TI IK JOURNAL. NEW BERNE, N. C, AUG. 82.. 1882. The N.O. FroiditLinc FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, . ' and all poiuts t T; , ; North and AVcnt SEM I--W EKKLY STEAMERS Between' Hew 'Berne and Baltimore, (Toiicliinir at NorAilk) . . Leaving Ktw Berne for Baltimore TPESPAA'S MidKKHiAYSiilli.nl Leave listlliinore tor New Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATURDAYS at 6. p.m. Agents are as follews: REUBEN FOSTKR, GenT Ifunacer, - : 90LlKhtSt.,Hart. MU. J AS. W. McCARRICK, A?'t. Norfolk, Va. W. P. Clyde & Co.. Philadelphia, 12 Sonth Wharves. ( ; . ' ' . . ; Geo. H. Glover, Pier No. 4i, K. R. New York. E. Sampson, Boston, M On I ml wharf. K. II. Rockwell. Providence R. I. P. (J. Mink, Fall River, Derrick wharf. Ship leave Boston, Tuesdays and Saturdays. . " New York dnily. M " Baltimore, Wednesdays and Saturdays " " Fall River, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. " ' Providence, Saturdays. Through bills lading given, ami rates isunran eoil lo all points, at the different offices of the companies. J ,v ..'. t j t f"Yt Avoid Breakage of Bulk and Ship via N. C. LINE. (I Sot His l)enl. 'Are you truly sure that we can always be happy and contented to live together, duiling? Do you really believo that you can give up all the world and its vanities and settle right down like a nuclei hus band should, love? You will never wish Jostay out all night 'with the hoys,' as thev rail i ou arc quite sure you will, not?' and two blue eves gazed a sweet interrogative into his eyes. You can just put your whole stack on that to, win, sis,' he murmured. 'You will never, never sigh for some other fairer one then I? You will never read me poetry that you sent to your first love and hint that a mau can only love once in a lifetime? You will never call me by some other girl's name in your sleep. Ah you will never do that, will you, darling?' ''Well, you just copper anyone to lose that says I will,' he whispered, throwing his oil' ai m about her more or less supple form and giving her one on the lips for luck. . 'You will always tell me everything that passes in -our. busy life, darling? You will keep no secrets from your own . little wife? You will let me read your let ters. and tell me all about your business. We shall be truly and really one in Mat so iy. s. H. GRAY, Ag't. New Berne, N c everythng, shall we not, ducky?' ! Well, I'm just taking as they put up, old gal, that we will,' he said, giving , her another plump upon the lips, with . a good hug thrown in by way of interest. You Will never smoke in bed, or refuse to make calls, or dislike my mother, or compel me to ask' ; you for money, or be cross because I have a headache iu the morning, or -' .'- 'Sea here, Bis' he chipped in, as his arm relaxed its hold about her form, 'I 'should like to ask you a question . before we splice. Just one, and then you may lire 'cm in on your side to the end of the last quarter.' . . 'What is it darling?' she chirped, get ting hold of his hand ami pulling the arm , about her once more. 'You'll go your last chirp, you'll give it to me straight?' he whispered. 'You may trust me always, love,' she V 'Well, then, on the dead level, are you All the Illustrated ' and Sporting Paper, a maid or a widow?' 'Why you horrid thiug. Ol course IIl've never , been married,' she Of lllfi Day On I U6. sobbed. 'How could you ask me such a ' question ' , ( " 1 ' "I B's and riauLi" will Hot b 'Well, I kinder thought 1 dropped toUn.atcdi to too much knowldege in your ques tions,' he replied; 'when did you catch onto so much wisdom; little one?' ' ; 'Oh! mamma.told me to ask you' . . 