A 1 1' r I NEW BERNE, N. 0., TUESDAY NOVEMBER 28, 1882. NO. -AI. .e 1 ttnit, . , ( 1 . :. of day, j it Iioum, 50 minutes. . f;:;.. p. m. ' ' 1 F -ade to night. " ( . . J bushels of riceia lliaik- s i aid fl.00tojl.05. r Court witt adjourn from y evening to Saturday morning r to allow1 Thanksgiving day to I'orly observed. Law Clay. '- ... , - ?:. The Court was delayed too little yes terday on account of the absence of the lawyers. One ''had gone off with some usthe papers,' another was "a little sick to-day," another hai'.to be sent for; another thought his joase "wouldn't oine ng so. soon" and consequently some' considerable delay. If there is much morn of this the Journal would say they deserve ; Judge Bennett and his eight o'clock hours for awhile. The 'New' Berne JwiriialAntonm us that Mr. . O. II. Guion, of that place, recently took the train for Kinston. i iJ. W imd Wweritv-fchree women How the 'gentleman.- in question could 1 1 . : . - . i l ., . . , i . .1 . . B i imvH vullku ill tr lwu eu uiuuivu uuaa i I.iiys applied to lilt) cuuuu muvury i --; - - , - .ir. -C:. - - . .:.iV moittiii x and had their names - roiled for employment. . The Civil -Docket in the Supreme Court fill not be taken up before- Mori Ly of next week.1 Suitors and Witness es may take notice thereof and not at tend until then The JJeuse River Transportation Co. is doing a driving business even with the low Water j'ThlB Neuie and;iSsfo came in on Saturday night with about Sao b&Ios of Cotton,, unloading Le for day on Monday morning, hurried back to KinstoUjWherp another load was in waiting. Ihe cotton has to be ugnt- rred over the shoals near, Kinston - , . i.'t.t ,--'t A . tiMMk '- . , JTr. Jlichard ,E. , Mount, formerly of Wilson, now of St. Louis is to bo mar ried to-inorrow night to a young lady.of CjIcucV. HI. "Some time ago Miss littl" problems that even the Smith sonian , Institute cannot . successfully tacKie. newacmtn. . , . . . If New Brna is ''seriously, talking," and Wilmington "stands idly by and sees'; as the New South alleges in; a quotation given elsewhere, we see no particular objection ' to the sentence above. " And in another place our do- temporary says "we regret missing the pleasure of a visit from our old friend, Mr.' Frank A'. Daniels; the rimnfr young attorney from Wayne.'! Whether or not he is continually on the ''rise,!' or does; he sometimes sit, are pertinent problems for an editor who lives in a glass house and has. his war paint on. A Good Work. The young men of the Baptist churoh of this ; city haye ; been " engaged for 1 nAmoftmn in A t afv : nnm men rl n Kl n tifArlr aaffrurla PaVpawflV CArtfllVl All in VI tft- I . 1 . - 77 7 :,. V .J ri the m WMdon Pollock street. They w w uuu , '"have fitted up a small house for the pur. U RumSl, y- - . . ot hoWl r meetings in or- minfiibhoauet of lovelv roses. A beau-M: . . Z.. . . 1 4 , , aar r ti10BO tiinr narr nr inn n.ir.w uiui oro llnnh1p rt Awn town fn Bulst's Garden Seed. '1 . J.. . . . , The visitof Mr. Z, DeFpfest Ely to the &mB " vine worsnip ai a more con- p;. i lU. 4k ?wfli forhhrf nurnose of Place- un la unday evemn8 inntlfcntliMr nit atrainst a dealer here mu BC ViUC0 -''P v""VlBU UJ ..--q, i -.XT mi. - : tt-t,o Imi. to 'nav the nurchase yviuuviu c4. , u eeli;i8e8 vpeuU . . ,j. ,) -n.i I by singing a song in which- the whole .t w i,! tint mm Sm to ttafi truar- vu"6lcBt"',uu J"'"c"i . i v.. ! j I vnnncr mpn wna nallfirl nnnn Toail in i. v r. i v tavs nia noiiHe never u -r. apndaontaseed without knowinir ex- Prayer? atler tnW anotner BOnS' lne . , , .1 ! .!..! i. ! ill T... mA Atl W. It i: and he is clad of an I reauinif oi atcuapner iu nie new iesm opportunity -of showing, by the, courts ", 'that Buist's seeds are exactly what tlvey chalter was selected for oommentwhich are represented to be. t - was uone in a piam, simpie, convers i iiuutu.isiyie. a buu&, u