A 1 1 A JlULU VOL. I. NEW BERNE, N. C, SUNDAY, AUGUST 13, 1882. NO. 95 OLRXAL. LOCAL NEWS. Journal Miniature Almanac. t Sun rises, 5:18 i Length of day, Sua seta, 6:51 18 hours, 33 niin. Moon seta 6:30 p. m. day and took the train for Morehead Bits of the History of New City on Saturday night where he will Beril6. 1 - .1 . ., 1 1, .... ........ NT, .-M. I . ..m ua, v. u . w 0n ThurBd nj M thc o3(l of Jul tor a stocK ot goocis. 1822. at half past twelve o'clock, do- Hubbs and O'lTara was the topic parted this life, Mr. Johnalhan Price, among the colored voters on Rohbcrs a'w hort but not a paintul illness. Row Saturday evening. - New moon to-day. Another heavy shower yesterday. Inferior court in Greene county to morrow. '' Work on the steamer A'ttisfon is prog ressing rapidly. Governor Jarvis speaks at the court house to-morrow night. Two interments at Cedar Grove Cem etery during the past week. , ' ' Maj. W. M. Bobbins has been nomina- V ted for Congress in the 7th district. ' The violators of sec. 11, chap. 8, were allowed to cool off yesterday no May or's court. The Register of Deeds issued two marriage license last week. Both to coloied couples. . Several fish boats were in the market doc k yesterday. Spots, rock, trout, and ' f flounders were in abundance. The Old Dominion Steamship Line has had four elegant lamps placed on its wharf and is now lighted with gas from the New Berne gas works. The schooner Ella B. Hilt, Hill, cap tain, arrived from Baltimore on Friday mghl with a cargo of coal and cement consigned to Geo. Allen. The Republican State Executive Coin niittee have ordered the delegates of the Wilson Convention to reassemble ou thc 24th inst. and make a nomination. Jas. E. O'Hara went to James City last night to make a speech. This is a Hubbs stronghold and we doubt his . ability to make much headway there. Phil. Holland Jr. sailed for Ilyde t county yesterday morning. It is said - that he goes to get out an injunction against the mosquitoes that are ties passing upon the fair cheeks of the county. . Our Chnrchea To-Dajr. BAPTIST CHURCH. Services by the Pastor F. W. Eason Morning services at 11a. m. Subject "Stepping Heavenward." ' Evening, o;l o p.m. Humect: sin ners Called." Kinston Items. When a man who has rendered emi nent service to his country, and who by his virtues lias endeared himself to a numerous acquaintance, takes ot them his last, his over lasting farewell, it Neuse river at this mint is still rising seems to be not improper to lake some and thro.il pnn considerable damn era to little notico Ot Ins liast lite, that posteri th r. n, in th Inw lamia. l' wx3 De CIMUiieu W lio JllSUCC to 118 1 1 mnmnrv. mul lo nrnlir. hv hi fivaiiiitln. Louis McCullen says he 'is trying to I And that the life of Mr. Price has been outdo Dr. Tanner in the matter of star- a great public, as well as private bene-' vation says he has ate nothing for six eeks and expects to go a month longer. The recent rains in the neighborhood of the Tuckers and thc Quinnerlys in Pitt county have almost completely ruined the corn and cotton on the swamp reflected on by one in a thousand. At inula. Tim nvvnia f inn fioliiu nf the time ot the undertaking, there 0 : I ..,....., i;.n 1,. .1. 1. ...... .... , , 1 . .. 1 ..1' 1 I nun lttbiv iv infiiiimiifii niiun ii-ns;ir unuu5ralu, ,., ."" in the country, and to undertake and dred barrels, say they will take one bar- completely 'effect the acliud survey of el of corn for all these Holds will now the whole State or North Carolina, pass I !.. 