T 0 JL. LL1 ; VOL. I. . NEWIBERNE, N. C., TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1882. NO. 140. 1 : , . LOCAL NEWS." ' ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. ; ' D; T. Carhaway The New South. ' Yovth's CoMPANroN-r-Family news paper, etc. t : ,, Journal Miniature Almanac. i . Sun rises, 5:41 1 Length of day , V ' Sun sets, 6:11 ) 12 hours, 80 minutes. , Moon sets 5:50 a. m. , . , . ' that the Graded School will be success- at 8 o'clock, at the warehouse of Thos. ful from the beginning.' Five of them McCarthy. ' (' ' '". ,t have won enviable reputations in thirf On motion, James C. Harrison, John city as 'successful teachers', J and Miss T. York and Rev. Alex.' Bass were elect- Pettigrew , brings , a flattering recom- ed a committee to draft suitable by-laws mendation from the Nashville,. Teh- and rules for, the government of the nessee Normal School, and Miss Core s club,, subject to the approval of the i highly recommded by the Norfolk Fe- club, Eggs are in demand al 18 cents per ;c , dozen by the wholesale, t .k , l male College. -r.-u t im.$, ( ., The names of two hundred and sixty pupils had been enrolled up to last night..; ;. , . ;; On . motion, the secretary was in i structed to request the Hon, L. J. Moore and W. ,W. Clark, Esq., to ad dress the club on next Thursday eve ning., -....! ,,; 1, ,):,. f; if i- On motion, the club adjourned to meet on Thursday evening, Sept. 14th, 1882, at 8 o'clock. Q. W. Slade, ) Cv R. Bobbins, Secy, i President. Rallttratlon Meeting-. : ' ' , TliA TTnlm fwni inn rtt tlio PpnuMinnna The Register of Deeds issued , two b, d at th r t House last niirht marriage licenses last week, one to white toratifTthe nomiBation made at the one to colored. - ' ' convention on the 2nd of September. Mr. Bt1 A. Bell killed a good big water The meeting was called to order bv ! E, ciaire Krott Troupe iiirw.pnin npftr the door of his jewelry r .. tvih1Iv- nA A. i 'ft.:. Oiktn nmaiilnd i The Claire Scott Combination will ' store last pightjj.j j m ' ; 'ani-i Smith acted us Secretary. ' commence a four nights, engagement at The schooner thol'J. May which ar- ; ''Themeeting ;was!;iiardly, W large as the Opera House on, Wednesday even ly lived on Saturday wft for, Watson the Stimson meeting but it was equally ing Sept. 13th. The ;. following notice nan'lnU 7ftH 'drained at Hatteras for aa enthusiastic,. campaign son pre- we clip from the. Rome Ga Sentinel, ."'r'i.iJii":' ' : " I ". : "'' ceeded the soeakW which was well The performance of Claire Scott was v . -. .', ' .' I . . , ., , u ! i certainly a surprise to our people, not- '., Ma vor. Howard has been nuito sick for uy utegiee nuu. , withstanding the almost fulsome praise ' ae'vekl days.'coWquently no Mayor's Mr. s Geo. linker was the first Bo lavishly bestowed by our exchanges ' ..... la-nnatni- TTa i.A n U f aA linl- t A ItridWin I li Vfrt rrlimi t. ta PAnnl-vv Dm tunica - - , ... i t . .tt i i fiui vMr uwifi- ta una n arni ann mnni. nnv AYMinir in t in nattir1 in thm WA w oot ow wiuw o - t j I .i,:i, ,u t- u i.u . .1. .yesterday evening, i, , t m !" V. Messrs Wm. Cavanaugh, B. ' W. j Mavshbujrn' and N. "Marshburn of Onslow are in the city. They report fine ( le crora in their neighborhood. Prof. fcylvtei 'Haeseir8 Collegiate Institute at Wilson opened with 30 pu pils. -A private school can't live in a small town by the side of a good Graded SCHOOL , 'j . .'