KJ 13, 1SS3. v ) has : ' , r ulout : . . . odward venastran ; ...... J 1 i i ...red if iie was . :. ifo and so, rid added: ' I Lave walki J sevea miles this i ic-rniug to secure, your advice. V.'ill you go to the harness shop with me!' ' The citizen turned back and walked three blocks to the shep. The stranger then showed him two Lorse-brushes and said: " , ' ' '-This brush is twenty cents and that -one two shillings. Which would you advise me to purchase!' "I'd take the dearer,' said the dis gusted adviser. "Did you bring me hr re simply to settle thajt question!' "Oh, no I, had about all ready made up my mind to get a brush with a landscape painted on the ,back. Now about curycoinbs. The object of a currycomb is to agitate a horse, I suppose, but what partic ular style do you advise! Her are both red and blue ' handle curry combs, and I Vill be guided by what you say.' "Did you ever own a horse?' ask the citizen. ; , . "Mercy, no!' aDo you own one now! "Why, no!' . "Then, what in tiaxation do you want of those things?' f "Well, that's another matter on which I want your valuable advice. Isn't it better to buy a brush and currycomb in the winter and then buy the horse in the spring, or . would you buy all at ouoet' "You'd better buy a saw-horse!' remarked the indignant citizen as he walked off. "Just see that!' gasped the' man who had walked seven miles. "Why, I was intending after we got through to ask him to take a glass of beer, and he walkes.offns if he took me for a dead-beat! .What other man in Detroit knows all about horses?' -: ' 1" i 1 continoo to tV'.'Mti'Ji.y no t as solicitor a tor rktitMnti Tiafonts. caveats, tr&ta-tnarts, copyrights, etc., for the United States, and to obtninpat enta ia Canada. Er.gland, France, Germany, and all other countries. chargB for examination of models or draw laps. Advice by mail free. '' ",;' Patents obtained through ns are noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AME1UCAJT, which hlD the largest oironlation, and ia the most influ ential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The ad vanta ges of such a noCco every patentee understands. This large and splendidly illustrated news? paper is published WEEKLY at J3.20 a year, andis admitted to be the beBt paper devotod to Btrienco, mechanics.inventions, engineering works, aivl nther-departments of industrial progress, published in any country. Bingla ropies by mail, 10 cento. 8olV by p.ll news dealers. ; ' Address, Mutin & Co., puHiaheru of Fcicn. liflo Ameriean, 261 Eroadway, N ew VnrWf Handbook aboetnater.t.i miKl free- THE.. ::t Er.j:y:!:lo Paper. Its Wit and Humor Have Set Two Worlds in a Knar. Its Tender and Pathetic Sketch es Have Touched all Heart. And the Hand ol Cjenius Has Distinguished its Poems, .i. :,:;' . , Stories, Etc. Correspondence and Many Ort ! ''' srlnal Features. Those who-havc the largest acquaint nnce among newspapers will agree that the best, most original, the purest, tue most thoroughly enjoyable ol all news- patters Jl the JJJKTlvUlT JfltEJS MUSHS, No other journal covers exactly the same field or holds exactly the same literary rank. It would be superfluous to expatiate on its merits. There Is 'hardly a read. ing person in the country who has not heard, if he does uot know, something of its surpassingly . entertaining qual ities. (.