I. 1 I "t,, it f 1" u T 4 r as? -vycz 'I J! XT. .' . . ANA I., a St (ultima I er rji f (inept II lioadaj, at 6.i w . - 0 tr M monUii. DelirI to ntj . Mrs at Mcenti penrooth. I " . 1. SKEWErT.NE JOUXKAL, ft Mralumi i;r, to pabtlshed evfry Ttmrdaj ftt 12.00 p annum. ady? : : "xa f(a)4 (5in.T)-o out J!k Ui scuts; od week, $100; on montk uau iimi,iifi; iuuuni8;'twwr i fceive months, 0.trt. Advertise' di ijesa: lty Items" cents pet line lor each Insertion No sdTertisements will be insetted blwff aMtr fcftihsuolW Weid tea linea wul be Inserted free. AU addiUonal f natter will be charged 10 cent per line. - Payments fcr transient advertisements must be made In advance. Regular advertisements wijl bevjtpllMted promptly frltbe W of 'each month. . y f rT'M (.'"tij lft)iuuaioUuus 'containing news oc a discus Ion of joca) mature are solicited. Neoornmnal caUon most expect to be published that contains - ubiNtionsUe'perjQaftUtiei;' withhold the name f the aathor ; or that will make more than one oiftMel tfeik MM -v .. i In- 1.' u I 'I'll )) ii iJUCENAL. , NEW'BfiRNE.V,dl.,i7, 1883." !v . -, juj-'r. nAt xtitit Iff-- ; '"V-1 Li.i ' , entered titha Post orttceat New Kerne, N C - , -lii.U I ae0ond-elmatteT. " " Uux ail of.u.li.u.' .... t'i" TEE Richmond Syndicate ( are iMtfVfteT ytbVed of the'eou- trat'fc Jifode with trio' State to build thetDacktoir branch of the W. N. C.ajjrg JKqicby f'Hold tern to the rack" until they agree to take our eastern com off nt reas 4 ... oaalle' rates, ' It" la" "now being argned by the opponents of, Jflail- road Commission thai' the Commis sions cppjd control, oyer, j ; thi l4) WE(U( 'bat tttie'Ugisla- tur,e ILm is&ki lMngHtm-i ngcum plied with. la Mr. Oaluinith's euits affrtnatMr. Bent, the P iton m dtartft'ete,. unite wnicn cer a lryjuirctio dris ere irrame by Jvdgj lfacRfaf WjlmL jton, in Decemb' ;r fjstr were' tieved on the plaints f? otiSli;iiiak)lve ot H- ry bb' iua aonottretrneble beloiff : Judg aci le Fa-jJefteVilld n the ? 15th Febr ary. JtfKarnthni? bto re ' "luz i itertataedl Whether J-Jye ' Mac te he jurisdfotton, the motions ., uons ue.rjtjy jijrfBjais in.forco. "! JVei baerver. ' " " . , !. r"; If uovelst 'true "then '..if 'is likely' that Mr. Oaksmith will have a walk over in the Midland ! stock here on the 21s5Uitjtr unless the Best wiug devise ,,'ppme,,, ilau-iTv tripptt Uinik.i . Jt-iDealrjii.uok -'like . strange justice that te stockholders. or Stx great.14ilvaywuompiiny who have not invested a dime tu buiid- itig'u road should be permitted to coii insettiiig.ivWlo the" voice oft. Vstoekhohjuivwoave built IE ft . V. W i i . - r : . t "v- 4 -onx'8iudet0lHhiS,l!hii,lotte Jou iafroIn.t)iaieye!Usqctiou ,wri i to tVittiaperahd argues i agiij ist tp Vi)pQiutiug0f viVlil- lunu vuuiihiwivh ivluu &yuQiii. lit; taii. iroli