v THE 'JOURNAL.' NEW BERNE, N. C, JUNE 23, 1882. v meridian. , , ' In:uchamaidonof .umnenliouable age," exillts in her freedom, ninl.1n,le.s 'ttie praises of quondam lover. . Come, Ivan, and list to the secret,' v Your 'birdie' would whisper to yon, By a friend breathed ever so softly, Her mirror so faithful and true. The story of morning departed,, Fresh girlhood, so fleet and so fair. ; Of signals that herald the nooutide, ! ' In beauty unclouded and rare. ' ,'Tis noon by the few threads of stiver ; Inwove with my 'tresses of gold;' By he round and rubicund visage, Instead of the 'lilies' of old. But the lips are still 'like the ruby,' And the eyes 'as the violet of blue,' And to-day smiles lurk there and ripple .roi uniri, om wen an tor you. Tis noon by, the wrinkle that nestles Too close to the dimple of youth; , By the line; that meet near the temple, Incipient crow's feet forsooth ! . .The furniture's still ' 'graceful,' but broader 'As plump as a partridge,' you'd Hay; But the step is still 'like the fairy's' ,Thevoiee 'as the linnet's in May.' iWing rayness, O Time ! or bring fur rows. : " Take roses and rubies away. So only the flight of years leaves me, One charm I can boast me to-day; -"; You called it the crown of my girlhood, : The carmine that mantled 'my brow And swore you were 'proud, of my blushes' : "Tis crowning maturity now ! How pleasant to sit down and ponder On gallantries uttered of yore 1 To fondle and rhapsodize pictures Of friends, who are lovers no more ! . , No husband to count me disloyal. . And brand me a plague of a wife, "' Because I am loyal to mem 'ries:, , ' Although in the high noon of life. Adieu to the romance of conquest, Of coquetry, bellehood, and ball; And since yon have married, to icife- hood, . The veriest romance of all ! To realms of the blissful Ideal, And gayly decked Chateau (I'ExjM'.iii', For whoever painted xuch castles Untenanted by a 'guijo man V Farewell to the song of the syren, That lured me with visions of fame; The iris-hued dreams of ambition; , Of wedding to glory my name. How like to the dream of Tantalus, , (Don't vote as in days gone before My figures 'unique' and 'recherche'') That marvel of mythical lore. 'Tis useless to tell me of shadows " Which lengthen as night draws apace, That the gathering gloom of the even ... ing --' :: - - - -" The splendors of day must efface: .Divested of youthful illusions, .Undimmed by the sorrows of age, A health to the noontide unshadowed, The brightest of Memory 's page ! FOR SALE W. F. nOUNTIlEE Ih recflvtug by every sleainnr, ilikI ollcrin for Mil tth very larcc tmel ailra.-dvw U-I$ of tue uei FAMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS I ALSO A NICE MM: OP DBT GOOLS, SHOES, NOTIONS, - ' WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, &c - 1HWT FAIL TO CALL AND SKE HIM. : GOOD SU3AB CURED MEAT. BUTTER. LARD. FLOUR. SUQAR3. OFFEE and TEAS, i At, Specialty. I Middle Street, Near the Market, Mar. DM-ly 0. B. HAKT & CO . ONE PRICE CASH STORE. . Noril'ont corner Middle ami South Front xtreeti, ,osile E H. indley iinu Iv. K. Jonea . ' PBALBliS IN Stoves, House Furnishing Goods,' '!" . ' ' ' CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, . , i , LAMPS in great variety. BURNERS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, KEROSENE OIL, Pratt's Astral Non-Esplosive Oil, Machine and Train Oils. Vie are now prepared lo manufacture Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware Special nttnntl'.n ftH'Pii lo reiaiilii. Oooa POltl low iinu waiTHiiiwi io o as repriKHinipu.