JL::;:;::::;;,:,r, A ll . i Ji . - 'i VOL. I. NEW BERNE, N. C, TES DA Y, JANUARY 2, 188i. NO.- 203. : on ., .JvW ADVERTISEMENTS. - Aba Jones Dry goods. Henry Archbell Crackers, cakes. J. L. McDaniel Family groceries. .B. B. Lane Fish, oysters, etc. II. C. Bowen C. Lake Academy. Journal Miniature Almaiiar. Sun rises, 7:10 Length of day,' Sun seta, 4:57 J 9 hours, 49 mimiteR. Moon rises at J :10 a. in. A "pound party," at Dr. Bulkhead's last night. Capt. Hose came in from South Creek . on Monday evening will) a Iwat loud of ' cotton. ' ' B. F. Trurnbo,' the celebrated Ken tucky horse drover, is registered at Hen- " derson's hotef.with -fifteen ' fine mules and two hor6es. . . ; '....'., At the Colored, tournament yesterday Walter' Eubanks, the Knight of the Cutler, was the only Knight that was able to carry og a ring at all. 1 .A feast and Christmas tree at George isUeet Chapel last night for the children .of the Parish School. The only Christ unas tree in New Berne this season. 1 Esquire Brihson had before bun on Monday. Nathan Hill and, Dave Swin dell for aiding the escape of , the jail birds last week. The evidence against Nathan Hill was held to be insufficient and he was released. . Dave Swindell was. however, considered guilty and committed to jail. ... i ... i "A cannon shot recently deposited in . the Boston Museum is marked with the followine inscription: This twelve- , pound conical shot fired from a Con federate battery at the battle of New Berne, March 14, 1862. It passed side , ways through the body of Samuel lines of Co. F. 24th Mass. Eeg't, killing, him instantly, and thence into a tree, from which it was afterward cut by his com rade, H. N. Cummings, by whom it is presented.''-Exchctnge. 1 1 Watch Night. !,.':, '.( About one hundred people assembled at the Methodist Church at midnight on the 31st to offer thanks for the Old Year and aBk blessings for the New one. Oyster Packing. - Mr, Geo. N. Ives, who lately bough the oyster , packing property on the Flanner Wharf, has sold the outfit to Messrs. Moore & Brady of Baltimore the same gentlemen who applied, short time since, for a lease of Union Point. A Gaud Showing.' ' The showing made by the fire of the business of the nackbum Brothers peak? exceedingly well for their enter prise and push. Just five years ago last August they started business at thiR stand with $o00 capital. With that start they have paid fur store and in creased their capital to S'0,000, the amount of block on hand. They are worthy young men and their many friends wish them a successful new year in spite of fires and other disasters. Your Name In Print. Rev. J. L. Win Held, editor of the U'atvh Tower at Washington, gave us a flying visit on Monday. JMuer J. Ji. urvis, ni lvinston, j is in the city. i Mr. E. R. Stanly; of Railway, New- Jersey, is visiting friends in ! New Berne. Nathan Stanly, the Cox Cotton plant er boss, was m the city on-: Mon day."''"" "" " 'I Hon. 0. Hubbs left for .Washington on the evening train. , i E. R. Page Esq. and Col. J. N. Whit ford, Senator and Representative I from Jonesi left for Raleigh on' Monday Misses Lizzie Neal, Carrie Rishtoh and Annio Moore were off to Goldsboro and other points on the evening Tt rain, j Ncwlrar'a Luck. It is a popular saying that New Year's day is an index to the luck to be ex perienced during the coining year. If so the Uackburn Bros, must keep a sharp watch out for fires,, since their store was burned , just after mid night. The Atlantic Fire Company must look to their laurels as the New Berne got on the first stream at the fire. Esq.,, W. G. Brinson passed a large part of the day in Craven street jail- trying prisoners, however.' ' ; " Capt. John Richardson started the year with the good luck of having'.two of his debtors to come and see him who promised to pay hiin soon. ' . Mayor Howard's first letter in the morning was a notice