i T ii. " . .r VOL. I. ..... NEW BERNE, N. C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 10, 1883. NO.. 240. LOCAL NlYS. Journal Miniature Almanac. ' Sun rises,, 7:11 i Length of day, Sun. BeUi5;D5 j.houra,"54! ttinutea. Moon sets at 7 ;01 p. m. ad of the season was Cold, northeast rain on Tuesday. ; Fresh pork was scarce in the market yesterday. "-.Q)iv $"Snll Mr. J. L. Rhem began planting rad- lhph on Monday. The' first 'white sk landed at the market wharf yesterday, The corner store of the, new buildings on the corner of South Front and Mid dle streets' is Bearing completion . The steamer Florence baa been raised from the bottom of Swift creek and will be down to-day. K , v u The Trent River, Transportation Co. ' has made a change in the Schedule to - Polloksville and' Trenton. See "Ad. There is some complaint -on the parV of the citizens in the lower part pf the city about lhal deU-y i in lighting ,the steeet lamps for the past f e w n ights. A communication from the 5th town ship recommends to the executive com mittee Mjf. H) V. Borden as a suitable man for magistrate in that township. Mr. Robt. L. Thornton of the firm of Thornton & Dickerson is preparing to erect a saw mill at Bell's wharf near Denniaon's Oil mill. - The lumber busi ness is booming in New Berne, notwith standing the depression in the trade last summer. , , i . r The VKhedive of Egypt has visited . the city several times lately, and says notwithstanding the hard times, it is absolutely necessary for a man to fix up his house and keep up appearances. He waa looking after "furniture, window ' curtains eto. - ' V Col. Olds, of the Observer, suggests that the streets of Raleigh be declared navi gable and the Capital a port of. entry D. R. Walker suggest that the Legisla ture make an appropriation for cleaning out said streams and that Gen. Robert Ransom be appointed engineer-in-chief, The Elm City. (Messrs. Dailan petric,' hei ad-j vanned guard ef the Ehh City crew,' arrived on the Shenandoali yesterday morning and reported Jhat ,sb.e would leave Norfolk yesterday morning.'1' Du ring Ibe morning Mr. Isaac Patterson received the following telegram: Norfolk, Va:, Jan. 8th, 8:22 p. m. Steamer Elm City, Gray, Wolfenden, Redmond, Blank all , leave, on . Tuesday morning for New Berne.' ' ' . T. A. Greem. To nut the matter bevond all doubt the following 'was Bent to MajIt).''T. Carrawayi 'ohiU" 'J ji m,i 's-'o... Norfolk, Va., Jan. 9th, 11:50 a. in. Look out !' "she cotneth. 'Bint Citu left at six to-day. , s v I . J . LATHAM. Snow Hill Items- New Advertisement.' We present again in the Weekly Journal of this w ek a number of new advertisements: Cajt. A. C. Davis, of La Grange, places before the public the advantaged 'Of his military and classical schooh He is a FR,,V. iit.ti.iitna j-uuu8 dm. mmx ww ouHunc a uuo 1 There is yet a little cotton w t W us to utatiou us a successful 1 teacher ' and he housed, organizer, some oinistpupils publish, monthly, the Davis Cadet, lent High School paper, t Mr. E. L. Miller, of Kinston 'ad. 'of Furniture as a specialty. Tlie ...f" "ue 8 Paii y n ave sown very ' r J UXd err am in flu a oonflvn' ova young man, a son oi Mrs. A. tf luuler,. inst out their lan,i instpft(i nf enltiratir. nas inherited not a nttie or nis trading with hired help. genius oi me oia rum, and recognizes 0ur merchants claim that their collec tive great advantage of printer's ink. I tions this year are poorer than ever . he- Mr. L. Harvev. the most successful tore, une or two railed and the sale is guano dealer in Eastern Carolina, is "f ""y m. . Fir at Bell' Ferry C. Bolton's bar room at Bell's Ferry was consumed by fire last Saturday night. . Insured for $1,800. ," A : i Cotton Market. V: f " !'