tio iitaWi'5'ihiXw( - i ortffiiirWna 6rainf neefs "capi: i to drAe!bberAiinpara)ifeled reso. ces-Hy!n?ed8 nibre riilpji she : neeifs'!; greater' 'eitu'catibniii iacuii ies, .rj' some, other thing But ' e elded no need any raUroad r ; Kings, or rings, auu win noi nave anv corooratfttnB witJifiiHiftf-Jimits ',' v with power supeVioirto'her own, or 'J sovereign. . T "Wr are tired of these ihredts of; -4 what this or that capitalist'" will or t; will notdo.h;!vye Jhaye Jiad., enough of d--n the public.? 0j.u h . .. u , "The people of North Carolina are not dependent npott 1 'anybody's : moiieJ"birgS for the future brdsper ' ty of their Stated They aire getting farther from such dependence every - -1 i J- l n 't v i aay, ana luyerjie w. jvear mucn ivnci iuuu ouuio ucuuie luiun. s they can and will' command all the nnnitnl najiaDDnrn frth' frlin' ' iAmIm.' ' capital necessary for the ' construc tion of any needed work of internal improvement' 'They are now, daily and lor ine most inning considera tions, parting withjropertieawJiich, in a short timeVthey will' wee-'making their new i owners rich, and as thesa investments continue to be made all otcj tlrciSratd tue iieans J of res'oHir.? a market will .certainly be cr; , . U . Uu UH, .'caDUaLita'- tf build railroads in Hotth Carolina S fort i Is it from motives of benertK j lencc ctpatriotisnitj poTtbey; hot buildihem solely for the reasons tV thatir4ieuce pthers who Jtnake in- , '; vestments, to wit: to make money! And are they treayA tf the Btat; J which give tvii-tl;eir''Cori)orate " exists icofuu J ptitslataiUicir lands ! the tr.ni:'rort"tio'4 .of 1& persons ' and t' 3 j : city of her .eitizens-- o t!..it tL.-y : -l tot W be amenable ' ' fit' a L ' 'i jUtrol and super- !1D EOT. l." r rltV In! tal Series ."bay, ait ,ou $M on,' r a hod fv.iowf or ahythinr-iiKskeai'the bnd boy of the grocery man. as he , went to the cinnamon bag on te. gjjelf and took out a long! stickjqf ciiyif muu t tuew. trWh y y s7tT co ur T am, but what 8et1youithiIJkiBpCthatiafite, ed the grocery man, , Jie went to the desk and "charged the boy's father1 with' half a pound ofctnnamon. " " ' "Well, do the1 goats ' btitt" whetf yon nishiate afresh (JahdidatefM '(No. of course hot. The goats are cheap ones, that have up , life, and we muzzle them and put pillows over their heels, so they can't horu anyooay," says tne grocery ( man, as he winked at a brother Odd Fel low, ' who was seated on a,, sugar barrel, looking mysterious! "But whwdoiyou aflk?" . . we-Aud rny chum had muzzled our goat jwitha pillow A Pa wonlcbluiveien joyed his becoming a member of pur lodge ijetter; j Tou se, ' pa had been telljuj us bow much good the Masons and Odd Fellows did, and' said we ought to try and grow up good so w k(M$ jiiie' the lodges