01 liii ai i-.d , fii'T ni Ki.i 'i V ':' "tiEW BERXE7N1, C, TUjEsTjAY;! JANUARY; To7lti8& ' i ! 1Z r.'m- -V , t . . wr III i Jos. Holland & U wonTract for sals. Jourui.i Miniature Almanac. t . .j Sun rises, 7:10 ) Length of aav,? w Sun sets, 5:10 J 10 hours, , ,,, , ,;T Moon sets at 0:37- a. Jrn; '- 1 Some line Sew river txpul iu hiarket Yesterday. t . Our tnickerV commenced putting in The revenue cutter Stevens is on the ways for repairs.1 'W'"- he The newi water Unfc tat the Midiund fdepoi la now ready for useJ Ltv:: tfi The steamer Stout sailed for Baltimore last night with a cargo1 of cotton,-'rice-; tar and lumber. 'J 1 ' 1 ' Important sale at the office lately oc cupied by A. Gj "'Hubbard "'deceased to-day at 12 o'clocE,, 7. '. f -. ,V About one thousand bushels of rice sold yesterday the highest firioe paid beingti.(fe Including sacks' ' ' 4 " ' ' There were some fine yam potatpes in market on Monday, selling for sixty-five oents Mr bushel ftOm the cartas'- ? ;i 1 The steamer f7oraice brought in from Vancobpro yesterday tihiriy-Beyqu.bales of CQttiniflivi 'tbri battel! sack of rice. The Gypsies left yesterday after giv ing, their $bi$r?.n.aril th$beaf & g6tl drenching with lagr beer. We hardily think a more degraded set'of, liumau beings ever sojourned in the cHy. , 1 I ' Bon Clark ot into a UwpnteWith some one near Chocawinity, Beaufort . county v last Saturday night? .yhen Jeth? 'roNomest'ook sides against him and knocked him down': fl Clark aiw$- and made for Noble with his knife stabbing him, the lenife going fnt'olils lungs. The vPoiltoKt ptonouiices'vi it :a verj i serious wound. Almost Two Fires. On Saturday night ilbst firferWmft difr covered in th .ceiling of one of the rear rooms ofjJ- !B.V Brown5) 1 barber shop just in time, totiBave an ahirni.n It1 ori- ginatedJioia.a stove pipe... . Qn Sunday morning, just as Mr. J. J. IJoyal was leaving his place of f business o attend church., fire was discovered in the ceiling of the building, which also nricinftteri from a stovA-ninn. But for themtydifyery eijhep onexif these ... rouia nave maae a nrst-ciass nre. i it has -now been over two weeks since the Hackburn Bros, were burned out and yet two of the Insurance companies, the Westchester of. New Tt6rk, and the Fire Association of Fhil idelphia, that carried risks on their stock have taken no '' steps to have . the loss ' adjusted. Thus in addjtioq tor the; heavy Joss suS' taine(f by these young men by the fire ihey ii'r'o kept oiii of their business by the negligence of these, two companies. It would bf well jfor urcitizens who have property to insure to make a note of this. Pronipjies8 in paying liabilities is one of the best recommendations for an Insurance company". , ... irf mirta' pour. - i A i , On yesterday Jim Parker, colored, was brougnt Deiore esq. uuion tne cnarge of ftaudi he . being. &a accomplice of J, W. 'Warters in attempting to sell, meal for fodder on Friday last.'. Wni. Whit ford, psoj, appeared for the.i defendant. The. case; was continued for. the want of Warters whoii't'Ssf B'aid.thaB' left the communjtyi" j, i rf. P(eiin3i;MQore, colored, wasanaigned for abducting Jas. Albert Fields, a boy under fourteen jyeara pf ,'aget She was arrested- in Beaufort county and re turned her tor fi'ial. 