'i I. JIG I ri V ' 'ill' - ' "II if (I Vi NO. 211. RMAL V s u i r LQCALNEAVS. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. C. E. Slovkr QrocevieH, eto cn-xBDSoW-e-AaSirfs-iotioe. Journal Miniature Almanac. Sunr&esSutStf) Length M day, Sun sets, 4:46 J 9 hours, 50 minutes Moon riafes at 2.04 a, m. One thousand bushels of rice soM y es- The North Carolina, Conference of the Methodist Episcopal dhurch convenes in Paleigh to-day, Bishop, Keener pre- -Biding? Mr. At jHiU)bardj died intestate. John A.Chardron Esq., took out let ters of administration flnjtha estate yes- - ,Wu.4 fibril ifiun ; ... , John Braddick .coll, contributed S-T.W ' "yesterday i0 Vae city 1s finances. All on . y account bf a 'tendency 1 John had for ; cursing and swearing. 1 " ' Col. J. N. Whitford with thirty-six bales and Barney Fulcher with seven bales carried of the honors at the Ex- hapge yesterday for nioe cottorui 0 .fcbngdon splitting !iif new jna chinery at his saw niill. From the pres ent outlook ttie lumber business of New Berne will double itself during the next - n .f..M..r.i ,i ft 21 ii man a Lt i . aj Joelia; rker nafcome flue Bay riv$' and Portsmouth oysters at the Exchange Lunch room. Some of the Fire Depart il 'j'Mrftr9 thera'Viiili CeW larts 'night; ' after the election! Thanks to Mr. J. L. Rhem for some Try fliie' Florida drangefc; Mr. ' Rhern . . vpwna a very larga 'scope of j jlnrpefctane lanrla In Florida and has flftv hands now boxlnl'theVines rile Urn trucking " verr lareelv in that State as well as here. . r" .,J j..t-.i.l.: Ai' - : - ; -P The Bears. Mr. Detrick has on exhibition ' at the window of his " Atlantic) j Qardej a white polar and a black, Krizly bear. Wnen"wounaup'' .ne; very angry, so mucli so'tliat 'Bui Duncan is afraid to put Ws hand near them. . Ielate to he Conftrencp,, , ( . . '"thei eveniiig train yesterday carried 4 ( Up'seVerartninisterS.'deleg'dtes and visi- .l.tprs to theJIi El Conference' which con venes to Raleigh to-day; " FAnf Ihe city were Dr. ' L. S. 1 Burkhead, .Bev.iflr.sl4j(mleYJi II.r".BelL -I- r-' s 3. . ' -- i - - J, B-f.1, J id. :karyv -Meadow 'Mrs. "'A. B. Powers. Mrs. Nelson Whitford, Misses (" Carrie' MaVhe w 'and "gaggle Holland; jromeaufbrli', e'yN' jMHrnpyj'and Miss Sarah Davis.-r .n'unuw mi " 77 I. ,l 'TIiS f.,4.i trnm tEfi New South about 'J the'unticl ajf! "rne "'houses ought to be' heeled, The,ap- 4 ; ( -pearttnoe of the houses iof . Raleigh Goldsbftro and Elhston in contrast ;vith New Berne is very, markedv ,TJi peo pleerftare 'ajyakeningtpihufliness but not to appearances. ; But that will come ' . in time. Prosperity will, beget rpride and soon' Ve niay exp"ect t6 see' thfi orna mental as well a the useful encouraged Kinston and Goldaboro are new towns . and that aceouatfiiT JWrts JfJPthelr neat apFv-tincW , aJulli I tvi '"; On Saturday nkht dm thief id nee of lumber, look 4p and carried away the plank used as ft bridge, in front of Hr. F,.M Simoias.';g8tr1on(nJelin8on 1 street t'.NothingSJliranKfiin thifctaiii.the ,!ank vWe,r not nailed down, and"iere handier to get at than by going to Sum , .son's mill where a watchman -was; prob i iablyloh guirdl Bui tie atraagVpaA of the affair appeared on Monday morn- ing, when It wafteen that every plank ; had been "returned) It is supposed that the thief attended church on Sunday an : somft nmvrrmriatB text fell . Ul)on ll ti a fanning teprp'j; afii causing ies- 14 titution. ' , " Your Warn lii trta.V!IY33 Dr. J. P. Bryan and lady of Kinston were visiting in the City on Monday Judge Seymour left the city , on sun-Fed ' Say tosit with