TIE Daily ENAL. VOL. I. NEW BERNE, N. C, THUKS DAY, AUGUST 10, 1882. NO.;92. OU I it LOCAL NEWS. Journal Miniature Almanac. Sun rises, 5:16 1 Length of day, Run net, 6:55 1 13 hours, 39 miu. Moon rises 2:16 a. m. August showers, CongreRS adjourned on Tuesday. Mr. T. A. Green's residence is receiv ing a coat of paint., Our Postmaster, Mr. Jno. S. Manix will soon have in a new set of lock box es in post office. ; The steamer L. H. Cutler sails for Trenton this morning at 5 o'clock, with al cargo of general merchandise, and Mr. C. L. Koonce and lady of LaUrange us passengers. , The Moiehead City excursionists re turned last night. All claim to have had a nice time. Of course h is nice in a crowded train, with the thermometer 93 Q in the shade. s The remains of Mr. VI. W. Fife ar rived on the train last night, and were taken in charge by a number of the brethren of St. Johns Lodge. Funeral services to-day at the Methodist Church, 9 a.m. At a meeting of the Board of Trustees of New Berne Academy on Tuesday evening, Mr. V. M. Watson, was elec ted Secretary and Treasurer to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Mr. A. T. Jerkins. -,;... The Board of Magistrates did a hand some, thing , on Monday, when they elected Judge Rodman Judge of the In ferior Court. No politics in this. It was highly complimentary to Judge . Rodman. North State Press. Benj. McFrater has got the contract to build the new wharf for the Trent River Transportation Company at Polloksville, . N. C, and has a large force of Carpen ters now engaged on the same. We learn that this new pier when completed will have a river front of 200 feet and take it altogether will be quite an itn provemnt for Polloksville. The steamer Defiance arrived yester , day morning from Baltimore with a full cargo of general merchandise. Among the freights we notice two hundred rolls . of cotton bagging and fifty barrels of Hour for T, A. Green, sixteen hundred bunches of ties for C. E. Foy, fifty bar rels of flour for G. F. M. Dail, a lot of ! dry goods fall stock for Tiros. Gates & Co., and a lot for Reel Bros. In the "Kinston Items" in yester day's Journal there was a hit at Gov. Jarvis as an "honest office holder." We didn't read the proof and therefore could not suppress or make any com ments. While we believe Governor Jarvis is too much of a politician to be just to this section of country where there are but few Democratic Legisla tive votes, yet we will do him the justice of stating that there is no just cause of suspicion against his personal honesty since he has occupied the gubernatorial chaii More OrumblluK- Not Impartial. general basis of land improvement over We give elsewhere a communication New Berne, N. C, Aug. 7, 1882. the civilized world. All books said lime against our city marsnai. We cannot MR. editor: How is it that Marshall and clover, but would clover grow here? see how the marshal can be so unjust as I Uaskul allows some merchants to do as j anj many other farmers had tried to auow any man the privilege or vio- they please, while others can scarcely them and failed. Whj those failures? lating the law and at the same time enjoy the privilege the law of the city Was it soil or climate, or was the fault keep a close watch on this man's neigh- allows? One gentleman, an afflicted I with us V .We had never tried more bor to see that he don t violate it. Per- man, bought a few goods and could not than small patches near the house, and haps the evils complained or by r-air- get tliem put away immediately. Along usually they looked so green and one man is another? to be favored more than Fair Play. trust Mr. John H. Small, upon whom the duties of this office will devolve for sometime, will bestir himself and work a revolution in the educational interest of the county, for in many sections, we are informed, it is almost dead, and August 2d, 1882, Deborah VanBokke- work hard work at that, will have to LYN, relict of Adrian H ageu years, came the Marshall, giving orders; he tempting that we turned horses and then stooa across the street to watch the other stock on them, which nibbled poor afflicted mortal, to line him &2U,W. them with the ground while the native But he was not selling out doors. " weeds were left to a rampant growth Now for the other side if you please, and they took