that he was ex peeled to pay some security money. The Journal office mail disclosed check from Boston on "Time Havings Bank," sent by Prof, D. B.Johnson, di recting to pay to bearer three hundrei and sixty-live happy days for Newspaper Intlu-uee, When you seo a 'place backward in enterprise, irretrievably "dull," lay the greater part of it to the press of that place., No more striking exampla can be citra than New Berne: - Until the advent of so wide awake a publication as the Journal, New Berne watt daily becoming more lethargic, hut when it made its appearance, together with in fluence of one or two public spirited gentlemen, a new and reinvigorated feeling was infused in its sinews, and the old place rapidly assumed the air of bustling, thriving Jtttle city. It . Xvw South. Newspaper proprietors are not gener- illy troubled with excessive modesty, aud while we are glad to see credit giv en us, it is' well enough to "tote fair" and claim only what legitimately is due. A successful newspaper enterprise is ' jioehuitou, Jr little like a successful general or Tlie family of Rev. Mi'. CJarpeuter, P, statesman tlie creature rather than the I C.jon this circuit, arrived on Friday, creator of the epoch iti which it flour- and now occupy the Methodist parson- ishes. - , : , age in. this place. I supiiofto the Parson Here in New lierne tradehad revived will be here in a day or so, '' before the Journal came; the young Busing the next year. 183..' Cant. , New Officers. Ai new election of officers of the At lantic Fire Company occurred last night to fill some vacancies occurring by resignation, with the following result: , C. H. Blank, Engineer. A. W. Wood, Foreman, Wm. Ellis, Ass't Foreman. ".New Military. A new military Company , is about to ' he organized in the city, and a meeting ;s- called for to-night at 8 p. ni. at the Atlantic Fire Engine house. , It is 5 little surprising that no company is in exigence in a city of the size of New Berne, and, tod, when it furnishes a Brigadier General : for the Sta'.e Guard. -. ' NewVearsDay. A pretty general observance of New "Year's was had in the pity. ; Business - was generally suspended, the ships lay '. idle at anchor, the Cotton Exchange, Bank and Postofflce were closed, and the day passed in pleasure The colored ! l 'people assembled at the Court House and Mr. E. R. Dudley delivered a very creditable oration; and the young men of that race closed up the day with a .Tournament- v ., v1 Tli BIpple. , , . , , ',' . ,. , Commodore C.Ai Chesebrough, in his steam y&cH, Ripple, is visiting this section for his .winter's hunting an fishing. He conies from New York and generally passes his winters with his family in this yacht; which is very ' elegantly and comfortably fitted up for the pui pose in view, -Ho was at New Borne two years ago, and once or twice before, and refers ery feelingly to the loaaof two o ,th friends made here, Messrs. S. Radc'liff and Seth Carpenter. La Grange Items. ; ? Ilezekiah Measly and Nannie Hinsnn were married on last Thurrsday. The merchants complain of dull times. But' little cotton offering aud the price low. ' , "''..." It hailed, then rained and then hailed again, on Friday uight aud Saturday. Bad un the people generally. , Charles Hobbs went for West Wooten in regular knock-down style a few days ago. West's head wan not a match for Charles' stick.' 