-'-. "J No family can be said to be fully sup plied with the best periodical literature, that omits to take the DETROIT FREE niEss. - It will he better and more interesting for the coming year than ever beiore. Two dollars a year. A premium fibok handsomely hound 1 in cloth riven to every subscriber. Splendid premiums to clubs. ' teJ"Send 'for Pre mium List, "a Sample copies free. , Address...., .,T M .. Tise ITKOIT FREE PJtESS, ! J Detroit, Mich, i More people have read Thk Sun during the year just now passing than ever before store it was lirsl printed. toother newspaper published on this side of the earth has been bought and read in any year by so many men and women. . We are credibly informed that people buy, read, and liku The Sun for the fol lowing reasons, among others : Because its news columns present in attractive form and with the greatest possible accuracy whatever has interest for human kind : the events, the deeds and misdeeds, the wisdom, the philoso phy, the notable lolly, the solid sense, the improving nonsenge all the news of thebusiest world at present revolving in epace. . . .. . Becatt.se petfple'ihave learned that in i s remarks concern ing persons and af fairs ThE Sun makes, a police uf tell ing them the exact truth to the best of its ability three huudit-d' and sixtv-five days in thenar, befor4 'Suction well as after, nljotfi i ho. whales ns veil ns about the sma'UTfisjf, jivljie face oft, dis sent as plainly and fearlessly as when supported by general approval. Tint Sun has absolutely no purposes to serve, save the information of its read era and the furtherance of the cjommon good. . . Because it is everybody hewsnaner. No man is so humble that Tn RKim is inditferent to his welfare and his rights. No man is so rich that it can allow in justice to be done ,hini.. No man,' no association ol men, is powerlul (nougu to bo exempt horn the strict application of its principles of right and wnnig. jtecause m nonius ir. i ins loiiirnt ior a dozen years, wiUiout intennission and sometimes almost alone anions news papers, the lislht tluit has resultod in. the recent overwhelmin-j; pojiiilar verdict against llohcsouiaiu and for honest gov ernment. No matter what :u i v is in power, Thk Sun1 stands and will Con tinue to stand like a- rockfoivtlie inter ests of the people nsininst Uie ambition of bosses, the encroachments of monop-.L olists, and the dishonest schemes oi public robbers. z ? ' ) t All this is what wo are told 'almost daily by our friends. (ije inan holdf that Thk Sitx is the host religious newspaper ever published, because its Christianity is iindiiiited with cant. An other hqhis' that jt. Is t!i6 best Repub lican newspapWcm' liuUislwd'Jipenuse it has already whipped half of the ras cals out offline party, and is proceeding against the other half with undiminished vigor. A third believes ifc to be the best magazine of general li&rkture in existence, hec'iuise its re:iijfrs jniss nothing worthy' of nolice that is current in the world of thought . ' So every friend of The Son discovers oiio of its many sides that ftppealswitli particnlnr force to ins individual hkiuir. i - .... If you already know Thk Sun,: ynu will observe that in 1SS3 it is a little better than ever before. If you do not already