For Malarial Districts - USE HANCOCK'S CHILIi PILLS ' OFFICE OF THE WATl'If-TOWKH, I Washington, N. C Sopt. SI. IStii I MkssrS. HANCOCK BROS.: ' , Genti.kmen: I take pleasure in saying 1 have used vour CniM, FILLS and they have proved liiviihmlile lor Cliill and Fevers. I r.-Kiird thi'iii iiidlspwisnblo for Mtihtrhil Dis tricts, unit Blinjily n trial will convince the most captious. Very respectfully, Oct;l,tltf. J. U WlNFIKM). L. II. CUTLER, DEALER IN Staves and Hardware, UOIfSE FURNISHING GOODS Paints, Oils, Sash, loors, Blinds 4c. 4c . Ko-26. IUDDLE Si New Berne. N. C. Apr. 12, ly d CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTERSON, PROP'S, N 12 V BE BNE, M. J. THIS WELL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS house, as ils name implies, in situated, in the central and businens portion of the eity, hence recommends itself for its convenience to ihe travelling public. Affording solicitors every opportunity of visiting business correspundenfs. It hm nttentive servnnH, and its Uble n always furjiiishrd with liveiy Delicacy of lh Season. Its rooms are large, airy and well furnished. AN OMNIBUS ompsts to and from trains and steamers free of charge a special feature in this city, All the appurtenances, of a modern FIRST CLASS HQTEL. April 1-d-ly. ALEX MILLER, WHOLESALE & RETAIL GROCER. CoustaDtly receivins.' a full line Choices Carrocerien and . FARMERS' SUPPLIES, which we oiler as low as any house in the city, and warrant all goods as rep resented. - Call and examine onr stock and prices. . Stables furnished fiee to all our country t:ustomers. . Goods delivered free to any iiart of the city. 12 W. . D. O. TJ. o. OFEN AT PEEP '()' DAY,' "And Don't You Forget It," THAT E. WHITMAN'S EYE OPENERS ARE UIS EXCELLED. jHidcUe Street, near Ccr&er South Front,. NEW BEKNE, N. C. Next-door to K. H. Jones'. Apr. i ;-(!& w 12 in. 0. Wi MANUFACTURER OF CHOICE HAVANA AND DOMESTIC C I G A R S. POLLOCK Street, NEW BERNE. N C Apr. 1 D U EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA MA OLE WORKS NEW BERNE, N. C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, ALL KINDS GRAVE AND BUILD ING WORK IN 1 t ........ ...J'r....iiiii."i l..rKil.t Cr.' -a will receive prompt attention and eatisfactioh guaranteed. J02 II. WILLIS, Proprietor, (Successor to George W. Claypoole) Cor. I ." T) CR AVEN Eta. THE JOURNAL. NEW BERNE. N. C, OCT. 17. 1882 Was Whisky. A man passing along the street was met by mi "Id farmer who said: Jly himhI man, 1 used to own He inous before the war. but now . I nm hungry. I want somehiug to eat so bad that 1 don't know what to do,' and a mild zephyr perfumed by whisky escaped troni his lips. 'It I only had ten cents to get some .bread-I'd be contented. I've got plenty of money at home, but you see I ain't at home.' 'Are you sure that something to cat is what you want?' '1 know it, bir, I know it.' 'Don. v make a mistake in this matter You arc eertaiu that something to eat is what you want?' I' swear it.' 'I was in hones that it was a driuk, for I am iust on mv wav to a saloon. have suniilied vu.' - Well, let Hie think a minute. Whisky? That's a" fact. It is whisky that I want i. ,. , fi I., .. Vnn !! uiui, iuuuai uujiiiui5. j. co, its '"""J" 9 a : i t,,vm .'iv. I A coolness, "rowinor out of the follow- Inrf iinntruPDniiiin lino cni-nn itt In.turnoii I iu$wun.uuu,u o,huuS u,.w...u TllllOOly and MS ll iend, (jtUS JJe Smitll : I had a Splendid time last niuht',' said Gus. I spent the evening at a little sOeinl onthprinor nr, thp. Oonrhnnn mansion.' 