JOURNAL. NEW BERNE, N. C. , JUNE 22, 1883. TELEGRAPHIG NEWS. SXCil ALL PACTS THE WOULD 1 FCaTT-SETESTH C0X6KH8S. lj FIRST SESSION. Reported1 Expressly lor Kew Bern Journal. ' SENATE. V Washington, June 21. Mr. Erown submitted amendments which he . intends to offer to the Eiver and Harbor bill, applying 2..000 for the Savannah liiver above Augusta, $25,000 for a uavi eable channel through the Romney .marsh, near Savannah, and $40,000 lor the jannswicK naibor, ueorgia Referred to the Commerce Commit tee." ! Mr. jMalione called lip the bill lor public buildings at Lynchburg, Abinirton and Harrisonburg, Ta. ,The till 'had lieen aiiieuded by the I'nbhc Building ('ommittee so as to provide for only one building at Harrisonburg at a cst ol if;u,(M)W Mr. Mahone "moved to insert $50,(MM ii.r the building at All ? f Mr. I -otkrell, objected to this as an .atteuiut to restore u the bill in delianco of the mmittee, and the actiouofMr. Morrill of the Com mittee, who said that, only one building had been recommended, because it was not necessary for the committee to report more than one jmblic building for a State at one ciipied some time in advocacy of fjcssion.1'1 "'"'".'. i-Messm.' Maitone and Johnson "o the dtneiidment. t . ; s MrVS'est of the committee said that iv $100,000 building at Lynchburg and one at Danville had already been given to Virginia. He thought tha,tl State had received her full share. '. . .. . . , : ... . 'Mr. Beck complained that his 'appeal for a building at Lexington, Ky.; had been refused by the com mittee because they had made some I i.ttle provision for Louisville. He demanded the yeas and nays, v Mr. Vest said if the amendment . prevailed he would not vote in com- , niittee for a new building', in Ken tncky and one, lor his own State. ' Mr. Mahone's amendment was carried by yeas SO, nays 20. Those of the memb rs of the public builil iilgsi . f'Aiuinitte.e; who' responded, voted no. The bill was then - passed. .y ':,;,f t , ; . , -Adjourned. . nOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. . Washington, June 21. The . Speaker lK'ing absent this inoi'uing ' the House wari; called to ordetvby Mr. Burrows of Michigan. Mr. Keagan, of Texas, rising to a question of privilege, stated that the bill pnsseu on Monday last m regard to foreign criminals was not in. the shape in which it was in tended to pass. The Committee on Commerce had intended to pass the substitute for the original bill, but by mistake the wrong draft . had leen sent to the clerk's desk. On his" motion J the. resolution was adopted requesting the Senate to return the bill to the House. The main difference between the bill as passed and the substitute is that t he former charges the cost of re turning papers, criminals, etc., to the nation to which they belong, while the . latter, charges it to the steamship company bringing them over..: ,y .;.' .The House resumed considera tion of the bill for the erection of a Congressional Library building, . and after a long debate the bill was postponed unt il next December. Mr. Robeson from the Committee on Appropriations, reported back the Naval appropriation bill and it was referred to Committee of the . Whole. r.:iiUi'i-:. -1 lii:?,'.' The House then went into Com mittee of the Whole on the bill to reduce the Internal revenue taxa tion.,, '-...' . '; -''' " Mr. Kelley of Pennsylvania, Chairman V of' the Committee on Ways and Means, explained the provisions of the bill, and said the financial condition of the govern ment to-day presented a spectacle such, as had never been seen in the world's history. The bill in ques tion proposed to make a reduction in the revenue of less than seven teen million dollars, to take effect immediately, and less than six mil lion dollars to, take effect , the first of May, 1883. Last year the gov ernment had a surplus of one hnn dred. million dollars. It had then collected $300,000,000 from all sources.,. This year it would collect over $400,000,000, and its expendi tures had lieen greatly reduced. He then compared the financial condition of the Government in the months of the present year with its condition for the similar period of last year, to show there had been an ' increase of receipts from each of the three sources of revenue, customs, internal taxes and miscellaneous., At. the end of the first nine months of 1882 there had Icen exhibited a reduction in the interest : charges of from $60, ' 4S9,Sto $50,862,O0O..While