1 ' ' ' ' ' ' i C. S. Wooten, S. I. Wooten and "Dr." W. W. Fuller paid a visit t Buckles- berry last Thursday, and were the guest's The 1'lre. . . On Monday morning at half after one o'clock a fire broke out in Mr. Eugene Tucker's bar room at Five Points, set by some incendiary, and quickly spread on s ach side, consuming entirely the build ing of the Hackburn Bros, and burning Mrs. Husseys house to a shell. The fire was three quarters of a mile from the Engine houses, but in just seven minites from the tap of the fire bell the New Berne, was on hand and driving a stream of water. The Atlant ic came in abontfive minutes later, and in a short while the fire was under con trol. The blackened studding in Mrs. Hussey's house, with two thirds of the house burned up, is a tribute to the ef ficiency of these Fire companies. Mrs. Hussey's house was insured for $1,000; none on the Tucker house, be longing to Rev. E. M. Forbes. The store of Hackburn Bros, carried $1.000 $750 on house, 200 on shelving and cunterB and $50 on furniture up-stairs On goods they carried ?3j000, and their stock amounted to just0,000 an inven tory being taken last Thursdayi Many of tile goods were saved although in a damaged condition, and in their present condition no just estimate can be made of Joss. ' . ' mercantile life in the city was forcing itself to the front and the busy hum of Industry was being heard and its influ ence felt in every circle of society. And this very spirit and awakening demand ed a newspaper, and instituted a news paper, the Commercial News, which we very willingly acknowledge was very ably edited and doing a gaod work in the city before the Journal ever thought of moving to New P.erne. The Commer cial New, being a stock company, nec essarily went down, but the demand and need for u newspaper continued. and this influence was thrown to the Journal. That the Journal' lias done a fair share of good in the community is gen erally admitted; that,through the wide spread circulation of the Weekly, it can be of almost incalculable benefit to New Berne's trade in the future is an un doubted fact but to say that it caused tho original business boom is a mistake. The success of 'the Journal for it has been moderately successful has been the result of the revival of business in the city and not the cause thereof. A Card. Wo desire to return our sincere thanks to the public for assistance ren dered at the lire on Monday morning. The New Berne Fire Department and tho two colored companies were prompt ly on hand, making noble efforts to save the buildings; while the citizens gener ally did everything in their power in suppressing the fire and aiding in sav ing ur goods, To each and all we re turn our sincere thanks. E. B. Hackmjkn, '"': ! J. H. Hackburn. Harper will give personal attention to rieo growing on his place in Junes. Problem: If tho son raises rice heads l8 inches, in length," what length will those raised by father and son. be; '( On Thursday, Doc. 27th, the following were elected and installed officers of LenoiriLodgo, No. 233: S. I. Wooten, W. M.J W. B. Reid, S. W. ; J. H.ixVJd ridge, J. W.; J. S. Wooten, Treas.; J. D. Walters, Sec; J. H. Suggs, S. D.; M Pally, jr. D.;Thos. Suttou, Tyler: A man who was supposed to be one o: the escaped prisoners from Craven was in town Thursday. He was taken be fore the Mayor, who decided that lie did not fill the bill, and was released. He leftj on the evening train, taking passage between the baggage car and tender. ! !-.: COMMERCIAL. ; KW KKHNK 1T1AHKKT. Cotton Middling' 9i : strict' low middling 8: low middling 9. Seed cotton Extra nice, :jto.; ordi nary ik'.. t:oRN .ri.)c. per bushel. Rick $1.00 to $i.s Hr bushel. Turpentine Receipts modurate. Firm at SI.SO for yellow dip. tar -rum at $1.50 and $1.7". Bklswax 20c. to 2',V. per lb. Honey 60e. per gallon. Wheat 90c. per bushel. ' liiSKF On foot, ."hi. to Gc. Fresh Pork SalOo. pt-r jound. Eous 22e. per dozen. Peanuts New crou. S1.00 ier bushel of 32 lbs. Fodder Si. 25. per hundred. a pj'i.kh Jlat tan i ii s keetfl . M. i.er i I. . , uusihu. : ; - Oniuns $4.00 per bbl. Peas Sl.l'l to 1.2 er bushel. Hides Dry, Jc. to lie; green 5c. Tallow Co. per lb. Chickens Grown, 50c. per pair. Turkeys $1.7.1 per pair. MEAL-rBolted, SOc. p;r husliol. T. l. i ' n.v . rui a ivits aananius, , su4Uu. : vanis 50a60c. per bushel. , SniNGLES West Indiii 5 inch, mixed. $2.50 per M." Building. 