V'l I :, J. - 1 1 .. 7 .'I ., ) ! riUeiitlou to tliefiut li.ut lie has B Choice Hi . , . , - ! FA!ULT'CEOCEEIESr w- !eh he U selling LOW for CASH. ' ' ' " i.r atleution Is culled to Ilia FINE Gl lu -i of FAMILY FLOUR. Hue Mull-Fed beef always on hand. 1 I'liiiKiisnnient of live stock solicited. . (imu awrvenyl (a any part of the lty free .. Ofcjrie, W' j.t. 85 Broad Street, between Hancock and ... Hiddle, -'t: OPEAT' -(!' , u 4An4 P9u' you Forget It," , T& 'lwfilTMAH'S ETE. OPENERS . . u-il'U4l -'-V jj AltE UNEXCELLED. . .. . Xililn Stres jOear .Corner, SoutV Front, ;,Nijxti-xir -R, Rimes'. 1,. II. CUTLER, . DEALER IN Cicvcs ana ilardvaro, tlOO-E'tftfltNlsMlNG GOODS 4-..t, jut In 'ir.:t ri t jtu .i - a ., 't ; iff. :,.o-25..im!2LESt- i -i ! - ! Apr. 12, ly d J Ne Berne. M. C. ";-.-.i CENTEAL HOTEL, i:.,t i -i w E PATTERSON, Vnor'R, ; , ; N IS W .B E BNE, N . C. THIS WELL KNOWN AND COMMODIOUS home, as Its name implies, is situated la the central and business portion of ' the , city, hence recommends Iteell f its coneiience to the travelling public. Abrditot solicitors every opportunity of vUltinit business correspondents. - i H has attentive servant!, and its tablet is iilwuys . f urnnu witn , j ; v l;vry. JDelicacy , f the Season " ' " Its'jiwin's'ars laie, airy and well furnished. AN OMNIBUS . !Ulr' the 'accommodation of guests to and from trains and steamers free of charge a special feature in this city, t;.,;A.ll the appurtenances, of a modern ' FIRST CLASS HOTEL. 5 April l-d-ly. i .'liSTEM, hlTItlUUIl ':: , Marble works ;. ' MONUMENTS, ' TOMBS, . ALL KINDS GRAVE AND BUILD :; IT ALIAM& AMERICAN MARBLE ,' Order will Veceiv prompt attention . i ,; ' '. and satisfaction, guaranteed. ' . ;l 'joe k., Willis, ';' . , 'Jhj$ .:''r;:V':.':r Proprietor, : .'.''";':V;l5!r'):&W' Claypoole) ,S: Cor. BBOAD & CRAVEN Sta.', ( : . , -:7.iP., : .. NewBerne, N.C, , ;WarV).i'i .V w - - . .y ALEX; MILLER, ,, .....(WHOLESALE & RETAIL ...i, GEOCEK. C'Ofistaptjy feceivinaa fuH Hue. u:it;Jlii'dy Croceriesi ; 'i i FARllIERS'i t SUPPLIES, WhicW wm offer as low as , atiy house in the t;ity and warrant, all goods as rep- . 'resented. .?'.' t'.f,tr! ' Call and ' examine ' onr '"stodk and ' ijirice's. StaWes furnislied fiee to all our ' Good dtiUyered fi-ee ta uny part of , iljjs city.- .!.,!-;,' pi ry n n : fl f- f ' a ' I j ... . a m M iff UFCTUREU ' OF ::::oice Havana: AND . .. - -i 1 ' . !t. -. ; :tkj TI IE. JOURNAL.' NEW BERNE. N. C. NOV. 19, 1882. FUNNY SAYINGS. "What's a zebra, Tom ?" asked a geutleinan of his son. "A horse with his ribs on the out side," was the witty reply;-rt: "You never, saw my hands as untidy as that," said Aunt Jane to Bessie. . n v ' "No," replied Bessie, looking up archly, 'but your ma did." r John argiii'S that 'if a two-wheeled vehicle " is li bicycle- and a three wheeled a tricycle, a one-wheeled ought to be an icicle." But it isn't; it's a wheelbarrow. A little lad of four years, seeing his father returning from a visit to barber, remarked:'1 ? i - "Ta pa's got si new ? face, aud i inks a new pair o' ears." The father's hair had been . cut, making his ears look larger. 