i ' 1L iliiii ; VOL. I. NEW BERNE,- N. C, SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 1883. NO. 261. LOCAL NEWS. ' NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. W. L. Palmeb Punch cigars. J. W. Walker Houses for rent. Journal MlnUlore Almanac. Sun rises, 6:59 1 Length of day, Sun sets, 5:29 J 10 hours, 30 minutes. Moon rises at 8:16 a. m. Yur Nam In Print. , . L ' i " Geo, F. Parrott, Esq.; of Falling creek, Lenoir county, was in the city yester day. . ' - We were pleased to meet Rev. G. W. Sanderlan, of Goldsboro, in the &ty on Friday. He left on the Shenandoali for Elizabeth City. He owns a very large farm near that town. . Solomon Gornto, Esq., of Ward's Mill, Onslow county, was in the city yesterday. He has promised to lecture Considerable corn in market yester day,, tut no sales. , 4 "Di. Hughes is having a new pavement 1 our Swansboro correspondent, on some made on the side walk on Middle street, points. ml i l.jt. . 1 - .1 LA i no steamer wuuer lias mumcu I Cotton market trips to Irenton. hcheduie will do . Que hundred and eighty-five bales printed to-morrow. , sold yesterday, the best bringing 9.33. ' Roe shad brought at the rates of ?2.70 New York futures firm, spots quiet. Liv- per pair in our ' market yeaterda. erpool futures quiet. ' Bucks went along at 1.50 per pair. But few in the market. V' Z i ,. Quite a number of Cox cotton planters on theff 't River Transportation Co.'s wharf mwked for Trenton. This is a valuably jfaim implement and we are glad to see the proprietors, Messrs. Stan ly & Kennedy, pushing their busines so vigorously. r . ' Mortgage, Deed, and Lien Bond.. During , the month of January our Begisterof Deeds recorded two hundred and sixteen chattel mortgages, one hundred, and nine real estate mortgages, seventeen deeds and seven lien bonds. NEW YORK MARKET, SPOT: . Middling 10 3-16. Strict . low middling 10. , Low middling 9 3-4. NEW YORK FUTURES: Morning. Noon. Evening February March, April, May. 10.09 10.20 10.34 10.48 10.13 10.21 10.84 10.49 10.14 10.24 10.37. 10.51 LIVERPOOL SPOTS. Uplands 5 11-16. . Orleans 5 7-8. LIVERPOOL FUTURES. February, 5 39-64. March, 5 39-64. . Unhappy. Brother Creecy of the Economist is A pretty good beginning for the new evidently not happy over the action of . il T I 11 . 1 il year... telephone Complaints, ' We hear considerable. complaintB against the central station of the tele phone company. It is difficult to get an answer from a call, and the patrons of the Institution threaten to violate the Legislature in changing the name of the Elizabeth City and Norfolk Rail road. We know it is hard for our sister town to be thus deprived of her share of the glory of a great enterprise, but whats the use to throw mud, call hard names etc? Hear him:. tone is pure and healthy and the infor mation it contains is reliable. For the lower primary grades he expects to get copiesof "Our Little Ones," "Babyland" etc. While in Washington D. C. Prof. Johnson made arrangements for obtain ing from the government some models for the purpose of illustration and object-teaching. After his return the Board of Trustees authorized him to car ry out his arrangements. Tho models are expected to arrive very soon, we understand. The children are very much interest ed in the school exhibition to be given sometimo after Lent. All the grades will take part. The' exhibition will con sist of songs, class work, tableaux resi- tations, wand drill, fan drill, and dumb bell exercises. The boys of the higher grades are put ting up some horizontal bars aud other tilings for exercise at recesses. A number of lady visitors listened to Borne good recitations and speeches yes terday afternoon in Mrs. JNasn s room delivered by Misses Rosa Schwerin and Florence Nance and Masters Harry Brock and Jack Neal. The children are taking great interest n their school rooms as