: . c. now 15. is. : :t, A Train Conduc ts. . 1 1' ! -lit and passenger ; ,'.uikaml Albany t run very last. It l cm ; :er of things that it Liid there is sometimes nniong the Georgia crack-. ; the conductor generally r with them although OCCiV-i , ' lUnn '10 meets Willi . mure uiau tch. For instances ! we most there conductor i ' nervous man, lor tne nun- ' i IiT Villi? Ulillla AV'A tllU . neiuusiu. , i tune.' "JLememoei mj ; nnd I'm anxious.".- ' :"' ..:! .rot, thpr on time7 re- 1 .'..3 conductor, stolidly. ; v : If an hour later the nervous ; pproached hiui again. ! I f less she's dead now,"1, said r; Jurnfully, "but I'd give yon a something extra if you could -o to catch up With ; the fu .1.' May be she wont be so de posed but that I could fecog- The conductor growled at hiui :d the man Bubsided. ui'mulnctor." said he, after an I , ;r'8 silence. "Conductor, if the i d in't, daad ahead. I wish you !,l put ou some steam. I'd like see where my wife ianiaried be a t.hA tnmb-stone . crumbles to cesl Futyourselt in my phvee i ;r moment." The conductor shook luiu ofl,aud (' .a man relapsed into prolouua mei- 1 1 Kav. nonductor.'! said ho, 'alter "I've cot a - note ain due in three months. Can't vou fix it so aa to rattle along ;a nc- jfir wm crmifi nar nic again I'll knock you down," snorted the j con V ictor savafirelv t Tim nervous man regarded him I!y, and went to bis seat. TW hnnra latter the conductor i-n! nvwl lunrrh. ".""".rZ: . nig nearniy wuu p.nd nnnroached him. , X i - . ,, I "Don't teel SO Daaiy uuuut juui wife's death?" 1 hoola wmnuls SlCIieU i,u, ' " t;ia nerVOUS man. i; , ? 'A UU 1UU ttlD UUl w -bout the note!" sneered the;con- "TCnt, now.' That's ail ngut. non't worry. -I've been injuring tTv nun i iinu tuuit mo Uwed since I spoke to you last." Lailroai Mecord, Logan niul Blaine in 1884. Tho atnrv p-ns that Logau iand laiae have agreed to stand by ;a other in the next national ca. (ivention. work together in pro- - - '- HAlAo-atfta. and take nrst or :iX r lace on the ticket, as their . , uff antivn i aaatitt. f " ' Larje Crop of Jamaica Oranses Kingston, Ja., Oct. 27. Tho crop of oranges here will ' be very large, iu "v";.; now leave this port weekly ioi ,ew lork, are unable to taito iu i w gerill gtorieg and 0V(,iettes, poetry de fruit offered. The Alvena, which paviracnt for children, answers to cor- nails to-dav, leaves several liuiuii eti barrels of oranges on the wharf. Gents per Barrel PAID FOE 'Kerosene octlldSt ; Barrel. A'! R. DEXNI80X., I, ' : . ; i Executor's. lotice. . Stat or Kokth Caiiolina, ) ' The iilwcrilMT havlns qualitli'd a Exi'cii- ll,P4lh day ol ywmheT, A. 1). 1SS3. before thn Prolate Court Craven county, hereby no tilleH all i.eron liftvine clainm against naid es tate to tirexeut llieni for payment on or before ii,.. 'in, .in of Nnrember. 1St3, or this notic w'll be plmded In bar of their recovery. i Done this 4th dy of Nuveml r, 1 M. , 8. W, Latham, .' Mtr..--i'fs' .v'.v i :.' r.'r.i.-V.KxfCutor. A i'il? A NT, SH f) V vvr- 1 Cf'ITrtF E, jn WKINSTEIX mTILUINd. , . ............I fmm tlie Xiirtiiem Mnrket wltn I iii rue nnd W ell ftolectpd Htock of Dry Uf.otts, A l iiiue Hi'lectel Htock f Mcn'r oiiths' ni.. n.lldwn'S VIOTIIIIIB , . . ' -i no 1 i m'rt elcctl Htock of . ;-3 Cloaks and Dolmans, Mso the Latest -BtylPS "f Uidlos ,-acketH, Misses and t:blllren s. Walking Cents' and taditV Furnishing Goods A PPKCIALTV. A Full I.lne of .. I" 's izl Boys' Boots and Shoes. A1h a Fine Assortment of v " Children's Shoes. j , vI. k of Huts and Cuds, mid Latest " AX1I MISSES' HATS, , Y;1 .