1 THE JOURNAL; NEW BERNE, N. C, JUNE 18, 1883. THE Q00D-P0R-N0THING. BY REBECCA HARDING DAVIS. ;iYos, I think I may say without lioasting that this is tho model 4" fl.r, Qfntn n.wl rt ... Te.rrey is its model scholar." ' , Mr. Pigeon, as he spoke, glanced "fit a slight, tall boy, at the head of the class. , i "Always first. Itecitei page af ter page without the break of a syllable. Obedient, gentlemanly ! In short, sir, if you find a fault in that boy, you i must have keener yes than mine." It was Mr. Pigeon's last day in the academy, x; He had been ap-' lointed to a professorship in a col lege, and the new teacher, Mr. Na gle, had arrived to take his place. Mr. Pigeon, in fact, was inaugura ting him in his office'" ; ) "Here is the roll of names," he said. "I have added a remark to ach which may give yon a hint of the character of the toys. Yon will find it useful." Mr. Ifagle looked it over. " 'John Steele' which is John Steele !" he asked. "The loutish, red-haired lad at the end of the bench. You'll ob serve the vacancy in his face." Now opposite John Steele's name -was written, "The good-for-nothing." '-v. ' As the boys changed cl.vss, Mr. - 1 llfBllll WUIflUClDU. I 21111 1I1IIIIIM, forced to believe that that boy's mind is impenetrable, so far as knowledge goes." ' " to John Steele than to any other Iboy that afternoon. It was unde niably a bad case; He was in the first pages of the Latin grammar, while the other boys of his age ' were reading Virgil. - ,. .Tnlin arnmhlfxl nvov tlio firer. arl. ctension, breaking down invaria bly in the vocative. He bounded France by Russia, and moved Cau- Ma in a lump down to South America. .. Mr. Piper had a taste fpr poetry; inereaawitn nne enecr, aim was :anxious that his boys should ac qmre tlie same taste, lie was in rthe habit of reading some brief po em to them at the close of the miorning's exersises. To-day he liliose Long-fellow's 'Psalm of Life.' The boys were encouraged to give their opinions on it. ; "How does this poem affect you, Clarence!" asked Mr. Pigeon. "They are most noble verses, sir," ,said the lad, fluently v v"VIe might ' take some of them as a motto for our lives." ' ; "Very true, Oood criticism. And v what aid you think ottuein, jonnr' "Didn't think anything." "You must have had some glim mer of an idea about them." John's freckled face grew red. "What was it! Ont with it." ''Any man's a fool to be spendin' his time making footmarks on the sand.' .burst out John. "Why . didn't he (build i somethin' somethin' that wouldn't wash away !" Mr. Nagle smiled, and looked at' the boy, puzzled. He managed to rtalk to most of the boys separately during recess, and among the rest m John. , I am sorrv to see vou so low in tout class, John." f "I'm always there,? : promptly. ""Mostly loot." " 'We must try and bring you up," cheerfully. v "Yon can't do, it, sir," looking him straight in the eye, and speak ing with a ready decision that istartled the teacher. "I study more than anv bovJ here. But can't ilearn.: I'm of no account, Mr jPiceon savs." ; - ! ! ! Mr,' Nagle was very patient with .John. ?But after a few weeks, he, tkm, began to despair. The boy fsaemed to have absolutely no mem- 'my for words, and very little for fideas. It a rule in arithmetic or a fact in history was hammered in to his head to-day, by to-morrow it was sure to be cone. As tar as this noor brain was concerned, it 1 certainly seemed as if nature pre ferred a vacuum. One day John's mother called