J GUI IN AL. ,7 EHr.NE. N. C. AUG. 22..1SSI CTAT2NET7S. c;. ...a froia ourEichinci, Tail ro' GuUle: There were seven j,:: j trials at tbe late Iu forior court. The verdicts were gu'Uy in every instance exceptone, ia v ' h case Cossey Battle nian a:, ,Ly his blarneyingtoupgue aud I'crraasive manner to pull his guilty client through the meshes oi tLa law. : Elizabeth City Economist: We had the pleasure of a call on Friday from J. S. Taluier, Agt. of C. Erd- maun's choice cigar manufactory of S'e w Berne, N. C, whose ad. is lound in another place. We commeud the ciga establishment of Mr. Erdmann to the patronage of our dealers, lie is one of us aud nigh to us, and convenient to us. Try him. . : , Durham Tobacco riant: Last fall a party of gentlemen living in the lower part of Durham county and the upper part of Wake concluded to try their fortuues in the moun tains of Western Carolina. Some of them purchased lands before moving their families while others went on trial. Among the latter number was Mr. Lynn Chandler, He was not very : well pleased and the consequence is he has sold his crop and returned to Durham coun ty. .. Winston Union Republican:. We are indebted to our fiiendMr. Rich ard Berry, of New Berne, N. C, for a copy ot a "Jubilate jJeo," com posed by him for Easter festival and dedicated to Dudley Buck, Esq. Our musical friends who have examined it pronounce it a bright and joyous composition, well suited to the words and the occasion for which it was written. Mr. Berry is a fine musician and he is thorough ly acquainted with the manufacture and repairing ol reed organs. Carteret Co., Telephone: A flock of'Bogue sound lawyers" passed over our town the other day,the first we have seen in some time. They were going west.- Another ' branch of business has been opened in Beaufort by Capt. T. Thomas. His schooner the Thomas brought i a ii h I i: . mis weeK a iuu cargu ui cuai nuiit "Philalulnliia vrriiiili li ia lllilnfulino' in town, and he expects to open a coal yard for the sale of this useful article. ; We think quite a large trade can be built up and our citi- zens can have a choice of fuel. Mr. Phil Pelletier, a young repre sentative of Carteret county, in the law office of Simmons & Manly, at New Berne, has been' spending a few days in Beaufort. Phil, expects to get his license to practice law and "hang out'.' his .shingle" long; may his expectations be real- ' lzed. We were shown by jJr, Bagby the other day a plan of the hotel lie proposes to build on his front water premises, should he re ceive sufficient encouragement to that end. NOTICE. . Ey order Board Commissioners, Craven county, the Clerk will advertise for sealed proposals for lOO.UOt) Brick, to be delivered at the Depot or on the wharf at the foot of Craven street, in the City of Newbern, and a sample of the brick accompany each proposal. Proposals to be received on or before the 1st Monday ia October. 