'Are the Goodmans nice .people ?' queried Gilhooly. 'Well.-1 should sav so. Thev are m " . . . . i ery aristocratic. To set in their circle one must have either' a ureat deal of money Or a great deal of genius.' ' ou don't tell me so ! And on sav you were there?' Yes.' 'You were invited, were you?' 'Of course.' 'And to be invited a mau has to have a nrrnafr rlnul np mnnmr if rvlnntv ,1 ira. 'Precisely.' 'Well, Gus, lam glad to hear that vou have become rich all of a sudden. Lend me rive dollars' THE NEW NUMBER 8 VrilCCI CD P. t'fll Cnril wii-.rurbL.iiu tfiLOUli SEWING MACHINE Is the MOST DESIRABLE OF ALL The Lightest " Running, the Least Noisy, and Warranted to be made of the VERY BEST MATERIAL. It can do all kinds of work, and is COMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT. Office , NEXT DOOR TO ' HANFFS MUSIC STORE, MIDDLE STREET, ' NEW BERNE, N. C. AGENTS WANTED. sep!5d6m S. A. CHURCHILL MANUFACTURER OF En and Sheet-Iron Ware, And dealer in Stoves, Hardware, Crock ery and Glassware; Sash, Doors and Blinds, Apple and Pear Pearers, etc. MIDDLE NTRKET. NEW BERNE, N. C. Opposite John Suter's Furniture Store. juiiiidbm P. MURPHY PEARSALL, ATTOU1VEY AT LAW, TRENTON, JONES CO., N. C Will practice In the Counties of Onslow, Lenoir, Duplin, Hnmnson and Jones.- UollectliiK u apecmuy. sepai-ii&wu P. Holland, Je. O. H. Gtjion. HOLLAND & GUION, (At Simmons & Manly 's Law Office.) HEAL ESTATE AGENTS. Land purchased and sold on short no tice. Special attention given to the letting ot houses and collection oi rents. ; P. O. Bo 40, NEW BERNE, N. C. For references apply to National Bank, Geo. B. Gu ion, Simmons 6r Manly, sep4-dtf N. M. GrASKILL, HEECnANT TAILOR,' Is still at his old stand on Middle street, and prepared to make up the LATEST AND MOST FASHIONABLE CLOTHING, and guarantee satisfaction. Piece Goads of every quality and pat terns al ;i ys on hand. The N. O. Freight Line - FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PRO VI lENOE, and all points NorthandW'est SEMI-WEEKLY ST E A M E It S Between New Berne and Baltimore, (Touching at Norfolk) Leaving New Bcrire for Baltimore TUESDAYS and FHIDAYS atl m- laiu liaaiiinore fiu New Berne WEDNESDAYS dnd SATUEDAY8 at 6. p.m. Agent, are as follows: - reuben vosrKit.Gen'i jfaaoeer. oo Licht St.. Ual't. Md. MS. W. McOARRIUic A-t. Norfolk. Va. - w- " Clyde & Co.. Philadelphia, 13 South Wharves, eo. H. Glover, Pier No. 49 E.K. Nf w York I '"i,Eu" w f " 1 1 w ii nn . . . a. ii. Koctcweii, Providence H. I. oi.i... i...... ' a .r wt .. . -j uiii'o irinr .,uiun, i iivoia niiu rni uru 'ya. I ' " New York daily. - ' . KAhlinorM V MlnfflHnvfi Anil AHtnrilu 1 rail Kiver. Mondavs. Wedneniivi: I -""--J - Hid I1 rldaYP. ' J i .. - p j(j Saturdars. Through bills lading given, and rates uimrun- eed to all points, at the different offices of the companies. AvfllQ talP'o 01 Klllk Ui JihlH V1!L' N. C. LINE. d .,.... : mar .hi iy. a. 11. u-it at, Ag i. ew uerne, n ii Gaston House SALOON. in the City. Ihe best of WINES. LIQUORS, & CIGARS. Billiard and Pool Tables. the Dlnstrated Uld Sporting PapB of the lay on File. i) li 8 and l lantS Will nOt tolerated. JAMES CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Apr.l lydw GEO, ALLEN & CO., NEW JJEKNK, N. (!., Offer a Large Stock of Brown, Georgia