'Albert Fields is the proaecutQn,?with Wi E. Clarke, Esq., as counsel, , L. J. Moore, Esq., appears for the defendant. The case was, conr, tinued, until tjo-day at 10 o clock, n .1 ,f :,i. ..,.,...! I" it....t .1 Smallpox In Trentn. - - Dr. Chas. Duffy,.wa called to .Trenton on Saturday night last to attend Mrs. E. Q. I' r " . Tiough thaasy'Vaswii fully d, yet the Doctor ii leir- tain she has smallpox. Her husband returned from , Cincinnati a, few days ago , with - the disease in a mild form, though no one knew what was the mat ter with him.- The announcement by Dr. Duffy that it was smallpox com pletely terrified the inhabitants of the town. The Doctor says there is danger of "H rprpiding tnj awmming ii WftHg1 niitit tyjio. ' When lie was about leaving an old gentleman told him there would be more praying in Trenton that night ti,n,i w?" ever ! ""tb v-f nig'-.t 'b'?: I UK. " Lot ye tcr.'.-y evci. lrz the mail far rier fromiT. , i' , , .1 Ihnl Mrs. JIi Dnnit'l's Uhy h; 1 ie f?v r. n IlUieit of Hon. J. W. M.adr'.rora. We learn that a privato h tter as re ceived by a bio'l t-rpi . Hi ,.: I. W r nU.i:.rd,in f . c.!.t-; lay, td' , t Ject tl...t t iiUianan, 'presenlj u.(,jer oi Uoiiicw i.wlkU District, was very low at Washington, where he latejy, arrived and lhat his'y ife was also qn;te ill.; fduugj t.hnckelford left for Washington hist evening. Wit. Star! V.l ISJ.K Vfrnr Name in Prin m fi Our young townsinan. J'. TJ.' Howard,' .or e.hrm of Humphrey" & Howard left in company with "hfs lather. M J. J. Howard,, and, iRev?rDif.''vrkliea on th8MIdta'ua "traiu"J,yester'(iay"to fit 'an engagement atlliohlauds. i Mjss,Ur,acic;Bainptou, of.Boston; Mvf Mamie (iikill,flKMii,tjriJ&ligh School and Misses Irene and Addie, Heriii fr,om Brooklyn, have all been enrolled in the New Berne Cidetl .School thil week. . . j Mr. Joli Collins came in from White Oak, Jones' county, cm Monday evening with a load'of 1ci fresh pork which he sold at 10 cents per pound. ! ""4 - l-ix r totton Malkct. ' ''IjJM New York futures dull, spots unf Changed. Liverpool barely steadvl Fifty-one bales, sold at the EUangf j Jlie'higheli briflgfcig.JD.l5w v '-t J i NEW YORK MARKET. SVOTI , Middling 10 3-lfl, ( p . , ,wi titrict low 'initldliivf id ' t 1 Low middling 0 8-4. I NEW YORK i'UTCKUs: J 'Junuai-v, 1 Mo.no ''lO.'OV -Mo.flrl ,,f ebruaiw Mdrch," 10.0(i 10.00 10.00 10.19 10.3H 10.10 10.33 10.21 10.31 April, :l i LIVHUPOOL SPOTS. . JJplamlii 5U-W., '..Diltanpi'l 13-lli,-i i - LIVERPOOL PUTURF.H. - January, ,54., ,( - ' Fcbbnry.B -40-64: " f At the Grade ScWdf ' A "Teachftrs'lup Monday 'jwhat Dr.! It. 11. Lewis, of Kinston College, called; the first 'scWool''. day -of every 'week1 tn his ddr(SB .before, tljo Lepoir Teachers 'j Institute in 18$1. On hat Oay'j he said,! cliild.ren always ,havethc wn-st lessons and ara' more 'difficult to control than on aiy other day of the week. For that very reason we selected Monday to pay 'a visit to the New Benin Graded