'That whip-saws me,' he said, 'some body else can have my chair. There's too much mother-in-law in this deal for IJ.EAL, LaEALavlEAL Corn! Com! Corn! HAY, HAY, HAY, HAY. HAY, SUBSCRIBE FOR THE. NEW BERNE JOURNAL, X3A.ily And WooUly GEO. ALLEN & CO., NEWBEUXE, N. C., ,' . CORN AND MEAL IN OAR LOAD LOTS. QOrders JFor' Corn unci Meal Solicited. No Goods Quoted Unless on Hand. Prompt Shipment Guaranteed. Have also on hand a large supply of CJhoice Timothy liny and all kinds of Feed., Purchasers will do well to call at Union Point Steam Flouring lEUs, South Front Street, . '' " j;'a; mead o vs, NEWBERN. TV. J. Ma24dly LATEST HEWS "BY TELEI1RA1' II. Subscription Kates DAILY JOURNAL one year, $6.00 illidl I 4 w fe j " . one month, .60 Offer a 'Large Stock of Brown, Georgia and Needle COTTON GINS, ' ; Feeders and Condensers. Gaston House SALOON. The quietest and most retired place in the City. ' ' The best of ' WINES, LIQUORS, & CIGARS. Billiard and Pool Tables. Brick . Block, Middle Street, New Berne, $t C. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS All Goods in our line sold at the very lowest cash prices. Promt and strict at tention paid tc all orders entrusted to our care. 115 '' ' o- FEUTILlZEItS FOIt TIIK FALL CROPS. Notv reitdy for delivery, the best grades of Standard Fertilizers, suitable for Turnips, Potatoes and Wtieat. . Will be sold for CASH or on TIME at reasonable prices. C. E. FOY & COMPANY, ' MIDDLH STREET, New IJei ne, 34. C. WEEKLY JOURNAL one year, $2.00 " " six months, " ' three months Is -0- C K. FOY & COMPANY offer to the trade Lorillard, Mills Sweet and Salt Snull', at manufacturer's prices. Gail & Ax Railroad aprld&wly James Redmond, WIIOLESAIiE IIOXJOIt DEALER. BERGNER & ENGEL'S CELEBRATED BOTTLED LAGER BEEE FOR' SALE BY THE CRATE. I Also on hand a full stock of Groceries, Provisions, Cigars : AND TOBACCO. . Open Front Brick Store, -Ml ll)LE STREET, Apr 1 d w ly NEW P.ERNF, N. C. .TAME CAMPBELL Proprietor. me to play it out,' and he skipped. Apr.l lydw Hancock's Chill Pills. Jtro'ad Creek Craven Comity, N. C. , ... t t ' July 31 1882 Mkssus Hancock Bros: My son had chills for , six months aud 1 tried every remedy that I could get and they nil failed to hreak tiiem. i oougni. one box ;of your ! Chill Pills and gave them' to hint 'according to directions, and I am hapy to say they made a com plete, cure and the chill never returned. yours Reyxctfiilly, W.'N. WAYNE. Kemfinbtr these PILLS nr warranleed lo cr in uverv pas r money refimiled 9, Solil by all lH URnists at ,50cM pet,box. ' AprlSdly 1 New Beme,N. C, 1I0TE1,, " SMITHFIELD, N. C, It stands at the head r ABM if U.WEULLEll, Piop'r. C. B. HART & CO.! The Newspaper! . ' ONE PEICB CASH STOLE. . Norll-cist covner Middie ami Sonlli Front. strvpts lOs'itB K H. Windley and K. K, Junes. ; ' DEALBIIS IN Stoves, t House Furnisliing Goods, CROCKERY an GLASSWARE, ' ! 1 AMPS in gre;it variety. BURNERS, WI01C3, CUIMNEYS, - i ' . KEROSENE OIL, . ; Pratt's Astral Non-Espios.vo Oil, . Machine, and Train Oils. We are now pri'tiarril In mauulacturt Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. 1.00 .50 FARM !lNGINKS Vvnm 4 to liO Horse 'Power, OF TJIR Most Approved Make. .IOI5 AVOJMv SOLICIT HI). Address JOUKNAI. OFFICE, New Berne, N. (!. COTTON PRESSES. C rii in Funs, Straw Cutters, Corn Sliclleis, Elc, Etc., Plows and Cultivators, In (I resit Variety, and at Very Low Prices. "Golden. Day?," GEO. ALLEN & CO. Special allentl'in (riven lo reiuiiiiiii;. lnbnt sold low and warranted In lie as repri'Seiileil. Aiiil U lv,U & w L, II. CUTLER, . . DEALER IN V STOVES AND i & nnnnmmodations at all times. Sample rooms for commercial travel ers. Charges moderate. augSdtf ; LEONIDIS J. MOORE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, (Qfllce oppolt Gaitou HonWi. ' ' New BeiHO,' C. Will practice in the Counties of Greene, Jones. Onslow, Pamlico and Craven; also in tlie U. S. District Court. Prompt Attention paid to Collection ol Claims. Apr ldwlv . A. H. IIOLTON, DEALER IN FOREIGN . AND . DOMESTIC T7INE3 & LIQUORS, TO DAG CO CI GARS. . MIDDLE STREET, NEW IJK3NE, N. C. Apr. 1, ly diw THE LIGHT RUNNING DOMESTIC Tliat is the acknowledged Leader In the Trade isadict that cannot be disputed. MANY IMITATE IT! ! NONE EQUAL 11! . The Largest Armed. Thb Llghteet Run ning. The most Beantlful Wood-work. AND IS WARRANTED . To be mde of the best material. To do any and all Kind of Work. To be Complete in Every Respect. , For economy and perfection of fit, see thepopo htr Domestic Paper Faahlons Catalogues free. I'orsaleby v . HARKS, ! ' Feb 2nd ly. ' ' New Berne, N. C. By E. I.. MII.I.KR, ; - '' Kinston N. C.,' . Dealer iu Pianos, Organ?, Sewing Machines, etc : -Address, " -Domestic 8. M. Co., . t 1 Riciimond.Va. S-Agent Wanted. 