01. oc. Xi JOURNAL. : r zrsn, x, c, june 9, iss3. i rianAPmo news. - .".-I AIL F THE WOSLD ' ICHTY.SETE5TH COJfGRtSS.- FIRST SESSION. AmaH Expraslr tor N Brn Journal. v . i SENATE. r - isHEiGTON, Jime 8. Mr. EUifresolation calling for infor ' " juntta as to the quantity of lands , mtrsced in the land grants to certain-owners, with the quantity patented and the amount accruing lor r&ads constructed, etc., was auoptld. The list of roads riien tioned as further enlarged upon the sulfation of Mr. Blair is as fol lows rSioux City & St. Paul & Pa- ciflc jlFirst division Winona & St. Peter; Cedar Rapids & Missouri Rtveri Mobile & Girard; Peisa t cola & Georgia; Iowa Falls & , . Sioux . City ; North Louisiana & - .('least West Wisconsin, Lake Bu- ; jmnur p -uississippi j Aiaoama an Chattanooga. j f The (Senate soon after 10 o'clock, dispensed with calandar and ire snmed' the , consideration of the District Appropriation bill. I A number of committee amend- inents Were ruled out on pointy of oraeranatne Dill was finally re portedfrom the Committee. S Kotos were taken upon several amendments and the committee was sustained in each instance and no further change made and the - bi!!a were passed. v i 1 Tslr. Jlawley reported from the Military Committee a joint resolu tion ' appropriating $10,000, or so mnrh thereof as may be needed to furnish :food to the people made destitute by floods in the State of Mississippi. He said the planters there had for a long time been pay ; ing field hands in the expectation ' of beingf remunerated by the com ; ing erop, but that the late flood had disappointed these expectations and , , necessitated this additional : pro vision. The joint resolution was passed and the Senate adjourned. - HOUS& OP REPRESENTATIVES. Washington, June 8.On mo ' tion of Mr. Curtin, Ta., the bill was passed increasing to 1 40 per month t:.e pension of any person in the lata war lost an arm? hand or t, or received disabilities there- House then, at 11:15. went ii to i committee of the whole. Mr. . Updegraff in the chair, and resumed the "consideration of the General Deficiency Appropriation bill, j At 3:10 the consideration of the r bill was completed, and the com : .mittee ro$e and reported it back to the House. - Motion to strike out the appro priations 'for the payment of the amounts due land grant railroads for army; transportation, and for bureaus in the navy department, were lost.' Motion' to strike out the clause appropriating $112,600 for the pay ment of special deputy marshals at the Congressional elections in 1881 and prior years was lost. In 'speaking of this proposition Mr.' Cox of New York said: Inas much as the men selected for these positions at our elections performed r heir work, and are not in any 'sense responsible for the law under Which they acted, and as the money ia their due, we desire to say that in voting for this proposition we do not' include our well "considered Judgment as to the invalidity of the Federal law. The bill then passed; yeas lie! ys 57. - .-. - . . ' The House immediately there after went into committee of the irhole on the Legislative, Executive and Judicial Appropriation bill. Ia explaining the bill Mr. Cannon, of Illinois, said the bill provided for an increase of employee's in the Pension Office at an expense of 11,742,000, but outside of that item it appropriated only 1220,000 more than the bill for the current year.: If this increase of force in the Pen . slon'Offlce were agreed to during the next fonr years there would be required $425,000 to pay pensions, bnt it was better to expend the surplus revenue in that manner than to have it remain in the Treasury a standing temptation to those ; who desired to promote schemes at the cost of the govern ment. The committee then rose. I Adjourned. NEW YORK. N2W York, June 8. The Post's c -'.ton report says future deliveries &...er., living advanced 5 points, I'wl aivyxh before the third call. Fire ctildrenvthree girls and two 1-. Z 3ns and daughters of John Lt. rood, of , are reported to Lave been killed last evening wLUe walking on the trade of the 2".tw York & New Haven Kailway r ??.r - tta.t village. They heard the tVn rrrroacbing and crossed over ' jcnr.Kg track, when they i ove r and cm: ' ed to death la wLich can uion them - f; -;uta dir. 