School-Iu' order to 'seer"wITaf metal teacher aud1 pupiltt,'wero' comjiosed yto see what progress' had been made'Wce our former visit, about two months ago. ' r vpIjpCIPLINB J flit f ' In'Mis's-BuSokfield's room Advanced FirBt Grade a most . remarkable im provenjentin order and disciplines can be goeni Thelittle 'chaps', '.who were, al most irrepressible two months ago, now are as orderly and attentiyej their du ties as Jone could wish'-nobalRoluti'ly quiet, but the noises now made are in cidental and not from design.' ' Grube's method of teaching arithmetic was be; ing exemplified on, the board, and the little chaps, who were just learning to read a line at the time, were also learn ing the use of 'figures and could add a pretty long row with great rapidity. ,y,But the wee small fellows were in Mra-zFerebee's room, and the rapid pro gress ma,de .by .Jhem . in reading' and writing, when three months ago' they did not know a tteiy -exhibits' 'tlie great adaptability of the new method1 the, '.' word method 'Vin getting young children started; It is - difficult to ex plain the plan on paper, but ' it is so full of interest that visit to Mm Ferebee's room, alone, will' give a, pleasant morn ing's entertainment. The children in that grade have already acquired a vo cabulary of abotii 200 Words. ' ,; ,': '' Wheni we enter jibe Second ale, taught by Miss Chadwickwe, find still better discipline., , The children are older . ard more .is requtro of the(H This class is reciting- ii Geograp1iy,'and the Journal is the, text book that is, an aiticle copied im it -frory hn Norrh time ago, on the manner of studying the GeoEraphy of North Carolina j writ- en-1Proii.4PHmips 'bf1 apel1 Mil, '.-'. , h .5?. u,S:JW?Jfll if is remarkably to pote with what fa- cility these Secorid' Aides' lve the phy- sioe,l outlines of our State, t They bound it, give tbe principal-rivers, mountain cape8',('.etc.j then' mentioned'; fUe.'pro4 duc'ts of the Stated its water" bower. imines and other valuable features. . The rpom of the Tliird &(a.dk was es pecially bright and attractive. Pretty pictures and tasty decorations adorned the walls, and the faces of 'tliecliildreu Beemed unusually hrightatid intelligent. One's sou shows Uir,ougl the eyes, and hese 'cliildren' iiave" evidently ,had. a desire for knowlecke awakened in t.hwip hearts, .and jt shines in their eager rye s j - ..un.. ..v- b .Hiv noiicea in Mrs. Nash's 'teaehihgnd .hfde'ed 'it seemato be the rule of the Kqhoolf ftat a routine lesson is iot thehipg aimed at. i ta teaching g'-ogrnphy,,. for.,ejinmr le, the leuson .i tiupplcinented and1 en- Toiled by, historical incident .prhioi 'eraphical ' sketch whi'c'h not only, giyes lXfuable' information but fixes and im presses tiie locality under dwoueaijn. ;And a lesson Jearped in Uiia manner is never forgottenwhile,the .routine; rfarf-J .1 ,Misa J Fttigrew'8 i ;room-Eourtih Graderwdbeaid a geography Usson iK the style practiced ?and ! recoinmend'el by ProL.1 Joseph Kin'seyformerlyOef, La Grange. Academy; now in charge Jof the KinstonGrdded school ""Mitchell !s. Outline'Map of South America" was bh, the wall, and the' 'undivided interest of the osfj -was held 'by 'a series of " ques-J fby pupils" tndel- on'ly"! little of the I J. la ' i . ' . .' i ' , ' . .