e jouiiNAL. 1 7 DIir.NE, N. C, NOV. 1. 1883. Kir Ciainet AYolseley's Coolness on the liattlefieltl. From the London World. All accounts are agreed as to Sir Garnet's demeanor both before ami after tne fight.' Ilis coolness and sc -It-reliance were extraordinary. On the morning before the battle, when he took all the Generals and their resjHjctive staffs to reconnoitre j the enemy's lines he dismounted within a couple miles of Tel-el-Kebir, and, gathering the others arouird him, explained exactly what he meant to do. "With a short stick he pointed to the intrenchments as he might to a blackboard iu a lecture-room, and quietly indicated in turus the position of each part of the attacking force. He had the whole thing oft' by heart, knew and explained in exact detail what ev ery regiment had to do. While, they were thus occupied, protected only by a small cavalry escort, the enemy sent out a party to observe them, but made no further demonstra tion. Wolseley's "lecture" finished, they all remounted and rode back t ) camp. Alter the battle was practically won, Sir Garnet came to the bridge across. the canal communicating the right with the left attack, and, get ting off his horse, quietly began to write his telegram announcing the victory on a scrap of paper handed to him by one of his staff. Here, too, he received the reports from the various staff oflicers of divisions and brigades, asking more par ticularly as to casualties. "Are you quite sure!" he always said. "Don't give me wrong figures. Don't mention any officer's name unless you are quite positive ho is hit." AH this time ho was giving orders right and left, now to one staff officer, now to another, and through it all, confusing and em barrassing as the situation might well have been, was perfectly quiet and unconcerned. 8. A. CHUKCHILL MANUFACTURF.ll OF . Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware,' And dealer in Stoves, Hardware, Crock ery and Glassware', Sash, Doors and Blinds, Apple and Pear Pearers, etc. MIDDLE STREET, SEW BERNE, N. C. Opposite John Suter's Furniture Store. jull3d6m A 'jBAND SHOW AT UU. SULTAN & CO., WEINKTKIX IU'II.WNU. .. Just returned from the Northern Market wltr. n Uirnennd Well Selected Htockof Dry (Jk odd. Fancy OoodM, Dress Goods A I-nrgo Selected Stock of Men's, Yontns ami Children's Clothlns The Finest Selected Stock of Ladies' Cloaks and Dolmans, Also the Latest Styles of Ladles Walking Hackets, Misc-s and Children's. Gents' niiil ladies' Furnishing Hoods A SPECIALTY. A Full Line of Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes. ' ' Also a Fine Assortment of'"-.' Ladies' and Children's Shoes. Latest Styles of Hats and Caps, and Latest styles of LADIES' AND MISSES' HATS. Trunks, Valises, and a Full Line of Carpets, Blankets, Onilts. Jewelry, Watches and Accordeons. j t AT LOW PRICES. ltemeinher we liny our floods for CASH, and sell at LOW FlHllKEn lor UAMII. octl2dw Olive Butter An Absolutely Pure Vege table Oil For Cooking purposes is better than Lard, fully epnal to Butter, and costs much leas than eitner. , One Pound of Olive Butter wilt do the Work of Two i'ounus oi urni. . Try It and Realize Its Great Merits. MANUFACTURED ONLY BY v;aj::::::3TCN butcher's sons, PHILADELPHIA. For Sale by All Grocers. "S ect21-deod2flt Adam Tredwell &Go Ccltcn Commission Merchants,' XOIIFOLK, VA. (YX,c,e Cotton Exchange Building. MU eolton for commission, 50 cents ! r !e. aus;17w6m H" - I r Culls Attention to the fact that he has a Choice Lot or FAIULY GROCERIES, which h Is sellinn LOW for CASH. Pitrtirular attention la mlled to hl8 FINE O KADKM of FA M 1 LY FLOl' K. Fine stall-Fed Keef always on hand. Consicnnientof live (stock solicited. (Soods delivered In any part of the city free of charge. 