5 inch, hearts; $3.50; saps, $2.50 per M. Stonewall Items, BIKGHAH SCHOOL, (Katablinhed In 1793.) N PHK-KMUSEST among Southern Board liiK ScIi.viIn lor hoy In Age, hi Number., In Area of Patronage, and in equipment for i-n van ul l nil are. 1 lie only ik IkxjI for Im.vh til Ilie Soillll Vlilll IIIIK litlll mill H ljviiinu.il.'... :ilix7!l fi'i'l, i,u-l,l,Ml vt r by a nklllful liiNtrur- ir. ny rti.iiiury in noi a nil cold hfltlm will be provide I lor. Kor Caliiluirue. tivlnu full pailiiuliiis,.nlilivKii . Jllaj. R. BIVGIUM, Snp't. l!ini;li!iiii s-hM.l P. o., OraiiBeC'o.. N C (ll'I'-JI-IW FOR SALE, , THK rmifi; DWEI.ma HorSK on Uie FjiHtSWeof h)igt KmiU. Ib Ui() (4tj- of New born, i innirfiMl'liy (Wt. 8..li arf. . .., . For I'm-i ii, r iMii tw-ulurs apply to IlllVlS-lf Attonipya. 1T0TICE. ' To whom ii i,Viy roncrrn : " " Take imiu-eliirti H Mil to nnUriil the ttiarter ! " tin- Clly i.r XMt IVntewill l jtilroducwl 111 the (Jem nil Assembly of North Carolina at the Jtumury rJrfwhtni'lxMt.' ilf(!l:!-i):t i,., i CITIZENS. Henry Archbell, MANI'FAf TriJKIt or ' All Kinds of Crackers, CAKES. CANDIES. Etc. 1 Orders soliiili.d from Men-hauls ami Dealers.""- ' .. qumn sti:ki:t, jmtd&wiij , Kiustoii. N. 0, A Card of Thanks. MESfiRS. Editors; In the absence of my brother-in-law, S. A. Hilton, permit me, through the Journal; to return thanks to the: firemen and others for Mr. Nathan. Cahoon, on lust. Thursday aviinr his property from the flames on evening,, Mr,' Frank Lewis and Miss The Largest Bond Ever Given by a Colorod Man in North Carolina. : Wilmington Post. At the last county election Mr. Oweu lhirnev, an old ami highly respected citizen of this connty.was ises. We wish him a pleaBant visit. ff - "'1 ' Cood Seriuoua. ,,.,. ; . , i , 1 . , , Dr. Burkhead 'b sermons at the Meth-, odist Church on Sunday were of more, than usual interest;' tet waa "The influence of forgetting God, manifested in the-act ions and 6pinionsof men.'' lie painted in bold and forcible language the he'inousness of the, sins pictured In the. 7th, 8th and ,9th Commandments; and in'ioulung for examples the speaker j brouglil jt hoaia tos His sown' members andtoour best society. The thoughts '' 'expreoned were in good taste and were .calculated W -crrry great weight with the audit nee. ' ' " " . . Town of Country, it' Sj' !j i In his Roi nion on Sunday 'Dr. I!urk- heulliile incidentally referring to tho influoncesurroundin tho vountr expressed fa tnanks tn a); ho '.t,s reared Whilp iUjp a sad; fact that young men iiVA city .are mqre liablo to, acqjuio bad habits than.4Ueir aountry cousins, it is a v(evy pertinent question to ask: i Whose laiilh m it v - ' ' 1 1 j r ' ' ' ''"" ' N)t tho fault of the boy for ( rod has given him health,-, youth, and exuber ance of" spirits that demand ' an outlet ondjin'Mie country this: "outlet can be had -in hnnting or fishing b( even in roaming , through . woods . or . over fields. -'-s.u ,'"V- :":.:. Anditr the5 city- his" nature'fs un changed ,' and If no place of amusement is provided he makes one fot himself. The bad habits of the boy in a majority of caBes, then, canjbe charged upon, the parents and upon the leaders of moral thought.' The Church is ever making a hrnva ficrht tasavo wicked men. . While that is right, It ii not a bad idea to try to keep the boys of the family from harm; and to do this good common sense tnust be used, and huinfn ; nature be taken as it is and not as one might like to have it. - Where is there a place in. New Berne for regular social recreation, apart from evil influences ? svt ,Y.ik .V' " Dr. W. T. Kenuedy has bought him a nice farm near Stonewall. ' Mr. T. C. Uadder has returned from a visit to Maryland where he went to see his old frieuds and relatives. Mr. Jno. W. Watson, one of our best citizens, is very nick nt his home on Goose Creek Island; his friends have despured of his recovery. 