it would do any hurt for nst' to have play lodge ia any-room,'. and ; pnr-1 ijenu ' 10 iiiHuiace, ana pa saw. i roulil Improve pur minds and learn. m rooe mem 'o ;my' chuin arid ma borrida goat that lives 'in a livery stable.' Say; dlTl ' foil know tiey keep a goat in Jivery table so the horses Vofet get eicki .'iThey get used tothe 'smeH-'orttii' gojvtj iiid . alter that nothing can liiMke St few wj"1 Vish mr gift boarded in a hverv stable' thput he 'w)rdg'ei, risedto4 tbflf smell.1- wehtf honle 'with Tier from church. ,on, Sunday nig.hr, and the smell of the goat on ni ipthes kade fieffcci t43ict4iiiiickMd sne acrea just iiKe an excursion on. Itust like'afi Wursrou on ana bury niyselT aud fake the stnelt out of ,jne he,woulda'tr never gp wuii we Hgaiu u ue was jusc as pale as a ghostiijid the perispir atiou on her lip was Liust zif she had icon see my cnuru' anu mie had to c irry the;t;;ftp,4o;titWli:wlWn, p i and. ma-was tont riding;"'and' hif' b ated so we had to tie a handker chiel'arotjBrhis aose,1 and ; h feet u ituu sucn a noise on me Jioor tnac we putsometebj sBcks onllis fe Gb8h,siot frowy4ioaAmeM upu'titt I should think Masons hvestrpogiijtHmmiJCS.f.WhyUon'e a jSKiiiiK or a mine tor a trade mark? Take a mule and iinnoint, it with liiibuiglreese aiifoh conld u1sh iare nd make a candidate smell jjitst as bad as with a gosh i tliirn mildewed goat. Well, sir, my chum a,nu ine practiced with that .gout? nltil he could butt a picture of a gdat every time. Wt boiToved'"k' bdek beer sign from a saloon man iiu uung it out on tne back or a tjliair and the goat would hit, every1 tune, mat uigiit pa wanted to kuow what we weredoing'tip'iu'mS'' room, anu l told hnu we were play mg lodge, and iuiioviii our r4iuds, pa said that was TigfaHj'tHot'e was Homing mat uui yoys our .age buff 'so tauch"g6od v:.asJ' t6J imitate ntpn; and store by- nseiul uolidge, Xliipn. Uiiyicnum, askea!pts Wh$ didn'tr waut to coine up and take the grand buinper degree, and he laffed and sari he didn't care if . he 'did; j ust to entourage nua t boysT f ia lu-noceiit piitime. that wte 'improving1 to 'our inCellex. We had shut the goat up oVirJMAttiTgf tookff Ue'1 handkerchiel, and he was eating some of my collars and skate itraps. Wfe'weht UD stairs, and tnhl ome lip pretty soon and jctq, three iinMui;ta inym. mifj. w lieu , we aSK hint' 'who' cOnies there'he must ' say, 4a pilgaring whd' watrits to ;joui 'L you ancient order, aid ' ride;1 the "icfat.' :Md wanted to come up tod, but J we told her if she come in it would break i iJi .'iJi";'"! M'jrr,v i f in wi couldn't keep a secret,, , and we didn't have any Saddle1 for the goat Say, you never tried it, the next nine you nisniate a man in your Mason's lodge, you sprinkle a little kyan pepper on the- eoat'a, beard