entire possession, and The Marshall and police, and our City this is a true picture of nearly all the Counsel have been informed that one grass experiments of the South. Now transgressor has been selling on the to succeed I must avoid all dancers so STATE NEWS. Cleaned from our Exrliauge. play" are more imaginary than teal. School Superintendent, The Rev. Jas. L. Wiafield received a very flattering vote for the office of County Superintendent before the Board of Magistrates, on Monday last, although it was announced before the Board that lie wnnlil decline the fiffire. Hail his position been understood the Board, no Blrm au u,e w,u,e' Replug as many I Belected eight acres of good still land doubt, would have elected him. We " " Ulu "eiure me law nearly a halt mile from the house waayaHseu. nuw, sir, wuy is hum, where it was impossible to fence it oil COMMERCIAL. NEW BEKNG MARKET. 1 DIED At Brooklyn, N. Y., on Wednesday, be done to revive it. North State Press. La Orange Items- The two schools in this place opened Mayor' Court. The court is afflicted with dog cases, It seems there are many dogs but few tax payers. A new point was made yesterday with flattering prospects yesterday morning, une aerenaam Dr. Sea well is doing very well. The claimed that the dog he was charged ball was found and taken out last week with not listing was only a visitor; he belongs to a colored mau on the planta' tion but will divide his time between the country home and the city. The court held that it is best for the visitor to pay his taxes, and if he remains on one's nreinises for five ilnvn in Riirfpq. sion the owner of the premises is bound ticulal'8 if 1 can them- to pay the tax. Thore were several the "surviving members" of Co. C, victims of this decision yesterday morn- M'"1 JNrth Carolina Regiment, met ing, while several other cases were laid he Saturday to mako arrangements .... .... I . i . .. : l 1 l li - l over. Une sent word to the court that lul 'U1U "i uuiubuuiu uui uihu he was "busy this morning" and Lewis Grady announces himself an couldn't attend. If is Honor decided independent candidate for county that such excuses would not do, and Treasurer, and bids for Democratic sup- intimated that if it was sent in again, port, so I hear. All "Old Line Demo the defendant who sends it will learn crats" will take due notice and act without too much cost, broke it well and sowed ten pounds of clover seed and 14 pounds of grass seod, and hitched & large brush to a horse and brushed it in and planted in corn, the improve- VanBokkelyn,! ment was striking a much better crop being raised than in many years before, since which time I have kept from twenty to one hundred acres in grass all the time sowing and turning under each year until the crops are nearly doublet!. And as to labor and tenants, instead of as formerly who could I get to cultivate my land, it is who will I have. . In addition to which it has enabled me to clean land nearly double the size of the farm, but many men say it will not grow on their lands, they Neuse river is high and still rising. Already I hear of low lands in cultiva tion being overflowed. The Thomas Uzzell, White Hall af fair is to be investigated, legally, to-day have tvW and failed. So didl many years (Thursday), so I learn. Will give par- 8U,CC uut S1UC0 beiuS compelled, I have Elizabeth City Falcon: What our city needs A lHilice force, lire company, graded school, brass band and a large tract of land for a fair ground.- -There are alKiut 125 boarders at the Nag's Head hotel. We think that quite a num ber will ruu down there to-day and remain over Sunday. Greensboro Daily Buqle: Dr. Iicnbow has just, received a line Southdown lamb from Pennslvania, which cost him 20 arid'. freight. He proposes to improve his stock; A rubid dog attacked (.'apt. Worlev, who resides on Church street, this morning in his own house anil came very near biting him and oue of his children. He killed the dog in the house. Let the police go tor dogs without collars. Wilmington Star: Charleston is to be lit afterthe 15th of September with the electric light. It is thought it will be applied also to private por M. residences. The great Ldison ex periment in New York will come off very soon. The correspond ent of the Augusta Chronicle gave us a brief call. He was at Sinith- ville on Saturday and says that Judge Beunett's speech was the ablest speech he. has heard for twenty -live years. Mr. J. A. springer and Mr. a. ,l. i;all are Cotton Middling life; low middling II 8c. good ordinary lie; ordinary lOJc. Noue in market. . . ; Ookn 95c. in bulk; 93c. in sack. Turpentine Receipts moderate. Firm at 50 for yellow dip. . Tar Firm at 1.25 and gl.50. Bf.rswax 20e. to 22c. per lb. Honey 60c. p4-r gallon. Country Bacon Hams 18c.; sides 10o.; shoulders 15c. Lard 15c Beef On foot. .V. to 6c. , . Sweet Potatoes - 50c. per bushel. Eoos 10c. per dozen. Peanuts 2.50. ir bushel. ; Fodder $1. 