JudgeBohdinthe" . eral Court at Raleigh this week.f r Rev. Mr. Lumley and Pr. L. S. Burk '"head left vesterdav eveninie for the Methodist, A onforenoo 5 at. Ralelgl Dr. Bi'rklijead will very probably be re turned here next year. He has been in New Berne only one year, and' hiB on gregation requests his return. it i r ) : Messrs. W. H. Oliver andAjQeo.L. Wadsworth were off to Kinstou yester day ca a business 'trijtt'V.i H : , ' , Mr. J. J. Royal, the Mayor of More- head City, arrived in the city yesterday , ! ' . A. V.. V,rood. Junior Warden of t, J . ; li 'l'S I-o. - A. F. M. is attendiDg 1 I' ") v? ich corvenes in l f ..cr is in lend il 'i to i Not Always. , ';: ' , Mr. W. H. Marshall, of Uub city, aa- sures us that the JOURNAL, Item con- cerning the age of Fanny Alway'the coioreu 114 year old crerkey or J anilico county, it a big canard. 1 The good lady' was raised in his neighborhood and was considerably young9r thai! his father, who was born in 1780. She js, he thinks, about 85 years old, may possibly I be 90, but i the seeing of Cornwallis is imagination or pure inveutiou. P. S. Mr, Jos. -t Holland, on Uie other hand; tells1 us : that 'this Fanny Always was the nurse of his greit-grandfather, and his pother thinks she is 116 instead of i 14 years old. , rotcou Yoterday, . . . l Spots declined one, eighth in New York." yesterday,'' futures" gained two potatB'dTrrtag the( day ? dlosing steadjrp Liverpool futures flat. One hundred and thirty bales sold at the Exchange at9toff.40. " ' "' - . MEW YORK MARKET, SKT: ,' Middling 10 3-8 V" ,- ' ' . P Strict low middling 10 8-16, Low middlings 15-18. V;;," ' , , ., , i - HEW YORK futures: 1. Morning. Noon. Evening, December,. 10.20 10.16 January, ' 10.28 10.19 February, 10.83 10.29 10.23 i 10.25 . 10.85 10-47, h " March, g;"JM9. ,H U VF.RPOOIi SPOTS." fjpiaM lS-ler J 4 'a Oj-leanB 6.1-8 ,;u..'.-JW,.V ilDeceinbehS 52-64.vi i r - January, 5 54-64. . , ; , February, 5' 55-64. , "MM A Good Attorney. . . In the management of the Burglary I case on, Monday Mr. L. J. Moore showed creat skill and iuditment He has. for a lona- while. held. wv enTiahle nosi- tion as asuoceBsful lawyer, taking rank with the best legal talent , in, thi$ judi- 'cfal di'stnfct; and,aB his experience in- creases,hi8tactandBucoe6sare clearly seen'. "His examination of witnesses, u shown in this case, indicates a natural Hma4f muttnltn itT W to ask it, and whentoetopthe examina-lr tlon is worth ; more in a . lawyer than even brilliant oratory. Added to these gifts 'Mr. Moore possesses ' a mag nilicent presence and makes an exceV-i lent speech.; He,ghta. his cases for ewrythint they are.orth,'and rarely . f i i f loses'a case where success is even possi- ahiffbetj.rpier Sthe he, is in, Cravenj) , wherej an': jroportant 1 '' Second district OHara,' 18,531; 'scat Uib J Jivil ti,Ad t.'it, v,iw xirhhmt' Ho terine, -11418.'" .' '''' ., ,. . WZlZ " "7 . "r "v" - . New Offleer of JUe Vtre Department, The flrsl Monday night, in, December of'ii'ach vear is election nieht in'theFii or each year is eiecuon mgnt iwene Department in the city, and last night's electioda Resulted a follows: 4it ATLANTIC FIRE COMPANY JO. 1. John Dunn,-Engineer, u-i .VH. Blank, Foreman. Wm. Ellis, Assistant Foreman. W. S. Wooten, Captain of Hose. A J. R.B. Carraway, pwsy'"!"'; ! Geo.. Alien Treasurer. C Hancock. H. E. Baxter, Repro ,;, HEWBERNK FIBE COMPANY, NO. 1. J. W. Moore, Engineer. E. B. Hackbuxn, Foreman. , , ' TH TI1. 