. "' . ',: . ,' ' ' "' i , ; Capt. K. R. Jones moves back to his old stand to-day into a large and coni modious new Btore, whore he is opening 4" 'a laree stock of dry troods and tcroceries. more with Mr. Pftvie. the contractor, had made chandise, i r - r t ' , '-quick work of it. t , '" vj j ., ..B...v-w, t nQt sunenorto anv that lias ever but claimed that the Hahn faction were visited tho South. Claire Scott certain- the regular Republicans and that all ly is a most magnificent actress, and Republicans should stand by the party the claims set forth for her have not . TT , , JUT been magnified. Her acting has been organization. He was followed by E. 8ubmne-in fiict she mav be called a R. Dudley ,who 'went into the particulars natural actress, for no attempt atartifi of the county convention, He was fol- cial means of attraction is needed. In lnwd hv W. V.. Clarke and others. ! the curse scene in "Leah-," the forsaken who is about 13 years old, and if it had not been for Zeph, probably would have whipped the boy to death. The rabbit was a genuine white rabbit; don't know whore it came from.' Tho snake was killed, and Bryco Morris' killed a large rattlesnake 7i feet long with 14 rattles, and measured 22 inches around ; his rib bones were 5 inches long; inside was alive raccoon and a dead blue heron. J. II. Littleton saw another snake yes terday near Maj. Fonville's 10 feet long but did not succeed in killing him. It was of the coach-whip breed, so says Mr. Littleton j but as Mr. L. didn't kill the snake we don't know how he got its length. he run. '-. . '"' : '. 1 ' ' Last Saturday, some 200 or 300 assem bled to hear the speech of Hon. J.. W. Shackelford and - some of the county candidates. The speech by Shakelford was as good as usual; he spoke in in terest of Col. W. J. Green for Congress and the nominees gonerally of the Dem ocratic party. J. II. Foy, independent and C. S. Hewett, also independent, with Dr. C. Thompson, nominee, all made speeches, all candidates for the turned home Friday night from a trip toMorehead City where Madame ru mor says he went to see some one in or about Portsmouth who he would be more than pleased to induce to be come a citizen of Stonewall. Ml. C. II. Fowler is pushing his saloon and ware house to completion.' Prof. A. H. Ham- CITY ITEMS. : - Tins column, iii'Xt tt lornl m-wt, it to bv used for Loral Advert IsiiiK. Th Uet Heading. Every family that desires to provide for its young people wholesome and in structive reading matter should send for lin is having his lumber put in position pani,m, . Ns columns givo more than lor his new residence and for the occu- two hundred stones yearly, by the most pauey of a desirable housekeeper. Mr. noted authors, besides one thousand S. II. Fowler, of Bavborois having one JBptalif iuter ' . , sketches of travel, poeins, puzzles, mci- of tho most commodious stores in the dents, humorous and pathetic. It comes county built to accommodate his ex ten- every week, is handsomely illustrated, sive trade. ' Mr. Jas. B. Turner of same and . emphatically a paper for the whole iamuy. - place is adding an addition to his store Guess he measured him as to supply a necessity. To accommo date his trade he and Mr. II. H. Dowdy are North purchasing their goods eto. ' " ; L. NEW, 4YI) yiinTISlSMENTS. COMMERCIAL. NEW KKKNE 9IAHKET. outcast rises magniflcentlvj and casting defiance at Rudolph, she causes a shud der to run through the veins of her hearers and when at the close, tho Cotton Middling lljc; low middling I ISc good ordinary He. ; ordinary I0ic. None in market'. Cokn 72c. in bulk; 75c. in sacks. Turpentine Receipts moderate. Firm same office, that of Representative of f&JZ$ 5. Beeswax 20c. to 22c. per lb. Iteliulobt N4wu t . The Baptist revival at Polloksville "' "continues with much interest," Several i' confessions were made up to yesterday, i',,, i The meeting is conducted by Rev, Mr. CashWell assisted by Rev. Mr. .Baker. River and Marine. Arrived. The steamer Defiance of the Clyde breathless silence is broken by long and line arrived on . Sunday, flora Balti- . J. ' . . , ' a good cargo Of mer- Uosavthat in vnrv not and motion nf Miss Scott, he seconds her and meets The steamer Neuse arrived yesterday every requirement. Tho entire compa- from Itmston with twenty six bales of the gtar In fftct itnay bo said new cotton and ten casks of spirits tur- no actress ever had a better support pontine as through freights, 10 bushels than Miss Scott. i j of corn and four passengers., i : ' During the engagement Mr. Joseph The schooner