1. I...1 !.. . .... I make. The overflowed cotton has shed " lnl' luw 1 acu, up aim now . . , , .1 1 its numberless roaus, laying iiown wiui ,tte8' M'aieH and uons, . leaving nriici'Hioii. the situation of the Stale with nothing but the stalk. The ruin on the respect to other States, and the counties lowlands is almost complete. with respect to each other tracing the . . T-- . 1 , course 01 uie rivers irom meir sources The town of Kmston-its youth and k, Uie wa .ielinentiiiir the mountains. beauty moved out to the Seven Springs I tlio numerous towns, villages, aeade last Thursday, to a hospitable picnic "es ""l county seals, and finally measuring anil exniiuuiiK 10 ine eve, PNMHtUKfr for Morehead t'ltr Maj. John Hughes, Col. John N Whitford of Jones, A. H. Holton and family, L. H. Cutler and family, Messn E. W. Smallwood and Joseph Hackburn Mr. J. C. Kennedy and lady and W Kennedy and lady of Lenoir. Bodies Exhumed. On Friday last the bodies of Gideon Sparrow and Paul Sparrow, son of Gideon, were taken from the vault Smith s creek,' in Pamlico county brought to New Berne and re-interred in Cedar Grove Cemetery.' Gideon died of dropsy 6th of August, 1844. Paul was accidently shot near Franklinton ou the 14th of November, 185C. lit, in the way ot his profession, no one will deny. Although no body is igno rant of the existence of Price s Map of the State of North Carolina, it is believed that neither the public utility and vast importance or the work, nor the dim culty of executing it, have ever been are without sin, it seems to follow that! remain to suck away the lil'e blood Sale of Valuable Lands. tuose wno nave sin ougns not w casi ftfi ... mvinlo I litem, in a worn, now seiuom appears ,,rl - ..- i..,n . ui.aii y vhimp ot iinia ami exi-eui.d b such a man upon the stage of life per- " : " "T , r 7 .. UM Wur,,' 1 - .1. i xAi-l.Alk....i,l.l,iniia linnilQa I And 11 V Kmwn In 111.. It ... .1 ..f i ....... ..i. ..i I.0..0 ...4- nrxfA in nn nrM II- iu lirtfrl U'll I 1 1 I'll Ml II1H I LIT I III 111 11.1 M , .(Hirn. I .J ' w...,..ii.(.MiiM-, r. 1 "" "" " --" , toijonw. ri.miiy, , u tin- I -.:1b Uav il .Inly, lsd. thougnt extravagant to say, that on a lew Democratic lM'jireRontatnesjniia reKkurm iiwun.iv .n the kokmt t ntanv accounts. Carolina never saw his an.1 SUi.itma Imva failod nnf fim ,ul '"'., liuuk c. No. tK vnu- n,,,.l I .lira , immnrtnl liVfinVlin. liA I V . .A. . ' , , V i. ?fV 4?" ?'l lk III the Court lOllHU! TllSlt WOHlll l 10 IUI1I U iiowb iiwr in 1 1. num. .,i prominent bins of his mind, the strong- brifiamls Ihmsiuim the police Monday, lllh l)JO ol September est trait in his character, was philan- prove liuuiequaie. um iuwk-i thropy, or an unbounded love of the see to It that we now una tauutul nt whole human race, lie was, m the ami Wiriimil lJonieHentntivos. 1 . r . 1 . ; f T t .... .f tul... 7 H iiniH (it ii it? pniice mi i im-im iiuc vi tut noblest works of tiortvQr Jie nltjl fiimhiifipnllll lint, milvr ill ...... ................ j, j ... , , f .rr-,. but in Diiiiciiile "An tamest man..