-s, nud n Full LiiHMif (,itrets, i, I "'(lis. ,ni-hi s niul Acconicoii ?e continue actasadliciwrsfor ! ratonts. caveats. trado-wavl;, copyrights, etc., for tiio United WatoB,iind to obtainpat. enta in Canada, iiiigianu, jrauce, Germr-ny, and all other countries. Tliii t--six yr practice. No charge for examination of models or draw- ines. Advice by mail free. rtonfa v.oinnil thrnne-h na aro noticed in the scientific AMiaucAN, which has lmg L'iSh. .fondants Bflll! iWBUBUOl VI i"J Amu uU1 . world. The advantagcsc-i suenanoace PdSS&aiyiiitr.fea news- 6aperi "bligh6aVEBiii-if att3.20aycar. andis admitted to be the best papor devot. huuao wuLuavruu . tosoienoe.mechanlcs.invontaons.eneerwe works, and other departments of industrial progress, published in any country. Hingle oopies by mail, 10 cents. Sold by all news dealers. . ,c. Address, munn uo.,puDUHaerB vi duou lifio American, 261 Broadway, Now York. : Handbook about nawnra muieu u-eo. S. A. GIIUECJIILL MANUFACTURER OF . Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware, And dealer in Stoves, Hardware, Crock ery and Glassware; Wooden and Wil low Ware, Apple and Pear fearers, etc. MIDDLE NTREKT, NEW BERNE, N. C. Opposite John Suter's Furniture Stoic. julladbni GOLD "WATCHES ! ON jY $35, WORTH $50. '. Fine Gold Necklaces only $5 Worth S7.50. Solid Silve Tea Sets only SG Worth over 8. Solid Gold Sets of Jew olr - o - onltr .S Worth S10. Solid Silver Wa'tches$7 - WorthSlO. A1,TMkisbuttolookaroundand caii mi ma hofnr nnrnhnRino. and will pniar- - r oi o- antee that you can save money alter learning my prices tor line gootts. vvatcnes repairea anu warrauiBu. , A RTHTTR. P.. FR.KF.MAN. .fin2d4m . - Norfolk. Va The Newspaper ! ABLE, nkwsy.' OOOI and H CHEAP! Weekly Courier-Journal. The Courier-Journal, (Henry Wat- tersou, Editor), is by circulation and reputation the acknowledged Represen tative Newspaper of tho South. As a reliable and valuable newspaper it has nn nunnrior in this country or in the world. It makes earnest, vigorous war T i i : ' I ' ; -ftk ... AnH maw. mon f oiveamy, two evns inai Diignsme ,Z.-S ftu Trei.j prosperity biiu muiauby ui hid uuiku States. It is able, brignt ana newsy, contains tho strongest editorials, the most complete summary ol the news oi the world, the best telegraphic and gen eral correspondence, full turf and sroek reports, market reports, fashion rcptiits, Tallll Ic,s BfirmouS) R ,endid orin.vi respondents, etc.; in a word, every thing to make it a delight to the family circle, and invaluable to the man oi business, the farmer, the mechanic and the laborer. Specimen copies and full descriptive premium circulars win be sent iree oi charge to any one on application. Sub scriptlon term's,- postage . free, are for Daily, 812; Sunday; 81! ; Weekly 1.00, Anv one Bendins: four yearly sub scribers and six dollars will be entitled to an extra copy of the Weekly Courier Journal pne year, free to any address Address . Ay . ,N. IIALDEM AN , Pres. Courier Journal Co jly29-dtf v, louisville. Ky. 0EEG0S AM) tVASIIIXGTOX. Everv one of our readers should become informed about the wonderfu resources of Oregon and Washington where the wheat production is larger and the death rate lower than in any other section of United States; where for the taking, Itnd -railroad lanus be hnncrrir. nn ton vpars t.imp. Tndustrinns men become independently wealthy thprn m a ver, few vears. 