THE JOUENAL. NEW BEIINE. N. C, JAN. 13,1883. The N. C. Freight Line l 150 Lion in:'PioeG S. ACHUECHI iii AT- II. W. WAIIAB, ' (Successor to E. II. Wlndlt y,) , DISTILLERS' AGENT FOH Pure Rye and Cora Whisky AT WHOLESALE. WINES AND CIGARS IN GRFAT VARIETY, Ginger Ale, Pale Ale, Beer ' AND PORTER. -Ml! A . . ; BERGNER & ENGEL BEER, CIDER, FUEE FHEKCH BRANDY. If i 1 .1 11. W. WAHAB. South Front St. Neir Berne, N. C. THE D0I1ITZ HOTEL GOLDSBOKO, N. C, ia now Bearing completion.. The building la Very Imposing, situated In the business part of the city, all light room, and when finished - there will be one hundred and live, in all neventy-llve finished now, and elegantly fur- ' nlslied with all the modern Improvements. Electric Bells, , Elevator, Gas in Every Room, Dining Room Will Seat 200. OPjEf to the PUBLIC, ' AND THE PROPRIETOR ' Guarantees Satisfaction. All old friends and new ones are respect :; fully invited to call. Large and commodious Sample Rooms. Terms 82.00. 82.50 and 13.00, according to lo cation of Room. Committee rooms a specialty. novTdtf Sated His Life. In a stairway on a , Woodward avenue Monday sat a man who looked the picture of Badness, and every now and then he pulled out a red hanukerchiel with many boles and rents in it, and wiped tears from his eyes. By and by a pedes trian halted and asked: "Say, stranger, what ails youl" "Oh, I dunno. I guess I feel sad." "You shouldn't feel sad on New Year's Day. It's the day on which to brace up and swear off." Thats jua the point!" replied the man, as he brought out the handker chief. "I havent any thing to swear off from." v : :, ' Dont you drink!" "Not a drop." "Nor smoke, nor chew?" 'Neither one; nor do I swear, gamble, bet nor lie.'' "Well you must be a pretty goou man.'' "Oh! Iam I am! I'm too good. The rest of you can resolve to day not to rob or steal again. You can swear off on whisky and tobacco and lay plans of economy, but I've got to plod right along in the old track." "Can't you think of one single point for reformation1!" 'Not a point not a one. I've sat here for a whole hour trying to find one single weakness, but I can't do it. Stranger, it makes me sad, ana you must excuse these tears. When I realize that I am so all-fired good I am half inclined to commit suicide." "I'll tell yon of a point, old man." "Will you? Thanks! thanks! What is it!" "Why don't you resolve to get your hair cut," wash your face, clean out your nails, and put on a clean shirt!" "Why don't If I will! Thank Heaven, there is a show for me after all! I'm not as good as I thought I was. , Yes, sir I'll do it. Shake with me! You have probably saved my life, and my gratitude is unbounded." And then he cried some more, butlthey were tears of joy. FOR NEW YORK, .t BOSTON, PROVIDENCE and all points ISorth untl Wewft SEMI-WEEKLY ST E A M E It's Between New Berne and .Baltimore, (Touching t Norfolk) Leaving New Berue. for BalUmois TUESDAYS and FRIDAYS at 1 p m. Leav Baltimore foJ New Berne WEDNESDAYS and SATURDAYS at 6. p.m. Agents are as follews; REUBEN FOSTIR, GonT Jfaoager, 0 Light St., Bal't. Md JAS. W. McOARRIUK, Ag't Norfolk. Va. W. P. Clyde A Co.. Philadelphia, 11 South Wharfes. Geo. H. Glover, Pier No. 40, E.R. New York E. Sampson, Boston, A3 Central wharf. K. U. Rockwell, Providence R. I. D. 0. Mink, Fall River, Derrick wharf, Ship, leave Boston, Tuesday, and Samrdaya. ' " New York dully. " " Baltimore, Wednesdays