vrroi.r-ALK & p.etail GROCER. l. r,.?-:..i: THE JOURN.iL. l r rcs-tiyicga run, ,iin un.u Choice Groceries and " huh'weoaeraslowas any house in the city, and warrant ail goods as rej t, . Call and .examine . pnr stock and prices. Stables furnished fjee to all our ci y'cuplonierC'rn.j.u:; , .. ; Cuu.'.a delivered fre to an lnur'V t! j city. . - ;V v. ' J on PRINTED PRACTICAL uor-i .ir NEW BERNE, If.', GOOD STOCK, NEAT WORK, LOW PRICES-, CF Orders solicited and promptly l! ' 'V'" Apr. 81 1 ; NEW BERNE. N. C, FEB. 3. 1883. A. H. :110LT0N, TflDACCOS&ClGABS MIDDLE STREET, .CTTY ORDINANCE.. J v.. LfLOFFICB OF OT Cl.Rl?, I A Special Meeting of the Board of CltyCoun cll was held, this evening, Mayor Hownrd presiding..- ' k -W t. -v, , iTh Mayor slated that; the . -eating was called to takf action to" prevent the lntroduc. tion of small-pox Into the city. I The following was adopted as n special quarantine ordliianWt S'V' 3' S I WHEREAS, Information hatt reached the IMayorthat certain titles north of lis rein fected with imali-pox, and . a . WH1!REA$, We feet It rur ly to detbw. sutfh means as we think hest to prevent the, adroisslon ol (said disease Into otw niiilst, therefore LEGISL-iTITE .PEOCEEPIM.S (Coudenned from !ews-Oben-er.) . , SEVENTH DAW ' HOUiSE. PETITIONS were introduced as follows: TlKrviierfcn riffifimi ncl'inor for the working of public highways bv taxation. - Mr. Johuson, of Craven from citi zens of Craven county, protesting against the annexation of a part , of Craven to (jarterett Mr. Harris, of Wake, from citizens of Wrtke,praying that convict labor be not brougnt in competition wun honest labor. ; "C ;: calenda (resumed.) i. h To faciliate the construction of t-Ue-Jfew Boi'iie and Beaufort Ca nal. -in V.HvS v Mr. Towers of Cleaveland, wishetl to have the bill explained, iMr. Stan ford explained bysayiiig that the State owe l some stock in the old Chesapeake and albeniarle 0 - W w w tl Han Just received the fullowlug named Gocds, II FKbH, and offered CHEAP. Small Ilains, . : , ; t , . Breakfast Bacon, , . ,, -Canned Beef, Boneless Codfish, Condensed Milk, Sea foam and Royal Baking Powders Yeast Cakes, " ' - 1 Italian Maccarom, ' , Cucumber Pickles, Chow Chow, Baker's Chocolate, ' - ; . NEW BERNE, N. C . . aprlydiiw : . OLD 130M1NIOIV Stramship Company, Fr New York; Baltimore, Nor Jolfc, " Boston, tliasabetli Jity, Philiulelplilrt, ProvidCHCt tiiul wther Cities. ON ANttJVFTKR ' Friday, W 2 W' L882T , t x$ f ? frit r i t'vri v nTT Will J'v?, iiMn a.iat of train on Norfolk an mamiky and TnTlay for New Brn- Retiirnlnte leaves New Hern for Elisabeth City every at 4 u. in., making close connection with Norfolk nJEJUabetUCitvE R. forNortliern cities. OUw cJiiuertdmadea SW Be with steamer fiL Ktnswn, ioHokill, Trsnts ni all land ', inBj on the Nensennii Trent Rlerf.( , s ifi A(:IH tVAea idHily huUt p. la.' RwsiJed imiinnrlv mid lowest rales, jruamuieed tdestin una- Fart! to Eliaialielli'CUy and return. $4. To .WiBhin)!ton,4.: n-.V' "' "" :uLrerrKB 4 Tobmsh,.;, ; ; . ' Ag'ts, Norfolk, Vn . W V- Stanfoiio, Oen'l rr t Ag't, . . ..a j : New York City tt mam, i MANUFACTURER ' OF y u i i. -3 Li WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALER IN Gi'ocerioG j- rc Pearl Barle 1. 