mst peiore,: you t turn. i him - looser You can get three times as much fun to to the square inch of goat. Top wouldn'tthbaU it. was the same gpat. Well, we got all fixed and pa trapped, and we let bin) in and told him he must be blindfolded and he got on his knees a , )affin;i&nd I tied a towel aronnd his. eyes, and theft ii-. tamed ' him around "hud made him get down on' his hands alio, ahd theh his back was right towards the closet door and I put tne Duck Deer sign light agaiSist pa's clothes. lie was a latum all the time, and said we hoys were as full fun as. they made 'emT and we told himjit was a solemn occasioW arid we wouldn't permit rid , levity; ' and if he didn't stop; laffiu ) weVcouldn't, give hiui the grand bumper degree. Then every things i. was ready and my cuuin ' had 1 his1 hand on the closet door, and some kvan' pper iu his other hand, and I aJ. pain low bass tones, If he felt as though THAT he wastcltj a back, cr if Lai- :orvi to r . I 1 and take the dj- -, him that it was ,er. pi the goat was ill f da ;oa -1 1 had tl e to retriice his steps if he wanted to. lie said he wanted the whoje business aids re cenld;. g go ahead, and not blame us for the consequehA.ta jpeai.arir me the following: "Bring forth the bumper and let him " bump."' 0 Pa1 repeated the words and my dium sprinkled the1 kyan pepper On1 the coat's mus- jtaehej and :he' 'sneered' 'ohce l' and looketi Bassyand then- he 'saw the ?ager beer goat raring-tipi 'und 'he pianeu ior it. just mkb a cow-catcner land blateoi. it 4s real far,' arid he knew be bad got hit, iand ' he'Baitf, fUeu'Bnjnrej'r jpaat -are yon' boys &fin!V. and then.the goat gave him hripther degree and pa pulled off the' towel. and cot ud and started for thai tajrs, and SQ did the goaty and ma waiS at .the ,,hottom. j pf i,the;, ista.irs, liseuing, apd,wj I loqked,, over the banister pa and ma andtheoat, rtcic Hituja jieap, anu pawa.S:) yeit iug' murder,, ud ma ws streaming ue, nuu f,ut) goat was, wiwing, ana rieezrusrand buttirio;. and the hired rl came'irito the half ad, tle goat ookf titter heif arid she crossed her self jWst'adthe goat struck her, arid aW'Howly inother;'J protect me!'1 and went? down stairs as ' we":bbys Slide down hiH; with1 bbth hands on herselfyand the goat reared nA and . .ii , il i ... i, . !..n i.i. timi tiy auu pa ana 'nuvwenc into their room and shut thekdoor. ' and iheu my chum and me opened nthe n-pit .door aqd jOrpve the goati.iuut ,ue jninister, , w;hp cpmes toi see: rua ejvery three times, a wek fwaa just riueriiiff ' the hell . and . th ttnnt, thpHgJit 'he ymtii j(ip b'ejijsUiafcefl; tiop, Und gave him one for luck and iiiiu-weui uowu ine siuewaiK Diat- ihg'arid 'stteezlrig, arid "the' minister ivwiD in v11" j'evitut. iiiu siuu u, was slabb'ftttd'tlieii'a -iJattt1;4 'M of ntn ivum iruu nis suspemiers Hang ing down :!n!nd he flidn't' kribW tho riiinisteSf'Was thete1, 'arid hii said ijtisa Mords, and m&cried rind told jta he wtiuid go to liell Bure and' pa '&aid he didn't care, bei wpuld; kill' that kussed goat afore he vrinty 'aud 1 1 tpW pa the. minister Was in the-pat-' lpt,iAnd ha and rii went down and Sftid the e weather was propitious f6r pBE! It seiSInecI as tough a revival ohtpoitriAfi:oTt&4 siJirStf wks (atioh t U be1 s vonchsafedwliis people, ant and flm of thm et town , M biuse the goat diibxt hit her, jna, and ed the lodge, and I wentiiudstaveu wjith him alj 'ighM.aBdj Ji .hain?t ueenpnwi tuaiweiiiiifcl-tiou'v rbe lifeve pa will lick me catee h$'ai( he would ii6fc!li(ilitiiil rip.'ftrSr.fyi1 -fit ft the consequ'ehe'e; Ite ,oi;dereA'the. gtet hisself andwefijled the ordefi tiou't you see? . j;Well,pl gtwss ' I Will gd and sweak iiritlle b,ack flarid lid out froHvthehlrPdirriipw'the land lays. .Wti'ffeirhttctiui mfe. ,'caiifip thp guatiwaa jioi loaded lot hired girls. She just happened; t.n,irpr. in nr. rim wlitr.rftrt'iA'.'T-n.iiiA'' byje, t:W goat kvari peppci' lii 'ypnjr ;lp MM C fi(jill J . . . J " . . ff -.int. i ..-yi nf ,'m'Hi.vvx n accordance, with , the Bve Lawajofi ina uompany, notice is itierenvi .(riven "m ineAnnuaijieetinfi.ot.4Jia Stoct holders of the I I l I. lit HoWllO l i Mitn ill is (tailed to' aieOt' at the Cotht&iy 'B offi ces at J WUKMWw at TWELVE o'clttck M dna -afuiiik to vvix . J,.L! ist tivil.' L"Mt i't'i-.!). 111 ii -l OH 0 WftaTy thei a 1 t, tl a 8 3. JOHN P. CADDAGAN, ,;tm,i i i;:i: .jY. sfere'tar: A 1 Newberp.Nn ja,iJaiiv 28. 1838j & tjllii' 'SjTftHiiMBmERj? ipash, Doors?& Blinds, B Jill t !'i lift J annul 111. i' mm -.v' I -'111 l l,"l IH-J' ' ! Ml.' LIUE, atti! PLASTER :j7- Paints, Oils, Glass and Putty, '- ?H:1')7-J11 i s-iilh. iilj in :': rOILET. SliXH -l:nU ''1l.l' tiUf- .II"J 'i!t Ik rfii'J Eubber and Loatlier- Belting, 1akee Caranidls;L aiiif.-.iu') Jno l"m;!LiK l,1:rf v 4-'!:" ru.W -Ji-mH i'ifc-.l. Cocoaitut Bon bon:;, , . . , .. , ,iTst:K. ii. -iKi , .i'j " iV.jiu ,-nf.uiit! ! ''f r) Boa -bona, . ' : .'i-HJnnni k; M.t -:1l Hi JUii.l it) vi hum tKi.nl i ,-,,1 l-'--!crejiiri'WaWmtii;1 ; ' .'(ii.-i I'l. 'ii'.il .i.i : Old Fashioned, Molasses, Candy, And always . have aU .the lioveltios .in.oiir, md4..ii'.-r-.i - ' c-'-' ..i..-- J;.';r...t A. II. Potter 6' Co. febd-d wiuie ToiByiwere laiKingwjiigm with tlf eir mduths1 and fcttsslri the i'gMl inwahny, my Chrini' tirid ni'S a'ttforirn: X V .ires, i.t uly t. icorj o a-(iod Mining i- A V .k: i. . iila The t .thei 'oi 'ny i Sort! x As Boil! iroi rc: :e f ::..;ta::j rjmn iioeiievl' tbte ilny frm M'esfern XrTh Ciro-' lina. anil n "I be ol pt 25 Cents per Pound to close the lot at once. . , i .. i .... 