, . " in i m'v) 5 i NEW BKRXE, & C, FUTliAVi NOYKMMKH !$, 1882 1 VOL; L 1 1 J, 1 M NO! 185 1 I 11 : . J :i. m n rrTt -r-r-rrTT: f-T. j'-a n rrrt '1 i FT' .rlrl: LOCAL NEWS. wltk Juumal immature Almanac. : ,, Sua rises, 6:25 I Length of day, Sun sets, 5:02 )10 hours, 87 minutes Moon rises at 12:08 p.m. l i.r.i'i- ' received Telegraphic Comwanlcatioa Beaafoft. I II 'I V I ' The following telegram was I at 8 o'clock last night; , -'.!.. ,' , Beaufort, N. C, Nov.,'2d' 1882;' . To New Berne Journal: Beaufort The following statement we copy! , from , a., printed circular handed us by u. A..Leuruia, tq.;i ' . ..i ult u! ;Aj meeting, of the Icitizens of Deep PollofksvUle I Beaufort, N. C, Nov. 1st, 1882. Dear Journal: I had no idea when I wrote to. J you , that I should bee my "name in print," as I am not ambitious uullv. both white and colored, was held I nnt,riVfn t kr. ' it i n.ianoj n.AAmM .A Van TJntavt A AnJ 1t I - . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 f 1 1 . I " cuuasiCcuusBW1,, uc,Uc oUu nvu.v Bl uuHujace on me nignioi wen. oisi, . . .H, j,i hsvu her inn in fnnorrnriilntinnia Hiat wA GQO - v. x t : I " viuivioiu ui 'iuio auu uiuov iuu i.u.s. uV. h .,,. vm .., " IUU6. 1U1 L11D UU1UUSD l lUllUUJlt C 1 Skating masquerade at the Weinstein are connected by telegraph with the! Farmers' Club, and organized by elect- " ewl '"orde :tn my defense.' Since I I outside world, all through the energy . I 1 1 of Mr. Thomas Uuncan Beaufort building tH'g.nt. J i ll 4 t t f M f T About 1300 bushels of nee were sold DOw in the line of progress. yesterday from t,00 to 81.034. V 'J 1--' ' N. M. Jurney, Second growth of apple blossoms are on our table,: raised in Newt Berne; Three steamers from up Neuse vester- "We noticed several large boxes of day. The1 '.Kiu&ort'arVived from Rins ing C. I. Debrubi, temporary chairman writing to you 1 have examined a re- s and Richard Bogey, secretary, and after iiaDie iaraed work on the "origin of family taarhes:'-and this'autho says meeting, it 'adjourned to meet on Thurs-' KA thrrmfrh mnA 2ft rnt'fll -flnrt IK ruiHsum ,-"oi "i T " "I 1 i T ftuA tjiejbiij the steamer wharfs yes- ton last nighi with 115 bales of cotton, terday. Raleieh cotton sellers Complain about Sets the trouble and delay in getting cotton weighed. ,.Mc. U.,8.rMace has a windlass, and hi thinks k Wught to be used to lift beoi Ciedle out of his bed every morning. ; A prominent physician in the city says the article in yesterday's Journal on Near-sightedness" was worth a year's subscription to tna paper, f. ., , lH ; i Wm. Erwin reports to us that Mr. Durham Hassell has twenty-five collards that will measure five feet each across, and twaleaves will ','mess" the family. Miss Lizzie Oliver, a teacher of con siderable experience, has been employed day 'night,' Nov;' 8th, ' at half past 7 f ouocfc (witn a cy is local, ana derived O'clock, at which time and place a per f roni a' ' Parish in Scotland ' by ' name manent organuatwo wUl be made, awl Pollock, which name was given to the all, farmers in Craven and Jones coun- f.L,ii . i 1 .n r ties adjacent thereto ,are requested to familyby way.df distinction. Therefore attend. , The objects of this organiza- it belongs not only to a family but also tion are as1 foUows? " M"'; " ' " to a parish, and no individual of that 1 Believing as we do that ' w'6 have to famiiir vuw .Wrnnt. v,,Q . Harnn onA tnAormrr tV,ot oil fKar I BDell tD&t n 81116 DeCAUSe thft naillft dORS Drought up tne jeax witn: u Dales, 01 daggea 0f citizens have organizations not .belong tp him alone, but to a family cotton,, about 8Q0,b".shel8;Qt.ice and fr their own protection,' this meeting more' or less