THE JOURNAL. NEW BERNE.1 N. C SEPT. 14. 1882, A' .JawJ?ialoc.itcd by Yuwiiiu. A'lady jpn the early morning Vftu- diilia train going east Saturday met with a" jiiculiar r accident, whicu occurs very ?eldoiit.S Arcused from her ; sleeri by the arrival of the train ) a ' the depot, she gaped,' and in ' so doing the lower jav slipped from its hinges, and refused to go back in its natural position." Her mouth was very -"wide open, so much so that she was i libit: to put her closed hand into it which . she did in her embarrassment when ,the crowd of passengers surrounded her. A - physk iau was sent for, but on his arrival suid nothing could be done except that she- Btopned over herd for treatment, This , sho and her husband and her mother, who accompanied her, declined to do. Meanwhile a large crowd collected in and about the smoking car, for they were journeying second class. A travel ing salesman came to the rescue. With that natural knowledge of all affections of the jaw he proceeded to relieve the un- . fortunate lady from her predicament. He bean rubbing her -jas with the knuckles of his hands, warning her, however, that the treatment would be very painful, She withstood it, and in , less timnamiuutettiejawreturnea to us normal position, lue woman ana ner ,,, family were provided with seats in the llrst-iiass coacn, anu aner a uciay oi iortv-seven minutes the train carried them toward their home in England, to which they were, returning alter an uiiuroiltable experience , in the - Far Vest.-Terre Haute Express. She Could Not Cliinb. Talking across miles of country l ather increases the liability to mistakes. At least one cannot know so well who he is talking with. -, The other day John F.Wallack, super- ititendeut of the W. U. Telegraph in this district, related a bit of liis experi ence. It occurred (luring one of the night storms so frequent last 'summer. The violence of the wind had detached the trunk quadruples wire, used for New York busiuess, ' and .the testing in strument located the break at the fust pole west of Lcwisville. Mr. Wallack called up the operator Uune, and ordered tfiat the break be tixed. ( 'Can't go out to-night, storm is loo bad,' was the reply. : ' ; ; ,i 'Storm or no storm, the thing has to be lixed." . ; i 1 Well, I've got no ladder.' Ho out and climb the pole.' This sopie . what testily. . V . '1 cau't climb the pole.V 'What's the reason you can't?' Man ager's temper going fast. ' -i 'I'm a woman.' i Mr. Wallack had forgotten,in tho press of business, thafLewisville bad a female ..Z&S! - Kendy Wit. t At the Clare assizes in Ennis, two nrothersniamed HoniganTTS'ervriiiTest? n ed for, setting firo to a police barrack, f. the property of Darby O'Grady, Esq, and it was stated tne uarracK nail been iguited by means of a jar of pitch, found half consumed near the burned barrack. O'Connell was employed for the defense , arid by , his desire a skillet containing f pitch was secretly placed near the wit nesses' chair, and over this O'Connell placed his broad brimmed hat, so as ellectiially to conceal it. The principal witness for the prosecuton swore 'he d.scovered the barrack on lire, and knew it was set on lire, by pilch, for he got the smell of it.' j 'Vouknow the smell of pilch, then?' said O'Connell. ' .t i ii f i. - m 1 (10, wen, iciiicu lug n iLiiunn You seem a man able to smell pitch irurlwtfoV' anu! 1 11 anncll nrwrw ln.rn' nniil ( l'('iimull ...J -'Anvwherelllndit' . :f ' . .4E'en here? in this court-house, if it w e here.' : -No doubt I would.' i . 