evidenced by the decorations and by the red, green and various colored covers with which they are providing their new desks. New pupils continue to come in. A young lady from Hyde county was ex amined and enrolled yesterday. Tha Tlill t.rt rdimiotn i.hA nnmn nP tlitt sec. 11 of chapter 8, if the thing is not Eijzabeth City and Norfolk Railroad to remedied. ' the Norfolk and Southern Railroad, has passed its third reading in the House of Pecan Tree. . I Representatives and before this reaches Mr. Jonathan Havens sold to a gentle- Raleigh it may probably have passed the Senate. The Bill went through as slick as a raw oyster. Nothing was said ex cept something by Mr. Worthington about his liquid heart for this town, and something about his inability to discover substantial reasons for opposing the Hill We melt in love and gratitude for his liquidity, but as to his ability, we hope he will excuse our people from any responsibility for that. We don't know who the gentleman was who failed to impress his intellect. We fear this Legislature is no mean rival of the Legislature of 1868 we mean the Littlefield Legislature There was a "fitness of things" in the manjfrom Pamlico Mr. Sawyer yes terday a pecan tree, about two feet high witlf a tap root five feet long. Mr. Ha vens says the tree will not grow off un til the tap root reaches water. If reach ing water is all that is needed they ought to have erown rapidly since the 1st of January. , Steamer Arrival. I. ' The steamer 2Venfrrived from Jolly Old Field yesterday evening, with cot ton, live stock and pork The Neuse came in from Kinston with mhtv-seven bales of cotton, fifty-eight fact that the oysters at Marshal's enter J , . - i. il. .. T ' 1 1. T) 1 ' U barrels of rosin, eggs and two passefl- jammem, o ui xjeguutttuie, m ruiigu, ' . ... 'J last week, were Lynn Haven, Va., oys- EerB. ' . I ters. When Littlefield ran his free bar The Shenandoali brought in a geod for the Legislature of, 1868 his lunch cargo of general merchandise, and car- and oysters came from the same place r ied out fair load of cotton. - f BUl u ,mu w m.i-ir .iv.j.! Graded Schools In South Carolina, Uj.vvv - ., r . ... 1 . t -..i. mi j n-i v.: a i 1 W. P. Burrus & Co. received a con- v iuumuay vAauiuuiu,, o. v- "c" aimnVent of corn on Fridav from Fair- for public schools, after navrng votea it flM shmned via. Elizabeth City, per aowniwice ueiore. . ynv vubiukui uc- ' . . .' j I fvM 4xa alAAfin TW . - ftf . fl,o teimn XhenmiiaaA.. mis 18 unmis- " ..w,...-..V"v, w.,v tkfthl Bvidencft that Hyde countv State University delivered a .lecture on - ' . . ' t! n I fct A .flfndonf.'fl TstiviHrin. in flfirniiflTiv -urnnta hnrt.ra.rtfl to come HJ new iwiud " - - - but it is certainly a great risk for New twenty-five years ago;" Irom which we wtntllnw it to come via. Elizabeth take the following from the closing f!itv-riht at , the door of Norfolk, paragraph. j .i.nt Thn little citT of Knoxville. Tennes weatwr frantau..,.. ---- - ,nl,flhitar,ta hflfl 9 onn weneed. ; ,, children in school for ten months of the I ..aov in aVimla frruA onntiarli tfr fho teCl.I.lve Proceeding.. Uchnt. chean enough for the Doorest In the Senate .on Thursday nothing - , rimmio. tinn ftn(1 rftHith was done eftecting the interest 'of this flow wjth unbroken and ever-increasing ,nt;nn Tn thn Honse Mr. Thompson, tide. It has almost doubled its popula ofOnsloW, presented a petiUon asking tion for the working of public highways by d to.d ,it8 t would surrender taxation. A bill 'to'' facilitate the con- any franchise of their corporation rather Btruction of the Newbera and Beaufort than their public, scnoois, supported oy , ..j j; tt miroa voluntary local taxation. You cannot VMMU passeu umu I build up material - proi tno atate s , inieresi m : "T, hand STATE NEWS. '; Oleaned from our Exchanges. SuiitLfield Herald: We learn that