7' 1.1X1 I ffl . ' fiUbf. uortMsew xreas.' - - E. M. Pavie and R. H. Hilton, Repre- sentatives. , MECHANICS HOOK AND LADDER COMPANY v .trr'jJvr A J?: f r 0feJJfJ n 1 "T..i:eeier, engineer. J. E. GaskiU, foreman. W. N. Ruw, Asst.. Foreman. J. W. Bowden and E. Piver, Repre-i sentatives. ( J. J. Barker, Tillersman.' ' Joseph Ballance. Secretary. ; F.. J., Hardison, Treasurer, ' Wallace Rose and J. C.Tliomas, Fi nance committee. ;, 1 .11. It.i x- r " :l " -: '" ' 8uperlor Court.,. .. ,.-,,. , ( ;., !,.,-; p! .,- ; , , The Court on Monday . . was occupied in trying the Maler burglary case. ' On the night before oe Republican county convention, in September last, Mr. Fred Maler's store .was broken into and a pistol and boi'of jewelry taken there from, i Next day tha pistol and part of the money wer (Ctfnd in the possession or natnan xieiiuersuu, a uiuiuibv uujr about 13 years old, who confessed,, and afterwards implicated the: two defend.; ants Wm, Cannon and Robert Cannon, two colored boys aged 11 and 13 years respectivly. v ,None .5 of . the " - ' 1 ' stolen , articles , were even found defendants' ' possesion and ' no cor- roborating 'testimony was! found to implicate them, unless their being out late that PightoulJ dowhlclv fact theyused irsetting-up A pretty fair atot me states witness, xsatnan nen dersony was proved to have a desperate- ly.bad ; character,; having heretofore been engaged in houHcbreaking. ' , ,. iiosbrs. Li. j. juoore ana. w 't uiarke were of counsel for the defense and Mr. " ;., ' .ilfv. 1 '. .',,e in prosecution. Tho mado except LIr. a- "sf'fj VtL "ccches were .n.rord's, who ' 5'cii'g.i-, i all ad- Strange Jfuatl. i The witness Henderson, in the llarler burglary case, said that he had broken into a mill near Polloksville, a week or iwo oeiore coining w jew nerue, anu that he Was up before a Magistrate at Polloksville. and after admitting the breaking to the Justice, the said Justice iad let him off "provided he would leave the county." It may be he was telling a lie on the Magistrate, ,but , if not,whatkind of justice can that be called V' A few, weeks ago the Jodrnal made, note of a New Berne Justice who allowed a defendent-up for ob- taining money on a forged cotton Check to go scot free on reimbursing the prosecutor; and now the Jones county ilUBtioe, if tne witness tells the trutn) sends bis burglar to New Berne to carry on his trade, ir . ' . . - i " ilttotlghttniritmMAgWmttrBhoTiW learn that they have no discretion in criminal matters, as to ' excusing or I ignoring crime'. I Boad of Cbtanty Officer. ' 1 As a matter i of some interest to the I community we give the names of the bondsmen of the county officers accept ed on' ' Monday ! by Craven's Board of Commissioners . i ; ; i ' '' It i M. HAHK, SHERIFF. . , r Thriee bohds aggregating $69,Q0Q with the following purities; A Hahn, D. H, Abbott, Solomon 'Vfeilj fjenry, ,Veil,E M. Pavie, M. Prag, H., Sperling. , i. i ' , D. N. KILBURN,; TREASURER, Two bonds, for $72,000 witbj these surities: Jf, Mfl Kilburn, J W. Moore, E. A.., White, E, .W.. Carpenter, M. Hahn ,E. M. Pavie, Wm. Cohen, H, Sperling, iA, Hahn, Mrs. E. H. Claypole, Jesse Brooks, H. Davis and Isaac Forbes. ii'!. m .:. - r.' w-BurtKiuK uoukt clerk ' of 810,000-E.M. Pavie, D, N. "urn, xx. cperung, . a. aooou, u. Hubbs, Calvin Perry, ft. P. Williams, owo": A' n"ou ,''.,Y- mwre - R, M' Dai1' '. & f0 ' Wm Colligan, John 0. Gardner, Thos. S, Howard, ". vunu, a, uufuuu aa;iisanc Win. Cohen, A jri i i B, ,i in I ; ' - Bond, of 5,000 with Wm. Foy;.D N Kilburn and, Thos. Gates as sureties, 1 n t f;' ' ' v IJ" rr? iL 1 . ' v. "J. V t TZ- i- IJL continuation of the official coont in this State iljl! iii.ii aiuiu uiHwici ureeu, lo.uao: jana- day ,15,595; WaddeU 8; scattering, 2. reux, 15,030; Vance, not counted, gave Vox 707: Uevereux, 1,100. , Fifth' Districts-Scales,' 12:583; JohnR, WinBtoH , 9 933i W) s. Bair imiui, Sixth district DO wd, 10,54: ;i John aton. tl.648 u f,... " i.. i i :,tt : Seventh district Robbins. ..