" T "4 f i. r. " 1 "irtTTTrirr? l!i .L i M t Hi? VOL; I. . NO. 07, 'V'l ill "w f M ? -Vs! ft a. nil i 1 U1 M . H H II 'i : t H ttnl. - f M 'IS""' V 7 LOCAL NEWS. NEW ADtERTISEMENTS. iM 7 Mrs. William Baker House for rent. Journal miniature Almanac. , . San rises', 4:43 ? Length of day,' V Sun sets; 7:18. ), 14 hours and 85 min. Moon sets 9:24 p. m. Thermometer Hcord ofYfrdy.i. , 7 a. in. 2 p. m. ' 9 p. m. 79' Struck by Lightning. Yesterday during the shower light ning struck the schooner Florence lying in the Brinson dock, tearing her top mast to pieces and shivering the main mast clear down to the deck. This is the second accident of the kind that has happened here within the last month. Our diarrhea To-day i - - METHODIST CHURCH. ;; Dr. L. S. Bulkhead at 11 a. in. Text Gal. 2: 19 21. Subject. . A double cm eifixion essential to the production of . ni 'lia siiiritual life as will enable a fallen man to obey the will of (ioil. PRESBYTKRlAN' CHL'lll'lf. REV. L. C. V ASS, PASTOR.. - It a. m.. "Heaven."" John 14: 2, "In my Fathers bouse are pinny man sions," etc. ...,, 8 p. m., Lessons from Psalm 84, "How amiable are thy . tabernacles Q Lord of Hosts," etc. , CHRIST CHURCH. REV, V. W., SHIELDS, RECTOR. 7' Second Sunday after Trinity. ';- 11 o'clock, Morning Prayer. Sermon. "The doctrine of the laying on of hands.' Heb. 6; t and . 2. 4:45 p. m., ' Sunday School.. 6 p. m., Evening; Pray er. 6:30 p. in.,' Meeting' Confirmation Class. Saturday 24th; St. John Baptist's Day, service at 10 a. m. The public are cordially invited to the, services of this church, free seats lor all visitors..!'- ;' v 7 Ushers always in attendance on Sun- ,lay'8, ,,'r"t":""': ; Fine shower oi rain esterdayi $ No Mayor's Coiirt for several days.1 The Telephone will soon be in work ing order, tj. r.f j - ' 'if The' Whipping Point in Pamlico. A few days ago a crowd of boys were out 'together near Bayboro. Pamlico county when two of them engaged in a fisticuff. After the 'light the other boys organized a court-'-appointed a judge, sheriff, clerk,!1 jury ete. and tried the two boys for fighting. . One of them was found guilty. The sentence of tlie court was that he be tied to a tree and whipped .by the sheriff, which Sentence the apiointed sheriff is said to have ex ecuted promptly and with great defer ence to the court. ftud '." without much sympathy for the young criminal. "' ' j I . J'.. ! . ; r. ! Stca'niboutK. ".,.. f""'. , :' I I The pleasaiit,' gosKipj' letters of a con tributor on "'Bits of the History of New Berne'' grow in interest. We are glad to promise our t. readers., that they Jnay. expect something on the same order every week. As to our personal expe rience on, steamer!:, our recollection is that the Camirell, put in the river in April, 1872, could come from Kinston to New Berne iji seven hours, and make the return trip, in about thirteen hours. Our first pilot was Capt. Ed.,Browu, a colored man, who. had -become, famous in mite belhim times as pilot on the Johnxtmi. He deserves a niche in his tory for his brave conduct on that boat during a great storm at Morehead ju.st before the war, wherein his pluck and skill brought out from tne jaws of death a boat loaded with excursionists. Some very fine cabbage in the mark et yesterday. . u "'':'' - t.,, Sixbale3 of cotton received yester day. No sales. . - , , Peaches in ?the market yesterday at sixty benta'peV peck.' ' 1 The schooner , Cherubim sailed for Philadelphia 'yesterday with' a' cargo of ; lumber, I. fn't'a'i t-.-ii t Mr. E,Wf, Small wood reports the sale of twelve sewing machines during the past week. , . . ,,v,(; .