'on. LoNtKiN, June 7. Mr. Keene's Foxhall has won the race for the Gold Cup, valued at 1,000 sov ereigns. May 29. IntelljenceTTanta in the morning. ...The Sen from the Coast is to the effect that Ecuador is in the throes of revo lution, Peru in anarchy and disor der, Bolivia, at a safe distance from the coast, preserving a show of military force, and Chili smitten by Epidemics in various parts and cursed by brigandage. .Chilian pa pers fully corroborate the latter statement. - Cettinge, June 8 The follow ing has been received from Slavonic sources: Austrian battalions were attacked on the 25th instant by 200 insurgents near Morime, north ol jiostar. 'ine Austrians were 'sur prised and compelled to retreat with the loss of 95 killed. The in surgents lost 2G killed and wound ed. On the 3d instant the insur gents attacked and destroyed the Austrian barracks at Bischjna, killing 25 of the troops. The rest fied. ; . ; CALIFORNIA. i Kansas City, June 8. The fol lowing are the particulars of a bank robbery at Brookfield, Mo., yester day.' Six armed men rode into the town of Brookfield just as the bank was closing for the dav. din- mounted, and covering the cleiksj wun ineir revolvers, robbed the safe of about $5,000. They kept up a rapid fusilade with their fire amis as Ihey rode through the - jilace, over awing the townspeople. The men were all masked. The county Sheriff and the Marshal organized a posse as early as possible and started after the 'robbers. Dick Little, ex-Marshal Legget and oth ers in this city who are -familiar with the James, gang, think that Frank James was Hot connected With this affair, although they ad mit that the. job was done in the James.Boys' style. Jt is claimed that Frank iff not iu the neighbor npod. fTbeVe is plenty of tall tim ber around Brookfield, and it is not thought; Jikely that the gang will be captured. A dispatch from St. Joseph says that a party of men have been stopping on the Harper farm, five miles Southeast of Kirks ville, near Brookfield, for the past three weeks. They kept their re volvers on all the time, and iinhnrlv knew5 them. Several horses were stolen there on Saturday night. WASHINGTON. - Washington, June 8. To-day the President nominated A . J. Crapsey, P. M., at Terrell, Texas. - The Senate Finance Committee had a special meeting to-davto consider the Tariff Commission nominations which were sent to the Senate and referred to this Com inittee.J . ; In Executive session yesterday, after some discussion, it was de cided to make a favorable report to the Senate. All the Eepublican members of the committee were present and voted aye, while Mes srs. Bayard and Beck, the nnlv Democratic members present, voted no. - - TEXAS. ' St. Louis. June 8. A iiisnat'ii from Dallas, Texas, says : A large company oi weJi-to-do representa tive neerroes from MissiKsinni passed through here last night en route to Chihuahua, Mexico. They wm prospect m tne mining and ag ricultural regions, and if the coun try suits and they can secure prop- erty cneap, and the Mexican Gov ernment is friendly towards them, they will settle there and be fol lowed in the fall by two hundred of the best colored families in Missis sippi. The plan is to establish a colony. PROBABILITIES. Washington, June 8. For the Middle 'Atlantic States." nartlv cloudy weather with light local rams aud stationary or a slight fall in temperature, southerly to west erly winds. For South Atlantic States, southerly to westerly winds and occasional rains, stationary or slowly falling barometer and nearly stationary temperature.' TENNESSEE. New York, June 8. A Chatta nooga special to the Tribune says: D. B- Coaffman, editor of the Rock wood Republican, was assaulted in Kingston yesterday by J. W. Hood. He was severely beaten over the head with a club. Both men were Republicans, and the difficulty ori ginated over political