extensive and a'.so to a is called to adopt, some plan by which parish. Again Dr. Francis Hawks not seven Dassengers. . .. r rr ji". .' j r' ' '. -t ' I we mav rid nurfifilves of said Grievances ine ,, vuur arr.vea ,rcm vance- ' the fnterest of only.exwnined the (I will not say "old" boro yesterday evening with shingles ttrmerV ' - ' ' " . laB that.word Seems to call ud sad re- and uyenne. - , E. R. Pag6, Capt.; W.'A:1 Thompson, flections in the mind o Nature) records ,sioi,inK.ii U U..I - W thl'm; , . , " , of New Berne, but went to England to The Cotton, Exchange have directed 1, . ,, . , , , .';., , , . , search all the records there which could signs to be painted and placed in ' con- TroaMe,' ,, (, , afford material for his History and he Bpi64uapliceb,lddn sniotingiof: following correspondence .will spell8 the name of Pollock witha"c-,r Dines, dears, etc.. about the cottou Dlat- exPlam usoi1, ine Pslmaster may De and any otie who was acquainted with r,l ,;n DCb.n n,j;oM trnm wrong in nis surmises as w cause 01 nr HwkB nnrt tnw of h s prwat. learn ' - . ( , ,.i f , 1 jitt I J!. a'.. A I., V... i. i,U 1 A I . x . ' - - uiBcuuuiiiuuK uif ymcB, uui mo icouh jng and accurate record would not ques- to assist in the primary department 01 dangerous one, and no good citizen .losing subscribers by lt.atthat pmce, 1 have in mypossessiod an old map of the(New Berne graded school. Mqre Bhould obiect M havin it abolished. i!, , NW, BERNE, Uct. 27tn, a. , New Berne, drawn by Jonathan Price new pupils came in yesterday. While1 on the subjectwe would say that ToJhemia'HMuwM, Carteret wno, I thint, wasnoted for his accuracy Panf. Optnvina Pnlrn astka uh In warn ; ti nlon n nnchim imKuimi to amnl a CoWflfy, N ,C. , . . :1 .t and whn hil t.hn mpnna In Hsprt.iin thn Democrats that bogus tickets are being in the sample room, although a sign COMMERCIAL. WEW BEKNB MARKET. Cotton Middling 91 ; strict low middling 95: low middling 9K feeed cotton Extra nice, 81c; ordi nary 3tc. " crn Old, 81c; new 71c. per bushel. Kice 90c. to $1.02 per bushel. Turpentine Receipts moderate. Firm ata.50for yeliowidrpj , :;;;t,7 , t ,;t : tar r irm at 1.50 and $1.75. Beeswax 20c. to 23c. per lb. 1 J ' ! HoneytOOc. per gallon. ! Wheat 90c. per bushel. Beef On foot, 5c. to 7c. ' ' ' '' Fresh Pork 10c. per pound. Eggs 21c per dozen. , ,1, Peanuts New ctod. S1.C0 Ber bushel of 82 lbs.' t 1 1 ;. Fodder 85o. per hundred for new. Apples Mattamuskeets, 70 cte uer bushel. " -i 1 ,;. , Onions t'4.00 per bbl. , , ; Peas f 1.10 to $1.25 per bushel. Hides Dry, 9c to 11c. ; green 5c. ; Tallow 6c per lb. ; ; s t :' Chickens Grown, 50c. per pair. Turkeys $1.75 per pair. Meal Bolted, 1.00n3r bushel. Potatoes Irish, $4.00 per bbl; sweet 4U to buc per busliel. Shingles West India 5 inch, mixed, $2.50 per M. Building 5 inch, hearts, ii.ou; saps, ifa.ou per M. CITY ITEMS. This column, iit-xl to local nvmt, H to lie ned I'TLuciil Adveiiifiiig., ;: ...... , ,. Eighty-five cents per barrel paid for kerosene barrels. " oct!15t. . A. R. Dennison. rjillinery. 10B2-FaH-V7fct:r-i::2 Thursday. Oct. 19, IC02 MRS. S'. H. LANE & CO. Will diHplay their CHOICE SELECTION of BONNETS AND HATS In the Latent Fnll nnit Winter RtyW.- Also a Silks, Velvets, Satim, thera, Flowers, ' AndaFiiU Line of Fea- circulatedby Republicans which read, prohUitlng il b)Yo4thc&n,( Thii y$ "Risderi roor Bennett." The right wfi believe, violadon of the tnsufandl ticket is "Risden Tyler Bennett." 