50. Peaches 15v. to40o. per peck. APPI.RS 30m50o. tier bushel. Pears 1.00 per bushel. Onions $1.50 per busnel. Heans Sue. per bushel. i Hides Dry, 9c. to 1 lc. ; gredu fie. Tallow Oc. per lb. Chickens Grown, 50c. per pair. Meal Bolted, Sft.l.j psr bushel. Irish Potatoes s?1 ,50 per bushel, but few in market. Shingles 5 inch, $2.25 per M.; 6 inch, saps, $4.00 per M.; hearts, $5.00 BALTIMORE iniARKBlr. i Baltimore, August 8. Oats higher, southern 60a03c. ; western white 65a07c; Pennsylvania 60a65c. Pro visions quiet; mess pork $22..ra23.25. Bulk meats shoulders and ciear rib sides, packed, 1 lalSJc. Bacon shoul ders 12c; clear rib sides I5c Hams 15allc. Lard rehued 14c.- Coffe.e linn; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair, 8Ja9c. Sugar quiet; A soft tyc. Whisky quiet at Si. 18. that the "judiciary is not exhausted." I winalv. . will grow on the lightest, stillest, n . . - - I llllllllltV VN III II IllfrflSI MIII'M IL IIHV III I ... tncrsHic i nurcii hoh, ----- i f j - wettest and driest lands, and grows The enterprising members of Holy cuu.ue .m.e.e m msion. " ab0ut as high as oats. If for hay and Cross Guild having purchased and paid wastne time tor election ot Hoard oi ; rovement of ci0Ver and orchard for the Chapel on George street, have Commissioners, bounty hupermtendeut gr& anJ o. herdgra8Bailll been making extensive improvements i'uuui, iuMiutUu.i cn,,i,. " ' clover, 10 pounds of clover and 14 on wie uunuing. air. w uuam uay nas ,-..-..., pounds of seed to the acre is not too just finished the painting of the interior, "uie uio ciei Ksiup were m uie nmcu giving a most tasteful and attractive UB "a ueuB' uuiouy dms was when to sow job to his employers. The gentiemen m town for tue nrHt t,me twelve Timothy must be sown in the fall, and of the Guild are running a successful months, W. S. OB. Kobinson was the others may be sown in September or parish school, under the skillful man- were, last but not least, Uncle Kicli- February. When I have an oat or wheat agement of Mrs. Mary N. Williams, one arJ waa ou(-i though not able to be. stubble, I prefer the fall; turning every of our best city teachers. Twenty- nng events anead no uount. thing under well, in sixty feet beds, eight scholars on the roll of the school. W. W, Dunn, one of the many Republi- running down the slope regardless of On yesterday morning the Rector of can superior court clerk candidates paid the rows. As soon as I am done work- Christ Church, Rev. V. W. Shields, our village a visit Saturday, in Billy in- ing the cotton, then, should many weeds held a most impressive baptismal service terest, politically. Squire Moor and I opting up; give it another plowing (up) iuthe newly decorated Chapel. Quite Hardy Barnes were "interviewed" at on the same bed; this leaves deep water large company was in attendance, a retired corner, (the Edwards & Mur- furrows, and with stiff, low lands, and and nine of the school children received chison stables for instance) where the with three or more plowmgs (up) all the administration of this solemn rite, living know not what was said. Later ditches may be dispensed with, and the We understand that the Guild con- in the evening John J. Parker (col) for- land be better drained than it is possible templates other improvements on the I merly a Democratic campaigner, but to drain it with ditches. Now, between building at an early day. Any dona- now a Republican ring-leader of faith the 15th of September and the 15th of tions from our citizens can be handed true and tried, was "confabed" with, October, run a smoothing harrow across to John S. Long, Esq., Warden, to Gen. with what result is toyours. not known found by an experience of