-11 .1 5ft: YOrt, 11,413. U. Lu UOOK, f46. - . Eighth diBtrictVatice 13,000; Cocke, iu.uoo; Bcauering, ia. J" ; .for Solicitor-rFirstfidistrict Johii H. Blount, 10,549;, George Hf Sparrow, 10,- Bcaiiermg o. ;. j.,t.. t. 1 ' Second diBtrict-D. C. Winston. 9,547; iJohnH. Colliil4,!l8,558 John A. Collins (4371 scattering ia.'.-'" ' Tfytti di8triot-iSwift :GalIoway,'18, 98; George T,,Wageom, 1,472; scatter inir 18. '' . '' . . l,r, ..!.....,..,. Fourth-' district James D. Mclver. i i5,os. Fifth district Fred. N; Strudwick, i i;qjb; w. ii. Jentms,i la.tiaa; scatter 1 " la 4 a - ' Sixth district Frank 3. Osborne, 11, 698; Charles A. Carson, 7,586. ; ' Seventh district--JoB. Dobsoh, 9,519 Thomas J. Dula, 8.158; scattering ai. i , Eighth district Jos. S. Adams, 9,599, George W. Bower, 0,962; scattering 1 Ninth district G. 8. Ferguson, 6,457 W u. Candler, 3,903; E. Jtl. Jlernmon 1,428. ' " ; " t ' '", - ? A Boy's Composition Mb-'Editoh: Here in a verbatim and literal riopy of a composition, written by a schoolboy belonging to tlie 4th grad of the New Berne Graded School. Is it not almost equal, to the composition , The horse hag four legs, one in each lvt,-iv,r-iBDWiBCrT-CATS.1; o!, ,'.; Cats cnrarri lilra flffv when tliav irat ready, , Some are black and some are wuu. auu jcnun nuu kcj imoioi Hancock has a white cat with a grey StSSSSJSl-iS madlYWSi tp scratch yqu., He Soratches with his paws and on tliem he has little white bne8j J are very sharp too; they are I f nit frri aii nnimoln onH tIiiw nia aiir in Li...,!..,.., ri,i ataaat ni, i thief. f Kf f if -., . ''' .' "w ' Gone to Washington. ) tMiyl Dowri Jeft last night for yasbiugton to beon baua at the - ,Sspmhlv of flnnm-Ass tn-nnninv. n0 stated to a Journal, repoiler ou leaving that tho only measure to which he desired at this time' to commit lumseli nnuiiciy and . ir- revocably was tho,5 abolishineut of the Internal Kevenue system root and branch if possible and limb by !l 'J if ju'ci ysaryj Charlotte. Jour nal. !'!' ! ' MM The Rotten Revenno System in (iastim. The testimony taken in Gaston by the Senate Investigating committee into the affairs of the administration of the U. S. Internal Revenue in this district, devel- ojed a most correct condition in that county of distilleries: The rottenness was found most glaring in three partic ulars: ' 1st, In the fact that In Reveral instances it was proven that storekeep ers of small distilleries were in the hab it offloarding with the owner of the dis tillery and paying him such fabulous prices for board as to leave no doubt in the minds of reasonable men that the money was paid, not for board, but that thedistillerymightbekept up to the standard required by the government before the appointment of a storekeeper is made. 2d , That the owners of distil leries were supplied with keys to the storehouses, which is against lhe law, as ampie opportunities are thereby giv en for the perpetration of fraud, upon the government, and that such frauds did result the testimony further estab lished amply. 