-. ; i The revenue cutter Steven came into port last night having been on a cruise , for five iijfe. v;U .'1- . The city authorities have put in nine hew pumps recently. They are the old . fashion Jog ,pmps.f u ,-t-',j, ' " Two marriage licenses were issued by the Register of Peeds' during ; the; past week.,, Both for colored couples. The Commission of Mr. Jno. S. Manix us Postmaster at New Betne arwved last night, and he' is now in charge of the i office. 1 1: At a meeting of the Democratic Exec ' utivenjidltee Mi the yesterday, E. H. Meadows was eiecieu chairman gad. Philemon , Hollands Jr,-, Secretaiy. . . We were shjwi yestf rday! i fine crayon portrait 01 uio xv. owicfiu m rineton, who died at Beaufort last sum mer. It was drawn'from a photograph bv Miss Aurora Mace of this , ..city an d is a perfect reproduction ' Of' the photo graph. The artist possesses, an enviable , , talent ;' ; - . ( ;, , Brigadier Gehernl R. P Haucot V. By telegram yesterday from Governor Jarvis we are pleased to- learn that he has cotnn)issioned jbur-' Vorhy jtowns man, It. Df Hancock' a Bngadierdener al in theNprth Carolipa.State Guard, ; Inspector to..Arrlve ft. j-.j. Messi-s. Dunbar ,and Oast, Inspectors of Mills and boilers, are expected to night on the tram. All persons who desire to secure license as pilot or en gineer, Should applyat the Custom House to-morrow uiuiuiu , v City Cotton "' "l A '' Two prominent cotton brokers accom I v j)anied,byMr..John Elliot of afarmer of Jones county examined tne cotton paten t on the corner of Hancock and Broad ! streets yesterday ' evening and pro nounced it the best they had seen this Personal. , ., Col. Jno. NjWhitford of Jones county was in the city yesterday. S.iys his cotton is very small and a bad stand. Thinks he will have blooms by the fourth of July. Hon. O. Hubbs has been in the city the last two days. He attended the State Republican Convention at Raleigh, and will leave for Washington to-morrow morning. 1 r Mr. Joel Kinsey of (?obton was in the city yesterday. Says his cotton is very small don't want any credit -but in "good condition. There is quite a dif ferent story told about some of his neigh bors, Maj. Gordon and J. W. Biddle. It is saw there is so much grass m tneir cotton that they haven't time to go fishing.- -'---"---'- ;;'-;' ;-' The Concert To-morrow IS Ijjht. The Concert to be given, to-inorrow ight at the Theatre, under the direc tum of Prof. De La Croix,' Ms for the benefit of the Atlantic Fire Co.; The comjiany is sadly in need of a hose car riage and the receipts of the concert are to be applied to that "purpose.? 'It is then, not for the benefit, of the Fire company alone but for the whole city. those who attend then wilL not only hear an entertainment worth the money but will be making a judicious invest ment for the benefit ef the city.' Let us have a full house on Monday night. -1 Price' of tickets, !50 cents for lower floor, 23 cente for gallery "Reserved seats can be secured, without extra charge, aEH. Meadow's drug .store. The programme of Friday night will be partially changed, and refreshments will beonhand. ;' ' . , -;, season. 