-1 . r , reacner s prompting.; Thus one boy, at the'eommand of the iteaclier! would ask for 6esci-!ption" of 'the Andes' monii taifis', aiid andtlier on 6 would be cal 1 fo tp' the 'map 'to' poiu't but andde3crihei iwas, an outline, map only not a name on it). ' If , the one' called on couldn't answer-properly the questioner .wmselt.must take, his place. After a numbei", .of . questions , had been asked au3, , answered,; pne littler fellow en deayored to put a quietus on no many questions by saying : ."Commence wifli the map and go on till I tell tliom to stop. " MissPettigrew js a good teacher. She handles her class, well,, and t keeps ttiei; attention well directed' t 'the ob ject in y-igw oftentimes difficult, to do when visitors, aren-eseii't, as on ;this occasloa; ; for. beside! the i;writer,' Miss Mooifi-k.HJtcachev of the Goldsboro Graded School, and Mrs. Kilburn of tle rjty and Piif.tfohWi were iihhe room! if I "What verdict must wi give on the Graded Schooiy It is doiug exceedingly well. We examined its workings carefully when itfiist commenced,' and nowi' aftor this review in the lower grades, wo take much pleasure Jareporting wonderful progress. The" Principal has done his work well, and the present condition of his school is a testimonial that can be read by1eyeryr citizen ""Of Ndw Berne whenever the school is visited. The NeWiBerno Graded School is an honor 'iM'a credit to a city that can make' the proud .boost that her. pant history shows more literary culture thaw that of any other city in the State. - What lias besn done in the past ought to ho reproduced in the future. - . ! . ' : lKorihe.Iouy.KAL.ir, iMr. Editob: In your remarkrof the 23d in reference to an article from me you have gone from, silly to cheeky! ; ' You say it shows a good deal of as surance for any corporation to ask that 1,300,000 of stock value 120,000 he given it for such 'a return as they promise to give.. And Jn, the next' place, who wants a road to Salisbury?.'- Where is Salisbury located and what great thing is to bri accomplished by building tliis ? After leaving Raleigh, this road to Sal isbury runs' through an 'entire new sec tion of the State'a'iVd tho."peoplo along this comtemplated lino can best answer thaie questions? artid nloiibt to 'have this toad built will donate as much ' if not more than some- of the counties along thelAtlantic' Road' did'. But! tak ing your argument,' don't you think it was rather modest for' the original Sfqckhdldjcrs of! tlie''A., & N. fcj R.;,R. to ask the Legifelature to issua bonds Tor the sum of $1366,000 to assist them '' to build a road 10() mile long? But it was done and the peopIe'al'Sng the line liave had the benefit of it and ' the State has never received one cent' in return- If this Atlantic, road was of so much bene fit to the State as to cause the Legisla ture to invest the abovos sum, do you ;think it would be such a "cheeky" thing forf the present Legislature tot of fer any Company that would1 build 150 miles of roa through .their State to con nect with this Atlantic road, this stock ,in ths Atlantic fread, in a business poify of view.V, .1 bliould think it a good "'in vestAehCfoV;th6,tate:,It would really,' brt of more value- to tiier Btate than 'a It'.'