in 1881 the Government had expended f20,4'J9;CC0, in 1832 it had expend- the ed but $19,400,000 for nine months, and the net surplus which at the end of the first three-fourths of last year had been $02,483,000, was at the end of three-fourths of the preseut year $104,000,000, an in crease of $44,000,000. ' The bill which he was pressing on the at tention of the House did not reduce the revenue much more than one third of the increase. The Govern ment had $100,000,000 surplus last year, and when the revenue should be abated by these $17,000,000, it would have this year about $135,- 000,000 surplus. Mr. Thompson, ot Kentucky, while advocating a general system of a reduction of taxes, complained of the pending bill because it took the tax on the wealthy and did not relieve poor labor in the. slightest degree. It was shaped and framed wholly in the interest of bankers and capitalists. Other things were put in merely as a makeshift to carry it through. After a declara tion of his opposition to reducing taxes noon the luxuries ot me, lie passed on to the discussion and de nunciation of existing taxation. In conclusion he said whatever Dem ocrat voted for this bill voted against the interests of the people, and might as well subscribe him self as Republican from this time Oil. Amendments were offered affect ing every provision in the bin, either as amendment or substitute. Adjourned. NEW Vflllk. Nuw Yokk, June 21. The Her uh has the following particulars of the discovery ot DeLong's party After Mr. Melville .reached.- the neighborhood where Mirdermaii and Xovos left DcLong, he found the wreck of a scow and soon came upon a rifle barrel supported by four sticks. Digging near thee sticks they found two bodies under eight feet of snow. Kxploring further Melville found a tent, and camp kettle and the remains of a fire, and approaching, nearly stum bled upon DeLong's hand, sticking out of the snow about 30 feet from t he edge of the bank. Here, under alMiut a foot of snow they found the bodies of DeLong and Ambler about three, teet apart and lying at their feet, all partially- covered by pieces of tent and a few pieces of blanket, all the others except Alexia. They found at the place where the tent was pitched Lee and Kerah close by in a cleft in the bank toward the west. None, of the dead had on boots. Their feet were covered with rags, tied on. In the pockets of all were pieces of bear skm clothing which they had been eating. The hands of all were more or less burned, audit looked as if when dying they had crawled into the fire. Boyd, lying over the fire, his clothing were burned through to the skin which was not burned. Collins' face was covered with clothes. All of the liodies were carried to the top of a hill 3(H) leet high and about lorry versts to the southwest from where they were found and there interred in a mausoleum, constructed of the wood from the scow, built in the form of a pyramid, 22 feet long and seven feet high, siivinoimteil by a eross 22 feet high and one foot square, hewn out of duptwood and conspicious at a distance of twenty versts.'-' "'''' WASHINGTON. Washington, Juno 21. The Navy Department to-day received by mail the report of Lieut. Berry upon the burning of the Arctic search steamer itodgera. Lieut. Berry, attributes the fire to the charring of timbers under the don key boiler. He hail steam up in the donkey boiler when the fire broke ont, and there was nothing stored in that part of the vessel which could ignite spontaneously. The department also to-day, almost simultaneously with the receipt of the alnive report, received a tele gram from Port Townsend, British Columbia, announcing the arrival of the revenue cutter Corwin, hav ing on board the entire crew of the llodgers, eu route for San Francis co. All were well. They had ex perienced no greater hardship than a little scurvy. j" - ' ' J, A rVIKGINIA. Charlottesville, June 21. The Charlottesville Sassafras Oil and Grist Mills were destroyed by lire last night. Fire accidental". The loss is not yet known. The mills were partially insured. FOREIGN. Alexandria, June 21. The new ministry is composed as lbl lows : Raghib Pasha, President of the Council and Minister of Foreign Affaire ; Arabi Pasha,. Minister of War: Ah Pasha, Minister ot Jus tice; (Falaki Pasha, Minister , of Public Works ; Snlnam Pasha, Min ister of .Public Instruction ; Aim id Paschid Pasha, Minister of the In terior. London, June 2L A , dispatch from Alexandria says the new min istry is composed oi prominent lead ers of the National party, and de voted adherents M Arabi Pasha. Another dispak-h says "the', pro gramme of the ministry is a gen eral amnesty except to participants in the recent riots in relation to Foreign Towers, to be carried on between them and the Minister of Foreign Affairs only. ' , -' TEXAS. ' Galveston, June 21. -A special from Houston to f he News says : Early, yesterday, morning, on the Emancipation grounds Charles Wcltram was fired upon by negroes and instantly killed. As Deputy Marshal Glass was lifting the lody of the dead man, he was tired upon, the bullet entering his right shoul der and coming out at the side of his neck. A colored boy was killed by a stray ' bullet, and a negro named Spencer was shot in the back of the neck. John Glass, a brother of the Deputy, . went to his assis tance, but was finally disarmed and ejected from the grounds: A noto rious negro politician, Ed. Jamison, has Iteen arrested as one of the murderers, and William and Frank Bunord as being party to the shoot ing of Deputy Glass. PROBABILITIES. Washington, June 21. For the Middle Atlantic States, slightly wanner, .fair weather, easterly to southerly winds, rising followed by falliujr barometer. For the South Atlantic, States, partly cloudy weather, light local rains, easterly to southerly winds, stationary or slight rise iu temperature, station ary or slight rise in barometer. , o. XT. O. OPEN '.AT- if PEEP ,OV DAY,5' "And Don't You Forget It," THAT E. WHITMAN'S EYE OPENERS AUK UNEXCELLED. Middle Street, near Comer South. Front, NEW BEHNE, X. C. Next door to K. It. Jones'. Apr. 13-hVw 12 m. NOTICE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, ) URAVEN COUNTY, ) Clerk's Office Superi ir Court. ; At the request of E. II. Roberts, one of the In corpomtors nnmed in the plan Of incorporation of "The Newborn Athletic and Social Clnb" filed in this office, I hereby notify the incorporators named iu .--aid plan, and the snbsaribers thereto, to meet at the Odil Fellows Hull. Thursday the i2d ilay of Jnne, PS4, at H l-a o'clock p. m., for the purpose of electing ofllcers according to the pmn oi suiu corporanon, nna sucn other oiucers as they think proper, and adopt By-Laws, etc.. not inconsistent witn t lie sain plan ot Incorpora tion. 5 Witness my hand and seal at office in Newbern, litis :itii any ni .nine, iwi. E. W. CARPENTER, Clerk Superior Court, IVOTICK. Hie OoiiMv Commisfrioneni have ordered that all lnnds sold by the Slieritf to the county for tax es due for the year 188n, van be redeemed by the owners without vme the additional 8i per cent, allowed by law provided the taxes on said lands are paid by the first of July. Parties interested will lake notice and govern themselves accord ingly. , . I). N. KILBURN. may 3-d & w 1 1 July ; County Treasurer ALEX' MILLER, : , " WHOLESALE RETAIL , GROCER. Constantly receiving a full line , CJhoice (jj-roceries and FARMERS' SUPPLIES, which we ofi'er as low as any house in the city, ana warrant all goods as rep resented. ' " Call and examine onr stock and prices. Stables turnished nee to all our country customers. ; . Goods delivered free to any . ijart of the city. 12 m VV. & D. A. II. JIOLTON, DEALER IN ' FOREIGN I U , A N D .--;,!,:? DOM EST I C , WINES & LIQUORS, TOBACCO 8 & CIGAR 8. MIDDLE STREET, Opposite loo ZZouao, .i-...'j-r NEW UERNB, N. C. Apr. l, ly dw ' :-; -' NAG'S HEAD HOTEL, Dare County, North Carolina. - The abov hotel will be open for th reception oigiifHUdnne lvin, issa. BOARD PER DAY, $2; PER WEEK, $12; PER MONTH, $35 to $40, f as to location.' Children (not occupying tcata at the flrnt table) and wrveiiU, half irlce. The new elriewheel steamer Shenandoah and teamer Newherne will call at Nag'a Head on trips to and from Elizabeth ty, New Herns nne WaeblnKion. Kerment pnynrian ni in noiei, myl!4-3ni J.O.PEKKY, Frltletor. H. FRANCISCO. i Sans Soiici Hotel. ; ' HOREHEAD CITY, N. C. 5 . - ? BAYLISS & CO., PROPEIETORS. (ON EtrhoPEAN and AMERICAN PLAN) Table de Breakfast, 7 lo ; Dinner, 1 to 3 dinners, etc., at short This Hotel is now open for the reception of guesta ; is strictly firet class in ev ery department with every facility for amusement Croquet Lawns, Surf Bathing, Fishing, Boating, Hunting, &c. A full staff of polite and attentive servants, coupled with our long experience as hotel men, giving every branch our persona! supervision, will