Hi THE JaUIlNAL. kitw nrsE. n.. jitly 27 1882. Egjptian News. 4 j ; j ;VlesandHu: i July 26. -The ' 8k)-'-9 cf ou?. military prepara X: 'v sreugthens the position, ci' .'. i 1 . !:a. Lealiug Egyp tians Lere Ccdure that if the troops have only arrived by the latter end of fi ""nst Arabi Pasha will inean- tinm Lave time to consummate the ruin of the country. Efforts are Demg; maae tocvrcuiaw tuft-Ji.ne-"dive's" , proclainatioiU declaring , -.arabi 1 asna as a reoei lorouguout - taken by Arabi Pasha against sev eral influential chiefs render it very difficult for the authorities to induce thjjin to undertake the mission. The enemy's patrols are very vigi- ; rhl' urltnt ia - nAofiiniy lafnraAlt tiki range of om glasses. 4. The eueniy's position, though strong, is mnch ' less formidable than was the. Boor's position at Lan gsnek. London, July 2G. General or ders have been issued for a large . portion .of the exportationary force f A oikihailr , A nnmnanv c' tannin. eejs and a part of the conimisariat and transport ships -ill leave to morrow, the household cavalry on" Saturday, and troops t j from the Mediteranean next week. , v correspondent "at'lexandri a telegraphs that the IC i've refuses to entertain a proper. i to extend - amhesty to the pi L ipal rebel . oflcersf . with a View of inducing tb"n to abandon their allegiance I ' Hew says that , the sta t that Turkey has coiiseut- lea." . j. The; Porte has recognized the Appropriateness of - the sugges tions to send troops i and now pro- SM)ses to discuss the conditions un lerwhlch they shall Ue ; senta , process, iwhich carried out", in ac- cordance with- Turkish notions of diplomacy,might occupy six months. ' London, July 20. The . - Daily Telegraph, in its second editiou. contains the following: ; "ALEX., July 26, 8.50 .A M. At tempt was made to surprise the , British outposts. ' Under cover of te uarfcnsss a iorce ot boo men ap proach close . .to the- British . lines when the Thirty-eighth , regiment opened fire. ilhe enemy retreated . precipitatelyf During the remain der of tho ; night " the '. Egyptians continued moving ouout just ue yojd range. 4 The attempt was 1 preceded by reports ibat Arabi Pasha was attemptinff to treat for conditions for; hhr Burnender and - iiunvp WHiuci nag nun v 1 v his jntrenchments. The ' reports were probably circulated to lull the vigilance of the JBntisn." How The ; Enfflish , Sailors Be it naveo, s Alexandria, July 12. As lor the' sailors. 1 notwithstandine the warm nature of vesterdar'jiirtflnd their fortunate escape1 from Bcribiten . cjisnauues, they are eager to be at work: asain. and-, are lonrinsr tor ahother bout before the soldiers ar , rive t6 take the yprkv out of tbeir hands. However; it is very, for- tunate that, all i the conical shot misseatne vessels yesteraay, lor had we been Btruck. pu .the water line by them' instead' of by the ' 1 1... uip wouiu ueiiaiiuy uuve vwu obliged to go out of action, and would nob improbably have been suuk, for our armor would hardly resist ten-inch rifled shot. London Vaily Jeici'.",- ": ..".'