.. '(.'"""I't' I. Uf: ,i..Ir ilt inrougu line A-ereat throutrh liirnhpn. m.m.xj m. uun iwu lillUU UUIIUWUIS the. Atlantic" liaving .tenninal outlet at New Berne," or forehead in- creases thoir trada and promotes their Commercial interest and will not be peH' fitted if the R. & D. ij'nd ,W.',& W.' r'padfs can prevent' it,, as ' tji,e -pastjhas jlearly shown this to batruo, and every itep the Atlantic Road makes, west of Goldsbprq wjll.be h?et by their combiuadJ opposition, and here-d3Iwh6re ' the " l-ub comes &:' If the Midland gets tho con trol of the Atlantio-Road then by work Irii'tliei'r.lina'.jvoif .ttiey 'migfc't.'obtuln freight that now goes Jo the Other' lines and finds outlet -at Norfolk and "West pbirit,!,, Vbiiask did it evor occur. to m'e that there is itroad'to Salisbury, to which; i answer in gofar as the -Atlantic, road focpiviiifi any't'ra,de f roiii it! -that' eould go any otlor way, ,no,, , And this' ia ,6no of tho best reasons why this road should peWilfand bo'a pa.'of. tlie.'-AUantio nX(l lnn. (aispiC,"t5at. thflt' Com-' pa'ny .bnild ing this road shoii'ldha v'e tull control of the .whole lihe,liavip,g.iU out' ret at New1 Bel-no and1 Moreuqad.igain :. J-:-;'-. ' 'otl say'ii the'MidWd" WcoWpl'ot"",1 '"5W'inJH!VM Vf.-t&KliT.' ! ' -the, whole'roadi judging it' by ' all .other riiilroad corporations, the private, stock U3 the roa'dH would, Wt be woitlv qiia centV -..;' V:! AV,jn;" ,f .flow I look Uiiq in ft different light J A ajqnty, f Htoek; lawfallfigoverria. in,ios(j all, roads and ' I w.ould iball your attention toiithe ,R. Sc.- D. H., R.i stock. A few years past its stock was at avety lotf figure', about the sanle price aii'tho Atlahtla atpleseat, 1aria"'nder tho present hianagenJent',-the value of said road is par as a paying stock hav ing paid dividends the past vea'r with a slirplusfun'doh'Kand, and many r6ada, wo nuv, nanem, Hudson Kivei riJaltir nu u Duino iime in eariy , nistory ' their . stock has ' 'been -.sold, V,f "the market very " low '"but ' now .' under one steady control and management .with increase of business are good paying stocks. And it is my belief, wth in crease of business under one stdady.epn trol with tliiij extension to Salisbury of the Midland road, that in a few vears the stock in the Atlantic road, will be a paying ptock, owning the largest share It would be. clearly the 'interest df the Midland management to increase the value df their stock so that each Stock holder will receive the1 'same bene fits and' if the ''member from Lenoir ' and ' Craven' county ' look to1 their 'constituents' interest thev Should do all they can to grant to other counties tliat which they have had so large a share of 1,200,000 .from' the State to build the A. & N. C, Railroad, It win cuke uie ctaie no money,- will in crease the business of the Atlantic