wuiuubii juiu I : .1.. A . tt - L.1J Vii Nam In Print. , , luB 1UCJ PJ.' : i:r.E.'F'CarrfcwaT, of Merrinion. is hf66"01118 mKht aunng the week attending court and has a lot of cotton and the young men of the cnurcn con in the market. auc tne services alternately. W. W. Clark, Esqi, of the firm of pBiBi tb BnUdtus. Clark & Ulark, ''took tne train lor unn-1 ihere is nothing like putting on ton ' ' on unday. ae goes to argue tne good appearance. A little paint or case of having a receiver appointed for whitewash on an old building will im the Midland Railway Company, i Ap- press a stranger with the idea that the plication was made to Judge McBae at owners are at least progressive. Two Goldsboro at the time of the Stock- of the most extensive establishments in holders' meeting by Appleton Oaksmith, the city .are Without paint or whitewash and' the ' case was set for a healing yet we believe they are paying hand to-diiy at Clinton. Clark & Clark and somely. We allude to the plate, facto' Green & Stevenson are counsel, for Mr. ry and the ginning and cotton seed oil Oaksmith. h i mills, both on the railroad under the ob 'ft. F. Mayhewy Esq., of Bayboro, is servatiou of.every, one passing. New Mr. M. B. Wilkinson, of South Creek, ) itl the City,, and reports Uia( a good deal of cotton is still in the, fields in that section. Berne has an abundance of old rickety buildings where the owners in many in stances are probably unable to improve them, but we think it inexcusable on the part of those who are making money to neglect the painting. Would it not x -"(.lol AV.o'tti.T , f V ' oe economy to put it on r wearoieuto . Jie case of Liyaut West, oonvicted these remarks by a question asked by y 'rday , o(, ( carrying; opnoealed stranger who wenf down and ' viewed weapons, judgment was supeaded on the plate factory-no doubt he had heard i-uvMontrof costs and a bond ta be1 giv. la great deal, about it and asked, "does en for good behavior. 'Judge '.McKoy lit pay VI When answered in the of stated that this leniency was shown only nrmative he seemed to doubt it, because a account of the pitiable and ignorant said he, "if it was paying I should think ance of the prisoner; and gave the building wtpuldbe,painted.'! AVllIoBsliUy Hfle TO-NigliC. Mr. Willoughby Reads will deliver a selection of recitations at the Theatre to night under the auspices' of the , New BernAthletio and Social Club. This is the first of a series of entertainments designed by the Club in brder to procure funds to conrplete ' the Qymuasium building, and it is expected to have a Very full house. ' ' ' , ' Mr. Reade has gained a notable repu tation among critics as an' elocutionist, and" as New Berne possesses more than fair share of literary culture we would expect to see a good audience to-night of that class alone; but not only does he charm the intellect and appeal to taste and culture, but his readings appeal to the wit and humor qf human, nature. The following extracts lead us ' to ex pect a rare entertainment. ; Let us give him a crowded house. , . f Senator Ben Hill said: . "The best I ever attended.1' , ;,, Rev. J. L. M. Curry, of Richmond, Va., says: "I would give a ' thousand dollars if I could read "Karl the Black smith asBiof. Reade does.". Chattanooga Times says: , ;"If it were possible to make people die with laugh ter Prof. Reade could certainly , accoru- Dlish that feat." Kev. Ur. llauthorneoiKichmond, va., says: if oratory be the lost ' art rrot. Reade has, found it. ; I do not think his equal exists in this or any other land. " i i ; - ; Canning Eabllhmnt. Messrs. Geo. W.Moore and Geo! ; B. Bair of Baltimore are ; in ' the city and have been here 'for ' several days prospecting for flie, erection of an ex tensite canning establishment. They desire to erect their building at Union Point and askjthe same privilege of the city that was granted to the