1 Jlincc Meat, Prunes, Oatmea. Buckwheat, Tine Syrup. Fresh Roasted Coffee, and Early Rose Potatoes', janll-dly " Provisions, Tobacco, Siiiin, i . :.. ..4,: 1 , . , . . , i ,-, , s, . . Wood and , n , i bk it oiwAiNEn. That Quarantine Fiiig Canal Company and it was proposed shall be placed at a point three mile below to give Said StoCk, which was not the city on Netwe uiver, antt wini nil vessets worth ft cent to their COIlinailV I)r0- 1 ..AMMtnlnn (Win urttliAIlt tliA IllnflQ ' ... .. . . ' UlUNCHUirmwiiiuifi w..w,.v i, U....U. . thAV nAlih hill ll fhi nan , Ti.ll, utnmnM 1 JH.V,VA VL1VJJ 1 w Mill" -'t shall stop at the Quarantine Flag until hor,r- lort tiud. New Betue canal, and that edby the portrnysician.'and allowed by liim the State would lose nothing and to come to dot. The Physician shall receive f he jeopIe 01 that Section W tlllltl be nve dollars ror esveu visit, saiu iee hi paiu i neatly benefited, by vessel or steamer tmanie,. mm '"" r Mr. Page hoped the bill Woulc or BHsmirr viuunuig hub wuiiutuiivriiiKii 1 i -1 1' fined $25 for each offence r Ami , . piws, uuitftc ti, .i gintj nvt-urti BR'ifFtTR'fHKhOKTiAiNKn.'i'hat the trains by toe people 01 ins section. ontne1 jdidiimd iiaUway simu be quntiuitiiied Mr. Crouse stated that there was dne mile (in Hie west sf.le of the city and I ill wmainmff SLTtO.OIK) of thft caused to remalii until .boiuded Iw said l'..it C(...ft,v intact lit thl t nl . ' ' , m ii t UIHIW n 111 lA. VOV 111 lllin t ItlKII. Physician Or lVtcctlvc, mid allo,vcd to putts. " ... ,. , ' , Thp6yilciai shall lecrtveJS for eaihislt to ' M""' iwiv trains, said lee to be paid by the Itailr(md Coin- W0rilliass,Iie lUOUgllt iue LglSiniure pany. Any violation 'of this ordinance Khali ought t() gO slow, . ,p ;;. ubjHth..tthihoaip1.,p?,ny tov Hue ..rp , . th(Vnp.u Hl4, W,i ftlijyht. foreachandevyomticr.- . i. 3 . i li T By order of the Board,, , " "" l ui' imutMi .unt j.iinicu;iiiitt ia ianI7-tf ' A. W: W(v4, i'H'y Mellf. lojlg AS t he stock WilS ivOl'tlllOSS lilC State might keep it, but. when it was L. H. CUTLER, Stoves and S!ard.Yc.rc, Sash, Doors & Blinds; LIME, CEMENT and PLASTER yotrsE FunyisiiiNO goods. Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, ;,!l.t. ,Mv.J -.'..'Vi. L't.j ,';.k-... a'- GUN AND PISTOLS, -:'rrotiiKrr S! Rubber and. 'Leather Belting d ''' '.be.,- iVc.,' ie. w M ALAJvk LA! If you wouI keep five from malarial dulls, etc, try 9) For sale in New Borne at REEL BROS. & JSKJflS. Only TiO -Is., Kept. 20 Mf. Willow-ware : ?' ' I ! and Liquors. The liarofst Exolnsive firoewy House- in the. City. - My stok is always conijdcte, and goods fresh. - "-' - .- , I vi,ll guarantee, to at'll noods in my lux' sis cIicuti s nny house in Norfolk, and consefiHentlv lutve freisht elinre aihi iiiilnne rif kn. i '' m-- 1 Vl My stock of liquors is compli'tV, and 1 invite spent! htlHiitioti of buyers be fore making puicliases, oet3-d&W , IN THE FIELD AGAIN! YACPOS'. RITTKltS - or 'Yeetalfe jy t0 possess some prospective -1.. - - Elixir of Life, value by reason of a Northern r.vnal the cheat REM icoy ot TitK KJbeingdng, the State was called upon NOKAMll-Y Mlttlllll" UK t llltlU I 1 1 . HI KM n II. l .l . . ! 