road, and hi a few; year increase its stock value ami every private stockholder, will reap tho benefit,. .u , M i Now 1 will say, looking to tho future, after this road is completed to Salisbury, one consolidated line, all' tinder one management, that other- points may be reached by rail until the business of the company may demand a compress td' be erected und shipment be made direct to Europe - from Morehead." Tlieil every bale, of cotton 1 that Carteret,1 Craven, Lenoir; Onslow, "Jones oi' Greene pro duces and-bow 'finds, a' market at, this p6int will sell for'fc pe,r bale more than at this time, as the expense, and charges of shipping to Norfolk will' be saved to the producers. ! . - What say "tlio , members of these counties to opposing, any bill that ,will prevent thijrr constituents in th future saving from " $50,000 to $100,000 per year? ' "' ' - - ' : lf' (- - With, all due respect to ypury wwh to the position that 'Governor -Ja'rvis 'has taken in his matter,!' tliink- ho. 'has showugreat w'iKdom'an for'ethonght in doing all he could.to- iinprove the value of thoA.&Nvfl. Iteilroad and forjhis honest intentions to iiHuto outside cap ital to .come into, hi's State . md build roads with no expense to the State Jimd' thereby developing its interest and iin- 'creasing its taxable property. i ' . 1 1 NoW, Mr. EditoiViiiiVitf) till such 'to: come and if any wish to Invest 'oneta1 two milUou in our' State-V'hf'rf? fhem diitiif'the State hasa'nyjmore such- obd' 'paying s'tock'an "ftie1 Atlantic 'let 'lih lie liberal and giy.w them at controlling in-' teifest; itcfamiQt Tbe any1 eat., damage and may'be'some o'od to tliose holding balance of the stock.1" '. ' ' - . i.-. .,..!'!,-..-. ...J J' ; !.') : . f-1 ...... i .-!) ! ' r A.?.?i:Rr- V .r . ;-' ii.llVi-1Jvi....l' .ub, jwiiiwb i.s mere, i a genuine) case of Smallpox in Trenton, only! a few miles distant, and with which there is . such i consta it i pommunicatian Tby laud ano) writer, does itnot behoove the proper authorities of this town to ini tiate such measures at once', as may protect our citizenb in 'Case of the spread of the dineasw? Smallpox and the additional cit taxeh proposed to be collected would ibmvery unwelcome yisitora-to, mosof (jomjug,; tfigatHer aa.they nowJhj-ealjWiT I) a a 0?U5Xti! Tr-r-- -.1...... 1. ... Ill h.H'J ft i fjvtdPilj PjiQposals for lurnlalilu Aledlolue and Sledtcftl'Supplles lot-'iliei ('ouut.v.l'oor foi tho present year, will be ' received by 'tlie CU'ik ol the Hoard of- ComMissloners until iTirst. Monday , in February;) -4iiicle, msiclas in evry i-dpeelwilrbe reqiiircil..,,,,,,,, fl,;j )U .n ,,j ! ilf-orilej ifinrd,Cpiiimlstouergtt: ) i!,:t 'ilt!i . II (JOSEPH JfFLBONV-V janlO-t.l .ji);. ' V . -'SiJ-! leirk.' ' Li i.-::. '. ;1 'r:l: '). . ; I' ' 1 S !! ,1 'IV! "Ji'I .' 1 Walter P. BunS'' "CC COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ! ,", j'-. AND; DKALEB8 ,IM . , GRAIN 'OF - ALL1 .KIND?.' , mar uiiioi-B urn jC'oiiRlgnmeiiis rospeetAiH ; tK)jorEiu:iAi;i r;,Coriu Middling 9 l j; -strict Jnkv narvic. ,',' i nJ. Z f i.