'c ia.. tut ffi'CU, lii-jjii r. f" Who("itlet)rocr,I Middle t., wbern, N. C. ,; . pr uuyiuis. 1 'Ut t.Ki 111 I i:l . . t r Earlv." Ross SEED Potatoes I C1.EMKHT VANi-y. i ii iS ;-u ji'l in. i.ii iul, UlAUtf, 'ViMinvil : KViiij Will Drafltlceiln theConrtaot ClaKen. joAei, Onslow, Carteret, Pamlico and Lenoir, ami in ne teuevai louvtat Heme.' leuoocwiy I ; I A A-A A -IS, X A I , ,: . If you would keep free from malarial chills, etc., try 'YAUFOir DITTER8." I ' For sale- til 'NeV borne ' at ! MEJ. BROS. ft ASKINS, -' Only 50 Ha, ' 1 !tgept,.?fl-cWf-i.Ii-. 9H.-.U.-I . 1 5 J ' .( if ittp-vnoTii rmmivi' .'III 11- i !j,U'1: I 'fOfty'lVfi , I MAItB'LE'WORES ''"'siirBmwit''.1, ; i'AnAitli kihfls iyrnVe and riuiltiing wok In' 1 j Orders will receive prompt attention i j and Satisfaction guaranteed. . iSlicoessor to GeorseW. Clnvuoolel r I '"'tor&ikbWk CifcAVwjr t& ' mn30-lyd'!'"l J Ke-dr'Berrl-ir'dl h(" M'.'. i.iiii, jiiiii. ! ..in.- im ii Old and Rrifcib Lino. tl'lluJlit 'll'- . ln'C . .1.1 ill- ''1.' Tl'lil!.. ilihjH fi: ' i I'l. I i. '' i MHO (1 'J J'l illil 'Jill o'i The Neuse Eiver Navigatibn ii.m ill. i ,M i , At vmpany. j; III! Will ran ttie.followngcertole7( l ' dli il.iiLi'i.i'i.( fiilMi'(I) n. itfloii 4; fi) wjlU lehVe'the Old DomltrJoh'Wriivf ItjES DAYS and FRIDAYS, aiul arrive 1 Kinatott' WKPNE8DAY8 and SATWRPAYS, and leave lng in New Heme the same day. Will touch at, all .Landing, along ..the, River: going aud f,..u'':8ti?Amer,iNwillu)!.:,?ii W(ll iuako THREE TIUPS a weetf-Wili tli OW (PpnilnlOtt, wharf 9ffpAT8.?Eav. NESlUVS :and FRIUAYS at EIGHT 'jL.fl RetornlnsV'fenVea 'Jolly Old' Field TTJE-i.' U4YS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS,1 i toiT .rrrrr, r-r .t ,.-.!. turtle stcainpraniake ojijuie conn,ecJ,U)H',wltihi tu Old Dominion Line. , . , , ; :m 1 , mi-i - ill' iv it' ii;;iii;u . .Freight rfceeiyed pn'thtj ay of jtHjig. . For rate npniy to the Captain. on board. Ml' - SIti'Y II' 1:. in. i.i ;1 liwjv d on the days of sail ng. '.1.1 U14 i i.i'.n .oi r. iauiu.. n -. iv-.-i- ... v. i J i. ..;.: M :. ht. in otetldltf r. , ,,. Manager., tip'- 1 'cimsPTTT1 jjut'il'i'AiHi iViii ',-fl,i . it I r - J. L. febll- liAIj'.iti 1 1, X C. "i i - - T " - i - " T . , v j i - . i .OWESil K1CES lwri.i'i i Ls.LT I Cur llotto. and pur, Success!! J.,i ;i-tM ? -tit. .ii iniiiiwli - ' tml- i.a jw4wnMftntitMlvtnf'' ' v," owl t -)v. i -..it it:i.-. !'- X"x i.iii.iv- ft Jlrw?iiiiy.ii .(.- oi j'tti.iii. i .m. - Floury Mo-r.ii" hi-! f vi U:; -nit iTobticbo ' 4;i"'1 AWirfffcr ihein'n't the MOST RAS0SABLE wia-ii)K-Y -i We desire to call especial attention to our Stock of ' PteHleft InGlfts and iinckeu, I - v -' Preserves In Uliuw and Tin . , FrencH Cttrork Candled Orngena Lemon esh Prunes, BuItaW nhd: Deheaa JjaWljjB, i'rieu Apmee mna rracnes, . i nn., -Wince ileat buckwheat Hour, JancEOlltJidre Butter sod- White Cream Cheese. . . ... -l- ' ' "leas, uro, uuruayTfi, javn ana jiocna uoueen HoftHlert No. Si and 41 130lt. n : . u.