. f ' '.'"'' No sales on Tuesday. Spots unchanged in New York. Futures advanced ten points, closing steady, sales 93,000 bales, January's closed at 10.08. Liverpool . weak. . " nature of things, desultory as the man said of the dictionary, "it goes from one subject to another a good deal." The resident members of this Bar, J. (J. Jack son, J. F. Wooten, M. A. Gray, F.'B. Loftia, D. E Perry, J, R. Uzzell ajwj county Solicitor A. J. Loftin areat their posts of duty and profit. We also note the presence of Hon. L. J. Moore and F. M. Simmons, Esq., of the New Berne Bar.' The' following cases have been called and disposed of :' State vs. John R. Phillips; A. and B.; defendent pleads guilty, $5 and costs and fn custody till paid. , : , . ; , State vs. John Ingraham: disturbing religious congregation; guilty. Judg ment suspended on payment of costs. ' Stite vs. F. B. Loftin? A. andB.; plea of former" conviction;-plea sustained. Not guUty. , State vs. Lome Jones; larceny and receiving: pleads guilty. . Judgment suspended ou payment of costs, ,. , . . btate v8.'AucuRtus Bryan; - A. and BA guilty. Judgment not delivered. Court adiourned to Tuesday raormne 10 o'clock. ' ' .s t t i goods from store No. 2 into store No. 1 and having concentrated his stock ex pects to double his trade. , A. G. Barms has bought the store recently owned by J. C. Whitty and is moving into it, where havin? more room and a better building he expects to do a rushing middling 61; low middling 9, COMMERCIAL. iHW BEHNG MARKET. business. Me. Stephen Hurt, of Ne Berne, will open drug; Btore shortly, while to cap the climax, J. C. Whitty has pulled stakes and moved his family to " New Berne. They, will be long missed from out midst.' Our friends, Shephard, Hudson, Bell and Watson, remain at their pld stands, earnestly in dulging the hope that the present year will prove more remunerative than he last, both to themselves and to the coun try generally. ' '"'; Stonewall Items. We are having continuous wet weath "Vet and muddy does not express the weather for it pours rain without cessa tion. .,!. ' - ' The Sheriff informed me that in this county there are 48 stores or places of merchandise that pay the Schedule B tax, so you see there is no lack of a chance to get rid of your change, nitre is but three licensed bars in the county. Not a single inmate of the county jail. I went to Oregon in Beaufort county last Friday, and on the way I saw con- Walter P. Bums & Co., -;l -; comtissiox merciiaxts, ' " AND DEALERS IS ! Cotton- Middling 9i; strict low LwAlW Or ALL KTNDS . (Corn a Specialty.)' ': IU"ow-3Etorxx,'jg-.''c. ', f?T,0!,i''"i ""J '0l8nciH rcapectfnllr u. Hed. . . Jauwawly -NOW ORNKVEUT Before leavingfot HongKong " " know where that la) .i. ., u?llFil oi?t8 f0I44c" Coats'for 49ic ..Blitrt 844c.,and Drawera-well dou t apeak of it. , - , . , , ? . , (1i , a very, excel- ev which prevents any progress being n m we neia anu any t (, f t luaue cowaru , preparing ror me crop '.T ; r .r, ; i i-- r f . " ta.A rU r ., r ! h . i!,,r "al improvements were visible from the . cives nn I , time I left home and until 1 reached mv Seed cotton Extra nice. 81c: ordi nary 3c. Cork 55c. per bushel. Rick $1.00 to $1.08 per bushel. ; Turpkntink Receipts moderate. Firm at $2.50 for yellow dip. Tar Firm at 81.50 and Sl.'TS.' Beeswax 20c. to 22c. per lb. 1 ' Honey 60c. per gallon. Wheat 90c. perbuahe!. Feet On foot, 5c. to 6c. ' , i ESHP0KK 8al0c. per pound. . Eoos 22c. per dozen. Peanuts New crop, $1.00 per bushel of 32 lbs. . Fodder $1.25. .per hundred. - Apples Mattamuskeete, $1.00 per bushel. : . Onions $4.00 per bbl. Peas $1.10 to $1.25 per bushel. Hides Dry, 9o. to lie; green 5c. Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 50c. per pair. lUKXEYS tfifo per pair. Meal Bolted, 80c. par bushel. Potatoes Bahamas, 30a40c.; yams 50a60c. per bushel. SniNQLES West India 5 inch, mixed, $2.50 per M. Building 5 inch, hearts, $3.50; saps, $2.50 per M. J30 IT 1 AT THE MARKET. again bidding for the patronage of the public. He sells every year, to farmers, we think, as many tons of fertilizers as any two dealers in New Berne, Kinston orGoldsboro; and if an explanation is desired it can be found in part by look ing at his advertisemont He not only advertises, but does so under standingly. Read his "ad. "and see how attractive and convincing he makes it. ., , destination. At Idalia I found three stores where there was but one when I was there last spring. I. also met my friend Frank Cuthrell who was the Der- soniflcation of happiness over what he says is one of the finest and prettiest girl baby any dad ever had the pleasure of possessing. -''You know it will be so long at first if I am not mistaken it will 1 he steamer Snow Hul is plying on the get old after awhile, At Oregon I found Assignee's Sale. J. L. .M. DANIEL, DKALEK IX Choice Family Groceries,4 ; OANN Kl GOODS of all KludH The Very Best Butter:; nwivi'd IViuli I'nmi the boat Nnrthnn, I every ten tiny. ...Uu. j ,.?t I Spe(luluilullon railed lobl. Choice (Jriul H of riiniiilv Floitr!: ' Broad Street, 4 Doors above Middle, iuiilly Nl'WUEUX, N. C. I will commence a Sale, waters of the Contentnea now. Ransom is again on our Creek with his corps of men but work has been suspended on account of high wateT. irom appearances things prospering. The Messrs. Springs have one of the best appointed saw mills I ever had the fortune to see and from the amount of lumber they seem i to know how to make it pay. I was the guest of Mr. E. Tuthill and his pleasant wife except my : 1 T , , . i ii . i i meuu, iiaun uuireii u nas Deenmany days since I have seen a happier man and well he may be his cause is a just one and at his house I tnet CaDt. Ham . Owing to the high price of pork dur-1 Da vies of Port Jefferson, Long Island, a ing the past year and the low price of genial and clever gentleman and if one TO-DAY, : . AT TEN O'CLOCK, ii. n. 1 4 a. n i:, ; . I"aliT hi mid shipper of Fusli and Salt'. 'Fish, Oysters, Etc r Etc., '. J?w Berne, N. V. i , r'liHh l isliiiiHlOyHlera Klilpprd bv Eximvm The acreage in cotton will not be di minished. Very likely it will be in creased. The yield of cotton and corn last year was an average crop. Pota toes were finer than they have been for many years. . AT THE STORK OF ngnlimt MH,ippoli,t., or.leiH i.lmuld rach uie iiouis prior to lime of uMi Jun2-U&wly G. F. HUMPHREY, ON MIDDLE STREET, And last the "Old Reliable," Einsteik, comes out ma double half-column, dis-lcottoti, the cry of "hard times is com- can judge by conversation and photo- ma vine the advantages to he pained bv mg is heard echoea throughout our grapns tne aay is not so far in the fu calling on him. While the Journal uvM wux vill'l UVVU1V caXJU UlV DUVU vvb v aw wh v m this land of OF A NOTICE. To nil whom li mny conoern : mime i nut meets lu January next. fnro' : passnse or a ,.w umen.lliig the ,"mnl( Town o'Treiilftti, Jnne (.untv . ' . : S ilfc''! dj CITIZEN8. was