1 wtf i' ' I Hardware, HOUSE FURNISHINQ GOODS Paints. Oils. Sash. Doors, Blinds . . i .-.it" ' ".-...,. ..v.:..-i:.v V' " V ko- 26. MIDDLE St- K Apr. 12, ly d ; f i i . r Hew Berne. U. C. A Ilisli-Class Weekly lor Bo.ys and Girls, Has just entered upon its third volume with a very large and 'steadily-inereaH-ins circulation. It lias won its way to llie popnliir heart, no lens ly its in structive and entertaining contents than by the. high moral tone which characterizes every article that appears m its pages. (ioi.dkn Days is a sixteen-page week ly, filled with stories, sketches of ad venture, instructive' matter, and every thing that can interest, entertain and benefit boys and girls. The whole aim and purpose ol Ooi.dkn Days, and winch permeates every article that appears in its pages, is to teach children otiedience, Honesty, truthfulness and a reverence for the Golden Rule as the true guide of life. The leading scientists, clergymen i , .. i aud educators are citgagcu upon Goi.dhn Days. Its illustrations are refuse and in the highest style of art. Rev. D. P. Kidder, D.U., will give each week a lucid and scholarly expo- "Apr. 1 l w 1 y NEWSY. GOOI and CHEAP! Weekly Courier-Journal. rheCoiTKiKit-JoURNAi,, (Henry Wat- tcrson. Editor), is by circulation' and I reputation the acknowledged Represen tative .Newspaper tit the South. Asa reliable and valuable newspaper it has no superior in," this country or in the world. It makes earnest, vigorous war on Protective Tarill' robberv and Mor- ... .. -r . . . If, 1 lion Po virainv. two evils that iliirhl the sition ot the .international punua prosperity and morality ot the I Tinted .school Lesson of the succeeding wo Mates. It is able, bright and newsy, " uzzledoni'' will perplex and do contains, the strongest editorials, the i:i,tfi, Jno-nnimisbovsand o-irk. ns it nuiul fAnuiliilin uninninvir tV llin liowa f' . 3 . fo . J ' l . J 1 1iiu hi t.lio Tinsr tlui world, the best telegraphic am! cen- mi ,iT , LnnA , ft.ii A.psi The Letter .,.iL-.( r,.i.i., ..,..Wa dispense useful information, and to an Talmage's sermons, splendid original swer the queries and publish the No- serial stories and novelettes, noetry de- tices of Exchange ot our young triends partnieul for children, answers to cor- In short, Goi.pkn Days will stop at respondents, etc.; m a word, every- n0 expense to deserve ' in a higher do ming lo make it a delight to the laniily ti.an cver l,efore. the title that circle, and invaluable to the man o ?. lljsl,1.:m-m.ltinff linblic have be IT COST. On account of alter ing building, WM. SULTAN & CO., olfcr their entire Stock at cost, and some GOODS LESS THAN COST for the next av-jcU. Tlie ''Letter Rox" will continue to Sixty Days. Ladies Balbriggan Hose 15 to 25 cents per pair. 1,000 yards of Dress Goods at COST. stowed upon it-Juveniles.' -that of the "Prince of C. ifMEl , . MANUFACTURER OF . CHOICE HAVANA " '' ' AND business, the farmer, the mechanic an the laborer. Specimen copies and full, descriptive iiiviiiiuiii (.milium win uu buuii iii;u ,11 i t, t . flff- 1,.ta ,.,n.w fj, n.w mmlinnfinn !4iiw "UOtUeil J HI S " III, JIMMIHIU J. i lo scription terms, postage free, are for in response to a reijucsi, uum a i.g Da v. 8 2 : Sunt av. 82 ; AVeek V 81.50. number ot admirers ot uoj.dk wa vs - ..... Anv one sendine; four Vearlv sub- we have concluded to issue a montuiy scribers and six