1 i ' i ' , ' i t- i t.i n.' Oi.' "WSi RnT?ifTkiii(. are th result ol v.v otM mf. murri: uioiiuiib' uir ni.iiu n iol.eiiiiealres.aivlnm.l pia.li.nl exi.riinnil, : It-p,.,.u, in l,is cailill WOllltl llllt It is ninipoiiiided liimi. liie exirni'ii ii iui eon . . i . . , ntntle.l virtues of purely wkciiii.w snMianewi l aniOUUl It) 1 lie, vmi tjl pi nil nig I nt It is ennrtiT neenoui i:aiiuw r imn mm- i . u . rumil. illlhutj. II. 'MM IK I lip Kf fft llie.1 ll't UP lit lleil'tH 5 .... ....... I .. I . r Ti-! . .1 J. - , ! ... i. I . .. tor cnillireil SI HI weaiieneu coiiMiM.iiuiiF-, vi u.rr i . lvlllg UlOVUll 1.(1 llHCl-Ml llllf a centlH yetetreclive upcrient. i- required; f ... c? Tliov an rlfv. Invigorate ami enrich the Mm!.., COllimitiee Oil llUaUCC. stimulate it to heai'thy clreiiialion, and if taken I MeClotter Sflid it, WHS ofvilst order. ' importance, and 'he conld see no 11 IS e!.Il,..lMIJ' lTa.Ulllliirii.irii im i.iv ui at. MAL.AK1AL. (tisenwe, iinenis niseanes kirtitevn. Kbenlnatism, Uyipepsia, llilliou t'ostivene and nil Mvr nunplniiirs. As an aperient thrae titne sdny, rr.'parra uy iiu. v. Kt., t liiujit uuaunuuunij t in At,y ; t "(" rT"1T"TT KTt"3 ..u ,. thongut it would be of great bene- x xxxxi vji fit.i - . ' . Por Oents. Youths. Bovannd ailldren, I have Mr. Glenn said the only question andVpMeS ii1 HI' Meadows y tm " - Dealers in Drugs, Seeds and Guaiios, . o., ""'the reason for referring to any Other Having Intolv returned from Northern Mur- . committee'as it had been examined SruSeT V?M!'5 Zl"?- ,t I .eVdUe'i' r'lablespnonfal by OH6 ot tll6 ablest Committees Of Would wish to In.prcHS on the public In (;on ;'irr eraUhathelKprcpHied to stilt themostfus- Auk 10 6 mil J. r II I f 1. 1 rt ,.v... N'.ll !.'! ' I. ' , CHOICE HAVANA Manwcll & Ciabtrce, BtilClfHM It 11 S, ' M A C H I K 1ST s. lroii and Brass PoiiihI' J ! . ' -'-AN fl- .. ',' BOILERMAKERS. niAICE A .Mil UEFAIR :"E'N':o'r!N"ES A! Al.b KIXHS OP Ortlers, solicited and pn.-mptly i,c.ti0n . ' , mm vcmWii J Se was? Was WOnld thO'State be .Willing' tO Shoes fall the leading nmnufiicturles chenp , . , . j i t. . " i er than the cheapest. Hats for I ,n (lies and give StOCk provided the Canal ,WaS o.ntleinen.all stvW-s and all prices, lnmy foninlpfpd - "''" v Notion Department, which Is always coni- UHnpicieu. .;. --.' p nlete.canbe found all the latest In iJtdnSs' Mr. McLoUtl had not iced that all and Gent Hose Corsets of leading hfn.c: I thft flimoaitioU t0 the bill Came from nm Wear, fthlrta. and Trunks. Valises, etc. I - I .... . ... ...- - f . .1 ....ILdtlnn r.liAtrAsf. and tht it, was fl.miar,inii -maniung yu mm- pun. ". "'".-'"""'" ' : lariml.lnimiHV: I ani. mimiresneeuuuy, Now filler Peruvian (Juano, l'iue Island tJuano, l'acuie Lilian aim miiiii.-; - COnSIEU POLLOCK & MIOWLK STREETS. .;,,,,.,! Warchoime Cotton Exchange Yard. oclSl.U w NEW BEKSIK. N. C. TheHea HAY! Lime! Lime! BRICK, BRICK. OF ALL (JJtADKMi' A . If' AND G1'G A R S. .'