L 'J. NEW BERNE, N. C., SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1882. NO. 1 1 o. ! I 1 J H C C ...... .i .iuc. ii ut day, i.nuw, 6tf minutes, j p. ni. ' ;.ir couit to-morrow. venue collections for the a plltt Cliurck. Eev. F. W. Eason, Pastor. Services at 11 o'clock, a. ni. and 7i o'clock, psm. Sabbath school at 3 o'clock, p. m., C. C. Clark, superintendent. Seats free. Strangers visiting the city and the public generally are cordially invited to attend these services. week . to 0SD. . : A b.iuutiful supply of red head" ducks in t'.d market yesterday. The Thanksgiving turkey has made his app'earcnce, and shuffles off at 32.00 per pair. V ., ;- . : ; . Twelve hundred bushels of rice sold in the market yesterday. Prices un changed. '" ' "' ' ' ' The office at Radcliff & Co.'s mill has been repainted and now presents a neat ' appearance. '; ? 1 , -' ,' V-'-' t : ? . Rev. S. H. Isler, of Ooldsboro, will preach in the Presbyterian church at 11 a.m. and 7p.m. The schooner W. M. Hill, Hill, Capt., arrived from South Creek on yesteeday evening with 32 bales-of cotton. Four marriage license issued by the Ksgister of Deeds during the week, Three to whites and one to colored coup les The truckers are preparing their rands for cabbage and radishes.; Mr. J. L- Pvhem has al.eady planted out 50,000 . cabbagei Mr. Z. DeForest Ely, a partner , of Robert Buist, the celebrated garden seed grower of Philadelphia, is in the city looking after the interest of his firm. The steamer Ooldsboro of the Clyde Line arrived from Baltimore yesterday evening with a cargo of general mer chandise. , Putting on aire 1 Four hundred walking canes were eold yesterday in New Berne. " , But theyt were candy canes sold by a confectioner on Middle street and eaten up before night. ' Messrs. E. V. & S. W. Smallwood have fitted up twd neat little offices ad joining their building on the corner of South Front and Craven streets. One , will be occupied by Dr. H. G. Bates the other by Messrs. Watson & Street. The busy hum of machinery could be heard at the cotton factory yesterday . Mr. Dobson seems to know exactly what he is about and will, we think make a success of it. If he can make such goods as the samples he has on hand of his Philadelphia work, there will be no trouble in finding a market for it. - POLLOCK 8TEF.ET CHAPEL. Services at 4J o'clock, p. in., conduct ed by the young men of the Baptist church. All young men and the public generally are cordially invited to attend this meeting. ' ; " Your Name In Print, ., . - i; Mr. R. H. Hilton received a telagram esterday from Baltimore with infor mation that his wife, who was called hither to see her sick mother a few days ago, was very sick. Mr, Hilton left on the evening train for Baltimore. . ' ' Mr. A. L. Rouu' ree of the firm of B. H. Rountree & Co., of New York, Was in the city yesterday His family are spending the winter at Kinston. ; Eev. S, H. Isler, of Goldsboro, is in the city and will preach at the Presby terian church to-day. He is conduct' ing, assisted by Rev. L. C. Vass, a series of interesting meetings at Croatan. ' Bear and Catamount. ' Mr. B. B. Mallison killed a short time ago a large boar on his father's planta tion near Croatan, which weighed,' net, 000 pounds, ' The fat on his back meas iurod three inches. , A few days after wards he killed a catamount which measured four and one half feet from tip to tip. No rattlesnakes to report, Wlllougliby Reade. , In looking ovnr our exchanges yes terday we find that the popular reader, Willoughby Reade, is delighting our Eastern friends. The Edenton Enquirer say a he read there twice this