-'. " And even tlitng usually found In' a Fancy procerr Htor. ! ' ! We gunrantee everything, we aell to give aatisfiu'tlon hoth as toprieand ooftllty, and Will REFUND VI IK MONEY ON DS HAKD. i(.-i.iwl.t- " . ...', ' KVBRYTHPSa FABStt. ANU GOOD. y The rath TrmdeOnlr SopttHed. , j Verytrnly your, ( h , .... Wm. PeE Ballance L Co.' ,.Vv nvl"-dly ,, ,; ;j ii. ! a. I j. f.:.:iLY cncczniES ! LCVIRICESLI Onrllottois: Quick , bales and. Small Proflts- t. u. EVERY STEXittit B1UNOH Vs KRESH . ... i .- . .11 ti i i i .i.a joshen Butter, " '-Fine Royal Crown Flour, , Kettle JtetuWeALartl, Wilmington Hominy Htignr uireu rtnnis, (,'racKers ana LiiHfH, i Hugs Cured tthoulders, ' CheeseT ,rr t:;v fill! Nutcar uurea wip8,j. tunl uooox. nUKar, uonee and Ti 'aou linlA.l VI .... 1 ioliacco. Wnutt and Cigars, Picklea, Dried Frulu. Dry Stilt Meata, A nice line of . .I-ul'iiilf: in f fajnatitln TW lMula . lit s.. Boot Ahd fthoei. J' U" ii7 a ' ii Unit iW.oodarVuiow.Ware.K " " -Crockery Ware. Etc.. Etc ''''''' h'' ;"iL:: W.j ii'.k'ritEE: ' marSOdlir -' I ; Middle at.1, hear the Harkei' ' ,'l Mi; 'ii I Gaston hquse, : R. STREET & Sd. PrbririetOrs: I ine yni r lrw-iasa qww b tne uity. lOmnllitui conrjeot with all Traira iand Hteamera. irge anmpie rooms for counnei ekl traveler. -'' ' - ' oct29-tltf j f. Ul V! '''I '.i'-IH .'( ' 1 i. .11 I , Ili ID'l.CI'l.l 1 I I 1 ...in n $A.ttn 4 s Jul , jujiiu fiit r.l -finnrxr'Y rv.ufkfn'i'id A 1 -iitit 'I" :T7T'."i" " i i . . . ..- . i I:E!i:3i;;:Sh; Hills, Grist dills,- ,, ;f' jPwnpi Wrcular SaiawGuinmers, i.-iVt.-- ,,.-,' Apfirjrthing eprnMlfta'itmflcniner foV prl&s! 'rinil 'terms ;' aria ggjjpffi.ftfr tieH-reg,We4 family, cpn1 afford to1 be withdut a"GlBER"- 1 J pili ".'"'fffi.'l Jill ;i 'l ' Jill vti.i uiit ;"t:j..i! .. ''. '"""" ;'' janl3-dly Ji ... . . . j ..J. .:J--ijiit.'!.l'.i i. i'-'i. i.i- 'ui.i.i "' 1 . .i:-'r i . , , , : -. i , i i . i :r; boots shoes, cLOTiimr. Ktc, Ktci " .1 a ,ii,vt .11 -1" i Igsntfor tfie "DMHONB. 1 ii .v 'j U-a.1 f,i..ji.)'.(ul' MJi;l'lAN.TE.(CELEBftA:TI!l)',,,',l, I '.irfiHl.'LI'tsWl ' ' ', .!'..'.J..1 ,r.JJ T. '" liUlW .'it ,ri un vcraiinSii .Mijiter n.u.i? -'- ' -inuT I- ui . 1I.1 A.FuU Lin. of 0.i,t.Vtto.';'i tiildmv Untowearj j'. '"'! flillit laatiicX; riiiiM:'i'riT "'h"t- 1 -v i" -fet9lata' anA fhoesj-Laflie' Cloaks ar i"l J-''1!'-!. ll'Trl,rf'. uii" ' 1 i.'-l'.!, ".'''priWvir'i'Tiw'' " ' ..nxwi-A 1)1LX 1 i jan2 Jivly tiilJle J. L. McDANIEL, M ViV ATF.IMV Guoice Family Groceries, CANNED GOODS ot all Kinds. TheVery 'Ecst Biitter " received fresh from the best Northern Palrlea every v dnyui . - , y , C1U. -'esisiuj L-niieUjitMiis f f CholceWradirs of Ftiinilv-Flour. Broad Steed, 4 Doora abet Middle, v. ian2dly;' '' J)ElsKICliS AtLiirifiij Gf.r.szn ! : 'i.i i t'.. i" 'n ii.