and Saturday. " " Fall River, Mondays, Wednesdays aud Fridays. " ' Providence, Saturdays. Through bills lading given, and rates guaran eed to all points, at the different ofllces at the companies. , ' Avoid Breakage of Bulk and Ship via N. C. LINE. d Mar 30 ly. S. H. GRAY, Ag't. Neve Berne, N C A Cassimere suit at $8 or $10. A Cheviot suit at $12.50, reduced from $15.00. A Good suit at $15, reduced from $18.00. A Nobby Cut-away suit at $17, former price $20. Reduced prices in Overcoats and Ulaterettes. VVe have the agency for Kogers, 1'eet s Jo., largest clothiers in the United I States. Our samples represent their large and varied stock. Wedding suits to order for $25 ; very best fdu. u nuts' Furnish in?. GoDds. See our Nobby Uats. Stacy, Adams & Co. s rr.. j a cu w. t,. , k v:.i.n,L,i,:.i. .1 UBUU'DCircu uuuco, im UAfo luaug uibukcuivuui w &rcu luc uiKiitutcuuuu), mm m : mm . m mmm they will arrive soon Boys',. Misses', Men's and Ladies' Rubber CoaU and iUl 3J1U kSHeei-ilOIl. WaTB Circulars. Trunks and Valises. Umbrellas and Rubbers. Gents' Ties and! And dealer in Stoves. Hardware. Crori Handkerchiefs at reduced prices. Carpets and Oil-Cloths. ery and Glassware; Wooden and Wil- 1'U NOT FAIL TO HIND US. tow ware, Appie ana rear rearers, etc MnWAHJJ & JUNKS. I MIDDLE STREET, BTKW BEKKK, 9. t. Jan3-ddw Opposite BplaoopAl Oburoli. Opposite John Suter a Furniture Store. jullMSm MEAL, MEAL MEAL .ed. Corn! Corn! Corn! HAY, HAY, HAY, HAY, HAY MAPE & CO.. Vlicro Aro You Gcing? I am going to suffer no longer with ray shoes made on that wrong and ab surd principle, but wear those beautiful styles manufactured by J. W. HARRELL. Repairing done in the neatest man ner; invisible patches put on and war ranted to stay. - Don't forget the place south of the Central Hotel. - Middle street, New Berne, N. C. Send your orders and save money. Bep21dwtf J. W. HARRELL. O. XT. O. OPEN AT PEEP O' DAY' "And Don't You Forget It," THAT E. WHITMAN'S. EYE OPENERS . .1 ARE UNEXCELLED, .lliidlo Street, noar Corner South front, NEW JSERNE, N. C. Next door to K. R. Jones'. Aprijd A v 12 in. , :. EASTERN NORTH CAROLINA . MARBLE WORKS . SEW BERNE, N. C. MONUMENTS, TOMBS, ALL KINDg (SUAVE AND BUILD IN(j,WORKlN , TALIAN&AMERICAN MARBLE Orders will receive prompt attention and satisfaction guaranteed. JOE K. WILLIS, Proprietor, (Successor In (ieorgc V. Claypoole) , Cor. BROAD & CRAVEN Sts. , New Berne, N. C. Mar.30, 1 y d w s . THE NEW NUMBER :L;::lEd:!a!t:iLCc:i SEWING MACHINE Is the MOST DESIRABLE OF 'ALL The Lightest Running, the Least INoisy, and Warranted to be made of the VERY, BEST MATERIAL. ' It can do all kinds of work, and is COMPLETE IN EVERY RESPECT Office NEXT DOOR TO .. , HANFFS MUSIC STORE, MIDDLE STREET, 5 ' . NEW BERNE, N. P. T AGENTS WANTED. sepl5d,m Hancock's Pile, Bemedy : THK ORKAT INFAI-I,mi,E KKMKDY FOR KE LIKVINO AUD OURINU tl,!Nn, BI.EEDINfl ' ITCllISO. TTLCKRATED OR KtUTKUDINtt PILES, TrrtTSVtLi.K, Crawford (o. Penn. I 1 h',.mli(.' Itltll. 1H2. Mkshrh. Hancock Vkoh: While fn yoor ctly Hiwmal ymivg no, 1 whs ullei'lnj very Beverly Irom 1'ilt'H, and boui:lit a box of your jMie i.vineny, wnieii l am timnKiui 10 say, . i'nve in irnt reliet. anil I tliliiK ltaa maue Mire. 1 can hii hly recommend It to amy 11 him-.tdi'i from thin itiHeaae. litKNARI) BOSCH. isnl Tui CLiita per box-H Willi i l ."t v id In ' i vim nwev to any sullerer i mm us w 'H v i; i in. my ior II. ."i ry tt." -.i.