enable U8(tq guarantee full and entire satisfaction. CULTIVATOR arranged to cultivate both sides .of the at once, timlling one man and one horse HaT Satisfaction guaranteed or money ''."Manufactured and sold by Chas. H. W HOLES ALE GROC Eli , and JProvisioix Dealer A FULL SUPPLY constantly on hand Dry Salted and Smoked V Flour, - Sugars, - , MOLASSES & SYRUPS, GREEN AIVX ROASTED OOKEIiJES, TOBACCO AND SNUFF, Salt, Powder and Shot. Special attention of Country Sample an ft prices ent by mail. , Brick Block, Middle Street, New Berne, , C, WHOLESALE GEOOERS AND COTTON FACTORS All Goods in our line sold at the very lowest cash pri ces. , Prompt and strict attention paid to all orders entrusted to our care. C. E. FOY COMPANY DEALERS 15? COMMERCIAL FERTILIZERS. Now on hand and ready for delivery X,000 Bags Anchor Brand, and i 500 " . Game Guano will be gold FOR CASH OK ON TIME C. E. TOY & COMPANY oflcrto the Trade Lorillard, Gail & Ax Railroad Mills Sweet and Salt Snuff, AT MANUFACTURERS PRICES. The largeRt Stock of BUGGIES, ? 4 ' before offered iu North Carolina. BUGGIES BY THE CAR LOAD :' ., DIRECT i FROM FACTORY. .', . -4s S'W , -' - The ColnmbniB Buggy a Hpecialty. ; WEBSTER WAGON. ' THE BEST ON THE MARKET. 1st CLAHS II AND-MAOE WORK. KfC ' OOK ALL TUB J. J. W. BAYLJSS. Hot. Supper, 7 to 8:30. notice, day or night. Private ALLEN CULTIVTO tut Applied Fw. 1 - and IlAJUUCj . Row of young Cotton, Uice and Coin. to cultivate L,ht acres per day. refunded. Cash Price, $0. GEORGE ALLEN -l CO., XEWBERN, C. B of : MEATS, - - complete line. all grades. Dealers is called to my Stock. Mar. so. i v 1-4 c w AT REASONABLE PRICES W AGONS and . HARNESS . ever TfBfE AT BOTTOM PRICES. W. GRAINGER, n. J; J. Tolson & co.1 BROAD STRKET (Second door East from Railroad) Receives GOODS by every Steamer. The best of Potted Best grades of Coffee, best grades Flour, b6st kettle 1 rendered Lard, Very bent (elected BITTER, Pore Apple VINEGAR, SUGAR of all grade beet Family GROCERIES, of ALL KINDS. Our country friends will lind it to their advantage to call and try our pri ces before buying, -j AH goods sold' it - - - . . Bottom Prices. Goods delivered at any part, of City prompt and tree. Broad Street aerond door east from Railroad. ' Apr. 1, 1 y E. II. Hey, ; DISTILLERS AGENT FOK ure live and Ccrn r HISKEY. A.T WHOIiESAlb. WINES AND :C I GABS Iu Great Variety,-. M , Ginger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer and Porter. FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC C I D E II lit Kl1. 1-2 Bills, mid KfffH. Pure French lirandy LARGEST DEALER IN THE STATE. COMMISSION MERCHANT For the Sale of all Kinds .f P R 0 I) U C E. Guarantee Highest juices ' 12. H. WINDLEY, Coiner South Front & Middle St " NEW BERNE, N. C. Apr. 11, (i m (1 w OCEAN HOUSE. UKAUFOUT, N. V. The above well-known bouse will bu kept pen during llils winter anil next mimmor by rs. W. (). KINO, BKgleted bv THOS. S. MAR TIN. The house is vitiinted in the central iamrt of the town. Commercial travelers will And It to their advantage to stop with us, as we will furnish a Iniue room for the display of samples free of charire. Terms reasonable' s . i ,. ( MRS. 'W. C. KINO, THOS. 8. MARTIN. It stands at the head r THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC. That is the acknowledged Leader In the Trade is a fact that cinnot be disputed.' ! MANY IMITATE IT! ; KOSE .EQUAL ; nj(,M '' The Largest Armed. The Lightest Rnn iugi The most Beantlfnl Wood-work. AND IS WARRANTED To be made of the beat material. To do any and all Kinds of Work. To be Complete in Every Respect, . ?, For economy anj perfection of lit, see the popn lar Domestic Paper Fashions. ' Catslogneg free. - For sale by " ' ' ' " O.MARKS, Feb. 2nd ly, ' New Berne, N. C. Address, . . , Domestic 8. M. Co., . .. ' RiniMOND, Va. -A(tents Wanted. , .-u .. 'n . NOTICE. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA, t ' Craven Count)'. ) The subscriber having qualified ss Administra tor of the estate of Jacob liuiilcy, rtt cessed, on the SOth day of May, A. I)., 18H2, before the Pro bate Court ef Crsven county, hereby notifies all persons having claims amiinst said Estate to pre sent them for payment on or before the first day of June) lMM, ot notiee will he pleaded in hr of their recovery. Alt vt rxons indebted to said Estate will mii;e hunt. rnvnient. Done this Jim ,i i .', v.. ' . : j . v i?Rison, ' , -, . .. . ,. . k -. ! iiiiuttistur. A 9 ... . j:"'- Y