1 . ,., ffjahnny," saitlAunt tricy, placing her hand upon Johnny's head, 'do you understand why it is better to give than to receive t" "Yes, ma'am.' m "Why is itl Give me an ex ample.'', Joluniy, who had just disgraced himself in a little flurry with Another boy, replied: ., ,v . ; "Well, 1 reckon it's better to give a cuff 'lougsi.le the head than to receive one. ,. Who is Maii.i?f ;WliQ ittMtvrit" was tlto ques tion that startled Mr. Brown (who alks in bis. sleep) as be wakou the other morning and found Mrs. Brown sitting'up iu bed with an interrogation point in one eye and an exclamation point m the other. "Maria r Maria who s" . "That's lust what- I want to know; ; V6d repeated the name over and over again last night." ''Lekme .see--oh. yes; that's Par ker's dog a splendid animal. I've been trying to buy1 her." "You ought to own her, certainly ; ou are so excessively fond of her. You asked Parker's dog to put her arms around your neck and kiss you, You even went so lar as to tell l ar- ver's dog that you loved her with all your heart, and that when you came to die if you could only lay your lead oil Parker's dog's bosom you could breathe your life out sweetly there. Then you asked Parker's dog to have another plate of ice cream, and if the watch you had given her kept good time. jJiuing the bight you kissed- Parker's dog a dozen times, called her all the pet names known, aud proved to me conclusively that you ought to iye with Parker's dog and not with me." ' . r4 Mrs. Brown has gone ,to her mother. FAMILY GROCERIES ! LOW PRICES MUST AND WILL RULE - -i : ( : ". !- Our Motto is: Quick Sales and Small Profits- ' , EVERY STEAM EU BRINGS US FRESH Gotrtien Butter, Fine Royal Crown Flour, Kettle lietmerea i,aru, w limniBion riimnny SiiRar Cured Hams, Crackers and Cakes, , Sugar Cured Miouldors, Cheese, , ' Suitar Cured Strips, Canned (Jortds, Sukiu', Codoe and leas, jiouao Meai, -Tobacfio, Snuff and Cigars, Pieklen, Dried Fruits, Ury Salt Meats. -ALSO ';- i . A nice line of , Domestle Dry (ioods, . . , , llootH and Shoes, ' ' v ; Wood and Willow Ware, ' Croekory Ware, Etc.. Etc. ' W P.' UOUTREld. '; marSOdly Middle St.. near the Market. k-r Attractions' Extraordinary " i. r More Extensive, Mora Elegant tha Ever-The Beautlfut Jewelry at Fine Solid Gold, Enameled, Chased aud Engraved Watches., , f;,. -f .. 'iJovely sets of Jewelry, Pins, Ear Rings, Bracelets, Neck Chains, Lockets, etc.j etc;" ',- i- "-i 'tl, t -. vy --y Diamond, Ruby, .Garnet and Cameo Rings. ; : ' ' ' ' .-: Solid 18 karat (JoldEiigagemeut Rings aspecialty. ' , v ' Clocks of all sizeV an4' styles, from 1.00 to $50.00. .' Any article purchased hot satisfactory can be exchanged. v : ' ' " ' PUBLIC INVITED TO CALL AND i.i.o. u i -EXAMINE.1 - .; seplSdtf New Berne, N. C. WILLTAT! 7im?0HD, i AT LAW. ninth of TllO N C. Frci'ht LillO FOR NEW YORK, BOSTON, PEOVIDENOE . and all pobitit '. ' 4 v' . IVovtli nnti "West I SK'MMVEKKLt STEAMERS Between Jew, Berne and Baltimore, ' i (Tmicliiup at NoiTolk) T I-eavliiR Ntw Durue for Uultlmore TUESDAYS ami FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leave H:tUiniore jo.i NewBerne WEDNESDAYS ilnd SATUKDAY8 ii ttl. p. w. , ; , " V " . A;eiiis tire as foliew: R3UBRN l OSTKR, Gisn'l Jfanaiter, ; ' 90 LiKht St., Biil't. Md. JAS. V. MiCJARRtCK, A-'U Norfolk, Ya. ' W. P. Clyde & Co.. Pliil:ulelihik, 13 South Wharves. ; Oeo. H. Glover, Pier No. 49, E.R. Jfew York E. Sampson, Boston, a3 Central. wharf. ; K. H.Rockwell, Providence 11. 1. -j ' I. 0. Mink, Full River, Dorrick wUrf. i Ships Uiave Hoelon, Tuesday ana. rim urdaye. ' " New York duly.. " " ll,illiiinre, Wedhowiliiyu mid Saturday" " Fall River, Mondays, Wetliumdays and Fridays. - " ' Providence, Satiiidum. Tliruimli bills ludiuK KivHii, und rates Kuaran eed to all iinti, at the diftnn ni ollicus of the cowpaaii'. 