week ind "w a fine success. " Prof. Johnson, of imp, iNew uerne uraaea csciiooi, says ne lias heard him often and thai his read' iugs are very enjoyable. He hopes get him to lecture before his school while he is in New Berne. . . FalrPremiani 1SGO. Lareest collection EverereenBim-emium We have before -us a copy of the divided between Miss Hannah Manly Jramciw A.hwot. nt TTinsrnn. rlatfid ana Airs. J. A. liuion I l.1 i l. 1 r t r i . iur uie ureiuesi uuruu, oxina uaiue Nov. 15th 1860. In it we find the "Award of Premiums" of the "2nd Annual Exhibition of the Union Agri cultural, Mechauical and Commercial Society, held at Newborn on the SOth and Slst of October and the 1st and 3d of November, 18G0."" , Stanly. BRANCH X. CLASS 1, v i Fastest sailing Yacht, Annie Latham. low Kinston Items. Cotton Middling Si ; strict middling 9: low middling 9i. oeea cotton Extra nice. 3c.: oral nary 3c. x Corn 53c. per bushel. Rice $1.00 to 81.05 per bushel, with it It sells This cool weather is brinirin? ' . .. . . i . as a matter oi curiosity ana to en- fresn mk very plentifully courage interest in anuiner r air, we 1 readily at lie. hog round. .......w , "Wf.n osiM loo T?i.1a fHH, i. . . ' I vvjwu dviu mvic ioav "Wtll AltlU Ob . ne list opens wun a silver cup awar- u ' ded to Col. John D Whitford, followed m even. by like premium to W W. Caraway, cUned 9.85 and V , . . hnth fnr t.horftncrhhrfid hnmAfl. Carft l a 11 . way, now better known as Di R. Walk- gemman oi coior i tnis county er, also bore off second silver cup for is over anxious to exchange his wife, w matehMl nair of carriaire horses- who bas deserted him, for a big spotted " I 1 If Ail 1.1 1 1 11 . . . l m , m nxhnr. "rtirtrmul waiter" 4n or mue oiacK uuu or a nail ton Ot those days. Jumping over the list on cattle and hogs where we find many fa miliar names, as J. L. Rhem, A. C. Latham, P. E. ' nines, Dr. Cobb, R. kainit. Tax payers are forking over to the sheriff very slowly. It is believed that officer will make more from costs for advertising than from commissions for Herman Bryan v. Lawhoru. . , , It will be remembered that one- Syl vester Lawhorn, a turbulent-Kansas exoduster, shot without any provoca tion, Mr. Herman Bryan of this city. Mr. Bryan luckily escaped serious dam age, and Lawhorn is only guilty oj a deadly assault., At Lenoir, court the defendant prayed for a remoyal and the case was transferred to Duplin. Mr. L. J. Moore was employed to prosecute and left for Kenansville last. Thursday. The result of the trial is shown by the fol lowing telegram: ,; MA6NOLU, N. C, Nov. 25. Lawhorn convicted for assault on Herman Bryan. Sentence, eighteen months imprison ment. ' ' : L. J. Mooke. Berry and others, wti find in the poul try exhibit, Master Charles Slover for collecting this year. Java Bantams; and J. D.boott, or Jones, The exodusters from Kinston this pulled up on China Geese. (And that! week to Duplin court are numerous, se- probably accounts for campaign,: anec- lect and elite. They go as witnesses in dote of figurine through to- China or the State against Sylvester Lawhorne that other place.) 1 for shooting Herman Bryan. Mr. T. l. uooaing, now or ramnco, Kilbv Jones Esa.. the hero of Pink gets a premium on oats, ana it is a BtriK- Hill -wasintown last Friday with iu6 wiv.u, oaie or crooa cotton, lie hava. "vnn . i i n M h.