- Apiil lllvdiw, . ,, NAG'S HEAD HOTEL; Bars Comity, North Carolina. Tlif aliovn hotel will be open for the reception of giiesis Jane loin, iss. BOARD PER DAY, $2; PER WEEK, $12; PER MONTH, m io $40,: Its tolocWIon. Children (riot oi!eiiylfe seats ii.o H.i inlile) anilBevvBiil.". hnlf eiiee. i The new sldewheel (steamer Shennndoali llenmer Newberne will cull at' Nan's Ilea l trip to and from Kiiabelh eily, New Heine Wasliini-'ton. Ki-sioent piiviei;ui in. me jiuitfi jnny IU-3HI J.U.I'EKHY, Proprietor. r tervxiirtii carulina MA1UVLE WORKS MONUMENTS, TOMBS, f . K1I)S CP VK lmilj ' ,V .; . VUA. V' r JXG WOliK IN ITALIAN; AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prcmpt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor, (Successor .d (Jeorge W. ('laypoole) Cor, BROAD & CE AVEN Sta. , New Berno, N. C. Mar. ;io. I v l am prepared to take orders for tlfc celelna!.-.! Ni:ii) i:n(.im:s, SAW MILLS, (iKIST MILLS. CO i '1()X (11XS, il''., samples of which inav lie seen in build iii next tloor to lliciottoii Kxi'hanire, after .lime l"tli. - J V. W1UTTV. Ni-vv l( l lie. N. (' Address till June 1Mb al I'olltiksville, N, (.. in 3 Im. CENTRAL HOTEL, . V. K. FATTKKSON, . J'lsor'ii, . n i : vv l i i : ns ii , n . o. rpiiw well known; and 'commodious misc.u Us nami' iuiiilii's, IssiiiiiihMl in tlie t ml u ml biiHiurs l oiiiiiii i.f tin" . ity, ji-i,rt rcciimmciiils Itm'lf fur iu cinivciiii'iice to 'lie iiVPlliiiK public. Afloiiliiitr sulicilois cverv moi'tuim V or vif-uniy (iiij'Iim'hh coiTt'yponm'iits Ii luis attentive n'lvanis, ami us Mini' m ay luniisliid with very Delicacy of the Season Itn ruuinx Hi ts larj;e, ahy anil well funiisheil AN OMNIBUS or Ihe lu'i'omim'ultitimi ot Rtifstd lo tiinl (linn trains uml steamers tree ill eliai'e a- Fp'i;il feature in I his city. All Ihe aiipiirleiinm es, n a nicxli rn F1HBT CLASS HOTEL. AitU l-ii-h. NO TICK NOliTU AKULINa, j .II.WRN ('lil'XT V. ) l'loll III' ) i.-l iis.l!. Iluriln, Ailm'r v. tin- lieirs ill law nl .- , r Hi'lpy Urown, ili-i' ii. ToMAeeKI.IN Mmiliif. oni- of ll' di't.-iiiliml in above nit it H'll priH i i iliii);: Yon iri lifivliv ri'iiulri'i) to iiinii'iii' lu'l'iire Ihe Proliato Court of Craiwi uoiiniy on si'iurciay I imp Sllli. Ih8!. and answeror (li'iimr lo IIipi'oiii plaint in Ihe i,lov i-nlitli d .rooeeIinu, uliii li if instituted lo PHU l lie lililil Ol Hie oiirMjin-, in-i. liiown, to make awii'ts lor I lie iin viiien i. ol deiiin. r.. w.i iiurt.v i rJ, lerk Sii'rior Court of Craven comity. T. A. GREEN, LAHCKST AND OLIIl'.ST WHOLESALE H O U S IN T HE CITY E Ivecps always in Stock in l.tirgc Quantities POItK, I.OKG CLFAItS. FLOUIJ, SUCi AIf, COPFISP, ; SYRUP, MOLASSKS, SALT etc Lorillard and Gail & Ax Snuff, ' also ' ; A LARGE LTCCE OF T O B A C C O, j 1 1 ! " ; '.. V 1 .' ' DRY GOODS, BOOTS, &, ,, s ii o i-: s ;r: i; Arbuckle's Ariosa Roasted COFFEE, ; CRACKERS AND CAKES in great variety. . i I ; -A large Stock' of ? NOTiONS nnd MOSlKUY : "' ' ") v : Wholesale buyers