x2J0UliNAL. mi I'i Kr.Vi ZT.ZXJ, Jf. Ef?) 14, 1883. ; , , .".HGYJPT. I 'tli ' M?h rasha Defeated. V &lzx iiiiV v Sept. ' 13 The Khedive!: as received a telegram t,f ( 1 1 ! Horn Sduuil Ta6nal bajriiig' the Brit- . ish attack on Tel-el-Kebir com- . ' . . menccJlat 4 iSQthisfmoriiiiit. London, September 13. The ViCorrrrjH3 i.ieut of toe Jscunnge Tel w erra'nIi1C6riinan? 'at Alexandria an nounces thai Xeliel Kebtr i?a$ car ried this morning. Forty guns 1 and a large number ot prisoners ...... 'Were cor' :red. yiieeuvary arem 1 Aral? fiTofflj appears to . I t U'okejjl iir4 4 tlisps ' to t he Exchange Telegraph C , . pany from the front reports the de - woruHza-tioiiiJ f 'Arabics army i. as complete. ,His infantry are fly: ing towards the desert. s . ; '"' Wlroii Mills to Kesumo Work. JL 1 LIME! BRICK, HAY! ; lELA-l LIME. LIME! OF ALL GRADES THE BEST i) LJ U n ro 'to ; i f h i n nn 1 1 m i ) u l - J Ly uLi t - J LJ u LJ LJ FOR SALE BY J. C. WHITTI The best Cotton Press in the 11. S., Tor sale by J. C. WIIITTY. Pittsburgh, Sept;, j 10. The i , men are rapidly breaking away . from the Amalgamated Associa tion, -and tvithin . the next forty- eiht hours a' number ot mills M ill be in operation in this district with union 'inert, who' have signified a jdefiirq to return , to work,, without '''Ulgiiiiig'the cale 'at' last year's . rates. ,. Among the mills wliicn will i 1 resume are those of Graff, Bennitt & Co.;, Evcrson, Macruui & Co.; Henry Lloyd & Sou, and Brown & . &vPittslmrgU; Eeis Brothers .& Co., ol Newcastle, Pa., and Browu, i liownwell & Co., oi loungstown. - - Of these Graff, Bennitt & Co.; and f: 4 KeiiTlirothers & O04 will resume t to-morrow, and the balance 011 irfTnesdaj'i Graff, Bennitt Co.. luUfT Start their1 steel Mepartnient, r Eversou, Macruui & Co., their sheet . null, Lloyd Ac Sons oue bar : mill, , ..' " Yitid Brown & Co. the train rolls. 'Th'e other departments will resume 'as soon as possible. ' - Attempt to Burn the Sprajrue ? ; v , Property, . x0 Peotidence, Sept 10. Another " "attempt to burn the Sprague prop : ; i i erty at Cranston was made ' last night. The dwelling house is oc- .ilctuned by Dr. Lawton and his 1am- ' 1 ilT. Mrs. Lawton was sittingup, " "being too nervous to sleep, and dis- wwarail Trft man nril n flnali Are m'fome broken i : lattice work. )o you want a IS3 ThrCSCSr one that can do the work: if so t . f uuu uic.u biiu iri aLiiiiiiaii, viyciv . " ' i . j . ' at hand who gave pursuit and fired nnn onrvnlv xrmi - L at the retreating: incendiaries, but LtAU &UPFV i j0" without "effect. The family had t . v. j.;., Jjaiiiav, yW.?u , uieu v j;ouus w f .,ti t , -.- Juovefieaiiugiucenaumes, xuis ... is the first attempt , to burn the dwelling house on the Sprague es- y tate. but four barns and two mills ' " 't have been "destr6yed. ' ? ' ' i bearing Frnit fcr a Century. ... An apple tree that has borne t ; truit nearly a century stands on " , the farm of William L.' Cornell, in f kittle Neck and i said to be the largest tree of its kind on Long Is- .r Airland, v It, is fourteen ; feet four ' UWw''inches in circumference near the ground, and bears fruit of an ex s ' cellent quality and flavor. I .T. C. Wliitty. j.t i A Turtle Seven Feet Long, A hawkbill turtle, weighinc , ; some SOU pounds, was captured by . Kanstora Poland ol Ucean Beach, r ! IT. J. in - his fish nets. He 4 was ci' seven leet in length and ol a gray ... ish. white. .!;.. ,, ; ' , X. M. (i ASK ILL, .' ' MERCHANT TAILOR, 1 . i Is still at his old stand on Middle street, and prepared to make up the LATEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE '"l lfUlrdr CLOTHING, ,;,' y 1 'j nd guarantee satisfaction, j t Piece Goods of every quality and pat terns always on liana. Give him a trial; you will be treated ' right. sepiad&wlm M. H. SULTAN, ' LOW PRICES MUST BULE. ITY MO'tTO-GOOD QUALITIES, THE l'iu Hi.lESI AND NEWEST STYLES AND, PHEAP PRICES. I , TTAtE JUST RETUKNED FBOM NORTH t v ' J' t "4 iiwith ft good ftnd line selected stock ol ' v Ladies' Dress Goods,' , . Clothing, Boots and Shoes, ". t Hats and Caps, Trunks and .;. ' " .' . t Valices, Notions, &c, &c - COME AND COMPARE QUALITY AND PRICES, AND YOU WILL BE TO BUY FROM r.i t,'i ft $ , . H4 H. SULTAN, J -' . April 1-d-ly NEW BERNE, If. C. DO YOU WANT A WOEWSEKfot That will work to your entire satisfaction. If so I can supply you, your Cotton Gin Rosendale, lortland Ar. Helinitic dements. Plaster Goat Hair, &c SALES KOOM-Craven Street, below Express" Officel It. O. E. I.OUOE, AugrlOd&w lf ! Xcw lierne, N. - T. A. fiEfflS- ' "' LARGEST AND OLDEST Wholesale louse : . x IN THE OITf. keeps always hi Stock: large duantities PORK, LONG CLEARS, FLOUR,. SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUP, ' Molasses, Salt,; fcc. ; . L0RILLARD AND GAIL & AX SNUFF, 1 also a. large stock' of T O 15 A. C '"C O, DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and Arbuckle's Ariosa ROASTED OOFFEE, CRACKERS and CAKES in great varioty. A large Stock oi Wholesale buyers will find a large STOCK at lowest prices. Don't fail to see mo before you buy MIDDLE STitUET, Mir. 23 lv dw r ' Nkw Bekne. N. f! Chas. EL BLANK, v W H O L S A L E i R O C-E R !Pioirisioix IPealr A FULL SUPPLY ' constantly on hand of J. C. WHITTY. Dry Salted and Smoked Flour, - ' ; Sugars, MEATS, complete ,, line. ' all grades. I ' MICE ! Cice -TEireoher JT. C. WHITTY. MOLASSES & SYKUPS, Rice TEireGhers, C. B. HAET & CO. 1 1 ' ) i i i OlTE miCE CASS STOKE.' " ' NorfheMt corner Middle and Sooth Front n tree U losite E, H. Wlndlejr and K. K. Jone. , i Stcvos, , Eoes8 Furnishing Goods, CEOCKERY and GLASSWARE, ; v'f ' LAMPS in great variety. a 4 a KEROSENE OIL, Trait's A-ral I'oi-Ezpioaive Oil, T'-tlAzs aad Train Oil. We are now prepared to manufacture ' ' Tin and CLeet-Iron "Ware. , (I'lodal attenti'm ulren to repairih. Gooa loid v ni .i warranted to bt a. represented. ApulUlvdaw COTTON CLEANERS, COTTON CLEANERS " !i COnON CLEANERS GHLEK1N ATVr ROASTED COlEES, TOBACCO AND SNUFF, . Salt, Powder and Shot. Special attention of Country Dealers is called to my Stock. Sole Agent for the "ENTIRE" WHEA T FLOUR. Samplrs and price. eut by niall. ' t Mar. 30. T-Hd w ; : e.i3.-1 m$0&. Brick Block, Middle StreetN(Mf Berne, N. C. VnOLESALE GROCERS AND COTTOII PACT0BS, AH Gooila in our Hue sold at the very lowest cash prices. Promt ami strict at tention paid k all orders entrusted to our care. FERTILIZERS FOIJ THE FALL CROPS. Now ready for delivery, th6 best grades of Standard Fertilizers, suitable for Turnips; Potatoes and Wheat. ; , , , , Will bfi sold for CASH or on TIME at reasonable prices; ' C. E. FOY c'i COMPANY, : niDDLSi STi:::CT, i;ew r'r!:e, N. c. . 0 C.J!. FOY & COMPANY offer to the trade Lorillard, Cail & Ax rauV ! 1.1.11s Sweet and Suit Snull", at manufacturer's prices. ar., j :i w j j