-j . I ' vertisemeni mwie ramuco '"e'yrwe bet" he wont invest any of it in "a co or oats ror saie. J. a. ween oi uurnam OI14,rftt,inn Btorn" with Hint WKitn-M u gets the prize on "manuracturea tonac- director, at $2.50 for yellow dip. tab f irm at ifci.su ana 81.75. uekswax 20c. to 22c. per lb. Honey 60c. per gallon. Wheat 90c. per bushel. ( Beef On foot, 5c. to 7c. Fresh PonK 10c. per pound. Eoas 22c. per dozen. . , ' PEANtjTS New crop. Si. 00 per bushel of 32 lbs. Fodder 75c. per hundred for new. APPLES Mattamuskeets. .75 cts tier , i . . . ' . r nusneu " ; Onions $4.00 per bbl. Peas $1.10 to 81.25 per bushel. Hides Dry, 9c. to lie; green Oe Tallow Cc. per lb. 1 Chickens Grown, 50c. per pair. Turkeys $1.75 per pair. i Meal Bolted, $1.00 per bushel. roTATOEs canamas. BUa4Uc: vams auabuc. per Dushel, Athletic Entertainments. At a meeting of the Directors of the Social and Athletic Club last night it was decided to get up a series of enter tainments this winter to help raise ad ditional funds for Gymnasium build ing. Messrs. E. B. Roberts, Matt Manly and Geo. N. Ives were appointed a com mittee to inaugurate, the movement, It is thought best to invite one or more prominent speakers to deliver addresses and to get ladies in the city to aid in getting up some musical and theatrical entertainments. . A ,' We are very much pleased with this last 'feature. We badly need such en tert&i,nments, and a concert by the ladies here will be highly appreciateioutBide of any (iymnasium movement. Let us have it soon. - 1 win i)e the judge i . ; . ' ' ',f'. : '.;' re is a knotty point to be met next . ou Hie tenure of office of the Judges f V 1 1'iior courts. The terms of -lit Judges expire on the first il rr. The Judges-elect ought if un 1 Lold courts on the 1st of : L the canvassing board ' ,'.i on- the 30Lh and the i ale known in ,n um. Judge court here this should i.t i ) eveiit i i f will be hoi i ' , ;d a solution of tle case ; le at once if possible. i in New York and Liver Hut little change in futures, niled here about like the Cr.ol.tni.lrcd and seventy 'I s-rci to 9.C3. Twelve 1 f ''y-ono bales have been $ v i k ii-'iiiiist 003 for the 1 T, !0 7-13 ot: :).r t Trade for the Week. Not much improvement to report over the week before. The "time" merchants say collections have been very poor. Notwithstanding the beautiful weather for the last two or three weeks many farmers say they have not picked more than half their cotton. The crop is some better than was anticipated in August when the heavy rains were coming, and pickers are scarce. The fair price paid for rice is causing that, crop to be mar keted. About nine thousand bushels were sold during the week,; bringing from $1.00 to $1.07. Cotton has been coming in rather slowly and sales ap pear to be dull. Twelve hundred and forty-one bales nave been sold during the week at prices ranging from 91 to 9.80. This would, indicate that about $50,000 -we're paid' out tor cotton and rice; but the merchants Bay, or some of them say, that the money is not spent here. "These river boats," says One, are ruining the trade of New Berne; they bring the cotton down here and one man will come down in a buggy and sell for three or four and carry the money back, where it is spent in the country stores." If this be true, and drummers supply the country stores to snch an extent as to injure the whole sale trade, then the business men of New Borne should look after the local and retail trade, and to do this success fully they should encourage manvfactu riiig. Anything that will bring people to a city and give them employment is bound to build up the trade. It bus been proven beyond a doubt that manu- fj,etm ir"j will build up the trade of a t v .i f ' i- than anything else. I . vl: IV eiitly a hand- bo ,1 it M t 1. 