0n the building and should also be dis- Sheriff Murrill. of Onslow, is m'our continued. city. He brings good Democratic news BaiWjPrphjcic..f ".; f , si 1 ti I from his county. ! A ! full vote will be The rain yesterday recalled the fact polled, and the Democratic majority will that it had been foretold by at least two in New Berne two days ago; so have some followers of Vennor in yes- our midst. Mr. 11. w. Lane or stone- We learn that your, Postofi.ee and t 'ameuA he -m send us particulars, stating the number ,t with ft c , And ,aR, Iirit, lftftl5. 1 .:j:Ani. ti. -rn : . t , . i ' 01 paief0 i""'"'"; t)iere iB) Ibelieve,a worthy and by no and the cause of discontinuance if you mfiimH ,raftMt of thnl. llflmn in 1 !a. XT. Dtinun TnrriM, . t I ' rJ " Kuow H. ,iiBW; jjcauiL uuunn ajlj. GASTON HOUSE, Ribbons, Embroidery, ! Etc. MOW ISliltMi, N. c, : . . ' ' 1 mi.-v i.M.. .. .... puniic are cortnally invited to call on .Thursday: the' l;;,:t, ami Inspect my Block, , s , , Orders from the counfcy Boliclted, and sat isfaction guaranteed. 'mi: Mrs. S.H. Lane & Co.,1 S: R, STREET & SON, Proprietors. The Only First-class House in the City. Omnibus connects with all 'Trains and Hteainers. Large sample rooms for commer cial travelers. , oetSI-dlf Hollywood, Carteret' ' county N. C bf larger than it was, two years figPi-r persons y 'I I ' wehav. qr about Kinston, and if I mistake not they spell their name with a "c." Now n . 1 4. t c i ; .'.1 r ' Mr. EDrTOR:-Ih reply to your inquiry a" Mmt au "uu 'e8" 1' rnfictf.illv" state that this station lnal lnele 18 a neaianu inrivmg village .w ' . , . I in a iipiirnhnrintr i..niititv tvliicli nfulla (Houywooa) was estaDiisnea , to take 0 ' J " In passing Hanff 's Music House terday the reporter heard some the place of Carolina City post office and one wall was in the office on, Tuesday morn- station destroyed during the war, 1 1 Pollock without a "c," and a deed or a few deeds given by George Pollock in JM. il.. tw.nr r!H. iba ulrill kt m inr. and cOnfidmitlv nrpdifilerl rain for ' This nostoffice and ' station lias been wnlcn tne c Omitted Willie (1 think) UHI" 1UK MID UV wuw I Ol " I - I p, I . " -. I , 1 . il m Tb,5ihn WmBMi. Thnrsdav: because " Raid he. "T have LsiaMished alwut eieht years, and has thl8 same gentleman spells his name mihhrom a dornet madess6me :Vefy set that day to commence threshing been of great service to the citizens. It sometimes w-ith a "c"and sometimes finemusio. rice, and it always rains at that time." is about 5 miles from Morehead City nd 71jtho"t a. ''V but lie being only an One of the ReDublicari candidates for The Other prediction was from Captain has been discontinued, and this post of- JJTlr. 7 Hl'.ALKD rKOPOSALH to erect on Hroad st. extended, tlie proposed building of "THE NEW BE UN ATHLETIC AND BOOIAL Ll'lt," will be received ut the Hecretary's otllce until T1IKEE OTLOCK P. M. WED- NRH11A Y, NOVEMKEK 15, 1882, at which time and place they will be opened in the presence of Kiicb bidders lis miiy be present. The plnns and KueclflCHllons may be Reen at the above olilce. The riyht to reject any ajid all proposals is eserved by the Directors. My order of the hoard of Directors. octlTdtd 11. O. E. LODGE, Secretary. . - ... I - ... v .a . . iT.mirirv r.ii iTnuritrH inn Tnmiiv nnmp. r,, .! ... i, . i. j.. j . I (.atus. wtin uh nn nlrl sea nanmin has ttira is hroken vjd. as l am lmormea ana r: ' . " J 1 DJierui in mis county is repoiieu no say: - r-T . r, --7 , ilil UU j4 hia onnonent would' 'nky1 ud learned to watch the clouds and predict believe solely through personal malice C3 ' . a w a i , Yours, etc., , a. a . . i m i I . -a r l 1 1 If 11 a thflrtnsts ho far incurred in the contest, results. At tnree o clocK on ruesaay against Mr.. uaKsmiia oy. Messrs cesi, l. r. i, ... ii ,j , lt .j o. A J . l in mnM .niikno. if ;Dmmir,w iv,Qi ne connaenuy assenea mere wouia oe i uauuauau ot auuiuwb pieaeui uou' costs on each side have run up to about rain within' 48 hours; and at 2 p. m. on trolling the Midland N. C. R. R.. ;i They ! . .1 E. M. Forbes. Stonewall Items. 