'And do you swear you don't get the ' ' 'siuell of pitch here?' asked O'Connell. , 'I do' soleniny.' replied the witness, 'if it were hero I'd smell it.' Then O' Connell, taking his hat oh" the skillet of pitch wnicli was placed beside the wit 's M ness chair, cried: A ii ' j 'Now you may go down, you perjured . rascal! Wo down'.' This saved his clients. -, The jury dis- credited' the witness, s v' : S XT AUPON BITTERS or Vegetable 'X . ? . Elixir of LiK, " fs yilEtiKEAT HEWED Y of THE ACE NO FAMILY SHOULD BE WITHOUT IT. TTji!"''" Bitters, tire tW result of years of 'X chemical research and prnclical expsrlment. I t is compounded f'ura the extracted and con crntr.ited virtues of purely vegelablo substances. ; It is entirely free from '.'alomel or other dan gerous substances; Is the safest medicine to use for children and weakened constitutions wbore a' gentle yet effective aperient is required. Thev iilirifv. invigorate and enrich the blood t.tiiniilate it to healthy circulation, and if taken when required will keep the sjslcm in perfect order. I It is especiplly recommended for the cure of all MALARIAL diseases, Krights. discnies of the kflneyj, Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Uilliousness, (nsLiveness and all Liver complaints. As an auenent the dose Is a tablesnoonfiill - three tiinrs a day, nnd as a tonic and alterative a , small ti aspoonf ill morning and evening. Pron.iii-d bv J no. It. Ludlow. Pharmacist and Chemist, A'.u folk, V. A. . Aug 19 6 md . , , . : , ROBERTS & BROS ' Keep on hand a full line of . ; Hoots, CIioob Dry -G-bodra, Cr ookery . , noTiona i is . ." AND A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF ,r , JAMILY GROCERIES. Cull on ns ueiore miming your purciiascs, ni Pou'h Front St. near Oaston House. Mar. !W,ly d w i The Steamer Tiger Lily. ' In addition to her rogular1 weekly run to Hydo, the Tiger Lily will go into Pay River on Fridays and return Satur days until tho completion of tho new fitetitner of tho New Berne and Pamlico Com pny- Messrs. S. II. Fowler, Bay t. 'boro, C. II. Fowler, Stonewall, and Dr. D. II. Abbott, Vandemere, are the agent? of the Tiger Lily in Bay River. .The pleasure of your company-isr respectfully solicited at the J i FASlilOlSrjVBLE Dr-Gol$,1- lotions and Shoe Store r - i ' I -OF- POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERNE, II. C. Every etl'ort will be made to suit yon in nil lines of Fancy I)ry (iooils. Samples of any kind of Goods ent. BSf Goods sent out lo lie looked at. . S&t Money returned if Goods do.iiot ' ' ' ; S I respectfully invite the attention ol'iltc Dry Gooils, Iresh find desirable J also my Hand-made Ladies and I ! winch are warranted. I am prepared to 8Ure( n)Ut my nit-.ilities enable inn to compete with any similar establishment in this city. A call from you whcnl.yoii visit our city is solicited, and, in the mean me. Vour orders will receive nromnt and 8 Send 3 cent stamp for Fashion i T kOTOER SHELDOW, DEiORlN; 8A8HlJ)p' Ap .BIJNjDS, No. 16 W. Side Market Sqr. and 49 Roanoke Ave., Jaines Redmond, WIIOLEfSALE LIQUOR 1 K 1. K Tl BERGNER 'ft ENGELS ui -.CELEBRATED BOTTLED LAGEE BEER FOR SALE BYTHE CIIATE.3 Also on hand a full stock of AND TOBACCO.- L, Fl.llt Hrick StorofMll)6Lli fetKEKT, J I 1 Aprl dwly 'Mm.. MEAL, MEAL, MEAL Com! Corn! HAY, 1IAY,,1TAY, IT AY, HAY 'CORN AND MEAL Orders For Corn ...... . . - . i No Goods Quoted Unless on Hani Have also on hand a large supply of and all kinds of Jeed. Purchasers Union Point Steam Flouring Mills, South Front Street, J : A: M E A D O AV S, f r; ' V IVEWliliKrxi Nt OJ Mn24dly Manwcll k Ciabtrcc, BLACKSM I T II 8, M A C II ; I N I S T S, -j Iron and Brass Foundcrg '.'. -A N I)- . it . BOILERMAKERS. ITIAKI3 AND REPAIR HK(i IN i: IS AN1 ALL KINDS , OP MACHINERY. Orders solicited -and promptly attended to. CliAVENSt., between Pollock and South Front, New Beiine, N. C. Apr. 4, tf d - ; . funt,. trade to tuy very superior slock of elegant slock ot Children's Shoesf oiler at the lowest pikes, feeling as careful attention. Sheet. sept-tl&wGni Hit. if. sep'2J&v3iii G-roceries, Provisions, Cigars NEW PjERNE, N. C. IN OAR LOAD LOTS. and Meal Solicited. ,, Prompt Shipment Guaranteed. Olioiee Timothy liny will do well to call at NEW CLOBE Norfolk Ya.1 Uoird per day, 1.00 week V Table bMpprw Lodging, ween, 6.ou week. 4.1 0 .Ml I aw off von thr I.jrniiliavon.)3 ster3 flLOIIK 1IO US 12, , , a 177 Main Street Specialty. 