65 Broad Street, betweea Hancock and Middle, octl-diiw.tm NEW BERNE. JT. C. SEA BREEZE HOUSE, Morehead City, N. C. Will be oiM'ued for the reception ot guests on 15th of June. Fare aud' gen eral accommodations equal to nrv. Terms moderate. P. MURPHY PEARSALL, ATTORSET AT LAW, THENTON, JOES CO., N. C. Will practice In the Counties of Onslow. Lenoir, Duplin, 8miiwon aud Jones. collecting a specialty. sepu-aixwu NOTICE. The iMtlnnee due on subscription to the capi tal stock of THE NEW11ERX ATHLETIC AND SOCIAL CLU11, Is hereby culled in. The stockholders are reuueKted to make Im mediate payment to the Secretnry, who will thereupon Issue each a certificate of stock. Attention is called to Article 21, of Constitu tion : "Any member who shall be a delin quent In payment of stock subscription for thirty days, shall forfeit all privileges as member of this Club. By order of the Board of Directors. oct3d20t. H. O. E. LODGE, Werelary. . LfAITPox B1TTEKS or Vegetable 1 Klixlr of IJfe, TIIK GltGAT REMEDY nf THE AGE NO FAMIL i" SHOl'l.II BE WITHOUT IT. Yawon UiTTKiis, are the result of nr ot chemical rcKrarcii tuul practical experiment.. It i cumiiotintit'd loin Hie i-xtracled mid con. ei'ntriili'il virtues of purely vegtitnble aulwtinices. II is entirxly tree trnm calomel r other dan erous substances; Ik the sutest mfilicine to use fur children anil weakened constitutions, where a irentle jet elt'eciive aperient ir required. They pit rify, Invigorate and enrich the lilouv., itlmiilate it to heathy cimiliUion, and if tiilten when required will keep tne s' sli m III newel oriler. . It is esnecinllv recommended fr the cure of ail MALAKiAL diseases, Hriirliis diseiiHes of the kiilneya, Rheiimntiiun, I)ypepfiia Hillionsni-, oliveness and nil I. iver compinims. As an aperient Hie dose is a tnblespoonLill three timen a dv, .'.ml u tonic und alterative a small teasi'eonftil niorninir anil evening. Prepared by J no. It. Jbncllow, PliiinuiiiiM und f item is t. A'orfolk. V. A. Aiib l'.i 8 mil ' E. K. WHKATLKY'S . lestm I ). A'orllH, 1,07 f lunch Strut, KOKPOI.K, VA. Dveinir and cleaning iu all its brunch es done in the very bent manner. Prompt attention given to all orders by mail or express. sep2dly WOOD ARB HOUSE,' EDENTON, N. C. This old and well-established Hotel still offers first-class accommodation to the traveling public. - ; ; TcriiiH xteastmable. Sample Room forTraveling Salesmen, and Conveyances furnished when de sired. Porters at every boat. MRS. ELLEN WOODARD, J. L. Rogerson, Proprietress. Superintendent. j3P Time between arrival of boat and leaving of train for dinner. sep2d2m B. PEDMS NEW GLOBE HOUSE, Norfolk Va. Board per day, $1.00 " week, .(K) Table b'd per week. 4.10 Lodging, .fid t am okf foii Tin? Lynnliaven Oyster3 GLOBE HOUSE, a 177 Main Street Specialty. B. PEDDLE, Proprietor. nuglM-iiu 117 Main St. NOTICE. By . order Board Commissioners, Craven county, the Clerk will advertise for sealed proposals for 100,000 Brick, to be delivered at the Depot or on the wharf at the foot of Ci-tven street, in the City of Newborn, a.d a sample of the brick accompany eacn proposal. Proposals to be received on or beforo .tne .it Monday in .November, 1882 ... JOS. NELSON, auBl8-doctl Clerk Board Com'rs. KOBERTS & BEOS Keep on hand a full line of Boots, Shoes Dry Groods, Crockery . NOTION S3 - AND A CHOICE ASSORTMENT OF FAMILY GROCERIES. Cull on tis before