Gen. Kobert Ransom lias force of forty men, in charge of Mr. S, W. Smith actively engaged in removing obstructions lrom Neuse river. They are pushing for this place, and will in all probability reach this point , in the course of two months, and suppose we will soon see steamers coming to Smith- eration of thinking colored people, u there be any in the community. The death rate is more than double that of the white population, but as this is not the first time attention has been called to the increased mortality among the negroes since freedom, turned loose their bodies to themselves, we cannot claim to be first witness to the Nation's negligence in its duties of ward ship. It is so everywhere.-. Another attempt was made by house breakers, . Tuesday night about 12 o'clock to enter the hard ware store of Brown & Wedding ton, but the bookkeeper was at work in the store and his first, stir frightened them away so quickly that they conld not be caught by the police. t . orosDeritv exceDt , iu hand with education: and the and Albemarle Canal Company upon business of your city, the wealth of the completion of the Canal. your city, the streete-of your city, now . , . r unpaved and unlighted, the comfort, swell Head ptsh. t safety and attractiveness of your city as r ...t.. nr. enmnwhat sur- a home, a location, a capital, are lmme- vujwxuoj ,. .,-v. ------...... -,ta,t, Inti-n-tn,! ; 1. thla prised at the enormous price paid for r diamond-back terrapins.' as w wit- Bomething so; doesevery good thing; nessed the sale of one atthe marxet but they are, cheaper than ignorance, wharf-it, measuring' six inches in cheaper than idleness, cheaper than lanrth hrineinir Sl.50, A few minutes lJTUl: late meeting Mri Lewis Webb we iu- than jails, or Workhouses, or criminal quired: . courts, my . mends, i win not argue "Mr. Webb, can you ten me wny it is u; iw J"1" j)ir. euu,v, hjh5 intelligence by presuming that such ar- these, "diamond-backs" sell bo: high t , gume. ,3 neeary before you. but J k'V .Weill I dont know, only it lsaort could not leave my subiect without ,of a swell head dish up there in JNew drawing from it this pertinent lesson -York 'V.? arrived in Sfhooncr Arrlvali. The following schooners nort oh Fridav: f rr f ! ' ' The Marietta, bapt.Tom Pay he, from Mirtdleton. with corn consigned to. W. P". Burrus & Co. , The sloop Elsey, Capt. B. B. Douglas, for ourselves i Let me pray you to pon der it, for the aake of yourselves' and of J your children of your city anchor your State. , ' .' Those of our citizens who are epposed to taxation f or a Graded School should put this in their pipes and smoke it. : Graded School Notes. Prof.' Johnson has ordered twenty from Wysocking with corn and cotton copies of St. Nicholas as a beginning for consigned to W. P. Burrus &Ca. : The Uavannd, Capt. E. H. Spencer, from Englehard with corn and oats con signed to W. P. Burrus & Co. The Voiter, Capt. Adams,' from Wy socking with corn consigned to J. A, Meadows. ' ' " r TIie.4. Winnie, Capt. Tolson, from Swan Quarter with com consigned to Wahab & Credle. ; ' The Varina, Capt. Boll, from Slades viilo w i"i c)i a n;. 1 c. .Um. , a school circulating Library. They will be here some time next week and will be distributed among the different grades. His object is to arouse in the children a love of reading; to form acor- rect literary taste, and to put in the hands of the little ones some interesting as i well 'as' useful information, i We predict that they will accomplish all that he hopes from them. " St. Nicholas is among the best, if not the best young folks magazine now published. Its field. Elizabeth City Economist: Ow ing to the bad weather and the scarcity ol labor the crops are still ungatheredin the stagnant fields. Some of the cotton we are sorry to hear to-day has not been picked over the first time. And is it pos sible that