1 -i " ' . Avoid Breakage of Bulk and Ship via . . N. C. LINE. ,,.tl Mar m ly. S. II. (Ml AV As't. New Uerne, N C ston House ;':' ;SA:LO:ON. ; Tlio quietfitt ami most retired ilsu in the City. 'ih hcsl. of Wines." '-' -: : LIQUOiiS, , & CIGARS. Billiard and Pool Tables. All the lustrated and Sporting Paper, " , of the Bay on File. 7 " 7 SST "D B's and Plants" will not e tolerated. JAMES CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Apr.l lyilw j GEO. ALLEN & CO., NEW JiEliNE, N. V., ' mm' mmm few! , Oiler a Large Stock nit ' . ' '. i- f - J h Brown, Georgia : and Needle ! COTTON GINS," ' Feeders and Condensers E'ARM EISTGHSTES I'rotu 4 105:0 Jlorsc owcr, OF THE 'Most Approved Make. COTTON PRESSES. ' j llice Threshers. I Grata Faii s, Strjiw Cuttci'S, Corn ('I:Sljeiilersi Et;Ktc,f((r ' !' Plows and! Cultivators, ; Iii Great Variety, ami at Very Low Prices. - r u3 The plsosurojof yoar compaay - is respectfully solieitcd t FASHIONABLE Ui!i3ifffrvi7fGes'd$i:; Kdliohs -5 and S!::3:Sl;ro POLLOCK STHFETii NEW DEilllE, II. C. Kverv eii'ort will .to miulo to snil you iu al Jiues ofj Fancy Dry Goods. . , . . Ssti)" tiiiijh, of any kin4 oI'Ik rut. ' ' 1 '''.'' ' ' 1 ; ' 1 ' . BSJ" IJoods sent nut to be looked Hi. i 8. Money returned floods do 11'ot - 1 resjk-ctrully invite the ntleution of wry uoous, iiesu nuu uesirauie ; niao.my elegant stock nt ft ; , . .,' . -t: . ... . : I' , , , Ladies and Children's Hand-made Shoes, wliu li are wamintiid. I m'pi-eiiared to oiler nt the lowest prices, ' leeJing as sured that my facilities eiwbhi jmi to compete with any similar establishment in tliia city. A cull from you when you visit our city is solicited, and, in the mean time, your orders will receive prompt and careful attention.,.-' bend 3 ccntjet unp for Fahio!.:leet. ' r , - epl-d&vCm DEALER IN SASHES, No. 16 "W. Side Market Sar. and 49 Roanoke Ave.j j 'JNOJlloLii:, ViV. seP2d&v8m MAKE tiO MISTAKE I DO NOT FAIL WHEN IX L.O.TsHI.NC'i i-iirnisiif MENS' AND, Men's, Boys', Ladies & Misses' We buy these goods from the maimfaeturer,vaiid sell th'eui close. I Our line of Shirts and Undershirts, and Undershirts.,. Our EdonomV Linen and Celluloid Collars aud Cuff's. the price of . other house. Rubber, r . j ur:. Oi r JJCar iu UllIIU tuat, 7iii omuv, vuania uu a unices uiiuuiin uc uuti eiao- whore m the city. , . . The need of an Exclusive Gents' FurnMiing Store has long been felt in this city. Give us your trado and we will supply your wants. S Having plenty ot room on second; uoor ior iiio aispiay or uarpeis ana yu ClothSj we have added them to our, stock. ' . ,', , ' - , : ' iMAKE NO BLOOMING EltllOll, but bo sure and find us before you bu'y. We will save you money. . We have Mull lino ot, Trunks and tiame withbut, extra charge. ",; ; All the novelties in bilk and Lmen Ilaiidkorohiefe . . js-.y I'Jtgr Onr, Uxpcfisfs (tya Small. I We sell accordingly. oo2'2d&w HOWARD & JONES, i Ppllocli Stroot, ; Noar 23iicbio,l Ohurohi oi!i Born! Corn! , HAY, 'BAY,, HAY. HAY. HAY 1,500 Bush, eieced .'geed Oatg, BlackJ Vhite 6i Rust Proof. iuudumi vnoice uromen nusi .y.t,.,, sVsPr li'Mri d.QJccll "Havtf also du hatfd 'a'lae'sunfily anil all kinds of lel.s' Furehasers will do veil to call at v, '' Union Point Steam Flouring Hills, South Front Street, ' "-':j:';i;':M.KA;DO ws, i? -J 4 ' suit. the trade to my very suinor stock of BOORS AND BLINDS, THE HEADQUARTERS j! TO CALL ON ; m jomes NEED OP r.OVS' HATS, Ratter Coats and' CirinilaiB is now complete. ,1 Boys' Collars, Shirts ShtTt. three for $2.00, is excellent. We sell our neckwear much belOw Silk, Alpacca and Gingham Umbrellas. v i CI ,M i k U,1 li .. , ,: , x . j Valises, on which wc put the buyer's . . t'rooi wncai, vvnueanuucu to villi for their 'Seed frly.