- jvubsou iiiiuiiniu. . m Agisilous, Kingolbmrta, beingasked Uoiisress oe ol a very (linereiii "what ought children to learn" replied miaiitv from the present ! ArCTf w-, i"'-"" lor k (Sun. wucu uiey lieuiiiw uitrii. xuuiiiiui tiv- tiiir in the ceneration unit betore and with Jonathan Price, in Newbern, kept New sweet potatoes are lteing offer their children constantly reminded, eillbr sale iu our market. Stephen both with the word of UoA, and ot the p Eiiis0 mU tll0 tlwt on Momlay iin.l in 1SS9 . r town fill.xl u-itl. vmtnsr la4' 01 o0 1 Ir PCok- AlieJ . ium uriCl IIII1ICI1 lHJIU'nillullilluO 3ts lone of 'the Kjnct,TO )eimMniits, men iu earliest, v in nrlcti I r luualioleson cannot bribe nor 1882. m.,tliiv:il il:tl.. oMincyi d in (aid tuoil- Ul Wll: A tr:lt ol klml slliinl in 4,ii,.bril..u Towiirliii, .tiljuinlin; tli. h, -il.oi t Villiuuu mwl lliu h-ii ii A. W ill,:u,; loiilainiut; lux ucris, in. ue or lts, :,, ( b. iny il.. MiHie Umii hu b lb,. ail T. Y. Work-v ..U i imxv iRiiili-k. K. N. l-ori l k', . , , ' I'Uiu n HouiJ l.'oiu. July 3d, 18S. NOTICE. men of extraordinary talent and merit were of good size and very smooth. llirl.'oiu.t) ('(iiiin.i: i,u ,t have onl rU Hint nil real rt:il,'Kil,l l.y u -..u, nil tu tuu cvuuiv hr laxtn due lor tin' ) . ;n livi..,, :ui 1 imlnmnUiy I lie owners Kiiliimi u nif ii,.- .ultliiiiHitii t.iiKn-rent :tlluwiit by law pi (i l.l, ,1 i l.e laxei. un d lnn.1-. :iiui.iiii uyilienrsl ill llrielllbl'l rsiiii win take u.iiii. in all kindH of occupations and profes sions. The writer ot this has heard Ur r . L. J lawks relate with no Utile mer riment, that he has known his father to take lun brothers and hiinsell Monday morning, belore starting to school and The signs indicate that the fall run of shad has com ineneed. About 275 barrels Mere taken yesterdav by the Messrs, llowland, with sev eral hundred barrels more in the .wmdinKly. jiilyM&wul Pai tii t iiilei-- .1 ti.ni lll tliemitltes Ii. N. KII.HUKN, t'ounly Treumirer. l,r M icq . Li inmo L ii.inn ir t' J 4 I inu.ii I lin limit I l.n .liul.mnna .,( ,l.,,.iic o. .... .v... ....j .., "i roin one to another, wit h the same ex litis county. Hit; erowa was large, and actnef.s as it done wilh the surveyor s the picnic a pleasant nuccess. The ehain. All this, I say required a degree n,,l,lHl,m .! w ,tnnt. m.-iL-iiio-1 intellect that deter ill tiies the possessor 1 ' I tu lid niiAor hnfLVfn'ri froni. wnrLa i i ;. . i ii. . i .. i . . gootitiine tor uiemeiiy uancers anu How coinpiehensive, how intcrpris tilling the sylvan retreat with the sweet ing and energetic must have been that Rounds of iiiiiKin. Th uiniei ii.n was e-en- mind capable of erasping at a view, both erouslyand bounteously provided for. al fCTZll These gatherings are useful as well as tlie genius and perseverance that could pleasant. They tend more highly to ap- execute the herculean labor. It - has predate that sex ' whose condition in 'beMi subject of eulogy not only in , , ., , , , . u several ol the Mates hut a so by the re ovprv liiiiil 1 1 nil ir Hip 't.'in.l:inl hv winch I . .. . . . .J . . viewers or I'.urone. if, r hnnlil he l-n- its degree of civilization is estimated. niomUeral that it was a private, not a Here, too, is learned something ot that public work. oiiavilru-" exiimni'o if u-ninnn which 1 lis survey of the coast of North Caio , ., - c , . , ., , , una, on which ne was employed uy t te ih.trtT.ijl lltu nvin ir L-mirlit Imrwl nun I.. 1 . ... I . '. . J """ State, is well known and highly an- breathed in the lay ol troubadour. proved for its accuracy and is another The Democratic County Convention l,0O,f ni8 mathematical skill, his last , '.ft. Air i wiiiwi iiiV'iin I' iijiv? Mitr, n fin in nnr TO nominate canutuutes xor, county out- purposo of takillR tho ievcl of 8eye,al of cors will meet in Kinston, on the 9th of t,e counties, ascertaining the degree of SeDtember next. It is useless to sav fdesceiittotheriverstheinselves, thereby the fierco democratic" are moving deiernune uie proper places -tor cut- "' """ tiresattslaction. these positions oirer. It is believed the We now come to his private character. classic orator. Marshal A. Grav will And Here l appeal to the grateful recol lections of all my fellow citizens to say, r i mi i I how acceptable was always the com- "",-M"'"" "v !" i" pany ana . conversation of their old taking J. Quiucey Jackson, if he could friend (for ho was the friend of all) not DUt on the iudicial ermine, will don how easy, now unassuming, yet how i,.ni-.5i paIio. tf iiin 1'ift, Dt. instractive his conversation. Whenever liic oi;unbvi nil tviuco twit- iibii ri. iiavu . i i . ...... n T t.. ii i the opinions ol hia lriends happened to rial district. Bryan N. Fields, whose be dilferent from his 'own, he opposed name stnackxot the sheriffality and wlio them with' temper anil with candor, is fnllv nrenared to furnish "77 drinks never with acrimony, or even disrespect, before breakfast" to all brothers-in-law BVt with w',at S""" di'1, he correct , . , whenever it was necessary, the errone- and the rest of mankind, will be sheriff 0UH Bentiments or opinions of his female Davis' indefatigable partner. B. W. friends; he pleasingly led them to the Canadv. the "watch doz" of hh; own discovery of truth', by the softness of give them a lively switching with the nets awaiting transportation. AH remark, '-it will arouse you and keep the. fisheries ill the couutv will soon the school master from wasting his time iM1 : cuii i.i.. illui ..... tnlsf ,i.e you.' Price was oi the Hawks ,. ,..,,, ...., ,.,.,w.i. i ... i ..,.1 i. .. .1. it. rt ..: ,i..,r, ..r it. I i uu i turn uPi-i.itn.ii. 111 iin.n M;iunil mil. Hunting Hi tiin iniiirn i'i vnt- I . I 1 4. 1 l'4l mv nit to he success o t be man. We "iKiifftt cApci tiiuoti-i 111 tin- i- may in this vnlujhttncd day object to priotors.-CVfrterc County Telephone: such ttraclting, yet it must be inluiiued Kuisintlic li ice of Matches. Philadelphia, Aug. !. Every wholesale grocer iu Philadelphia was this morning notified of the advance in the price of matches from 25 cents to 1.50 per gross, according to kind, and the jobbers and dealers iu matches announced COMMERCIAL. plethoric coffers, will take charge of the county treasury. The office of Register of Deeds will go by the order of natu ral selection, to Charles F. Harvey, The Superior Court Clerkship ah Hotel BpslacMu Among other evidences of progress iu our city we are pleased to note that; our hotels are doing well. Mr. Patterson ( of the Central hotel repot tluisiness un usually good-, while Mr. Street of the C as ton House says his register will show a large increase over any preced ing year. The future outlook for th eityis encouraging. ' The Man Meeting at Trenton. We learn from one who was present that the meeting at Trenton yesterday was unusually large. Speeches were inade by (Sl. L. W. Humphrey, ,J. E, O'Hara, Taylor of Edgecombe, Wassom of Ooldsboro, L. J. Moore Esq., Capt. E.R. Page, E. B. Dudley and Eobt. ' Hancock. ' ' . ' . ' . ' The meeting was presided over by Capt. Page. He made the closing speech favoring O'Hara after the following resolution was unanimously passed: ' Resolved, That we, the Republicans of Joues'county, in mass meeting as sembled, do ratify and endorse the Hon. Jas. E. O'Hara for a seat in the 48th Congress of the U. S., and do pledge him our earnest and active sup port in the election. .