the. Legislature of North Carolina can deprive us of any of our agencies for the promotion ot immigrationf Davidson Dispatch From the first to the twenty-sixth of January, Conrad Hill produced and sent to the mint over six thousand dollars worth of gold, and also produced refined copper to the amount of eight thousand dollars. This goes to show that the mines ot this sec tion will pay when properly worked. The company intend to put one hundred and fifty more hands at work as j soon as. they can employ them. . ; Tarboro Southerner: Last Tues day evening, Mr. E. K. Neville, of Halifax county, while riding home from Enfield was thrown violently from his horse against a house. So violent was the fall that Mr. Neville was killed. Eight inmates of the jail atWilliamston escaped on Sat urday evening January the 20th, the escape was cleverly managed With a spike which the prisoners heated in the stove, they burned the sleepers to the floor, when the floor dropped, the house was high enough above the ground to allow the incarcerated to crawl out. All escaped and none as yet have been caught. The j ail of Martin county is something like the court house, useless, worthless and an eyesore, Washington Watch-Totcer: A move is on , 'foot to establish Graded School in this town. . New Berne, Goldsboro and Wilson, our sister towns have each very pros perous schools on the graded order, It Washington and. the surround iug community wish to hold their sons and daughters they must not be idle while other places are mak ing such educational strides. ; The new life that would be infused into all . the industries of town, thd money that a Graded School would bring more than double the tax necessary to its . support. t The school under the guardianship of thoroughly competent principal aud not a supcranuated old iossi arid lj53,0'JO for; the ground sill, new era will dawn upon the town and county. . Chatlotte Journal: 1 Whole num ber of ; interments in ' 'Elmwood cemetery '(white) for the year 1882, 77. 'Whole number of inter ments in - iPinewood cemetery year 1882, 148. ' It will be seen that the number of deaths', among the colored , population ' is nearly double that of the whites,' a fact which invokes the4 serious, consid- La Grange Items. Alsa Gregory, a very old citizen, died at ft is residence in this township last Sunday night. A little "muss" in town Tuesday night. No damage done: parties re leased upon payment of oosts. Two or three bright and moderate days has put a few of the farmers at work. The weather has been so unfa vorable for farmers that but little has been done thus far. T. B. Hyman and Freeman, cot ton buyers of Goldsboro, were in our place Monday. They sampled a large lot, and bought several bales, paying 9 1-113 for the best bought. The "Turks" and bear show are in town, attracting the attention of nearly all. A description is entirely out the question. Of all human beings these excel in filthy appearance. A drummer was in town Thursday whose faculty for talking wis such as to prevent the best talMng merchant in town from edging in a word. That drummer is indeed a talking machine. There are but verv few houses in town that could not be improved in looks and last by the paint brush. The most of the business houses present an old and care-worn appearance. Use paint and make the town look new. Cotton Middling 9 3-8; strict low miliHinc Q 1 -A ' Into m 1 1 4 1 ii Q 1 .ft Seed cotton Extra nice. Sc.; ordi-T nary 2c. Corn In sacks, 82ic. per bushel. Kick 31.U0 to $1.08 per bushel. Turpentine Receipts moderate. Finn at $2.50 for yellow dip. TAR r irm at tfl.OU ana 551.75. BiuiSWAX 20c. to 22c. per lb. Honey jBOo. per gallon. Wheat 90c. per bushel. - Beep On foot. 5o. to 6c. Fresh Pork 7ia81c. per pound. Eoos 22c. per dozen. Peanuts $1.25 per bushel. Fodder $1.25. per hundred. Apples Mattamuskeets, $1.25 per