J , J i i. I J f Ulil I7CTI3 tiaUOES, . : ooosac gars. CX'U . 4-i w-i , ... . : : i aj'1 Chuice oroceneH cle, ,ft.W janyhpuse, in e city, and warrant all Roods a - rep Jl Cd ' iaminJC onFfltocr lina acesj) StaliSj'iUhisbeB fiia to all our trcuJtpmer.Ai,AW. , U; Goods delivered free to any jiart o 'M)Mir;uiN 3ti .ik: V III It-ave, upon a.i.'W el tala op iNoruy(a( auubeth City EwliJUd it EUubelh City, vi XZ.ZAZr'&i irSiV :- Glt or Si? sdk.Jtutntagleak New Iter r Kllxabeih City every uinjUii'ult TvecAay ana Friday 1 4 p. arl;T:WatflCfk mrfolk ad Eliiabrtit Oiit K.E for N6rtfieii "cKiei. Olote onawetioa made at Hew Berne with Y$fti3rt a on ttxt NewaWTrblitatTerbjit., ,:'V : FreiKhtTCWvef Ttally Bnnf 8 p. in., torwar-fod "".Pjy fe Jf Ufrtuareef ,VtrHj4? urn. Fare to lixabetb City nud reiiirn. 1. To B. B. UODKRT9, A, Hew Berue W. n. 8TAroau. Atn' Miut.SUUd x New York (lii , tf 1 -Tr MANUFACTURER OP .rulti t . f ' 'l,vi!-is-j-,s;'-A. ft.- 1 2 J lfolJ.OCK Street. . I NEW. BERN,"N.C, A CaUBonBeiise'iteiiiedY I No More Itlienmattsta, ot dr IintndiAto Keliet tVarrantfed;'' s AV fearit eslrfnUshed, iiia never Vriown lo ' r.iii In a single cnae. acute or enronie.' Heller to all prominent physicli)S and djMHiilHta. twl tuejianuyiBiiy riui;jira. , ,, (. v .,rl)l Tiie only dlsBolver of the poisonous uric aci wht. h exiHte 1n 1h blood of rhentriatic an. haLICVLICA is known at a comipqp-sense remedy, 1 ' iinse it strikes directly at the caiiBe of ii..iiuiiilsinlGoutahd (euralgla, while w tunny , so-called speclncs ind aup- noiu-il tianacea only treat lo!ally Lie effects. It hubeen etmteded by eminent scientists that outward applications, such, a rubUng with oils, olntmeut, llniiiH'ttti(4i4 soothing lotions, will iKif- ersxHcate Mhese diseases, which ae tneesuu ot uie wouiuhihb in mn h !n AcKh 1 1,1 e-l HA L1CYI JCA works with marvelous effect on this arid ami so rtmiovea tne diserderU It in now exeluKlveiy used oy an me ceieoraiea t'iivt i' mm oi Ainericnniiu nuiwn Migiiesi Ivi :( ; ! A Ofldemy of : J'arls import S5 pe ceaU cur j- i-i i'iiviMlnys.. ,,,,, , olijutt ii, nt s A 1,1. ; Yt.ICA Is a certain cure for Rhu jn.s. and Wnnii"!. The most in t.ive iiaUmi. iveiief guaranteed ormoney 'inousands of testimonials sent on appllca: tiuu. ' ; .r .''It 1 ' V i'JJ 1. r..'J II A LOI. MXFOB19. ,"'- fl DHUdOWT t'OB IT,, ,. , rut f1f "t be deluded Into taking Imitations oi- v -i it!1!, ir H'lmetlilng reconunended as 'i i. hs ii'K-M ' ' -i ,i jriiti..iiuiiiie wim 1 ,.,( . i urn iK l. on CKlin mil, v i- iiii a;y ptne m-ner . , i.n iilisieiiHiiile reiiii"iie to i i the iruuiinent, Suae ho Z i- CO Froiii'ietors, , JVBT 4so Ft.. "; " 1.J .tew, Eiiet sit C, Hp" On and after MONDAY NEXT, the New Berne and Parallrtt Steam Transportation Company will dispatch the! j J New and Fast Sailing Steamer HB 1U1IUHB