!r.poLLOCKi Street, V NEW BERNE, N C f M P ''i-vt'-.'.v-'v'-...-'''.-' ''''iv Conimon-seiise jtteniedy. 2-SAiaGYLIGAc; 'N6TBt6reBheuinatisiTi, Gout or at Apr 4, If d which effected the east only.' ! and that ' the eastern f members . were without regard to political cotupli i -.. j. i. : l i l. i i MM!'IINFkY caiiou in lavorui it, uiiu no uopeu cue west woum winmraw irs oo not nnnnsed to between fol lock and hontlirronl. Ui.A hill Waiiso lift wna frnm tlim jiHKW tJERNK, p.. wpat. bnt onlVwanted some reason . : . . .. . 7 . why he should vote lor it, and un if ii -'. -i W." i less some srood reason should be given he should vote against it. , Mr. Simmons . was opposed to 1 e ference to the finance committee Mr. Stanford had no interest in this bill, as he did not live in the section 4 it ' would benefit, and he hoped it will pass to-day. 'Mr. Forbis did not see any neces sity in rushing the bill through. Mr. Holt was m favor of the bill, apldly M. 11. SULTAN. ''i I t; '. ' 'vA''! l i i -fT VS;ri "' Seed Meal, STOCK FEED AND FERTILIZER Exceptionally Rood for milch cow-f qnollto stock peas at half the price 78 cents pfr bnslel FORgALE BY j '" 3 may 6. d-lv New Berne. N. C it-'-. Neuralgia. tniuietllate Belief Warranted, Permanent Cure Guaranteed. , Five, years established, and never known to fall In a single case, acute pr chronic. Refer to all prominent physician and druggists for thettandingotBallcyllea. ,v . ' n W-.-W M.IB!Ml i . - ::: - The only dlasolver of the poisonons aria acid which exist lu the blood of rheumatic and gouty pn lients, -.,'." v 8aLTC L10A ii known a common-sense remedy, because It strikes directly at the cause f Kheumatlsm. Gout and Neuralgia, .hii.ju innnv so-called speclHes hd sup posed panaceas only treat locaUy Ue effects. It has been conceded tof eminent scientists that outward applieatlona, such a rubMng with oils, otntnieiits, liniments J soothing lotions, . wiU not eradicate these diseases, which are the result of the poisoning of the 1.1..1 with tlrtc Add. V! t i . v'v I 8ALICYLIUA works with marvelous effect n ti.a oj.i.l mid so removes the disorder. It is now exclusively used by all the aelebrated , . ciHii of Americaand iirope. . . Blghest i ...1 Academy Of Paris report 85 per cent, cures la three aays;-'. - ' . REMEMBER is I fYl.TTA aeertaWflt!if( Rhea , i.ut and Neuralgia. "1'honiostln ,.i.u ttulntt fire subdued almost Instantly. t Jive it a trial. Ilellef guaranteed or money 'laowsandsoftestlhionlaut sent bn appllca- t""' '''t-1 pox.' six Ton, 15,'; ' Hept pee by. tuall oh receipt b( rrtpney:.; j . ASK YOUB DRUGGIST FOR IT. i ,, ,in nnt. he delndml Into, taklnc Imitations ii- mibHtltutes, or something recommended as t. es i"Mi!". insist on me geiutiue wtui ... nt Bui.uiiriie .fa Co. on each Ihix, i is triiaianteed chemical ly pre under - ,...iie, an Ijidispensible re.iiixlte to a.u'ceKH In the treatment... Take no , r ketid to US. , . , . i - . ..ixa Si CO,, Proprietors, .' T - " ft. car. Fend St.. 1 '''' ' , ,. WBtV