twelve years, that it will do well on all lands if limed and dry, except the driest lands; and for clover the stiller the better, but the question I " am asked more than any other is, what kind is best to sow, and at what time V what kind is best to sow y That depends' much on the object in view. If the object bo to improve poor laud Eureka Holcus LauatHS, which Crop lu Jouei. - f Our canvasser, C C. Taylor, returned from Jones county yesterday and re ports the crops exceedingly fine. Mr, J. C. Parker, on the Daves' plantation, has 90 acres of good cotton and is pre paring to build a gin house. Messrs. A. P. and George Barrow, on the same place also have fine crops. Your Name in Print. Mr. B. McCullen of Kinston is in the city." : ' , ' .' . ' Mr. Layfayette McCullen and family of Kinston have moved, to New Berne Mr. McCullen has been employed as a clerk by Mr. John Dunn. Col. J. W. Andrews, Superintendent of the Midland Railway, left, on Tues ' ' day morning to spend a few wuuks lu Nova Scotia. . Treasurer J. P. Caddigan . will be in charge during his absence ; State Senator Walter P. Williamson ' of Edgecombe arrived here yesterday , aVid left in the evening for Tarboro. He , - is a prominent Republican, but declined to be interviewed on the Hubbs and OUara squabble. He says, however that if the Administration favors Hubbs he will be elected. - The Graded Scbool. ' frol. j. L. xomlmson will arrive in the city to-night and will be the guest of Geo. Allen, Esq. He comes on the invitation of the Trustees of the Acade my and will no doubt be able to give them valuable assistance in selecting a Princi pal for the Graded School, and good advice on the Bubject generally. An effort will bji made to have him deliver a lecture on the subject at the Theatre on Friday night. If he consents to do so due notice will be given. By order of the Executive Committee the Democratic County Convention of Jones county, will assemble at the court house in Trenton on Saturday, Septem ber 16th, 1882. J. A. Smith,. Ch'm NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. New York, August 91 P.M. Fu tures closed steady; August 12 87 U12 88; September 13 51al2 52; October 11 8.)all BU; November 11 BOall 07; De cember 11 GCall 67; January 11 75a 11 77. Sales for futuro deliver, 26,000. Cotton easy; uplands 13 1-10; 'Orleans $2.75 for yellow dip and virgin. Manufacturing at the wood yard of the former shuttle blocks for the northern markets,' whence they are shipped to Europe. The dogwood is used for the purpose. They ex pect to add machinery for the man ufacture of spool-heads out of the same material. Greensboro Daily Vat riot: While 13- llikwtut- ni'niulu wli' ii3 HAiitiiit n At'Aii I HinwMUijmniin xviuiliiik uici U' II III ;TI1V WlllIII'T tiie prospect oi a tine corn crop, our WlLMINOTON, All)?U8t 8. Spirlta tur- .lamestown menus are lelt behind. Dentine firm at 42. Rosin steady In that section there was no rain at $1.35 for strained, and $1.50 for I from about the middle of May until gd strained. Tar steady at1.80. Crude F,. i I i ii lTtoti tin a at-iilir ut &1 frit haw) greatly injured that it is feared a litilf n tfM'Aik will iinf ln mnila Some mouths ago, a family by the Midland North Carolina Railway Oompany, name oi lrueoioou, lett this county New berne, N. C, Aug. 7, 1882. lull ImliilTiil t-nl'iiiM 4-li-ikv iui imiuiiiu, umiii mi Liu-ill uii , . - t . i lw ... .L,r H,0,r n.ni. Tickets, for reunion of 27th Regiment, '" " " 'fe j good from 10th to 20th Aug., as lollows: a great deal ot. About a month .r . ,, , ,i ,.,, ,r . . . . , .. ,. Morehead toGoldHboroandreturti, 2 50 alter arriving at their destination New Berne ' " 2.00 they missed hun and the most Kinston diligent search failed to give tliem La Grange any clue as to his whereabouts. In the course of time, however, the family received a letter from friends in this county stating that the dog- was back at his old home, safe and sound, but looking a little thin after his traiim. He evidently Uututlike the climate of Indi.. augSdtd .00 " 00 W. ANDREWS, Superintendent. LA GRANGE ACADEMY, Ransom, Chairman of the Finance Com mittee, or to John Dunn, Esq., Treasurer. meeting ol tUe Dem. Ex. Com. of the County of Jones. A meeting of the Democratic Execu tive Committee for the several Town ships for the countv of