1 Mr. Solomon Harris and Miss. Mary ftice were married a few days since at the residence of Mr. Joab pice, the father of the bride. . , Mrs. Florence Whorton, wife of Mr. George Whorton, died at the residence of her father-in-law , Dr. W, A, Lind say, on the 29th ult. of liheumonia. : . Mr. A. II. Hamlin drove in this place on last Friday, accompanied by his bride, Miss Carrie Thompson of Golds- boro. So you see Madam Rumor is sometimes correct, i : ; ., , I,' , !, I J..)i'J , . ' At the residence of the bride's father, J. L. McDAN IEL, , DKALKU IN Choice Family Groceries, i;ANNi:i UOOIIS of nil Kiiuls. The Very Best Butter received fresh from Hip besl Nortliern Unliles every leu dnvs. . Special iilti-iillim enlleil lo lils Clioioe (Jiades of Family Flour. Broad Street, A Doors nbon' '. Midtlle, au'.Ml.y JiKWllKliN, N. (.'. CATHARINE UKE ACADEMY. Spring Term OpenfS January Harper's Magihe, lUni'Bii's .Maoajnk beclna Its iilitv-mxili v nine wlili Hie H.femlier limiilier. It la not (inly Hie must ixipuim- Illustrated prlodiol In Allien, ii iiml KhKhiml, but nlno the laiyeMt In us scluine, the imist beiiutlflll in Itnappear inice, H-...1 the best ltuiKn.iiie for Ilie home. A new iiovoI.eiitlUud "For the Major." by Con stance lu nlinore AVoolKon, the uthor of Amu-, was begun in l he ovniber number. In litnai--mid iirllslic excellence UieMAOA zine ntiprnveH Willi meh suwehnlve number. Hpeeliil .fll.rls hnve been made for the lighter euiei laiiiineiit of its rcadew through huuior (MISKliu ies, aketehea, elc . 1 1 a I pcr's Periodical. ,.''". pkb year: : U A IIP K IfS M AU AZI.N E ....;.. HAHPKU S WEEKLY H A ll I'E ICS .BA Z All .......::.i.J.'.U.' TheTIIKEH alM.ve publlcttHonSii., .1, Any TWO above named. HA!tf'EI!' YOl'NG PEOI'LE......'.!.lTI HAUPKH S MAOAZINE 1 ' t. , HAUI'ElfS VUl NU PEOPLE. I HAHPKll'sj FRANKLIJT HQlTARlfe LI KHAltY, one Year (52 Number.... 10 The liest methods mid liiust Imprnveil Ti xt- i.ikiks w in lie used. TEUMS : 31 to j: per Trn iov, from lroin7toSli. Mrsre, 52.iV) pur inontli. liionlli; Ui.ai'.l esterday tnorniiip;. R. R. Hill. Mary Ann Cahoon were married, Rev. L. D. Broughton officiating: ' From some misunderstanding between Mr. Thos. Gooding and Mr. Thos.' Mc Cleose on last Thursday, near Pamlico, the former took threo or four shots at the latter as he was leaving his prenr- No damage done. , , . ThoroUBh instrtictlon, prudent discipline. healthy locality, pleasant building and Rroiinus coininiie with other advanli.Kes t nisKe it a desirable home lor the sludcnl Other Inforiiiittion from 11. HOWKX, Principal, Catharine Luke, '. C. Mrs. II. Li. Mt itnii.i., Assistant janlwlf i (X) . 4 00 .. 4 Oil ..10 00 .. 7 00 .. 1 50 500 00 I'ostiure 1'ivetOttllsiihscrlhf.raln thoTTnit St.iles or Canada. , -. , i. .. 1 he voluia.'s of the Magazine1 begin with the Numbers lor June mid lieceniberol each year. When no lime is specified, If will be under slued that Hie subscriber wishes to begin with the current. Number. - . 'I lie last hlBht Volumes of Harper'a Mnira ziue, In m at cloth binding, will be sent by miiil, postpaid, on receiptor 1 1)0 per volume. Cloth eases, lor binding, 5 cetiu each by mail, piml paid. , i , index to HarKr s Mngnzlne, Alphabetical. Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 tottl. Inclusive, from June, lftto, to June, KS0, one vol., hvo, (.'lotli, (I no, i , (, i Ilemiltances should bp made by Post-Otllee Money ( irder or Draft, to avoid chance of low. Newspapers are not to ropy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper it brothers. , Address HARPER S HKOTHERH, New York. v , , . ;,, NOTICE. To all whom It limy concern : That application will be made to the Lcals- latuve that, meets In .laniinrv next, for the assafteof alaw nmendiiiKtl halter of Hie own ot rrenton, Jones iwunly. dee21 . CITIZEN'S. elected Xl-easurcr, ailllOSC imam- Mrs. F. V. Olim-rr