and Needle COTTON GINS, Feeders and Condensers. FARM ENGINES From 4 to 20 Horse Power, OF TUE Most Approved Make. COTTON PRESSES, jrtice 'riiresshers. Grain Fans, Straw Cutters, Corn Shelters, Etc., Etc., Plows and Cultivators, In Great Variety, and at Very . , f.ow Prices. GEO. ALLEN & CO. Apr 1 i w;i v iiis auqu Airri: i f s koju GENTS' Furnishing Goods, NOBBY " SACK. AND CUT AWAY SUITS, HATS IN ALL THE Gents' Under v:arc, White, Gray and Scarlet Wc have the prettiest lino of hand U"" city. .We keep the celi-bruted Staeov. a vi,uu ouiiuiQuniiii nn.o. uk nanoicercnieis m great variety KuuDur uoats aim ttats cneaper lllilu evei. niiuuri uuk'iuiuih, uiu UL'St iu oiwiv. ui iuiu aim i.i iiKu v ui in i s line of Ncek-wp'ir Uurs IS the on v j'Tti'iiKivp limits T' iiiiiisliiin' Slurn 111 tliiwitv Kr r-iv n vmir - patronage. Our aim is to please. Give' T.I . ..: . 1 A: . i . iiavuiK suueimr aui:i)iiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiis nn , , . , .. ..... m nava nnnori i men t r n,ii .1 in We will soon have samples from Bronner &Co.; wait and see them Polloclt Stroot, The pleasure of your company is respectfully solieitcd -i at tUe FA S I I IOXA l il I Ladies Dry Goods, Notions and Shoe Store -OF- POLLOCK STREET, NEW BERNE, II. G. Every effort will he made to suit ym in all lines of Fancy Dry Goods. U Samples of any kind of Goods cut. ' B Goods sent out to be looketl'al. IK2f Money returnedjif GtioiJlo not suit. I resncclTiill v invito, thp. nl.teiil.inii pry Goods, fresll and desirable; also' Ladie3 and Children's Hand-made Shoos, U'llW1 Ol'P U'tll'Vnifrtil T (ltll IMi,m,.Ml ginwl th:,i mv liwililiou Pimliln ni.i In this city. A i-aliirom you avhenyin time, your orders will receive prompt BfeiF -!enrt J cent stamp tor l asliion LUTHER DEALER IN SASHES, pji Mlm No. 16 W. Side Market Sor. and 49 Roanoke Ave., : -N6i1FOLK. VA. . 8p2d&w8m MEAL, I Corn! HAY, II AY, 1 COM AND MEAL IN CAR LOAD LOTS, , Orders For Corn ami Meal Solicited. No Goods Quoted Unless on Hani Prompt Shipment Guaranteed. Have also on hand a large supply of Choice Timothy Ilay and all kinds of Ieed. Purchasers will do well to call at Union Point Steam Flouring Hills, South Front Street, J. A. MEADOWS, LEADING STYLES. and machine made SHOES ever slwtivu in Adams & (W Shoes. Warranted to g MiriiHSseti. uenuino rercaie .-units. 101 mill. t mil sissui nni'iii oi mi Kimis .inn u us ui ii iy luiesi si ics. ii uuauuiui f-. ' - -- --'j o u a trial. 1 1 1 r j 1 y- ! .n .jr.! iiisiii:iv or i tiriiPTX ittui i ,u nuns we 1 .' rvimi'. i.i,-t I ri.... HOWARD & JONES, 3NT3i:"W JZlTi:rLTJTZ. INT. o. of f.lm trailn tn mv vnrv aiinorinr sfitplr nf my (.egant slock of .... ii, nllnl ..f llm liuirrl ttcliiiiLj nc- nnninnln nilli mil' uimiloi- itl nlillol. In visit our. city Mi soluMljjindjitli cjiienn and careful attention. Sheet. seiH-d&wGin SHELDON, BOORS AND BLINDS i ik ir-i k m TJ3L -H A JLJm.. JBt Com! Corn!" HAY. HAY, HAY Administrator's Notice. S'ATK Of XottTll fBoLIXA, Craven Cunty. $ The hiiIimtiImt having qualified A trator of Hie twite of t'liarlea Tucker, (. on the )Hth dav i( September, A. 1. lsvj. the Probate Court f Craven eoiiiny, her. lilies all pers. n a having claim ag"iiio-t tate, to .resmt them r payment on or ibe sih day of tSepteinlNT, lbsS, or tins will he pli ailid in bar of their rerovi r . Iloile this All It dny of Heploniher. !. J AS. C. 11 A RBI SO" sep2huw Public AdiiiiniMi W. M. POWERS, Tin and Sneet-Iron Wc: Roofing, Guttering, and all kin Tin Work done. Stoves repaired at short notice. Give uie a trial. First door west of Corner of M and South Front streets, next to J ster DutTy. . jly8-d VM. LOROH UEALKK IN GENERAL MERCHAND CAST EOUSE ACCOlIMODATlOi:: Broad St. New Berne, N. C. ' dwMar. 