. i-ji u .,. . Alexandeja July12-rl, wit:l uessed the blowing up pt the Mexs powder magazines I believe by a shell from the Monarch. It is dif iicult to describe the excitement of the Bailors. u Each ' shot ' was watched with an anxiety , that re minds one of that displayed at , the Eton and Harrow match on a lar ger scale, t Every ( shot that told was greeted with clapping, which occasionally was aided by a1 cheer, while the unhappy gunner who fired short or wide was the victim of ' good " humored v chaff. London " Times. ' V, 'iX f n iv. A Drunken Husband Murdera ,S;1Hw Wile; One of the most horrible murders on record is reported to have oc - carred at Shoe HeeV Eoberson county, last Saturday William Kob ' ertson, a young farmer, allowed himself to be persuaded to join a crowd of epreeing friends,' and af ter Uiey had a whole day's debauch he returned home. His; wife, to whom he had not been long mar ried, Ifas sitting by1- the window , knitting her husband's socks. The . sight Of her infuriated,' hiin', and picking np an axe by the ; woodpile he deliberately walked- up. to the . unfortunate woman, who had been a devoted wifa to liim; and with , a brctal exclamation sent, the ( keen 1 h da crashing into her. pkiill. She Lll dead - without a groan. The murderer, wakening to a sense of the enormity of his . crime at, the sight of the blood, fled and has not yet been apprehended. Qrtentbwo Patriot. , , . . . . . -1 .2 . FABM8 FREE TO ALL. . s - . ''' . ' ft. Orej?n nd Washington, 'tho lirtid of never failing crops,", where rss hoppers, eliinc-li bngc,' " drought - i hru gluten' re.nukinwn, oner free honiesleada lo ll. on fertile govern inent lamlfl Rmlrmul lrindi in 'de- sirable lucatimis can he purrliawd on leu . yraiH nni .in eay, jnjy'eni Evf ry indtistrioi'S man can become independently wealthy in a veiy short lime, by nettlin in the Pacific North west. Addre8 a notl card t Paul jchde,Pobtiand,"4 nt:noXa'hd alt biro to send yori a cupy , tfiTk.e West Shore a liHndsninely illustrhted journal, eonuiniiig full information. Sale of Valuable Lands. By virtueof a mortgage deed executed by Thomas F.i Worloy anftwife,. Mary E. Worley and H. F. Brown to the Board of Commissioners of Jones county, on the 12th day of July, 1881, and regis tered in the office of the Register of Peeds for Jones county, Book C. No. 29 page 328,: I will sell at public auction at the Court House do in Trenton on Monday, the 7th day of Aug. 1882, at 13 in., the real estate conveyed in said mortgage, to-wit: A tract of land situ ate in Tuckahoe Township adjoining the lands of F. I Williams and the heirs ol A. William containing 198 acres, uior or less, and being the same upon which the said T, Worley and wife now resides. ' ' ' E. M. FoscuEr Chin 'n Board Com. July 8rd, 1882. w4t U i l tu M.l SEA BREEZE HOUSE, J Morehead City, N.C. ' ' ,'V.V; . . ... .1. r ' ' Will be opened for the retention of guests ou 15th of June. - Fare and i;en- cral accommodations equal to any. -Terms moderate. p L. HALL; Proprietor'., Eiirniture F. BCESSER haa been in thebusines,s ffr, Uit .last SO YliAHS. Y U L.L, ST.O.C.K ! ALWAYS ON HAND OlTO lilxxx Corner of Broad and Middle Streets; NEW BUNE, N. C. kar.30.6iDW FARMS fOIt SALE. ACRES In the "So FcM"l. trict within one mile ot KliistOH. 