-... I i.-.-l .v . , t , j i lm . , ' '-'I, ivij .,i jie, IN. C t ' Gaston House SALOON. The quietest and most retired place in the City. The boat, of WINES. LIQUORS, & CIGARS. Billiard and Pool Tables. All the Illustrated and Sporting Fapei of the Day on File. 1&- "D B's nnd Plants" will not tolerated. JAMES CAMPBELL, Proprietor. Apr.ll vlv. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. , Harper's Weekly atanda at the head of Am eriean Ulugtrated weekly Journals. 'Hy its unparuaan position in poiuicit, us aumirame illuHtrations, Its carefully chosen sereals, short stories, sketches and poems, contributed by the foremost artists and authors of the day, It carries instruction and entertainment to thousands of American homes. It will always be the aim of the publishers to make Harper's Weekly the most popular anil attractive iamny newspaper in tne worm, ' ? Harper's Periodical!. ,. , ra year: '.' Harper's Weekly, $1 00 Harper's Magazine:.....,.. 4 On HARPER'S UA'ZAR ' ... 4 00 The THKER above publications... ', 10 00 Any TWO above named 7 00 Harper's Young People l 50 Harper's Frankuh Square Library. une 1 ear ta JMuinperj..............,.......iu uu Postaie Free to all subscribers In the United Htates or Canada. The Volftmes of the Weekly beeln with the first number for January of each year. When no time u mentioned, it win Do understood that the subscriber wishes to commence with the number next alter tne receipt or order. The last Four Annual volumes or riaruer Weekly, in neat cloth binding, will lie sent by man, postage pain, or Dy express, iree or ex- en8e (proviaea me ireigni uiu noi exceeu one ollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. , Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for btndine. will be sent by mall, postpaid, oh re ceipt of 81 00 each. tutmntancei snouia De maue Dy l-ost-umce Money ( )rder or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper A Brothers. Address v' HARPEK fc UKOTHERS, New York. IN THE FIELD AGAIN! . .ED.-iultan HavlnK lately returned from Northern Mar kets, where he has secured the FINKST iut;K or, liaiuks' ana wkah, wonld wish to impress on the public in gen eral that he Is prepared to suit the most Ins- IttlimiH, in r , . , " CLOTHING, For Gents, Youths, Boys and Children, I have the greatest variety, which for quality, work manship and price cannot be beat. Boots and Hhoea f all the leading mamifHctiiries cheap er than the cheaiiest. Hats for Indies and Gentlemen, all styles ami all prices. In my Notion Department, which Is always com Dlete. can be found all the Latest in Ladles' and Gents' Hose, ("orselRof leadliic; nmnufac- turerB, Uloven, IJiees, mm ijailles ami Gems' Neck Wear. Shins, and Trunks. Valises, etc. ThankliiK you for past favors, and aollcltlnx a continuance, i am, iiiosirespccuniiy, apldly M. H. Sl'LTAN MANCFACTUEKB OF Office on tnven street, two doors north o roiiocu, JKWJBKMi, N. C. ' Will practice in the Counties nt Jnnea On slow, Lenoir, Pamlico and Carteret, and also In the li. H. District Court. Conveyancing a speolalty. oct7tf V. 1,500 Bush. Selected Seed Oats, Black, White & Rust Proof. 