YORK, . ,1 rr , ; , . ,. i ';.' M. , I .;0S., New Berne, N, r, GEORGE', A, OLIVER i GOTTOUDROKlR. OFFICE ADJOlTOj tQTTPf SXCIUBE, IN". O, Xfowbern, f. i The very Guaranteed. Highest Market Prices Consignments of Cotto Hollcited ocfi'idAwtf i...0,l. i it ,1 X- o cr.iitinao to i iivh, caveats i n. tt ,ior r! tooMnmpat . :-,t'lHl)d, franco, . t .!. omutrius ... toai-sVpnicliee. No l c; lriodola cr Jrav. ni aro noticotl in tiii.tiCAN, trnieh has fi:l in I'-io rnn;-,t inlitt tt'liiL.. otittto ('l i'x.-.a a uot:vu cy dquarters! 'i .i BRICK! At: it: i': Rosoiidale, Portland V..JSIinitfc i.nintsi. Piaster, ; Goat ITair, &c. SALES ROOM Craven Street, below Kxpiess Ofiice. . 0, F.. I.Ol KJK, A nix 10 d&w tf ! 11 hi. i ".i-'-.VC 'nstr"1! V-tv.j-i.lfatW.iJayca:-, .nt paper devoted iia, eacinocnuc because the stock was worthless, ft. 5 ct f mduufrisi and that it :would , greyly benefit ; U J - . j j n ijy e those people, and was 111 favor 01 w r ' giving it wi the interest of valua ble lives and property. Mr; .Iobbins Ifiongtui that i the State was not inTBondition to make any appropriation for internal im provements in any part of the State. 5 That the proposition, was so far as he could see, equivalent to appropriating 125,000 to this com- ' A 1: -nf 1 'y. - Vr: wail.id tree. . . , nrshera rt Hoten. lAoattwar, Inuv 1 C. B. HART & CO. v":' OMfi FHIS2 CASH STC22. ' , ' Norit corner Middle and Sonth Front streets lonite E. H. Wiodley and K. U. Jones. ; -, , , V '; ') '-- '.i,t.. i ".I,; .'- - : DIALERS IN ; . StoYW, Honse FurnisMng Goods; r . CROCKERY aud GLASSWARE, ,, -Vr -i i .1" in great variety. BURNERS, WICKS. CHIMNEYS, , 1, , KEROSENOII. , Pratt's Aswa "I6. Machine and Train Oils. ' I We Irsnow prepared to ''.maniifaetiinO Tin and Sheet-Iron Ware. , f 1883. Harper's Magazine,- ILLUSTRATED. LA KG EST AND OLDEST .Wholesale Monsc'e:.. INTHE;.CHI.'. ! a.VL Hli'i' Keeps always in Stock large quantities PORK, .LONG CLEARS, FLOUR, SUGAR, COFPEESYRUP, L0BILLAED AND GAIL V A BWmrif : also a large stock Dfi:if.:4)Tuwa,); O US A. O l; O, St 1 ! ,1 J 1 1 1" ! 1 pany lor Duucung nvo an .aau nines uxnw magazinr beKin n sixty-sixth nf fha o.nnal: if f.hAii nfnntr wn.fl i volnino with the December number. It Is not v " 1 ... ,u ,tn,,in. llliiDtrtitAii mv 1 . i. . IHiintiHitAH Yiik11-klllft I in WOrthleSB, Why Old their COm pany America and England, but also the largest in wish ltf s.k 1 turned on. vinh if f i. IT., wnntttd ,1 thft , lio-htl Us scheme, the most beantiim in iisappear auce, and the best inaftazine for the home. A Tiww novel, enuueu "ror ute jjuiiuiv uy vh- stance Kenlmore Woolson, the author of Mr.rage.WaS sopposeu tO reier- waHbetrrln inthe November number. ring, because it had already been In literary and artistic excellence - the Maoa- examined ay a; Committee, and special etlorts have been made for the lighter thought that to mer it to another p-- (uuiuiiiiee ivuuiu ue uustmg u re-1 flection on the-committee who had Ilarper'8 Periodicals. ... 1 . . . . . 1 i,v. y i- w . . ( . ,. -1 reported favorably on it, and it : -:L:,-;"?" wa1 Veab: T' ' ' would be an economy ot time not to hakpeii s ma(3azink... , o rffpr. " . .... " , -.