Mon. 12 Leave Bayboro for New Berne 8 a.m stopping at tttonewall. Van- i demere, Kroad Creek and 1 A.lnma rVtwalr Tues.18 Leave New kl "liiTv f n Pi i fa. . . ' 111 . Stopping t d' I Hroud C wk.uiiurhrere and Stonewall. Wed. llrJeave Bayboro for South-.Cr'k An.ni I Stoi ling at ; t 'aim i U Yu.iiieMM.. J iThUT.li Leave South Cr'k for New B'ue 10a.ui. f (Stopping at Adams Creek. Frld. 1-Iave New, Bern for Houtn ill .; lief k and Kayboro iu a.fci. Stopping at Adams Creek, ' Vanueniere and Htonewall. pat. 17 Leave South Creek for Bayboro 9 a.m. Ntopping at andemere and Stonewall. Won. 19 Leave Bayboro for New Berne 8 .i.ai. Hiopping ai ionewaii, v an- ,. demere, Broad Creek and J 21 Leave New Benie for Bayboro 10 a.m. Broiul Creek, Vandeuiciv mid l wtonewau. , , . , . . . J Frid. 2 leave.BayboB for Stew-Buvnel an.4 Mtopping at Mionewall, van- riMmpiv AnH AiIhiiib (Vik Mu luLe f New liern for Kaybom lO-'o.m Bavlng good ftccommodiition liotli lor pas- ieugersHml freight at very low rate, nsK'ttmt he merebnTits and producer's filong'lfsline five It their cheerful yipportg ' tl For fmh JnJwaonnntiri i.ltof- Qen'l Mannsor bt any of itoA-nitp at the foHtiMlny plnct 8 ikli- t i'j i. Mtmieniere, it. oL)H,' Rtonewnll, rt. H. FOWLKK, Bayboro, J. B. BONNER, Koulh Creek. fS Freight .received under cover eprjrav in the week. . janHUUvwlyii IN THE FIELD AtfAlNf'1?. EtAVlnjV IntAlv retlimerl from Nortlmim Mn.v- kata,' wheire ' lie 4aa mrmtxl thH4fNEHT ffiUCK JoC .LAWB' ftfyt yjSN'iX'- iWlSAi., would Wish t6 Impress,, on the ptdUic In gen erM that he t prepared. U emit-the ntoxt the-' CLOTHING' - For Oents,.youthg, Boys and Children, iav4 aiegreata4irMyIwhWfh m Quality inaiwhlp imd-ptioejhiiitM beHient 'KoJts am er than Qentlemeh, ...in u.y Notlonrliepkrtmehjii whfch'-la always cc)i- plete, -n bv foUiyl ail fii ijitest tu Lmlw and (i nt' Jowy Cowetsf Jeiuliug toamjiftt turers U1whl liiowfl flnA biidieKnnd (erl' ; Thanking you for pant lavora, and nollcltin- : continuance, I fm, moat respectfully MH. KULTaN. georg: GPJ JiO NpriOKEr?, IffnCB ABJOININff COTTON EXCHANGE, 1 ' ''s "V'pIL " '",'- '' : 4 Tlie very Hiuhost' Jliwkefr- '.rrlces duaranteed.' , v. :v i 'n'g ' i mr uonsigninentB pi to . i-oncireu NOW OIlH,:iYEIt Ev Before leaving for Hongkong , ''Ipt'onrowh .1! Bhal-frsfeHsfwJtalW l4in;Ca't8'foi 4Ujc.,Knirt8 'me, ana urawera well don't speak of ifcW ' Vt toA.i vMllWlM: fan S-diwly AT THE MAJIJCE'IY; 'aJhUielendlifeinianutacturiea the cneaneatT Ibits for Ladl .all 'stylea and all urlci-H. m.rirfiWTTa J if h ink f'swaifon ana ipo xjegisiaiure was "T; "7 W VT Iron and Bniss Foimdrs r,. iND- B OILER MAJCERJL. pis ni fill f i; "EAjf-ITE S A1) ALL -iljtDS'OK .MAillJKLkVi Ordern so'icited and iinimptlv attende I to. C HAVEN St., between Pollock and South Front, KtM'ISiAtiL N. C Apr 4. tf