1' till in formation in the West Shore, a hand somelv illustrated journal published at Portland, the metropolis' of the Pacific Northwest, at $2 00 year or the publishers will send two specimen copies, ot dinerent dates, lor lo cents, Address West &hore. l'ortland Oregon FAKMS FREE TO ALL. Oregon and Washington, "the land of never failing crops, , where grass hoppers, chinch bugs, drought or hard winters are unknown, oners free homesteads to all, on fertile' govern ment lands. . Railroad lands in de sirable locations can be purchased on ten years time, in easy payments Every industrious man can , become independently veakhy in a very short ume, by eettlin; m the iacihc JNoit wnt. Address a posl.nl card to Fat; fob sal.:. Tho uiHifi'sinoJ will sell at tl.o court house door ia the. city of New Demo on I Monday, November STth, 1SS2, by pub . i j lie auction on terms of one half cash, i-1 one half on credit of six months, the fol- lowing described property: A part lot eastern side of Metcalf street, it being one fourth of the I't known in the place of said city as lot No. 9S. Tho sale is pusmxit to Mi order of the Superior court of Craven county made in a special proceeding pending therein in which C. T. V &t,son It plaintiff and Thomas V. Good ;n ami others arede . O. H. Ovion MAPP & CO., y Ma nufacturers of and dealers in 1 i ia, J&paansd and Stamped Tinware, Stoves. Heaters. EanC5. Etc..; Lani and IIouse-FurniHhing Goods, Metallic liooting, flumbmg anu . Gas Fitting. , , 104A 106 Water st., 84 A.SGRoimoke av.. NOliFOLK VA.t Write for Catalogues and Price List. i('!Mm , . 1 CHANGE OF SCiiEDULE. Midland N. C. Railway Co. TIME TABLE No. 7, New Series. , In Effect Wednesday, 2 :.r)0 A. M., No vember 1st, Ibb'J. EAST. - - I 1 ' - WEST. No. 47. ' No. 47 txiiren Lxpres!", Pass.&Blail STATIONS. Piifs.iMiiil Arr." il've. - ' . Arr. ;. 1,-vb, It. M.' P. M.' . f't-'NTt'Af. DIVISION. A.M. A.M. i . iKiiiillilh-ld - . ! - iitoldsboro A. & N. (, D1VINION. . it 4n QoldKboro. I lit 7 2J 7 28 La Gnuure 8 24 S 2S 8 1-1 8 fl Kins ton, . . 7 4H 7 4S B 4il 10 10- Nvw Kerne 0 40 ti (Kl 12 Saj Morehead Depot,.. . j 2 (SI- A. M. A. V. A. M. A. . EAST. WEST. No. S " o.i Mixed .Mixed Train.; STATIONS... Train. Arr. L'v. Arr. L'v. l1. M. I P. M. CKVTllAI. DIVISION. A. M. A. M. 1 00 Smitlitlll 11 16 2 lfl Goldsboro . 10 10 1 A, & N. C. DIVISION 6 (Ml GoWsiioro fl in I, 50 8 15 I.a Umnee . 7 07 7 23 7 01 . T KiusUm 6 Ai ( 23 9 30 Newbprn, 00 P. M t. M. A. H. A. M. . 47 and 43 daily. 3 and 4, daily ex- cept Sunday. Train it connects with North Carolina Train bound Wt. leavitit Goldiboro 10:0n p m ktid tit Wilmington & Weldou Train li9in' Jioutti, e Rvinfr Goldoboro C:.'l!) p. m., and 8:2!) p. ni., mid bound North leaving ftoldslioro t !):5U n.ni. Train 47 eonnects with Nortn ffitroliii Train from Hie West, arriving at (JolJsboro 4:12 p. in. and with Wilmington Train from tim. South, ar riving at CloldKboro fl:f0 a ni.,onl from the North arriving at (Joldsboro at ft:lt) r. m, Trams Hand 4 connect .Willi rtageii at. Sniithflcld to and from Si'lma,' - v - - ,! Train 4 oonnicts Willi WiliuniBtoii Train bound South, lnarine Goldsboro at e-.'iS and 8:29 p. ni., and bound north, leaving Ooldsboro at 0:00 p. in. Train .3 connects with Wilmington & Weldun Tml ti from th(morth,rrivliig at GoloSbcrn 0:14 p in. Trains 3 & 4 will carry ptisnengc r coaclies. ' J.W.ANDREWS, Ohf. Engr. and Oen'l Kiipt RICHARDSON'S Improved liool I'aint An. article long needed for the protection of Iron and Tin Hoots, it will not blister, chalk tieel: crack or corrode. It will expand and con tract with the iron or tin. It will not injure cis tern water. It is extremely durable and cheap Manufactured and for sale bv B. A. Richardson, ' Denier in Paints, Oils, Ulnss, Artists, Decora'or aim t.