1 been placed in 1' T ' f C hurch with the following 1 1 ' : ' 1 n, Born i'i Lonis- , 1 v:;,-lfVt:t. co," and from that beginning can be traced, we believe, the world-renowned Black well Durham Tobacco. Mr. E. R, Stanly, now of Rah way, New Jersey, comes in for the '"largest yield of pota toes from one JuUi" and his reputation as an amateur agriculturist is wen es tablished here The name of Wm. H. Oliver & Co. (appears very often for ag ricultural implements; and on tinware, pumps etc., C. A. Hart, Bro. & Co. had the list. f And without further special special mention we quote ,the follow- ing: .-, . , . yi. - ').-:' I :n t.M BRANCH VHL-rCL ASS L-SOAP, &o. Best soft soap, Mrs. S. Whitehuret, CLASS 2. BREAD, &0. Best loaf light bread, Mrs. J. N. Wash ington. u-m-' - Best biscuit, Mrs. , Dr. J. B. Emory. cookies, Mrs. F. r. Latham. 1 dried figs, Miss A. Ellis. ' ; CLASS 8-PICKLES, &c. Best Catsup, Mrs. Jas. W. Carmer. Grapes in cans, jars, farrott. specimen of any other kind Fruit in cans, Mrs. Parrott. Best preserved Limes, Miss a. M. " .. '.';.-CLASS 4- - , v:,v Root Pranarvfld PAanViHH. Mrs. Parrott . -----j- - , Preserved Grapes, Mrs. Parrot, ' Fruit Jellies, Mrs. Peebles. CLASS 7. NATIVE WINES, Best Still Suppernong, Thos. Williams. Tomato Wines, Aliss usan unver. ' ' CLASS 8. Best Apple Brandy, J. D. Myers.' Whisky, J. 1J. Whitrord. " Peach Brandy, J. D. Whitford " Peach Cordial, Mrs. D. T. Carra- way. BRANCH IX;-Chws BLANKETS, CARPETING, &o. It is said the cotton presses o f some of our cotton ginners and packers need covering or re-shingling. A. cotton grower bi ought three bales to market one day uiib week so wet it could not be sold at any price. , It is said a crowd of our young Nim roots took tne Miaiana jn. v. train one night this week for a 'possom hunt, but where they went or what they caught "no feller" has found out. They say however, that Capt. Levi Jake brought up the rear with one little blue-eyed 'possum. Sheriff Davis takes a new departure next year. . He expects to embark in agricultural pursuits, hiring Lewis Grady Esq. , the political boss killer of this county, to do his plowing with little red bull. Mr. Parker , may look out for the first cotton blossom next summer, and Swansboro may expect its reputation for big trout, big snakes and big potatoes to be wholly eclipsed, if Oi. the Sheriff and Grady can keep the old jug full. The Election In tula District. (StatosvlUe Landmark.) Different of the papers of the State have announced, within the past week that Maj. Robhins would contest the election of Dr. York in this district, and different grounds of contest have been cited. We called, yesterday, upon j. Robbins for a statement of his purpose in the premises, and received from him a statement something like this: He is in constant receipt of infor- of COMMERCIAL. CITY II. rfEW BERNE MARKET. Tbia Column. HVTt InWal n.... for Local A J ei-Utsing. Thanksgiving. At the meet in e held on t ' . by the Board of Trade, a n adopted to close all places of on Thursday the 80th of Nov Tuepentine Receipts moderate. Firm lng Thanksgiving Day. nov24-lw James Redm, So EiKhty-five Cents nar harrr.! r kerosene barrels. octU5t. A. R. r FOR SALE. THE HUH'K DWELLING Hol s. . KRHtHhlenr lMt Front. In ihe LHv.jf bern. itceunicd bv Oint. n tim-" For further parilculum apply to , GREEN STEVENSON. novl8-tf - At.,.,,,, FOR SALK. A FINE OIUV HORSE. MvenUon 1 high, eight rears oW. Will work In nm of harnent. Warranted Hound r funded. Aunlv l Shingles West India 5 inch, mixed, Bros. .50 per M. Buildine 5 inch, hearts. sa.ou; saps, a.oo per m. - nov28-dtr W. E. PATTEr.; Hue Gooes I Far Dealing I LO WEST PRICES FOR GASH ONLY ! Our Motto and our Success!! We are constantly