at runston jiinstein was its oest er the better. Cotton raised as it should patron; and it was admitted that his ad- be in this country would be a blessing; vertising paid him handsomely. He aR 11 8 w a shame, knows exactly what to say in an adver- Dr. W. J. Jones will remove toGolds tisement. Now, again, he is the largest horo, where his family now live and re of our yearly . Kinston advertisers, and ttJl MS ixrax TDiah him a rtvnatiaviia nnl BiiAnoaa. I . j ... nv..UUUi.HivDFC.vMaUu Duvvcw- Bn1MOi nis many comDetitorB tret a iui year traae. land. A great crisis is about tr dawn ture when he will be the happy posses- T A t2rF.T n- sor of 185 lbs of as fine looking helpmeet XixXl VJI lid OIVJ J XV as any man possesses in mud and Tain , OF SAWYERWANTED. l want a NO. 1 SAWVKK-e man who thotoitghly uiiderxtniidR hla hUKlneu. an,l if I sober h.nbltH. Address or Ca rm Kinston Items- gooa portion or the practice. We can safely recommend him to our Goldsboro mends and can assure them that he will do his part by them if they will do theirs. - - , Jones 'County Items. Your Nam la Print. Maj. R. S. Tucker of Raleigh and Thos. R. William" of Baltimore were in the city yesterday attending ' a meeting of the stockholders of the National Bank. Sheriff Jones of Carteret was in the city yesterday. EUrttoa of officers, At the annual meeting of , the Btock " holders of the National Bank held yester day, Maj. John Hughes, Messrs. Geo, Allen, Washington Bryan, L. II. Cutler andOeo. B. Guionwerer elected Direc tors. At the Directors' meeting Maj. John Hughes was elected President; Mr. Geo. Alleni Vice President; J. A, Guiou, Cashier; Geo. H. Roberts, Teller; J. R. B. Caraway, Book Keeper. Of pneumonia, in the city of Raleigh, on Tuesdat night, Mrs; Mary Meadows,' mother of ET H. Meadows Esq. Mrs. ' Meadows had Men ' visiting f rienda, j& Raleigh since the Methodist Conference, and was sick only a few days before her - death. !rti--H..'0 -n'VtH -i tfi f.i , Her remaina will arrive in the city )t this morning and the funeral will take - place from the Methodist Church at 3 O'clOCk. 1, ".' '(':' !V ' ii:.v.,'!i.V;-"' Senator F. B. Lof tin. with leave of absence by the Senate, is attending our T- . L v iiiiuiu a.. x-iuuiuB luoit icavo or UBimemhpr or t.hn lcria nt.nra from hia iast,Monaay evening, on his return to county taking such an active and prom auiuor buiiuui. i , ment stand m the Iritis atiire. Wise Annie fhiuips and JVliss L,Ulie Weareelad to know that the Rv uannon lelt last Monday for Greensboro Li L. Johnson, the Methodist minister of remaie oiiege, this circuit, will soon occupy the nar John Gannon, son bf our local Meth- sonage in Trenton recently purcliased. odist minister, Kev. W. C. Gannon, left Mr. Svrus Brown, of Tuckahoe town last Monday for Trinity College. ship in this county, has gone to Kinston LEGISLATIVE PltOCErDLNGS. (Uondemud from News-Observer.) SENATE. ; FIFTH DAY. Mr. Clarke, bill to protect marble workers and stone cutters. (Au thorizes them to take a lien on all work done on Monuments and grave stones.) Mr. Dortcli, bill to incorporate the Bank of Goldsboro. Mr. Black Bill to make the crime oi' assanlt with deadly wea pons with intent to kill, or assault. DryGocds,Dcofs,Shcos Hats, Clothing, &c. The sale will be continued from day to day until the stock in closed out. J. A. PATTERSON, jnnld-dtf Assignee. dAwdeel.Sltno. SHOO 4 BROTHER, Snow Hill. N. C. NOTICE. Notice Is hereby given that I will Introduce a bill at the next seelon of the General As sembly to amend the charter of the Town of