Elizabeth City and Norfolk Railroad Co., that is a lease,' at a nominal sum, for ninety-nine years.;' '- -.'" These gentlemen say they will employ several hundred hands, and . will can oysters, fruits, peas, beans, corny toma toes, berries, and in fact all vegetables and fruits worth canning. ' Mr. Moore is of the firm of Moore & Brady, extensive oyster and fruit pack' ers of Baltimore, and says if. the ctty will give him the privilege asked for he will begin the work in fifteen days. The Board of Councilmen will . meet this morning for the purpose of entertaining his proposition. The property at Union Point will in time be very valuable to the city, but the establishment of an industry that will give employment to two or three hundred operatives is of almost inesti mable value worth more to New Berne perhaps than the Elizabeth City and Norfolk railroad. So if Messrs. Moore and Bair are in earnest and .are willing to take the lease on condition that the enterprise to be started by them shall give permanent employment to-3ay one Hundred operatives then we have no hesitation in saying the unanimous voice of New Berne would sustain the City Council in giving them the use of Un ion Point for 99 years. ; The City Fathers would not be justi fiable in giving away this property ex cept upon good assurances, and there is no assurance equal to the lease itself; and to this Messrs; Moore and Bair could have no good objection. ,, The. Journal extends them a - cord ial welcome and will give them all encour agement and assistance possible. lis home, and therefore it IS the barrel. The scene told a detailed story most fitting place in all the land to of the tragedy hold this fair. Let' ns hope that "For six years the dead man had been it has joined to glad fruition t he watchmaii at the mine, and during that hopes ot its most enthusiastic time was steady and seemingly content i, mat ir soma respectable citizen fi'iouM be convicted before him of this she would; probably jgjve'hlin 12 i joui'is in jail. .e t .ke ple ""re in commending this v' iMuca frof 3 Court. The rule in ( v Gsirt4 1. ..j generally been that ' vy t " ;t.hi .. cl Viend." . The President then retired and litv company dispersed to all sections of the fair. Among the pictures unveiled are several portraits of Garfield and (ortraitsot Grant, liIaine,Uancrolt, the historian; Mrs. Hayes and Queen, Victoria. - Aside from the portraits Hovenden's "Death of Elaine," "Juliet," by Decrano, and 'A Harvest Field in Normandy," by Tryon, may be . mentioned off hand as particularly remarkable, while many are of the best. ThlJ column, next to hval i. ., ,.. tor Loral AUi t-rtisinx. ed. He came from the North and was an ex-Federal soldier. A week ago he returned to the mine from-Washington, whither he had' been with a view to securing a pension. Since then he had been drinking freely and was - melan choly over some domestic trouble. Charlotte Journal. COMMERCIAL. rtEW BICRNG IKARKKT. Cotton Middling Oi i strict The national character of the lair m'a J1n8 low middling 8i is made apparent on every hand by exhibits which trace the history ot them country. In one case are the W ashington relics from the Alexan dria Masonic Lodge, and nearby an event ol to-day is illustrated by the exhibition of the seal suit worn by Melville on his trip of , exploration. The agricultural annex, in the building near the 'Agricultural Bu reau, is a purely display iesuure in which products lrom Western States 0f 33 lbs predominate. . The management express graih- cation over the briskness with which i the selling of articles at the booths began and is going, forward , to- low ordi- Seed cotton Extra nice, .3c.:, nary sc. Corn liOc. per bushel. ' MCE xi.uu to S1.U3 per bushel. TuHPKNTiNE Receipts moderate. Firm at $2.50 for yellow din. Tar Firm at $1.60 and $1.75. Beeswax SOc. to 22c. per lb. Honev 