91500. 1 ' ' ' " " I " m I The New Berne papers speak of a shock being experienced by many in that city, -on Monday of last week, which was similar to that produced by yesterday the rain came down. A Startling Telegram.. .V:'- ' !. s' ' f We give below a telegram received from the Chairman of the Democratic Executive Committee. It is difficult to an earthquake at a distance from the I believe there is any foundation to the seatof disturbance. The same shock 1 rumor, , and until further advised we was felt here, and was of sufficient force will believe it is incorrect. We cannot to cause windows to rattle tin some in- believe the Republican party is so fool stances. Wil. Star .1 1 'iiii ishas to proceed to adopt such desperate , , ,( i . . t ' remedies. And yet the name pf McLind 8aprcm Court DecUlou. say carries 'many suggestions of those in ! We copy from the News and Observer famous ifays- ted the movement in getf- tha following statement of decisions by ting up Federal Supervisors in this the Supreme court: ., i( Starkey McDaniel vs. C have established a new office and . sta- Mrs. J. IJ. Gaskins is. very sick; and tion called ''Andrews'' about ftye. miles so is Mr. Jno. S. Riggs, one of our best west from here by the corinty road, and citizens. propose to torce our c itizens to go mere. Mr , F p. Cherry lost as fane a horse No one will even go there from . here; aa tne C0UI,ty holds on the morning of they prefer to go to Morehead if this out- the 3oth ult. staggers the cause. rage is hnaliy consummate!, uoi. An- Mr. George Hinnat had the mi3for tune to lose his infant daughter last week, caused by whooping cough. It is my sad fate to report the death of Mrs. Rebecca Woodward, the mother M. Pollock et his, from Jones; ilo error;' judgment M J ..,,...1.1. I T' aiiii uiou. Ardon Williams vs. John F. McCoy, from Lenoir; no error; judgment af firmed.' 4i 1 "'f' u l State vs., Wright Daniel, from Pitt; er ror; venire de novo. , ,. , peaceable country bodes no good for a quiet'electioh', '..' .., '"''' The following dispatch has just been received:; k i, ..'-.!: i ,u;i i , . i Ui WASHiNtiTON, Novi 2d: The Posf of to-day exposes the radical plan to bull doze North Carolina. ' Northern hire lings and Toughs are to be sent to the election precincts Of the State to intimi date the people and influence the elec- drewB has ordered the trains not to stop here, greatly to . the inconvenience of many living in the neighborhood.' j , It has been reported that this imposi tinn u, hrmicrhr fthoilt , thrnuirh : the aeencvof Wm. P. Canadv, and that the 01 1' " wooawara, sq., agea vuyears, Midland employees are electioneering Daniel Cooper, one of the bW colored in his behalf to pay for it. These ' are citizens yamuco contained, tell dead on reports which have been 1 circulated the 28th ult. while passing rice to the here lately. I know nothine more of thresher. the causes, but suppose the above to be . Mr. F. B. Miller died at bis residence true. ! Application will be made to Coi- week before last, aged about 60 years gress for an investigation. ' ' '". " ' He had been, lingering for some time The people here fire looking anxiously I He was one of our best citizens to have the railroad bacK in the bands ; Mr8,, Catherine Cahoon, the consort of Col. .Whitford ; againj as, they; are 0 Mr.tJJathan Cahoon;"diei"on the 30th sick of this dark lantern tyranny. The nt aKed about 50 or 55 vears. . A eood Graded Srhool Fnn.oTI 1 inn T,8 ana mnuence me