4 4 -IHlMHariiaon'a School. ! , 5 ' ' The closing exercises of1 this very ex cellent school-will: take place -on next Thursday and Frlde, consisting of reg ular examination and oil Friday ' 1 "Spelling Bae.'V On.Friday. night Mr, F. M. Simmons will deliver before the school at the New Berne Theatre an ad Hrpss on some educational topic, to which the public are invited. .We an tici; t( a pleasant .entertainment, both from the address and from the school trio "OmiVw Affimvs Tilri."1 The former was sung by Mrs. McLean ac companied by a chorus. The lovers of music welcomed Mrs. McLean's re appearance in concert as one who has always been a sincere lover of art for its own sake, and who holds the leading place among the amateurs of Ne.w Berne. Her singing Of The lnflamntvs and in the trio mentioned, and in the simple, English ballads Tirickeiiham Ferry; and j Darby and Joan showed the excellence of a true artist and the intelligence of a highly gifted musician. The contralto part in -fho trio, sung by Mrs. J. E. Nash w given such a noble rendering ; as is rarely heard in any company. The prayerful tones of Mrs. Nash's voice ac corded well with the grand theme "We I give thanks to the, O Hod and inter preted the inspired music of Rossini to evory heart. r , The "second part of the programme be gan with a 4 between Mis-s Ella E. Ives, and Mr., De I.a Croix which capti vated the whole, and was HOpnt-sioiKitc-ly redemanded that the singers wore obliged to repeat it, Miss Ives, singing in this and in the scene from Troivitore con filmed the opinion the public hasal ways held of her accomplishments and her charm as a sineer. Alike in the bravura part of The Lemon and , in the tragic mulunte of the prison scene, she admirably acquitted herself. The ten or part of the Travatore scene was sung by Mr. E. B. Roberts, a gentlemen who is heard all too seldom in our amateur concerts. A tenor voice pure and sim ple is rarely heard. George Elliot says that Nature demands great sacrifices in return for a tenor voice. What the sacrifices are in Mr. Roberts case we do not know, but it is a fact that he bus a raro voice,, and sings with fine effect: His natural laughing in , the Laughing Sung, rendered by Miss Amyett, Mr. Dj La Croix and himself, was quite in fectious and assisted in a great degree in capturing jthe 'audience. The enter tainment concluded with a musical sketch called The Fanners which affords a good deal of amusement. Mr. W. M. Watson's sweet and musical voice was particularly noticeable in this piece, and his spirited declamation was well done.' Misses Ainyett and Clark and Mr. Uuion were the other'principal tic tors. ' The hitter's make up v.-as qiiite artistic and his part successfully per formed. .The chorus, consisting of Miss es M. Amyett, L. Roberts, M. Clark, S. Mettt, Messrs. D. Willis, O. Guion, Parr, C. Clark, and Mrs; Adelina Patzy, sang in excellent time.and.tune, and .acquit ted themselves well,' both in singing and dressing. The always thankless part of ac companyists was undertaken by Miss Co rinne Harrison, to whom no doubt every singer feels indebted for. her skillful as sistance. Prof. De La Croix 's artistic spir it was manifest throughoutthe evening, anil all obstacles in the way of perfect ing the difficult concert pieces' having been removed by his" masterly hand. His singing in the!' trio, and , the duet with Miss IeiiWpJaying JhT!tj'o : se lections, his exqmsite and pftthetlc'ren dation of Le Marsellaise, his handling of the conductor's baton proved him one it will be worth our while to keep among us. Wo feel sure that the peo ple of New Berne will give him a hearty, substantial welcome on his return from his summer vacation. ; ' 1 appoint delegates to State, Judicial and j Congressional Convention. . 1 County Commissioners get a site for j Court House from Academy-Board of , Trustees. j Commodore Oaksmith and Pilot Jolm : II. Salter reply to General Ransom. J. H. Brooks of Kinston reported tn j bo robbed, maltreated and demented, j Tlie Road Commissioners of Catfish ! Lake road held a meeting and apply for convicts. , , , , THURSDAY, June 1."). . Second crop of strawberries in market. Schooner VherMm from Philadelphia, loading with lumber and shingles. Six car loads of corn shipped by J. A. 