60c. per gallon. Wheat 0c. per bushel. Beef On foot, 5c. to 7c. Fresh Pork 10c. per pound. Eogs 22c. per dozen. Peanuts New crop, $1.00 per bushel Attacnia Lodge No. 8 K . of I . You are hereby notified t regular convention of vour Li evening at 7.a0., Prompt Httei.u requested us there will be work n First Degree. Visiting member s invited. James Redm K. of R. and S. ThankaglYlnK. At the meetintr held on tha i ; by the Board of Trade, a resolution v adopted to close all places of In ; on Thursday the 30th of November L ing Thanksgiving Day. ( James Remono, D0V . Secretary. Eighty-live cents ner hfr..i f,l!,j , kerosene barrels. octU5t. A. R FOR SALE, THE HRIOK DWELLING ' HOITHW m. ' .... Kant Hide of East Front, In tUe (My of NuC - inriu. lAWUDieU uv cant. H. H i . For further particular apply to (iKt-EN & STEVENSON, '' "-" .Attorneys, -75c. per hundred for new. -Mattamuskeets, 73 cts per night. Mississippi . Iinprovuneiils. Ev Orleans, Nov. 25, 18S2.- The Mississippi Kiver Investigating Uominittee alter an , inspection ot (shingles west India 5 inch, mixed, the liads'o jettiess '-.returned to , the Per M uUding 5 .inch, hearts. Fodder-Apples- bushel. Onions $4.00 per bbl. Peas-11.10 to $1.25 per bushel. Hides Dry, 9c. to lie; green 6c Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 50c. per pair. Turkeys $1.75 per pair. Meal Bolted, 80c. par bushel. jtotatoes jtsanamas, KUa4Uc: yams tiuauuo. per bushel. LOWEST PRICES FOR GASH ONLY ! city this , morning. ; Numerous vv pBl soundings of the jetties and the pass thereto were made, the result rjQOQS fair -Dealing I nf whip.h wns AinhndiAd in thn Port O Eads telegram of last night. I have authority to say that "the committee in its report will say that the Eads contract has been sub stantially complied with, and even if there be a conflict of evidence on that questiou there is no doubt that it has been and is still too trnxa.t kn iirmrovAinpnr. rn Mia onm merceof the Mississippi Kiver to OUT MottO and OUT SllCCeSS! be attacked or unpaired. ' The committee areot opinion that the minimum water in the jetties inopor was- twenty-six leet, the maximum being over thirty feet in the entrance. Two test soundings, the committee will report, show about twenty -five feet .depth of channel, but that all the soundings would indicate as good water as there is in the entrance in the jetties. -The. committee are also ot the opinion, and from the evidence before them will report, that "it is not impossible but what a bar may tonn at the outlet, though at the present time there is no obstruc tion to vessels that can go through thejetties. 7 , The committee is uvorauly im pressed with the scope and utility of the Eads jetties, and members who oppose the channel dike and mattress improvements ot the river have no hesitation in saying so. The committee will make an adverse report on the present sys tem ot experimental improvements along the Mississippi from Cairo to New Orleans. Superior Court. Court assembled yesterday morning at 11 o'clock. The grand jury is com posed of, "thirteen white men and five colored, with John II. Dilkird as fore man. His Honor's charge was very imnressivn. his ohiec't Reemintr tn h to nto-e pot imposed on impress upon tho mind8 of juror(J . ' ".. f.-! the importance of faithfully and feaT- t.aajes. vuie,iter tne law is ieS8lT executing the laws, rather than 5 one or not, it is the duty of the Ln,Brf nnfnWiia nf - nrimM o - 0 - ------ t forsje it,- an4 t-e better in- which nine-tenthB of the jurors already .1 a criminal, the greater the pun- knowtQ be violatiw8 Jaw are l'erlay. . . . " coLLon in yesterday. Fu- - Toik paif ed two points - ' rr rvt cloned one point y. ;s Wcie un- . I ' ,1 f.;'.re3 were Cat, '. C7 f-'.'s ohart":ed )itito9c:., - 1.) 