bushel. Onions $3.50 per bbl. Peas $1.10 to $1.25 per bushel. Hides Dry, 9c. to lie; green 5c. Tallow 6c. per lb. Chickens Grown, 55a60c. per pair. Turkeys $1.75 per pair. Meal Bolted, 80c. per bushel. Potatoes Bahamas, 30a40c.; yams Turnips 80c. per bushel. Walnuts 50o. per bushel. ' 50a60c. per bushel. ' Shingles -West India 5 inch, mixed. $2.50 per M. Building 5 inch, hearts, $3.50; saps, 2.oo per M. SKINS. Coon, 80a.; fox 40a50c; mink, 40ar0c: otter, $5.00 Onslow County Items. Mr. Ned Irving is putting up a dwel ling. Others are waiting for workmen What has become of all the railroad men ( We need a road, and would like to see something doing. Muddy roads, high water, bad wea ther, marriages, deaths- and small-pox arethe topics of the week. Married, at the home of the bride parents, near Richlands.by H.C. Bowen on Jan. 30, Mr. Ivey Brown to Miss Ellen Jarman, all of Onslow, Our people are all on tiptoe about the small-pox at Trenton; and if any one is seen coming from that way, their looks and actions Bay, like the guinea-chicken 'Go-back, go-back, go-back." Miss Fannie Farrier, of Kenansville came down to share in the joy of Miss Clara Creagh's last days, before depart ing with a new name to New Berne. She is now visiting Col. Taylor's at Catharine Lake, When we get on a full supply of red eye, if ever, we will measure arms with the Swansboro correspondent, and tell you all about our cotton, corn, etc. We can't afford to stretch our blanket till it all turns to holes now; the weather is too rough and cold. The peace of our land was sadly die turbod, on Sunday the 28th, by a shoot ing affray at the home of Wiley Bryant on Black Swamp. Jesse Home, a half crazy fellow, had spent the night with Bryant. At breakfast some angry words were spoken! when Home sud denly drew a pistol and shot Bryant in the mouth, knocking out three teeth and. ' badly,, wounding him. Home stepped out of the kitchen and started off; Bryant got his gun and shot him twice as he was leaving, hitting him with several shot. The pistol ball was taken from Bryant's jaw-bone by Dr Wooten, who pronounced, the: wound quite serious. Home was arrested same day by Sheriff Murrill. His wounds were found to be not fatal. On Monday he was tried by Justice S. B. Taylor, and sent to jail to await a hear ing before the next tenn of the Supe rior Court. Mr. Bryant is a quiet, good citizen, and there is a general feeling of pity and regret that the thing has happened. , '. a ,, -5 .,, . ., f.. j COMMERCIAL. NEW BERNE MARKET.' ' ' - 'WitL.PAiaffiic;-;v;: Doaler in ClRnrt. Tobacco, . Plpe4, And everything In Uiui way. - , , . . , . u , , AlsoCaudlea Nat and Fruit. .. '- , St. Jacobs' Oil, the Great German Rem edy fur lilieumaiitun and all Bodily Palna. Middle St., Second Door from Bo. Front, JanlT-d&wly Dew Bora. B.C. On Hand and fa firrlv 300 Barrels Seed Potatoes, Helmed with great care, and every barrel uiiuim-u iu urjimkHs repreaenteii. ' . Buist's Celebrated Early Seed reaa. Also a Selected Stock of .;., " Fancy. Groceries. t ..-, 'ase GofKlts, nil kinds, '- ' ..-. 1 ' canned i,omik, all kinds, Plc-lili's, Etc., Etc... . ;. , . '. . Kxtra futility Java and Rlrt Coffee, Choice Formosa Tea, In fact n Full Line of Finn (iinr-riu .uii can he found In a First-Clans Fancy Grocery .Store. Please call and examine Good, - Hsmples of ea and Coffee slven on upplli-jUan, All Goods at Lowest Cash Prices. Terms Invariably Cash on Delivery ; ' ' J. R. HAMPTON, ' Middle street, next door to Central Hotel; JanlO-d:!m New Berne. N.C Houses for Rent. On tho premises, corner Middle and Neuse streets, MONDAY, 12 o'clock, on FEBRUARY I2th, 1883, 1 will rent at auction the house and lot known as theTHOS. J. MITCHELL Place. At the same time and place will rent the Brick House situated on Hancock Btreet, and formerly occupied by Mr. V. P. Metts. For further information apply to . febSdtd , J. W. WALKKR NOTICE. : " !; i 'o the Tax Payers of the City of New Berne: All persons owlnu a Real. Personal or JV.ll Tax, are hereby notified to call and settle the. same without delay, as no further Indulgence can be granted. .