'Meadows, over Midland road.' . Festival for benefit of Silver. Cornet Band panned out 288. JudgeSchnckandW.il. Baily tight in open court at Charlotte. Rev. Geo. W. Neal and daughter off for Chapel Hill Normal. . Phil Holland," jr., tells the Polloks ville people about this "Progressive Age.''. . "Fair Play gives a "characteristic reply to Capt. Oaksmith. The Journal talks to the Democratic State Executive Committee about the Quaker Bridge load convicts. i ' . FRIDAY, June 10. Fred Phillips of Edgecombe nomi nated for Judge. V Fifteen hundred pounds of wool sold at the Cotton Exchange. Atlantic Fire Company will excui t to Elizabeth City oh the 27th inst. ' Mass Meeting of Democrats, of Craven called for June 22 to endorse C. C. Clark for Congressman-at-large. , , The. Gvhlbringa sails out from More head, after .two months-detent ion. SATURDAY, June 17. .' June apples iu market. J, C. - Whitty of Polloksville. gets a shingle machine. 1 Willis' Marble Yard turns out a liiind- some monument "Walker." of the Ohscrm: 'visitcth the city and discourses on various topics. The Board of Trade will give an ex cursion to Spring Garden. , The editor discourses on Graded Schools and Congressman-at-large. CITY ITEMS. ThU column, iii'xt lo lorul new, is 10 W H"i il f -r I.iK-al AdvertiMiiK. : : Wool Wanted.-Highest market ' cash prices paidfor Wool in any quan-. tity. William H. Oliver, !it. New Berne. X. O.' I have reduced the price of Bckunkk and E.ngkl's Bi:er to i'i.."iO jier crate. , T challenge the world to furnish a ku- H i ior quality, and I claim thai there is 110 beer noil in Xew Berne that caneipial it- t. f. James Redmond. THE OLD RELIABLE BERGNER & ENGEL BOTTLED BEER COMMERCIAL. NliW It IC It Mi HIAHKKT. COTTO.N.Middling 111: Low Mid dling 11: "Good. Ordinary id': Ordi nary 8. Wool '.'Sc. per pound. Tlri'knti.ne. Yellow dip ir2."' Scrae $1.50. Tar. f 1.25 to $1. 50. No sales. KICE.-r -Sl.l.i to SI. '.'II. None ill liie market.' - Corn Firm; 05c. in sacks; IKJc bulk. Sales at quotations. Peas 1.35. Country Produce. Bacon hams l-tlc, shoulders 10c; sides Vic. Lard 13!c. Meal unbolted $-1.05; bolted 1.10; Fresh poi;k- 8a9c. Beef stall fed, (ia7c. on foot; grass led 5c. Potatoes yams GO. Eggs 13. Hides drj I0a12c, green 5Jc. Beeswax 20c. Chick ens (iOc. per pair. Fodder 1.60 per cwt. Peanuts 1. 75. tt-l friin.Ii Id lit. X, w I;, ru .Ihiii-i : IH:tl KM'IC iH A U K UTS. 1 call III"1 alti'Ution of my friend" and patrons lo ills fact 1 hat I am offering BEER as PURE and FRESH as can lie ol-ciiiurl anywhere in the I'niwd Slales e-ie)it In the plaee wlinrc it is lire wort I have hren hantilliiK tot n limn lime Bergnrr & K.usel'8 f'elcbrnlod Bottlrrt Beer and claim fni it, Hut il is ' Kfiunl and Pietter . " ": ;' ) '4' " thiiii any olhi f Uollled Beersolil in Ni w H. rn.i and uiliciiiiiiij.' lous. Tlii.i hei-r is brouehi 11. Kliz iln lii l ily Parked Iu Ire and iln'ti liotil. rt and tleliv. i- il in New Hi'i-ni in a hettci ciniii i,ni . than if liiouslit in Imrri'ls, thereby losini; it Lempi-nitnri' and liavin); 10 be cooled aain hefort bottling. Tlierliiim made for IlcrjMicr it Knsel'ii bolt li d beer i thai il i belter to hae the HEEK KEHT. FRLS11 and COOL tin to tlie .MOMENT OF HOTTUXU, than 10 let ii set warm, as it nei'i'ssaiily mn-l do .11 1 iiij; from Nnrl'o'ik i.i barieln, llii-n ccol il "gain . Iiefnl-e IkiIIIiik. - , I rcipcctiiilly miliiil a tri ll tiom merrtiahii- 'ml dealer, and will five lliein th best Beeron I lie market uu l an ( limp the ( henprst. Palro.is mi I he line of Die Railroad may rely on iteltiiiji iKHi trom me fresh nt all timex, ai.u al the very In .u'M iivicr. Freights will also be nt lowest rale.. Aria linemen ts will be made with Railroad to get freight reduced. " i To our former patrons wq return thanks 'for p:..t faors. an. I can guarantee to them that we will endeavor to nt-i in the fntuve as we hava done in I he iat, striving at all limes to give ?at isfaitii n. ; g K.