on r Mr. Nasrle. She was a little anx f ious woman, dressed in deep mouruinc. : : i ' s - "Can you do nothing with the boy!" she said, the tears coming to her eves. "lie is an l nave. Ilis father is dead. I hoped to . cive hint ft classical course, and to see him in some profession.' I will do all I can,' promised Mr Nade "But his heart sank within . him. '. " , .. . Leaving Mrs. Steele he went x down the village street. A crowd had collected about a trench which had been dug for some purpose The doctor's horse had fallen iuto it, and was struggling desperately to get out, the shelving yeuow ciay givinghim an uncertain lootnoiu Some of the men had struck him cruelly, and some were trying to nrfo 1 :::i by drawing at me reius, j All t'.a c'.!:ers were loking on sol I eisr'--', vA'Ax tlcir hands in their f; !.;";.). ,T.::;t lien Mr. Nagle i heard a clear, authoritative voice Help me bring these plunks and pht them in the trench !' Surely that was John's Voice. To his surprise, the men listened to him. "What's vcr idoo, Johu ny!" "The horse can help himself bet ter than all of vou can draff him. only give him a solid tWiii! ' In five minutes the poor beast had struggled out, with the help of two or three planks. He limped as he was ied off. No body noticed this but John. 'Stop a moment.' he cried, and lilting the horse's foot, he picked out a stone from it with a little tool which he took from his pocket; for John's pocket was filled with little tools and queer, tiny mechan ical contrivances. 'Who made thein. John?' said his teacher. 'I did, sir,' looking stupid again. The next day, about dusk, Mr. Xagle was in the ferry-loat which crossed the river at that- point. Several of his pupils M ere on board. coming back from a match of base ball; among them Clarence and John. When half-way across the river. there was a loud explosion, and Mr, Nagle found himself clinging to the deck rail, his legs in the water. The boiler had burst with such force that the boat was shattered. A portion of the deck Had parted from the hulk as the' letter sank to the bottom of the river. There was a frantic struggle tor life. Then the portion of the wreck he was on floated dowu stream. About a dozen of the passengers clung to it. The night fell fast. The shore was but a fast receding dark line, with red twinkling lights. Upon the shattered deck cabin hung a single life-preserver. John saw it, climbed like a cat to where it was, and brought it down. 'Give me. that!' shrieked Clar- ence. 'Oh, give it to me ! I can't swim !' 'It's for this woman.' There was but one woman among thein, and she was old and lame. 'Give it to me, I say ! Help, help ! We're drowning!' He seized the life-preserver. John quietly took it from him, and buttoned it about the old woman's waist. Then he began to drag out one or two oences and poxes that were in the cabin. ' ' Mr." Nagle noticed how cool and dertthe boy was, in spite of his deadly paleness and trembling. 'We had better tie ourselves to these,' he said. 'This deck is so shattered it will go to pieces be fore they see ns from shore.' Mr. Jiagle, without a word, lol- owed his advice. John was no Latiuist and no poet, but he had one quality which made him a lead er just then. A tew moments later, the deck- broke up, and Mr. Nagle found himself in the rushing current, but was picked up by one of the boats which were ont in search of t he vic tims. ' ' " The banks were lined with bale, terrified faces. As he was lifted on shore, he saw a boy dragged out of the water, and a poor little wom an in black fly to him with a wild cry. 