-naclil'flinterv Material or all Kinds. Bug22-dlv Nortolk Va, Elizabeth City ...Brewery, ELIZABETH, X. 0. t Jenkins' Ale, This Ale is manufactured at tins '.irewery, in i GENUINE AND PURE, Brewed frit in L'nre Blatt ami i Is a fine tonic, superior to and much better than any Deer made.. lias cured dyspepsia, and is a preventative malarial fevers and chills. - Dealers supplied m barrels, keg.i, or bottled in Crates. Kecommended by pliysicians. ', . Address, . THOMAS M. JENKINS & 00., Vox 28, ElizaMh Citij, N. C. aiig(i-il(im ' - :,-''r '- V . . - NOTICE. KKALKD I'llOl'oSAIiS to erect on IIidikI at. extniKloil, tlio pi iiKised liullilhig of "THE NKWISKKN ATHLKTII? AND SOCIAL (Lt:l!," will be received nt the Secretnry'a ollico until TURKU O'CLOCK P; AVKD NKSDAV, NO VKMIIKIt 13, 1HS2, at which time nnd plneo they Will bo opened In the presenco of siie'i bidders ns lnny be rcKont. The Jtlld Sjif-c'ii,-;;! iutlS lii,, bo .s,'l- III tin- III "Vt- Dealers in Drugs, Now offer lYruvian (.'miiio, Tine Island Guano, lWiile Guano and Kainit. COKXEIl I'OLl.OCK & M11DLE ST KE1STS. Warehouse Cotton Exchange Yard. , , wtLIJAw , . SE1V BEHNE. N. C. WHOLESALE AND revisions, wood and Willowware and Liquors The Ii'gt'Kt Exclusive Gwcry lloiree .111 Ihe City. Afy 5to( k is always complete, and good's fu"h. 1 I will sun ran tec to sell irmtds in my and consequently pave freight charge and . My stock of liquors is complete, and fore mnkiiu; purchases. , , . Brick Block, Middle Street, New Bonn?, X C. WHOLESALE GK0CJ1SS AND COTTON FACTGHS, All (Jooils in our lints sold at lint: very -lowest tush p.i I.eniKui pun! tc all orders t binii-ied to .our care. v '.. . 0 : Fj:iTIL!Zl l Now ready Icr delivery, Ihw be TurnipR Potatoes-and hetit. ' ill i sold for CASH or on TIMIi at C..E. FOY li-'- ''( ';' :,!(:;; i.:'; -" MIDDM'j STItHUT.-;New Ucrmc, ,N. C. O 'ji. FOY & ''COMPANY .offer to the trade Lorillard. (Jail. & ,Ax liaiimad Mills Sweet and Salt Snuff, at manufacturer's inices. ames j f BER&NER & ENiSL'S CELEBRATED BOTTLED LAGEE' BEEE FOB SALE BY THE CBATE Also on hand a full stock of AND TOBACCO. , Open Front Brick Store, 3II1I)LK ST KURT, Aprldwly ' ,. The Headquarters! BLA.1ZT HAY! Lime I BBICK, BBKTK". , OF A I A a CiiItAIIi:S. Rosendnle, lortIa.nd c Selinitic CJeineiils. r Piaster, Goat Hair, &c SALES JIOOM Craven Struct. Iielow Express Office. t . ' . Anjr 10 tl&w if L A B(x E S T IN THE T. A. fiBEES. . -:.'. Keeps always in Stock large quantities PORK, . LONG ' CLEARS, FLOUR, SUGAR, ' COFFEE, SYRUP, , , 3ktolssos, Bnlt, etc. L0FJLLARD AND GAIL & AX SNUFF, ' , " - " also a large stockof-.. DRY GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and Arbuckle's Ariosa CSACKERS. and CAKES in 9 RETAIL DEALER IN i obacco, Snun, line as cheap as any house in Norfolk, .marine rinks. ; v .... : :, I invito special -attention of .buyers be . ; ict3-d&w Mar 30. 1 t 1-4(1 w IVomi irnd Htt it-w at- FOR Till: FA! rd; griules ol' Nam! ( HOI ?. Irtt l't rnlii'.ei's. suitable Cr reaoni'bh pi ices. ' & COMPANY, aprld&wly 9 II. A J Groceries, Provisions, Cigars . ' NEW BEltXF N Lime l BBICK! R. O. K. LODGE, New Berne, N C. Bedmond AN I). OLDEST 0 CITY. great variety.. Air of I Will bo opened fc-r i'. .w guesis on 15th of Judo. Yh- o eral accommodations equal to Terms moderate N. S. Ilickrdsoii, 'T, T 'PRACTICAL ' ' BOOK ANI JOJS I'liJMi i . Opposite Tost OUttv., NEW ItEIlNE, N. T. GOOD STO0K, NEAT WORK, LOW PKICES. US Orders solicited and promptly ' Apr. Stf B. PEBBLE'S NEW glc:e Norfolk Ya. ' Hoard Wid'iv, 1 nf t.lll Ml Ck, Table b'tf t-i- wt-ck Lodginp. U.II0 j, 4.1 0 1 am OKI-' pon thk Lynnli.iveii Ovsii i -OliOniC HOUSE, . h 177 Main street Spu-ialtj. B. PEDDLE, Proprietor. . auKl0d4m ,. ,, . Ill Itlalu