1883. JOS. NELSON, . I augl8-doctl Clerk Board Com 're. Sale of Valuable Lands. By virtue ol mortgage dwl executed by Thomas F:Worley and wife, Mary E. Worley and H V. Drown, to the Brd of ComihUsioners of Jones coanty, cn tbe 12th day of .Inly, 1831, and rofistiTttl iu the office of ihe Rogiste r of Deeds for Jones county, llook 0. No, , pace 3. '8, 1 will veil at public auction at the Court House door in Trenton, on Monday, lltli Da.r ot September at I?. in.. thermal estate cunueyed in tnld mort gage, to oil; A tract of land situate in Tuckaho Towushlii, adjoining the land ot r. Williams mut the heirs of A. Williams, containing If acres. more or lens, hud belnr the same upou w litoli the said T. r . W orley "! "He nw resides. E M. 'os i k. Ctim'n Ilonid loin. July 3d, 1852. New Ecru:.. Hyde County , Steam Line. The Midland North Carolina Railway Co. 's steamer TIGER LILY Has been placed regularly on the line between New Berne and Hyde county points, for a general passenger service aud freight traffic, making semi-weekly trips as follows:- - Leave New Berne Mondays and Thursdays at 6 a.m. for Swan Quarter and Wysockine Bay. Leave Wysocking Bay, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 6 a.m. for New lierne, touching at bwan Quarter. Fare, one way, Meals (extra), . Round trip . . . ' Colored people, each way $3.50 50 4.00 1.50 1 - ; I Ll IL'ZJL. J kit LIME! BRICK, HAY! BRICK. ALL GRADES. LIME! BRICK! Rlidlanni N. C. r.ill-.ay Co. Atlantic and No. Ca. Division TIME TABLE No. 4. In Effect Sunday, 7:40 A. M., July 16, 1S83. Express, Passenger and Mail Trains run on this road as follows No. 47 Arr. lve. NOTICE. Office of Sec. and Treas. New Berne & Pamlico Steam Transportation Co. New Berne, N. C, Aug. 8, 1883. At a meeting of the directors, held on Wednesday, June 27, the Treasurer was ordered to collect from the Stockholders of the Company thirty per cent, of their subscriptions to the capital stock of said Company on or before the 15th day of August, 1882. , Stockholders are requested to niaki payment as above at my office in New Berne. . Respectfully, , T. A. GREEN, BUg8-dtd Sec. & Treas. D. It Mitfyette, Lake Landing, Hyde Co., AGENT FOB IIAUTFOUD LIFE AN1 AN NUITY 1NSUKANCU COM PANY of llantVml, INmn. MARYLAND LIVE STOCK AND MUTUAL AID SOCIETY of Baltimore, Md. . AND 8CMMEB ARRANGEMENT. Throuch return tickets from Hyde County to Morehead City or Goldsboro, good till October 1st, are on sale for $5 to Morehead, if 6 to Goldsboro and re turn. Freights solicited, and rates guaran teed as low as by am line, giving quick dispatch and making safe delivery. Ifcsr our facilities for handling live stock and perishable freights are un equalled. . If the proper encouragement 1b given this liue, we shall take necessary steps to afford the people of Hyde County Mail and Express facilities, bringing them within 80 hours of New Yerk. J. W. Morris, Wm. A. Hkarnk, Gen. Freight Ag't. Solicit 'g Agt. J. W- Andrews, ClYf Eng. & Sup't. W. B. Swindell, A. B. Tvrnkll. Ag't at Swan Qu'r. Ag't at Nebraska. OP Rosendale, Portland '& Helinitic Cements. Plaster, Goat Hair, &c ' SALES ROOM Craven Street, below Express Office. It. O. 12. LODGE, Aug 19 d If Ntw Mel ius N. V, S.