mid Miss Mnrv ously ly the people. Mr. Bnrney is cherry had an accident on last Fridav colored man, was the slave before ww)vir M, ri- mov WM i.iiiv -.i,.. OLi.!flF T,Vl,.r,l . J "OJ LUC WU1, Ul Ci-UIIHIll i cuuci, .,.,! vr. uor;na Aarnnrra ttw Ul o,uiiuoua uhiuu, . iiucu ii i,j;q Mi el.., 1, jaxlorior many years for the Sheriff. L i t. , . . . nnd olrnt rnft iron iin cintaitfnl flii I o 1 i position of Deputy Sheriff, lor two years. He was then m 18f9 ap- )ointed to an inspectorship m the (.Jnstoni House, which position lie with it which caused the result. Iieltl until Thursday last, when he A Depot Agent Beheaded. Charlotte Journal. . Not many days ago, a certain railroad aceiit, in the county of Mecklenburtr, : l ,.i. n. m . . . . icMiuiMi w mw ',iiug3 ah wu" uini'i" i got into an altercation wan a person ot bounty I reasurer, he - having UiBitine lite office to aeo about the shin- qualified by giving ajustilied bond meut0f certain articles of freight. The oi 9 i ",uu, wiiii live genuemen as ,. w.l8 Jjaaged around briskiT and verv miuwmw, , wiio hi w wori.i in least, n aoon .Iled to the Jon!rRvatGni'aAi(. ...ii' A . .ii -i mi,i,v ,rt 4i. - .- . r-- nuii iuiiiiun tuiiiurn. xiurs in iiic lie" with a number of fostering append ages. The boiliiic agent boiled , over in tho direction of his ticket stainp and with it in hand followed the impudent man who had heaun a retreat from the fied, of dispute. A meeting on the 0f street resulted in the ticket Stamp being of knocked from the agent s hand to the largest bond ever given by a colored man in the State, and shows what a man of high character cau do, though he be a colored man. Mr. Uurney has held many responsible nositious iKWiues those above re t'erred to. lie was .Alderman the city for some years. All these placet he has tilled with en- groundwhen hisantagonistseized and t ire '"satisfaction to the "citizens, carried it away. This loss of his official We congratulate" Mr. Uurney, as seal somewhat weakened the agent and well as the whole .colored people of he repaired- to the Mayor's office of that the State, on the success lU this town for the purpose of claiming protec- matter.' Treasurer Hewlett turned over to Mr.Burney $33,000. The Possibilities of one Little Grain. lialeigh Visitor. ' ":' ' -' Mr". w:tl. Worth; of KihstonJ N. C. sends i&chl. tl LPolk' a bunch of oats, rtith 139'stalksr '4' ,fect 6. inches, high, yielding 8,340 grains all, the pror. duct of one single grain. If the pro duct of Jliiaote grain wete, sown for , 0 years successiyely, it would yield nior.a oats than is boV ' produced throughout the world.. The world ''and especially the farmers of the world, would move faster, if they would only consider the value of little things. , , tiou by process of law. '-. Meanwhile', the man with the ticket stamp had taken train for another station, Vut he becaine satisfied. with Uie Extent to,whicli;he had tortured the Agent sml phtded. tlie stamp in the bauds of Uie con lui:tr i ua . refcu rued, to its owners t . ... .... ..... . i. .1. .. SAWYER WANTED. I want a, NO. 1 RAWVKIt a man who thoroughly underHtiiiuls his hiislness and is of sober habits. . Atldress or Cnll on ' St'dd & liUoTnEU, ditwdeelSlmo. Snow Hill, X. C A PROCLAMATION BY THE CQVEBM. $200 Reward! MtNCE MEAT, ; u, wsf.' '. . Citron, Currants, English Walnuts,' '''"":' "' ' dandies, . !.,.., . ,!! V " Almow, Pickkfi, . 