- i. i'-'i'1 -' (The finest Liquors ana Clpirsrlhecelebnttel BERQNER & EITGEL' BEER, Sour Kraut, Sardines, Lobster, Lhnburget- and Schweitzer ' Cheese constantly on hand. . ., .. . , , - V'" Billiard and Pool Tables. ! ' : i.-. ' ". i1 .. ,i r,.:). : The finest in thecoun try. -in- :!m i-:t i .u -A-i- it..5it.siii.-!. ttv'l CAEOlfEOLETTE TABLE. i . '',)-. , . -I .Hi .... .....it ... . Something new the only one ever in the atity..i' i . OEVIL AMONG THE TAILORS ' ijnlhe Duffy Btilldlug on middle streeU 1 An iKW Bl'ilCNE N. C."""" l, : ' ' I '; t li II-..1, lllH. i-i l'i I.i (l-sl! .',.(.:( I t Tlie only first class snlntin In the city. r-dAHriStnoJ"-"? .Novl ; x.l . - I - - .... i . ; ..'.13. B. j-a jn I-.: j '. Dealer inland Niljiptr of ; fresh and Salt'4; Fish,' Oysters, Etc, Etc, 1 -J 11, ill '1 'U. IJ.I (l .. . , ' . I, . , ,. ' ' j-.-, J:., j,Kw. Berne, JJ.H.'.-,.;!.,..; . ! Fresh Fish and Oysters chipped by Expvea . f. O. D. to all parts of the iHiiinlrv. To guard against disappointment milft Simula reach ine 24 huurs priiir to tun of sliliuiient of goods. i,l ,!.,( ' 1 X, Iii)i2-dj;ly , ; Hanry Archbsll, ii MAKUFACTURER OK ' V ;i i-i AH Kinds ' of . Crackers,- CAKES, CANDIES, Etc.. ,.: 1' Order' sblldttkl 'frtim tt-rclinrttnf firil l)bal6r.!V''1'''t', ''-hi ..r ;! ., , ' -1. I '1 i jan2d&wji Kiiistoit. V. i j n. i., ; ii"ic; Steam n I.ye !Ai)rk,;i j tqr Chnrtb Street, NORFOLK, VA- r Dyeiilg arid cleaning in all it branch es done in the very best tiWnner.' '' ' ' ' " Prompt attention gryen to all orders by.maiVprjB.pro8fy.,( .,,,, oepSdly ,i!-s j - L ''' " ..,' ' I- . : f ' ' "' ( Ji jl. -t-.i.i:jjiiii' 'Ji.tli! 1 i i, i i , i i v 1 1 n i u i i 1 J . ' i iij j I j I i "ji li'iV-tcoil. tun i.''..( o.O cliin ' , i i I ' ' i tlMKU ''lit li..ll.l!lll .! i.it 2 ,-i.' i i.'-.ttr..; I'l'i; ..!. i iii. ;.:I'j,i. it vwifj: Hj ji: i'Mi'iy nil I "iilnii A '. itr, Wt'f if.wil i'M'U1 ';.;! irilW'.. fii'f ' tl ,fl'"' ' ""I J 1)n .-'-tmWi ' '-Ii- v i. i!..i 1 . li'i.ru i ! .: i S3T iNext lhor to Cottar Exchange: x l I-' ' H ..-l-'ilV ' ht'i'-i H i -- ;,i, if''.. ,udLS;:'::n-.;;;".;::' ni.l" " DEALER TV ' v .; -i V; i,.;,..!;n,:.t. . : - i . - -.-'. ; i , : .1 .1 .1 ... . .... . v . 1 . j - P-. i ,"-.'. '."''' :, -'m, ,'.:.,;, SHIRT," UnlaunaiiP.J fti.nn J.M. ' ,.'i ,ilij'i-.iw ;H-.'i tl vt-HI'.t!-f,'i,ttfBI'"lli-'' . . wrsot.1- price1 si oo.i i -lii'i'i J -ilii " w w .,(; ii il Hi. M,vtALni"s f s i-i rl T-11 flf,,T. . tr '1 - much me wave t'hoen i"u. jackets, and thin- UU0J)S STORE. ASA J01JF Street, opinmte llaptht ( , 11 1 i I ut ; 1

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