Cora, Tolson, Master, ar- Gaylord formerly of the Skiff and Gay rived on Monday with a . cargo of corn lords Minstrels will execute some of his from Hyde county. It was sold to Mr. wonderful Banjo Solos. He offers a Onslow. Foy and Hewett had the most to say, one giving the other's record, etc., which added not a little to the merriment of . the crowd. Thompson seems to be confident of his election, as he is. the nominee, but the county is bad ly split, and a good chancefor a Repub lican to get elected this year to the Legislature. Mr. Thomas Gilman is the Republican candidate; he made a speech at Jacksonville on last Monday. Only five candidates for the Legislature and three for Register of Deeds; all the rest have dropped out. Two for Sheriff, two for Clerk are all in that line. Don't want the Sheriff and Clerk's office so bad. OPERA HOUSE. FOUR NIGHTS DULY, COMMENCING , , Wednesday, Sept. 13. Engagement of the beautiful and suc cessful young English Actress, ' CLAIRE SCOTT Supjorted by the talented youn? Actor S. K. CODURN, And a Powerful Dramatic Company of Metropolitan Artists. Crop, on South C'reekt ; , i ' Ca'pt.'W.' A. Thompson who has just returned' Iroin a trip to. Portsmouth via t ai SoflJ1 Greek; gives us, the ollqwjng iiy ,., .formation about the crops: J. A. purse of $500 to any man to equal with this instrument.' r ' him Swansboro Items.' Mr. Lemuel Mills caught 2000 mullets in one night this week,' in size, near the mouth of New river. Capt. Heady is now prepared to f urn- 1 Polloksyille Items - Meadows. :..y-., j '. ' ;-. Cleared. . ; ; :iu: , Steamer Trent up Neuse with freights for S,, Kinsey , J. P. Dawson, Gardner & Chapman, A. Gordon, M. E. Biddle, CsAirtn ia' mnteriallv HmiriflO-Rfl: there 1.T- -Wr"W(tltS": W. H."T Biddfo. R. J. 1, " will nofc be more than one-fourth of Brock, J. P Quinerly, C. M. Ai" Griffin, crop matlfe on the beach land, but on the F. Harding. : Passengers, Mrs. Turner sainp lanult Is not injured so paaiy. May and children ana air, Wiggins, , , ' Two thirds of a crop is a fair estimate. I Steainer Contentnea jPollokflyille, ! jsh fish in any quantity and at all times 'Corn is very ' good. ' There will be land Trenton with freights for . Hua- and so is Capt. James Loughlm; both , i i molt malethisj ypar than ver before'. I son W. Mur'rill, F. Mercer, H. Whitford, have good fisheries.; , , i; u Rice Is very good; the acreage is not w. JH. vox ffi Co., it. nutty, n Some weddings on hand, will tell . ' 'a laige jas lasi year, pup double the Smith, W. 11. Mills, Bynum Jenkins, fl VaW willU taWe W tne tkte. I J. C. Whittey, C. Whittey, ' J. G. .oi -- ii t - Barrus, J. Nicolson, J. O. Foy, J. H. Klre Conipautea. . d , ,? ! rrio aA llllk Steamer L. H. Cutler for Vanceboro Quite a bevy of pretty girls now visit ing our town. ; 'i; , Cotton has commenced coming in and the features of the furnisher relax ctli a little "... ,' .'. f . Honey 00c. per gallon .Wheat 90c. per bushel. Country Bacon- Hams 18c. ; sides 10c; shoulders 15c. ' Lard 15c. Beef On loot, 5c. to Co. Sweet Potatoes 50c. per bushel. Eoos 18e. per dozen. Peanuts $1.50. per bushel. Fodder $1.50. Peaches 50c. per peck. Ari'LES 05c. per bushel. ' Peaks $1.00 per bushel. Grapes Concord, $1.00; Scupper nong, 1.50 per bushel. Onions.$1.60 per bushel. , Beans 00c. per bushel. Hides Dry, 9c. to lie; green 5c. Tallow Oc. per lb. Chickens Grown, 50c. per pair. Meal Bolted, $1.15 n?r bushel. buS!8Iriah,-u,0'8WCoU5c' Thursday Even's, Sept 14, Shingles West India 5 inch, mixed, $2.50 per M. Building 5 inch, hearts. $3.50; saps, $2.50 per M. Wednesday Even'g, Sept. 13, Will he. pesented, with new and hand some wardrobe,' ' " ' THE EMOTIONAL DRAMA, "Leah, the Forsaken." BALTIMORE RTAUKET. , Baltimore, Sept. 9. Oata dull; southern 40a42c. ; red rust proof 35a3C; western white 41a42c. ; do. mixed 38a40c. It makes a darkey mad jtotellJiim. PiavisionsuucliangeU mess)i'k $24.00. that the Democrats don't intend to al- ulk meats-shouldei-s and clear