d : CottpfLfie'd'HeaL lit tP. t .i HE BEST STOCK FEED AND -FERTILIZER.'1 Exceptionally good for mileh cows equal to tock pea aJbjtflttgprJbi7l ciatttfiet' buf hel r j ,'tt!hiPF-?'M''?llU II ! ' A.m IX. Senulsjou, ' . fcnay lV-d:lli;X t- n . New4if me; NtO t- Ncrlwst corner Middle and South Front Mreets losite E H. Wjmdli,iiii Z. R. Jonec. ' PEALIRS IN V '. ' '. : CROCKERY ami GLASSWARE, . . KiVri V'".A T i I J lAltPS in great variety. m KEROSENE ( ' Pratt's A :tral Iffoa-'toiosiv Oil, p Machinej. Jnf f jaM Ml t v' . . . we are now prepared to manufacture J Tin and Sheet-Iron Wwei f d "'Special attention gie to repalrlni"., 1 "Hb old low and warranted to be as represented.' ' " l April 14'1t d4w HI . I IT ' DEALfiH C-. 4 T T.fi. nv-i 't cast eoi;:2 Accor-:orAT::::3.o 3 rroad St. Ne w Berne, W. C, i ' ; t j f LOEGH ,tTJES.JO.TCTAL- NEW BERNE. N. C, FEB. I1?! 1883. )i i rJJ.'-l LEGISLATIVE PROCEEDINGS. '(Coif' f 6m i-Obif 1 ? f TPIETY EIGHT DAY. i -SENATE. 1 .dl.J, a biU t j. amend the charter of the citv of Goldsboro. ostYril.t -Hnt'to tiie taienflar and the special order cauie up,being the 'bill for'creating a Tail road com mission, j Uli i muvi.;.aiL-:. Mr. mm ix uskea attention tuat the minority bill would" com3 np first. . , t -,); 'iHi . xur. jjoncu luouitb uiueieuuy, the first thing .was,. toi,,weii'ect ithe ppgiij'al "Wilt ilf.Ths8r waa;a BcattMl tug discussion as to which bill oy'vftefjrfrnce. Mr. Pinnix and Mr. Clarke, referring to Bar(5liQ' i Digest.iand i contending that by. all parliamentary prttctice the minority shonld be first consid ered; fMr,-1 Pinnix said'it naS fip'ln thi! H6hse arid h'ad been t he pr'act ice in" the Senate." " Mr. Dbrteh dniefj that if er WMhmte&Mt Mm ibiiral principles of parliamentary law. Thochair helitliaWhw WU per seated aa a substitute lor .tho .bill sen ted, as a, substitute lor,,, the dull of, jthejinakrityj. hi.uythaxip iHL'en done, he, was roC.opiuUtih;ihat tjhe fjuestiqp w.as firsfc aa-tea(iipg ameiMiments to ,i;he majority,, , bill; this latter uoiut. ho we vev. was tme in law, even if .,tlo(,VuUsUtte uwas pending.) ?. t ',. t ,w . ,.., Si) J andJIr. I3oitcii. spok tio,,, ammijl,-: meiiis.viue .mm oeing iQ WOV,me an expert fprltthe j cgmmis'onerit;lfor'6 uspyciiou; mpvses, ,,itpuiiior'ie5 rauroafis wyjjj utfm, ireey VW." on official busiuess lie was for fuak- hiff the clerk's salary eisrhteen huu flrCflMwfd of twelve hundred aojtars. &a as tosmira aiLAixpu:t,in lojtars. &a as toawjura aiixuu:i,u i4 freight business:? he' nfas IB bfitrkiogyout sflctiwi i,nv naesthftt ttir"ftmimisstD prescribe a time schedule for passeu ; . i . i t 14 -it 1 IU IU1S rom his fWelse was rat' & biiciru duuu nua IUC 1I1IUU tl I lie Senate. He then spoke briefly to thCmahrbill, spying he was in favor of AdopingtfiC liajority reiort,and 8tijcvii(u ' j '(iving Ks reason therefor. A,ste li e i atarjsqi.'Vd the commis- sipnVjia sai l, that i railroad nresi- deut'iuul Id ' hi .they would rqiUier,civ . -id dollars a year and s oouipeteut man, than tiilcia ituudrud a year and get fchPtild fiaib ihorei' a's-idid h6tf cousumiug the working of the Senate. A .vv - i . 