1 j This lAaa ia highly improved and a good price wrfif be asked for it. ii 'if' OAA ACRES in Jones Comity, six OlU . miles .from .Polloksvllle and six miles from Trenton and one mile from the Oliver Landing w Trent Ely er, where Steamers run regularly. " ! " Good neighborhood Healthy and fine land. . f . i it .5 This tract of Laud is mostly unlinprov ed and will be sold cheap. ' , J. W. IIAICPEIC, 1 ' ? : , ; i .. T . h , ., t . . 'j : :" - . Jul 10 tf . ; JSew Bei ne, N. C. IJ K H li J R, ! ; KINSTON, N. C. i ' . Having rtcent)y receired ft ; AKOB IcOt of 15URI Ab CASKS, direct from the M.aplaciure-',. Jinow fully ',! prepared' lo perforB. Hilutlei ip 'y t tt the Stiorlf ft Notice. Give me call. . , , 'Shop on Oaswell street, oppewite frit 'Preli E. II. MEABOWS & co. i DRUGS SEEDS ani, tjA OS, Agricultural Cheniias. i Hi 5 t. M3T Truckei's Supplies a Specialtv Mew Derne, pr20-3m w New Berne and Hyde County Steam Line. u " ' The Midland North Carolina Railway Co. 'b steamer TIGJiJBLILY lias fc '1 r'-Tilarly m the line betwe ne and Hyde county - ral passenger service points, and f n. , mat iking semi-weeklT tripsas, ;s. ' Leave , is er, lieme Alonaars , ana Thursdays at f a for"Swan Quarter and AVysockino; 1 Leave WyBOcking Bs . ' and Saturdays ai ( ai r . .. v.l. , touching at sjwan . fmfl wavl C . ? '.S3. ( a!. ..'.R-fpitrn.T. ''' 50 ,.4.00 M.50 round trip' . . ' tailored peopU, each way, - , ' jBUMMEtf ARRANGEMENT. Throueh return tickete from Hyde County to Morehead City or Goldsboro, good till October 1st, are on sale for $5 to Morehead, $0 to Uoldsboro ana re turn. ' - '. Freights solicited, and rates guaran teed as low as by any line; giving quick dispatch and making safe delivery. ar Our facilities for handling live stock and perishable freights are un equalled. " ' If the proper encouragement is given this line, w e shall take necessary steps to afford the people of Hyde County Mail and Express facilities, bringing them within 80 hours of New Yerk. J. W, Morris,' Wm. A. Hearne, . Gen. Freight Ag't. , 5 Solicit 'g Agt. i ; .. j. w. Andrews, Ch'f Eng. & Sup't. W. B. Swindell, ; , A. B. Turnell, Ag't at Swan Qurr' Ag't at Nebraska. S. A. CHURCHILL . ; DEAl.EU IN STOVES & HARDWARE CAUT WHEELS HM v SPOKES & HU19K Sash. Doors & Blinds , . TIM WAKE, CKOC KE11V GLASS i' WARE and PAPER WINDOW1 CURTAINS. Apple, Peach and Pear FEARERS Etc ; n MIDDLE St. ; . . ' Next door to Dr. Pukfys Jul 13 C m d ' ! NeW Bcine, N. C. Golden Days," A lliKh-Glass Weekly ; uud Gills, for Boys Has just entered upon its third volume with a very large and steadily-increasing circulation.- It has won its way to the popular heart, no less by its in structive H-and entertaining . contents than by the i high moral tone which characterizes every article that appears in its pages. . M. ; ;- i Golden Davs is a sixteen-page week ly, filled with stories, sketches of,' ad venture, instructive matter, and every thing that can interest," entertain and benefit hoys and girls. The whole , aim , and purpose of Golden Days,1 and which permeates every article that appears in its pages, is to teach children obedience, honesty, truthfulness and a reverence for the Golden Rule as the true guide of life. 