-,,. , v.. harper's WEEKLY..;...-.....!.; ......400 - ,r a I - - - . ... , r t. I Mr. Thouipso was a ' friend of- S'iiV.'i?5jieTJriMr"rrr' Kill W ,q n.5li;ft rifer- '"V :V-tr : nun ..I.., ........ b v, 1 Auv TWO above named, Special attention Riven to repairing, qoo sold low and warrant ttl be reprtWentmt.r i . April H-lf4 w , , i- -. ' WttOhKSAE QUO CM Kb AND -j;,-PV COMMISSION KEXCUANTS , i ' . ; Nr.wnKRNK.N " April 1,iW , Mr. Sherrill, was in, favor pfe. harfkr'h youno rKorLK.:....!..;...... i bill 'and 'lioiied'it would be put mabpkr's magazine v 5 I.,1. - ' HAKl'KU W YOUNG. 1'KOfl.E, " 4 00 10 00 ;.. 7 00 m 5 00 nT;Tt.'n' FKANKI.IN SO.UAUK Ll- liKAltY, One, Year (9il Numbers)..... 10 00 through; : Mr.' Strincfield called the pre ViOHS flliestiou find the call was p,tai' frree to all tberllienin tlielTiilted sustained.-"- Yme '"' i Mr. JiObms Wlllldrew. 111. ihOt ion Tholi'tftuinwtirl! panndifeteKlo"wtttillie fniiftdrilrtlU'tlli'liririt I Numbers for June iMiBDuceinbernteneh ; year. tO postpone 1,111, pi III I. wiii iio time is speeliied, it will lie uiuler- The motion to r.etei'Wai Voted (,1 that the uhse.rllerwlKhe to beKiu with 4 '- . Tr,,. . . ..ii- .1 ' ii ... . .......n.ii Niniilier. , . - , , . dowp. air. liooins caueu ior me "If", it KWht voiumes of n.nper'H MaKa- a trA9 nntT nnvs ftn the bill on .its Li tn neat cloth blndlmt, will lie mt by Yf. V t - i K., ii iiostpald, on receipt ot s;i iki per volume. third reading, r .if.': j.-.ti "1" ;w'k, for biii.iiuK, ot ...mia cacb-io- m . 1 Ml I - - 1 i L . A 1 4 I . . .... 1 .1 xneoiii nicn passed iw. i'''.r:"''.HAKPE whutiu kh, rcadinff, by vote of 16 to 0, ' ' . A,I,,T -. Kcw vom. CENTRAL HOTEL, W. E. PATTERSON. Pnor'H, ' - NKW, BERNE, C. IT1H1S WW.li KNOWN ANB COMMODIOUS Xhouse, as its nam. Implies, is sluiatei in the oentral and business .portion of the city, hence recommeuUs iiKeu iur n Bum.-i.re.it .... trsvellinir pnblic. Affordinit solicitors every opportunity of vinltine business correspondeuis. It nasattenine "!". -t-v"T furnished with ,',.', fl,, .,, ,, ,, , Every Delicacy of tho Scnsoin TtH rimnis are large, airy and well f itralnhed. iVycoi!: AN OMNIBUS l' '"; -''; ' ' - ' 1 '--" ' or the accommodation of pnests to and from trains and steamers free of clmrjjei-n fp-al feature in this city, .. , - , , r 1 All the appurtenances, of a modem FIRST CLASS HOTEL. April i-d-iy. DRY . GOODS, BOOTS, SHOES, and ArkpkKs ROASTED COFFEE, r- k CEACKERS and CAKES in great variety vv;A large Stock of ISOrrii )NS AND HOSIERY, i. i Wholesale buyers will fiDd a large STOCK at lowest prices! Don't fail to e iu before you boy MIDDLE STREET?,..' Mw-W-'If'-flw-! i.!.."i';tb.(;.-.'.'t! ' ' NbW BKkNS, N. C ROBERTS' i'HEKDERSOlT, ,'...', '. , '' -.'.'.A I. - , .. . .-. General Insnrance igds, .. New Berne, IV. J. OuT first lassl Companies represeut- Fire. Lifs txii Accident Insurance. Total., Cftiiitai: over -"Forty' Millions 01 - " " -.-Dollars-.-"' 'junaiy ,W?il.'L01iCI, . DEALER IN GENERAL T.I C in 11 1 ft. Set X