3Ir., .Purnejl r too"; ) tlie j Legis Iaturte.td iappPint a cpBini,issfln that wouiu prove oi any reai use. ine preolutMl from this. He had jloded.theaority report as pre sented by the Senator from David- sony and nqw he would turn .io, the (t)ijorjty repot4 which ajrbufcl Kt- a'9 "i'fjefi ns -nprina, toe:,pepur6.it was printed on and a very poor article dt'i naffer at Unmi'ale dmi sected the sections as to the clerks and tha salaries. This ; railroad commissioH looked like they were ( : ting una can pf condensed milk j Isomebodyi . sj, sugar; plam - for si I Dart at worana . xm ee fcubrefli- Judges'.',; st : -onl of I i ,5U ft -yiaraud these ."nl' an to da nothing.. He spoke at. some 't .;:.3tjii referring tothe "fancy" prp- Ti of the bUV s.(. .t fi i in Pemberron sriii H a ra oad fco; xraisfsion waj all for it;cli nd !uB2'(for the people, :;at rr? 'id; e i iiim ottne iitwe uoy wua a f re t , m - r -t rv """lit"' 'l tUeer ' : 1 the fir: giye.iu ... vil., ..l. show you iiy feoie toe.? Laughter," He did not "believe there '" pm necessity for a CPmmission: he did not peueve that raiiroadst pajht. disotiniiiMe hit KM hadfiiW no discriminations .bv anv roads lhatwft-Jbad: bontrofiSvr If we can't regulate the freights, let it alone. If we can regulate it by legislation, then do so, .but don't pass ths commission it it rsnot to be of1 material benefit to.the eople. JYiyit wpid4 iwj;- J tKS to liia iip.nido. thosft p-pntlftinen p-p.ttiriP' is people, these gentlemen getting three thousand a year for doing , no mere' thatf this5 blirproidesabd it would talrp a long time to explain it to them.1-110 ttaw gentlemen on the other, side temile, tlift knewif this commission -Should prove arllash in the pas, as" be feared ik: yvpuldj if tuus created, tiiat mere ivere some ifipn mean endnfrb in? "North ,Caro I in a' to hold, the D'cm'6craticparty leiiHiilsible Lr It. (Laughter.) He was in, favor .of .reilating ..reH-f 'ana passcugcr tariil", hut this l.:l did e 1 1" " 1 .Izt that L.t . . -c. . J fjr the expense of tLe t cn;:i.i.;sion was in. violation of jirtiJd of the' con stitution. 1 Mr "JVprncsid be, thonfht dlllcrently fi'tiii the Senator Loin Wake.