1)t Brazil Nuts, ' '.""';" '' Oatmeal, Buckuheat, Small Hams, Codfish, - No. 1 Mackerel, , ! Smolied Herriiias. Best Butter, (... in Roasted Coffee, ground to Order, ... , Irish Potatoes, - i. t Canned Goods, all fresh, Beef Tongues, Syrup, ' ; ' : " Maecaroni, ' . Cream Clieese, FINEST TEAS, ; ) Raisins, Prunes, Powder, ShotCaps. Ahove named Goods are offered CHEAP for CASH. .... ocnv C. E. SLOVEfL . ; ,. . , ilealer ltiaiul MitppM oft ' ' 'eAV''RcrW.Vi;li Fresh Fish onil Oysters shipped by ExpreS C. O.' 1. to all paitH of the country. To gnurU analnst ;isai)polntnient Orders should ivnoh nie s;t n em s vrlr lu.unie oi unipineni ot goods, , Jan2-d$wly State op Xohtii Cakoi.ika, 'k-' ' Kxecutlvo Departinciil. Whorens, official Information has boon re eel veil at I h in depart mem, thai , BENJAMIN KILL, late of the County of Craven, stands charged with tho liinriler of his wife; And Whereas, It a poeni H Unit the wild HenJiunln Hill has lied the HI ale, or soeonoealn liinsell' ihat the or dinary process of law cannot, lie-served upon nun. i . ii ... r Now, therefore, I, Thomas .1. .Tarvls. Oliver nor of the Htate of fjorlh Cnrollim, by virtue of nuthorily in me. vested by law, do is'snethls my I'locnimainm, onerniH it reward ot two ll NDKKU DOIiliAKM for 1ho BpprelM'nslon nd delivery of the naldHoniamin Will to the Sheriff of Craven Connt'v. at tho Court, Houne in .-New tserne; and i tio eiyoin nil otlicers of I we state nnn an prion cimons to assiNt in tirlnglm; Mini criminal tcjiisttoen.! ' HoiientourCit.vol'Kuleli;li,the2stUdny hf Deoenilier. tn the year of our liord one thmiKivnd eUjlit huudrod ninl lnlity-two, and in the one hundred and seven I h vear, (( Atnei loan Iu.W iH'nilenoe. . . EytheRovpniltr: ' ' 1 'jJ. V,: Toms, Action Private HeciflmV. '. f ii- mi - i'BEMViniftE .'!'.'!, t.t : llenjaniln Hill IS s Hmall black tnan, about ." I'eut ti or 7 Inches IiIkIi, about 'i to Mi) yeam olflf, Brtd tvelRlm from i: to U0 pounds! He htm small, Hlulsttr looking eyes, anil nUi Retherastilleii appennuice. . dec WdAlm NOTICE i Any person desiring to avail himself of the Aet of Assejnbly authorizing the education of one young mun n,t the University of Korth Carolina from this county freeof cost for tui tion, wlllapply to the Board of ConiniUslou erH of tills aiunty. -' 'jlieyounirinaiiseeklnethespDolntment of county student must show to the Board that neiiner ne, nis guardian or parents have the requisite means to pay tuition and room rent, that he isacillzeu of the State, a resident of the county, ami isof (rood, moral character una capacity loi usefulness. .. . ... , i. '':,' '' "'' ' "'' " Jos. jfKi-sos, ." I Herk ll'd of Com'srs, of Craven County. 7 I',,. .' H tl I ' ' A R.I5TW I Best in the World. - A51b. box of Franco CAIfrjY, delivered .fro at. any sere ofllo for tlSO. 3lb.boilbrtil.T5. ' Stonditri foPurit? Kant til9M: AddrMa,1 A. 0. BOYSTEfllBRa, BalelKh, JCG. NOTICE. JJotlce, Is Jiernby Klvh Ihnt I Will; Introduce ft hill lit tin next Keesloti of tlin ilenerAl As sembly to nnieiid the charter of tlie Town of Klnsnm.'"" -" " "'.,'. '' ' Is; Ksi,-K . P. "b IJOPTIN,1 ' . ' , 4ceia-lm ! ' ' t ; ' ? ; i fi onktor 11 Ih DUtriet. OUIt.'TiTTT v t rn a -v Return of Purchases, 'Etc. J i Offifc KROISTIR OF DKKWt, (irwv4 10.1 New Kerne. N. O.. IJee.'kll.lMWL 1 ' -i mi:t . -7 -::;Tri rt-rw All persons liable under Rohednls B nevenue.' AclHif-lsSl, Hre nMlfle' and are retHilreil ly law Irt i deliver ,r Mtnrn tec me, wnnm ten days after tne nrnl lay of Januuir.'lMtli a. wue and exaci state nuMit of Ilia amount of, purchases made by you, ak princtpHl OratiVnt. or through an RKont or emuiuiiiHkiii nierciianl (orotlierwixe 1111 the oianiv, amoumKj, lor siy inouins. eii.iini! lie oeinl)er:(lsl JM(L.1'l'Ue nmounb of pun hases both In mid out. of the Slam i exceot iirnvhaseii of eoMon and 'other farm products fnini the produmi!), must. iMt ineinuett' in your return. Keep tlie tsuii, yald for llauora aeparate from MmH paid Iiit 'goods, wares and niercliamllHe. Tills return must taaworn to.i: Vroi!" t roin pllanee with the law in reo,HeMed. Aourprl vlleue license. IS tolx renewed by tlie imliof January.. .Any listed afler, the tot U win b eharged double tax. " ' '' ' i i , M i iVery rospectfnliy, 1 1 !! i . JOS. MXSOX. decld-dlm Register ot teeds. Craven Co.

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