mukii.i vonr Dtirehases? at South Front St, near (laston House Hnr. SO.ly" aw A. II. HOTLON, DEALER IN ,:.. Foreiffn and Domestic WINES & LIQUORS, TOBACCO S CIGARS. MIDDLE STHEET, OX3Xolto loo IIouso NEW HliKNIC, IV. V. Apr'l, ly diw c:.:t E. FOR SALE. The undersigned will nail at the court house door in the city of New Berne on Monday, November 27th, 1882, by pub lic auction on terms of one half cash, one half on credit of six months, the fol lowing described property: A part lot in the city of New Berne situated on the eastern side of Metcalf street, it being one fourth of the let known in the place of said city as lot No. 9H. The sale is pufua it to i ji order of the Superior court o.' Craven county made in a special proceeding pending therein in which C. T. V atsoa in plaintiff and Thomas F. Good "n a; anil others are de fendants. O. H. Gfion CnmMtwr-"' MAPP & CO., Manufacturers of and dealers in Japanned and Stamped Tinware, Stores. Heaters. Eanges. Etc., Lamp and House-Furnishing Goods, lueiaino itoonng, numbing and s . Gas Fitting. 104 A 106 Water st., 34 & Sfifoanol av.. ' NORFOLK VA., ? Write for Catalogues and Price List, sep-M4in CHANGE OF SCHEDULE, Midlannd N. C. Railway Co. TIME TABLE No. G, New Series. In Eifoct Sunday, 12:15 I M.k Octo ber 29th. 1882. - v KAST. WKST. No. 47. N 4S 'ri y, I'aK'.iMail Pass.&Mail STATIONS. Arr. L've. Arr. I.'e e. ji t: M. M. CKT1I.L Smillifleld.... ji tiiUbhnrn...., . & N I . II 4 bl Oobbbiii'ii-.... 6 ISjLit ili'iiure.. i! a.-.! fi i: 5 .i 4 j) .'.li 8 Ml KinHUm.. .... New Heme..., Moielieail 1) 4 .'S T 3 i'i ii M ii 10 4 p.. I, 13 fi A. M, A. .11 I. M. !. M EAST. No. " Mixed Train. rl Mixed Train. STATIOA'S. Arr. L'vo. P. M. 1 0J Arr. V. M. 11 16 L've r. m. r. m. CKNTI1A1. 11V Smillifleld Goltlsboro A. N. I'. II1V Gobbboro,. La Grange, .. KinHton Jiewbern, ISION. ision 2 18 10 10 -A (HI 8 IS 7 0 P. M. . fl 10 8 08 6 57 S SO 7 01 9 30 8 S3 7 22 4 40 t. V. P. 11 47 and 48 daily, 3 and 4, daily ex cept Sunday. Train 48(mnects wiih North Carolina Train bound Wet.t, leaving Goldsboro 1:00 p m, and with Wilmington & Weldon Train bound South, leaving Goldsboro 6:39 p. m., and 8:29 p. m., and bound North leaving Goldsboro at 9:50 a.m. Train 47 connects with North Carolina Train from the Went, arriving at Goldsboro 4:12 p. m. and with Wilmington Train from tho South, ar riving at Goldsboro 9:50 a. m... Trains 47 and 48 connect with stages at Smithfleld to md from Selma, ' Train 4 connects with Wilmington Train bound South, leaving Goldsboro at 6:35 and 8:29 p. in., and bound north, leaving Goldtboro at 9:06 p. tu. Train 3 connects with Wilmington & Weldon Train f i on) the north, arriving at GoMsbcro 6:41 p m. Trains 3 & 4 will carry passenger coaches. J.W.ANDREWS, - Olif. Engr. and Gen'l supt EICIIARDSOX'S Improved Root Paint An article lone needed for the nrotection of Iron and Tin Roofs. It will not blinter, chalk neel, crack or corrode. It will expand and con tract with the iron or tin. It will not injure ci tern water. It is extremely durable and cheap Manufactured and for sale by , B. A. Richardson, Dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Artists, Decora'ors jiua i.oncn t aimers' material of all kinds. ug22-dly Norfolk Va. Elizabeth City Brewery. ELIZABETH, X. C.--( ; .Tenkins' Ale, This Ale is manufactured at this brewery, is GENUINE AND PURE, Brewed from Ture Malt and i Hops.