-.y t Call and save yourselves cost and unpleas-. antness. . R. V. HANCOCK, jan28-dlw '.... City Tax Collector. " SMALL-POX QUARANTINE RAISED. While other places are being quaran tined, Humphrey & Howard wishes to say to their numerous friends and cus tomers that their place is still opened and will remain so a safe harbor for all, We want it understood thai while we fought so nobly last Fall in extermi nating UlUJd lJKl(Jlilb, we have not been negligent of onr duty this Spring but have had our LOW PRICES thor oughiy vauuijnated, so yiat you need have no apprehensions on their account, but just lay aside your FEARS and come to the Cheap Store of HUM PHREY & HOWARD, Middle street opposite Market, Newbern, N. C. ' P. S. And bring along "your sisters your cousins and your aunts." feb2d&wlm Wanted, A GOOD NURSE; one that will accompany a family In traveling. A good price will be paid. Apply to , V. 8. EDMOND, Corner of South Front and East Front strts. feb2d3t New Berne, N. C. . CHOICE MOUNTAIN BUTTER Received this day from' Western North Caro lina, and will be sold at ; 25 Cents per Pound1 to close thelotatorice. ,; - C. E.FOY &CO., ' (Wholesale Grocers. jan28 Middle St., Newbern, N. 0. The remains of a forest of at least three acres in extent have been found ten feet below the surface of the ground near Peterborough, England. ' Tansill's Punch .5 Cent Ckurs are above ground, as good as ever, and sell fastpr. , For sale by W. L. Palmer, Middle Btreet, Ne,w Berne, N. C. sis ONtf HUNDRED BARRELS OF CHOICE r' '' arly Rose ' SEED Potatoes' For sul- by : ' '' ' ' ".' jan25dtf JOHN DUNN. Walter P. Burrus ;& Co.,1 COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' ' . AND DEALERS IN ' ' ., ".' ' -RADI OF ALL KINDS. (Corn a Specialty.) ,..,.!( MowBorne, ST. O. tsS- Orders and Consianmenta restiectfullv solicVted. i - .v Jani-dvly WARRANTED GENUINE; German 200 Lbs, GERMAN KAINIT Kaimt ftt"- .'I ,3 : !i- i . jr. -r o WlLUAMH.OLIVEe NEWBERN, N.C. I will contract to deliver I Kainit in lots of 25 to 100 tons at . Baltimore Prices. ; A reasonable advance in smaller lots. In a few days I expect a cargo shipped direct from Germany. :; - , , ; Or OX BRAND of"Guano,, Stockholders' Meeting In accordance with the Bye Laws of the Company, notice is hereby given that the Annual Meeting of the Stock holders or the , ', ' Midland North Carolina Railway Company is called to meet at the Company's offi ces at NEWBERN, at TWEUVE o'clock, M. on February the 21st, 1883. ',, , ,; JOHN P., CADDAGAN,' '"''",., ' . Secretary Newbern, N. C, Jan. 29, 1833. , Sealed Proposals;" "' AMMONIATEB SUPER PHOSPHATE J jU-BALTIMOREu.n.l Avail Phos. Acid. ,) Total Done Piios. , Ammohia ""' '" :.PqTAr"' ?"!;.! t,- any- , ,1,. Sealed Proposals; for furnishing Medicines and Medical Kttppiie for the . County Poor for the present year, -Will ba received ljy;the Clerk of the Hoard of Commissioners ontJl the . i :.'.'., ,.,r ... -i,..'., First Monday in February. Articles, ftrSt.olftus In every resptet, will 1) required. ). it fr,- ';) i tJi ;)f-i'l By order Hoard 'Ooruinlssloners, I i . w . i JOSEPH NELSON,. ;anl0-td " ,.t, (r; f t , . .. Clork. ' '' This Is one of the fiighesi Orade'K I tilizers sold in North CarolipHr analysis of X)r. DaUuey.- , , It is sold only orcash a, ,.; 3 ". $30 perTolid, for xi jToiLts v. '. , 33 FOR tJMALLER LOTS.,',,.", " , - . '.-:'.! I'd t1-" 'I I'',' -V-.f H-U.U l.i- 1-1 It. in a higher grade Guano than man: V.;..K dell 1,1. lir. ' 1 ' !) 1. Buy for Cash; bmve 14 per ton. ll'J l t W-llW x-- J J,i ' ') 1, 1 t-VVV,- .fy v,: vi . m , jaB20dil5t.,,u ,1.i-!' ,". ! ! 'U' v !' - i I