eiec-t- it,o'L,?ii;;;U:Ui i tion. Mott, HubbelLand heads of the , T , ,Z ' . T u department authorize this. ., McLdndsey I folio wing papers and periodicals are woman has Dassed over the river the. ffraded.School s9me fe.y of HffiV U eJplW-d,to xecnte the iworfc anS now taken atVhis office (several conies TvTnwXI ' TZl arnhnrfl hAVA nnr. TAt TiAin in thfl hrflt I norrwia unrf nfhar atnnlnvoAd frrww thai ; ' . ' Th A.irhi. to. rmv . in State &ii assessed to assist in Wine the ? som" ol ,MMni.li .. j 0. r-j . . ) ,11 m j.i j . promptly and not wait to be called on. OI me8 ue";o n' L' !! ! xn tne beginning we puDiisnea in me JocrraL the list of names' of the ' donors to the Graded School' 'fund. 'It 'would tW,ilmipgton Ppst,,, Wilnaington, Star, New Berne Daily and WeeklyiJQUENAti, Goldsboro Messenger r; Beaufort Tela- ThBLtrtfiRf'Tiririrt;. lWWiil.ii phone, Harming worm, jn. u. , fanner, not be a bad idea, at the end of the col- by Capt. Dewey, paid the Graded school a and. deewbernnui Home lections, to publish the list of names who a short yisit yesterday to see what' the nd Farm, Biblical Recorder, ..Star and .nbribedahd donDa'v I H I 7th and Kth grades were doingJ few "T'. F," T-i ' nt-r.i mil ,..,. . s n i mala, ssabbath cschooi Messeneer, fh Tribtfne and' Farmer,1 Methodist ' Ad vance, Heiald of Health,' Phren0l6glcal minutes were given to the German class mals Sabbath Scho01 Messenger, Phila oar Name In Print. I m Miss uore's room. ' we were a little and Mr. Jenkins,' the firm of Bynum TUa study as also French, is optional nttial' New York World, Home Jpur- & Jenkins, all of White Oak, Tones but it should be taken up by all the ad- na1' cw UU1' ramu' npraia' Amer w.nnniv. vre in the cirTestBrrtav . . . I vancd mi nils who can nossiW v snare icaQ Register, Sunday School TimesThe Jj. l. . I-- ".11 1 L,.i:.,,;,:.;n...l., ' Ax,' 5. Farrd. RidleVMaeainei ' f - uoi; jonn . wnniora passes sown .f-j , My myM, . ,Ab0uteTent eot to . Carteret last night to introduce his very lsunci, anu we lumit reiuaiKauiy opponent, H. Frank "Brown, ,q the good Pure. ' The reporter has been too long people of that county'.' " ' . away from his books, however, to speak ex cathedra on that point. In FcofeisdriWardktwfc rpqrm Latin NOTICE. octlS-dlm POLLOCK STREET, ' ''' s j . . .. . .. i j, r:ti, ( New Berne, N. C. MRS. M.D. DEWEY; Pollock St., New Berne, N.C. Exchange Lunch Room One door North Cotton Kxchange, CRAVEN STREET, NEW IJEUNE, N. C. F. L. PERRY, Proprietor. Open D,y axlcI 3M"Islit OYSTERS Stewed. Fried, Afir a cnreful search hi the Northern cities, the undciKlgiied takes ploimure In of fering for inspection her CAREFULLY SELECTED STOCK Millinery. We otter a Complete' Assort went of Choicest nnd Newest Novelties in , Uats, Bonnpts, , , Hihbons, ,s Zephyrs. Laces and Embroidery Material of all Kinds. , Specliil Httention ha been given in' select ing the LATEST STYLE in BONNETS and HATS nnil nr VA1 14WUP1 7T?T trr"n j Broiled, Roasted, plush rikhon.s nre the "very latest AGONY." :: ' "-..;. i v i.v;..., , Particular notice is called to the , j , i, . ; , Elpgant Display of Children's Goods, Call mid examine and get suited. Having hud nn exjierience of OVER TWEN TY-FIVE YEARS in the Millinery Business, competition In my tine is challenged, and a look at my stock will convince tle public that I am selling the BEST OP GOODS AT BOTTOM PRICKS. ' ' " , Respectfully, , octUdtf M.. D. DEWEY. Oysters on the Half Shell. Ham Sandwich, ,Bologna Sausage, Chicken Salad, Sardines, Lobsters, Canned Beef. GAME IiV SEASON. ; . ; 7; Soup Everj ; Day. . A Gentlemen's Sitting Room connect ed, where all the latest New York and Balti more Sporting and Illustrated Papers are on Ale. , ., . .. . , oct28-dlw 05 Cents per Barrel JOSEPH SCIIWEni,'. Em po riuni PAID FOR people of that county. Alonzo Leary, of Jones, and Nick Cox, pf .Onslow, were at. the, Exchange yes terday with cotton. " ' ' t Coltun Yealerday, -r.r was on the boards aurinor our visit. Here we learn that the old-fashioned pronunciation is to be taught, and not One hundred and 1 forty-two bales 'tW VJaTgf -J Tttfce! 