11. TEDDLE, Proiirletor. iiiiKlttJiin 177 main SI. Corn! -i 2 Hit V 1 - " OCEAN-HOUSEHThtrffr Hue BKAUFORT, N. C. MARTINIKING Proprietors Tills House is now open (or the entertainment of guests. Tli location is so well known as to nerd no worils lo describe it. We only say thai under il undent munageineiil every thii.c will be done that can be Une to make it Hint class in every respect. Kvery luxury from laud and water will be served ill I In- best sty ullil nt such reasonable prices as lo make H flay at the seaside within the reach of all who can nflurd to live any where. The rooms in this house are all pleasant. The iew from the promenade on lop of biiildine. ex tensive md Sue. Wharf ami bath - houses adjacent to building . enced, rsvumnn always in nil fottake outsiiilhig,l lisliiug and bathing parties. Polite servants will be in attendance, and every ellort made to make a stay with ns pleasant. s ermsi per; iiewe,.-OT!.uu", per 'month, t&xff very uespeeuuuy, - I' Tikis, k. JdiujiriN. ? . dif . Hits. W..U1 Kinu. S NiS. Richurdsbn, - ::PKAOTICAL t. 'I BOOK AN1 JOB i ' t Opposite Post'OiHoe, NEW BERNE!, N. C t GOOD STQQK, NEAT'hvORk, LOW P4UCES. Ordera solicited and promptly Apr.8tf FOE SALE. W. I". nOUNTREB receiving by every steamer, and ottering for sale at thu very large and attractive (stuck of me best AMILY GROCERIES AND PROVISIONS. AIS6 A NIOE I.INE.OF f DBTCfOQDS, SHo4lJOTioN4 WOOD AND WILLOW WARE, &c f'niOx'Ti FA ll. TO CALL AND 8KB HIM.! i , ) . Mi,-." i , i GOOD SUGAR CURED MEAT. EUTTEB. . ARD. PLOUL SUGARS. OFFEE and TEAS. A. Specialty. Middle Street, Nfar the Market. Mar. 30-il-lv. .'.-- CENTRAL HOTEL, : W.E.' PATTERSON, Fiinp'R,. N1JAV B UUNE, N . C. HIIS WKI.I. KNOWN AND (-'OMMODIOUS house, as its naino implies, is situated in the central and businuss portion nf , the pitj'j hence recommends itsell for ttx (un vcnicnre to the travelling public.' Aff.mlidi:! o!ioifcire every opportunity of visitinc hnslhess correspundeiiw It lias attentive servants, and lis tattle is always lurnisiieu witn Every Delicacy of (lie Season. Its rooms are large, airy and well furnished. AN OMNIBUS or tiie accommodation of guests to and from trains and Hteamers five of charge a special teaiure in tins city, All the appurtenances, of a modern FIRST CLASS HOTEL. April 1-d-ly. ALEX MILLE1I WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCEK. vuaiiinny ai.-wivmx i tuu iiuc S Choice Croceries iiAJ.; I i,:',: i.J ii.!!,i.i,-U;. ,,;.';:; and " "FARMERS SUPPLIES, wliieli we oiler as low as any house in the t;it. and warrant, all goods as rep resented. , Call unl examine onr stock and prices. Stables Turniehed fiee to all our country customers. Goods delivered free to any part of the city. nil2 V... D. XT. (Jl'EK AT .5 J. .M 4, Mi r "PEEP '()' DAY, ' J I'And Don't C?oujForgll I THAT MWHiTPTS JYJJJEpS ARE UNEXCELLED. Middle Street, sear Corner South Front,! NEW 1VERNE, N. C. Next door to K. H. Jones'. Apr. i3-d &, w 1 12 m. o. mimn, . . - 'A l .MANUFACTUREU OF . t f ) - '-vAYl l ( V ) CHOICE HAVANA AND ' domestk; O I (3 A R S. POLLOCK Street, NEW BERNE. N C, Apr. 1 t 1 FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PROVIDENCE, and all points North nncl West SEM I W EEKLY ST EAMERSi Between New Berne and Baltimore!, (Touching at Norfolk) ' I, . I.eivingNfW Heme for Haltimore TUK8DAYS Sud FIUilAS atT. ni. ieavtl'Baitimore foa w JJmne UNy.SlATS diui SATURDAYS M6.jS.ti. a -l y P t -1 Agents are as fplh-ws: f ' ; . I J Iff j - 90 Li(t St., Bal't. Md. W. P. Clyile & ()o.. Phlladeliihi. 