-'A. CHURCHILL Sugars, Chas.; M. BLAIffi, : W H 0 L S A L E R O C E R and IPi'ovisioix IPenlei A FULL SUPPLY constantly on hand Dry Salted and Smoked Flour, 4 M m 2S t S8 14 6 S3 51 68 7 91 8 U7 8 24 8 4 (HI IHi 17 211 S 27 M Freight and run as follows: Of iEATS, complete line, all grades. DEALKll IN STOVES & HARDWARE OA UT W1IEULS Ki MS SPOKES & HUBS Sash, Doors & Blinds MOLASSES & SYRUPS, TOBACCO AND SNUFF, Salt, Powder ami Shot. EAST. No.S Arr. : lVte. r. m. p. m. 1 wi 1 27 1 32 1 Ml S 06 2 23 2 SS i M 18 S U H &fi 4 1 4 21 4 4.1 4 46 4 44 4 &t 5 20 ft ti 24 4) 2A M .14 6 fti (16 7 24 7 85 7 44 7 44 7 ta 7 62 8 06 8 117 8 08 g IS 8 16 P. M. F. M. TJNWAUE, ( UOCKEUT GLASS s l l tt lion Qf Country Dealers ia called to my Stock. It? A TVL' l TJADrM WTVTiir - HALiJli Him L ill Jjii (I li.U'V i! CURTAINS Insure Your Gin Houses. Innnrancn fllctl In good reliable Companies at MiKiernift luuw. Bisk, written from One to twelve months. WATSON & STREET, General Insurance Aficnts, annlO-wSm . ; New Berne, N. C Apple, Peach and Pear PEAREBS Etc MIDDLE St. Next door to Du. DuFFVS Jul It C in (1 New Rernc, N. C. THE MUTUAL tMAlMlIA(lE All ASSOCIATION of Nrw Orleans, Circulars Mailed on Appli cation.. auglOwSm Sewing Machine Needles. All kinds Sewing Machine Needles, Forty Cents per Dozen, sent to any address on receipt of price, R. D. MIDYETTE, Lake Landing, auglOwSm Hyde Ckuuty. Z1.Z3 A.T3. AGENTS. 1882. AGENTS llnic k Co. celebrated India Ink. Water Color, nil and flrnvon Portraits. W:ide frem every de- scrintion ol msll nietures. Acknowledited by all art critics the finest work now produced. Onr fciwinl tnrinK for enable everv ucrson encrae:! to make immense incomes. We invite yon to send your address immediately.' For full particulars address D. K. MIDYKTTE. 'len. Apt,, autlO-wm Lake Ijumling, Hyde Co.. N. C FOR SALE, LEASE OR RENT. 1000 Acres, Having removed to Kinston, N. C, and resumed the practice of medicine, I offer for sale, lease or rent, the land known as the PERRY PLACE, five miles from Trenton, Jones county. There is a LARGE, TWO-STORY DWELLING and necessary out-buildings, with ex cellent water, and marl in abundance on the place. . W. A. J. Pollock. The modicines known as Pollock's "No. 7" and Pollock's Liver Pilk, for sale in large or small quantities at the oiHce of Dr. W. A. J. Pollock, on Queen street, Kinston. II. Uindley WANTED. Agents in Carteret county to sell the Light Kunnmg New Home hewing ma' chine. Apply to THOS. McGEE, ' auglOwlm ; Kinston, N. C. DISTILLERS AGENT FOK Pure Rye anil Corn WHISKEY, AT WHO IjESAIjIi Sole Aw) for the "ENTIRE" WHEAT FLOUR. j- Miuplra and price em oy man. Mar. IM). 1 V-l-4d w t. a. umx ' T A R a K S I A JN 1) U 1. U J! o 1 Wholesale House FOR SALE W. 3P. nOUNTREE! s receivnm by every steamer, and oflerinir for sale at tlie very large and attractive stuck of me bst , ; tit mTT-n riTrnT7-, in ia.Lt miii camiiv nnnncRirc i niu 1. 1 uituwibiiikw . , , , .... TinriTr t nmn - kfiflna a. wava in stock larere Quantities rumv, luimu ANU PHUVIolUNo. r IJ - CLEARS FLOUIl., BTOiUt, UUr, oiitur, Molasses, Stilt, &c. LOMLXAED AND GAIL & AX SNUPP, also a large stock of X O 0B A. ; 'C C O , DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and Arbnckle's Ariosa ROASTED COFFEii:, CRACKEES and CAKES in great variety. A large Stock of NOTIONS ATND HOSIERY. ALSO A NIOK LINE OF DEY GOOLS, SHOES, NOTIONS, WOOD AND WILLOW WAEE, &c DOs'T FAIL, TO CALL AN1 SEE HIV. GOOD SUGAR CUBED MEAT. BUTTEB. LAEj. FLCUL SUSAP.l OFFEE and TEAS. A. Spooialty. Middle Street, Near the Market, Mar. 80-ii-lv. AT BEAUFORT, N. 0. WALTER DUNIS , Wholesale buyers will