rib , ,, . , a. , . siues, pacKea, njaiiic. mcon snoui- lowhim to hold office and that they . . rib sides 101c. Hams have E. R. Page to help cariy out that 15J alOic. Lard refined 14c. Butter intention - ' ' 1 ' : !; " ' steady", western packed 14a20c. ! Coffee TT n i v U ' i dull, llio cargoes, . ordinary to lair, II. Rountree of Ivinston, Grand San,n Rn .. a unft flJn. Lecturer of tha State, has been holding Whisky steady at $1.20al.22 close communion with the members of The Fire ' Companies held a meeting , , last uight to take some action on tne next week. No deaths lately; Doctors are starving. Alarmingly healthy, etc. So mote it be,' Amen. ;; ' - r " ' , Monday hist was a big day in Jack sonville. We thought we would j see ing going on between the candi- but all passed off without it not oTthe Cit7 Coua rce with freights for W. Cleve, M. Bryan .,M ki,..iAt t1J&Co.,.M. F. Bryan &.Brp.. N. Ipock, (, . s . . Pl,M-rv. John M. Tnopk and Geo.1 . . . r 7 7 ; j l JJannc, Engineer Green tendered his " -r - ri enough ; spirits aranK; , only one man resignation, but it was ruled out on a Evan8, ' .' " , ,'" 1 "; . I drunk, Capt, Peter Way who always , point of order and a committee appoint- Steamer Tiger ; Lily for Hyde county attends to, tho drinking part tho first ed to confer with the City Council. , The with cargo of lumber and general ; fner- Monday, and by the by he made the best . NewDernea accepted the resignation of chandise, and passengers. , i uy.. i-, speech of (he day. Engineer Hilton and, after trying to fill the vacancy and finding no one; who would acQept; it for the salary tendered, appomtei d fcaifimittee to ftotify Mayor Howard ( that after . to-night . the New Berne ivas out 6f service. 1 ,.. It is unfortunate that there should be anjf'jrpJblq! ij 4i(s)mbtter. The Fire . Companies are very efficient and should ' be supported. -It is also unfortunate that the city should be in debt. Get an ) at oLegiiilatfreJt al(o- ijre taiesv &A. WILMINGTON OTARKFT. Wilminqton, Sept. 9. Spirits tur uentine firm at 41c. Rosin firm at W.i'Zh tor strained, and 1.4i good strained. Tar firm at $1.80. Cru turpentine steady at $i.z lor hard, and $2.50a2.70 for yellow dip and virgin. Polloksville Lodge No. , 175 A. F, M., for the past few days. : The Messrs. Bell have moved to town and commenced busiuess in their new store, with Mr. 0 us Husk ins as chief clerk. The advent of this firm adds materially to the business and social status of the place. !, Politics continue to attract Unabated Subscribe to "The NewSouth," NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. We have had lively times here for some time.1' People are all lively, health - ! Fifth Ward Stlmnon Club. : ' , Pnraiirinf. l nrAvlmis notice thn Re- publican voters of the Fifth Ward of good, crops not very bad, plenty to eat New Berne, who are in favor of -the BUli" ,"a'" election of. Daniel Stimson, Esq., to the cernedahd the merchants are about office of sheriff of Craven counte ract going off North to buy their fall stock F McCarthy OOUHi vu:- mmau. iuuimvKs iiuu Dennis are going, but our old friend interest and it really looks as though the whites, even in this benighted coun- tv have the inside track. The color line has been drawn by the white Republi cans themselves, at tho Trenton conven tion held by the Republicans a few days WILMINGTON, N. C, Will be presented the Great Historical Drama of . LUCRETIA DORGIfl, As played by Miss Scott over 1,000 times. Friday -Eveningr Sept 15, The Great Parisian Suqcess, As now being played in Paris to crowd ed houses nightly, and which was ' played at the Chestnut St. The- j , atre, Phila., 150 nights to standing room only, ., , The Princess cf Dcdad foi Saturday Even'g, Sept' 16, Positively the last night of the season, auu on which occasion will be presented the Melo-drama, ROMEO AND JULIET, With all the Stage appliances. A GRAND FAMILY MATINEE ,'.:) .. ON,. .... ... . Saturday Afternoon, at 2:30- Your Nime In Print, f ( ReV.'NVM.' Jurney passed up the at the warehouse of Thos. F. McCarthy, at tha itinnt.inn nf PnllnrV and Oueon trpt. on Fridav evenimr. Sentember T,l0mas he wil1 not 80 this time 8th, 1882, at 8 o'clock. - , , j h? -wW. S61- t--8t themforhi8 Tlie meeting was called to order by T?nv. Tt W. Morris, who stated that the Liot nf th mtinff was for the rmr- 5 "e has a large field open but says road pose of organizing a Fifth Ward Stimson he don't think it will turn out as good U ... vrtnr. n.wl irmrfAninw mAvninnp nn hia wnv ti tl.A I i to Tii xn i (tti I .Inn ' I ' UtUto W M U.f 0,i F., ' The meeting was ably addressed by Ptatoe8 he haf enou to, fftte which convenes in Baltimore next Mon-i Hon. Geo. Da White, Hon. I. B. Abbott, all the hogs, squirrels, cows and bears A weekly newspaper devoted to the Industrial, Agricultural, Educational and general development of NORTH CAROLINA and the SOUTH. I jLJ 4. tii.i. i. a A handsome Dortrait aouvAmr nf ago,not asingle negro was nominated 5 e"' Ternfl 2 00 r," an- Mj?8 Scott will be presented to every ioroince, oiuiary w it:if s ut " num. A Itlwal reduction to ciiws or : " & , v' great many of that race.. J,,: tenormme. $1.00 for six month. , GrTTT "TS We've heard a good many darkies Z cTj. G. JOSEPH GAYLORD, around here say that they will not sup- Burri wjh ue published, with a splen did Portrait of the Bishop. Subscriptions received or advertising contracts made by . . D. T. CARRAWAY, scpl2dtf ' New Berne, N. C. I ... . I iri tllA tlftirflllvM-llflAfl . ftllfl tllPTl Will lllLVfi dav. ' v i- !V: A.J. Marshall pnd others, 411 of whom . . , ' ., . " ' ' - I . , . . . . . r. ii C!i!.a Plenty leit lor a aozen iamuies lor, one W.aran;iayW4iq.8fwiiomr, notwithstanding John Gammons . ..havbeen vuig hectmn recentiy, 1 mmy :onror ,ie Republicans of Craven W P. plantation. uen. K. ltansora is on a inp nortn on - . A grand farmers' picnic at Montfort's Amn m, wwtr motion, it wislvoted mlh last Saturday, Regular fish. fry; worts in his charge. ...... thai ther tHair te k Fifth Ward Stim- about 250 present, and so sure as you . i I Ml llatOlanly IreturrjeU bxi Sunday BQn Campaign clubi ftnd the following live, fish and clams did not go begging. night from Maryland, whither , he has r8orja were elected permanent officeiB Heady had furnished the clams and J, ' been spending the Bhinmer,'and is now of the cluDviz.: q. w. Slade, president; A. Kellam the fish. , , A splendid time, , ready, to tackle.the ew ci op of , cotton c. jilanitqii,gl3 irid president; but very, warm, and the young wido; f ii from Paufort yesterday morning. . Rallie Cirraway is visitmgGolds boro. , , , ........ ;:, -Vi.', Vi. 3. II. Bell's family Returned from I' ' cad City yesterday morning. forilie Ciraded School.. , ' .'-es of the New Berne Acade- Frederick Douglass, 2d vice president; C, R. Robbins, secretary; John: T. York and Richard Tucker, assistant secre taries; Matthew Simmons, treasurer. Executive Committee: Thos. F. Mc Carthy, Augustus Powers, Lewis Pope, A. J. Marshall, V. H. Styron, J. A. Wig giii8Vieorge Manly, J. W. Harrell and Wm. F. James. : , . ' ; ; '- ' On motion, the secretary of the club if held vesterdav evening fallowing as assistant teach- was jitruote kd purchase a S blank r ; Graded School r. C, M. W. Neal, Miss Corrinne i, ' Kuchad Brookfield, A. P.. 1'errebee, Miss Annie D. ' I..b lVUigrew, of Waphing ! " ' Core of Norlolk, , , 1 1 i those, Prof. John- , S !' 'i ' ivili"'" of selectiug ;.;-is selected give assurance book on which to record all tli6 pro ceedings of the club. ' s On motion, the secretary was instruct ed (o enroll the names of all the mem bers of the club and all others in the ward who are in favor of the election of Daniel St hwon, the regular nominee for sheriff of Craven county. i On motion, it was voted that the club shall meet'ou every Thursday evening were were fairly splurging. , Only eight widowers, and all candidates, too; just think of. it.. Not ; all candidates for county offices, such as have been men' tioned, but candidates for . matrimony a still better office. Mr.i Sol. Gornto concludes that he is a candidate. now, and wants the young ladies to vote for him, so does Mr. Micagah Farnell and Maj. 1. 