3 T:Si tWddi tanged ; hands j to-day, x Prices un- ties frls onderulood' thai the TwAran changed changed, going throughout from 9J to 9.77i. : ' 1 !,;; ."' . NEW YORK MARKET, SPOT Middling 104 Strict low middling 10 5-16 Low middling 10 1-16. j 4 NEW YORK FUTURES! ' Morning. Noon November, 10.82 10.83 December, 5 10.36 10.81 January, , 10.88 10.40 February, 10.49 10.51 LIVFTTTOOL SPOTS.: Uplands 6 5-10. Orleans 6 11-13 the i -t ' : . i : :' Evening. 10.37 10.35 10.44 10.55 I.; , i ; : i day ciationin our University and iu other good Latin schools in the State will re turn to their first love in this respect. We notice Prof. Wardlaw's method of teaching the Latin grammar includes incidentally a revision and study of the Englibh language; and Latin, rightly taught, alwas does this, and for that reason has so long been considered an absolute necessity to' a finished educa tion. The exercispg on the board,, in translating, is a vulaable aid to a proper understanding of t'.ie structure and de r. n le'ioe of the di.rerent parts of a sentence.- ' A i li ! 1 1 v vas soon ja ;ed, and a i' 1 t i 1 ," a was readily ltji About seventy people get ; their mail here at present. Of course if the 1 'office is abolished, rnostj pf these papers. ( will be discontinued. Mr. Oaksmith .will have something 'to say shortly about this outrage. ' 1 He is 'now in Raleigh, whereletters. will reach him ,at the Xarboro.,- j ;t ., (Respectfulvy, ,.( .,(' i , , E. Mason, P.,JL., The Sixth Internal Revenue In- ''Vestfjratlng Cohimnteei !' Senator' 'Vance states' that' the Senate Committee, of which heis Chairftian, ' will resume its' 'sittirigs on'the 13th of ' this! ttiontli at Mor ganton,'f and will continue its in quiries regarding-! the administra tion of the affairs of the Sixth In ternal lie venue District of1 North Carolina.1 ' Senators 'Mitchells ' of Pennsylvania, and McDill, of Iowti, are the 1 t wo other members' of 1 the committee. ' These! gentlemen )iild not como to North Carolina before the time" stated, although Senator Vauce endeavored ta have the in , :iry resumed 1 before that time. Cliarlotte Journal. . " "i f 'i ;' nt t i i '' i il .i.v j-: '.!'; iti-'i You will hardly hear from this quar ter any more until after the triumph of Independents on the 7th inst.f,' unless something turns up worth reporting, tob' ' itaiich id ' see after; ' 1 Politics is all ;rect.":l " v-"!;, Kena, about three or lour years old, a twin daughter of Jos. 6. Baxter,, died on, , the( (.Sthj nit, Mr. , Baxter has the true sympathy of all who knew Rena, and, , especially your correspondent, for she was a bright, interesting child. , .1 have just returned' from Goose Creek Islaftd. The good weather is causing a pleasant spread on the farm er's phiz, but the shortness' of the crop prevents as much expansion1 as it other wise would 'have.' The' cotton,! :as in all parts of' Pamlico, is very 'short and late cpfn 'is almost a ' failure. '. Rice is far below expectations, but there are three, things that hold their own, i. e., nsn. oystets, auu tne wnoie-souiea Hos pitality of her people. I vill venture the assertion that no living human be ing was ever charged a cent for a night s lodging and fare throughout the Lsland; and, if you wish to ride over the best roads in the State make one trip there, but you must not count the road gettinir onjii r: . iHi :,;('!;. yd vj, s.:L.t .!!,('' c 1 '. 