1 DAIL BROS.. WHOLES AE QROCL AND COMMISSION . MERCHANT NKWBhir - N.O. ' Aprl, il w 1 y ' ,.i Cotton Seed Meal. THE BEST STOCK FEED AND FERTILIZE Exceptionally good lor milch cows eq iiock peas at half the price 78 cents per b FOR SALE BY! -A.. H. SeuulBou, mayS. d-ly . New Berne. N OLD DOMINIO Steaniship Gompai For New YorK, Italtiiuorc, I folk, lioston, Elizabeth C IMiil.-ulclphia, Frovidcnct and other Citier. ; ON AND AFTER ' Friday, July 28th, 18C UNTIL FURTHER NOT Steamer Shenandoah. Will leave, upon arrival of train on Norfol Eiizabotli Oily Railroad t Elizabeth City Monday and Thursday for Now Btrnn. via Nags Head. Eetu li-avos New Kerne for Elizabeth City via Head, every TueNday and Friday ul ii p. in., making close connection with N ami Elizabeth Cii v K.U. for Nortliein cltie. onnectipii uiaile at New llerne with etna fur KiiiMon, I'nllnkKVille, Trenton iind all on tin- JSi ie nndTrent Riere. I'i'eijilii red m il daily until, lurw (irotiiptiy aii'i inmist rates fruaranteed todi inn. Fnre in lilizabetli City and return. $ ag lleml and return, M. To Wni-hingto E. It. ItOKKKTS, Ac'i, New Ben Cl'l.rKI'1'KU Ii Tl'KXKIl, Ag'ts. Norfolk, W. II. S'l AMoi:!), Gen'IFr't Ag't, War. ::ilv d New York OCEAN 'HOUSE Jil AUFOitT, N. C. MARTIN IKING Propriet This House is now open for th entortaini of (ruesu. Tin location in ko well known . need no words to describe it. We only day under n present innnaRement every tlilhf be done that can lie done to make it Unit chu every respect. Every luxury from land water will b served in the best tyl", all such reasonable prices us to make a stujr at senside within tho reach of all who can a to live any where. The rooms in this house are all nleanant. lew fnnn the promenade on top of buildiiu tensive niid ine. Wharf and bath - In idjaveut to building lioats and experienced boatmen alwav reH'linesft nt onr wharf to take out sailing, fi mid balhiui? iinrties Polite servant, wii in attendance . mill every eiiort made to ma stay Willi ns pleasant. ' Teraini-per (lay, fi.r, per weeK, 9.ou, mouth, 6.i)U Very Ucspeclfully, 1 HON. S. M.AHTIS d if Uks. W. U. Kist; C. 13. IIART & C( . . .. .. ONE PBICE CASS STOIIE. Noi H-i'-wt corner Middie and South Front sti ,oito E H. Windley and K. K. June DKALCKS IN Stoves, Honse Funisning kth, CROCKERY aic.l GLASSWARE, ; . t AMPS in great var BURNERS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, ' KEROSENE Pratt's Astral Non-Espiwive 311, Machine and Tr 5i' C We are uow prepared to i dure Tin and Bheet-Ii i are. Special attention (riven to pi Mng. old low and warr.nted to be as n ..n-wii! .April H lvd 4 w . notic ::. the County Commissioners 1 - -real estate sold by the Slieritt i taxes due for the year lMi,can lie i owners without payiue tlie ndditioiwd allowed by law provided the tiisi s en are paid by the first of Pecnmber. ested will take notice and g'r accordingly. T. N. r inly6-diwtd Cou, I'i fT 'ue, 21. C. r. r.CD, lydw NEWBERN, TV. C. Ma21dly liieht. Bopiodiwim Give him a trial; you will be treated

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