-" ' ' TLef1' peop!e tlc-maTid-ed"the'"u appointment' of " tLU commission. He rave 'cedent jreasons for ' not - adopting the pro visions of the minority bill. " ' 1 The Senator from Davidson was pleased to say -of : the -majority re port that in it the people had asked lor brea d t and they were ; given a stone. He would say if Ihe-pro- visiou of the Bunitory report were adpptedthe people would a&k tor breal and be given an .muigeBtiule cruser..woul( aki for fish and ie iyen u .upu fuat woum suck m thejx tliio'iit-s Mie rest of their lives. He held that on all roads that had L - i .i -r i i maximum iares . ine jjeffisiaiure Was empowerVxftP pre-enrdiscrim- VMr.kTCl9rkei'Mia,'4i tfoi Senate pas8edi "aw,f pasl, pnd Jthftt .bad s6me pbwer in it. They 'might as frell ej ect a golden statue and place t in front of the .capital with the jvords . written,-ou,. , am yie railr,pait cprainlssioit ot -Korxa Caro (inaV'.A as, a icommisKiou! m ! mnch shorn ol inowcf as th s ma oritv bill pcppP8ediut6''V'create.i 'i-H ' spokp artit oiifl' iif lion irtti'1 q nrQiiiaf ilifl earnestly aiid at length" against the bill and iu favor ot the minority 'Zort " h,ett faxi nrl t sttl IP next Ttiesftlayauduiakeit special oruer lor iidocKtuat' tiay.i yine I'm to amend tiie charter ot the. it. second reaid4igr-yeas24. nays 9. ii t iu i I . i ii ':; , PETITION !i were introduced oTa Jpllows: Mr. Hardy trom'jparteve;, cpqnlf y, doiiier hin'ff Dutch uettt., i -tu 'ui j Mr,, Thompson, from the town of KiclilaudViiskiug that the charter we aiuciiufu. . ere . ' introdu'eed.!, ' ! passed . . their. st reading, and iK'lened as lot Af 1 .Qmifli f A tu4lt'iil fnl flia tiTr.i1r ipigofthe publwiUad'trof VVavne (ionnty ; by tajtatipn: 1 ' 11 dil3ro,sUlsr post xpad.und turnpikes. i s Mr. Tate, to establish a new (jt)iiuty by ther Pnje n of Lee. Propositions audgtievances. Mr. Hardy, tp establish ft graded j Mr;.; Jphnson :,bf Graven to inept-' porate the He wEerne Star ' Band. Corporations. J Mr. Thompson to. ajnend chapter 8, laws of I&iO. Gbrporktidns. i 'Mr. MjeCotteT, to amefnd ;'chapte)f 3$ lawaiSSli't Judiciary v' r.i M.fvorttts, to allow the Maliaed voters of Guilford county' to choose' tneir own lorm ot county covern went. Judiciary., ,u .jf,v To establish .eroded: schools in Kinston, N. G. Second reading. - To allow clerks of Superior courts 'ees in certain cases." Tabletf. l" .. .. NIGHT SXSSlbN.- " -CALENDAR.'. V0';.4A wia3 taken ujp and, a, bill, tp.regubit tlj'e minting of wjlilffowl passed thu-d reading. v .Walter P.Biimis &.Co . ,., COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ' r :.' AND DEALERS in. GRAIN OF ALL KINDS. j ,.u'i .tCorni8LSpecialty.-).' w.'UVi S- Orders and Consignments respectfully sqiicitea. . . ... .. jan-aiwiy UotlUj-iiOidli 'i lit it f fi'it r 1 New Bebuk. Jan. in, 188H. ( A Special MeeUng of the Board of City Coun ell was held this evening, Major Howard pre siding. 