700 Bush. Choice Golden Rust Proof Wheat, White and Red. Planters will do well to call for their Seed esrly.l Have also on hand a large supnlv of Jiioir;e Timothv 1 1m v nd all kinds of Feed. Purchasers will do ,sll to call at Union Point Steam Rouring Mills, South Front Street, J. A. M EADO W S, IN K VV 13 KRIS , TV. J. Ma24 dly James Redmond, WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER. BERGNER & ENGEL'S CELEBRATED BOTTLED LAGER BEER FOR SALE BY THE CRATE. Also on hand a full stock of Groceries, Provisions, Cigars' AND TOBACCO. Manufacturers of and dealers in Plain, Japanned and Stamped Tinware stoves. Heaters. Saages. Etc.. Lamp and House-Furnishing i Guoda, Metallic Roofing, Plumbing and Gas Fitting. , 104 & 106 Water st., 34 fc SQRoanoke uv. NORFOLK VA., ' Write for Catalogues and Price List. sepai-im . 5 : . CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. Midland N C. Railway Co. TIME TABLE No. 8, New Series. In Effect Sunday, 12:00, M., November latn, 1882. EAST. I WBST. Open Front Brick Store, Apr 1 d w ly -MIDDLE STREET, NEW BERNF No. 47. Kxnresn Pass.&Mail Arr. L've. N. S. Eichardson, PtWOTIOAL BOOK AND JOB PKINTER Opposite Post Ottiee, NEW BERN K,N.tV GOOD STOCK, NEAT WORK, LOW PRICES. Orders solicited and promptly Apr. 8tf A. M., A. W. ROBERTS & BROS. : Have removed their entire Stocfc to WM. O B RY A N S T OR E ON SOUTH FRONT STREET. Thpv are now oR'erlne Boots. Hhoesntul Dry Gooils, slightly damaged, at LKSS tlmu New YorK cost. Call at once and secure bargains. diiw Trent River Transportation Company. For Trenton, Bajboro,Adnnis (,'ivek, .Tollv Old Field. Biddle's Landinz, Polfoksville, Quaker City, Vandemere, Stonewall and Vanceboro. Banks' & Oliver's .Landins;, Bell's Fern and Manle Cvvress. and all intermediate points on Neuse and Trent Rivers, Bay River aud Swift Creek. The attention of shlDDers Is respectfully in vited to the perfect and frequent movements of freight, quick time and low rates offered by this Line. First class wharf and warehouse accommodations at Trenton, Oliver Landing, Pn'ilnkavillR mid other points. Steamer TRENT, W. M, Smith, Captain, will leave New Heme for Bpy Klverand points on the lower Neuse every Monday and Thursday at da. m.cReturning Wednesdays ana Hatur- (lays. BKHDIW vuilteitlliwi, L. S3. Illjiuii. mm and Captain, leaves New Berne very Monday Wednesday at 8 n. m. for Jolly Old Field ;n ine upper ieuse urn Friilriv at 8 a. m. and In trmpilut nolntson Swift Creek. The Steamer L. H. Cutler, Jas. M. Ipock, Captain, will leave New Berne every Monday and Thursday for Trenton at 6 a, m., touch inn at. Polloksville. and returning Tuesdays and Fridars.'leavlng Trenton at 8 a.m. Every Wednesdays una paturaays ior runoKuviiuj, sailing t aim., returning same days, leaving Polloksville at 2 p.m. For further Informa tion apply to , GHO.T. DUFFY, Oan'l. Frelcht Atfpnt Office foot of Craven Street, New Berne N. C, : Or to J. L. KINSEY, Agent at Trenton. A. G. BAKKU8, Agent at Polloksville. CM. A. GRIFFIN, Ag'tot Bells Ferry. P. MURPHY PEARSALL, ATTORNEY AT 1AW, TRENTON, JONES CO., N. 0. Will practice In the Counties of Onslow, Lenoir, nupnn, nampson ami jiuifs. (Xillecting a specialty. sepiai-diiwtf HOTEL, SMITH FIELD, N. C, 1). V. FULLER, Prop'r. Araplo accommodations at all times iSample rooms for commercial travel' Charges moderatP. augadtf ers, GEO. ALLEW & CO., Pollck Street, New Berne, N. C STATIONS. 5 02 6 41 7 2H 1(1 Hit A. M. A 4 IKI 1)5 7 W) M. ORNTBAL DIVISION. Smithfleld..... ( toldsboro a. & N. 0. DIVIRIOH. Goldsboro La Grange.... Kinston, Moreliead i)epot,..... No. 48 .,. -Expres., Ptus.ftMail Arr. L'tu. r. k. i 24 t ID 4 431 4 48 2 S0 S 10 12 10 P. M. P. II. EAST. WEST. No. a No. 4 Mixed Mixei Train. STATIONS. , Tra ". Arr. L've. Arr. i 11, I'. M. P. W. OKNTRAL DIVISION. A. M. A. 11, 12 M Smithflehl 1) 16 2 08 Goldsboro 10 10 A. & N. e. DIVIKIO.N fi 10 Goldsboro,...i..:..... 