7-15. l.i.r? indictable. ; His remarks upon the cor ruption of the ballot box, and the evil consequences' that would eventually follow the practice of bribing ; voters were touchingly beautiful and timely The f '"t cae d)-?osod of was that of VThitford. colored, who was in- dicU-I f.r fw uay and convicted.' His cov 1, I . i., C. C. Clark, appealedto tVa ' e court which confirmed the d - ' i of t' ecouit below but recom d:;: " J j 'rJ. u. It aj-j ears that Whit- forJ Whs i ilsl while in slavery, in r "4, t" '3r i y-T i n w' ich Solicitor K -4 V I ( , i I i . t 1 war, ia 1 1.0 1 The Garfield Monument Fair. Washington, Nov. 25. 1882 . '. The opening of the Garfield Monu meut Fair to day found everything m order and an attendance ot peo pie that crowded the' rotunda and adjacent halls. . . M i'resideut Arthur came in at a quarter , past , two o'clok, accom panied by members of the Cabinet, members of the ; dipolmatic corps, cue tueu justice aim associate jus tices of the Supreme Court, im mediately preceded by Ueneral Sherman, General Swaim, Colonel Kockwell and Colonel , Bacon, Ad miral Porter and staff. There were present also th Old Garfield Guard of Honor in a body members of the Army of the Cumberland, Senators and Representatives. ! on the right and lett ot th President were the Eev. ' Jt D . Powers, ' chaplin ol the House, arid John W. Thompson, chairman of the Board ol' Directors. Mr. Powenwho is pastor iof the Gar field. : Church, on Government avenue, made the opening prayer, alter which' Mr Thomson Intro duced President Arthur, whose re marks occupied but two or three minutes. He said: "1 regret that the 'management of. the association were r.ut t,I,Io t.) obtain such ac i s V, - y )1 wished for if'r.. Their ; . Lv: -l you ' "fOliiP Mai !-) ia r.. : We re constantly receiving Fine Groceries, Canned Goods, Provisions, Flour, Tobacco and Cigars, Ami oflVr them nt the MOST KEAKONAHLK I'RICEH. We doHlre to call esiwclal attention to our uick oi Pickles in Olnss and HudtetH, l'roservOK In (Jlass and Tin. Fivnoh tntvon, CanilU'd Orancpantl Imon f ivsii rrunes, Hnimniv nnd Debom llalsins. jn-leu Apples and PencheK, Mine Meat, Kiit'kwheiil Klour. Kiiney (lilt Kduv Itutter and White Crenni Olieeise. 'J'enH, Hio, Lnaruayra, Java nnd Mnclin Coffees Hoasted No. 'M ami 41 Colleo, And everytliing usuallv found in n Fanev Gi-oee ry Store. We Kuai-unlee everytlilns, we Roll lo give HHllRfaet ion both as to price and quality, and will HIMIH1J lllft IUHUI ON UK MAU. - EVERTfTIHRfCt PUKSII AND GOOD. ' JM The Cash Trade Only Solicited. ' Very truly yomn, . . ; Wm. Pell Ballance & Co. . novl7-dly city i:; novl8-tf FOR SALE. A KIK 1UY HOIWK. seventeen i,.n.i high, eight yeai-8 old. Will work in bi,.,i oriiarue.. Warranted nonnd or money re- mVr" A'Ji"y'ouonersieiitd or KOBF.KT.S novatdtf W Ei PATIEHSON. LAND AGEHGY ! Wo have cHtiibllHhed in the city of New Uernea . LAjNJ) AGENCY,' for the purpose of ndvertinlmt and gelling, on commission, real estate In New Heme and In the country adjoining. , ; All parties desiring to sell lands, will find It to their. Interest to place them in our AGENCY for sale. - ' . Wo will advertise all property committed to our AGENCY, In the New Kerne Jolknal AND WILL MAKE NO CHARGE UNLESS A SALE 18 EFFECT!!!!, Our experi.iiee in the examination of Deeds will enahle us to guarantee to the buyer, sat isfaction in regard to title. HOLLAND &GUIOS, Iieal Estate AgentM. New lierue, N. V. novlltf New Departure. . , Dr. W. H. Howertoii, whom we men tioned last week as having rented a fine hotel in Tallahassee, Fla., has, we are glad to say, also rented the Swannanoa Hotel, at this place. He will take charge 1st of December, and will run his Flor ida hotel ia connection with the Swan- nunoe. lo anticipate a change for the better in the management of the Swan nanoa Hotel would ordinarily be out of the question, but those who know'Dr Howertoh,' and especially those who Something new the only one ever in the have patronized' him