Kinston Dec. 18, 1882. dcegi-liu P. B. LOFTIN, Henator Hth District. j NOTICE, There will be a SPECIAL TRAIN Leaving NEW BERNE at NINE o'clock a.m. ou and battery with a deadly weapon Wednesday, Jan'y 1U, lbod, with intent tO kill,' a felony puisll- retuni at KOIIR n. m.. to accommodate all Edwin Taylor tells it that Zach Rhodes We of Trenton would like to have had able by imprisonment in the State K, 'iarmor ?!le late a, i, Hi HHAKi), one mne noove irover. has adopted his plan of finding fat Mr. Brown to come to live here as he is light wood, and he too wears, a scab on one of the best citizens of the county. lusnose. J . .. u s I Our excellent and oonular SheriiT. S Elisha Grady has bought of . Henry E. Koonce, . settled the State taxes. Green, for $1,000, the comer section of through the National Bank of -New the old Caswell lot in Kinston opposite Berne with the State Treasurer several tne resmence oi Alex JN icoi, issq. aays ago, tne secona in tne mate to set prison Mr. Cozart Insolation request ing our,: representatives ana in structing Senators in Congress to use their best enorts to obtain a re turn of the money collected by a di rect tax Irom the citizens of .North Mr. libbS Bill malUllg dOgS the Court of Craven Comity, I will sell forcrish NmMlham 3-. lfnr . tie W6 Delieve.i J i;.jt'l f iwwaauaaa wa uwFAVa null r lllJ AOtW I w "'," 1 s . Needham Moore of this county, died of Mr. Js Rasberry and family hate Carolina in 1865 pneumonia oathe 6th inst, m his. 87th left Trenton and gone to JNew iJerno. year, at his residence in Lenoir county. We regret very much that Mr. Rasberry subjects of larceny, regardless of the me members or uaswell Monument ." " taxation. " h-"- . " v.: ; i : a j 4.j- i. Mr. i aim. ; inn i tiv iimsinpn r.ne Btore of Hettinger Bros., next. Friday! , "uu ycvyio. ..rfT. : ,-V " evening at 7 o'clock n husines$ bf im- k "I have been infonned that the stearri time Of holding the courts M the Pare, for the round triu. ONE DOLLAR. i 8. U 1HLU., Jan9tf it. P. NOTICE.- Administrator's Sale. A PROCLAMATION BY TEE GOVERHOB. $200 Reward! State op Notmt Carolina, i s Kxmitlve Department. " WlierenK, offlcial Information hag been tc ' ct'iveil al tliiKilenrtmeiit that ; BENJAMIrV HILL, late oi' the ( omity of Craven, atamlR charged with thPiiiuiderofhlswire; All( whereas It nupnun lhal IhCKitld Kenjamlii Hill has (led :. UieKttiti', orHncoiiccnlK liliniiell that the or- ' Ilnai pnH CHH of law cannot he Nerved upon ' Novr, therefore, Iriiomaa J. Jan ls. Gover noror the State of North Camlina, hy virtue . ,r ,mni IIIW.UO lHHUe tlllH Sfr J ofleri)K reward of TWu months ago by Mr. J. H. Banks and Mr. Scott. 6f Rockinfflaam. from which has been idle for some time, will thn anoriol nnmrniftAA rtn fhor t.it.flfT u Kv .u.-wvu.u uj and infp.rnal revAniiA- snbinmlttftd MPARrs. Hut?nea and Moore, two finor-I . t . " . rvAfir artA artt-cxr-nriairte- mart A AA "f i. meyA roanhififin nt inar.rnpt.iATr rA hnr linn j. Me whom says he has now got I t aimn man fn mn if aim. nAoamAn l fin rr f n faifT un1 in Evanxelleal Alliance. The third meeting will be held to night at 7:30 o'clock, in $he Presbyterian church. The general subject to be con sidered will he "frayer , for. Families: , the impoftanceoi 'right "training of Youth.""' Last night the; services were held ; in the Methodist church Considering the fearful character of the tfght the con gregation was excellent, certainly ,the, exercises were very spirited. Rev. L. C. Vass spoke of the world) iriess In the church and the spirit ' of scepticism abroad. . Rev. Mr. Bull addressed the audience on intemperance, of Sabbath breakir of . tM day,-in yefy. earnest torms. i.aobiS. 