Wm. C. FIELDS, Mortgagee. I A '!' K X T S. o4 i ... -I for ne w 1 1, veiilioiiK, ov for iinproyeinenls n oid r.iies. Caveats, Infriiij.i.tnenis.Tradi'-Mark . and, ;il patent Ln.-iiie-s promptly n! fended to. ,l,TV""Vi '"AT IIAVB IIKKN- rtblRCTED may still; ii, mo t ta,.s, i, patenici i,y.. Bpin(c opposiie'that-. s. I';ilei. Olliee, and engaged in e vn.-n- nt mm:ss r.xi-i.rsii-r.-r, We can secure pan nl.- hi H-ss nut,: than ,1 hose -who are remote troni us imtrion. Wla.i Iuveiitors send model nv tlietch mnt, ,.,...... . .,, . ,i, ,,,( e, ami auvimds to its pat , i;,o,i ,,v . uf c,(,.-Torrespondenc ennlideiuial: ices n asonalile; and, KO WIAiifV? tM.l!ss-ATKVT t, olcrwsFl,' ' . ! '' '''','' l'.'iiii-M"ii to the Ciiy postmaster, M""' '".""'.'".'"''"'"'"I' lii-.i'ftiiol'ostOfliceMonl ey ui-oei-u.Tisum in Wellington. For special retct-eiHvs, ,.ii-eular,iuitace, term, tc, tiddfess-. v. a4 fc-Sow&.co, Oitomtb J'ATKvt Orrvr, Washington, THK BOUITZ HOTEL Goldsboro, N. C.":" .,7 MEALS AXD KOOUS 50c, EACH. First claw fare and the best accommo dation. Good Minis for rommeroial travellers. i.r.d -'. d. w. ii ortt; MIDDLE STREET, New Berne, N. C. " .Var. 50, tm -r a.ist'd. J. V. "Williams. . B. M. G-ates.' J. V; WILLIAMS & Co. ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND : ''.' ,, WHOLESALE OEALEUS 11, : - GORN..:-. ',' ' ""'' t -; ';':- -L -l '. W Solicit CoasigiuneitU. . ?1- m? Solicit Orders. . . .-; : , Newbern, , N C.:r-i Mcwbornc & Harpd il Oiler lor s;i!e, fur t-i'sTror'on, iiine: Iv.MMT, '''--" .U'.i PRHMUISI' PHOSrilATR- " - , - ... . ...,.',' ;i''!l'u U -,-l L IC ICS 1 I 1.1 A R liJDi Lf HI I?.T i)" Jan. '5, Sin;,,-, .f;i..Ci 'JiiOvliJ ' J-H''' 'irk-l : m ,5iisii u a S-1 OL MARKET mRF,NITWBEiNE;Wf'i':i.',W,;Vi ' 1 - Alsoliepson hand full Jineof ,. ',.,J;;1 R()1ES ANlV twiNev ' SPIKES,' N'AILSCANYASiS' -' ''4 ''-. " AND ALL KINDS , , SHIP CnANDELRY, PAINTS, OILS and BRUSHED. April 1-w-Gm. A ;' J. XI. 1