3d, That further viola tions of the Internal Revenue laws were condoned by the storekeekers in allow ing, or being blind, to the fact that three instead of two gallons of spirits were distilled from a bushel, which give op portunities for fraud which will be clear to those familiar with the revenue laws and the distillery business. Charlotte Journal. ' , ' -The Future of New Berne." j ,:! -.n! (W11. New Month.) " ! No' place in North Carolina haa brighter future before her than New Berne, though for many years up to a year or so ago she has been eking out a dull, lethargic existence until newer and younger men placed themselves at the head of her mercantile affairs sought the assistance of capital, put in circulation a first class daily newspaper the Journal, and encouraged the estab lishment of manufacturies. That she has been, "lethargic and antiquated no unbiased mind can dispute; that she is now a bustling, enterprising little city, rapidly throwing off the seedy clothes of a past regime and donning newer and more pretentious garments, is, we hope, equally as indisputable. New Berne is destined to be one of the largest manufacturing cities of the State; if not the largest. Her industries are. not confined to a tingle department, but are 1 varied. ' At present we can enumerate a cotton factory, a tobacco factory, a Cotton seed oil mill, a wooden plate factory ! and ' a canning establish ment. ' Since April, as' we learn from the Journal, five new1 steamers have been brought into her waters. When the Clubfoot aud Harlowe Creek canal is finished, thus supplying New' Berne with better maritime facil ities she is bound to boost forward. And should the Norfolk and Southern Railroad continue its line to her bor ders, this would give an additional im petus to her advancement. As we said, in a former editorial on New Berne; the city needs newer and bettet residences and places of business. Run up to Goldsboro and look how like a bright, new pin she is, with all her fresh paint on, new and prettily de signed residences and handsome brick stores. . Learn a lesson from her, as many other cities of our State could do, Wilmington for instance. PROBABLE HOMICIDE AV EESE. IN I)E- How the Renewal of a DliHculty Re : suits in the Fatal Wounding of a Negro by a White Stan. , ; , Charlotte Journal. . ' , A probably fatal shooting oc curred on Thursday in Deweese township ou the plantation of Mr. Adolphus Black. On the morning of that day, a colored tenant on the plantation, named Kufua . Qniller, went to the house of a young white man named Scott and asked for a horse for the purpose of riding to a neighboring place to purcliase some .whiskey. Scott inquired who had sent him for the horse aud Quiller replied that Mr. Black had done so. Scott expressed his incredulity by contradicting the negroe's ; state ment, whereupon the latter called Scott a u liar." Scott there upon drew his pistol and fired upon Quiller, . inflicting a slight , flesh wound in the inner : part of the thiah. The wound was. however. so slight that after it was dressed the quarrel was amicably arranged between the two ; the horse which Quiller desired was brought out, and, the negro proceeded on his way to; get his whiskey. He re turned about six o'clock that even iug with a quantity of it under his shirt. . . . , Thus-stimalatetl, he armed hini- si'lt with au axe handle and pro coediug to Scott's house entered, with the remark that he had ( come back this time to settle the difli culty of .tho moruiug in a more ac ceptable inauuer to hisowufceliugs Continuing to advance upon Scott with tlie axe handle, the lattci again drew his pistol and fired, the ball taking effect this time in the negro's side mid bringing him to the floor, it is much feared that the wound will be fatal, as all day jrulay the negro was in nn ex tremely erirical