4 -,,, v-r ( The Mayor stated that the meeting was called to take action to prevent, the Introduc tion or small-pox into me elty 1 1 t 1 the following was adopted as a specia! otfnrantine ordlnani: ' : ty'HEREAR, IBldtt ai,f4chld the uiatj mii.v miiu uuca nut iu VI UB ure III1 feited with small-Dox. and iWljSitUi Welfle) oaf fluty to devise Ofh mearlu nsWe think best to prevent the adtnisslon of said disease into onr midst, therefore,: 1 .T Ii'. Si-? ff ?! Be it OkbAiNED.That a Quarantine Flag eliall be placed, at a . point three miles below the t;,$a w-;e ir.yet.snd; aii ve&. and steamers coining from without the limits of the State, and the Old Dominion steamer, shall stop at tbcOr&.itf!C FlcJ uUll board ed by the Port Physlclnn, and allowed by blm to come io dock. The rhyKiclun shall Jrecei five dollars for each' visit, aald fee to be pal ,1y vessel or steamer boarded, and any ve orsteamer violating this ordinance shall be fined for e--! .ofHie?. ) A"-! ';, A !- Be it Ft' ktjikk Okdaim ed, 1 hat theti'iilBs on the lUdliind lUway shall be qnarantlned one mile on the west side of t' o el'v r 1 caused to remain until boarded I y t II. Physic' " - ' ' ' 1 i " The 1 . . e : trains, said fi v 1 ; pany. , Avv vt'-' u of t'-tor- i ! aubjis'.t tue I i ... , j tu ii , i.ii .j for emdinnd every iice.i t. . i . . 1', - J" A, ,.0(-t,(i y( :.f v.'ii.-, .M..! -n -tTltOLELB 1TD ot ItiilK flitt,ii.sti.-.i.(r . i -.i.i ; . C'. ilS'l.J i'i (' l''ti ''-1 ' I'i.-'i.". ..': I " - J ' I i "-"v'i l Hi I'M' ..!! i f. I'g.' t il.iili.J 'li. t , ;f i -J.I Mi v.,lii t4l C iJ i Ii Mj'-vr j' .I.iiiuil -ni iii v 'i n j '!t.i! fiiu: ' . ' 1 iHirii U't Or.il il.i-'I'Ji t. 1' it!lliUl ; i r.i . ':"i'l Yf ':(.' Ii. Jiill 'P'ji! lJ to ; wlAfeAW- -ii.,.'UiK p-tii JJiv. iVgir i.i.ii; . v . '., ( irnLoviGions,' ; '': : S,,M,Jfi i".f!'i,Il:Vlu$iIfi Hi J'jf lll'.hl iJ I.IKiliit HiYkiJ C 3-J ilf-l!'1 til IWf.liii'l I t.. llA'V :hl'iiil il; m. '"'' ''! 'MiM-.ll il'.'ill. 3 ')lul. 1 ;fl(' Zo.oo::aii'a. tvr ! ibi . J IVili'itxIuKij l.fir; ",f i'V'ii., lt, 'llud-fMlO ' .l'iK.ilt fl'f ' f .1 n r A M H H H 4;;iiii"'!ilC1,IU O.! 'to fii.U .-'isf it .nui .(. Hiii i, .ft.l ... ,'i.nittt." lH-il iiJ ll nil".' .Vv ,lltil Kit "S-ii-vih iliii lh 7U1 :I--l Hi .hndvi'n; .lii'i.t ; on n. .v , h. iii:t ii'i'iit J ail t tu uo.-.n su 'lilt I) : ) H 'Wii il 'i.'i'jHi'i l'i 1 i i ti'nii i;4 '.il UilU ' .ii'-i'.'iliiii! TH -liJIid'Kj'! :i tauiil ' 'tl!! iVi Jit! itt:; Ol.f'UiHi)fji U .vmiit .'r Ji '!( k'hji: f: lliijlii.t f-i.if .u;t ill ' biii;' iil 'iiii! -'-,.. .'.-( it US. !, ,XV,IirgWt!lWWWKiy, House in the City. ;- l a-t'M.'MAcH'ift ftliu'Bt-ompTete, Wd'Oils tVpsli?''' . ' ( ' ' l ,' 1 Jiivii 'gun aiiitjfc' i Wel j"ni WiV Vjt1 li i'. os cheap tin any 'JiihisV JSi 1'olk, fidlRoMeT,wt)y aHTa fteigbv,clmra-an? i My toek f Hnore M ewnlAete,' Ai lore matting uiuvubkch. Hi ( i. .a,'?'1 l1"' .v.t'i'i't jtiiil 1tib' ''1 I'm; .in t r y;.-) 'I'iitHI B'l')'f I ill . 71;' Iff .llWHIH ' .!! I'-t I I'llJl ,;ill,'IJli,ll nun irtviinnioi ii v'.'.