-iii.-iuI.er thai we never make any ohante for diayiifre. Very ref lieetfnlly, James Redmond. The Concert;' '" The testimonial concert given 'by the friends of Prof., De La Croixt under the direction of the beneficiaire came, ofif Friday night. Tlie theatre, though not crowded, was1 filled by an audience comprising a great many of the musical amateurs of the city drawn together by the reputation of the distinguished Vir tuoso, and the ladies and gentlemen who were to take part. n S1:: !" -! i ' t1 The entertainment began with a piano duet which introduced to. the' audience Miss Katie Daniels. The lady though not yet in her teens, played with a grace and precision, far beyond : her years, Her beautiful performance gave an ear nest of the high character of the music which followed. V -.Vi' ''..' The first vocal selection was ,''(?eH stalls the Breeze" by Miss Fannie , Clark and heir brother, Mr., C. C. Clark, Jr This number was very ,well . given, - the voices of the singers blending in. ; most pleasing harmony. i r , ; iua hs-.'i! -JI. Miss - Amyett ; gave .The. Memiye , of Blumenthal. i Her voice, a pure sopra no in quality and compass, overcame the difficulties of the ong with ease and charmed' all' hearWs jjwh its perfect tones. "'The burlesque 'tluo Ty "Miss Adelina Patzy" and Mr. Parr, and the German song' by Mr. V. R. Guiou were greatly enjoyed.. An encore was re peatedly demanded in both cases, but firmly refused.' Mr. Guion 's personal allusions caused much amusement, -s " The greatest of Italian composers was represented by "The Jnflamatufi, and a Kinston Items. Vegetables tine and abundant in Ibis section. - " . The corner stone of Kinston College will be laid the 4th of July next. A good rain at Kinston last Thursday evenhig--potato sprouts and other vege tation tAourisheth, ' Dr. R. II. Lewis left us last Monday to fill a Normal summer engagement at Chapel Hill. His family will leave in a j few days to join him. . R. W. Kiug's convenient addition to his residence, now ornamented with an elecant front picket fence, makes his home preferable to the halls of Con A vouug attorney of this place ex plained a contingent fee to a client a few days since It is, if yon looserthc lawyer gets nothing; if you win, the client gets nothing. Some adventurous chap hasSaken the contract to re-paint the steeple of the Methodist church and has erected the necessary staging. ; Though laboring for the Lord, it looks like exceedingly dan gerous work. - The last discussion of the "immovable jewels" iu front of the store of the A. T. Stewart of Tuckahoe was about the1 migration of sturgeons. Some contend ed they went into "winter quarters'' like the turtle, burrowing in the mud: others held, they took to the sea like shad. 1 The question is still open for de bate. ' C. H. HART & CO. ONE PMCE CASH STORE.'