SI. YAUPON BITTERS or Yciretablc Elixir or Lite. - THE GKIiAT REM ICDY.it T1IV A;4; ' NO FAMILY SHOULD BE V l lilt 'l "I IT. YAtJros Bittkiis, are tho result i f m nrs of cliemical research and practical expurhiLtiiii. It is oomuoitnded fom tlie vxtractrd nnd con centrated irtoes of purely vegetable stiimtneet-s. It Is entirely free from ealomel ur r.'li-r tlnn gerons substances; 16 the safest meiliciite to itr-e fur children nnd weakened coiistituiiDns, whi ro a gentle yet effective aperient I rnpiu-rd. They pu rifv, invigorate and eniii-h lb.- !;!(,., stimulatn H to heanliv circulation, :ili-l li tnUeii when required will keep tho svsu in in pi iti ct order. It is especiplly recommended for tl i-rin-i' nl nil MALAKIAL diseases, Bright iIimiim-s i;l iht kulneys, Kheiimntism, Dvspepsia l'.illu nuii-ss, C'ostivoness and all Liver complninK ' As an aperient the dose is a if. Mi speiniT.ill three times a day, and as a tonic and al ler:i the a small teaspoonf ul morning and evening. .. prepared by Jno. It. Lndlotv. Pharmacist and (,'ln-mist, Aoi folk, V: A. Aug 19 6 rad ( Golden Days,' A HiRli-Class Weekly "for Buys , and Girld. . Has just entered upon its third volume with a very largo and steiitiily-inereas-ing circulation. It has won its way to the popular heart, no lew by its in structive and entertaining .-. contentj than by the high moral tone wliick . n 1 mm. cnaractenzes every article mat appear, in its pages. , '- . .; Gou)en Days is a sixteen-page week ly, filled with stories) sketches of ad venture, instructive matter; and every thing that can interest, entertain-ami v- benent boys and girls. - The whole aim aud purpose of Golden Days, and which permeatea every article that appears in iu pe, is to teach children obedience, honesty, truthfulness and rvrno for the Colder, Rule as the true guide of lif. The leading scientists, clergymen aud . educators are engaged upon GoMHStt ,Dayb. ilts illustrations arc refuse and in the highest style of in t. !ev. D. P, Kidder, D.t).," will give each week a lucid imd sehol.-irly expo sition of the International Sunday school Lesson of the succeeding week. "Puzzledom''- will perplex imd de light the ingenious hoys and girls, as it has in the past. , , : - lhe "Letter Box' will continue to dispense useful information, 'and to an swer tho queries and publish the No tices ot Exchange of our young ; friends.' In short, uoldkn Uays will stop all . no expense to deserve ' in a higlicr dc gree than ever boloie, the title tli, , the discriminating - public huvc b1 biowou ujiou it mui oi uie j i nice o Juveniles." I 1 1 1 In response to a request' from a laryc number of admirers of -Golukx. Days, we have concluded to issue, a month1 ' part for the benefit of those who pre. to purchase it in magazine form. Specimen Copies Sent Free, la all the cities and large towns i tho United States, Goldo Days i-; . sale regularly every week by m ... dealers and book sollers. '. Many per sons, however, find , it 'inconvenient t buy the paper from dealers. To ., such, it will be sent' by mail, poM;i paid, at the . following suhseripiii rates, either for the weekly or nioiiil' part : , ,. , For 1 month, For 2 montlis, , . v . . For 8 months," : . " v . . 1 , For 4 months, ... . ." ' For G months, . . For' 1 year, ... Subscriptions can begin wi:', number. Back numbers Mipplie.I the same rates. We pay till : Money should be sent to vs i : by Post Office Order . r Letter, so as to provide ns f:f n i sible against its loss by nini! All, communications, 1 otherwise, must be nddr" ,. .TAMILS KLV, . I'nb. Golden Age, 11 " ' :'::rL,;:, lVi:Tf.AN!, O;: roS',