know The Sun! you will tiiid it, to be a mirror of all human activity, a storehouse of the choicest products ol common sense and imagination, a main stay for the Vcause if honest ;govern menfck, eteftjincl foragnuine JeTiSiisoh ian Democracy, a scourge for wicked ness of every species, arid an uncom monly good investment for the coming year. , ' , ' TERMS TO MAIL SUBSCltlBEKS.' ' t The several editions of The Sun are sent by mail, postpaid, as follows : ?j- Daily 55 cents a month, $G.f0 a year. with Sunday edition, $7.70. Sunday Eight pages, $1.20 a year. weekly ?l a year. Juirht jiages pi the best matter of the daily .issues an "Agriculturaf Department of une qualled merit, market reports, and literary; scientific- and domestic intel ligence make The Weekly Sun the newspaper . for the . farmer's house hold, lo clubs of ten with 10, an extra copy free. . . Address I. W. ENGL AND Publisher, The Sun, N. Y. City j : A Conimon-seii.se itemedy. SALICYLICA. No More Rheumatism, Gout or ..y. 1 1 ''" Nenralgria, . :. Immediate Beliet Warranted, Permanent Cure Guaranteed. Flvftear established, and pever known to fall In a single case, acute or chronic, ltefer to all prominent physicians and druggist for me standing oi saiicyiica. t , ' SECRET! - Tlie only dissolver of the poisonous nrlo acid which exists In the blood of rheumatic and gouty patients. HaLIOVLIOA Is known ns ivfomnion-dijinse remedy, because It strikes directly at the cause of Kheumatlsin, Oout and 'euralgla, while so many io-cailed snecltlcs ind sun. posed panaceas only treat locally tue eflebtg. It has been conceited by eminent scientists that outward applications, such a 'ubMng with oils, ointments, liniments ari l soothing lotions, will not eradicate these diseases, which are the result of the poisoning of the blood with Uric AcW. - m e HALIUYLICA works with hiarvelout effect on this acid and so removes the. disorder ft Is how exclusively tised by all,4ha coiebmted physicians of America and Europe. Highest Meuicai Academy 01 rara report per cent, cures lu three days., ;f ft . . i a , : - i ' . REMEMBEir V-,f that SALICYLICA Is a certain cure for Rheu matism, Oout and Neuralgia. The most in tense pains are sulKlued almost Instantly. Give it a trial. Kellef guaranteed or money reiimueu. Thousands of testimonials sent on npplica tlon. fjl A BOX. SIX FOR 85. Sent free by mail on receipt of money,: , ASK YOUR DRUOOIST FOR IT, But do not be deluded into taking imitations or substitutes, or something recommended as "Just as good!" Insist on the genuine with the name of Waghbnrne Sc Co. on each box, which is guaranteed chemically pure under our signature, art indispensible requisite to Insure success in the treatment. Take no otner, or send to us. WASHBVRNK & CO,, Proprietors, ' i S7 Broadnsy, or. Head St., ' ,!. . AEW TOKK. For sale by , - HANCOCK BROS.. New Berne, IV. C. dWJ-diwlv no J CLICKS)! IT IIS, MACHINISTS, -, r rv m' lirni To!"" !--sr v? i'' v.i ' -4Ki' , : ' , B OlEInC HAKEES.. . 31 ARE AND REPAIR ENGINES A XI) AH KINDS OP JUCHINEKT. Orders soMeited and promptly attende I to. CRAVEN St., hetween Pollock and South'Front, 1 ' NewBerue, N. C. Api'4. tf d : ; ROBERTS & HE1TDERS01T, , , General . Insurance 'igents, ' 1 TVew Berne, IS". J. Onlv first class Companies represent- . : : 1 '" . . ed in . Jlre" Life ac3; Accident Insaraaee,"'-"" : Tota '(Japital over forty Millions oi .v .. . i ; Dollars. - .Ton24dlv CAB. HART.