. , . Nonl'i-nt form r Middle niul South Front neei. .oiie K- H Windley and K. h. Jones. DKAI.Klla IS Stoves, House Furnishing Goods, LAMPS in great variety. BURNERS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, KEROSENE Oil,, Pratt's Astral Non-Explosive Oil, , Machine and Train Oils. w LAST WEEK'S EVENTS. The Jotiruiil's .Comprehensive Be view of the News of the Veetf, Con- ' denied as an Index. . i . SUNDAtT-jtO-NE 11.5 5 j. v I Fji sine thrown from the track near A0 VCV . v.".. ..... v Ward Meetings arid delegates to Coun ty Convention. Boessor, . the. furniture man, inter viewed 1"; 1 . ' Closing account of Kinston Collegiate Institute, r ..,;..,; fimifiral Ransom fliTaigns a Beaufort pilot for incompetency in stranding the Wheat crops in Lenoir best ever known.!"': 1 " ':'.' - - ' Dr. Barker feeds taffy to the Kinston people by telling them their girls are the prettiestdft the State. ,' ?i Bits of the History of Newbern" tells of the second steamer ever brought to New Bern6-t,hs John Stoncy In 1833." ,.'j , ' ' TUESDAY JCSft 13. ' ' Death of Mrs, Harriets. Bray. j Tlie .-Iddje Henry sold to Capt. Wm. Hill. , ':1::;':;..;:!::V'::: ;; ;Jl small fire at Mr. James Morris1 no damage. " ' ' ' - " '' . : ' . Arrival of the new steamer, Cutler,, to run between Swift. Creek and Newi Bt3 ' i"T's''''wV,i W'' 'Viift.Vr'-i-Wiaisr'-i,'''--J ' Report of service, for 'preceding Sun day, of the Baptist Presbyterian and Methodist churches. Report of the County Superintendent of . Public Instruction for Craven a good showing made- .. : . . (i, ; wedkespaV-jdnk; ,14vi"' In'lti Board of Trade indulge in a new car- The trucking season nearly over the steamer New Berne making ' pnjy ,6ne trip a week .1 . .-. , t.-, ., , Democratic - County. Couventioti en doTse Henry, R. Bryan for Judge and COTTON SEED MEAL. - THE BEST STOCK FEED AND FERTILIZER. Baltimokk. June li. Hour - active: Howard ft. anil western super fine ftJ.25a4.lK); extra ?4.25a5..0; fam ily er.?5a7.00;City Mills superfine S:$.,r.0a 4 ."..'. do. extra itfri.OflaT.O; Rio brands 57.2ra7.?.7. Wheat southw-n steady and iiiet; western a shade higher; south ern red j?l.oi!a1.U7;ainber.'il.;i!i.il.4;i; No. 3 western winter red, spot, fI4a:tic. C!orn eouthern quiet and steady ; ve: t ern dull; southern white 00c. ; ilo. yel low Wic: ' Baltimohe.- June 17 Night. Oats linn; southern (MaliSc; western white 0hiUSc.;do. mixed Ulnijac; Pennsylvania CRWKKUY and GLASSWARE, lilaO.ic; Provisions linn; mess pork . ' 5"i0.75a2'i.2r. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides packed 10!al3ic. Ba conshoulders llic; clear rib sides 141c.;- hams 151 altic. Lard refined 13c. . Coffee steady; Rio cargoes, ordi nary to fair, 8a9. Sugar steady; A suit !)?:. Whisky dull at 1.20. New York, Juue 17, Cotton Net receiots H4 bales; gross 1 .149 bales. Fu tures closed steady; sales 50.000 bales June 12 18al3 19; July 12 21: August 12 31al2 32; -September 12 01al2 02; October 11 (Wall CI; November 11 4.a 11 47; December 11 47all IS: January 11 59all 01 ; Februarv 11 7 1 a 1 1 73; March 11 8:5a 1 1 85. - New York, Juno-17. Cotton quiet sales 2,408 bales; Uplands 12 3-10c; Or lenns 12 7-10. Consolidated net receipts 2.110; exports to Great Brilain,.i,594. Coffee unchanged and dull. Sugar more tvetive, dosing firm; fair to- good refining 7 3-llia7jc; refined firm; stan dard A 91 e. . Molasses unchanged and quiei. Rice firm and in lair inquiry. Rosin steady at t2.121a2.lJ. Turpen tine firm at 47a48c. Wool unchanged and iuiet Pork less active and very strongly held; old mess, spot, $19.S7Ja 2000: choice uo sau.'