Jones convened Journal that would take at the court house at 3 o'clock p. m., time to answer individually Cultivation of Orange. Haslen N. C!"ug. 1st 1882. Messrs. Editors: As August has ar rived, the time to make arrangements for sowing grass and clover, I. proceed to answer many inquiries through the too much I have for; until you have a smooth, good bed, and then with aCahoon broad cast sower, or by hand, sow ten, pounds good clover seed and fourteen pounds good grass seed per acre as evenly as possible; then harrow or brush in it will start at once and every warm time in winter it will grow and in spring be ahead of the weeds aud may be cut in May or June, If the land is m cotton or com it must be sown in February (unless you take the risk to sow with wheat after corn and cotton are housed. I have had such Steamer TRENT will leavo New Berne for Polloksville on WEDNESDAY, 10th instant, thirty minutes after the arrival of train from Morehead City, and will eturn in time for down train m the af tcrnoon, thus enabling parties on the line ot railroad below New Kerne to at' Miss Louise M. Daniels, Music Teacher The Fall Term of this institution will begin Monday, Aunst 7th, 1882. Pu pils can obtain a practical business pdu- tend the Senatorial Convention at Pol- catj01l or thorough preparation for Col loksville on that day. Gov. Jarvis and . v. other distinguished speakers have been S invited to address the people on the oc- The Academy is a spacious imuuing casion, and are expected to be present. alui wen supplied with all appliances ...,.....,,,,.1.,. I II .ft necessary w suutrwim u-ntimig Hi Monday August 7thA 1882. . .,)V( the last twelve years been raising as James B. otaniy, Uliairman OI Wie goou grass auu ciover as i ever Daw ni Executive Committee for the county at the North. Twelve years since labor large, in a few appropriate remarks ex- became master of the situation in our good Btond(J wkh wheat that the wheat plained the object or tne meeting. section anu 10 get any we i.au io pay wag difflcult to cut with ciover two feet On motion, of Col. B. Askew, the horbitant prices and then be very care- hkh m -t) Uh com6r cotton land ' . il- 1 1 I ..1 A V. . H- olutur nolr-J . meeting was permanently orgauizeu uy iui um iu w wu u n -i i 8pijt tne ruigc8 down as level as pos electing James ts. tstaniy, unairmanungineuai wine anu careie 8ible with two rurrows and harrow and on motion oi Lewis ri. ing, jsamuei poor went, lor ir. you uecame uie eH across until smooth. Soon in spring the Hudson waft- elect Secretary.' , I bit saucy, you "would hear,, l want w weeds have an even start and will snrclv Roll of Township Committees were settle sir," and this meant that a valua- etahead of ... anii thcv mu8t be niown caiieu anu an weru iouuu w uo reiuc- wo ivuum w w, uu i iiou iy i nicely. One or two mowings are re sented. - wnat many nave aone since ana w in uo nnirAl1 t,. wi, .moth it On motion of Dr. C. J. Mattocks, the again, scrateh my head where it did not tL , of the South shall learn convention proceeded to elect an Exec-1 itch and leave the field utive Committee from each Township still went on what will be the for the county at large. White Oak Township, Lewis Bynum. Polloksville, Piney Grove, Trenton, Cypress Creek, Tuckahoe, Beaver Creek, Chinquapin, . H. A. White. Dr. C. J, Mattocks. J. A. Smith. Benjamin Brock. F.M.Dixon. Ben Huggins. Dr. Fred Whitaker. tV . i . r i Dur, renecwou dl, ... t - t npriod. that end of u fl , . . . i, tl t . n. i i i.; liTiil, 4.1. I ' wwiauor quesuoii. vyiui wio Mje raised at less than four cents per ness oi iranspoiiauoii it cannot reiimiu ,.., ,,,. na . . i ii i. .i it. ' ' - -1 nom one ro two aouars per oay at tue and 8Uch M (,an be found nowhere but North and only tifty cents at the Sioutii. . . countrv. and hir eh , The probability was that it would at I, bfl f d on Btock fam8and i i i i . t ii. J j.1 j. I " ieasi ne nigner at tne aouin anu mat mftde f ial CU8tomer9 Wii,Ujimiij.uuuuv1U)i luo "ul" When that tinifi comes th forfist will we should be compelled to hae it, even lelt before the advancing farms iike snow in the sunshine, and the land that now has no market value will pay good interest on from cue to five hun died dollars per acre; and although there may not be much more money at prices that brought ruin