-i.l . j OaKM-59c. per bushel, di I ru.T. ":i njCE-T-ifi,ju toj.os uey.bu(4l.:no ! Llllunnfnnlfm A.. " i , Eqos-22(j. ner dozen; ' I1 .-I r k tm . ' lNUTS-New crop, 1.00,, .i,,- bu.sliel of 82 lbs. - .Judder Sl.23. dm hundred, i-t'-i. . Apples - - Mattauiuukeetd. i' l ,53 dm- J Oniojs CO0per.WiU.r: i. ..t 'j ' PKAS-r-$l.l) to S1.2o per bushel. , Hides Dry, Uc. to lie; green .V. ' Tallow--6c. per lb. i- ' -i i -Ciuckens Grown,. 50o. per pair,. ft 1 Tuukeys-$1.75 per pair. .MEAL Boltedj 0oi put blishel'. Potatoes Bahamas, 1 30a40c s vam- SOaOOc. per bushel. ' ' SnlNQLES WPst Tllfli-i .1 tm-h; Wiio.f ' 82.50 per M. Building 5 inch,' hearts', $3.50; saps, $3.50 ier M. , ! at' THE Midland "Rail w'y Depot At rri-:rv o'cixjk. . 100 Bunches of Bananas, ,; 3,000-Oranges. : , ' 1 fr tkrms cash. ' VAT()N fiTKEKT, ' v , .. j, n :Ali(!tluneers. ( Hi jftllllj-lt o. e; slover ; Hii8.lustr(-Plvoil lite lollowins? fmrni'ii (Idocls, u!l FKKSH, ijnil fliri-.1 CIlKAl'. ,, Small Hams, i ' -Breakfiipt Jlncnn, ! ' .' ' ' Canned Beef, ' ' T'ofinless (Jodfisli, , 4 ..Oondmsod Milk,.. ..... Heafoam amllioynl linking Powders Yeast Cakes, ' ' - i . Italian Mnccnroni, "..'Cneumber Pickles, Chow f'liow", Baker's Cliocolute," Pearl Barley, , Mi nee Meat, r , I'runns, . 1 ' . Oatmeal,' Buckwhcnt, "' - -: ;Kine Syrup. 1 " 1 ' Pi'psli'lloasli'd Coirepnnd v . Early 1'oso Pulfifocp. ,;;it;;tyOst''! -fn-rtrili)!' tV m.n lh"rooiii fti-Vihr .'to ' v.-.J ' lit. Fori hb I If to J Hi SIXTY BAYS ' !, I -: .j si!:', ;,..; . ulJ- T 'l(Ki1Wrrtit j'i !;:! I' of UKlles" I'loitlcs, , Willlrlns .hn-lielf anj Hha wis, Bltitli Hiitl I-'aneyiOnsiineiwii .Men's1 Flifct'lWBl,ilt.-rci!t OlfithiuR, HtKitsaiid 'liilioes, lints anil Cniis.'-' 'A liili'Sflt-ir'ttf , . ! i s'-J . ii, - '.i i' 1 1 Me'iits1) rurniNlid'ntr; (Joodji,'. J.'-. ,.:'. .'iJ ft- 8 iivtiiv- xranica. sn c te.is nm .. vnrwiu it mtu-e ;-.'!:' f I'i .li'.l T v ,j.".t:r;--,'it., KnrtV'?WAKltl!uitroii;iv.'l.7cI'htV)ilr;' (AjlsojJUiro shouBaiidi y.iMlsor-Worslea at' itf L'isper! '! ''''! ,-' i '.-J' J. L. MriDANIEL, ,!, i'i Choice Family' Groceries,- .-ii iTheiVeryiMButKV. reeeiverf ri-esh Trrtn Vh'p host Xoi l'l j-m 'iihii it's fcvery ten tluj-s..,. MO k..'i.i itj i." Phoico Grartes oi' fu)iHj"' Ftotarv Jnnaily NEWBERX. k'! , . .i uut-aa viw Jc-receiptsioaratfl Kurt at 3.50 for yellow dip. ' , ... , ., A TAR-Kinn at 1.50 and ixJi?. 7' " .' I ' : BitewAX-20. to 58c1. ptir V. IlJ tl I " HoNKY-fiOc. per fcalldh. TjiMj f WI( ll VI ! 'ij !! J)tler lnnnJltlrtpperor"v Frest and U'Fisijjstcri( ftc; Jtc, ... -V;,'"" VJw awuiiM .ilKt.,,!,.,!,,,;,,,.,,, orteii ttinJi'KSS .... . ,V-rir?l4-1. - A N P V At'TURER oi' "" All V 1 , 1 . , A 1 . . I ' -;i!AKr:S. CANDIES, Etc, y On!, , . from iJm,,ml)ts nm ie;ili;if. i . . , )-(.'i ui-.-wt -F-f:K.' WHtEKT " ' i shall self Pans tnr ah 40ic Shiws 34ic.,.and,pVn doirtfepcakbf it. i """"" , : " iTi'iiji'iiSoBi'W5,0:iI i'0:wUwl,v AT THE MAR1KKT. o fi ' ; 1 Willi u ;.Mt. 1 KAWYMa:tl.4 thoroHyllly llllllui-NtaiKlg ).ls l.tM,!,,,. .i ... ... . wber lmlili. t ' , ..... . .u , i "i " .VIih-BSNOi Cull on, ,-s v.i ) , X't f- .litwdfRiKiniAji :" ' ffcnrtwJlfiil;Sr.,C. Slockfedders tlcclb . ', .'