&; CD. JV 0iraPEI0E CAS2ST02S. Nortl-eist coriitr Middle and Sontli front str-t slti E H.tWimllPY and K.' l!. .Tonnn. . , .'i .... - $ 1 4 ... & . DKALSI1K IM Stoves, Egnss Furnishing Qoods, RROCKEUY'a.n GLASSWARE, i - . 1 r I AIPS in great variety. IlURNERS, WICKS, CHIMNEYS, . KEROSENE OIL , Pratt's Astral Kon-EpiCSiVo Cii, Machine and Train Oils. We are now prepared mtiiini.'ictiM'r. ' Tin anil Sheet-Iim Wure, Special atti'iui'.n kivcii lo ict:. nuiir. (lou! old low and wfi.rrniii.ul1o be ivprtntpii April 11 ivnit ' . rf Cotton Seed Heal, r., THE BEST , f, '. STOCRlFttO AND FERT1UZER. Kxnyp'ionally rfool lor miicli enwh qnni to twk peas at half the prion 75 cent fr lm i..-I FOR SALE BY mays, d-lv -u n , f KewBeme. N.o Stoamhip Conipany. For New-' Yor.it; Balifiaoie, Nor folk, Bostoit, rjizahVtJi itv, ' Philadelphia, I'lovideiM and other 'itie 5.t OX'ANI) AFTER -Friday, July 28th, 1882 UNTIL FUltTIIEIi NOTICE Steamer Shenandoah. : Will leave, Bpbn ft. i al of train on Norfolk an fillmbeth City Rntli.ad t Elizabeth City; Mm nionday and Thursday for New Berne- Returning leaves New Hern for F.linaln'th City every Tuesday and Friday , at 4 p. m., making close connection with Norfolk spd Elizabeth City R.R. for Northern cities. Close connection made at New Berne with steamers fpr Kinston, Polloksville, Trenton "and all land ings on the Nettso'and Trent Rivers. 'i J Freight received dally nntil p.' m., (orvarded promptly and lowest rates guaranteed ti destina Mop. jFare to ElizalietU City and return. 4. To Washfngtoi, tf, i. "t - : E. B. ROBERTS, Ae't, New Berne, 1 i i "''it :. Ag'U. Norfolk, V. A W. H. STANFonii, Genl Fr't Ag't, Mar. 30 lv 1 -e 4 New York City A. II. HOLTON, 3': ; Foreign and Domestic i ... . WINES & LIQUORS, , , TOBACCO S aCIGAR S. MIDDLE STREET, Opposite loo Souse NEW BERNE. N. CI aprlydtw t 4 j GEORGE A. OLIVER, . COTTOIIDROKER. OFFICE iMOIM 5 COTTON EXCIMBE, sf Newtoern 3V. ; t 4 ia -' .. - Tlie very Highest Market Guaranteed. '" . 'i:A!!"-r' 1', Pricei ACongiBiimentntof C0tt Mo lilted octxliwtf WM. LORCH, DKAI.ER IN GENERAL MERCHANDISE ' - CAST HOUSE ACCCimODATIONS. ' Broad St, New Berne, N. C. , . ,,,' t- .- ' , : '-'; dwMHr, In,, ; DAILBROS., WHO h USA E OR OCFRfi ; AND- V COMMISSION ; MERCHANTS. ' ' . " , Ni:wni;nN ... " Aprl, dwlf w,,J' fejr Ji V .., " M ku km & .... , 'WHOLESALE AND eocenes, L"ovisionsi wood Wi Zttk ';'!" Tlio Larnfiit Kxclvwive (ii-dcci y Ilonso m Uk- Citv. M.V stook ia always fomplvt, antl soods frcsli. V ,! I will gnni-aiilee to soil ",ola in rr.y line ns cheap as any house in mTolk. awl couKeqtteatly navR fn-ieht chnrj-i- luid nmriitH ri$.ko.. . .'',' - My Htot-k 01' liqiiorn if ftunplt ic, and.l' inviu Hijccial attrriticu of :I:iiy('it he font nialiij.; jmrchitM. ' ' 1 ' " oct3'tl& w ..',"' V '';" T i ''..- . Mar. M:. 1 v-J".d w f ! . . jjeaiers.in .wiigs.-.fceeas N'.nv oilVr I'cntvian f.'uiiim. l'mt. Isi.-.m! i'OItNEK POLLOCK WarehniiHc Cotton Exchange Yard. BRICK, ; M -v S.-'j n d OF ALL '"."' ' .':." " ' , ' ':. Rosendale, lortlaiitl SALES HOOM Craven Streot.) Aik)9 .l&w tf 1 ". .. ..'. F0 -'' ' ' ' - ". '" - . - ' ii- :, The Headqtirts!