'he 4adHrgT.ejstslergyinen aud educators are engaged 'TrDon Golden . Days, t Its illustrations are profuce and in the highest style of art. Kcr. U. t Kidder, D.D., will give each week a lucid and scholarly expo sition of the International Sundav- school Lesson of the succeeding week. "ruzzledoni 7 will perplex and de light the ingenious boys and girls, as it has in the past. . . . - . . ; , , ,lhe"iiettertllo3' .will continue to dispense useful information, and to an swer ,the, queries and publish the. No tices ot Exchange of our young friends. In short. Golden Days will stop at no expense to deserve, in a higher ue grec than ever before, the title that the discriminating ; public have ' be stowed upon it that of the "Prince of Juveniles."! ,, i ...... "Qolden Dam" in Monthly 1'artn, In response to a request from a large number of admirers of Golden Days, we have concluded to issue a monthly part for the benefit of those who prefer to purchase it in magazine torm. 1 ' Specimen Copies Seni Free. In all the cities and large towns of the United States, Golden Days is for sale regularly every week by news dealers and booksellers. Many per sons, however, find it' inconvenient to buy (he paper, from dealers. - To any suctr. it will be sent by mail, postage paid, al , tbe. following f subscription rates, either for the weekly or monthly For 1 month, 52oc . 50c For 2 months, , For 3 months, For 4 months, For C mouths,' S H . -; i '.75c, For 1 year, . . : : 3.00 Subscriptions can 'begin' with any number..: , Back numbers , supplied at the same rates. We pay all postage Money shonld beent to 'us either by Tost Office Oder 1or iRegistered Letter, so as to provide as far as pos Bible against its loss by mail. - 1 All communications, business or otherwise, must be addressed to JAMES ELVEltSON, Pnb. Golden Age, Philadelphia, Pa. .51 WIlbLEHAtE LIQUOR DEAL E K. ! EEKOHER & ENGEL'S ' 1 ; ' - CELEBRATED BOTTLED LAGER BEER for'sai7 ;by:the crate. Also on hand a full stock of Groceries, Provisions, Cigars, . f , , . . AND TOBACCO. Open Front Brick Str. -M(DIL13 STREET. Apr 1 d w ly i : NEW .Hu-FRANCISCO., SahsS6uci Hotel. MOREHEAD CITY, N. C. I5AVLISS & CO., PUOIMUETOUS. . , , (ON EUliPKAN 'and. AMERICAN 1'l.AN) Tahle de llote. . itnx.Ukk 7ii!) : D.niicr. 1 1. ; diiinei!, tc.. a shui'i This llo'tei is ' now' opeu for the 'iveeptinii evy -department with every lacdity lii aimiscim-iil-t roquei J-uwux, jaiuiug. Fislmy, B(itint;,. Huntiiis. &c. j A mil stall" nl uolite and attentive servants, coupled with ourlouu; experience as hotel men. giving every branch our pert-onal supervision, will cnahle us to guarautee full and entire satisfaction. Ma23dw3ni Brick Block, Middle Street New Berne, C. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS All Goods in our line sold , i .. ; , ;.J.i. i. - - -rv . 1 . . u ces. rrompt ana strict attention paia 10 . - entrusted to our care. FIilRTIIilZERiS FOR now heai fi- . Til K HI, ST GRADES OF ; STANUAK I) F KK Tl 1.1 Ai R S, Suitable for 'fiuniiis, l'otatiiw and Wheat. Will he sold for CASH oi on TIME at reasonable we. ' (J. K. l'( ) Y 0( KM PAN Y , . .. MIDDtiE STltlCET. New Benic, s. V. ' ' - r ' ; i" . ; C. V.. FOY & (.'