condition, and his physician gives little hope for his recovery. Scott has been arrested and laced under bond to await the result of the negro's wound. COMMERCIAL. NEW BERNE MARKET. Cotton Middling 91 : strict low middling 91; low middling 9i. heed cotton Extra nice, 8o.: ordi nary 3c. Urn 55c. per buRhel. Rigs 1.00 to $1.05 per bushel . . Turpentine Receipts moderate. Firm at 3.50 for yellow dip.' i ar r inn at jji.du and $1.75. Beeswax 20c. to 22c. per lb. Honey 60c. per gallon. Wheat 90c. per bushel. Beef On foot, 5c. to 7c. Fresh Pork 8al0c. per pound. Eggs 22o. per dozen. Peanuts New crop, 81.00 per bushel of 32 lbs. . . Fopder 75c. per hundred for new. Apples Mattamuskeets. 75 cts tier bushel. Onions 84.00 per bbl. Peas $1.1'1 to 81.25 per bushel. . Hides Dry, 9c. to lie; green 5c. Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 50c. per pair. Turkeys $1.75 per pair. Meal Bolted, 80c. par bushel. Potatoes Bahamas, 80a40c; yams 50a60c. per bushel. Shingles West India 5 inch, mixed, 82.50 per M. Building 5 inch, hearts. $3.50; saps, $2.50 per M. MINCE MEAT, Citron, Currant, English Walnuts, Candies, Almonds, Pickles, Brazil Nuts, Oatmeal, Buckieheat, Small Hams, Codfish, ivo. l MacKerel. - ' Smoked Hevrinas. tsesi tsuner. Roasted Coffee, ground to order, Irish Potatoes, Canned Goods, (dl fresh, . Beef Tongues, Syrup, . Maccaroni, Cream Clteese, , FINEST TEAS, Raisins, Prunes, Powder, Shot, Caps, Ahove named Goods are offered (?HKAP for oetSdllm C. E. SLOVER. ADMINISTEATOR'S NOTICE. State of North Carolina, ' 1 uraven County. J The snbscriber having qimlifled ns AdmlnlK- trator of the Kstate of Albert a. Hnhhiml Esq., deceased, on the 4th day of December, A. 1). before the Probate Court of Craven county, hereby notifies nil persons hnvinir ciaiins against saui estate to present them for payment on or before the 10th dav of Decern- ber. lHUil, or this notice will bo pleaded in bar oi uieir recovery. All persons indebted to said Kstate will make immediate payment. ' Done this 4th day of December. 1RK2. JOHN A. 1UCHAKHNOX, deculowlt Adminlstrulor. Christmas Goods ! We have Just received a Large Assortment of HOLIDAY GOODS, SUITABLE FOIl CHRISTMAS AA.D B1CIDAL PRESENTS, Consisting of Elegant. Plnsh Odor Cimcs, Beautiful Dintlte Toilet Sets, Flue Plnsh Whisk Broom Cases, Cut Glass Toilet Bottle, Lubins Bazins and other Extracts, Cologne, Violet and Florida Waters Jewelry Cases, Puff's and Puff Boxes Gentlemen's Shaving Dings, Fancy Box Stationary, Combs, Hair. Tooth and Natl Brushes, Rngslau Pocket Books and Card Cases, Fine Toilet Soaps. Call and see our assortment before buying elsewhere. HANCOCK. BROS., Druggists, Next to Post. Office, New Berne. N. C, dec2-atdeca . .. Important Sale. As Administrator of the estate of THOMAS K. GA8KINS, the undersigned will sell on tho premises of his intestate on Tuesday, December 26, 1882 tlie following personal property : FIVE EXTKA FIXE MCLES, SEVERAL BOUSES, A LAIIGE NiriMEIt OE CATTLE, inelud ihg the best yoke of oxen In Craven county. ABOUT SIXTY HOG8, ; TWO THOUSAND BUSHELS OE-COKX, THUEE THOUSAND BUSHELS OF COT TON SEED, WAGONS, CAK'ttS . 