- Messrs. Dudley and Hancock spoke in favor of Hon. O, Hubbs, but our inform- ant states that there was not a dissenting voice to the above resolution. ' his tones, and the kindness of his man ner; and although they might not be come converts to his opinions, they scarce ever failed to become his friends; but never, never did he intentionally l i.rt J-....1:. 1- i ..-. i wiiiuiii Mir it-i-unn i'i any iiuiiiitii in-llljj;. His e.mitfiioiis liiinil wan nmnlu Klm-tt.l comes the tug of war will be hotly I with various kind of knowledge.-'! Un contested. Judge Turner of Pink Hill, sides that, immediately connected with Judge Sutton of La Orange, Judge ''is profession, .he well understood As- Ki.iiiin.lv nf "Olen TesHH " JITiAir- Tlnr-r',',"""Jf' "CT.Knipny., "u aviK:nion Kennedy or Uleu Jesse, . mijor mi- ho wa8!R. tolerablo Botanist, understood ret, jonu n, jjogiuuts, uiuy vvoinipue, uiiawing and painting very well, and and John H. Shockly of Woodington, was likewise perfectly acquainted wilh are all urgently pective friends. It is true the three that when the Elder Hawks died In left around him young men whose abil ity, learning, morality and perseverance would have given them high positions in any country or age. For who shall lightly say that fame Is nothing but an empty name. While in that sound there is a charm, The nerves to brace, the heart to warm, As tlunkint'of tho mighty dead, The.voung from slothful couch shall start, And vow with lifted hands outspread lake them to ask a noble part. " Bufa writer says, and is it not the as those distributed in this city, truth, "whichever be your route to un- J . derstmnl the world the conclusion will be the same. Its joys lie in a little com pass, and one the opiKirtunity of all. What is exceptional in your career is quite as apt to bring pain as triumph. "That which made plain father and mother happy when you came among them, must suflice for you. Dr. F. L. Hawks is thought to have been the eulogist of Jonathan Price. The North Carolina maps executed by Trice is now but seldom seen, if at all by our citizens, while his maps of the town ot JNew ISerne, made in 1MU, is onstantly before them, with the exten sion by William H., Marshall in lN7!i. Price's surve3r of Newbern commenced at the iron cannon,-at the corner of the Episcopal church .fence on Middle and Pollock streets. The gun was captured in the Revolutionary war, by one of John Wright Stanly's vessels, from a British armed vessel at sea, when it was brought to the port. It was presented to the British by Lady P.lessington, with her name cast upon it, and if it cannot now, from the effect of time and rust; A BLACKSMITH Wanted Immediately. Apply to E. M. HODGES, augtl-dOt Kinston, N. C. DR. EDWARD CLARK Rikm'''iiIIv oIIhis ii-i.fi-.inn:il -rrviivs In Hid dliz.-ns ot N.'W llnrne Mini . ullnl.i v f ill loliu.liiig llus ii-:i.'i i.t.I f in , .- ., lull) l.nitlt tn ye.-irs where m.-ihu i.-il IVvers ... .:4ii; j,., ,,. , mu ,,b ? tHlrii ian iiu.l miicuii, ' on-icK-ll.-iiiiiH k Hi..- iIiiik .iniv rnrini Cnivi-i. itiitl I'ulliH'k. iie.-iil.....-.', til. I 4 "li:i innii Umi .', (vt"t eml) count N.-iiM- mul Crnvrn. aui'l-ilswHu Polloksville Convention. Stoamor TRENT will leavo New Berne a iHoport.onato nso ou their part. illHtanti Mn mimtm afu,r ,',.1 Not ices nro oil their way . through- of train from Morehead City, and will our Tlio union 10 l lie same eueei reunn m tune tor down tram in the af ternoon, thus enabling parties on the line of railroad below New heme to at tend the Senatorial Convention at Pol loksville on that day. (low Jarvis and other distinguished speakers have been in vi tea to address the people on the oc