.ID 'Uf TIiii lU-fctiil.ii Aiinntil Meetlntiof tlih rrr . ' ,r T -T.Vh','n' Ht 11 o'clock, a b . oi , l-;-l,iii1y Tth.MH., ' ' ai;pLkt6n tiAKSMrrii 'auiuu-y "j, 1; wirectw niidKWifhhpJdeti t 'I'tinll mIii iii it lunyflunoeni: ' ;).107;rf 'Unit flimllfntl.nl ..-in i.n . i... ' . . Inline if,.',, H'-e,H iii Jiifttlaiy. irfitfforhe lowi, ot 'rruntmi, JU(.8 CotiulyV""' ' " NOTICE., '''if'1 ' Jfotiw Is iiorchy Riven tli.it I will iniw? a Mil ai Mm n.-Ktwesioa of tM Cleneral Xi Kc'iiihiy to mn.'.ni ti,P charterer th foim Al J).o. w, w.. : : ! p. b. toFfifc, si' tlc-ij-im ; , HenatorlltJiDldtHi-i;.! To whom ir limy conwrn : ' ' ".'''" Take not itjo thiit a imi to nmen'il th ihi7ihi ' f thpciiy oi Kiw Heme will lie lnirodQced l llie(ite-itl AHWinlily of North (?arnlln .. ! lie .liuuiiuy Session, ISSfl. s ' ' - ' nl ileci-waii , , , 'ciT,KS.:i MM I N ISTBATOB'S NOTICE. Stan: op Nokth CahomvA,- ')' l'J'JtJ . r:i 411 toun ty. J j. : j ;j tj jj(J , '''J10 il7ili;v ImvliiK qualitlwl ns Ai)mtnl A: IV lisH', before the Prohrtt I'ourt u( Ouiveii. .iiht,v, liereby -tiotirleH all persons having cliiiniti ii(iiuiiKliUl KBtate to urenont them laxl imvmeioij or lMftre the liltl, tiny of UeeeinT li.ii-, it,,, or Mils notice will Im Weoilcd lu bar" ol I it'll- ivi-!.v,-r.v. , ,.H i Aii pei-BtiiiH iiitlelitetl V nal Estate will miike In, lotMlniepayutenU i.-ii" i UlJ.n.l I.Kin.1li!K ft h tiny of Deeeralier. 1H82. , ., ileel,MWll. ; r i " Adrii,liitnHoa.! A PHOCLAMATIOM BY JB&l . . . ' I'. . J 8200 MM f--' - "Ac-in . , i- i,imrtnieiu. I . wh,',i-..oii ii y..i-J '..-.- . ii; hi "yutii I, i j jls department that i. .... iiuiMiiiitiii.il mis iiee,n re- J .ppwlrs iliM Hie saitl llenjamlii.HUi ,hm iti hu ftt!itt', i sitcon-eenls -litihallr tUwt Wziz" llliurv iiim-.t t.& ui 1w fiii.iwit h. oai ..j...' j w, Jherefoi. I; Tuomh .1. inrld 'tirlJi llOrOI lilt.' StlttH of N.lrth IVimlln. k:i..; tifHiitlitiHtyln-nie vested by law, do Issue this .uirt tllliverv of tniysaltl Wenjnm.n h,ii to i'i1' '?f( r.neu iVHinty,nt the Court House? he Mnlf nml all gtwtl altisens tcVasslht In' lniiiaiiiissitltiliniimlti)iiuitlce. 1 1 1 -IV.ne T-onr ntyof Rnleinh. th ii, nt lt-'eiuiH.r.Jiheyatof our LortonV llumwtnil oitilit huntli-el nnri otoi,,.,,.... iu iiiK niiwiuiiHiretr nnu Heveiith year Ol Allltll it-nil iTttlerwnrl.mnA u i,,."..! . THIM T I.Dtiu aiJvi!'r:"hyV"gfrivate i iiOi, t-tiiBKsciHrrioN.no'io vi'isX . "e"i,B""3"!' smnJl l.lhek liaii,T,iiaf ii toet tior, i inches high, a)iout at to fti-yem-a jilrt, anrt welufi front i: Ki lw pounds 1 hiis sniall fhluttiier looking eje,'nnd hftei Btthpr a st I lit n appe.iritpoo, , 0031x11117, Yn ibetMoriNl-trt an order 'oVthe'r-relmtl WitjOlllriiven Ominty, I, Wtlf Mirror eW The property,j'onslKtlin of ,-',-, -I ;lh valLat.tt-lj.w Ihi-wy atiirdUier valii nhle iulBCellaiM;ou lH)k'i,onlion.!1i b gyv-oiio plnelon, ttno oirt, harnebs, a lot o? M tiki (1 :ii:n-;a. It; Ui'J l!l JfH. i.''yi)tem,y:ijeweilli'-i'l t". il'iiil0..1?!?"1"' ewbern, N, C, le. W, 1882. jano-atOi i-i '"j BENJAMIN mois iC . , tnrMnmrj- ni iTaven, Stailt 8 charee . t till t he murtlei- of hla wtiA, A1..1 uKZ.r? S