12 South Wharves. Geo. H. Glover, Pier No. 49, E. R. New York. K. Sampson, Huston, fix Central wharf. K. II. Rockwell, Providence K. I. V. 0. Mink, Kail River, Derrick wharf. Ship leave- Huston, Tuesdays and Saturdays, '' " New Yolk dailv. " " Rallimore, Wednesdays and 8aturdav " " Fall River. Mondays. Wednesdavr 1 " ' Providence. Satnrdavs. ana rriaavs. Through bills UiIiiik Riven, and rates Ruaran eeil to all points, at the different odious of the companies. . , - Avoid Breakage of Bulk and Ship via N. C. LINE. (1 Mar SO ly. S. H. OKAY, Ag't, New Herue, N C Gaston House SALOON. mi quietest and most retired place the Citv. The best of WINES. LIQUOH8, & CIGARS. Biiiiani ami Pool Tables. .11 th& Illustrated and Sporting Papei of the Day on File. ... . i . . !' . 'D B's hiijil llhnts" will not , t tolerated. i , AMESCAMPBEL I'roprietor. Apr.l Ijdw GEO, ALLEN & CO. r NHW liEUNE, N. C, Offer a Large Stock of Brown, Georgia and Needle 1 J.loTT01T GINS, edefs and Condensers, FARM ENGINES From 4 to 20 Hone Power, OV THE Most Approved Make. id'FroN JESSES. Atice Threshers, Grain Fans, Straw Cutters, Coin Shelters, Etc., Etc., Plows and Cultivators,' In rcut Variety, ami at Very ,t:l0 Low Prices. GEO. ALLEN & CO. Apr. 1 d 1 y The P.p:UliaiHiii'S ! On account -of alter- 1 . T - ' ' ins: ounainir. offer; their Vntiio'tock at cost, and some . -us GOODS LESS THAN COST for the next i: :.. ,J-j I W ,":H-:'.-.i- Ladies Balbriggah Hose ' i . . .. 'i 15 to 25 cents per pair.; i 1,000 yards of Dress Goods at COST. - -.- AprI dvli " . ;.. Cotton . Seed MeaL; . THE BE&T STOCK FEED AND FERTILIZER. F.xceptionall good' tdr' inilch cows-iequal to Ira k peas at half the price 76 cent per bushel ' 1 i r ' . FOR SALE BY , ' A.. XI.. Dosiulson, may 6 d-ly New Bern, N. C. i I OL,I DOMINION Steamship Company. For New YorK, Baltimore, Nor folk, Boston, Elizabeth j City, Pliiliulclpliia, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND APTfefi" Friday, July 28th, 1882 U N T I L F IJ 11 T It E R N O T I C E Steamer Shenandoah. Will leave, upon arrival of troiii on Norfolk aud Elizabeth City Rmlroad at Elizabeth City, every Monday and Tlinrday' for New Berne via Nags Head. .tKeturning . leaves New Berne for Elizabeth fjlty via Nags Head, every " " ' Tuesday aud Friday at 5 p. m., making close connection With Norfolk and Elizabeth Citv H.R.-for Northern clttet. Close connection made at New Berne- -with' iteamers for Kinston, Polloksville, Trenton and all land ings on the Neuse and Trent RlTers, ,.. j, Freight received dally until 6 p. m., forwarded promptly and lowest rau-s guaranteed todeetina lion. Fare to Elizabeth Oity.and return. To Nags Head and return, t4. To Washington, t. R. It. KOUERTS, Ag't, New Berne, CHLITKITKH il TURNKR, " ' . "Ag'ta. Norfolk, T. A W. H. Stanfoiid, Gen'IFr't Ag't, . !- " Mar.SUlvd . New; York City ROBERTS ;& HENDERSON, ; General Insurance Agents, .New Berne, N". C. Onl Jirst eliiss. Com panics represent-. ert m Fire. Life and Accident Insurance. . Total Capital over FortyiMillions of Dollars; ' .Iuu24dly SEA BREEZE HOUSE, " Korehead City, N. C. Will be oiiened for the reception of guests on 15tli of June. Tare and gen eral accommodations equal to any. Terms moderate. ' ' - T. L. IlALL, Proprietor. lif "' ' '' . ' Elizabeth City Brewery, ELIZABETH, Q. .Tonkins' Ale. 'iVi-ir: i This Ale is manufacture nt tUi jsrWM-T, is ,. GENUINE AND fURE, Brewed from Pure Malt and Hoi. Ia a fine tonic, stterior to and Jijuch better than nny Beer made. ' I . c-hu" ! Has cured dyspeptic and la a preventative malarial fevers and chillo. . . if Dealers eupplied In barrels, kege, or bottled in I Crates. .- . , . - ... . . Kecoimnended by phvsif laps. Address, ,V : ? '"' ,J; j, ''. '..' THOMAS M. JENKINS & CO., 3 Box 28, Elizabeth City, N. C. auge-dtim WM. LORCII, , DEALKft IN " GENERAL MERCHANDISE CAST BOUSE' ACCOSdlODATIOn " Brod St. Nevr Bermc, N C. ) ) Sixtv Dqvs mi til ' ' r dwMar. toS, DAIL IJUOS., WHOLES AE GROCERY :' . . -AND-; ' COMMISSION IXEicajLNTS; . 7 c.r t NEWBllR.nN.C. Aprl, dtlj