find a large STOCK at lowest prices OF KINSTON. Don't fail to see me before you bny MIDDLE STREET,. Would entertain a few boarders at his I Mar. 23 ly tl W residence in Uoautori, on iront street, convenient to the main business: portion of the town, fronting Fort Macon, with the Inlet and other New Berne, N. C O. o. OPEN AT Scenery of the Whole Harbor Ml t i . . . . .1 in iuu view, wnere invigorating anu U fcT-TTT ll t"V) t I 7 ? healthful sea breezes maybe enjoyed X xliliiJL U UUlllIg HUIIIIIIHI, Terms, VI .So per day. ravorable ar rangements will be made for board by the week or month. July 2, d tf NOTICE. llieOoutityOommiBioiier have ordered llwtftll real estate sold by the Sheriff to the eunly fr taxes due for the year 188u,tan be redeemed by the owners without payiue 'he additional S6 per cent, allowed by law provided the taxes on said lands are paid by the llit of December. Parties inter ested will take notice and govern themselves accordingly. : TJ. JT. KH.BUEN, julyC-dAwtd County Treasurer. J. V. Williams. B. M. Gates. J. V. WILLIAMS & Co. ' COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND WHOLESALE DEALERS IS CORN. CT Solicit Consignments. O" Solicit Orders. Newbern, N. C. Apr .27, 9m w WINES AND. 0IGAHS In Great Variety. Ginger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer and Porter. FOKEIGN AND DOMESTIC 0 T D B. 11 . ; A- ' ' lu II11. 1-2 Bbls. ami Kogs. Pure French 13 randy LARGEST DEALER IN THE STATE. COMMISSION MEIICIIANT For the Sale of all Kinds ot PRODUCE. Guarantee Highest Market prices, E. II. WIIVIME Y, Comer South Front & Mi.ldle St my EERNE, N.C. Apr. 11, C in d w OCEAN HOUSE. BEAUFORT, N. C. MARTINIKING Proprietors This House Is now open for the entertainment of guest. Th e location-is 60 well known as to need no words to describe it. We only sny that under its present management every thins; will be done that can be done to make it first class in every respect. Every luxury from laud and water will be served in the best styl, and at snch reasonable prices as to make a stay at the seaside within tne reacn oi an who can nnora to live any where. Tbe rooms in this house are all pleasant. The lew from the promenade on ton of bnildinr. ex tensive aud tine. - Wharf and bath - houses adjtioent to buildiup:. Doats and experienced boatmen always In readiness at our whnrf to take out sailing, fishing and bathing parties. Polite servants will be in attendance, aria every enort roaue to make a slay with us pleasant. Terms: per day, f 1.60; per week, p.00; per month, K4)U ery itespeciiuny, THOS. a. JuAHTIN, "And Don't You Forget It," THAT E. WHITMAN'S EYE OPENERS ARE UNEXCELLED. Middle Street, near Corner South Front, NEW BERNE, N. C. Next door to K. R. JoncB', ; Apr. 'S-a & w 12 in. WM. LORCII, nEALKR IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE . CAST HOTTSS ACCOMODATIONS. Broad St. Blew Berne, IV. C. ' ' dwUar. 111!. EAST. STATIONS. r. u. 4 80 Goldsboro, . 4 At Hest' i OS La tlrtuire . ......... t Kallinn Crevk ft Kmiou,. 14 lKiver, ss Cora i:reek,.... ( Ml,Tuscarora . 6 ft8 Ctark's 7 Ncw Hern ..- g 02 Kivvidale, .. 8 117 Or;iiiin 8 H Havelock,... 