in the past, are y' prepared tn say that under his manage- QEVIL AMONG THE TAILORS UM31JL bUO.OWUUUUUUil Will LIC lUa JIUbel of Asheyille. Dr. Howerton in a man of great popularity as a successful hotelist, and his practical experience, together with his gentlemanly bearing, affable and courteous as he is, will certainly bring him a large share of public patronage. We cordially welcome him to the management of our leading hotel. Ashevlle News. ' ' ' :' " ' ; ' ' i3ii:rriiic;iis : ATLANTIC GARDEN ! The flneNt Ijiquors and Cigars, the celebrated UKKGNKK & ENCJEL BEE II, Sour Kraut, Bardines, Uilpster, Liinlmrger and Kehwellzer CheeRe constantly on hand, , Billiard and Pool Tables. The flnest In Ihe eounti-y. , : CAROMBOLETTE TABLE. In the Duffy Huildinj on Middle Rtreet. : N . NEW BBUNK N. C. f" The only drst elaas saloon in the city. d;iw.3mo.' . t '. ,, , Nov.3. 1- -- FOll KALE. ir??i1i,,,1lcllld a half from' Newbern ONK tAUAI ot forty acres with good dwelliii" house attached. The land is situated between two trnclH of Mr. Jos. h. Kheni's on Tie I ttU TA"ln"n exceedid8lylesirublB tract lor For lurilier particulars apply to uovi5tf hull an i) 4 guion. Valuable Timber Land. ONE HUNDRED and FIFTY FIVE ACItl Of well timlieivd land, situated In laiiilin county, 011 Tar Kiln Creek-within one mii ol iiHvignlile water; In close eouiiiiuiik-iiUon wmi me .eue ltiver. For lunber iulorniii tlon apply lo ""Vin HOLLAND & GUION. :5 150 Acres of Timbered La:. One mile east from Havelock, near A. A X ' It, It., Hdjonilnif Ihe lands of Jus. A. Hrvis. Terms nKHleiaie. Apply at once lo ' novhi .Holland a (ino.v. 4 One Large and Desirable L' In the City, situated corner lf Eaxt Front Kpig streets, adjoining that of .loiian Havens, Kkij. Terms moderate. "Apply to novltl HOLLAND t G I Ki A. ' ' ';Or ' V4.' City Lot; Situated three hundred and twelitv-two r. irom iiiejuneiion ol tueen and lJoll -u northeast lrom Knek Graveyard on - street. Apply at once to . novlS , HOLLAND & Gl i VU. ROOTS fi CO., SOUTH FKONT STltLHT, MANUFACTUKEHS OF An Old Soldier Kills IllmseU: . ' John Lynch, night watchman at the King's Mountain gold mine, Gaston county, committed suicide Thursday afternoon by shooting himself through the breast with a shot gun in the woods near the house. The body was diseov ei o 1 by his wife who heard the report of .e gun, and fearing that something lv brfallen her husbaud hastened to f 1701. A gro.-.t hole was blown V . "x (!.e lifelc.s boJy, the clothing v : i ei f ,0. 1 ! le it Ly a Ti:i Q S!:::!-!rcn VJcro. i 1 ,, Ktc, Etc., dealers Id Stoves, Castings and Outfits. The celebrated ACORN STOVES, made hv RaililMine, Hard & Co., for- sale at lowest I'rices tor Cash. . , - .. .. . Htoves repaired at short notice. jlvSdlim CILBElTT PU: . Itead the following testimonials In rciti the Gilbert Force Pump, and remember 1 "No Well Regulated Family ran to be without aiie." Hy attachliip! hose it is made an e( Fire Extinguisher. . : t llespeclfully, . J. C. WHIITY, Newborn, Mh. John 0. Wmrrv 8lr In rei''-' inquiry In reference to the Gilbert I would say the city has one in use on ; street, wlili-h has been In use over a v lias kept in perfect order all the Um been In daily use. They are in iuv strictly a tirst-class Pump. f HPS. H. HOW Alii-, John 0. Whitty, Kw).- Dear Hlr- to what 1 know of the Gilbert 1' of New Heme placed one in t" t tional Dank of New lierne, i since, and it has well stood 1' since, without any repairs ti i. i This 1 believe is a better record i vlous Pump can bonHt of. . . . Yours truly, J. J. ('. AV'llITTV, Fk-i. 1 iwir F' r -one of the (Gilbert Improved l ! theCollmi Kjcehani'M fur wvi" find it all that is Claimed lor i facturer. KeHpeutliitH''. AT IT.'" Oilice on Ci-iicm SY AT LAW t. 1" i. J. P. W it 1 and h him doors north of N. ('. I of Jone, On Pollock, e ('

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