3. Galea tt,ai J. V. Wil liams made ringing speeches on the subject of intemperance, which it would be good for every body to hear: And Dr. rurklu-itd, as a warrior of thirty years in f n re' 'a frerauce. cni3ade closed wivh an a Jtu.irable' exhortation' j. in the same liae of thouLt.' ; i J. TLeseniert!i.-s tire cf great interest. Let everybody try to attend them. txirtance Oettlnger Bros, have had large, beau tifully framed photographs of their ele gant brick store freely circulated to ad vertise the place of their heavy business to the public. - They take well too. L into the only business where pure hap piness is found doing no(?imj but he calculates to make it lively for fish, deer and ghosts before the summer closes. ., j , Mr. AlpheusT. Kennedy, wjio ia an equal partner with Nathan Stanly in the Cox cotton planter, has moved to Kins ton and will devote his time to the Bale and superintending the construction of mat yaiuaoie xarm implement. j ,,Dr. W. A. J. Pollock, of No. 7 fame, has found one honest man in the person of Cicero Green, color d, who walked up voluntarily a few days' ago and paid an account for Ho. 1 which has Deen stand he personal property of Albert U. Hublmrd, S?,ijS.1''v7,'y "IS K f'so deceased Sheriti of Craven Coi 3ePropery.coslSngof . Sil Stock, Cattle, Hogs, Etc., a l6t of corn, fodder, hay Household Furniture, FARMING UTENSILS, cessfully. foLloksville Items. a majority report on (Mr. Payne's Xe fftrm 8bont Wednesday, 12 o'clock, M., The lOtli day ot January, 1883. , ALSO The valuable Law Llbrnry and other valu able miscellaneous books, one horse and bug gy, one phieton, one cart, harness, a lot of BhlnKlex, and otlico furniture, etc, will be sold in jNewnern. HtTNIWKI iLLAKH lor the apprehension ' ' Nim neiijiiniin mil to the 'ounty.atthe Court House . 1 1 no enjoin all officers of hrlnuliigHiiiil criminal to justice. . 1 (one tit our City of Kaleigh, the 28th da v " of December, in the year of our Lord ono f thousand right hundred and eighty-two 1 , . and in the one hundred and seventh year of American Independence- r . I'HOSv J. JABVIB. By theQoyprnor! " " J. K. Toms, Acting Private Secretary. :, : , , ( ternal revenue) embracing in sub stance the original and recommend its favorable consideration. Mr, Strayhorn, of the committee, gave notice that on to-morrow he would present a minority report. ; ' ' DESCRIPTION. .:':!''" Benjamin Hill is a small black mah, about ' .) feet or 7 inches high, about '& to W yearn old, wid weighs from 135 to 140 poundsT He hfis small -(iinlster looking eyes, and alto, gether a sullen appearance. decSWAwlm HOUSE. By Mr. Powers, ,of Cumberland. The aDDearance of a rainbow would be a welcome phenomenon. Misses Sallie Provow and Henrietta Jarman, of Onslow, are visiting friends and relatives Jn eur village..,, ,; ,. Unless the bridge at this place receives the attention of the commissioners be- l l u"clo Vl. ""'""""""j occupied iore 'long, it will be in a dangerous w reiawve w carryiug coucesueu condition. weaiwns: repealing cnanter 12 , There are balls and rumors of balls laws 1879. ingfor seven years. Cicero understands I the most enjoyable one of the season) By Mr. Simmons, a bill to make now! that the name "No. 7" doesn't came off at the residence of N.P.Smith, UnsHtwa'of the nflftce elifhble into 4V;n1...4, A, l?.n' lac. lTitatf mlrvht tfjrdn. K fha . . 