8 tl ()! a Utl 9 24 r. m.. Newport, .. Wildwood, ...... ..... HollYWOod. Suns Souci Hotel, ., Atlantic Hotel Morehead Depot,.. WEST. A. M 12 Stf 11 15 18 Oil II 46 ii r 10 M IU Hi 1M 18 1(1 10 ss tw 00 8 4S 8 16 8 117 8 01 7 481 7 48 A. M A. M. 12 1 l'i l8 II 46 II ):t 10 M 10 84 is : 10 111 40 0 08 9 0(1 8 40 8 13 8 08 8 07 7 tl 7 40 7 47 A. Ml) Aeconunodation Trains WEST. , NO; 4 stations. Irr. Li've. Oolil boro, ....... ...... Hest's.....w La OranKe, .......... 1-allinK Creek, Kiiivton,...'. Dover Core Creek,..., Tiiccarora, Clark' Newbern Ulverdale, Croatan. ,.. Havelock, ...... ....... Newport Wildwood, Hollywood Macon Hotel,.. ...... Atlantic Hotel, Morehead Depot,.. r. m. p. m. 9 l 1 47 IB 1 17 Si 12 4H 12 t'U 12 00 12 SI 11 27 II 82 II 111 11 00 10 44 10 48 III 24 10 2d 8 AT 1(1 (si 8 20 21 8 12 fill 7 61 7 64 7 11 7 22 7 02 7 02 8 64 64 8 80 6 11 8 :; 88 80 A. M. A M 47 and 48 daily. 3, Tucsduv, Thurs day and Saturday. 4. Monday, Wed nesday and 1'iiuuy on A. & N. Division 47 and 48 daily except Sunday, and 3 and 4 Monday, Wednewlay and Friday on Central Division. ' Train 48 connects wlib North Caroliua Train bound West, leaving Goldslioro 1:0(1 m. &ud with Wilmiugtoii & Weldou Tntin Iniuid South leaving Oold buro :44 . in , aud $:i9 p. m. Train 47 conuects with North Carolina Tram from the West, arriving at Ooldsboro 4:12 p. m. and with Wilmington Train from th-; South, ur- riving at Goid.-boro 8:00 . i.i. ; . . Train 4 connects Willi Wilmington Train bound South, leaving Ooldsboro at 8:44 and 8:29 p. m., and bound north) leaving Goldsboro at 9:06 p. m. Train S connects with Wiliningk.u i Weldon Train fiom the uorth, arriving at QoMWm 8:44 p in Trains 3 4 4 are peciully adapted for Local Travel, and will rarrv first and Si'cond-claiis coaches. Batrgiige will be checked on these Trains. VENTRAL DIVISION. , Express PaHsenger and Mail Trains. KAST. No. 47. A'rr. Le. r". M , VEST. Nj. 48. STATIONS KM. ' 2 HOSmithllHd, 2 43 2 48 Pine Level Avenue, i 68 2 60 Holts Mill, , i 3 01 8 02 Princeton, S 17 3 17 Copeland's, ? 1 3 8u Goldsboro, f FREIGHT . A'rri P M . 2 00 1 47 ,!: I 84 1 28 -.1 13 1 00 Ive P.M.. 1 47 1 31 1 2 1 13 Wo. 8 Lve P. M. I' AND ACCOMMOEUHON. A'rr. 51. OOSmitliAvId, . 8 16 20 Pine Level Avenue, 6 86 8 40 Hulls Mill, 6 46 61 Princeton, 1 10 7 11 Copland's, 7 26 Goldsboro, No. 4 A'lt L've. P. SI. If. M. 4 68 4 36 4 16 4 Ou 8 44 4 4(1 4 20 4 10 3 48 3 30 J. W. ANDREWS, Chf . EHtrr. and Oen'l 8u.pL dtf Mhs. W. O. Kino. NOTICE! To Harriett Goodlnp, Kohert Gould and Ijaura Gonld his wife Metsy Gooding and Edward Forbes Gordon. yon are hereby notified tdat a special pro ceedine is Dendinic in the Superior court of Craven county wherein O. T. Watson Is plalntltf and Thos. r . Uoouiiik yourselves utui omers are defendants, aking for the partition of a part of lot no. 08 Pollock ana jueieau Mtroets in me citv of Mew Berne, n. C, beins the same which descended to defendant and another as heirs of Marv E. Gooiline. deceased. Von are required to appear on the 2nd day of October 1882 at th n.it.. f l.a ..lui'lr ..I' il.ii flmtorlrtr fsiiirt .nil An. swer or demur to the complaint as you may be rie.S, ToliaOi'O, CigarS, e.'C , I advised, , -, , E. W. Carpenter. July 22, 1 1 a w. Old Uriclc tor Sale. I will keep constantly on hand at Manwell & Crabtree's lot in New Berne a lot of first class hand-made brick. For