'I'm "all all right, mother gasped John: and then he cried on her breast like the child that he was. 'I thought I'd never see yon again !' he sobbed. Now there had been a stranger on board, a queer, Avizened little man with a foxy wig. This man, who was among the saved, took up his quarters at the village inn, and presently there arrived by express a mysterious engine or pump, di rected to him, which was placed in the hallway of the iun. It seemed to have a curious las 'ination for John. He spent half his leisure time poring over it, - measuring the tubes with Ins inch rule. In front of the case there was a square of plategrass. Now it hap pened that one aay, w'liue Joim was relaxing his mind by a game of ball in the street, lie threw the ball plump into this costly bit of glass. The other boys ran, and John ran too, but only for a few steps, Then ' he went home, went to his savings-bank, and took out the money which was meant for Christ mas. He presented himself before the old man, who was looking at his shattered glass and taking snuff violently. 'I did that, sir. There is the monevtopav for it. Will it be enonsrh!' : ,f : 'Oh, vou did it, eh !' scowling at him. 'Well, give me the money. What are you eternally prying into mv nresslor. anvhowT 'It's not a press. It's a pump. I understand it all but that wheel. can't make out what that wlieel is there for,' staring at it, , his hands in his pockets. The old man talked :to John a while. That evening he called on f Mrs. Steele, and sent up his card. I "Peter Copley, Machinist.' '-J-. ' j on ma'am,7 lie said aDnipiiy, .'ior8jue time. Noticed him the night of the explosion. I'd lifcetotake him with me and teach hiiivny trade. -He has a sound, practical head, ; that boy.' : ., - . f i Mrs. Steele accepted the offer, and went with her boy. - - - - , Twenty years afterwardspMrr Nagle, then a judge in the.' State Supreme Court, tried a case in which the firm of Copley and Steele, engine bilihlei'-V was plaintifl'. Jn'the course of the suit, he be- came acquainted with the junior I member ot the firm, a man of high ft1 standing m ins busmess, and of equally higu repute as a man of probity and honor. , One day there was a sudden rec ognition. ; "John Steele, the" "Good-for-nothing! Yes," said John, with a laugh; "and no better acquainted with the classics or belle8-kUren than then, judge. I had but one talent, and I came very near burying it for life. Whenever I hear a loy despond be cause he has not idoicen talents, I say, Jjooh for the one talent, boy ! Look for the one! ' DIVIDEND NOTICE, Office of Sec'y & Tkeasurkb, Trent Uiver Trans, Co., Nkwbebn. N. C. Jnne 1, 1882. A dividend of eight per cent, in cash, on the capital stock of the Trent Uiver Transportation Company will bo paid on and after July 1st, 1882. to stock holders aa registered on the books at 3 p. nn, May 30th last. B. M. GATES, Jni. Soc'y and Treasurer. o. XT. O. OPEN AT PEEP 0' DAY," "And Don't You Forget It," THAT E. WHITMAN'S EYE OPENERS ARE UNEXCELLED. ' 0 Middle Street, near Corner South Front, mew'behne, X. (V Next door to K. K. Jones'. Apr. 13-d& w 12 in. The N. (1 Freight Line FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all points North and AVest SKJIT-WKKKLY ST E AME RS Bstwecn New Berne and Faltwe, (TonchitiK til NoiI'dII;) Wcclily lAim to ALorehcnd City Leaving New heme for Haltimovo