(KM PAX Y - - "oH;r to th Trade Lorillard, Gail &: Ax Railrpad Mills S weet and Salt Snuff, Iff a Ilt Manufacturers prices. : . .-apidwiy ? g p a Si - - - V H O L S A a n A FULL if constantly Dry, Baited - and I Smoked iiour, - Sugars,--.. --,i'i':i-: MOLASSES 'Mil- ORKEN 'ANl) llOAISTEl.) COFFEES, TOBACCO AND SNUFF, , . - . i Salt, Powder and Shot. : Special attention of Country I A ' ' Sole Agent for the "ENTIRE" WHEAT FLOUR. i : t '. i. ,.'-. i . t ! i , Saiuplcs and price lent by mall. i . . if .ui .. .. Mar. 30. 1 v l-4d w U. S. AGE, i . ! : MARKET WH ARF, NEW BEHKE, N. . v , AlsOj kffp on hand fall line of , , j tl j ROPES AN1 TWINES, SPIlt I '.S.VA I f.S, CANVASS, i . AN It Al.l. KINDS i ; SHIP CHANDELRY) , PAINTS,' bits and BRUSHES- Apill l-w-;io . i , ' i ..I i ' ' w. II. . '. . keens the best MONONOAHEIjA whiskey, pure VvfMs'and BRANDIES, , , CIGAKS &e., . for sale. . . r Trenton N. C. ; In rear of Foy's and Koonce's stores. Mar. 9 3 mo. ' i .''! BERNE, N. C. 3 J, W.. BAYLISS ;i : Siiouer. 7 t 8:.'t0. I ivute nolU - e day w nislil. ot'micst.s ; ia strictly liist cha in ev at the very lowest5 cash pri- i. f ,1 i! 1 Ill THE FALL FOIl lWLIVEUX. . . LE RO C ER SUPPLY on hand of , MEATS, complete line. ; all grades. W SYRUPS, y Dealers is called to my Stock. : AT. BEAUFORT, N. 0. WALTER DUNIN, OP KINSTON, Would entertain a. few hoarders at his residence in Beaufort, on Front street, convenient to the main business portion of the town, fronting Fort Macon, with the inlet anil other Scenery of the Whole Harbor iii full view, where invigorating and healthful sea breezes may be enjoyed during summer. . , t Terms, $1.25 per day. Favorable ar ranements will be made for board by tne ween or montn. , July 2, d tf v (,;- ROBERTS & HE1IDEES01T, " 1 V ; General Insurance Agents, ;! : Ne w . i Berne, ., 1ST. ; O. Only fii'st class Companies represent iJ.Fir Llfs and Accident Insurance. ; :: Total Capital over Forty Millions : of Dollars. juicily aii oraera 'I i! Uf QJIOMb j ni''C ' 'r?.f"""""1t f vim . vl it.---i-ti . , Midlannd N. C. Railway Co. Atlantic and No. Ca. Division TIME TABLE No. 4. . In Effect Sunday, 7:40 A. M., July : - 16, 1882.' ' f Expreea, Passenger and Mail grains run on this road as follows:. , EAST. WEST. No. 48 Arr. L'T. A. M. A. M. 11 3 H IA 13 16 i OU 12 113 ' It 4A 11 4 V II 2.1 II Sl ' IS M 10 64 III SA 10 S t 10 18 18 18 ' Ml 10 IN 10 ft 88 48 06 I 06 ! sou too 8 43 8 43 8 15 8 18 . 8 07 8 07 ; 8 01 R01 7 48 7 60 7 43 7 47 7 40 A. M. A. If STATIONS. . No. 47 Arr. Iv. I', u. 4 63 f MS 6 9.1 t. M. i 3(1 4 m t OS 43 14 S3 Goldsboro, Hen s ..... ..... La Orange . Falling Crerk,.... Kmsion, 14 33 Core titifk , 50 611 AH 7 80 Tutoarora. . Clark's, Mew Bfrf ...... 8 02 .8 U7 8 02 Rivmrdale, . 8 07 Crouton, .......... 8 24 8 4ft ft UI 8 it Hanlock 8 62 Newport, . ft till 9 116 ft IM Wildwood Hollywood 9 IK 17 Sam Soucl Hotel, ... 24 r. m Atlantic Hotel, 9 27 Morenead Depot,., Freight and Aecommodation Trains run as follows: EAST. ; WIST NcS . . No 4 Arr. STATIoiliJ" ' Arr. fri- r. m. I 27 1 Ml 2 43 2 fil 8 fill 4 1 4 48 4 64 20 24 31 tl 62 1 24 7 44 7 62 8 06 8 US 8 ie r. m. r. u. 1 Ml 1 32 IK 2 39 5 16 3 A.V 4 21 4 4fi , 4 6U A i ll 26 34 6 Kb 7 3J 7 44 : 7 62 ' gfl7 , 8 13 P. M. p. M. a i 147 in U4K 12 Ik) 11 S7 11 111 10 44 10 84 . Sot P. II. (I0I1I boro, .,. Best's ;.i La OriinKn, KnlluiKCrfck, .ft;';. Kilistim,.... ; Dovr,..t..1..