citiiiou, and are exjiecled to be present. i ..it-mm cu n.iiiiiiu.iiiiHuiH nrst-ciass. (iEO. T. DUFFY, augll Cien. Freight Agent. Vour Name In Print. Mr. Ralph llowland of Beaufort was in the city yesterday. Miss Mamie Ureen. daughter ot our townsman, Judge Green, left for the mountains yesterday morning. She will stop at Uickoty. . ' - Miss Sarah Munly, daughter of the late Hon. M. E. Manly, took the train for Warm Springs yesterday morning and will spend a short time in Raleigh J. W. Morris, Freight agent of the Midland Railway came down last night Mr. W. II. Wtihab of fjladosrille Hyde con; ty, was ri t'.e city on pressed by their res- mooiogy; uui in JNaiurat rnuosopiiy, inn ivjiv iv;.ii;v' Hlin llllliuttb uiuiiuii;it last named, like the prosterity of Ban- quo, "come like shadows, so depart," yet since they possess tho essenco of unity and will naturally follow lho"in- terests af their progenitor, it is predict ed, the nomination .will partake of a military rather than of a judicial char acter. ; However "there is many a slip betwixt the cup and the lip" and these are but the vaticinations of a sojourner who gives his personal convictions. -' . The August Overflow. This summer has probably been the wettest that'we have had since 1807, while the season, taken all together, has not been so propitious. Many times heretofore local rains' have Hooded lands adjacent to swamps and other low places, but the river was never out of its banks until last week, when an un precedented rise occurred that carried destruction with it; In two days the water rose twelve feet. Corn in the river fiats was almost completely sub merged. At least five hundred acres and five times as many barrels of corn suffered by this inundation in this comi ty. All of the corn is not ruined, as the water was over it but a short time Some of the best corn land in the coun ty are these low lands of the Tar and these freshets are so unusual that they are never anticipated, and in ''pitching the crop no calculation is based on this possibility.1 It is safe to say, we think that the damage done by this overflow is from six to ten thousand dollars. Tito principal sufferers are those between here and Rocky Mount. Tarboro South era or. Corn 90 cents in bulk. sacks, 88 cents 'm In that domestic household kind too, so common, but so useful, he exceeded almost an other men. His charity was of the most benevo-i lent kind. Far from confining it to a sect, or even to a country, it extended to tne 'itoie human race. , As an in stance of his practical morality, I will relate a transaction, which he no doubt has mentioned to others, ns well as to the writer of this. Many years ago, while living at Pasquotank, he owned a negro man and his wife; these he car ried to Philadelphia, and trenerouslv and nobly gavo them their freedom; this, however, could not bo legally done without expense, and it cost lum. think, about throe hundred dollars to pass through tho forms prescribed by law. Heverai. years alter wards he re turned to Philadelphia and had the curiosity to pay a visit to his freed nian and woman; they had then a family of several children, and were living very comfortably. BuL their joy at seeing him was extravagaut. Oppressed will the weight of the immense obligation conferred on the m$ they showed him their- children, their house, thou furni ture, and said all these as - well as our freedom, ve are indebted to you for. and all the happiness we and our chit-' dren enjoy; anil when he left them their gratitude broke forth in