1 rr- ;!,' i:, "i'.j in Kerosene Barrels. octlldat A. R. DEJJNISOX. County Canvas. e countv canvass nrbcresses well for the' Democratic ' nominees. 1 Voters are being added to the cause every day. The Liberal move gains notoriety j but from appearances, loses at every place, and by the day .of election not many more votes than the candidates poll themselves will De found on their side. Mr. Simmons worries the bull dog of the Liberals at: every point, and tells hard against the strength of the Repub licans in the county, w hile all our can- aiu.ttes create good impressions on .GEORGE . A: OLIVER, G0TT0NBR0KER. OFFICE ABJOININB COTTON EXCHANGE, Newborn, U". , O, ; W .The very Higliest " Market Prices Onarantned. i. " " ' ' .' '' 49 Consignments of Cotton Solicited. A fxEAND SHOW Ml: it . ! ''.i I - ' i- ;.;'.( I ' j;; 7M. SULTAN & CO., .v-i n-- '-Mi -I --.a , WEINSTEIN BUItING. (. Just returned from the Northern Market witn a Large and Well Selected Stock of Dry Ckods, n ancy iooo.r, uress uoooh A Ijnve Selected Htock of Men'ii. YOnths' fliwl Clitlilren's Clothing , ,,, y.' l ne r uiesi oeiecieu siock or . ( '"'i I ii' I .',! -i!,t;;il, . Ladies' Cloaks and Dolmans, Also the I-atem Style of Indies Walklnsr nacKeix, aiiHses ana Liuinrfn u.: , , , . s Gerils and, ladies' Furnishing Ccods1 A iSPECIALTY . A Full Una of t" '$' ' ' ' 'j Men's and Boys' Boots and Shoes:- ' " '.i -, j . , , , AIbq a Fine Assortment of , , , Ladies' and Children's Shoes. Latest Styles of Hats and Caps, and Latest !W i ..i!.:'t t I iu,.i'ii .tf;M : LADIES' AND MISSES' UATS T FOR GOODS FOR IKN S WEAPu '-''." " 1 " . : "i l i;. ),. . , . .1.1 u' j. i The FINEST Dmri.Ay, of ItEADY-MADE CLOTHING, (iENTLF.M EN'S FURNISHING GOOIW and HAND-MADE SHOES, In fact i aaything to miike peiitluuiun's iwardrobe complete, Is now oen and ready for Inspec tion. ' , , In Novelties ore offer our i ui!! Fine Cassimer e Pantsi 1 niih Seven n r pockets, ! -" ' ;!' ; something never shown before,' and' '''''' M ' ' Fine Reirfwlble' Overcoat?, i ! ' , representing ULKTERETTE on one side and sfACKCOATon the other. . , , , , i Our Kllk llandkerehlcfs, Scarfs, Ties, and Silk ITmbinlliw are not V he etiualled by any ni'iioc in iii7 illy. ,In addition to tbis we :carry a Large Line of i Carpets, Rugs and Blankets, ! Which we offer t LOW FIGURES.' I i: v-ill ; Onr Diagonal,1 Bine Beaver and .Scotch , . , : , . i l ne viot Suits, mm which fortlie lust few years have given such (jcnernl sntlsfnotlon.' Rre LIVING PROOFS that you get the KENT tiOODS (or the LEAST MONEY at our Emporium. ' octllddkwtf U i ' 1 , 1,1 . I, : H .1 ,. , ( runks. Valises, and a Full I.lnn of (-arista . ewejry, V iVati hes andAccndscni.' , ; , (, AT LOW PRICES. Itemernlier wb buy our Goods for CASEf, and WILLIAM ;! WHITFORD, k ,tt,- att6rmky'-at Iaw. ,! ; Ofllce bh Craven 'street, two' doors north of " Pollock, NEWBEKNj N. . . Will practice In the Counties of Jones, On slow, Lenoir, Pamlico and Carteret, and bIm in uie u.n. iiimiiot vouix.. txnveyanciiw a specialty. u ti hi i i oct7tf Steam , Dye . Woritc, i 10T Chore h Street,' NORFOLK; VA. , Dyeing and cleaning in all its branch es done in the very beat manner. -' Prompt attention given to all order by mail or express. '"gcpSdly , nji.ill j, : til ti l j t.l I ', . every hand. North State Pi-ess. '.''"' .'. hi (( -dun '-"it ' l ti...i i 4 ii ( ' i-i i,i i.)t i'-.t i ? 'Mi: I a i octiaiAw , . ': T . , . I'M h' 1 I :,(!.: 1 J' . i i.il (I I j f.,i! ; ' i i f !.' ' 1 it- ! I !!.,,!-: ,i-..i i . i -j;, I .1 1 !