will find n jarge STOCK ania the Lowest. prices. , , , Don't fail to see nie before you buy . --i; f " MIDDLE St. New Berne, IT. C. Mnr. 2:1, 1 v fit n d on ani) NOTICE OF Copartnership MR. E. H. WINDLEY is this day admitted as an EQUAL PARTNER hi pur .New Borne busiia'ss, ami from this time the business will be uiuler his sole ! CONTROL AND SUPERVISION. All debts 'oiitracteil with the original firm will be .collected by MH T T, nMMMMfi who will pivall the dchls coiiliacled j juioi- lo ibis dale. ... . 'l'liaiiliinu' the iiiiblic rm-lln-ir very lib-' 1 , en.l pili ona-c. we-, would rHvllull.v say we ha e laiLicly iucicased all our facilities and will hereafter oliVr ourj celebrated ! BATTATITATT TiTTm ! m V .tUUIUN DDL IU o the trade at i'lAO per crati.'. i lii'si'.ectfully, ' 1 "i . . " B. P. SALE & CO., New Berne, N- 1 line I I. IS.-i-.. d2w w It. " S. !!. iUiBOTT, lias upciied at his Xeiv Store . A LAIICK STOCK OF li (Sootls, Family ! eocenes, :il:so Hollow, Winxlen, CiK'ker,v Tin and JlaH Ware. Pariiih;r Utensils. siicI;sm Plows, Sliovels lloi's, Haines. Co'ais &c, wh eh will l.e reileiiisla.'il weekly fnrni the Moithi iii Maikels.' SPIH lAl.lTir.S.v Liulies iiiid ;cnts llaiul maile SIIOHS, -(iieino (lat Moal " I'oi let SOAP, KH ts u o. of.'J aues ii ,:ich liox. A Full iis.-.nrl incut ol'icniiiaiits of LACKS at lOctH a bunch of fioni IS to lO yds in each hunch. S. II. Abbott's warranted W1IITK -i:os-r: Fainily Flour.- lT.O.OOO U:ml made l'.KICK ' a siiiet )eisoii;,tl attention to bus iness 1 hoie lo merit the patronage of a Heiiei'inis iuhlie in the 'future. Thank iiiU in.v friends for their iasl liberal fa vom 1 inn respectfully Feb 1(1, Cm ' S. II. ABBOTT, For COU)S, IIliAOACili:, TOF.IMI) I.IVIMJ iind ('HILLS, user B li It K VS ciiiir mils. Measures f.nken for Clothing from ROGEKS, PEET & CO., N. Y. - a t- Berry's Drug Store. Parties liiivin lor Cabii, can lniy DRUGS, GAUDENSKISI). Paper ami Kn velopea, Pairta, Biusli en, Glass, Toys', Wall Pnjier, and inanj oilier things al bollnm prices at Berry's "Drug Store. Apr. 9 ly w. NOTICE. " jon ;;!s ti. n-v. ' To Council Mot-cer. 1 ou will lake notiee. Ilial. a special proceeding lias heen hepriin in Ihe name of John ). Whilty, luinrr. vtt. f.nwarti mereer u al, to wnicti you lire laiiy tlefenda.nl., for llie purpoNe of Beilinir the hind lyini? in Jones county known ns the Lewis Mercer lioincste.'.d, for itSM'ts to pity deht of the phiinliR', j'lr. Yon ar required to appear hefore Thomaii J. Whitiiker, Ksq., tllerk of said Shperior Court, nl lhe(!onrt IfoiiwH in Trenton on the l.'illi day of June, I.SS'2, and answer or demur as you may be advised, lo the complaint -flli'il. dSiwhl THOMAS .1. WIUTAKF.U. ('. S C C.EP.Of, MANUFACTURER OF CHOICE HAVANA . AND iOMi:Jsrnc; C I (i A U S. ", 3 roi.l.OCK Sliootl ' V NEW BERNE, N C. Apr. 1 I) Iv ' ' .. A i FOIi SALE, "A very desirable Briok Dwelling, with large lot and Convenient outhouses, on Jobnstoil Btreet, between Craven and Middle. Terms accommodating. "Ap ply to - - A. T. JERKINS. June 9, 1882. d-tf l,E0NIDAS J. MOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, 'lllUcc opl Uastait Hounr.) New Homo, N. C. Will practice iu the Counties of Greene. Lenoir, Jones, Onslow, I'amlico and Craven; also in the U. S. District Court. 