differences. NORTH CAROLINA. Kaleigh, June 8. The case in the U.' S. Circuit Court a train at , Cousins and others, Democratic I county canvassers of Halifax coun !ty, for not counting the returns in the Congressional election of j 1880, was called to-day before j Judges Bond and Seymour. A I jury has been empanelled and one CiNCNATl, June 8. The Com raerciaU Louisville special says Senator Ben. Hill andfamilv ar- llired lateJast nisrbi and ea to At- ator's son says his father will be in the Senate before the" close of the session. - '' ALABAMA. Montgomery, June 8. The Democratic State Convention1 to day; nominaied E. A. O'Neab for Gevcrnor by acclamation. , j . . NOTICE. STATK OF NOBTH CAROLINA, Craven County. The subscriber having qualified u Administra tor of the eMftte of Jacob Dudley, deccunl, on the 30th day ol May, A. I)., 1882, befor thrf Pro bate Court sf Craven county, hereby notiflB all person having claims against said Estate t pre sent them for payment on or before the flrif day of June, 1S83, or this notice will b pleaded IU bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to vnid Estate will make immediate payment. . Done this 2th day of May, 1892. ! JAS. C. HARRISON, Public Administrator. . W. II. uox MONONGAHELA WHIHKItY.I pure WIN KS and BXANDIK!, ' CKJA11S &p for sale, i Trenton SA In rear of Foy's and Koonce's tttorrs Mar. 9 3 mo. ' : ' ' ALEX MILLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL 1 GROCER. Constantly receiving a full line CJlioice Croceries and FARMERS' SUPPLIES, ! which we offer as low as any house 'in the uty, and warrant all goods as ren resented. Call and examine onr stock and prices. Stables furnished fiee to all our country customers. Goods delivered free to any ;jart of the city. 12 m W A D. . ' DIVIDEND NOTICE. Office of Sec'y & Treasurer, , A8URER, i 8, CO., I 1, 1882. ) Trent kiver Trans, Newbern, N. C, Jnne A dividpnd of picrlit nor wnf in naV I . it. i i 1 . . . 1- p . I m . I Transportation Company will be paid uu bijo vnutuiii muck til i.iih. i rpnr. mvpr on ana alter juiy 1st, ii to stock holders as registered on the books at 3 p. m., may autn last. B. M. GATES, I Ln. Sec'y and Treasurer. COTTON SEED MEAL: THE BEST , STOCK FEED AND FERTILIZER. EYflATltinnallv trrtrnl far mllfh nmvi..iuliiil .A slock peas at half the pries 75 cents per bushel. FOR SALE BY r A.. XX. Xexixi.laoax. : : . may 6. d-ly ... New Berne, N. C. CENTRAL HOTEL, ;. W. E. PATTERSON, Pnor'n, ; : NEW B ERNE, N. V. THIS WEIL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS house, as Us name implies, is situated in the nplitml (1 till hllainacia ttnKtinn rt ,l.n . . 1 - J rui.iu.il, lii iilj, uence Tecommenas itself lor its convenience to the i-Tuuig jMiuiiL-. Auoraing solicitors every opportunity of visiting business correspondents. It has attentive servants, and its table is always furnished with - Every Delicacy of the Season. its rooms are large, airy and well furnished. AN OMNIBUS Or tllfl AncnmiYli-Mlnt.nn nt onaaia in a n.l ..I... WK QHl.HIH (,W (kllU AlVlfl feature in this city, ah tne appurtenances, ol a modern f . ;, FIRST CLASS HOTEL. J April 1-d-ly. ; ' . '. . NOTICE. IN THE SUPERIOR COURT. JONK8 COL'.N'TV. j To Conncil Mercer: Yott will take notice that ft special proceeding has been begun in the name of John O. Whitty, adm'r. ts. Edward Mercer et al, to which you are party defendant, for the purpose of selling the land lying in Jones county known as the Lewis Mercer homestead, for assets to pay debt of the plaintiff, etc. You are required to appear before Thomas J. WhiUker, Esq., Clerk of said Superior Court, at the Court House in Trenton on the lsth day of June, 1862, and answer or demur as yoo may be advised, to the complaint filed, d ft w 14 , THOMAS J. WHITAKER. Oi S C. E. M. HODGES. Einston, N. C, . Mannfactnrfs and ropitlrs nil kinds of 'BUGGIES, CARRIAGES, 1 . Carts, Wagons and Plo ws, Ch'apfr than yon am bny thm North, lso , , Cheap Coffins Mad to order ob abort cotlrr. 81iop nppnsita Nunn's Hotel. 