0. Fonville, all young widowers, and candidates for matrimony and think from the way they acted Saturday they will soon be elected. ! Music and danc ing was a part of the picnic amuse ment.' ;''. : . ' ";: More snakes this week., Mr. T. Marsliall was getting his fodder last week when , a large coach-whip snake attacked .him and his boy; tho monster had a white rabbit in bis mouth, and was 12 feet long. He attacked the boy. port Cab Scott and Eli Perry, but if S. E. Koonce and T. J. Whitaker announce themselves 1 independent candidates, they will do all they canto elect them. The former has already announced himself an independent candidate and it behooves the latter to do likewise if he desires re-election. The Democrats soem much elated at the action of tho Beanfort convention of Sept. 7lh and strongly predict Whitford's victory over factions, fraud and variegated politi-j cians. . . ;: V Stonewall ltems. " Rain, rain and Jstill it comes. The Tiger Lilly arrived here with a full cargo of freight yesterday, dis charged and left for your city." : ' The Republican .convention of this county convened in Bayboro yesterday agreeably to adjournment. , Mr. R. S. Daniels was made permanent chairman, and Mr,- W. A. Carrawan Secretary. The committeemen credentials reported all right on (hat line. ( . The first bust ness on hand was tho nomination of Sheriff, Mr. W. D. Alford being the man. For clerk Superior Court, David Lee : for Register of Deeds P. J Dela- ma ; Coroner W. T. Dickerson ; Survev or W. A. Carrawan. -Mr. Jnq. R, Mc Cotter who . had already , announced himself an independed candidate foil- Treasurer was unanimously endorsed and Capt. Jas. S. Lane independent for the Legislature was also unanimously endorsed. It was one of the, most liar monioua and orderly conventions I havi witnessed. t . t ... Mr. C- H. Fowler is receiving a large stock of merchant Jise and so is Mr. F. F. Cherry. Mr. W. H. Gaskins re General Aeent. SsT Seats now on sale at MEADOWS' DRUG STORE. MAPP & CO., 1 WANTED, A Good Book-keeper, one who thorough ly understands the business; none other need apply. And also an office boy, 14 or 16 years old, one who understands figures and can write a fair hand. Ap- ly w sepOdGt J. U. SMITH. ISotice. Statk of K.:tii Caiiomna, i ": "' ' 1'iiiVPB County.) Thn cub vriLx-r liHvinat uiialiflfd B Adminia- tmlorof llinM.-lleof K. H. Windlcy, (Iwi-kmi-J, on tin- 1st day nf Si-pit iulM-r, A.D. li,s, twlbre ilie Pml:i.l. iLniri of i-r iven county, hrrchy notitlM all pi i'..ni- lianiii i l.iiii! j..ritinKt fairi fslutp, to iro tut th.-ia (ur i!t.nirnt on or bt-foiVllif 1st lay of Septenihcr, 1883, or thiH noliff will ie .miUil In bar of Iheir re-eov-ry. - Aiixivons UKli-blP l to wild estate will make immediate, payment . ... poiio this 1st day of September, 188!. Manufacturers of and dealers in sepiiiw ' Administratiw. T ' , 1 ' III 1 Bl' 1 : nam, Japannea ana oiampea unware, q i (TJTT"RPHTT T M WW 1 VM MWMWV Ml MMIagvMI Lamp and House-Furnishing Goods, Metallio lioonng, nuniDing ana , Gas Fitting. 104 cfc 100 Water sf ., 84 36 Roanoke av., T NORFOLK VA., Write for Catalogues and Price Listi s peii'illra . . . P. Holland, Jit. O. H. Guion. HOLLAND & GUION, (At Simmons & Manly 's Law Office.) EEAL ESTATE AGENTS. : Land purchased and sold on short no tice. ','....'!, - I ' Siecial attention given to the letting And dealer in Stoves, Hardware, Crock- of houses and collection of rents. ery and Glassware; Sash, Doors and - p. b. Boi U(, iew berne, in. c. I Blinds, Apple and Pear Pearera, eto. middle; ntreet, se-.v rrrxE,M. c. Opposite John Suter's Furniture Store. I MANUFACTURER OF ! Tin.'and Shect-irca V7are, For references apply to National Bank, Geo. B. Uuion, Simmons oc Manly. sep4-d&wtf jull3d0m