aud poverty On motion, of Benjamin Askew, a Was there any daylight through this committee of three was appointed to dark cloud of , vexation, poverty and confer with Gov. Jarvis and Judge ruin? , Bennett and request them to make a I could see but one, dispense with speech at Trenton during th campaign much of the howing, make the land rich MM it wiU be our9and we inecnairmao uppuiuiwu iujmihhwb mwiub uunviwuU wuum wot, nof he aa uow, to a trreat extent, the . A ! . iL Jl 1 J - I i 1 U A t. I ' ot invitation: u. askbw, j. a. oimtn, tne crops quaarupieu; outflow r au, . ,w rivoiN f .,r J. W. Wooten. On motion, the proceedings of the meeting was to be sent to the New Berne Journal for, publication with request that the Goldsboro Messenger please copy.. On motio, tha meeting ad journed. . Jakes B. Stanlt, Chairman. 8, HpDSO, Secretary. -; - (Established in 1870.) . Iix Grane, t. Male and Female. Polloksville Convention. J. Y. JOYNEK. I'll J.l). MURPHY, l'h. B., ) Frincipals- GEO. T. DUFFY, augll Gen. FreightAgent. NOTICE. Having been appointed this day by the Board of County Commissioners, Wood Inspector of this city, my ortiee will be at James t . iHark'B-store. . . . . . J. J, ROBINSON, .augSiltf . ' ' Inspector. NOTICE. Office of Sec. and Treas. New Berne & Pamlico Steam Transportation Co. New Berne, N. C, Aug. 8, 1882. At a meeting of the directors, held on Wednesday, June 27, the Treasurer was ordered to collect from the Stockholders of the Company thirty per cent, of their subscriptions to the capital stock of said Company on or before the 15th day of August, 13S3. Stockholders are requested to niakt payment as above at my olhce m New Berne. Respectfully, T. .A. GREEN, liug8-dtd . Sec. & Treas. Tne Principals hope, by perseverauce and faithfulness, to merit a liberal share of public patronage. ; A competent and experienced teacher has charge of the music department. Such assistants will be employed an the necessities of the school may require. EXPENSES: .Tuition, -.. ! Music, (iiu'Iiuiiiik use i lUHinimemj f id to ji.i Uonril, (incliidiiiK lKlits aud fuel) i to till We refer to the Faculty of the Uui- versily of rorth C arolina and to our Immer patrons. )e la-tl. MAl'lly fureiit.'iloitiii'. Elizabeth City Brewery, ELIZABETH, X. V. Jenkins' Ale il. a! , Al j tuatwas tuenuesuou tiieu .u uuw. fanu8) for tUe benefit of that only won I was well aware, as all good farmers derfuy pr0Bper0ll9 of our com wre, iiia Bveu .. iu. umt ruu.uuu, munity, the advancing merchant. But the fertility of the land could not be why Bhould x when j thiuk of kept up without ' aupplementing com- the South as she is, and what she may mercial manures;' but would commer- and l ma wil, u theview fa Mgnad cialjnanures pay with labor higher and that the fa iuexhauBtible. , higher and more and more independent. Yours truly, Verv doubtful. Then what is the! J.F.Latham Tills Ale Is uiniiiifacturcd at thin ji'ewriy, i GENUINE AND PURE, llrcued fioin L'ure Malt aud i Hops..-, , . In a flue toulo, tsnmrli to :uu much belter than any Beer nmde. Il:in ruled dypepU, and is a I'l-eventiitive. malarinl feven and cliills. . Dealer iiiiulii-d in 1arrel, keg, or bottled in Crates. 1 . Becuininended by iiliciii9. Address, . . i THOMAS M. JENKINS & CO., Box 28, Elizabeth City. A. C . auge-dtini Horner School, OXFOltUN. C. The Fall Session of 1882 Begins it. li.L 1 J !. T.,1 - me iu luonuttj1 iu i uijr . INSTKUrOKS: J. II. llOKNER, J. C. IlORKSP,, J. M. llOKNER, With such assistant instructors as the exigencies of the School mayrequire. The chief work of the School is dbhe by the Senior Principal and his twoWis. The less important work is given to as sistant instructors, . who are selected with especial reference to their peculiar fitness for the duties assigned them ; and the number of students will not be in- creasea nejona me caiiacuy oi me rnn- cipah to take liereonal charge of nil the classes hi the leading branches aught, and to supervise all the work of 4ha Imul ' ' . - The School has been under Us present management for mote, than Thirty Years, and iu this sense, it is, we be lieve, the oldest school in the South. As several ot the Cadets will leave for College, there will be room next Session for about twenty new students. . ... For Catalogue apply to th Principals, .1. H. & J. C. UORSER.