1'roiuiit Attention paid to Collect ion of Claims. rilOS. GATES & CO. OFFER A LARGE STOCK OF ALL KINDS OF Provisions mid Dry Goods ! AT V EK Y LOW FIOiUHES, . n ir i i i pri ', IV - mmioitinn Million onto tni tna Q a ni j.uuuuu,w,uu . ,uc,,,uuw. m , CottOD iM GmD. ; SOUTH' FI10NT ST,, OITOSITK i (JASTON HOUSK. M ir. :i()-w- l.y. NEW GOODS. 11. MINER is now receiving a nice line of L.VIMKS DHESS KOObS Notion?., Ctliing, &c. &c. 15e sure to cull and see him before goini; elsewhere and GET BARGAINS. KIiinIoii, N. (', Kfl.. lij, :t in JOHN DUNN, MAM'FAC'IT REIt OF Anil Wholesale and Hetail Dealer in Steam refined Confectionery. CANDIES, FtfKSII & CANNED PUDITS, Crackers and Cakes, GIGAUS, Ami all Kimla of Children's TOYS ' WAGONS POLLOCK St., Apr 13, 1 y w New Berne, N. C. O. MAiiKS. 1 IE A DQUARTERS FOR Dry (ioorts. Notions Shoos, Ti iiiiiuiiifjs and Liu t's of all Kinds, Table Linens, the Hcst Napkins, all Linen, lroni 5 lo .12 12 ft apieee, Hamburg Edging! in endless variety nnd sold nt.loivoit prices. MOTTOES, A Nl AIOTTO VII Aft I KH, RUSTIC FRAMES of nil sizes. I make a specialty of nupplying tlio Jobbing Trade. Country " er cjiants are joy: ted tucaliand examine . j my extensive Stock before buying. Also the Uelebrntecl ) i STANDARD SEWING MACHINES of the following luakeci: The Light Kuniiing DOMESTIC, HARTFORD AND HOUSEHOLD, the three best Machines on (he Market. Do not forget the place, O. MAIIKS, No. 30, l'ollot k St., New Iterne, N. f . EerdinaEd Ulrich, -DEALER IS- GROCERIES &DRY GOODS BOOTS, S1IOKS, HATS, KoptfH, TM'ines, Paints Oils Can vass, and Oukuiii, , The place to buy GRAIN SACKS in arty quantity ami LOHILLAKI) SNUFF 1 , bv tliebbl. Ordci H takt'ii for . 4 , NUTS and SF IN liS. Foul of Mhl.llc. ctreet, NKW P.ERNE, N. C Mar. SO, I T DAIIBROS., w o j, k s a ; a n o c i: it s AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS NKWnj K NT. V." m cost. On account of alter ing building, ; WM. SULTAH L CO., oiler their entire Stock at cost, and some GOODS LESS THAN COST for the next Ladies Ealbriggan. Hose 15 to 25 cents per pair. 1,000 yards of Dress Goods at COST. It stands at .the head 1 THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMliSTIC' That is I lit- iifkiiowleili'd .Irf.lr in 111 Tl-Hlll- is 11, f:U'l Dial Clllllol he llispllled. MANY i Al IT A Ii: IT1. NO 1' LQUA L 11! The I.iun sl A l ined Tin- I,ight't ltiill ihiK. The niosl lltmilifiil W oml-iviii k AM) IS WAHItASiTKU T he in. iilc ol' Ihe best material To d any and all Itiutlx of Work. To In' Complete in Kvery lUspn l. Tor eemaimy mi. I perf"ili' n of lit, ft e I lie popu lar Oonu'Slic Pitpei' FnbhioHs, (?at:ilones free. Forsale by O. ill V II K S, Feb. 'Jnd ly. New Ueilll', IV. '. Address, UoiiunUc S. M. to., Iill ll.MDNU, YA. A(tenls Wauled. ; J. J. Tolsdn & co. HKOAll STHF.F.T (Second door Kmsi lroni linilrotid) I Receives GOODS by 'very, summer. The biKt ol Foiled Camiocl Goods, Best grades of Coffee, best grades Flour, best kettle rendered Lard, Very bent Mrlrrtcd BI TTIilt, Pure Apple VIM:- A It, SI O Allol allsi aded ut'Kt l al.lilj GICO( i:iCli:S, of AM, K1MIS. Our country friends will iind it to their iiilvantime. lo cull and try our pri ces before buying.' All goods sold at Bottom I"i'icSiB. tlnud delivered at any