3m. - S. H. SCOTT, WHOLESALE AND I12TAIL E2ALI3 IS Dry Ooods.Hau id Caps, Boots and Pho., Al nm.nce Spun cotton, choice F.mllr Orooerles. Prices a low as the lowest. Also Pure Wines nd the best of Liquor.. Berfrner and. Eng.1'. loafer ueer always ireso ana pure. Middle street, opposite People' Market, n PEATCICCO. Sans Soiici Motels ' HOREHEAD BAYLISS & CO., . (OX EUROPEAN and Table de Hote. Breakfast, 7 to 9 ; Dinner; 1 to 3 j Supper, 7 to 8:30, Private I dinners, etc. at short notice, day or night, , i This Hotel is now open for the reception of guests ; is strictly first class In ev ery department with every facility for amusement Croquet Lawns, Surf Bathing, fishing, Boating, Hunting, &c. A full staff of polite and attentive servants, coupled with our long experience as hotel men, giving every branch our personal supervision, will enable us to guarantee full and entire satisfaction. ill CULTIVATOR and HARROW . ; . ........ ' 1 , , An-angetlto cultivate both sldes'or the llow of younsj Cotton, Kico and Coin, at once, enabling one man and one horse to cultivate, cttjlit acres per day. ; 1 ftaf Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded, ('nsli Price, $. Manufactured and sold by GEORGE ALLEN L CO., " NEWBEKN, N. C. Chas. H. BLANK, W H O L E SALE G R O C EE and ; JProvisioia. Iealei? A FULL constantly Dry Salted and Smoked ' MEATS, Flour, - - complete line. Sugars, - ' - all grades. MOLASSE& SYKUPS, GREEN ATVI ROASTED COFFEES, TOBACCO , AND SNUFF, Salt) Powder and Shot. Special attention of Country Dealers is called to my Stock. " Salnple mn price tent by mail. C. E. 101 & co. Brick Block, Middle Street, New Befne, xV. C, WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS All Goods in our line sold at the very lowest cash pri ces. 'Prompt and strict attention paid to; all orders . entrusted to our care. . , .. C. E. FOT & COMPANY DEALERS IX COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS. Now on hand and ready Tor delivery X5OOO Bags Anchor Brand, and 500 . " Game Guano will be sold WOn CASH OR ON TIME AT REASONABLE PRICES 0. E. FOY & COMPANY ".. . !, oiler to the Trade . t Lorillard, Gall & Ax Railroad Mills Sweet and Salt Snuff , AT f MANUFACTURERS PRICES. , The largest Stock of BUGGIES, ' . W AGONS and HARNESS ever before offered ia Norili Carolina. BUGGIES BY THE CAR LOAD DIRECT FROM FACTOBT. The Columbntj Buggy a Hpecialty. . WEBSTER WAGON. THE BEST ON THE MARKET. 1st CLAHfl HAND-MADE WORK. ! V VV STOCK AIjL THE TI3IE 1 AT IIOTTOJI PRICKS. -. AaU,tf ' -, vv; KJ5X0;J, a J. 7. BAYLIES. CHT,;N. C. : " PHOPEIETOIiS. AMERICAN PLAX) AIDK (DL11VA10B. - ! tent A)ilied For SUPPLY ; on hand of Mar. 30. 1 yM c w . m ... ii EASTESN JEOSTH CASCLIXA MAKBLE WORKS SEW BERXE, S. C. " MONUMENTS, TOMBS, ALL KINDS GRAVE AND BUlLD- i , ir. WORK IN iTALiA:i&A!.:EF.iCAn f:ir.:LE ' Orders will receive prompt attention' and satisfaction guaranteed. -JOE K. WILLIS, ! ! ' Pirtnrlvf.nr. (Successor to Geoi-go W. Claypoole) Cor. BBOAD ft CRAVEN fets. New Berne, N. C DISTILLERS' AGENT,, , FOIJ. .'. Pure Rye and C! :i WHISKEY: WINES AND CIGARS In Great Variety. Ginger. Ale, Pale Ale,' Beer 1 and Porter. : , : ; : -. V or; ... yy . - FOREIGN Airs DOltESTtC C I D E It L In Bbls. 12 BblH.' and Ks. "''A'':, 'V(V; ' 1 r. t - - ' ' 1 ' ' ' Pure FrenchUrandy LARGEST DEALER IN THE SfATE. COMMISSION MERCHAkT For the Sale of all Kiiidrof 'X PRO D U C E. Guarantee Highest Market prices,' Corner South Front & Middle St ,! . NEW liERNE,' N. C. Apr. 11, 6 m d & w ; 'V T. A. Gfffi, ' 1 LARGEST AKI) OLDEST " , WHOLESALE . ' IT O lT S K . .p . ... ...... v.". ' .. , IN THE CITY Keeps always in StocK in Large Quantities . f , , PORK, LONG CLEARS. FLOUR, SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUP, MOLASSES, SALT etc ' lorillard and Bail & Ai Snuff, T, also r A LARGE STOCZ OF T 0 B A C C 0, DRY GOODS, BOOTS, A NIIOEH f Arbuckle'i Ariosa , Roasted COFFEE, ' CRACKERS AND CAKE 3 la great variety. , A large Stock of NOTIONS and HOSIERY ; Wholesale buyers will find a large STOCK and the Lowest prices, ' Don't fail to sec mo h foro you buy , Mar. 30, 1 y -i; ! E. II. Wiiiiiloy, witneas examined. : s