these expres sions: ''Farewell my dear good master; God blern'i and preserve you; you have made us all happy, and we shall re member your goodness to the last hour of our lives." But perhaps envy or ill nature may whisper "ho had his faults," True good reader, he had; but where I ask is the human being without faults V He himself, did not pretend that he, more than others, was exempt from the com mon frailties, of our nature;; but they were as few at least, as fall to the lot of other men,, and did not. touch tho heart. To malice, to revenge, to hatred and all the bad passions of bad men, he was an entire stranger. But to the above in sinuation, peiliaps the best reply would be the words ot Jenus Christ: "Let him that is without sin among you: cast the first etone." I would just remark, that if tlioe only all -wed to cast stones, who Ni:V IlKKNE OTAKKET. Cotton Middling lljc; low middling IHc. good ordinary lie; ordinary IOJc. None in market. Corn KSc. in bulk; 90c. in sacks. Turpentine Receipts moderate. Firm at ??2..ri0 for yellow dip. Tak Finn at 3?1.2.r and fll.fiO. I'.eesw AX 20c . to 22c. per lb. Honey 00c. per gallon. Country Bacon Hams 18c; sides lfic; shoulders lfic. Lard 15c. Beef On foot, 5c. to lie. Sweet Potatoes 50c. per bushel. Eoos 10c. per dozen. Peanuts $2.50. per bushel. Foupek $1.50. Peaches 15e. to 40c. per peck. Apples 80a50c. per bushel. Pears $1.00 per bushel. Onions $1.00 per busnel. Beans 50c. per bushel. Hides Dry, 9c. to lie; green 5c. Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 50c. per pair. Meal Bolted, Sl.lu pn- bushel, NOTICE. Irish Potatoes 1,50 per bushel, but it could, lor a number ol years De plain- few in market. Iv seen on the corner where it now Shingles-5 inch, $2.25 per M.; 6 " I ; i J". . Ait ur . i . .h..-t ..t 1 ... i,, t I men, saps, $"t.uu per m.; uearis, u.wu 'Office of Sec. and Treas. New Berne & Pamlico Steam Transportation Co. iNew uerne, JN. C, Aug. o, W2. At a meeting of the directors, held on Wednesday, June 27, tlie Treasurer was ordered to collect from the Stockholders of the Company thirty per cent, of then subscriptions to the capital stock of said Company on or before the 15th day of August, 1H8U. Stockholders arc recpiested to maki. payment as above at inv oltice in New Berne. 'Respectfully,- T. A. GREEN, ougS-dtd Sec. & Treas. Elizabeth City Brewery, ' ELIZABETH, X. C. Jenkins' Ale. King the Town ltrll. Why don't the firemen let our city authorities have it rung and give us the time of day and night V We learn the city half bell, in Ratoigh, strikes the hours and half hours and is the only alarm bell in that city, twice or more the size of New Berne. Now the Doctors have made our town as ..ciweet as a bag of; bergamot ..and as per M. healthy as the mountains, let us have the hours on thc city bell, oh, yes, oh, yes, oh, yes. J. C. fourthly: nt Nau'H Hfn There is more courting and flirting to the square foot, now going on at Nag's Head than at any other place in the stale, in proportion to population. In fact its a dangerous place to go to, and we are half inclined not to run the risk of going down there any more this sum mer. Courting is like unto a quick sand or a crab hole, if you put your foot in it, the first thing you know you are sucked in. Economist. UAI.TIMORU OTAUKET. Baltimore, August 11. Oats easy; southern new 00a71c; western white 0Sa70c; Pennsylvania C5a08c. Pro visions firm; mess pork $22.25a23.25. Bulk meats shoulders and clear rib sides, packed, Halite". Bacon-- shoul ders 12c; clear rib