.); cnoice new J21.20. Middles scarce .and nominal; long clear 125c. Lard stronger; prime steam, snot, ll.b.iall.hil. Uhicaoo, June li. born in lair iie- mand and lower at 09ta09aC. for cash; 69tafi91c. for June. .Pork unsettled and lower at -0.80a20.85 for cash and July.. Wilmixgton, June 17. Spirits tur pentine firm at 43c. Rosin steady: tr s ined $1.52 ; good strained $1.60.' Tar firm at $2.25. Crude turpentine steady, hard ftl.SO; yellow, dip 2.7j; virgin 2.75. Corn prime white 95c. ; mixed 92c. - -' .,--', i. an now prpi:irecl ti manufnotiiri" Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. ni'ml :nniiti"in Kivi'ii to riiltinic. ' Oondc fold low and wiirraiiliil lo lies rejirrSrnted, Anil II lv (1 a w v ....... NOTICE OF Copartnership Kxeeiilionally (rood Tor milih i'0v iqiml to atoclt peas at hart the price T-1 cnls mr buslipl. J a-1 TOR SALE BY : ft. t A. n. Donnison, may B. d-ly ' "'J " TCew Bf rnp; N. 0. SEA BREEZE HOUSE, Morehead City, N. C. , Will be opened for tlie reception of ffucsts 011 15tli ol June.. 1 are and ircn- cral accommodations eijual to any.' n Terms moderate. -.- . ! -; T. L II ALL, -Proprietor. MR. E. H. WINDLEY is this lav admitted ns hn EQUAL PARTNER ; FOUIiIGN MARK UTS 1 ; LiVERfooi., June 17 Noon. Cotton firm; Middling uplands 6jd; mid- dlintr Orleans 6 15-16d. Sales 12,000 bales; for speculation and export, 2,000. Receipts oaO bales; American 41)0. ., Cotton MnrJiPtK. in our .New Heme nnsuiess, una rrom this time the business will be under hi sole - ' -': ' ! "',J ' CONTROL AND SUPERVISION All debts contracted with the original firm will bo -'collected by . MR. T. L. DBUMMQND, ICE. ICE. For 1 lie ix'iu'lit of our omplojci s vi give notice thai ifn Siiiidajsour let" Huiimi will Im opi-ii only I'l-otji - , SEVEN lo TEN in 1 lie luonCnir c jo 13 lit , WATSON A )ANIi:i.Sv . INi'W Ut'i'tif, K. C c.EuofjAnn, June 17. Galveston, lis; Norfolk 114: .. Baltimore. 115: Bostou. 12: Wilmington, 11 8-16; Philadelphia, 12, who will 1 avail the 'debts contracted Savannah, Hi; New Orleans, 11;; Mo- ..j(. to this d'ltc bile, 112; Memphis, Hi; Augusta, IU; Charleston, 11 P. M. SIMMON'S. I'l.KMKNT MAXI.V. " f ; M AN U P A (JT y RKrt; pF j,i)fT0jf am CHOICE HAVANA -and.', ,.'..,.',.. . : . . ; ,v , ....... I , i! . i '.I .-- ' I GARS. ' : s- r -. V'i . , w t Arr.i POLLOCK Street. 1 lv ,-.'".;'i .:i-v'' SIMMONS & MANLY, Attorneys at Law, Ojiposit" (3 art oft House, New Rerr.e, N. WILL ": PKACTIOE IN ' THK STATK AS1 Fttt'fr.'il OoiuiV anil rpirttlarly utti'nrt all ses sions of Ihi" I'oiirts in the followiii countien : Craven, Oai'ti ml, I'mnlii o, i Jiiie, Onslow, Leuoir., - . .,' M:ir. 30-w-ly. ; nqFTck. llie Constv ftnnrolwlorim haw ordered thai all land sold by the Sheriff t the county for in x es dun for tho year ItWii, t-:ni he redeemed hy tlie owners without payiue the nildilioiial S,i per cent, allowed by law provider! the taxes on paid lands are paid by the'flrsl "f .rly. Parties' Intereeted will talc notttw. and tsovern ihenis.lve aecord- lfflv., ., . .. . . . I ,.' . 11. Vllllll'lll. ' may a-d w t, l' July '' bounty TreaiuiiT ' ' f fKO iiTs ALE, '--r- 'A very desirable Brick Dwelling, with large lot and Convenient outhouses," on Johnston street, between Craven and Middle. " Terms accommodating. Ap ply to' ' " 5 ' -"- ' , - ' 1 A- T. JERKINS. - ',Jiine9, IS.';'?";-;-'-!- -M :-:"d-tf;' Thankin g the public for their very li-" oral pali oi:agp, we would respectfully say wo have largely increased all our facilities and will hereafter offer ouri celebrated ; ,., '.",.! ;:., , BAVARIAN BEER to the trade at $2.50 per crntt?. Hespcctfully, ; B. P. SALE & .C0., June 14. 1SS2. -.-t' .( :i i ' -i . i-. . New Berne, N C :!d2rVli '' NOTICE! .. :'? f.i ! i I r-ii it. . ,f i t; A . n . ..'Tliu 28th General Annual Mocting of .. t'.io Stoiklioldei-8 of tho Atlantic & North Carolina llallroad Company will' 1 e held at Morehead City on Thursday, MH, Juno. 1RR9., ' t . " F. C. ROBEHTfv Fecretarv. '