TUESDAYS and FKIDAYS at 1 p m ' Lnave Baltimore for Nhw Heine WEDNESDAYS dnt SATl'HDAYS at 6. p. in. Leave New York for Morrliend every THl'RS DAY at 3 p. m. from Pier M Ku t Uiver, Agents are as follews: ' REUBEN FOSTKR, Gin'l .VanaRcr, 90 Lilit SI., Bal'i. Md. JAS. W. McOARRICK, As;'t. Norfolk, V;i. , V. P. Clyde & Co., Philaiielihm, 12 SciHh Wharves. . W. P. Clyde & Co. Pier No .J, N. RNew York. H. L.CIiapman, Solicitor, i - " , K. Sampton, Boston, AR Central wliarf, ' ' K. H. Rockwell, Providence R. I. I. C. Mink, Fall River, Derrick wharf. " Ship leave Boston, Tuesdays and Ssnu'd )!. ' " Nnw York every day except Sunday " " Baltimore, Wednesdays mid Ssturilnys " " Kail River. Monduyn, Wednesdays and Fridays. " , , . - .. yo ideuce, Mitimtays. Through bills lading given, and rates gnaran eeil to all points, at the ditTerent offices of the companies, , ; Avoid hreakhge of bulk hnd ship via N. 0 Line Mar 30 ly. S. H. GliAY, Ae'f, Newllerne, N 0. FOR SALE. "VV. 0B. nOUNTHEB Is receivinK by every steamer, and otlerlne for sale at the very large and attractive btoik of the bet f .' F FAMILY GROCERIES AND; PROVISIONS. ALSO A NICE LINE OF DRY GOODS, SHOES, NOTIONS, WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, &o POx'T FAIL TO CALL AND SEE HIM. . QO0S SU9AB CUBED MEAT. EUTTEH. LASS. FLOUS. SUaA&S.' OFFEE and TEAS. Jk.'f Sipi.lty. Middle Street, Near the Market. Mar. SO-d-ly. M. H. SULTAN, LOW PRICES. MUST BULE, MY MOTTO GOOD QUALITIES, THE BEST AND NEWEST STYLES AND CHEAP PRICES. HAVE JUST FETURN'ED ;NORTH with a K'KKl and fine selected stock of Ladies' Dress Goods, ; ; . t Clothing:, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, Trunks and ' . i ' ; . Valices, Notions, Ac, &c COME AND COMPARE ' i QUALITY AND PIIICKS, ' aWt vnfr '",nT.T. Riti Tn Rnv'PROM ' i ! "x '' II. H. SULTAN, f APm i-d-iy NEW BERNE, N. f. LEONIDAS J. MOORE, ATTORNE YAT LAW, (Om r oppoatte tJanf m Home,) New Kerne, N. i. will prartice in the Counties of Greene, Lenoir, Jones, Onslow, Painlico and i 'raven; also Tn UielT. S. District Court, Prompt Attention paid to Collettionof Claims. THOS. GATES & CO. OFFER A LARGE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF Provisions and Dry Goods AT VERY LOW FIGURES. Commission Merchants for the Sale 01 Cotton and Grain. SOUTH FRONT ST,; OPPOSITE GASTON HOUSE. Mnr. SU-w-ly. NEW GOODS. E. RAYNEIt is now receiving a nice line of LADIFS BRESS GOOBS Notions, Clothing, &c. &c. Be mv to eall and soln" elsewhere and ; see him before GET BARGAINS. KiitRloii, N. V. Feb. lli, 9 m JOHN DUNN, MANUFACTURER OF And Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Steam refined Confectionery. CANDIES, PKRSH & CANNED FHUITS, Crackers and Cakes, CIGAliS, An.l all Kinds 61' Cliildreu'a TOYS WAGONS Sm.&c. POLLOCK St., Apr 13, ly w New Berne, N. C. O.MARKS, HEADQUARTERS FOB Dry Goods, Notions Shoes, -Trimming)- and - Laces of all . Kinds,' Table linens, , the Best Napkins, all Linen, from 5 to 12 1 ti cts anicee, Hamburg'-Edgings In endless variety and sold a t lowest prices. MO TT0E8, AND MOTTO FRA31EH, RUSTIC FRAMES of all sizes. I make a specialty of eupplying the Jolibing Trade .Country er chants are invited to cull anil examine my extensive Stock before buying. Also the Celebrated STANDARD SEWING MACHINES of the following makes! The Light Rnnning DOMESTIC, HARTFORD AND HOUSEHOLD, the i three best Machines on the Market. l)u not forget the place, O. MARKS, No. 30, Pollock St., . .'' ii" New Berne, N, C. Ferdinaccl Ulrich, PEALEK IS . GROCERIES &DEY GOODS HOOTS, SIIOKS, HATS, Kopi'S, Twines, Faint Oils Can vass, and Oakum. The place to buy GUAJN SACKS in any quantity ami'. . a r'. lokilLaiu snuff ' :.