-' HAT! HAY! JESIA.'S': Lime S : ' Lime-! t ' "; Bricli -Block, lidaie Street, New Berne, S. G: WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COTTON FACTORS, ? All GoAils in our-line sold at tlr very lowest cash prices. Promt antl fltrisl at tention paid tc all orders entrusted to ourcare". ' ' . ' ' ' - i v FEimMZERa FOR Now ready for delivery, the best "grades of Stanilard Fertiliwrn, euitablo for umips; Totatoes and Wheat. t,i, . ...i . u Will be siild for CASH or on TIME at reasonable price's; . 1, . . ' ' ... ""'C: E. FOY & COMPANY, , i MIMDTbE STB;EET. Ntv Berne, N. C. " 1 i. E. FOY & tWFANY bflVr to the . trade Lorillard, Guil & ' Ax Haikoad Mills Sweet and Salt Snuff, at ruanufacturcr's prices. . aprld&wty LAR&ES T A ' IN THE Keeps always in Stoc.Jarge ' CLEAES, FLOUR, ' SUGAR, COFFEE, SYEI'T,-" Molasses, Salt, &c. Y i'::,-;;"-5 ROASTED CRACKERS and CAKES in f..j ivorri ivs Xisi) liOHiisiiV; ' Wholesale buyers will fird p. large STCCK at lowect price: Ion't fail to mo before you Imy JIIDDLK tltKIIT, . w ' 'w k5 . . k J i . . J 4m A ' .-?-. f-'.'-f RETAIL' DEALER IN V IK ( 'I' Tobacco, SriuYTf, ' '' . ' ' - i . t ' , - . 1; r and Liquors. I HI' !! eaddws & Cot, and. -Guanos,' - (iuano. Vatrillc iuano anil K.iiiH. "'"' fc MIDDLE MTKKETS. irtL'Id&W NEAV BjKHNE. N. C1. (xKADES. : cV. 'Sisliiiiti' e Cemontw. below Express Office. K. O. K. LODGE, & C "9 TTTFV VAT.T T-PftPtS " 1 ' ' - N I) OLD EST CITY. quantities ;P0EK, LONG LARD AND GAIL & AX SJF p r also a largo'stock of ff J $ M A: D C CD;- , BOOTS, SHOES, and ArbucWs Aiiosa COFCTIF, great variety. A large Stock cf New Kkrne. In. 0 i vails - t V ' ' j 1 l..ixir .f Li.V, iTlIKCIIEATBEtHIDVof THE AC.B j SO FAMILY SHOULD II K WITHOL'T IT. YAfPO! BiTTttHs, are the result ef yer chemical research sad practical exiwriment.. It is ciniH)Uiuled fiom the txtracted and con. uentrateii virtues ol purely veisnable nuljainncei... It ia untireiy free from rRlmnel or cthor dan gerous substances is tliealesi mlicuie to ut li children and weakened constitutions, whera a (tentle jet eitectiveporiunt u wintred. Tuey pu rify, invigorate and enrich the bloci., stimulate it to hea thy circulation, and if tnki-n when required will keep the sislim in perfect order. It is espcclplly recommended f"r the cure of all MALARIAL diseases, Unglua diseases of the kWaeys, Kheumstism, DyapeiMisi, liiliovejs, ' t'ostiveness and all Liver eonipUiiitK. As an aperient the dose is a lablespoonfnl three timi a dsy, and aa a ton In and alterative a small teaspoon! ul morninu ainl evening. Propaird bv Jno. It. Lnmow, Pharmacist and t'iiemist, Anrfolk. V. A. Aue 19 6 md Harpers Magazine, 1LLCSTKATEI3. Harpkr's ji.va.ztNS bcelag Its sixt v-Bixth volume with tlie December number. It 1b not only the most popular illustrated periodical in America and England, but also the largest In iu Bclieuie, the 1110a t beautiful in ltn appear ance, and the best magazine for the home. -A new novel, entit led "Kor the Major," by Con stattc r'enlmore Woolson, tlie author of "Anne," washe'un In the November number. In literary and artistic excellence theMAOA zisk improves with each successive number, special ellorls liave been made lor the lighter entertaitimeiit ot its readers through humor ous Hturles, sketches, etc. v Harpr'M 1 1't nodioHlfti E ( PER YKAlt: HA.Iirr!U' MAllA7.WRlU.!i..'