i:ut of City prompt and free. Itroad SI reel Mecontl door rant from Hitilroud. Apr. 1, 1 y L. II. CUTLER, DEALKll IN STOVES AND Hardware , HOUSE FU11NISHTNG GOODS I'iiintH, Oils, Sash, Doors, lilinils Ac. Ac Ko- 2G. MIDDLE St- Apr. 12, 1yd New Bern9. N. C. If you want argaftis ' ; GO TO 1. II. IMKIIKI, Sixty Days Jjj ft ''ct fit f m9SS ii who is closing out bis present STOt'K of General .IVIert'hiiiulise at very low limires' for cash, or on lime with good security, lias every thing usually kept in a luxt class IRY GOODS &GHOCERY STORK. Call ami see for yourself. Wholesale Retail. L. II. FISHER Feb. 1G, 3m Kinston, N. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE NEW BERNE JOURNAL, - -v.- . - -,. ' U A. xx c WeoUlyf . LATEST KEWS BY IELEI1RAPH. Subscription Bates' . - t DAILY JOURNAL one year, $60. " " cne month, .6 WEEKLY JOURN L one year, $2.00 " " eix months, : 1,00 " " three months .50 .ion AVORK SOLICITED. Address JUL' UNA I. OFFICE, Now Iterne, N. '. MOUTOAUK SALH. By vli'lue of a Mt.r.vnir pt.hi . i 'v u. W . 'fi-lniv ill il Un.iar Slesl.aw toV - i ( . Fil'lllK. IVviMrl'dl (IU , Ml, (y 0f Jy hi Honk U, ihki ua, li KMi'n (Ilii'H of Lt-n ci unly, I will M il in i,h i i.iirt Ilouff dtxir. 'm llll lUWIl'llf Khlsti.ll I' I,n Mmiflfiv ll.u K.n. lay i'f May ISK2 iIih Inn ! of Innd lonvcvcil in - on mnritiit'H 1,1-iim Mij n ii. of laud iuLn,. uir O'liHiy ndjuliiiiiK Hie IiliiiIs of David S. lnvi uml ullnrs. Tri ms l "null. Fell, mh, .1 hi s Win. C. FIELDS, MoiI;ki-'. P ATE N T S. oblnined lor new invent ions, it for iniprovemenl-t n old ones. Caveats, Infi -i... lueiils. Trade -Mark' and all patent luisiness ):ii.ii ,y attended l. INVKSTIOSS THAT 1IAVK f.KKN l( K.I KCTKII m.1 V still, ill niosi eases, he pniniied by ns.; Beii opii,siie ihe 1.'. S. I'alei.i t IKee, and eiipum l m l-ATKNT I I SIKSS hXl i t m i.i , w ran. seriu',1 paients in h-r lime tlinn ihi se who are reinoli. limn V;ishinf:ion. When Iiim nli'is sei.d nn del or sketch, we main senreli in li e I'nient Ollice, anil 1 advice as to j-,: paleiiiabiliiy fret. ' ehnrtit. I'oirespoiidei.o O'lilid, n i i:i fei reasonable; i.nd, m, ihaik.k IIM.I s I A 1 KNT Is Olll AIM-II. v e efer by pel ini.-Mun 10 Hie City Pnt lniaslei. and lo Ihe Knperinl. nib in ot Hie I'usl Clltice Moi, ey Order Uivision in W xsliineton. Fur sjieci i refer, net s, eircular, advice, terms. 4c, address- c. a sxow ;, Ol I OSI IK I'ATKNT Oh'Hl . U'ashiiiL'ton. II n-toi A.rr THE BONITZ HOTEL Goldsboro, N. C. AI FALS AXl) liOOilS 50c EACH. First class fare and the best arooinnid dation. Good rooms for commercial travellers. I). W. IIURTT, MERCHANT TAILOR. MIDDLE STREET, New Berne, N. C. .Var. 3(1, tim J. V. Williams. B. M. Gate6. J. V. WI LLIAMS & Co. COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IX "' CORN. T Solicit Consignments. 8JT Solicit Orders. Newbern, N. C. Mewborne & Harper, Ii IIS STO I, IX. CJ. Oiler for sale, for cash or ou time: It A IN IT, ACU P1IOS1MIATE. , I'UKMIITM PHOSPIIATK and LHK'S Pit KP A RED LIME. Jan. 5, 3m. , t s rr a. is i, U. S. Ui&i Ji?iigii T MARKET WHARF, KEW BERNE, N. . AIM) kears on hand (nil line ol ' , :t j KOPES AND TWINESj ' SPIKES, NAIIJS, CANVASS, b, '' : AS ALL KINDS 'l ' ', 'fV' SHIP CHANDELRY, ; . . PAINTS, OILS and EHU3nt3. & C. Aiii l-w-i