-'-",.-'., by the tobl. Orders takvn for ' , f NETS and SFINES. . Toot of Middle street,' -mV BEHNK, N. C. Mm. 80i It- I ) A I L HUOS., WHOLE 8 AE GROCERS AND--COMMISSION MERCHANTS NKWRERt 'NO. NOW OPEN AT Weinstein Buildin A FULL STOCK OF SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS CONSISTING OF Ladies' Faacy Goods, Mens' and ItojV Clutliiitg;, Boots and Shoes, Hats of t lie Latest Styles, Notions, Ti imks and satchels. Carpets, Rugs and Mattings, Ladies' Ulster and Shawls A COMPLETE STOCK OF GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. WHICH WILL BE SOLD C1I1AP AT WM. SULTAN & CO.'S. April l-diw-ly. . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Midlannd N. C. Railway Co. Atlantic and No. Ca. Diviaion 1 TIME TABLE No. 1. In Effect Sunday, BtfO P. M., May 28, 1882. Express, Passenger and Mail Trains run on this road as follows: EAST. WKST. STATIONS. No. 47 Arr. L'vc No. 4R . Arr. L've. r. M.i io ! 7 il 7 37 1 7 :li IS; i- Mi H 51 8 .'! V 19: 54 iii (Hi; III Ml 1(1 17; Hi :t7 1 l'J 03 1 11 u:l 11 051 II 10! I'. M. I'. SI.' G M 7 III 7 23 7 37 7 lis 8 IS 8 30 S lit 8 ;!) 9 2fl l Si 111 10 10 14 10 17 10 40 10 A3 11 04 1 CS I'. M. '. i I II 40 j !i a.! II 07, S S3 8 37 8 7 Si 7 :w, 7 Ml' 7 or 8 3(1 0 30 17! (I '4 ii M), !i 37, fi 2(1 i 5 2; r. M !) l!(l 9 t S .-,3 8 39 8 .12 7 7 . ,9 7 31 7 II ii 3i; U .Hi (i 17 0 14 a si ft 37 S 27 26 ii 19 A. M. fioldsboro Itesi's. I.n Grange..... Falling Creek KinMon, Dover Core Creek Tusearora, Clark's. New Berne Riverdale, tiroatan, , Wcntbriidge Mavtlock, Newport, Hollywood, , ; Mncon Hotel, ., Atlantic Hotel Morehead Depot, . A. M. Freight and Accommodation Trains run as follows: EAST, WKST. i No. 4 I An-. L've, No. Arr. L've. I'. M. I'. i. 2 1.11 2 27 2 a J 44 it 64 H 12 3 2'J ' :l 411 4 Oil 4 27 4 31 4 62 4 tf 8 14 5 1 i. 2ft ft 27 A I'll 6 11 4:1 ti t:l 4!) 0 51 7 l 7 (16 7 IK) 7 11 7 3 7 4i. 5 II.' S (12 8 1.1 8 Hi H 17 S 211 8 24 i u. r. m. STATION I'. m 1'. M. ; (iiiM-boro , Bent's.. 1 l.i 12 4(1 ' 12 21 ; il f:i; II 16' HI 44 10 1!! 9 ,W 48 i U 114 1 8 32 8 24 8 II!) I 8 114 ,7 1 13 i 12 4S 2 SI 12 (3 II S3 III S HI 23 10 111 ft 6(1 9 24 8 32 8 2 8 0(1 8 Oh 7 40 7 18 ; imi H 67 2 64 ; La Gl ance, falluiK (.'reek, ... Kiustun,. Dover tore Creek Tusearora, Ulurk'o Newbern, Kiveidale, Ooatan Woodliridfte, Havelock, Ncwjini t Hollywood , Maeoti Hotel Atlantic Hotel, .. . Morehead l)el,. Ii 64 A. M. A. St. 47 and 48 daily. 3, Tucsdav. Thurs day aud Saturday. 4, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday. ..... 'Train C6rinects Willi Wilmington and Wei don train bound South ill 11:44 and 8.'J'J p. in ami bound Ni.rlh for Riclimond. lialllmore. Hiila deliUia and New Yoik, hi 9:5(1 a. in., anil Willi North Carolina train bound West at' 1(1 a. m. Train 47 connects with Wilmington Weldon train from the North, arriving at Uoldi-boro at 0:12 p.m., and with North Carolina train from the West, arriving at Goldshoro at (1-30 p. in. Train 3 connects with North Carolina train the West, arriving at (iotdfburo 7:Ai a. hi., und with Wilmington & Weldon train from the South, arriving at (Jolilsboro at . S:,W n. m. Train 4 connects with North Ciirolinn unin hound West, leaving Goldsboro at 2:,'itl p m. and with Wilmington Ji Weldi n train bound North, leaving