-...,....v 0or CVeek .A TiifCHroru, ....'....;. Ulttrk'......, Newbero, ..,.,1. Rlvtidale," . Oroatan, ....U..LL. Havelockr -, ...... Newport, Wildwood, Hollywood, MiwonHoteL.:......; Atlantic Holi, .,'. Uoreboad llf pot,... 1 62 1W n 12 81 11 32 11 116 1(1 48 10 it) Ml OU -.8 21 8 1 "1 M U2 7 112 ; m I 44 88 -6 8u V M 8 20 8 12 7 a T II T HI A4 , S 6 K8 A. U. 47 and 48 daily; Tuesday, Thurs day and Saturday.;- 4, Monday, Wed nesday and Friday on A. & N. Division 47 and 48 daily except Sunday, and 3 and 4 Monday, Wednesday and Friday on Central Division-1' " " - .- , i&4iiji ;tr "; . Train 4s c mim-iii wltH NoMh Oarolim Train bound AVi-.i, leuyiuxaoldslioro 1:00 p m, Mid with Wilmington a Weidou Tiuin bonnd Boutli, leavinc Goldshoro 6:44 p. in., and 8:2ft p. in. Train 47 canm-cls nitU North Carolin Traia from the West, arriving at Oldboro 4.12 p. m. and with WilrauiKton Train from At South, ar riviiiff at ad:dbaro 9:50 . in. ' Train 1 coanc-cfn with Wilmington Train bound South, leaving Ooldsboro ( ;44 nd f:2 p. m., and bonnd north, leaviiiK Goldsboro at M p. in. Train 3 cont.ejt3wih .WibnluRtou a Weldon Train fi om the north, rri ln at Ooldnbcm 6:41 p m Trains 84 4 are ppcialiy adnpted fur Local Trnrel, and will carry flitt and 8icond-cl9 coaches. IlafwoRe will bi' chpckfil ou theu Trauts. ' X .hf'ir i. i; f CENTRAL DIVISION. Express 1'usaunger , and Mail Trains. EAST..' ; , Ao 47. ' '' 1 i WEST. ' No. 4. A'rr. L'vc. STATIONS AVr. L've , st. P. M. a mi HT , 1 34 1 Hi "US , 1 20 P. M. P M. ' , ; , 2 31) Smiiliflcld, ' 2 43 Pin Aveniie. 2 66Holta Mill, 2 43 i 66 a oi 9 17 3 30 o us rrinceion, 3 17 Conrland's . i 113 ' ) 13 Cittldtbyro, ' .:ripi I FK EIGHT ! Wo. 3 AXD ACCOMMODATION. No. 4 A'rr L've. P M. P. M. . 4 :.H A'rr. Ij'vp. p. M.r .M. 6 CO Sinillifleld, . , 6 l flue Level Avenun, 6 Holts Mill, . -I 6 SI Princeton, 7 II Cnnrland'n, Quldrboro, . i ' 6 19 (I to 6 4(i 7 10 7 26 4 ;5 4 111 .4 US 8 4.1 4 411 4 211 4 10 4 5 30 J. W. ANDREWS, CUt Engr. and Q a't upt. s THE NJSW TOBK Weekly Herald, JAMES GORDON ; BENETT, PROPRIETOB. ' J -i' THE BEST AND est ler POSTAGE" FKEE ONE DOLLAR PBR YEAR , Fifty CenU for six Months All extra Copy to every CJnb of ten The New York; Herald 1 ? f ' -ll 4 I i PUBLISHED EVEHX DaV IN THE YSAB.1" . Postage Free.' .' 9"n". Sundays Incloded. H SJI f "x 15ontto. without Suwlayt. , . -U pays tor one year tor any (pecified day PthZ' lU fno,lths ' wr specified da 1 par monthjlnclndinj Sundays) will b. charg- ; : ' .' TO EUROPE ""''r ' r'"'1 ' INCLOSING POSTAGE Daily; 7.80 14.00 1240 Weekly, (European Ediplin) H ;S Weekly, (Iximestio Mitloi) . ' ! : ..; .. ... ,:, - EWSpEALERS SUPPLIED, POSTAGE FREE. Daily edllion, ' Sunday nlui..n, Two and a hnU cants per copy ' Four cents wr cvv . Twn I-...,.. ..... ...;. wwsmy nuiMMt," i r. .... T,n -...,.. ..":. a , U . ,ot ,hftn flve 'OP'" mailed tonewa-. dealers atwlioiuIoraiea. renew-. We allow no commission on snhprintinn. Dally edition Adare..,NWyoTK.Ki'ttAint0 Broadway Ann Street, lork 62 1 v i