-irtfitf- us 'lift "i Iv-'-IIh vr'ifw h! nil .it.'il-ii JLn Jill 4jiMh 1 ) 5'tibil yd ,oi! if trnnt i '! . , . .... .11 It ' f'. V II w I' I l'i : i i ,mv !.n in inn. iij..i iWr'nTtTti ..-.i'iII' tiM. -vi'i:! lol l ',. .it ,1 i.Vf'ii.l Mli'-Mftt!'!- ''I't'l -il, .l.l.n ITT, -T-. -rr TrT.,T,Trrl ,nn Keeps always in Stocb large quantities PORK, ..JjONG 111) b'S-pil WUW J'-2iti .' HiV Ail;) Vll'i7' Id tll'llilt .. n,n) al&a a larMC .upcl? of , .fOi.iit 'hi' M'i'W yi; !" '''Mv.-r .. :;.'-"-'.sl (."i-Vti'. '.iKM.Mf- w.' .'ilV ;-,,mi .ff5 ; rTOr,n.-.- -.-r:Ht-.' .PiTTfmUM:"rTi' lU'MlCTrTi OlS; liT:. ui., aTtr ..', ni oiv !(." V't'ili?.' 'I'."-',' . DBI ' OOODS, BOOTS, SHOEb,..ana:M.uK:o., .:iosa.. CEACKER3 and CAKES 1 in Mar d'WS.,ofIr,.o;i ..11: V pf"ii:'ifiif,aiiH .'iu in'iiiK i.iu: ni TJ i'j.'j .. HI i' r. ! fow ohet TeiWvian Guano", line Islahd Now CORNER P6L&OCK. Bxcfcan Rw - Tm.rr i ' i JaaiBuOTyiie.i . , 4r .i ir . ct . ,'Hosendale, lortland r AliE3''BD)M-CraWnrStfee'tr;'be YX'mvmn il'! .VlilU'liJ "111. 1 ,11'II tfl-U .1 l'Aiikl'd&w-'W iit.ii i .H-,i,.iHU,,ii'i I 1 . .. l.-.t - v 'I I--I I 0 E IT T1X A ti ' 2 0 1 E L',a ; 1 I it I. TidM'Wttt krowjf AN d' ii'oW ivroMouk honns, its nam implies; m siuiated la the central and bnniness portion of the city, hence recommend. Itself for It. Convenieaoe. to llie trHTelling pnblic. Affording solicitors every n .ortniiity of vUltinc uiiiws orreRrionten(.. It bus stientive nervuuti, and its utile iolwayi (uniiisli 'I "li (iffiA r- ,,Cl. U(r't... IU room. r liugii, airy and initia lled. i hi or t'' ,! i-i'. if. RETAIL DEAXElt IN . , - ' . - I' Mi i f. ! 'lijj. ' Oifi'i a qbacco; SnuvY, 1 .jisaa' ju ovia ?a jinn .iiiii?; ' ' .tlAUAW f': 11 ' (II ' '!. : i' i ' !' i and LiquosG. "Jl i.i): io''t U.i J 1K..O ini-A' ? iii, fian 'tvf v. lyi'ltf'f ! '. '1 ,','J ll-; i liiiunu iu .: il in u r rvi.. in ' ' "JI''U c'i '-'' T4 "'llnW Xi $ UT. M' . . ii,L'ii,i..k.i,'JB,.- lar. xii. I v-1 -id w ijL'il.C UJJ-iJ. Ji. .4-Jj- tTS"H "mr.Ti M--ji! 'ic, . j il- .'-ffr V-". V lA:il.i:n;,Ki, ,v,,!,: li li.W iwUll'l.'--'.'t.f.!rf r.4ii, -,rlt it ijit.',' t -iii ti t nrrnxr : tf ;P -if-t lltW w!if" "r"rn . . i . t . ' i l ! 'I f ' ' .' -t il t'l J- ' r . .V ntrtmn great Vail e ti , .' &Mi:t,mM -r- b? j lfZlil W!TStWi&. ,,, i; i :u., i)l .:u'i.iT ''vi -"T-li I I'U' ifinu i t , .ir.Di-. I Guano) Pacific Guana and kainit. & 'MIDDLE STREETS. - r. ' ocuwaw ": " " " new berxe. n. c. JL i. - r I Milt -jUtnidiJ i. ui :i. ( 'Hit Sr Selinttic tJettteWt. ' r, ' . --.l-fH.lO 16. O. E. LODGE. .inn vt n-.iA'-w JT, tcWMUiiml IUUIUUmiuU ACUUtid, y .1 TlewjOerne; isr;'' Onl first 'jfclass' .'Companies! Represent! "lfil 'Capital" over ' Forty iiXons , ', ' r. .P-"arBi v. JunC'Uj, ; rtJl V. ...i I .. -i. i yt.-, .IV r il Xi V JV U UL.'r 1 t it U k , a. I .lf!v,.tV f. . 'ft":