dollars will be entitled part for the benefit of those who prefer to an extra copy ol the Weekly Courier- to purchase it in magazine torni Journal one year, free to any address, Address , W. N. IIALDEMAN, . Pres. Courier Journal Co. jl.y'29-dtl' , .Louisville, Ky. PATENTS. obtaiued fur new inventions, or for improvements n old ones. Caveats, Infringements, Trade-Murs and all patent bnsiness promptly attended t. INVKNTlONSTHAtllAVUBEEN HKJKCTEO mtly .till, In most cases, be patented by ns. Being oppoBlle the U. S. Patent OHlce, anu engsgea in 1'ATKNT BDRINKSR KXCLUS1VBLT, We CRU seHire patents in less time than those who are remote from Washington. , , When Invenuirs send model or sketch, we mane .n,.h i ih e.iient Ollice. and advise as to Iu patentability free of cltarge. Coirespondenc confldential; fees reasonable; and, NO CHAKUK UNl,esl'A'l'BNT IS OHTAINKU. We lefer by permission to the City Postmaster, and to the Biiperintendeiitof 111" Host Utile. Mon ey Order Division In WHsbington. For epecisl references, circular, advice, terms, kc, uddrese- V. A. SiNUH WV. O, OrrosiTl PATKNT Oi-rtce. Washington, V: 0 ,1 G! A li S. NORFOLK COLLEGE FOR- Apr I d 1 y " Sueeimen Copiea Sent Free In all the cities and large towns of the United Slates. Goi.hkn Das is for sale regularly every week by news dealers and booksellers. Many per sons, however, find it inconvenient to buv the paper from dealers, lo any YOUNG. LADIES. Hi' it1wi,1 be:,,,t ""l!',! I paid, at me umowiiig biiuohii'ii rates, either for the weekly or monthly part: Twelve Reirular Teachers. Five (.entle- (for 1 month. . . . ' 2fc. EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA MAItBLE WOltKS KEW 1JKOE, N. P. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, ALL KINDS GUAVH AND PUILD- 1N( WOH1C IN ' ITALIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K.WILLIS, Proprietor, (Successor to (ieortre W. Claypnole) Cor. BROAD & CRAVEN Sts. New Berne, N. C. Mar. 30, lydw, men and Seven Ladies. : For 2 months, For 3 months, f)0c. Anr.l POLLOCK Street, ; NEW BERNE, Ji C. BRICK FOR SALE FERIBEE A CIIERRV ; . STONEWALL, N. C. - - Apply to Dail Eos.; ' 'jrntscdlm " New Brine, tf. C. begin . gl.00 1.0U . 3.00 with any ,lll l.) in it, Mil. inm-ofi mi lull. rn,i,-iii ii,.- I .1 j .1 leslnnt (lciioniin:itions represented in the Hoard rOr 1 lllOlitUS, of llirectors and Faculty. 1 Vnr (5 months I'wn hundred and eiclitv uunils last session. ror " '""luI, New and eleeant builaiiiKs, healed by steam For 1 vear. S"J. "S. r.! "FS? w, VL'T." Subscriptions can panment imiidiiiK provided tiiron(riioiit with I number. Hack numbers supplied at WIIHI1,. III! 1111, t-, IlllilUir ,.l, ,-llM.-? ".-.1 Htnnds: siirlnL'S and hest hair tnatti-esses on beds; bath-rooms with hot nd cold water; three. lare parlors, etc. .j- For catalogue, containing full infor mation, apply to ..... " ' V , Ukv. R. II. WYNNE, f . " :" ' '. Secretary, r- r Or Rev. R. M. SAUNDERS, : ; . .Principal, auK4dlw-w3m s; Norfolk, Va. the same rates, vie pay all postage. jiloney shonld be sent to us cither bv Post Office Order r Registered Letter, so as to provme as lar as pos sible against its loss by mail. All communications, lusiuess or otherwise, must be addressed to JA5IES ELVEUSON, Pnb. Golden Age, Philadelphia, Pa. FARMS FREE TO ALL. Oregon and Washington, "the land of never failing crops," where grass hoppers, chinch bns, ; drought or bin 1 1 winters are unknown, oners tree homesteads to all, on fertile govern ment lands. Railroad lands in de sirable locations can be purchased on ten years time, in easy payments. Every industrious man can become independently wealthy in a very short lime, by settling in the Pacific North west. Address a postal card to Paiu. KcFItlLZE, P0KTT.AND, OltKCION, Mild ask him to fend you a copy of The West Shore a handsomely illustrated journal, containing full information.

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