terms apply to James Manwell or to the undersucned D-lm. C. Simpson. D AIL BROS., WHOLESAE GROCERS ', AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NKWH If " N.C. Aprl, d w 1 y NOT1CK. Haying bought out the stock of Na than Stanly, consisting ol School Books, Stationery, Conlectlone oiler the same for sale, and respectfully so licit ihe patronage of the public The etock will be constantly replenished. Blank books of all kinds on hand. J. L. UartsiUsM, Kinston N. C ,t, f. Jwuliasai OLD DO MI1NK 3N Steamship Company For New YorK, Bnltlmorc, iNoi folk, Boston, Elizabeth City, Philadelphia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER Friday, July 28th, 1882 UNTIL FUliTIIEIt NOTICE ST'R SHENANDOAH Will leave, upon arrival of train on Norfolk and Elizabeth City Railroad at Elizabeth City, every Monday and Thursday for New Berne via Nurs Head. Returning leaves New Berne for Elizabeth City via Nag Head, every ' Tuesday ana Friday ' at 6 p. m., making close connection with Norfolk and Elizabeth City R. R. for Northern cities. Close connection made at New Heme with steamers for Kinston, Polloksville, Trenton and all land ings on the Neuse and Trent Rivers. Freight received daily until 6 p. m., forwarded promptly and lowest rates guaranteed todestina tion. Faro to Elizabeth City;and return, tl. To Nags Head and retnru, (4. To Washington, (4. E. II. ROKERTS, Ag'i , New Berne, CuLrErenH & TuaNKitj ' i Ag'ts. Norfolk, V. A W. 11. Stanfoiid, Oen'l Fr't Ag't, Mar. 30 1 v U New Yolk City THE NEW YORK Weekly Herald, JAMES GORDON BEN E'lT , PROPRIETOR. THE BEST AND Cheapest Newspaper Published. , , , POSTAGE FKEE , ONE DOLLAR ' ' ' PER YEAR ! ' Fifty Cents for six Months All extra Copy to every Club of ten The New York Herald HIB1.I8HKD BVEET PAT IN THE YEAS ,: Postage Free. ; 11) pays for one year, Sundays liicludod. 8 pays for one yiur without Sundays. tb pays for six months, Sundays included. . , i payBior six months, without Sundays. 48 pays for one year for any specified day week. tl pays for six mouths for any specified day lueweett. tl per month (including Suudays) will be charg- . eu on subscriptions tor a less period ban three months TO EUROPE INCLUDING POSTAGE NOTICE, State of Noiitii Cakolina, Craven County. The subscriber having qualified as Adminis trator of the estate of ( trade Hatch, decetsed, on the 19th-day of July, A. 1. 1KS2. before the Probate Court of Craven county, hereby notifies ail persons having claims ngain.it said estate, to present them lor payment on or before the 1st day of AiiRiist, sS;t, or this notice will be plead- ea in oar oi i nm -recovery. All pnrsons imii'lilcd to said eBtafe will make itinnit'Ouiio pfiyniHiit. lloue Ibis 2iilli liuy of July, S2. Jan. C.'l sniTlMon, f July 21-ivj- Public AUm nistrutor. Daily, i t - SI Weekly, (European EditiUn) Weekly, (Domestic E.linoii) 7..1U Jl.WI 4,2.0(1 NEWSDEALERS SUPPLIED, POSTAGE FREE. Daily edition, Two and a half cents per copy Sunday edilimi, . Four cems .rr C"iy Weekly edition, ' - To ci-n(s em.'y N It. Not Ii'hh than five cnpiesmaiird lnuewH de,,ili'i,s at M'lutlcwiya raii-M. We nllow no nminiisMon f ,,s t0 Dsily edition An . t I. : u .'. ' 4 ti ..a . i, i ew i r

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