-' , ? j Is a fine tonic, snperior to and much better than any Beer made. . Has cured dyspepsia, and is a preventative malarial fevers and chills. Dealers supplied In barrels, kegs,or bottled in Crates. Recommended by plivsicians. Address, THOMAS M. JENKINS & CO.,' Box 28, ElizaMh City, N. C. RtigO-dOm N. S. Richardsoiv PRACTICAL BOOK AND JOB PltlNTHIC, Opposite Post Office, NEWBERNE, N.t. GOOD STOCK, NEAT WORK, LOW PMOES, IW Orders solicited and promptly Apr. !f WHOLESALE AND "" rai f mviGions, - Tobacco, Snuvv, l7ood and , l7illovv-vvaie and Liquors. The Largest Kxclusive (Jn-cery House in llie (.'iiy. My stock is always foniiilflt", and yoods fresh. ' I will eiiaranlce M fell Oom's in my l.tio ns clit ap as any lnnse in Nor(ilk, and conscriucnlly save fit i 1,1 tl niyt s mid marii.t1 luks. My stock of liquors is complete, nnd I invite, special attention nf buyers be fore making purchases. , ! ;.. f f- ... s.- E-'Hlfeadovs'Co., l Dealers in Drugs,' Seeds and Guanos,. Now oiler Peruvian fiimno. Mne Island Guano,1 1'acilic Guano and Kainit. CORNER POLLOCK ifc MIDDLK ST1IKKTS. VVarehonise Cotton Kxrhange Ynrd. ' oefildAw 1 ' ' NEW BERNK, M. C. C. E. FY z Hrick Block, Middle Street, New Berne, X C. WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS; 1 All Goods in our line sold at llio very lowest ukU prices. IVoiut nnd sli. 1 at tuition .a id tc all orders intrusted to our care. ' . : o . . ' . I'ldiTlLlZKU:. FOR 'I 111! IWI.I. ( HOI'S. ' N'iiw ii iidv r i' deli vi 'ly, tin; best grades of s.andard Ferlilizi-rs. suitable- for lit: II ) s l'ntiiliirs mill Wl.iilf. ;. W ill I h. Id lor CASH or on TIMK nt iv;i-"Hi)M.' I'Hifi. - ' ' V ('. i:. FOV & COMPANY, sntlil''!'. Now litllle, '. C. C I'. 1'OV & COMl'AXY uli'cf to the t.iule Lnrillard. tJnil & Ax Uaiin nd Mills Sueft. aud Salt SnulV. nt mamiliiciiiiei's prices. . . iiprldtiw-lr James Redmond BERGNER & ENGEL'S CELEBRATED BOTTLED LAGER BEER ! FOR SALE BY THE CRATE. Also on hand a full stock of AND TOBACCO. Open Froiit Brick Store, MIDDLE ST1IEI3T, Aprldwly The Headquarters! Lime ! Lime I BRICK, BRICK. BRICK! Or ALL GRADES. ; riosenihilo, Jortniul V Sclinitic Oementst Piaster, Gout Hair, &c. ;. SALES ROOM Craven Street, below Express Office, '...-.if , Aug 10 (l&w If ill UTT LARGE S T . A X I) 0 I. 1) K S T IHrt loose,'"' INTHF, CITY. ' Keeps always in Stock ' large ' quantities' . PORK, LONG CLEAHS, FLOUR, "SUGAR, COFFEE, SYRUP,'- ! " CMolasses, Sdlt, &c. LORILLARD AND GAIL & AX SNUFF, also a large stock of ' DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and Arbuckle's Ariosa ROASTED COFFEE, CRACKEE3 and CAKES in great variety. A large Stock ci MOTIONS ATVI lIOSIi:iiV. Wholesale buyers will fird a larro SO at lowest prices. l''t fail t( w'l ntii lefore jiu Mqr 93 tT 1 W 4, w M . ' fc J HETAIL DEALEIi IX -.m ncit m; iKil3-d&v Mur. .ill. I v-l"id ve Groceries, Provisions, Cigars NFW HERNF T r. HAY! WAY! It. O. 12. LOIX1E, New Berne, N. C. EN WJUM11J i n. I 1 f I MIDDLK STREET, ' '! New Eerne, N. C :bs:ril:ij,'..j::..Ccut!i," WILMINGTON. N. C, A weekly news; r I to the Industrial. AericuUuiiil, LJacational and general development of NORTH CAROLINA and the SOUTH. Every person taking an interest in the development of the State should read the paper. Terms t'J.OO per an num. A liberal reduction to clubs of ten or more. 81.00 for Bix month. Ia October a Biographical bketch of Bishop Atkinson, written by Col. J. G. Burr, will be published, with a splen did Portrait of the Bishop. j)JUimE icioii yv. contraf-ta miuley Subscriptions received or advertising RRAWAY, sep!2dtf New Berne, N. C. HOTEL, S M IT H FIELD.NjC., Ample accommodations at all times Sample rooms for commercial travel rs. Charges moderate. aug3dtf i Hyde County and Day River Steam Line. The Midland North Carolina RailwaJ Co. 