10 6 OR is S:t La Grange, . 8 08 8 28 7 IS I 7 40 Kinnton, (j 67 7 JS 9 GO Newbern 4 8W P. W I P. M. A. M. A. N. 47 and 48 daily. cept Sunday. . 3 and 4, daily, ex- PLOWS, HARROWS AND CULTIVATORS, In Great Variety and at Very Low Prices. GEO. ALLEN & CO. The pleasure of your company is respectfully solicited at the FA8EEIOTSTA.BLE LcdHl M Oocds? Notions and Shoo Store Offein Tiuckei-K Ptns, Seed Potatoes, Cotton Sootl Peruvian tiiul Bone Gunno, Good Lnek (hiaiio, Train 4s cpnnecu wiih Nortb Carolina Train iWtMTJ mail's Slipei'Pil04piinte, bnmul V.i, leaving Goldsboro 10:00 am, and Willi Wilmington & Weldon Train bound South, leaving tiuliMmro at 6:22 p. m., 8:28 p. m., and :U7 p. in., ami bound North leaving Goldsboro al :.MI a.m. and S.S2 p. m, Train 47 connects with North Carolina Train from I lie West, arriving at Goldsboro 4:12 p. m aiid with Wilmington Train from the South, ar riving at Goldsboro 9:60 a.m., find from the North arriving .it Goldsboro nt 6:22 n. m. and 3.47 a.m. Trains Sand 4 connect with stages at Bmlthfleld to and from Selma, Train 4 connects wiih Wilmington Train bound Sonth, leaving Goldsboro at 6:8ft and 8:28 p! m." and hound north, leaving Goldsboro at 8:06 p. m. Train S connects with Wilmington & Weldon Train loin the north, arriving at Goldabcro 6:22 p a Trains 3 & 4 will carry pasnger coaches. J.W.ANDREWS, Clif. Engr. and Gent snpt : RICHARDSON'S Improved RoqI Paint An article lone needed for the nrotectlon of Iron and Tin Roofs. It will not blister, chalk neel, crack or corrode. It will expand and cob tract with the iron or tin. It will not injure cis tern water. It is extremelv durable and cheap Lister's Dissolved Hone, Whann's Plow Itrnnd.) For Truckers and Cotton Planters. : J v. OF . a. a POLLOCK STREET, 1 HEW BERIIE, II. G. ' Everv ofl'ort will ho. made to snit you in all lines of Fancy Dry Goods. 9ST Samples of any kind of Goodsjcut. 0 Goods sent out to be looked at. ' B" Money returned if Goods do not suit. I respectfully invite the attention of the trade to mv veiy supenoi'JstockBot Dry Goods, fresh and desirable ; also my elegant stock of ' Ladies and Children's Hand-made Shoes, winch arc warranted. I am prepared to ofter nt the lowest prices, icoling as sured that my facilities enable me to compete with any similar establishment in this city. A call from you when you visit onr city is solicited, and. In the mean time, your orders will receive prompt and careful attention. ; lij Send 3 cent stamn for Fashion Sheet, eep4-d&w0m maniilacinriil and for sale bv B. A. Richardson, Dealer in Paints, Oils, Glass, Artists, Decorators aim t ;oacu Painters' Material of all kinds,-. -aug22-dlv Norfolk Va. ' Elizabeth City Brewery, ELIZABETH, N. 0. Jenkins' Ale This Ale is manhfactnred at this krewery, Is ' GENUINE AND PURE, ' Browed from Pure Halt and Hops, ' Is a Ann tonic, superior to and mneh better than any Beer mad. , Has enrad dyspepsia, and is a preventative o malarial fevers and chills. - , , ' Dealers supplied in barrels, kegs, or bottled in Orates. , Recommended by physicians. . . Address, . : !, ;.:,.'. .,! THOMAS M. JENKINS & CO., ' augd-dem ' Box 28, Elizabeth CilyN, C a j f