4 And ii very larg lot of Farming Implements, including several cultivators, a I nonius liar row ana otner unproved iooib. , , Household aud Kitchen Furniture, , ', A Lot of Goods iu Store, , . Buggy, Phaeton, " And many other useful articles. Mi" Terms Cash. ' " E. B. COX, novai-dAwtd v .' Administrator, P. MURPHY PEARSALL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, . TRENTOX, JOifS CO., N. Will practice In the Counties of Onslow, Lenoir, Duplin, Sampson and Jones. Collecting a specialty. . sep2H-lwtf DRIED FRUITS, Cranberries, ; Mince Meat. Italian Maccaronl, Crosse & Blackwell's Pickles, Lea & Perrin's Sauce, Mustards, Buckwheat, : ( Choice Butter, , WM. HOLLISTER'S, no-2 Middle Street. dim GILBERT PUMP. IU-iid tlie following tetitinionlnlHln regard the Gilbert Force l'nnip, rih! remember that , "No Well Itegnlated Family cau afford to be -without one." Ity HUncMiitf hone it '. made an efficient 'Ire KxtliiKiilidier. Ik'Hucctfully, J. C. WIiriTY, Newuern, N. C. Mk..Tohn Wiiitty Sir-In reolv to vonr nullify In reference to the uillierr. lmii would siiy tlie city him one In dm-on Pnlliwk Mlreet, which liiid lieen In one over H year, mid hub in iH-iu-i-i onier an ine tune, nnu him been In dally um. TlieyHre in my opinion trictiy n. nivt-cliiis l'uinii. iiios. H. Howard, Mayor. JoiINt'. Wiirn-Y. tout. Hear Sir In reirnnl to what I know of the Gilbert Pump the city of New Heme placed one in front of the Na. tional Hank of New Kerne, about Mince, and it has well ntood hard uwmo ever Hlnce, without any repalra that I know of. This I believe is a iietter record than khv nn. vloiiH Piiinpcnn iHMKtof. Vouw truly, J. A. Onion. J. ('. WHITTV. Kmii. Dear Sir We hnva l.o,l oiie of the (illliert Improved Pumpa in use lit viiir v uu.mi j'.Ai-iiitnge air Hevenu uionum aim nnu u. an mat is claimed ror It by the manu facturer. HeKpectfully, 1). T.-CARItAWAY. Mr. J. t WlUlTV Dear ir W hnva hnA tt (Jllbert Force Pump in line nenrlv 12 months and it has nlven us penfect satlKfaction no irounie witn 11 whatever It brings the water the first stroke. Very respectfullv yours. Pkhky BlIOR, Cravks (Shinty, N. C, Nov. II, 'til. uovl.K-wltdlni jKrrmjK.N ATLANTIC GARDEN ! The finest Liquors and Cigars, tha celebrated BKHGNEK & ENGEL BEER, Sour Kraut. Sardines, Lobster, Liruburgei- and Schweitzer Cheese constantly on hand. Billiard and Pool Tables. Tlie finest In the country. " CAEOHBOLETTE TABLE. Something new the fity. only one ever in the DEVIL AMONG THE TAILORS In the Dully Building on Middle Street. MOW KKRNEN. V. "- The only first class saloon in tlie city. A; Aw. 8 mo.: . .,- Nov.il. Fine Goods! Fair Dealing! LOW EST PRICES FOR CASH ONLY ! Our Motto and our Success!! 'We are eomttantly rerolvhu Fine Groceries Canned Ooolny t Prorixionx, Flour, Tobawo awl Cifars, And otter thorn at tho MOST REASOVAHf.lc PKICES. We desire to call especial attention to our Stock of Pickles lu Glass "and Buckets, Preserves In Glass and Tin, French Citron. Candied Oranireand Peel, rresn mines, .sultana and Dehcsa Rnlslns, Dried Apples and Peaches, Mince Meat, Buckwheat Flour. Fancy (Jilt Edice Butter and White fionm Cheese. - 'leas, Kio, IHguayru, Java and Jlwha Codecs lioastcd No. .11 and 11 Coiteu, . Aiid.eveiythliiK usually found lit a Fancv Grocery Htort. We gtiHiuiite everytiiing, we sell to give satisfaction both hs to price and ouality, and will REFl'N D THE HONEY ON DE MAND. EVERYTHING FRESH AND GOOD. The Cash Trade Only Solicited. ' - Very truly yours, , Wm. Pell Ballance & Co." novl7-Uly ' . ' ' ' ' . FOR SALE, THE BltlCK DWELLING HOUSE on the East Side of East Front, in the City of New born. Occupied by Capt. S. H.Gra.v. For further particulars apply to 1 ' ; GREEK STEVENSON, novls-tr . .... Attprneym. RQDEnTS G CH 3, Have removed their entire Stock to WM.' O 11 11 Y AN STOlti; OX SOUTH FRONT STREET. They are now offering Boots, shoes mid i.-v Goods, sightly damaged, at LKHy than New York cost. Call nt once and secure bargains. ; dA w

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