17 . . worth its weight in gold, cash on the orviHla."V H'- ! ' ' '' ' 1 tn InHv vicit:n(ra. -.1 ' : ' I- V: 1 f Mnool tna Tv,ailianf 'a litaiiQa Col. G. C.Moses reports three bales of ' Among the good things set out to the wl?i'X"1 - '77' cotton, weighing, , 470, 485 and 500 callera oa New Year's day, we noticed pounds, made on one acre of land du- at the residence of Haywood White a ring the year lbsa on hia Jones eountv curiosity for this tune ot the year, in plantation. He manured with Kainit the shape of. a watermelon. ; Although and barn vara manure. A tenant on out of season ana somewhat suggestive this farm, Mr. John Burgett, the famous of chills and fever; it was nevertheless ON TUESDAY, The 16th day of January, 1883, at TWELVE o'clock, M., at the office lately oyaeceaseu. JOHN A. RICHARDSON, Administrator. Newborn, X. C, Dee. 18, 182. , jantkdtd ; L. II. CUTLER, CANDY. Best in the World. k i lb. box of Frenea 1 CANDY, doUvored froaat any exprem . fflce for KM. '' 3Uvboxtartl.T& k u Standard for Purify anil Excellence. Address, ...,, i A. D. R0YSTE8 1 8R3, ' Balelgh. V.C ' ' ' By Mr. Harris, of Davidson, a bill CIammm 1 r.I1aVM' St:chh;l 4 M fuv;crc walking stick maker, made with oris horse thirteen hve hundred pound oaks of cotton and one hucdred and five barrels of corn. , , , , u ; ' ' U January term of the Inferior court of Lenoir county commenced last Monday, Justices Wcxiten, Fields and Mewborn presiding. There was a large general attendance of the people at court.' The charge to the Grand jury was delivered by Justice Wooten, with an appropriate explanation of the nature of an oath and in an exhaustive am fold ing of the criminal law, statutory and common. Such charges are, however, in the very very palatable and had a taste peculiar to that species of fruit. r The Spring term . of Prof, Rhodes' school began, last Monday week with such i an increase in, attendance as to necessitate the employment of another assistant Miss Sallie Cox, a lady of considerable experience in teaching. Miss Edwards will b in charge of the music department and judging from some of the names we see on her list of pupils we are afraid she has a laborious task ahead ot her. .'. . - i Sash, Doors & By Mr. Powers, of , Cumberland, a bill to amend an act to prevent the sale of liquor on Sunday. , By silt. Cowee, a bill to prevent the erection of artificial islands in LIME, CEMENT and PLASTER the navigable waters or tne state. HOUSE FURNISHING OOODS, The Regular Annual Meeting of the Storlf.t holders of "The Midland North Carolina Rail way Company" will be held nt the Court House, in Newbern, at U o'clock, a. tn ou Wednesday, February 7th ,188)1.' Al'l'L.t-TUI OAKSMITH. January 2, 1883. Director and Btorkholderi . dtd BUT G II All SCHOOL, . v -I , ; (B.ubii.h.dm3.) ; , Paints, Oils, Glass ana Putty, All Kinds of Crackers ' inn bchools for UoystnAae. in Numben, in Area of Patronage, and in equipment for Physical Culture. The only school for boys in the South with ens light and a Gymnasium iilixiU feet, presided over by a skillful Instruc tor, by February 1st hot and cold baths will be provided for. For Catalogues giving full parUculiu'B, address . Maj. R BIXOHAM, Bnp't. M Blnghnm School P. O., Orange Co., N. C. decai-lw ' ' h !' , ' (tuns An pistiiijS. ) TOILET SETS, , Eubber and Leather Belting, d Jvfc, ' Etc., Etc. w CAKES, CANDIES, Etc. r , Orders solicited from Merchants, and Dealers. ,..,. ,, : ..... ,. ... . QUEEN STREET, . janld&ivbj ' iCl..;oii," l,r. C. There are a few changes in. business circles: Chas. Whitty has moved tlie .,vn i ,-:.!!" :s:r.( t n:H.-Mi i .ii-! . .! 1-