sides 151c. Hams laialOjc. Lard rehned 14c. Collee firm; Rio cargoes, ordinary to fair, $.Ui9"c... .Sugar steady; A soft ftje. Whisky steady at $1.18. . NEW YORK COTTON MARKET. New York, August 11. Cotton fu tures closed dull; August 12 8iJ il2 84; September 12 Mala 52; October 11 87all on; .November 11 U7all US; De cember 11 C8; January 11 7?a 11 77. Sales for futuro delivery, 40,000. Cotlon easier; uplands 13; Orleans 13 5-l(i. WU.IUINKTON 11 A II K KT. Wilmington, August It. Spirits tur- VTe Yet Tiii-; AU' is Tii:tiiiif:icliirH(l at Una jrewi-rv, Is UMULXE AND PURE, I tie wed IVoiii I'uro Malt and Hop , 1h n Huh Ionic, Mipi'i ini lo nu.l much li'ttt-r tlnin any lleer ninile. llUK I UIC.1 ll,S.Hir.ill, illlll i H lf Vl'lllUtlKS u llKilavilll fi'vera utiil rliillx. P.'Ul.'l's fiip)iii'tl in b:ii li-l-;, kegs, or bottleil in Crates. Kvciiimni'iulHU liy i.livM.-iiiiiP. AU.Iress, THOMAS M. JF.NKINS & CO., Bo.r 2S, ElizaU'th City, N. C. aiiKirilnm KINSTON COLLEGIATE INSTITUTE, KINSTON, N. O. Joseph Kinsey Principal. clarence li. Dow ell, 1st Assistant. peutino firm nt 42c. Rosin steady iss Bkttie Kinrey, 2d at $1.32J for strained, and $1.45 for good strained. Tar linn at $1.85. Crude lui-cutine hnn at $1.75 for hard, and fr2.7:j for yollow dip and virgin. Tho IX'inot nv( i' Fnilim We warned them of it. uracil . them to tlie wovk. pointed out tho patb of duty. tlie Democrats in Congress, with the exception of a lew dear-headed and liee-heaifed men like Sunset Cox, failed to come up to tlie einei'geucy. 'Che policy for statesmen was lo abolish all internal revenue taxa tion, to wipe out that last relic of the civil war, and to give relief to tho people who are crushed beneath the weight of an uupreeedeuted mass of impositions. This should have been done first of all; and then the p;ross, conspicuous abuses of our .'tariff, taxation Hhould like wise have been swept otl without mercy. Hut the Democracy in Congress had not vitality aud energy enough to strike the blow; too .-many of them were hot for I ho old nag and an appropriation.' and so the taxes : Comparative Cotton Statement. w New York, August 11. The following is the comparative cottou statement for the week ending this date: i. 1882.' -1881. '.' Not receipts at all U. S. porta, . . . . 4,7(57 , 13,176 T)tal receipts to this date, . . i . .4,618,910 5,728,648 Exports for tlie week 19,042 19,r29 Total exports to this 1 date, . . . . .3,f02,24 4 460,286 Stock at all U.S. ports 158,029 2:1,933 Slock at all interior towns, . . ... 10,551 22,809 Stock at Liverpool, 609,000 707,000 Stock of Anvn afloat for Great Britain, . 29,000 .,, 87,000 Miss M. Blanche Uobey, Music Teacher. terms: Tuition from ftl to t'li per month in all English branches. . Languages with Higher English, $4 per month. Music, including use of instrument, $4 per mouth. . f School taught and conducted on Graded School principles. Fall Term opeus August 2 Mil, 1682. n,i-t-.1tt - .i . v Midland North Carolina Railway Company, New'Seunk,." ti, Aug'T, 1882. Tickets, for reunion of 27th Regiment, good from 10th to 20th Aug , as follows: Morehead to Goldwboro and return, $2. 50 New Berne " " 2.00 Kinston " - ' 00 La Granite " P :. " '-' CO J. W. ANDREWS, aug8dtd Superintendent NOTICE. Having been apiwinteil this day by the Board of County Commissioners, Wood Inspector, of this city,, my office will be at James F. Clark's store.' J. J. ROBINSON, aug8dtf , Inspector. BRICK FOK SALE FERIBEE &. CTiriHY STONEWALL, N. C. ' ' Apply to Dail Bros., Jul 26 d I m New Berne, X. C.