&H ' ' -,'fi ' of. - CJUoice Timothy ' Ila.V Goods Uanwell k Qii EL1CIS3ITHS, M1CHO I Iron aud Ornstt Fount!: i v;. . -amd- ; . BOILEiSIAKEnc. E N (x IN E f AND AIL KINDS OP HAtlli: Orders socitfd and ,'prc: attende d to. ' i IUVEN t, , . between rolloc and Sou thTr Apr 4. If d . ' ' - . General Jjspranci.lpts,. . IVew Berne ISV O. Onl first class Companies represenl- eu m -; ' " ,. , Fire. Life sad Aeciieat Insurance. Total Capital oyer Forty Millions of i , Dollar's.. ,, Jun4dly C. B. HART & 00. onz mas zm stobil. Northt corner Middle and South Frost strwt Kite E H. Windley snd K, - pes. UKALKKS IIT- ;l I .).;. i Stores,' House Fohdsliing Goods, : ; CROCKERY am" GLASSWARE, t r I A MPS in Rreat variety. BURNERSy WICKa, CHIMNEYS, ; , ' KEROSENE OIL Pratt's Astral Kon-Sjrpies.ye Kl,i , i Machine and Train Oils. We are now preparrd tM manafactai . -1 Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware: ' Hweial attenti'm civen to nislrim rioo sold low and warrsntnl to l.t as reprSeilte4 . Cotton Seed Meal, 7 It ' 7.-".t .I.. .'Hi .;!: r,i: 'i.A,' : THE BEST 'STOCK FEECF AND FERTHJZER. Exceptionslly 'good for mllvh cbwsqnsl to lock poas at ball Ik price-fS csnts par busbel FOR SALE BY I., ft. I3exi.xxioxx, may 0. d-ly New Berne. N. C OLD 1Oi111NIOIS 1'..;,, ... Steamship - Company. For New York, Haiti wore, Nor folk, lioston, Elizabeth City, Pblladelphla, Providence, and other Cities. ON AND AFTER . ' Friday, July 28th,. .1882 UNTIL FURTHER' NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah Will leave, upon arrival ot train on Norfolk and Elizabeth City Railroad at Elizabeth OUT, ev J Monday and Thursday for Now Berne via Nas Head. Eeturnln leaves New Berne for Elizabeth City Tia Nag Head, every Tneaday and Friday at i p. m, making vlsss connection with Norfolk snd Elizabeth City K. 11. for Northern cities. Clos connection made at New Verne with steamers for Kinston, FollokevillH, Trenton and all land Injts on the Neuss and trsid $fers. 'Jp ' ; "'B' iwnmi nivtiy inm1 s p. mn Kirwarncu. promptly and lowed rates guaranteed todestlns tion. Fare to Elizabeth City and return. . To Nags Head and return, 4. To Washington, $4. E. B. ROBERTS, KKHy New Berne, CULrEPFKK TUHNtR, ' ' 1 . h ', , Ag'ts. Norfolk, V. A W. H. Stankoiii, Oeu'l m Ag't, j 'y; Mar.301?d ... New York Citv A. II. HOTLON, DEALER' IN Foreign and Domestic , WINES & 11Q.U0ES,'5 TOBACCO S&CIGAnO. MIDDLE STltEET, Orrolto Ioe ZXpuae, , , KBIT BKBNB.-R.C: aprlydaw . WM. LORCH, , DEALER IN;. ,; GENERAL MERCHAWE I" n oalt 'house .acccobatk::! Broad St. New luat, S. C dwMsr. loi. DATL .BROS., WHOLES AE. QROCr AND cojunssiON ' '. JfEWBEKNE.N. 4prl, d wl y v ;,'1JOT1C1j3. i, the County Cnmrainsltinem have real estate sold by the Sherif! tu tais due for the yar lHi.i-a n l" r, owners without , vii, xr.e n,uiu allowed hv law l ,v- s t- b ( are .'1 hy t i. j e-.- i v . i..,3 ii u e i y.

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