.:..,.M. t Vl HAKl'KU'S WKKKt.Y i W nAiti'KK's ii 7.au : ! .'.....!.. 4 1 nieTIlltEK above publications it) oo Any TWO above ntimed.u..;.. 7 00 ITAUPKK'S Y01TNO rEol't.K .'. 1 Si) HAKPKK'S MAGA7.ISK 1 I ' - HAKI'KK'M YtJUNU 1'htlPLK, J fw-t ' 11 AHPKIt'H KHANKI.1N SqUAUK U HKAKY, One Year (i Numbers) 10 W) Poslafie Kree to all subserlliersln tlie United Htiiicsor C'aiKula. Tlie volumes ol the Magazine begin with the Numbers lor June and Hecembcroteach year. Mjcii no tune is specified, it will be under stood thai the Bubscuber wishes to begin with tlie current Number.- ' The lust Eight oliynes of Harper's Maga zine, in neal'clolh binding, will be sent by mail, pchtptild, on receipt oi ihi per volume. Uloih cuscs, tor bipduig, 60 (enUj enuli-rby mull, postpaid. inucx to inn pcrs jiuiiainc,, Aipuaucucai, Analytical, , and I insHtneu, lorvon 1 utiles 11 owl, inclusive, from Juno, lsiii, to June, InsO, one nl.,tiv, I'kah, ifUKi.', i 'Mia It-mltiaiieeiKhiiiHtl be iihde Vv. JTDsfrOfllce iiney Onler or in nil, to mold chance ot loss. Newspapers lire, not to copy tins advertise ment w ithout Mm l-n'Hs itlr ol Harper A: riiiitlieis. Address, . JIAKI'Mt P. lit I'l ilKllS, CENTRAL EOTEL,, "J W. E. PATTF.RSMW, PitofR.' ' ' N I!V II K UN t;, N . ' V; , THIftWIXll JCN'OWN ASH CDUAI'JI'KM'S honae, as its nam implies, is vituaiHii an the central and business i on ion ot tlie citj.'lii nee recommends itstlt fir it iMiiveiiiruce to the travelling public. A1'""""!-' t-obciiorh ver) opportunity of visit mar tninwrr t oiiefpoiidtntt. U Has attentive' sM'vanui.'iiiiii in't,ie iivjj fiirnishrd Willi E vc r y 1 c I Iviwy 1 vl i 4 h Sea hm . . us f jooiii are ftrKi'iiiaf' and wnU iriiihd. K f i 1 1 1AN OMNIErS 1a or the accommodaiioTi of (rriiWto'niid from trains antt HteaiiKiis live u oharge-'-a Kpnebil Jeature in this city. iiiu t i ' lu .. ! i, All the appurtenances, oj a, niodmii, v l( j ' FIRST CLASd HOTEL. '" April l-d-ly. , l, ,w i, , , ALEX illLLEH, WHOLESALE & RETAIL .''GIiOVl'u. -fit' ' i i -s i j Coiistantlv receiviny a ffill iik . ;I4iv 4'u ( i-aiid-iu 'ii . m- U.ui ; FARMERS' ' SUPPLIES, . Whitb re ofl'ttr as low nx- tniv house- lu the city, and vmrrunt all kohiIs us re)- resented, .'.'. . . , , , . , Call , and examine our ntnek and prices, stauies nirnisitoti nee to an our country jcustoineisy t , y ' H ' 5 Goods dcliverea tree lo any ;atri o the city. 12 W. & D. HMJLNtJPACTOiEffJOP u0H0ICE HAVANA 't, .'irt ..5h:; ,i)f !..'. ?; ,'.V'.f; 'if.. i:i('..l i:':ik;;.:,K! v DOMESTIC 1 lint-U't';'fj.'..'i" 'ft.n-w J ' ij ;v'';-s.iV's ii. ',:':' 0 I GAR S. POLLOCK1 St'roct, ' NEW BERNE, N 0 Apr. I D lv . FARMS FREE TO ALL. Oregon and Washington, "the land of never failing crops,'' where grass hoppers, chinch brigs,' ' drought or hard winters are unknown, ofiers free homestead tf all, on fertile govern ment lands. . Railroad lands in de sirable locations can be ptirclinaad on ten years timcy in eany 'payments. Every industrious man can bticome indepetideutly A'fnlth y in a very short lime, hy settling in tue FaciiV Ninth west. " Address a postal rnrd t Ecnrji.KE,; roRTT.ANr, ' Ohkoom, iih? ask him to send you 'i , v f i-'.'C YtrC&t HiOVe ll l.aixleo.m y i,!... Uf.U'il journal, couiaiuing lull infoi ni.'ilion.

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