receiving Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Provisions, , Flour, Tobacco LflKD flGEi'.jV ! Wo have oHtoblUhed In tho city of Berne a LAN 1 AG13IN' C. for the purpose of udvertUing and Belli:! comrol8lon, real estate in New Bern in; the country adjoining. ; ' AlliMUics desiring to sell lands, will t It to their Interest to place them in , AGENCY for Ktle. ' , We will advertise all property commltt, our AGENCY, In the New Berne Jot i; AND WILL MAKE NO CHARGK UxiEgS A is bf'ecti:d. ' . .' :' Our experience in the examination of 1 - will enable us to guarantee to the buyer, isfaetion In regard to title. - ' HOLLAND AGtlC novlltf and CigarsA And offer them nt the MOST pkahov in v l PRICES. We desire tO Cnll (!HnPCllll flttcntlnn t.. nnr BUICK OI -r ' Real Estate Agon - New Berne, N 1 FOR WALE. One uilie and a hnir fmm wi, , FARM ot forty acres with good dv house attached. Tho land issltuated b" two tracts of Mr. Jos. L. hhem's on j ni i . " exceei1uglr desirable iru.-i For lui Uit-r uiirtlculiira nnnlt- tn novlStf HOLLAND lillliv, Pickles In Glnss and Hnckets, Preserves in Glass and Tin. French Citron. Candied (Irtinw an.l T Peel. , . - . rresn prunes, sultana and Dehesa Raisins. ""rucKing. Minoe Meat, Buckwheat Flour, rancv Gilt Edire liutter nnrl U'hitj. ivn. Cheese. Teas, Rio, Laguay ra, Java and Mocha Coffees Roasted No. 34 and 41 I'nflou 0 ffi1"" U8Ual,y found ln ft ney Valuable Timber Lar ye guarantee everything, we sell to give ONE HtTNDRFrt at.H vriiw mUr, . satisfaction both n tODriennd nimlttv nH , .V.. . " 'v'. FIFTY FIVE A will REFUND THE HOKET' OS 'DB. uuu. BVBRlfTHING FRESH AND GOOD. S- The Casta Trade Only Solicited. - , Very truly yours, Wm. Pell Ballance & Co. ; novl7-dly t 5 U.Q.J.W. uj..v, vw. , . , , , i mauon, irora uinerem counties in me Best rag carpeting Mrs. W.W. tife. district, of gross irregularities, infor wooaen covenet, jure. yacsou. i ,... , . , . tnir. nmintomanH. Mrs. Eli 8ma.ll- ";. i ..Uv. W(W,' ' , i rle will consider it his duty, not s Best 5 yds linen' shirting, Miss Edith - Best home made flannel, Mrs.' W. B. Wadsworth. . ! (i. Bes woolen homespun for gentlemen's wear, Mrs. B. J. mtams. j l-ui .' ; CLASS 4.', '. Best quilt made of silk, Mrs.- Williams " quilt made of cote on, Mrs. Mary Tucker. Best raised worked quilt, Mrs. H. P. WhitehursL.v if - !.. Best cradle . quilt, Mrs. Dr. J. B. Hughes. , - Best coxcomb quilt, Mre. Holland :( ' CLASS 6. ' ;. Best Table Cover, Miss Betsy Green. " Vase Mat, Mrs. S. P. Bell. " Candle Mat, Miss Bettie Clark. rp CLASS 7. Best Wax Wdrk, Miss Josephine Hall Hair Work, Mrs. C. P. Pennington " . Bhell Work. C. M. Fields. ," : Artificials, Mrs. Missillier, i . . . CLASS 8. Best velvet bonnet, Mrs. Ivey and Mis sillier. Best silk bonnet,. Mrs. Ivey and Mis- sillier. , I t ' . ., ; -. . ' CLASS 9. Dobt embroidery silk child's mantilla Mrs. A. A. Watson, Dtt child's dress, J. M. F. Harrison. " Infant's cloak,. Mrs. Dr. J. B. Hi- :!us. : . : 1.. t boys jacket, Mrs. Harriet Lane CLA1 10.-FEEJTC1I EMBROIDERY. Best spec! men ladies dress, Mrs. Kilpat- rick. . . , . drc-s, I.Irs. L. Ilauprhton. .:,h Uahltns. much to himself as to the party whose standard-bearer he was, to look into these charges. If he finds, substantial grounds of contest, that is to say that there were outrages upon the ballot, de signed to falsify the will of the people, he will cbntest the election. , He would not think of doing so, however, upon any mere technicality or for any mere informality, committed without any criminal intent." He only desires that the will of the people shall be under stood, and he would not take advantage of any technical point in