's steamer V "T I K it1 li. I L Y . CHANGE OP SOHEBUtE.' ' On and after Wednesday; September 27, the steamer Tiger Lily will leave New Berne for Hyde county points at SIX a. tu. on Wednesdays, and return ing, leave Wysocking Bay at HALF PAST SEVEN a. m. Friday,' touching at Swan Quarter. - . , t On Saturdays the Tiger Lily will leave New Berne for Bay River, touching at Smith's Creek, j The above arrangement may ba varied us the demands of two long and diver gent routes may require until the arri val af a new steamer now building. For full and latest information, apply ' to the Agents or the General Office in New Berne, -...',', , J. W. Morris, Wm. A. Hearne, Gen. Freight Ag't. ' Solicit 'g Agt. J. W- Andrews, Ch'f Eng. & Sup't. S. II. Fowler, agent at Bayboro. , C. II. Fowler, " . Stonewall. D. H. Abbott, " Vandemere. W. B. Swindell, " Swau Quarter. A. B. Turnell, " Nebraska. ; L. ;B, Midvette, M',' , tSinith's Creek. New Berne, Sept. 18, 1882. u Goldeji.Days A II ili-Cliis Weekly for BoJ lias just entered upon its third volume ' with a very large and steadily-increasing circulation. It has won its way to the popular heart, no less by its in- .iijju ujuiui tuuc nuivii characterizes every article that appears in us pages. Uolden Days is a sixteen-page week ly, filled with stories, sketches of ad venture, instructive matter, and every thing that can interest, entertain and benefit boys and girls. ihe whole aim and, purpose of Golden Days, arid which" permeates every article that appears in its pages, is to teach children obedience, honesty, truthfulness and a reverence for the Goldei. Rule as the true guide of life. l ho leading scientists, clergymen aud educators are f engaged upon Golden Days, v Its illustrations are refuse and in the highest style of art. tfev. ii. f . Kidder, 1.D., will eivc each week a lucid and scholarly expo sition ot tne international Sunday school Lesion of the succeeding week. . ".Fuzzledom ' will perplex and de light the ingenious boys and girls, as it has in the past ...' Ihe Letter" Pox"i will Continue to dispense iuscful information, and to an swer the queries and publish the No tices ot Jiixcuange oi our. young friends. In short; Golden Days will stop at no expense to deserve ' in a higher de gree than ever before, the title that the discriminating public have be stowed upon it that of the "Prince wL Juveniles." . . "QoUJcn Days'" in Monthly Farts, i In response to a request from a large number of admirers of Golden Days, we have concluded to issue a monthly part forthe benefit of jthose who prefer to purchase it in magazine form. ' Specimen 'Coines'Scnt Free. , In all the cities and large towns of the United States, Golden Days is for sale regularly every week by news dealers ,and booksellers. Many per sons', however, find4 it inconvenient to buy tHef paper from dealers.' To any such, 'it will be' sent 'by'mail, postage paia,' at tne following subscription rates, either for the weekly or monthly part : .'-" . Fori month, . ... 25o For 2 months, . , . . 50c. For 3 months, . . . 75c. For 4 months, . $1.00 For 6 months, . ' ; i 1.50 Fori year, . '. 3.00 Subscriptions can begin with any number. Back numbers supplied at the same rates. : We pny all postaH. Money shonld be sent to us eith.; by Tost Oflieo Order x Tjt.n-i...-.,- Letter, so as tor.rovii!rt f. r ts p )S- sible nsrainst Ui ,-, l.u 1 '! o -..v..-.. j 1 All COlll'IM I otherwise, nm t. lor' 1 t ' Tnb. GolV'a' . , T ...

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