Uoldshoro at 9:06 p. m , and dmiiikI South leaving Goldsboro 0:44 and i. m. Trains 3 and 4 are specially adapted for Local travel, and wilt carry tirst and second class coaches, itmpgnge will he check, d on these trains. J.W.ANDREWS, Chf. Engr. and Gen'l supt. "L. H. CUTLEK, w DEALER IN 8T 0 V E S : A N D Hardware , HOUSE FUKNISHING GOODS Paints, Oils, Sash, Doors, Blinds &c. 4c Ro- 26. MIDDLE St- Apr. 12, 1yd Mew Berce. N. C. If you want Bargains ' -go TO L.H.PISHER,, who is closing out his present STOCK of General Merchandise nt vorv low figures for cash,' 'or- on time fwith good security. 1 Has everything usually kept in a first class i , m DRY GOODS & GROCERY STORK. Call and see for yourself. Wholesale & Retail. ! .W .. U II. FISIIEK,, ; Feb. IG, 3m ;, : Kinston, N. Q, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE. NEW BEENEJT0URNAI,!.: Ally Aud Weekly, LATEST SEWS " : ' ' ' f BT TEIEGRAPB. Subscription Rates DAILY JOUENAL one year, $6.G0 " " one month, ; .6 WEEKLT JOURNAL one year, $200 " " aix months, tOO " " three months .60 .ion WORK SOLICITED Address JOURNAL OFFICF, New Berno, N. (' MORTGAGE SAM'. k.!8.?' '.,,?u' of " MI5K Deed execiHed w .V !, - ' "'l luei.i nr M haw n. W m ( . rielils. registered on the Dili dny of .liilv 1878 in Book 4i. pugetiMt, Keginers cfliee of Leneii eoiiniy, I wiilM atihe Court Howe door, in ihe lovvn ot Kin.-Mt . t;. on Momlnv, (he l&lh day oi May K2 Ihe 'rnet of Innd r'onveved in nitl MortRiici. ,eiti flfiy acres of land in Len oir comiiy iiiljoininir Hie lands of David S. Davis anil others. . Terms Cusli. . Wm. C. FIELDS, teb. Hili, 3 m.' Mortganee. P A T E N T S. ; olitained for new inventions, or for iniproveir.i nip n old ones. ('.Heats, lnfriii(;ements, Trade- Mik. and all naleni luisiiiess iiroiiiptly attended tw. INVKXTIliy.- THAT HAVE l:KKN IIKJEOTKH lll.-l) utill, in iiiom cjim'S, be patented Ly ns. 'Being oi'posite tin- I'.S. I'aiuil Office, and ciifii(ti(l in i-ATKNT tu-MNKs i-xci.i i vki.v, we can serine paieuls in lest, nun! limn lliose ho hio remote tiom Waltintoii. When Iiim in,. is sei.d model or rkelcli, we make earili in lie I'M mi I (III, ci' mm. I mivi.u ,i. ii, . liatl'llClbililV Irf-f." at' i-Lnri, j-... w.L..nn.l..h.. lunhdi una,, leis reasonable;, and, NO IiAl:(iK IM I ss I'ATKNT IS OIITAIXHI. e efer hv perinistiim to the City FoMmani r, find to llieMi,i rinli iil, m of tlie l'(st Olliee Mnu-i- Order iiiVili-n in U'ukl.i,.ir. . i. . ri t.-ii nei, . ncnl ir.advice, leinie. 4c.,addienii V. A. SNOW A l i, (ii tosiTK Patknt OKFtce, Wasliinirton, D STOP TtlEBONITZ HOTEL Goldsboro, N. C. MEALS AND ROOMS 50c. EACH. ' . First class fare and tlie best acconimo dation. Oood rooms for commercial travellers. i). w. iii irn-, MERCHANT TAILOR. od H T A N 1, MIDDLE STREET, New Berne, N. C. Afar. 30, urn J. V. WlUJAMR. B. M. Gates. J. V, W i ll A MS & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS . v AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IS CORN. taT Solicit Consignment. feT Solicit Orders. Newbern, N. C. Mcwborne & Harper, : Iil IN HTON , INT. J. : Otter for sale, for cash or on time: KAIXIT, ACID PHOSPHATE. . ' Pit KM HTM PHOSPHATE , ' ' - ' and ' ' i. LEE'S PItKPARED LIME. Jan. 5, 3m. MARKET WH'ARI1; NEW BEHNE.N.. ' - . ; ' Also keep on hand lull l ne 61 . : V ltOPS AND TWINE8, ? ' '! . SPIKES, 3JAIIJS, CANVASS,4 ' ' AND ALL KINDS ; ' '.' i w; ..: SHIP CHAKDELHY, V .. April t-w-ftn. ; ; ( 7

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