his favor where the will of the vote is expressed as against him, This, Maj. Robbins says, has been his position upon questions of this kind all these years. He was, while a member of Congress, called upon to vote many times in contested election cases, and always he sought to find whom a ma jority of the voters1 meant to elect. That ascertained he voted always in favor of that man, without reference to other considerations. : This reasoning, it appears to us, must strike all rightminded people as just and sensible and as showing good prin ciple on the part of Maj. Robbins. , The majority for Dr.' York, by the way, as certified to the State canvassing board, will bo 200. An error in the Wilkes vote, however, makes his actual majority 138. ' ' ATLANTIC GARDEN ! The finest Lliibors and Cigars, the celebrated BERGNER & ENGEL BEER, Bour Kraut, Sardines, Lobster, Llmburgcr and Schweitzer Cheese constantly on hand. Billiard and Tool Tables. The finest In the country. CABOMBOLETTE TABLE. Something new the only one ever ln the city. DEVIL AMONG THE TAILORS In the Duffy Building on Middle Street. NEW BERNE N. C. 3- The only first class saloon in the city. ; & w. S mo. i . Nov. 3. county, on Tar Kiln Creek within one f navigable water: in close commurn, wiui ine xsvuse Klver. For further inn i tion apply to - novio HOLLAND fc OHO -150 Acres of Timbered It st !..: ' inf.-n-f One mile oust from Hnvelock, near A. 4 R. R., adjoining the lands of Jas. A. 1 Aciiiin jiiuuwiiiLv. Auuiy at once to novlfc , HOLLAND 4 Gl'K One Large and Desiratb j In the CitV. Situated corner nt Vaut tv,,, t King streets, atljolnlng that of J. uavens, l-jiq. Terms moderate. A in novid UOLLAMJ & o i i City Lot 17. n. POWERS & CO., SOUTH FBONT STfiliET, MANUFACTUREnS OF Tin & Sh::Mrcn Were, Etc., Etc., dealers In Stoves, Castings and Outfits. ' The celebrated ACORX RTOVES. ninde lw Rnihbone, 8ard & Co., for sale at Lowest ri-ices ror Cash. i Stoves reixiired at short notice. Jlv8d0m J. II. reebles.' ' .viiith. ; ( Wiry. n l!;ivc rnmoved their entire Stork to c:iati::3 Ri:::n I tuke pleasure ln Informing the public that I will keep open every night In.the Weiiistein Building 'A VllWV CLASH' Skating Ilink. Whore I will have Ihe best of lnodoru roller tkntes for the noconnuodatioiiof my patrons. Situated three hundred and twontv-t - irom tlie Junction of queen and J'ollc I northeust Iroin Hriek Graveyard on street. Apply at once to novlg , ; HOLLAND 4 (H GILBERT PI Read the following testimonials in t the Gilbert Force Pump, and renu i "Mo ell Regulated Family c:. to be ivltkont one." By attaching hoso it is made an Fire Extinguisher. Respectfully, J. C. Willi i : ', Js'ewb. i Mb. John (3. Wiirrtv Sir In r. . inquiry ln reference to the Ollhcri wuuui wiy me cuy litis oue in use t street, which lias been in nw over nas Kepi in peilect order all the tin.,., been in daily use. They are ln lit. strictly a lirst-class Vump. . .. inos. H. Uowakd, ; JohnC. Wiiitty, Esi. IVnr 8ir T to what 1 know of the Gilbert n of New Berne placed one in front , tional Hunk f New Berne, t...... i , since, and it has well stood Iwi i -since, without any repairs te i This I believe is a iietter reeoi d t i vlous rump ciui Initist of. . f Yours truly, J. . J. C. Wiiitty, Esq. Dour Sir one of t lie Gilbert Improved I'm the Cotton Kxchanmi tor sevei find It all that is claimed for n factttrer. Respecllttny, 1). T. ( Mtt. ,t. C, Wiiitty henr P'r---a Gilbert Foree l'tiiiip in im i and It liiis uivtm us peuiert trouble Willi it whatever u, i the fire! stiohe. Very n hi C'ISAVKS ('l)t-NTV, X. ('., ,": ' novlH-wltillm (' a n Sioni: ii t' Hn-ir i